Hepatitis B

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Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report

Recommendations and Reports / Vol. 62 / No. 10 December 20, 2013

CDC Guidance for Evaluating Health-Care Personnel

for Hepatitis B Virus Protection and for
Administering Postexposure Management

Continuing Education Examination available at http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/cme/conted.html.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Recommendations and Reports

Recommendations.............................................................................................. 11
Future Studies....................................................................................................... 16

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The MMWR series of publications is published by the Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
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Suggested Citation: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. [Title]. MMWR 2013;62(No. RR-#):[inclusive page numbers].
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Recommendations and Reports

CDC Guidance for Evaluating Health-Care Personnel for Hepatitis B Virus

Protection and for Administering Postexposure Management
Sarah Schillie, MD1
Trudy V. Murphy, MD1
Mark Sawyer, MD2
Kathleen Ly, MPH1
Elizabeth Hughes, DrPH1
Ruth Jiles, PhD1
Marie A. de Perio, MD3
Meredith Reilly, MPH4
Kathy Byrd, MD1
John W. Ward, MD1
1National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention, CDC
2University of California at San Diego
3National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, CDC
4Johns Hopkins University, School of Public Health

This report contains CDC guidance that augments the 2011 recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization
Practices (ACIP) for evaluating hepatitis B protection among health-care personnel (HCP) and administering post-exposure
prophylaxis. Explicit guidance is provided for persons working, training, or volunteering in health-care settings who have documented
hepatitis B (HepB) vaccination years before hire or matriculation (e.g., when HepB vaccination was received as part of routine
infant [recommended since 1991] or catch-up adolescent [recommended since 1995] vaccination).
In the United States, 2,890 cases of acute hepatitis B were reported to CDC in 2011, and an estimated 18,800 new cases of hepatitis B
occurred after accounting for underreporting of cases and asymptomatic infection. Although the rate of acute hepatitis B virus (HBV)
infections have declined approximately 89% during 1990–2011, from 8.5 to 0.9 cases per 100,000 population in the United States,
the risk for occupationally acquired HBV among HCP persists, largely from exposures to patients with chronic HBV infection.
ACIP recommends HepB vaccination for unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated HCP with reasonably anticipated risk for blood
or body fluid exposure. ACIP also recommends that vaccinated HCP receive postvaccination serologic testing (antibody to hepatitis B
surface antigen [anti-HBs]) 1–2 months after the final dose of vaccine is administered (CDC. Immunization of health-care personnel:
recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices [ACIP]. MMWR 2011;60 [No. RR-7]). Increasing
numbers of HCP have received routine HepB vaccination either as infants (recommended since 1991) or as catch-up vaccination
(recommended since 1995) in adolescence. HepB vaccination results in protective anti-HBs responses among approximately 95%
of healthy-term infants. Certain institutions test vaccinated HCP by measuring anti-HBs upon hire or matriculation, even when
anti-HBs testing occurs greater than 2 months after vaccination. This guidance can assist clinicians, occupational health and
student health providers, infection-control specialists, hospital and health-care training program administrators, and others in
selection of an approach for assessing HBV protection for vaccinated HCP. This report emphasizes the importance of administering
HepB vaccination for all HCP, provides explicit guidance for evaluating hepatitis B protection among previously vaccinated HCP
(particularly those who were vaccinated in infancy or adolescence), and clarifies recommendations for postexposure management
of HCP exposed to blood or body fluids.

Introduction the absence of visible blood (1). HCP do not recognize all
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) has long been recognized as an exposures to potentially infectious blood or body fluids (2) and,
occupational risk for health-care personnel (HCP), including even if exposures are recognized, often do not seek postexposure
HCP trainees (1,2). The virus remains infectious for prolonged prophylactic management (3). In serologic studies conducted
periods on environmental surfaces and is transmissible in in the United States during the 1970s, HCP had a prevalence
of HBV infection approximately 10 times greater than the
Corresponding preparer: Sarah Schillie, MD, Division of Viral general population (1). In 1983, an estimated 17,000 HBV
Hepatitis, National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, infections occurred among HCP (4).
and TB Prevention, CDC. Telephone: 404-718-8608; E-mail: Vaccines to prevent HBV became available in the United States
[email protected].
in 1981 and were recommended by the Advisory Committee

MMWR / December 20, 2013 / Vol. 62 / No. 10 1

Recommendations and Reports

on Immunization Practices (ACIP) for HCP in 1982 (5). settings that assessment of anti-HBs status and appropriate
Although a high proportion of healthy vaccine recipients in follow-up can be done at the time of exposure to potentially
clinical trials respond to hepatitis B (HepB) vaccination, the infectious blood or body fluids. This approach relies on HCP
proportion of responders can be lower among the general recognizing and reporting blood and body fluid exposures
population, particularly among persons with chronic medical and therefore might be applied on the basis of documented
conditions (6,7). Acute and chronic HBV infections are rare low risk, implementation, and cost considerations. Certain
among HCP who respond to HepB vaccination, but HCP who HCP occupations have lower risk for occupational blood
do not respond to vaccination are thought to remain susceptible. and body fluid exposures (e.g., occupations involving
Postvaccination serologic testing for antibody to hepatitis B counseling versus performing procedures), and nontrainees
surface antigen (anti-HBs) identifies vaccine nonresponders have lower risks for blood and body fluid exposures than
and guides the need for revaccination, additional testing for trainees. Some settings also will have a lower prevalence of
chronic HBV infection, and counseling for HCP who remain HBV infection in the patient population served than in other
susceptible after failing to respond to vaccination. settings, which will influence the risk for HCP exposure to
In 1991, ACIP recommended consideration of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)-positive blood and body
postvaccination serologic testing for anti-HBs for HCP at risk fluids. All health-care institutions should ensure that HCP
for needlestick exposures (8). In 1997, ACIP recommended receive training to recognize and report exposures, have systems
postvaccination serologic testing 1–2 months after completion in place to facilitate reporting and postexposure assessment, and
of the HepB vaccine series for HCP who have contact with have prophylaxis readily accessible for timely administration.
patients or blood and who are at ongoing risk for injuries with This report can guide clinicians, occupational health and
sharp instruments or needlesticks (9). Since 1982 (when HepB student health clinicians, infection-control specialists, hospital
vaccine was recommended for HCP), major declines have and health-care training program administrators, and others
occurred in reports of acute hepatitis B among HCP (10). In in selection of an approach for assessing HBV protection for
2011, ACIP reaffirmed that unvaccinated and incompletely vaccinated HCP.
vaccinated HCP at reasonably anticipated risk for blood or HCPs are defined as all paid and unpaid persons providing
body fluid exposure should receive HepB vaccination before health care, or working or training in health-care settings, who
potential exposure, and HCP at high risk for exposure should have reasonably anticipated risks for exposure to infectious
receive postvaccination serologic testing 1–2 months after materials, including blood or body fluids, contaminated medical
completion of the vaccine series (11). supplies and equipment, or contaminated environmental
This report provides CDC guidance for persons working, surfaces. HCP might include but are not limited to physicians,
training, or volunteering in health-care settings who have nurses, nursing assistants, nurse practitioners, physician
documented HepB vaccination received years before hire or assistants, therapists, technicians, emergency medical services
matriculation (e.g., when HepB vaccination was received as personnel, dental personnel, pharmacists, laboratory personnel,
part of routine infant [recommended since 1991] or catch-up autopsy personnel, health-care students and trainees,
adolescent [recommended since 1995] vaccination). No contractual staff not employed by the health-care facility, and
postvaccination serologic testing is recommended after routine persons not directly involved in patient care but with potential
infant or adolescent HepB vaccination. Although acute HBV exposure to infectious agents that can be transmitted between
infections have declined substantially since HepB vaccination was patients and HCP (e.g., housekeeping, laundry, security,
introduced in the United States, a risk for occupational exposure maintenance, and volunteers) (1,11).
to HBV persists (10), largely from persons with chronic HBV This guidance applies but is not limited to HCP in acute-care
infection. Because vaccine-induced anti-HBs wanes over time, hospitals, long-term–care facilities (e.g., nursing homes, skilled
testing HCP for anti-HBs years after vaccination might not nursing facilities, and assisted living facilities), physician’s
distinguish vaccine nonresponders from responders. Pre-exposure offices, dental offices, rehabilitation centers, urgent-care
assessment of current or past anti-HBs results upon hire or centers, ambulatory surgical centers, dialysis centers, and
matriculation, followed by one or more additional doses of HepB outpatient clinics, and to persons who provide home health
vaccine for HCP with anti-HBs <10 mIU/mL, if necessary, helps care and emergency medical services. Although this guidance
to ensure that HCP will be protected if they have an exposure to pertains to HCP, the same principles might be applicable to
HBV-containing blood or body fluids. persons in other professions with reasonably anticipated risk
An expert panel convened by CDC acknowledged that the for blood or body fluid exposure (e.g., public safety workers,
risk for HBV infection for vaccinated HCP can vary widely embalmers, and crime scene cleanup crews).
by setting and profession, and might be low enough in certain

2 MMWR / December 20, 2013 / Vol. 62 / No. 10

Recommendations and Reports

Recommendations for testing HCP in certain populations BOX. Abbreviations.

