Meditation: Page 1 of 4
Meditation: Page 1 of 4
Meditation: Page 1 of 4
Because man is incomplete within himself, only forming a small
fragment of a greater whole, there is always a conscious or
unconscious urge within him to seek closer co-ordination and union
with that which is greater, but which as yet only assumes a vague
and undefined form. This attraction is the driving force inciting him
to seek the centre of his being, and which leads him on to the Path
of Return to the All-Self. It is merely the Prodigal Son being inspired
with that irresistible urge to return to the Father’s home; but this
Path is long and arduous, and the many obstacles will only be
surmounted with the expending of great effort and after brave and
persistent struggling for every step that is advanced.
This contact of mind and brain with the soul may be achieved by
suitable techniques of meditation, but may also be brought about by
living a life of inner mental reflection, by disciplining the lower
nature, by expressing goodwill and self-forgetfulness, and by
rendering dedicated service to fellow human beings. Where
permanent alignment between the soul and its instrument has been
established, meditation may be shifted to a higher level and then
serve to construct the ‘bridge of light’ connecting the personality
with the Spiritual Triad, and thus allowing the intuition to come into
So often the one aim of the aspirant is only to effect contact with
his Master, little realizing that his first and most important guide is
his own soul, and that the Master can only be contacted through the
mediation of the soul.
When after due consideration of all the facts at his disposal, man
decides to tread the Path of Light, trying to release the indwelling
soul life from its fetters, and to disperse the mists and veils which
have kept it hidden, he should apply his efforts mainly in three