Direct Instruction Lesson Template 2017 1
Direct Instruction Lesson Template 2017 1
Direct Instruction Lesson Template 2017 1
Teachers: Subject:
Wesley Nelson, Marina Madrid, Katie Ann Milam Power of Protest (History)
Common Core State Standards:
HS_H4.1- Examine how historically marginalized groups have affected change on
political and social institutions.
HS.H3.4 -Evaluate how societies have balanced individual freedoms, responsibilities,
and human dignity versus the common good.
Objective (Explicit):
Students will be able to identify up to four marginalized people/groups during the 1950’s
to 1970’s that have affected change by verbalizing connections to change viewed today.
Proficiency: The student identifies 2 to 3 groups that have been marginalized in the
1950’s to 1970’s with moderate explanations on how they enacted change. The student
makes a vague connection between the past groups and their modern day influences.
Novice: The student picks 1-2 groups with little to no explanations. The student is
unable to verbalize the connection between past events and their modern day
Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):
How will you review past learning and make connections to previous lessons?
What skills and content are needed to ultimately master this lesson objective?
How is this objective relevant to students, their lives, and/or the real world?
We will be using a Padlet asking what students already know about the civil rights
movement and compare that Padlet to the one at the end. This includes groups and
changes that have been enacted.
They will need to understand the groups that were involved during the civil rights
movement and how they enacted change
Social change has effected all of us in the modern age, and learning about how that
change came about
Key vocabulary: MLK, Black Panthers, Materials: Laptop and/or phone, possible
Stonewall, Women's Right, Maclom X, Anti-war notebook if notes are desired
Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make relevant to real life)
How will you activate student interest?
How will you connect to past learning?
How will you present the objective in an engaging and student-friendly way?
How will you communicate its importance and make the content relevant to your students?
We will be using a Padlet asking what students already know about the civil rights
movement and compare that Padlet to the one at the end. This includes groups and
changes that have been enacted. Also another column that includes students talking
about a time that the student notices social changes in society and if and how it affected
them in a negative or positive way.
This will engage student learning in talking about a time in the present where they
noticed social change, and later on learn
First we will go over a brief presentation of Students are expected to sit and listen to the
the groups that were active and influential lecture, taking notes if they feel they need to.
during the Civil Rights movement. This will Students are encouraged to ask questions if
Instructional Input
give the students some background over they should need further help. They will also
what we will be requiring them to learn. be asked to participate in group discussion
The students will be able to ask questions throughout the PowerPoint, discussing how
if they are confused at any part of the the groups influenced the world around them.
lecture. Also students will be able to
discuss in their groups about what the
think the significance of certain groups
Co-Teaching Strategy
Which co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?
Differentiation Strategy
What accommodations/modifications will you include for specific students?
Do you anticipate any students who will need an additional challenge?
opportunities to practice new content and skills? of the objective, with your support, such that they
What types of questions can you ask students as continue to internalize the sub-objectives?
you are observing them practice? How will students be engaged?
How/when will you check for understanding? How will you elicit student-to-student interaction?
How will you provide guidance to all students as How are students practicing in ways that align to
they practice? independent practice?
How will you explain and model behavioral
Is there enough detail in this section so that
another person could facilitate this practice?
The students will be creating two Venn Students will engage and listen to the
diagrams. One will be comparing and conversation regarding the Venn diagrams so
contrasting MLK and Malcolm X, with they understand what they must do and have
teacher assistance. The other Venn ideas on paper regarding the MLK and
diagram will be comparing and contrasting Malcolm X diagram. Since the students have
two groups the students choose for to do another Venn diagram by themselves
independent learning. The teacher will for independent learning, they must be on
lead the discussion regarding the first task listening to instructions.
couple comparisons and contrasts. The
students will need 4 contrasts each side,
and 2 comparisons minimum.
Co-Teaching Strategy
Which co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?
Differentiation Strategy
What accommodations/modifications will you include for specific students?
Do you anticipate any students who will need an additional challenge?
How can you utilize grouping strategies?
Teacher Will: Student Will:
How will you plan to coach and correct during this How will students independently practice the knowledge and
practice? skills required by the objective?
How will you provide opportunities for remediation and How will students be engaged?
extension? How are students practicing in ways that align to
How will you clearly state and model academic and assessment?
behavioral expectations? How are students using self-assessment to guide their own
Did you provide enough detail so that another person
could facilitate the practice?
How are you supporting students giving feedback to one
Independent Practice
For independent learning, the teacher will Students should be on task, working on the
be walking around the class, helping Venn diagram that was given to them. The
struggling students out, and answering teacher will be walking around to answer any
any questions they may have. This also questions they may have. The students
includes keeping students on task making should follow the example and instructions
sure they aren’t deviating from the task at that they were given. This will guide their
hand. There is already a model they have learning of the groups and how they differed
done with the class, so there is that if they in the change they brought about.
should need help.
Co-Teaching Strategy
Which co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?
Differentiation Strategy
What accommodations/modifications will you include for specific students?
Do you anticipate any students who will need an additional challenge?
The students will use Padlet to post what they have learned, which includes groups and
changes that have been enacted. Also another column on how they groups enacted change in
this time period. We will compare this Padlet from the one at the start of class, to measure if
learning took place.