at risk for acquisition of HBV infection before matriculation
or hire can be found elsewhere and will be reviewed only ACIP Advisory Committee on Immunization
briefly in this document (11–13). HCP protection against Practices
hepatitis C virus (HCV), human immunodeficiency virus anti-HBc antibody to hepatitis B core antigen
(HIV), and other infections also is covered elsewhere anti-HBs antibody to hepatitis B surface antigen
(1,11,14). Postvaccination serologic testing and the need for ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
revaccination specific to HCP with immunocompromising HBeAg hepatitis B e antigen
conditions (e.g., HCP who are on dialysis, infected with HIV, HBIG hepatitis B immune globulin
hematopoietic stem-cell transplant recipients, and receiving HBsAg hepatitis B surface antigen
chemotherapy) are addressed in separate recommendations HBV hepatitis B virus
(15). Additional guidance on the management of HCP with HBV DNA hepatitis B virus deoxyribonucleic acid
chronic HBV infection has been published (13). A list of HCP health-care personnel
frequently used abbreviations is provided (Box). HCV hepatitis C virus
HepB hepatitis B vaccine
New or Updated Information Provided in HIV human immunodeficiency virus
this Guidance IDU injection drug use
IG immune globulin
This document examines approaches for assessing HBV
IIS Immunization Information System
protection for vaccinated HCP and offers additional
IOM Institute of Medicine
guidance for postexposure evaluation and testing of HCP in
consideration of: MSM men who have sex with men
• The changing epidemiology of HBV infections in the NHIS National Health Interview Survey
United States NNDSS National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance
• The risk for occupational blood or body fluid exposures
OSHA Oc c u p a t i o n a l Sa f e t y a n d He a l t h
since introduction of engineering and work-practice Administration
controls and the Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act
PCR polymerase chain reaction
of 2001
QALY quality-adjusted life-year
• HCP reporting of blood or body fluid exposures
• HepB vaccination coverage among HCP
• Estimates of the proportion of adults with measureable and infectious diseases) and occupational health; federal and
anti-HBs at intervals after vaccination state public health professionals with expertise in hepatitis
• Duration of vaccine-induced protection and health-care associated infections; and liaisons from the
• Current vaccination and postvaccination serologic testing Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA),
practices Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee
• Cost-effectiveness of approaches for assessing HBV (HICPAC), American Medical Directors Association (AMDA),
protection among HCP, and American College Health Association (ACHA), American
• Recommendations for administering postexposure Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), and the Society
management. for Adolescent Health and Medicine (SAHM). The expert
panel convened 21 teleconferences for deliberations during
January 19, 2012–January 8, 2013. Materials for teleconference
Methods discussion were electronically distributed to members.
In 2012, CDC identified and convened subject matter experts The expert panel reviewed relevant published literature
in the fields of HBV infection, health-care epidemiology, and identified through PubMed searches, citations, and personal
evidence-based medicine to form an expert panel to address files. Reference lists were reviewed to retrieve additional
mechanisms for assessing HBV protection for vaccinated HCP.* relevant information. The expert panel considered the changing
The expert panel was comprised of professionals from academic epidemiology of hepatitis B infections from surveillance reports,
medicine (e.g., pediatrics, family medicine, internal medicine, which included follow-up with state health departments to
obtain additional information on HCP with acute hepatitis B
* A list of the members of the panel appears on page 20. during 2005–2010 reported as having a positive or unknown

MMWR / December 20, 2013 / Vol. 62 / No. 10 3

Recommendations and Reports

HepB vaccination history. The expert panel reviewed previous FIGURE 1. Number* of reported acute hepatitis B cases — National
recommendations from ACIP, HICPAC, and the U.S. Public Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System, United States, 2000–2011
Health Service; including recommendations defining HCP 9,000
at risk for occupational exposure, HepB vaccination, and 8,000
postvaccination serologic testing. The panel also reviewed 7,000
postexposure prophylaxis (1,5,9,11,13,15,16), and results from
an electronic survey administered to health-care institutions
regarding current practices (see Hepatitis B Vaccination and 5,000

Postvaccination Testing among HCP). Various members of the 4,000
expert panel were consulted to address issues throughout the 3,000
development of these guidelines. Evidence also was summarized 2,000
in presentations discussed during expert panel teleconferences.
The panel identified two approaches for assessing HBV
protection for vaccinated HCP, on the basis of expert opinion, 0
2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010
which form the foundation of this guidance. Members of the Year
expert panel critically reviewed earlier drafts of this guidance Source: CDC. Viral hepatitis statistics and surveillance. Available at http://
document, which was developed by CDC, individually and as www.cdc.gov/hepatitis/statistics/index.htm.
* For 2011, the reported number of cases was 2,890; the estimated number of
a group by teleconference. Names and affiliations of persons cases (18,800) was computed after accounting for underreporting and
who provided input in the drafting of these recommendations asymptomatic infections.
are included at the beginning of this document and in the
acknowledgments section. incidence was lowest (0.04 cases per 100,000 population)
among persons aged ≤19 years (10), the population routinely
Changing Epidemiology of HBV Infection vaccinated as infants and adolescents. Although HepB vaccine
Hepatitis B is a nationally reportable disease (17). In the United coverage rates in 2011 were high among infants, children,
States, 2,890 cases of acute hepatitis B were reported to CDC in and adolescents (91.1% among children aged 19–35 months
2011, and an estimated 18,800 new cases of hepatitis B occurred and 92.3% among adolescents aged 13–17 years) (21,22),
after accounting for underreporting of cases and asymptomatic self-reported ≥3-dose coverage remained considerably lower
infection (Figure 1) (10). Among patients with reported cases for adults (35.9% for adults aged 19–49 years in 2011) (23).
of acute hepatitis B with information, approximately 55% were
hospitalized and 1.3% died from hepatitis B (10). Acute HBV Occupational Risk for HBV Exposure and
infection becomes chronic in 90% of infants, 30% of children Exposure Reporting
aged <5 years, and <1%–12% of adults (18). Approximately 25%
of persons who become chronically infected during childhood Blood from persons with HBV infection contains the
and 15% of those who become chronically infected after highest HBV titers of all body fluids and is the most important
childhood die prematurely from cirrhosis or liver cancer (1,15). vehicle of transmission in the health-care setting (1). The
An estimated 800,000–1.4 million persons in the United States following body fluids also are considered potentially infectious:
are living with chronic HBV infection; these persons serve as the cerebrospinal fluid, synovial fluid, pleural fluid, peritoneal
main reservoir for HBV (12). In contrast to a decline in reports fluid, pericardial fluid, and amniotic fluid (1). Although studies
of acute hepatitis B, the prevalence of chronic HBV, which is have documented HBV in saliva and tears, these body fluids
often asymptomatic, remained relatively stable (Figure 2) (19) have generally not represented an occupational risk for HBV
at 3 per 100,000 persons (95% confidence interval = 2–5 per infection unless they contain blood (1). Semen and vaginal
100,000) during 2005–2010, as did death certificate-registered secretions have been implicated in the sexual transmission
deaths (20). of HBV, but they have not been implicated in occupational
A national strategy to eliminate HBV transmission transmission from patients to HCP (1). The presence of HBsAg,
was implemented in 1991 (16). A key component was a usually an indicator of active HBV infection, also is found in
recommendation for routine vaccination of infants (16). As a other body fluids (e.g., breast milk, bile, feces, nasopharyngeal
result, the rate of newly reported acute HBV infections in the washings, and sweat). However, most body fluids are not
United States declined approximately 89% during 1990–2011, efficient vehicles of transmission (unless they contain blood)
from 8.5 to 0.9 cases per 100,000 population (10,11). The because they contain low quantities of infectious HBV (1).

4 MMWR / December 20, 2013 / Vol. 62 / No. 10

Recommendations and Reports

FIGURE 2. Weighted prevalence of chronic hepatitis B* — National risk for developing serologic evidence of HBV infection was
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, United States, 23%–37% (1,26).
The Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act of 2001 directed
the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
0.006 to revise the Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens
† Standard and established in greater detail requirements for
employers regarding the identification and use of effective and

safer medical devices (27). Percutaneous injuries have since
0.003 decreased from 39.6 injuries per 100 occupied beds in 1999 to
0.002 19.5 injuries per 100 occupied beds in 2011 (Figure 3) (28).
Data since 2002 indicate that 18% of HCP trainees sustain
a percutaneous exposure annually, and 54% of percutaneous
1976–80 1981–87 1988–94 1995–98 1999–04 2005–10
exposures are reported to occupational health (3,29–32).
Survey years
Reluctance to report exposures to occupational health
Sources: Wasley A, Kruszon-Moran D, Kuhnert W, et al. The prevalence of
might be influenced by fear of being reprimanded, concerns
hepatitis B virus infection in the United States in the era of vaccination. J Infect regarding confidentiality, and the belief that reporting might
Dis 2010;202:192–201. Personal communication. Roberts H, PhD. Atlanta, GA: be time consuming (29,31). The annual risk for a mucosal
* Chronic Hepatitis B is defined as the presence of both hepatitis B surface exposure among trainees is 22%, of which 17% are reported
antigen (HBsAg) and antibody to hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc). to occupational health (3,29–32). The risk for exposure is
† Represents 95% confidence interval.
generally lower among nontrainees and varies by occupation
and job duties (32,33). Surveillance data indicate nurses and
Sputum, urine, and vomitus are not considered potentially physicians account for 41.9% and 22.8%, respectively, of HCP
infectious unless they contain blood (1). reporting percutaneous exposures (28). The purpose of the
HBV is highly infectious, can be transmitted in the absence sharp item that resulted in the exposure was for intramuscular
of visible blood (1), and remains infectious on environmental or subcutaneous injection in 30.5% of exposures and was for
surfaces for at least 7 days (24). HBV is transmitted through suturing in 18.7% of exposures (28). Medical students account
percutaneous (i.e., needlesticks), mucosal (i.e., direct contact for 44.3% of HCP reporting a mucosal exposure (28).
with mucous membranes), or nonintact skin (e.g., psoriasis, The probability of HBV infection among HCP trainees
eczema, burns, wounds, cuts, and scratches) exposure to will vary by the prevalence of HBsAg-positivity of source
infectious blood or body fluids. Although percutaneous patients and the approach to assessment (Figure 4). Exposure
exposures are among the most efficient modes of HBV logs during 2000–2012 representing 7,170 exposures at three
transmission, these exposures might account for only a minority health-care systems in the United States indicated that 0.9%
of HBV infections among HCP. In several investigations of of source patients were HBsAg-positive (34). This figure likely
HBV outbreaks, most infected HCP could not recall an overt varies substantially by setting; in some community screening
percutaneous exposure (2,25). programs among populations considered at higher risk,
Hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) is a marker for high 11%–25% of persons screened are infected with HBV (35).
HBV replication and viral load (15). Although testing The source patient is identifiable in approximately 95% of
occupational exposure source patients for HBeAg is not exposures (28). The source patient might not be identifiable
practical and is not recommended, the risk for acquiring after exposure from an item protruding from a disposal
HBV infection is particularly high in occupational exposures container, an item disposed of in an inappropriate container,
to blood or body fluids from source patients who are or from an item left in an inappropriate place (28).
HBeAg-positive (4). In studies of HCP who sustained
injuries from needles contaminated with blood containing
HBV, the risk for developing clinical hepatitis if the
blood was both HBsAg-positive and HBeAg-positive was HepB Vaccines
22%–31%; the risk for developing serologic evidence of HBV HepB vaccine is available as a single-antigen formulation and
infection was 37%–62% (1,26). By comparison, the risk for also in combination with other vaccines (Table 1) (15). Two
developing clinical hepatitis from a needle contaminated with single-antigen recombinant HBsAg vaccines are available in the
HBsAg-positive, HBeAg-negative blood was 1%–6%, and the United States: Recombivax HB (Merck and Co, Inc.,

