Abet So Pi - Summary

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an ability to select and apply the knowledge,

techniques, skills, and modern tools of the

Student Outcome (a)
discipline to broadly-defined engineering
technology activities

2017- Spring Outcome (a)

S.No a1 a2
Able to apply the
Able to select the knowledge and
techniques, skills
and modern tools
1 Total Number of Students 251 162
2 % passing the PI 71.1 85.8

Average % Passing PI a 78.4

% of
S.No Module Name Outcome Class CAs FE Total No. Of Students
Passing PI
PE1A 27 10 27 68.5
1 TICHEM-Y1 a1 PE1B 28 7 29 60.3
PE1C 27 8 27 64.8
PE2A 7 23 26 57.7
2 TPME-Y2 a1 PE2B 17 26 29 74.1
PE2C 15 28 28 76.8
PE2A 23 19 27 77.8
3 TPTS-Y2 a1 PE2B 28 25 30 88.3
PE2C 17 23 28 71.4
PE1A 25 25 25 100.0
4 TCOMP-Y1 a2 PE1B 29 24 29 91.4
4 TCOMP-Y1 a2
PE1C 25 25 25 100.0
PE2A 19 15 26 65.4
5 TPT-Y2 a2 PE2B 22 21 29 74.1
PE2C 23 24 28 83.9

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