Ifj Kstuk DK Z DK 'KH"KZD Title of The Project: D (KK, Oa Lsd'Ku DK Uke Name of The Class & Section

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Ifj;kstuk dk;Z dk 'kh"kZd

Title of the Project

d{kk ,oa lsD’ku dk uke

Name of the Class & Section

Project report submitted to –

egkfo|ky; dk uke
Name of the College

gLrk{kj ¼funsZ’kd½ % -------------------------------------------

gLrk{kj fo|kFkhZ % ----------------------------------------
Signature(Guide) Signature (Student)
funsZ’kd dk uke % ------------------------------------------- fo|
kFkhZ dk uke % ----------------------------------------
Name of the Guide Name of the Student

fo|kFkhZ dk vuqØekad %
Student's Roll Number:
fo|kFkhZ dk ?kks"k.kk i=

eSa --------------------------------------------------------------------
¼fo|kFkhZ dk uke½ vkRet@vkRet Jh@Jherh
¼vfHkHkkod@ikyd dk uke½ ?kksf"kr djrk @djrh gWw fd
layXu ifj;kstuk dk;Z esjs }kjk Lo;a iw.kZ fd;k x;k gS ,oa
ekSfyd gSA mDr ifj;kstuk dk;Z eSus izks-@MkW-
------------------------------------------------------------------- foHkkx
------------------------------------ ds ekxZn’kZu esa iw.kZ fd;k

fnukad % ------------------------- fo|kFkhZ ds

gLrk{kj % -------------------------------------
LFkku % --------------------------- uke
% -------------------------------------
d{kk %
vuqØekad %
irk %

nwjHkk"kk %

Declaration of the Student

I _____________________________________ Son / Daughter of
Mr. / Mrs._______________________________________________________
class______________________________ certify that the project report entitled
has been prepared by me and is my personal and authentic work under the
guidance of _____________________________________________________
(Name of Guide with Department).

Date: ___________ Signature of Student..................

Place: __________ Name:........................................
Roll No.:....................................
Contact No.:..............................

funsZ’kd dk izek.k&i=

------------------------ Lo;a izekf.kr djrk/ djrh gq¡ fd
------------ds }kjk ifj;kstuk dk;Z esjs ekxZn’kZu esa gh iw.kZ
fd;k x;k gSA ifj;kstuk ds nkSjku budk dk;Z ,oa O;ogkj
larks"k tud jgk gS vkSj ;g ifj;kstuk dk;Z ekSfyd gSA

fnukad % ---------------------------------- funsZ’kd

ds gLrk{kj % ------------------------------
LFkku % ---------------------------------- funsZ’kd dk
uke % ------------------------------


I ___________________________________ (Name of the Guide) of ____________________________

(Name of the Department) certify that the project report entitled ________________________________

has been prepared by __________________________ (Name of the Student) of ______________(Class)

under my supervision and bears the result of his/her original work.

Date: _______________ Signature: _____________________

Place: ______________ Name: ________________________


I am very grateful to Prof. __________________(Guide Name) and all the teachers

who guided me in this project. They have always been an invaluable source of
inspiration, hard work, sincerity and dedication.

It gives me immense pleasure in submitting this project on

_______________________________________________________(Topic Name).

I would like to thank Principal Dr. Abhilasha Natu for her constant guidance and
valuable support during the project work.

And of course nothing could have come true without the proper support of my
family, friends and all the classmates who gave constant encouragement and useful
tips throughout my project. I will always be grateful to them.

Thank you everyone who helped me in this project.

Student Name: ___________________

Class: __________________________

Roll No: ________________________


1. Introduction

2. Motivation in selection of Project

3. Scope

4. Common Terms of the Project

5. Role of the Project

6. Objectives

7. Details of the Project

8. Advantages and Disadvantages

9. Future challenges & suggestions

10. Conclusion

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