MMWR / December 20, 2013 / Vol. 62 / No. 10 5

Recommendations and Reports

FIGURE 3. Incidence* of percutaneous injury† and mucosal exposure§ — Exposure Prevention Information Network, 1997–2011

40 Percutaneous injury
Mucosal exposure

Needlestick Safety
and Prevention Act





1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Source: University of Virginia Health System. International Healthcare Worker Safety Center. Available at http://www.healthsystem.virginia.edu/pub/epinet/home.html.
* Per 100 occupied beds.
† Includes needlesticks, cuts, and bites.
§ Includes contact with mucous membranes or nonintact skin (termed “blood and body fluid exposures” by the Exposure Prevention Information Network [EPINet]).

Whitehouse Station, NJ) and Engerix-B (GlaxoSmithKline >99.9°F (>37.7°C) (1%–6%) (15). In placebo-controlled studies,
Biologicals, Rixensart, Belgium) (15). Of the three licensed these side effects were reported no more frequently among persons
combination vaccines, one (Twinrix [GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals]) receiving HepB vaccine than among persons receiving placebo
is available for persons aged ≥18 years. Twinrix contains (15). Administration of additional vaccine doses for nonresponders
recombinant HBsAg and inactivated hepatitis A virus (15). is not associated with an increase in adverse events (36).
Primary HepB vaccination of adults usually consists of 3 doses Epidemiologic and mechanistic assessment by the Institute of
of 10 or 20 µg of recombinant HBsAg protein administered Medicine for 27 adverse events supported a causal association
intramuscularly into the deltoid muscle on a 0, 1, and 6 month with HepB vaccination only for anaphylaxis in persons who
schedule (15). Alternative schedules (including a 4-dose schedule at are sensitive to yeast (37). HepB vaccination is contraindicated
0, 1, 2, and 12 months) are U.S.-approved for routine vaccination for persons with a history of hypersensitivity to yeast or any
for specific ages and vaccine formulations; vaccination according to vaccine component (15). Persons with a history of serious
these schedules elicits final rates of seroprotection similar to those adverse events (e.g., anaphylaxis) after receipt of HepB vaccine
obtained on a 0, 1, and 6 month schedule (15). Obese persons should not receive additional doses. As with other vaccines,
might require adjustment in the needle length for administering vaccination of persons with moderate or severe acute illness,
HepB vaccine to achieve optimal seroprotection (11,15). with or without fever, should be deferred until illness resolves
(15). Vaccination is not contraindicated in persons with
Vaccine Safety a history of multiple sclerosis, Guillain-Barré Syndrome,
HepB vaccines have been demonstrated to be safe among autoimmune disease (e.g., systemic lupus erythematosis and
persons in all age groups (15). During 1982–2004, an estimated rheumatoid arthritis), or other chronic diseases (15). HepB
70 million adolescents and adults in the United States received vaccination is not contraindicated for pregnant (15,38,39) or
≥1 dose of HepB vaccine (15). The most frequently reported side lactating (1) women. Available vaccines contain noninfectious
effects are pain at the injection site (3%–29%) and temperature of HBsAg and do not pose a risk for infection to the fetus (15).

6 MMWR / December 20, 2013 / Vol. 62 / No. 10

Recommendations and Reports

FIGURE 4. Hepatitis B virus infection rate among health-care personnel trainees, by prevalence seroprotection is achieved in approximately
of hepatitis B surface antigen positivity of source patients and approach to assessment 95% of healthy infants (43,44), approximately
35 92% of HCP aged <40 years, and approximately
No assessment 84% of HCP aged ≥40 years (6). Among
30 Postexposure evaluation infants vaccinated at birth, low birthweight is
Pre-exposure anti-HBs testing associated with a lower proportion of infants
25 achieving seroprotection (45). Among persons
vaccinated as adults, smoking, obesity, aging,
chronic medical conditions, male sex, genetic
factors, and immune suppression are associated

with a decrease in proportions seroprotected

Baseline (6,11,36,46–48). Although immunogenicity
probability is less among immunocompromised persons,
10 = 0.009
those who achieve and maintain seroprotective
antibody levels before exposure to HBV have
5 a high level of protection (15).
Persistence of Vaccine-Induced
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
Probability source patient is HBsAg-positive Anti-HBs levels after vaccination decline
Source: Personal communication. Hoerger TJ, Ludlow-Bradley C. Durham, North Carolina: Research over time. The persistence of detectable
Triangle Institute, International; 2012. anti-HBs levels varies by age at vaccination.
* Per 100,000 population of health-care personnel.
By 18 years after vaccination, approximately
16% of persons vaccinated at age <1 year
Vaccine Seroprotection have detectable antibody levels of ≥10 mIU/mL (49–54)
Immunocompetent adults and children who have vaccine- (Figure 5), compared with 74% for those vaccinated at
induced anti-HBs levels of ≥10 mIU/mL 1–2 months after age ≥1 year (41,54–62). In a study of matriculating health
having received a complete, ≥3-dose HepB vaccine series are science students, 92.9% of those who had received 3 doses of
considered seroprotected and deemed vaccine responders HepB vaccine had anti-HBs ≥10 mIU/mL (58). Median age at
(15). Vaccine efficacy studies have demonstrated protection receipt of the primary series was 14.5 years (interquartile range:
against acute and chronic disease in immunocompetent 11.6–20.2 years) and at postvaccination testing was 23.2 years
vaccine responders (40,41). Vaccine-induced seroprotection (interquartile range: 22.1–24.8 years) (58).
is a useful surrogate of vaccine efficacy (42). Postvaccination

TABLE 1. Recommended dosages of hepatitis B vaccine, by age, immunocompetency, and vaccine type
Single-antigen vaccine* Combination vaccine
Recombivax HB Engerix-B Twinrix†
Dosage Volume Dosage Volume Dosage Volume
Characteristic (µg) (mL) (µg) (mL) (µg) (mL)
Age (yrs)
11–15 10§ 1 NA NA NA NA
11–19 5 0.5 10 0.5 NA NA
≥20 10 1 20 1 20 1
Hemodialysis patients and other immunocompromised persons
<20¶ 5 0.5 10 0.5 NA NA
≥20 40** 1 40†† 2 NA NA
Abbreviation: NA = not applicable.
* Single-antigen vaccine is usually administered on a 3-dose schedule at 0, 1, and 6 months. Other schedules are available. See package insert.
† Combined hepatitis A and hepatitis B vaccine is recommended for persons aged ≥18 years at increased risk for both hepatitis B virus and hepatitis A virus infections.
§ Adult formulation administered on a 2-dose schedule.
¶ Higher dosages might be more immunogenic, but no specific recommendations have been made.
** Dialysis formulation administered on a 3-dose schedule at 0, 1, and 6 months.
†† Two 1 mL doses administered at one site on a 4-dose schedule at 0, 1, 2, and 6 months.

MMWR / December 20, 2013 / Vol. 62 / No. 10 7

Recommendations and Reports

FIGURE 5. Serologic evidence of protection, by years since vaccination declines in anti-HBs. Conclusions about the response to a
among persons vaccinated at age <1 year* challenge dose are made on the basis of relatively few studies
100 and might change as additional data become available.
Proportion with anti-HBs ≥10 mIU/mL

Duration of Vaccine Protection among
60 Among immunocompetent HepB vaccine responders, studies
suggest protection against acute symptomatic and chronic
hepatitis B infection persists for ≥22 years (9,15,40). Three
cohort studies that monitored 1,006 subjects for ≥20 years
30 have been informative (41,63,64). In two of the cohorts from
20 areas with high HBV endemicity, new chronic HBV infections
10 were documented in 0.8% (0 and 1.0%) of 513 (109 and 404)
0 subjects, respectively, who responded or presumably responded
0 5 10 15 20 25 to HepB vaccination starting at birth (63,64). Approximately
Years since primary vaccination 20% of subjects had evidence of natural boosting of anti-HBs,
Sources: Samandari T, Fiore AE, Negus S, et al. Differences in response to a presumably from exposure to HBV (63,64). A third cohort
hepatitis B vaccine booster dose among Alaskan children and adolescents
vaccinated during infancy. Pediatrics 2007;120:e373–81. Petersen KM, Bulkow LR, of 493 subjects in an area with intermediate HBV endemicity
McMahon BJ, et al. Duration of hepatitis B immunity in low risk children receiving received HepB vaccination between ages 6 months and
hepatitis B vaccinations from birth. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2004;23:650–5.
Hammitt LL, Hennessy TW, Fiore AE, et al. Hepatitis B immunity in children
≥50 years (41). Among vaccine responders, no acute or chronic
vaccinated with recombinant hepatitis B vaccine beginning at birth: a follow-up HBV was detected, although 1% of subjects experienced
study at 15 years. Vaccine. 2007;25:6958–64. Dentinger CM, McMahon BJ, subclinical HBV infection without chronic infection during
Butler JC, et al. Persistence of antibody to hepatitis B and protection from disease
among Alaska natives immunized at birth. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2005;24:786–92. ≥20 years of follow-up (41). The significance of subclinical
Middleman AB, Baker C, Hu DJ, et al. Duration of immunity from hepatitis B breakthrough HBV infection without chronic HBV and
vaccine administered soon after birth among 16 to 19 year old youth in the
United States. Presented to the Pediatric Academic Societies, Boston, MA, transient HBV infection is unknown.
April 29, 2012.
* Includes U.S. studies only. HepB Vaccination and Postvaccination Testing
among HCP
Response to a Challenge Dose of Vaccine The Bloodborne Pathogens Standard issued in 1991 by
To assess vaccine response in remotely vaccinated HCP, a OSHA mandates that HepB vaccination be made available
challenge dose of HepB vaccine can be used to determine at the employer’s expense to employees who have reasonably
the presence of vaccine-induced immunologic memory anticipated skin, eye, mucous membrane, or parenteral contact
through generation of an anamnestic response. The term with blood or other potentially infectious materials that might
“booster dose” has been used to refer to a dose of HepB vaccine result from the performance of an employee’s duties (27).
administered after a primary vaccination series to provide HepB vaccination coverage data obtained through the National
rapid protective immunity against significant infection (i.e., Health Interview Survey (NHIS) in 2011 demonstrated
infection resulting in serologic test results positive for HBV ≥3-dose coverage of 63.8% among HCP aged ≥19 years
and/or clinically significant disease) (40). Among persons (23). NHIS 2010 data demonstrated ≥3-dose coverage of
vaccinated 5.9–17.5 years previously at age <1 year who have 74% for HCP with direct patient contact, and 46% for HCP
anti-HBs levels <10 mIU/mL, approximately 60.0%–97.4% without direct patient contact (65), substantially below the
showed a response to a single challenge dose of HepB vaccine Healthy People 2020 target of 90% HepB vaccination coverage
demonstrating protective levels of anti-HBs ≥10 mIU/mL among HCP (objective no. IID-15.3) (66).
(50–54). Among persons vaccinated 9–22 years previously at Postvaccination serologic testing for anti-HBs is recommended
age ≥1 year who have anti-HBs levels <10 mIU/mL, 69.2%– 1–2 months after the last vaccine dose for HCP at risk for
96.4% showed a response to a single challenge dose of HepB occupational percutaneous or mucosal exposures (11). During
vaccine demonstrating protective levels of anti-HBs ≥10 mIU/ 2012, a survey was administered to 389 California acute care
mL (41,54,60,62). The proportion of responders to a challenge hospitals or centers comprised of more than one hospital
dose might vary by population and age at receiving the primary to assess current practices for ensuring HCP protection
HepB series. HCP with a response ≥10 mIU/mL following a against HBV. Hospitals were identified from a listserv of 580
challenge dose are considered protected, regardless of future infection prevention and employee health staff (67). Responses

8 MMWR / December 20, 2013 / Vol. 62 / No. 10

Recommendations and Reports

were obtained from 153 listserv subscribers, comprising infections to 263 acute HBV infections (considering that
approximately 39% of hospitals (67). Responding hospitals occupational history was assessed for 43.6% of cases and using
were not representative of all hospitals in the United States a correction factor of 10.5 to account for underreporting and
(67). Of the 153 responding hospitals, most (92 [60.1%]) asymptomatic infection) (10). The decrease in acute HBV
were nongovernment not-for-profit community hospitals, infection among HCP probably resulted from routine pre-
followed by investor-owned (for-profit) community hospitals exposure HepB vaccination and reduced risk for exposure
(32 [20.9%]), and state and local government community through improvements in infection-control practices (28,72,73).
hospitals (13 [8.5%]) (67). One fourth (37 [24.2%]) were Although few studies have evaluated the vaccination history
teaching hospitals (67). Responding hospitals had between 35 of persons with acute hepatitis B (74), some cases of acute
and 15,421 (median: 1,000) HCP with reasonably anticipated hepatitis B and chronic HBV infection can be expected in
risk for blood or body fluid exposure (67). The majority unvaccinated persons and among vaccine nonresponders.
of respondents (71.9%) indicated current practices at their During 2005–2010, a total of 203 cases of persons with acute
institution consist of measuring anti-HBs on a pre-exposure hepatitis B among HCP were reported to CDC’s National
basis, followed by HepB vaccination if anti-HBs is <10 mIU/mL Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS) (75). Six of
(67). A smaller proportion of respondents (15.7%) indicated 17 patients with information on the development of chronic
their institution follows an approach relying upon postexposure HBV infection developed chronic HBV infection (75).
management (67). Postvaccination anti-HBs results were known Follow-up of 67 (76.1%) of 88 HCP initially reported as having
for approximately 69% of HCP at these facilities (67). a positive or unknown HepB vaccination history indicated that
35 HCP reported vaccination with ≥3 HepB vaccine doses
Revaccination for Vaccine Nonresponse (seven had documentation to support the reported vaccination
Revaccination with ≥1dose of HepB vaccine for nonresponse history) (75). Among the 35 HCP reporting vaccination with
subsequent to the primary series increases the proportion of ≥3 HepB vaccine doses, one HCP demonstrated an immune
persons achieving vaccine-induced seroprotection (15). Among response (i.e., anti-HBs ≥10 mlU/mL); the remaining 34 were
178 persons with occupational risk for HBV infection, 47% nonresponders or had an unknown response status (75). Four
of those without protective antibody levels after a primary of eight HCP with ≥3-dose HepB vaccination with information
vaccination series developed vaccine-induced seroprotection developed chronic HBV infection; none of the four had complete
after one additional dose of HepB vaccine (6). An estimated documentation of ≥3 HepB vaccine doses (75). Postvaccination
42% of 86 persons without protective anti-HBs levels after serologic testing was available for only one of seven HCPs with
the first revaccination dose and who received 2 additional documentation of ≥3-doses of HepB vaccine; this HCP had
doses developed protective levels of anti-HBs representing a an anti-HBs level <10 mIU/mL after 4 doses of vaccine (75).
cumulative response rate of 69% among initial nonresponders Although reported data did not enable identification of the
after 3 revaccination doses (6). Persons who have measurable modes of transmission or information on receipt of postexposure
but low (i.e., 1–9 mIU/mL) levels of anti-HBs after the initial prophylaxis, 28 (16.7%) of 168 HCP for whom data were
series have better response to revaccination than persons who available reported an accidental stick or puncture with a
have no measurable anti-HBs (36,62,68,69). needle or other object contaminated with blood during the
Single dose revaccination with a higher dosage has not been 6 weeks through 6 months before illness, possibly representing
demonstrated to increase the proportion of healthy adult occupational acquisition of infection (75). Unrecognized
nonresponders (70,71) or previous responders revaccinated as part exposures might have resulted in HBV infections among HCP
of a clinical trial (62) who achieve vaccine-induced seroprotection. who did not report an exposure (2). Other risk factors for
However, 3-dose revaccination with a higher dosage (40 µg) did HBV exposure in the 6 weeks through 6 months before illness
improve the proportion of nonresponders achieving anti-HBs (i.e., injection drug use, men who have sex with men, multiple
levels of ≥10 mIU/mL in one study (100% among 17 persons sex partners, contact with a hepatitis B case, dialysis patient,
receiving 40 µg dose versus 62.5% among 18 persons receiving receipt of blood transfusion, surgery, acupuncture, and tattoo
10 µg dose, p = 0.015, Fisher’s exact test) (70). Revaccination with receipt) were present among 121 (59.6%) of 203 HCP, possibly
>3 doses (i.e., >6 total doses) is not recommended (11). suggesting their exposures were not occupational (75).
HBV Infection among Vaccinated and Managing HCP Vaccination and Serologic
Unvaccinated HCP Test Results
From 1983 to 2010, the number of HBV infections among Immunization information systems (IIS) provide consolidated
HCP declined approximately 98%, from an estimated 17,000 vaccination histories for use by vaccination providers in

MMWR / December 20, 2013 / Vol. 62 / No. 10 9

Recommendations and Reports

determining appropriate vaccinations (76). Accessing IIS for both HBsAg and HBeAg, a regimen combining HBIG and
vaccination records might decrease unnecessary revaccination initiation of the HepB vaccine series at birth is 85%–95%
among HCP who no longer have records of HepB vaccination. effective in preventing HBV infection (79,80). Regimens
IIS do not accept postvaccination anti-HBs test results (77). To involving either multiple doses of HBIG alone or the HepB
reduce the cost and inconvenience of repeat anti-HBs testing vaccine series alone are 70%–75% effective in preventing
when HCP are employed by different health-care facilities, HBV infection when administered shortly after exposure
CDC recommends that institutions consider systems for (81). In the occupational setting, multiple doses of HBIG
long-term management of anti-HBs and other hepatitis B starting within 1 week following percutaneous exposure to
serologic test results. Mechanisms for tracking vaccination HBsAg-positive blood provide an estimated 75% protection
and hepatitis B serologic test results in health information from HBV infection (82–86). Administration of HBIG might
technology products could also reduce cost and inconvenience prolong the incubation period of HBV infection among
of repeat anti-HBs testing. persons who develop infection (82,85,87,88). A comparison
of the postexposure efficacy of the combination of HBIG and
Passive Prophylaxis of HBV Exposed the HepB vaccine series or HBIG alone has not been evaluated
Health Care Personnel in the occupational setting (1). Whether the increased efficacy
Hepatitis B immune globulin of HBIG added to HepB vaccine observed in the perinatal
setting, compared with HBIG alone, applies to adults exposed
Hepatitis B immune globulin (HBIG) provides passive
occupationally remains unknown.
anti-HBs and temporary (i.e., 3–6 months) protection (15).
HBIG is prepared from human plasma known to contain a Cost-Effectiveness Considerations
high titer of anti-HBs. HBIG is typically used together with To examine the cost-effectiveness of various strategies for
HepB vaccine for postexposure prophylaxis (15). For persons assessing HCP protection from hepatitis B, two economic
who do not respond to HepB vaccine, HBIG administered models that yielded calculations of the incremental cost per
alone is the primary method of protection after HBV exposure quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) saved were developed.
(15). The standard adult dose of HBIG is 0.06 mL/kg. HBIG One model represented an approach in which anti-HBs is
is administered by intramuscular injection; an appropriate measured on a pre-exposure basis, and HCP with anti-HBs
muscle mass (i.e., deltoid or gluteal) should be chosen in which <10 mIU/mL receive an additional dose of HepB vaccine,
to deliver the large volume of HBIG required and a needle followed by repeat anti-HBs measurement. If anti-HBs
length appropriate for the HCP’s size should be used. HBIG remains <10 mIU/mL after the first revaccination dose, the
can be administered simultaneously with HepB vaccine but HCP receives two additional revaccination doses of HepB
at a different injection site (15). vaccine followed by repeat anti-HBs measurement. Another
Safety model represented a postexposure management approach;
at the time of exposure, the HCP is tested for anti-HBs and
The plasma from which HBIG is prepared is screened for
the source patient is tested simultaneously for HBsAg, and
HBsAg, HCV, and HIV (15). The process used to prepare
postexposure prophylaxis would be administered on the basis
HBIG inactivates HBV, HCV, and HIV from the final product.
of these results. Results from the two models were compared.
No evidence exists that HBV, HCV, or HIV has ever been
A decision-tree analysis was used to combine all parameters
transmitted by HBIG thar is commercially available in the
and calculate the total intervention costs and probability of
United States (15).
infection. In addition, HBV infection-related costs and QALY
Serious adverse effects from HBIG, when administered
loss (accounting for acute and asymptomatic infections and
as recommended, are rare (1). Local pain and tenderness at
a 6% probability of chronic infection) were determined from
the injection site, urticaria, and angioedema might occur;
an existing model (89) and were considered for the HCP’s
anaphylactic reactions, although rare, have been reported
remaining lifetime. The intervention time frame included a
following the injection of human immune globulin (IG)
1-year analysis and a multiyear analysis covering up to 10 years
preparations (1). HBIG is not contraindicated for pregnant
of exposure. A 3% annual discount rate was used, and all final
(1,78) or lactating women (1).
cost figures were converted to 2010 U.S. dollars using the
Efficacy Medical Consumer Price Index.
The effectiveness of HBIG and HepB vaccine in various The baseline cost-effectiveness models assumed that an ideal
postexposure settings has been evaluated by prospective 95% of HCP have initial and sustained protection against
studies. For perinatal exposure to a mother positive for HBV infection after a primary ≥3-dose HepB vaccine series,

10 MMWR / December 20, 2013 / Vol. 62 / No. 10

Recommendations and Reports

irrespective of the presence of detectable anti-HBs. Ninety-five to improve recognition and encourage timely reporting of
percent protection was derived from the proportion of persons blood and body fluid exposures. The possibility that the
aged <40 years, including term newborns that have measurable postexposure evaluation will cause the HCP to have time lost
anti-HBs ≥10 mIU/mL soon after a primary vaccination series. from work should not be a barrier to reporting. Institutions
Approximately 18–25 years after vaccination, approximately should ensure that HCP have rapid access to postexposure
20% of HCP (vaccinated at age <1 year) or approximately testing and prophylaxis, including HBIG and HepB vaccine.
80% of HCP (vaccinated at age ≥1 year) retain anti-HBs
≥10 mIU/mL. The model did not account for unrecognized Serologic Testing for HBV Infection
exposures, as probability data for unrecognized exposures are not Testing unvaccinated HCP for HBV infection is not generally
available, or suboptimal vaccine coverage that exists among HCP. indicated for persons being evaluated for hepatitis B protection
For pre-exposure anti-HBs testing followed by revaccination because of occupational risk. Prevaccination serologic testing
and retesting, if necessary, compared with doing nothing, the is indicated for all persons born in geographic regions with
incremental cost per QALY saved was $4,542,467 for trainees HBsAg prevalence of ≥2% (e.g., much of Eastern Europe, Asia,
and $3,149,183 for nontrainees at year one, and decreased Africa, the Middle East, and the Pacific Islands) and certain
to $893,619 and $796,140, respectively, over 10 years. indigenous populations from countries with overall low HBV
This approach is expected to result in 3.7 and 1.6 visits to endemicity (<2%); persons with behavioral exposures to HBV
occupational health for trainees and nontrainees, respectively. (e.g., men who have sex with men and past or current injection
The expected number of infections is 0.7 per 100,000 and 0.4 drug users); persons receiving cytotoxic or immunosuppressive
per 100,000 for trainees and nontrainees, respectively. For an therapy; and persons with liver disease of unknown etiology.
approach relying upon postexposure management, compared HBV endemicity (HBsAg prevalence) can be described as
with doing nothing, the incremental cost per QALY saved was low (<2%), moderate (2%–<8%), and high (≥8%). Because
$2,270,801 for trainees and $1,610,998 for nontrainees at year certain persons might have been infected with HBV before they
one, and decreased to $917,859 and $1,114,364 respectively, received HepB vaccination, HBsAg testing is recommended
over 10 years. The expected number of infections is 3.0 per regardless of vaccination history for persons born in geographic
100,000 and 1.7 per 100,000 for trainees and nontrainees, regions with HBsAg prevalence of ≥2%, U.S.-born persons not
respectively. Although an approach relying upon postexposure vaccinated as infants whose parents were born in regions with
management might be less costly per QALY saved initially for high HBV endemicity (HBsAg prevalence) (≥8%), persons
many institutions, pre-exposure anti-HBs testing with possible who received HepB vaccination as adolescents or adults after
revaccination becomes more cost-effective compared with a the initiation of risk behaviors (12), and persons who are
postexposure approach over time. HIV-positive or who receive hemodialysis (11).
Sensitivity analyses demonstrated that cost-effectiveness Testing HCP at risk for HBV infection should consist of a
improves in settings where a greater proportion of source serologic assay for HBsAg, in addition to either anti-HBc or
patients are HBsAg-positive and among HCP with higher risk anti-HBs (11,12). For unvaccinated HCP at risk for previous
for exposure (e.g., surgeons). Cost-effectiveness can change HBV infection, blood should be drawn for testing before the
as new antivirals become available for treatment of HBV first dose of vaccine is administered.
infection. Vaccinating previously unvaccinated HCP trainees
followed by postvaccination serologic testing, compared with Vaccination
doing nothing, has an incremental cost per QALY saved of
All HCP whose work-, training-, and volunteer-related
$374,646 at year one and $51,537 over 10 years, accounting
activities involve reasonably anticipated risk for exposure to
for direct costs to the health-care system and direct medical
blood or body fluids should be vaccinated with a complete,
costs of hepatitis B-related illness and complications.
≥3-dose HepB vaccine series. OSHA mandates that
vaccination be available for employees within 10 days of
initial assignment (27). HCP trainees should complete the
Recommendations series before the potential for exposure with blood or body
Pre-Exposure Management fluids, when possible, as higher risk has been reported during
professional training (e.g., residency training).
Education and Infrastructure Incompletely vaccinated HCP should receive additional
At the time of hire or matriculation, health-care providers dose(s) to complete the vaccine series (15). The vaccine series
and health-care institutions should provide training to HCP does not need to be restarted for HCP with an incomplete

MMWR / December 20, 2013 / Vol. 62 / No. 10 11

Recommendations and Reports

series; however, minimum dosing intervals should be heeded vaccine doses (usually 6 doses total), followed by repeat
(15). Minimum dosing intervals are 4 weeks between the first anti-HBs testing 1–2 months after the last dose. Alternatively,
and second dose, 8 weeks between the second and third dose, it might be more practical for very recently vaccinated HCP
and 16 weeks between the first and third dose (15). with anti-HBs <10 mIU/mL to receive 3 consecutive
HCP lacking documentation of HepB vaccination should additional doses of HepB vaccine (usually 6 doses total),
be considered unvaccinated (when documentation for HepB followed by anti-HBs testing 1–2 months after the last dose.
vaccine doses is lacking) or incompletely vaccinated (when
documentation for some HepB vaccine doses is lacking) and Standard Precautions and Advising HCP to
should receive additional doses to complete a documented
HepB series. Health-care institutions are encouraged to seek
Report Exposures
documentation of “missing” HepB doses in IIS, when feasible, All HCP should adhere to infection-control guidelines
to avoid unnecessary vaccination. and follow Standard Precautions (90), including the use of
OSHA mandates that HCP who refuse HepB vaccination engineering and work-practice controls, to reduce the risk
sign a declination statement (http://www.osha.gov/pls/ for blood or body fluid exposure. All HCP, including those
oshaweb/owadisp.show_document?p_id=10052&p_ who have demonstrated protection against HBV, should be
table=STANDARDS). HCP refusing HepB vaccination can advised to immediately report blood or body fluid exposures to
obtain vaccination at a later date at no expense if the HCP is occupational health for evaluation of the appropriate measures
still covered under OSHA’s Bloodborne Pathogens Standard. to prevent transmission of bloodborne pathogens (including
Health-care institutions should encourage HepB vaccination HIV, hepatitis C, and hepatitis B).
among HCP to improve HBV protection and to achieve the
Postexposure Management
Healthy People 2020 target of 90% vaccination (66).
Initial Postexposure Management
Postvaccination Serologic Testing
Wounds and skin sites that have been in contact with blood
HCP who have written documentation of a complete, or body fluids should be washed with soap and water; mucous
≥3-dose HepB vaccine series and subsequent postvaccination membranes should be flushed with water. Using antiseptics
anti-HBs ≥10 mIU/mL are considered hepatitis B immune. (e.g., 2%–4% chlorhexidine) for wound care or expressing fluid
Immunocompetent persons have long-term protection against by squeezing the wound further have not been shown to reduce
HBV and do not need further periodic testing to assess the risk for HBV transmission; however, the use of antiseptics
anti-HBs levels (Figure 6). is not contraindicated. The application of caustic agents
All HCP recently vaccinated or recently completing HepB (e.g., bleach) or the injection of antiseptics or disinfectants into
vaccination who are at risk for occupational blood or body the wound is not recommended.
fluid exposure should undergo anti-HBs testing. Anti-HBs Procedures should be followed for testing known source
testing should be performed 1–2 months after administration persons, including obtaining informed consent, in accordance
of the last dose of the vaccine series when possible. HCP with with applicable laws. Source patients determined to be
documentation of a complete ≥3-dose HepB vaccine series HBsAg-positive should be referred for appropriate management
but no documentation of anti-HBs ≥10 mIU/mL who are and should be reported to the state or local health department.
at risk for occupational blood or body fluid exposure might When a source patient is unknown (e.g., as occurs from a
undergo anti-HBs testing upon hire or matriculation. Testing puncture with a needle in the trash), the exposed HCP should
should use a quantitative method that allows detection of be managed as if the source patient were HBsAg-positive.
the protective concentration of anti-HBs (≥10 mIU/mL) Testing needles and other sharp instruments implicated in an
(e.g., enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay [ELISA]). exposure is not recommended, regardless of whether the source
• Completely vaccinated HCP with anti-HBs ≥10 mIU/mL patient is known or unknown. The reliability and interpretation
are considered hepatitis B immune. Immunocompetent of findings in such circumstances are unknown, and testing
persons have long-term protection and do not need further could be hazardous to persons handling the sharp instrument.
periodic testing to assess anti-HBs levels. Exposures involving human bites should be managed with the
• Completely vaccinated HCP with anti-HBs <10 mIU/mL knowledge that both the person being bitten and the person
should receive an additional dose of HepB vaccine, followed who engaged in biting were potentially exposed.
by anti-HBs testing 1–2 months later. HCP whose Institutions should ensure that HCP have timely access
anti-HBs remains <10 mIU/mL should receive 2 additional to postexposure management and prophylaxis, including

12 MMWR / December 20, 2013 / Vol. 62 / No. 10

Recommendations and Reports

FIGURE 6. Pre-exposure evaluation for health-care personnel previously vaccinated with complete, ≥3-dose HepB vaccine series who have
not had postvaccination serologic testing*

Measure antibody to hepatitis B surface antigen (anti-HBs)

anti-HBs <10 mIU/mL anti-HBs ≥10 mIU/mL

Administer 1 dose of HepB vaccine,

postvaccination serologic testing*

anti-HBs anti-HBs
<10 mIU/mL ≥10 mIU/mL

No action for
Administer 2 more doses
hepatitis B prophylaxis
of HepB vaccine,
(regardless of source patient
postvaccination serologic testing*
hepatitis B surface antigen status)

anti-HBs anti-HBs
<10 mIU/mL ≥10 mIU/mL

personnel need
to receive
hepatitis B
evaluation for
all exposures†

Source: Adapted from CDC. A comprehensive immunization strategy to eliminate transmission of hepatitis B virus infection in the United States: recommendations
of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). Part II: immunization of adults. MMWR 2006;55(No. RR-16).
* Should be performed 1–2 months after the last dose of vaccine using a quantitative method that allows detection of the protective concentration of anti-HBs
(≥10 mIU/mL) (e.g., enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay [ELISA]).
† A nonresponder is defined as a person with anti-HBs <10 mIU/mL after ≥6 doses of HepB vaccine. Persons who do not have a protective concentration of anti-HBs
after revaccination should be tested for HBsAg. If positive, the person should receive appropriate management or vaccination.

MMWR / December 20, 2013 / Vol. 62 / No. 10 13

Recommendations and Reports

TABLE 2. Postexposure management of health-care personnel after occupational percutaneous and mucosal exposure to blood and body
fluids, by health-care personnel HepB vaccination and response status

Postexposure testing Postexposure prophylaxis

Source patient HCP testing serologic
Health-care personnel status (HBsAg) (anti-HBs) HBIG* Vaccination testing†
Documented responder§ after
No action needed
complete series (≥3 doses)

Positive/unknown —** HBIG x2 separated — No

Documented nonresponder¶ by 1 month
after 6 doses
Negative No action needed

Positive/unknown <10mIU/mL** HBIG x1

Initiate Yes
Response unknown after Negative <10mIU/mL None
3 doses

Any result ≥10mIU/mL No action needed

Positive/unknown —** HBIG x1 Complete Yes

vaccinated or vaccine refusers
Negative — None Complete Yes

Abbreviations: HCP = health-care personnel; HBsAg = hepatitis B surface antigen; anti-HBs = antibody to hepatitis B surface antigen; HBIG = hepatitis B immune globulin.
* HBIG should be administered intramuscularly as soon as possible after exposure when indicated. The effectiveness of HBIG when administered >7 days after
percutaneous, mucosal, or nonintact skin exposures is unknown. HBIG dosage is 0.06 mL/kg.
† Should be performed 1–2 months after the last dose of the HepB vaccine series (and 4–6 months after administration of HBIG to avoid detection of passively
administered anti-HBs) using a quantitative method that allows detection of the protective concentration of anti-HBs (≥10 mIU/mL).
§ A responder is defined as a person with anti-HBs ≥10 mIU/mL after ≥3 doses of HepB vaccine.
¶ A nonresponder is defined as a person with anti-HBs <10 mIU/mL after ≥6 doses of HepB vaccine.
** HCP who have anti-HBs <10mIU/mL, or who are unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated, and sustain an exposure to a source patient who is HBsAg-positive or
has unknown HBsAg status, should undergo baseline testing for HBV infection as soon as possible after exposure, and follow-up testing approximately 6 months
later. Initial baseline tests consist of total anti-HBc; testing at approximately 6 months consists of HBsAg and total anti-HBc.

HBIG and HepB vaccine. For exposed HCP thought to For vaccinated HCP (who have written documentation of
be susceptible to HBV infection, HBIG and HepB vaccine HepB vaccination) with anti-HBs <10 mIU/mL after two
should be administered as soon as possible after an exposure complete, ≥3-dose HepB vaccine series, the source patient
when indicated. The effectiveness of HBIG when administered should be tested for HBsAg as soon as possible after the
>7 days after percutaneous, mucosal, or nonintact skin exposure. If the source patient is HBsAg-positive or has
exposures is unknown. HBIG and HepB vaccine can be unknown HBsAg status, the HCP should receive 2 doses
administered simultaneously at separate injection sites. of HBIG (1,11). The first dose should be administered as
Anti-HBs testing of HCP who received HBIG should be soon as possible after the exposure, and the second dose
performed after anti-HBs from HBIG is no longer detectable should be administered 1 month later. If the source patient is
(6 months after administration) (11). Anti-HBs testing should HBsAg-negative, neither HBIG nor HepB vaccine is necessary.
be performed using a method that allows detection of the For vaccinated HCP (who have written documentation of
protective concentration of anti-HBs (≥10 mIU/mL) (Table 2). a complete, ≥3-dose HepB vaccine series) without previous
anti-HBs testing, the HCP should be tested for anti-HBs and
Managing Vaccinated HCP
the source patient (if known) should be tested for HBsAg as
For vaccinated HCP (who have written documentation of soon as possible after the exposure. Testing the source patient
a complete, ≥3-dose HepB vaccine series) with subsequent and the HCP should occur simultaneously; testing the source
documented anti-HBs ≥10 mIU/mL, testing the source patient patient should not be delayed while waiting for the HCP
for HBsAg is unnecessary. No postexposure management anti-HBs test results, and likewise, testing the HCP should not
for HBV is necessary, regardless of the source patient’s be delayed while waiting for the source patient HBsAg results.
HBsAg status.

14 MMWR / December 20, 2013 / Vol. 62 / No. 10

Recommendations and Reports

• If the HCP has anti-HBs <10 mIU/mL and the source and do not need further periodic testing to assess anti-
patient is HBsAg-positive or has unknown HBsAg status, HBs levels.
the HCP should receive 1 dose of HBIG and be revaccinated –– HCP with anti-HBs <10 mIU/mL after receipt of the
as soon as possible after the exposure. The HCP should primary series should be revaccinated. For these HCP,
then receive the second 2 doses to complete the second administration of a second complete 3-dose series on an
HepB vaccine series (6 doses total when accounting for the appropriate schedule, followed by anti-HBs testing
original 3-dose series) according to the vaccination 1–2 months after the third dose, usually is more practical
schedule. To document the HCP’s vaccine response status than conducting serologic testing after each additional
for future exposures, anti-HBs testing should be performed dose of vaccine. To document the HCP’s vaccine response
1–2 months after the last dose of vaccine. status for future exposures, anti-HBs testing should be
• If the HCP has anti-HBs <10 mIU/mL and the source performed 1–2 months after the last dose of vaccine.
patient is HBsAg-negative, the HCP should receive an • If the source patient is HBsAg-negative, the HCP should
additional HepB vaccine dose, followed by repeat anti-HBs complete the HepB vaccine series according to the
testing 1–2 months later. HCP whose anti-HBs remains vaccination schedule. To document the HCP’s vaccine
<10 mIU/mL should undergo revaccination with 2 more response status for future exposures, anti-HBs testing
doses (6 doses total when accounting for the original 3-dose should be performed approximately 1–2 months after the
series). To document the HCP’s vaccine response status for last dose of vaccine.
future exposures, anti-HBs testing should be performed –– HCP with anti-HBs ≥10 mIU/mL after receipt of the
1–2 months after the last dose of vaccine. primary vaccine series are considered immune.
• If the HCP has anti-HBs ≥10 mIU/mL at the time of the Immunocompetent persons have long-term protection
exposure, no postexposure HBV management is necessary, and do not need further periodic testing to assess anti-
regardless of the source patient’s HBsAg status. HBs levels.
–– HCP with anti-HBs <10 mIU/mL after receipt of the
Managing HCP Who Lack Documentation of
primary series should be revaccinated. For these HCP,
Vaccination, are Unvaccinated or
administration of a second complete 3-dose series on
Incompletely Vaccinated
an appropriate schedule, followed by anti-HBs testing
For unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated HCP (including 1–2 months after the third dose, usually is more
those who refused vaccination), the source patient should be practical than conducting serologic testing after each
tested for HBsAg as soon as possible after the exposure. Testing additional dose of vaccine. To document the HCP’s
unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated HCP for anti-HBs is vaccine response status for future exposures, anti-HBs
not necessary and is potentially misleading, because anti-HBs testing should be performed 1–2 months after the last
≥10 mIU/mL as a correlate of vaccine-induced protection has dose of vaccine.
only been determined for persons who have completed an
approved vaccination series (15,42). Testing of HCP Exposed to an HBsAg-Positive or
• If the source patient is HBsAg-positive or has unknown Unknown Source
HBsAg status, the HCP should receive 1 dose of HBIG HCP who have anti-HBs <10 mIU/mL, or who are
and 1 dose of HepB vaccine administered as soon as unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated, and who sustain a
possible after the exposure. The HCP should complete percutaneous, mucosal, or nonintact skin exposure to a source
the HepB vaccine series according to the vaccination patient who is HBsAg-positive or has unknown HBsAg status
schedule. To document the HCP’s vaccine response status should undergo baseline testing for HBV infection as soon as
for future exposures, anti-HBs testing should be performed possible after the exposure, and follow-up testing approximately
approximately 1–2 months after the last dose of vaccine. 6 months later. Testing immediately after the exposure should
Because anti-HBs testing of HCP who received HBIG consist of total anti-HBc, and follow-up testing approximately
should be performed after anti-HBs from HBIG is no 6 months later should consist of HBsAg and total anti-HBc.
longer detectable (6 months after administration), it will HCP exposed to a source patient who is HBsAg-positive
likely be necessary to defer anti-HBs testing for a period or has unknown HBsAg status do not need to take special
longer than 1–2 months after the last vaccine dose. precautions to prevent secondary transmission during the
–– HCP with anti-HBs ≥10 mIU/mL after receipt of the follow-up period; however, they should refrain from donating
primary vaccine series are considered immune. blood, plasma, organs, tissue, or semen (1). The exposed
Immunocompetent persons have long-term protection HCP does not need to modify sexual practices or refrain from

MMWR / December 20, 2013 / Vol. 62 / No. 10 15

Recommendations and Reports

becoming pregnant (1). If an exposed HCP is breast feeding, and the HCP’s anti-HBs level. Appropriate safeguards should be
she does not need to discontinue (1). No modifications to in place to protect the privacy of the health information. Data
an exposed HCP’s patient-care responsibilities are necessary collection should be representative of HCP in a variety of settings
to prevent transmission to patients based solely on exposure (e.g., acute care, long-term care, and dialysis), including settings
to a source patient who is HBsAg-positive or has unknown with frequent staff turnover. Studies assessing HBV transmission
HBsAg status. among all HCP exposed to an HBsAg-positive source, regardless
of vaccination history or anti-HBs levels, approximately
Vaccine Nonresponders 6 months after an exposure will help to inform duration of
Vaccinated HCP whose anti-HBs remains <10 mIU/mL after vaccine protection. Surveillance activities for acute hepatitis B
revaccination (i.e., after receiving a total of 6 doses) should infection should continue to ascertain occupation among cases,
be tested for HBsAg and anti-HBc to determine infection in addition to HepB vaccination history. Long-term follow-up
status. Those determined not to be HBV infected (vaccine studies assessing disease incidence and duration of anti-HBs
nonresponders) should be considered susceptible to HBV among persons vaccinated as infants and older adults, including
infection. No specific work restrictions are recommended for persons who received booster doses subsequent to the primary
vaccine nonresponders (91). vaccine series and persons from HBV-endemic areas, also might
provide information on duration of vaccine-induced protection.
Other subject areas that would benefit from research include
Health-care institutions should maintain records, ideally efficacy and cost-effectiveness of antiviral agents for postexposure
electronic records that are easily retrievable following exposures, prophylaxis, immunogenicity of higher dosage or new vaccines
of documented vaccination histories and serologic test results for for revaccinating vaccine nonresponders, and an examination of
reference in managing occupational exposures, and to provide the future role of postexposure hepatitis B virus deoxyribonucleic
to other health-care institutions if requested by the HCP. The acid (HBV DNA) testing.
vaccination information should be entered into an IIS accepting
records from adult vaccination, if available. HCP should be Acknowledgments
provided a copy of HepB vaccination and anti-HBs testing The following persons were consulted during the drafting of
results and encouraged to keep them with their personal health these recommendations: Thomas J. Hoerger, PhD, Christina
records so they can readily be made available to future employers. Ludlow-Bradley, Research Triangle Institute, International, Durham,
North Carolina; Henry Roberts, PhD, Emily Smith, MPH, Steven
HCP with HBV Infection Veselsky, MPH, National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis,
HCP who are positive for HBsAg should be counseled STD, and TB Prevention; Donna Weaver, RN, National Center for
how to prevent HBV transmission to others and referred for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases; Tara MacCannell, PhD,
further evaluation (92). Those who perform exposure-prone Ronda Sinkowitz-Cochran, MPH, National Center for Emerging
and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases.
procedures should be advised regarding the procedures they
can perform safely as per updated CDC recommendations References
for the management of HBsAg-positive health-care providers 1. US Public Health Service. Updated U.S. Public Health Service guidelines
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16 MMWR / December 20, 2013 / Vol. 62 / No. 10

Recommendations and Reports

8. CDC. Update on adult immunization: recommendations of the 32. Lipscomb J, Sokas R, McPhaul K, et al. Occupational blood exposure
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10. CDC. Viral hepatitis statistics and surveillance. Available at http:// 34. CDC. 2000–2012 exposure logs at three healthcare systems in the United
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2011;60(No. RR-7). healthcare: planning and systems to improve health outcomes; 2011.
12. CDC. Recommendations for identification and public health management 36. Hadler SC, Margolis HS. Hepatitis B immunization: vaccine types,
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2012;61(No. RR-3). Press; 2012.
14. CDC. Updated US Public Health Service guidelines for the management 38. Ayoola EA, Johnson AO. Hepatitis B vaccine in pregnancy: immunogenicity,
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prophylaxis. MMWR 2005;54(No. RR-9). 25:297–301.
15. CDC. A comprehensive immunization strategy to eliminate transmission 39. Levy M, Koren G. Hepatitis B vaccine in pregnancy: maternal and fetal
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16. CDC. Hepatitis B virus: a comprehensive strategy for eliminating 41. McMahon BJ, Dentinger CM, Bruden D, et al. Antibody levels and
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and non-infectious cases. Atlanta, GA: CDC; 2012. 43. Alikaşifoğlu M, Cullu F, Kutlu T, et al. Comparison study of the
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19. Wasley A, Kruszon-Moran D, Kuhnert W, et al. The prevalence of 44. Goldfarb J, Baley J, Medendorp SV, et al. Comparative study of the
hepatitis B virus infection in the United States in the era of vaccination. immunogenicity and safety of two dosing schedules of Engerix-B
J Infect Dis 2010;202:192–201. hepatitis B vaccine in neonates. Pediatr Infect Dis J 1994;13:18–21.
20. Ly KN, Xing J, Klevens RM, et al. The increasing burden of mortality 45. Schillie SF, Murphy TV. Seroprotection after recombinant hepatitis B
from viral hepatitis in the United States between 1999 and 2007. Ann vaccination among newborn infants: a review. Vaccine 2013;31:2506–16.
Intern Med 2012;156:271–8. 46. Bouter KP, Diepersloot RJ, Wismans PJ, et al. Humoral immune response
21. CDC. National, state, and local area vaccination coverage among children to a yeast-derived hepatitis B vaccine in patients with type 1 diabetes
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22. CDC. National and state vaccination coverage among adolescents aged 47. Weber DJ, Rutala WA, Samsa GP, Santimaw JE, Lemon SM. Obesity
13–17 years—United States, 2011. MMWR 2012;61:671–7. as a predictor of poor antibody response to hepatitis B plasma vaccine.
23. CDC. Noninfluenza vaccination coverage among adults—United States, JAMA 1985;254:3187–9.
2011. MMWR 2013;62:66–72. 48. Wood RC, MacDonald KL, White KE, et al. Risk factors for lack of
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after drying and storage for one week. Lancet 1981;1:550–1. health care workers. JAMA 1993;270:2935–9.
25. Garibaldi RA, Hatch FE, Bisno AL, Hatch MH, Gregg MB. Nonparenteral 49. Dentinger CM, McMahon BJ, Butler JC, et al. Persistence of antibody
serum hepatitis: report of an outbreak. JAMA 1972;220:963–6. to hepatitis B and protection from disease among Alaska natives
26. Werner BG, Grady GF. Accidental hepatitis-B-surface-antigen-positive immunized at birth. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2005;24:786–92.
inoculations: use of e antigen to estimate infectivity. Ann Intern Med 50. Hammitt LL, Hennessy TW, Fiore AE, et al. Hepatitis B immunity in
1982;97:367–9. children vaccinated with recombinant hepatitis B vaccine beginning at
27. US Department of Labor. Occupational Health and Safety Administration. birth: a follow-up study at 15 years. Vaccine 2007;25:6958–64.
Available at http://www.osha.gov. 51. Middleman AB, Baker C, Hu DJ, et al. Duration of immunity from
28. University of Virginia Health System. International healthcare worker hepatitis B vaccine administered soon after birth among 16 to 19 year
safety center. Available at http://www.healthsystem.virginia.edu/pub/ old youth in the United States. Presented to the Pediatric Academic
epinet/home.html. Societies, Boston, MA, April 29, 2012.
29. Boal WL, Leiss JK, Sousa S, et al. The national study to prevent blood 52. Petersen KM, Bulkow LR, McMahon BJ, et al. Duration of hepatitis B
exposure in paramedics: exposure reporting. Am J Ind Med 2008;51:213–22. immunity in low risk children receiving hepatitis B vaccinations from
30. Gershon RR, Pearson JM, Sherman MF, et al. The prevalence and risk birth. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2004;23:650–5.
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registered nurses and the risk of bloodborne pathogen exposure. Ind
Health 2007;45:695–704.

MMWR / December 20, 2013 / Vol. 62 / No. 10 17

Recommendations and Reports

54. Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. Reilly M. Evidence 74. Tosti ME, editor. Breakthrough HBV infections in vaccinated people:
for cost-effectiveness analysis: non-cost related model inputs. Atlanta, a ten-year surveillance study in Italy. Technical Viral Hepatitis Prevention
Georgia: CDC; 2012. Available at http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/acip/ Board meeting. Milan, Italy; 2011.
meetings/downloads/min-archive/min-jun12.pdf. 75. CDC. Assessment of Hepatitis B vaccination history among healthcare
55. Funderburke PL, Spencer L. Hepatitis B immunity in high risk health personnel with acute Hepatitis B. CDC Surveillance Project; 2012.
care workers. Seven years post vaccination. AAOHN J 2000;48:325–30. 76. CDC. Immunization Information Systems. Available at http://www.cdc.gov/
56. McMahon B, editor. 30 year follow-up after Hepatitis B vaccination in vaccines/programs/iis/index.html.
adults and children. Technical Viral Hepatitis Prevention Board meeting; 77. CDC. Immunization Information Systems. Personal communication,
Milan, Italy; 2011. Gary Urquhart; 2012.
57. McMahon BJ, Bruden DL, Petersen KM, et al. Antibody levels and 78. Shi Z, Li X, Ma L, Yang Y. Hepatitis B immunoglobulin injection in
protection after hepatitis B vaccination: results of a 15-year follow-up. pregnancy to interrupt hepatitis B virus mother-to-child transmission-a
Ann Intern Med 2005;142:333–41. meta-analysis. Int J Infect Dis 2010;14:e622–34.
58. Spradling PR, Williams RE, Xing J, Soyemi K, Towers J. Serologic testing 79. Beasley RP, Hwang LY, Lee GC, et al. Prevention of perinatally
for protection against hepatitis B virus infection among students at a transmitted hepatitis B virus infections with hepatitis B virus infections
health sciences university in the United States. Infect Control Hosp with hepatitis B immune globulin and hepatitis B vaccine. Lancet
Epidemiol 2012;33:732–6. 1983;2:1099–102.
59. Stevens CE, Toy PT, Taylor PE, Lee T, Yip HY. Prospects for control of 80. Stevens CE, Toy PT, Tong MJ, et al. Perinatal hepatitis B virus transmission
hepatitis B virus infection: implications of childhood vaccination and in the United States: prevention by passive-active immunization. JAMA
long-term protection. Pediatrics 1992;90:170–3. 1985;253:1740–5.
60. Tohme RA, Ribner B, Huey MJ, Spradling PR. Hepatitis B vaccination 81. Beasley RP, Hwang LY, Stevens CE, et al. Efficacy of hepatitis B immune
coverage and documented seroprotection among matriculating healthcare globulin for prevention of perinatal transmission of the hepatitis B virus
students at an academic institution in the United States. Infect Control carrier state: final report of a randomized double-blind, placebo-
Hosp Epidemiol 2011;32:818–21. controlled trial. Hepatology 1983;3:135–41.
61. Watson B, West DJ, Chilkatowsky A, Piercy S, Ioli VA. Persistence of 82. Grady GF, Lee VA, Prince AM, et al. Hepatitis B immune globulin for
immunologic memory for 13 years in recipients of a recombinant accidental exposures among medical personnel: final report of a multicenter
hepatitis B vaccine. Vaccine 2001;19:3164–8. controlled trial. J Infect Dis 1978;138:625–38.
62. Williams JL, Christensen CJ, McMahon BJ, et al. Evaluation of the 83. Prince AM, Szmuness W, Mann MK, et al. Hepatitis B immune globulin:
response to a booster dose of hepatitis B vaccine in previously immunized final report of a controlled, multicenter trial of efficacy in prevention of
healthcare workers. Vaccine 2001;19:4081–5. dialysis-associated hepatitis. J Infect Dis 1978;137:131–44.
63. Poovorawan Y, Chongsrisawat V, Theamboonlers A, et al. Evidence of 84. Prince AM, Szmuness W, Mann MK, et al. Hepatitis B “immune”
protection against clinical and chronic hepatitis B infection 20 years globulin: effectiveness in prevention of dialysis-associated hepatitis.
after infant vaccination in a high endemicity region. J Viral Hepat 2011;​ N Engl J Med 1975;293:1063–7.
18:369–75. 85. Seeff LB, Wright EC, Zimmerman HJ, et al. Type B hepatitis after needle-
64. Zhu CL, Liu P, Chen T, et al. Presence of immune memory and immunity stick exposure: prevention with hepatitis B immune globulin. Final report
to hepatitis B virus in adults after neonatal hepatitis B vaccination. Vaccine of the Veterans Administration Cooperative Study. Ann Intern Med
2011;29:7835–41. 1978;88:285–93.
65. Byrd KB, Lu PJ, Murphy TV. Hepatitis B vaccination coverage among health- 86. Seeff LB, Zimmerman HJ, Wright EC, et al. A randomized, double
care personnel in the United States. Public Health Rep 2013;128:498–509. blind controlled trial of the efficacy of immune serum globulin for the
66. CDC. Healthy people topics and objectives index. Available at http:// prevention of post-transfusion hepatitis: a Veterans Administration
www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topicsobjectives2020/default.aspx. cooperative study. Gastroenterology 1977;72:111–21.
67. CDC. Harriman K. Survey administered to infection preventionists in 87. Krugman S, Giles JP, Hammond J. Viral hepatitis, type B (MS-2 strain)
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68. Clemens R, Sanger R, Kruppenbacher J, et al. Booster immunization of 1971;218:1665–70.
low- and non-responders after a standard three dose hepatitis B vaccine 88. Wauters JP, Leski M. Delayed hepatitis after treatment with hepatitis B
schedule–results of a post-marketing surveillance. Vaccine 1997;15:349–52. immune serum globulin. BMJ 1976;2:19–20.
69. Craven DE, Awdeh ZL, Kunches LM, et al. Nonresponsiveness to 89. Zhou F, Euler GL, McPhee SJ, et al. Economic analysis of promotion
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genetic typings. Ann Intern Med 1986;105:356–60. adolescents in Houston and Dallas. Pediatrics 2003;111:1289–96.
70. Bertino JS Jr, Tirrell P, Greenberg RN, et al. A comparative trial of standard 90. CDC. Guideline for infection control in health care personnel, 1998.
or high-dose S subunit recombinant hepatitis B vaccine versus a vaccine Available at http://www.cdc.gov/hicpac/pdf/infectcontrol98.pdf.
containing S subunit, pre-S1, and pre-S2 particles for revaccination of 91. Bolyard EA, Tablan OC, Williams WW, et al. Guideline for infection
healthy adult nonresponders. J Infect Dis 1997;175:678–81. control in healthcare personnel, 1998: Hospital Infection Control
71. Goldwater PN. Randomized, comparative trial of 20 micrograms vs Practices Advisory Committee. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol
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Vaccine 1997;15:353–6. 92. Enfield KB, Sharapov U, Hall KK, et al. Transmission of hepatitis B
72. Alter MJ, Hadler SC, Margolis HS, et al. The changing epidemiology virus from an orthopedic surgeon with a high viral load. Clin Infect Dis
of hepatitis B in the United States: need for alternative vaccination 2013;56:218–24.
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73. Osterholm MT, Garayalde SM. Clinical viral hepatitis B among
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JAMA 1985;254:3207–12.

18 MMWR / December 20, 2013 / Vol. 62 / No. 10

Recommendations and Reports

Expert Panel Members

Douglas Campos-Outcalt, MD, University of Arizona College of Medicine, Phoenix, Arizona; Alexis Elward, MD, Washington University School of
Medicine, St Louis, Missouri; Kathleen Harriman, PhD, California Department of Public Health, Richmond, California; Samuel Katz, MD, Duke University,
Durham, North Carolina; Harry Keyserling, MD, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia; Thomas Koinis, MD, Duke University, Oxford,
North Carolina; Susan Lett, MD, Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts; Brian McMahon, MD, Alaska Native Tribal Health
Consortium, Anchorage, Alaska; Amy Middleman, MD, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas; David A. Nace, MD, American Medical Directors
Association, Columbia, Maryland; Mark Sawyer, MD, University of California at San Diego, California; Brenna Simons, PhD, Alaska Native Tribal Health
Consortium, Anchorage, Alaska; Jonathan Temte, MD, PhD, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, Wisconsin; James
Turner, MD, University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville, Virginia; David Weber, MD, Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America,
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina; Marion Major, PhD, Food and Drug Administration, Bethesda, Maryland; Marie A. de Perio,
MD, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health; Geoff Beckett, PA-C, Kathy Byrd, MD, Scott Holmberg, MD, Trudy V. Murphy, MD, Sarah
Schillie, MD, Philip Spradling, MD, Eyasu Teshale, MD, Fujie Xu, MD, National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention; Erin
Kennedy, DVM, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases; David Kuhar, MD, Cindy Weinbaum, MD, National Center for Emerging
and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases.

Disclosure of Competing Interests

The developers of these guidelines wish to disclose that they have no financial interests or other relationships with the manufacturers of commercial products
or suppliers of commercial services related to vaccines including any related to hepatitis B vaccines, with the following exceptions: David Weber, MD, wishes
to disclose that he served as a consultant and on a speakers’ bureau, whether paid or unpaid (e.g., travel related reimbursement, honoraria), for the following
vaccine manufacturers: Merck, Sanofi, and Pfizer pharmaceutical companies. Amy B. Middleman, MD, also wishes to disclose that she received grant funding
from the following pharmaceutical companies: MedImmune, Sanofi, and Merck.

MMWR / December 20, 2013 / Vol. 62 / No. 10 19


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ISSN: 1057-5987

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