(1) A critical section is a part of code that can only be executed by one process at a time. A monitor solution uses a lock to ensure only one philosopher can access the shared resources (chopsticks) at once, preventing deadlock.
(2) Linked allocation stores files non-contiguously by linking disk blocks together using pointers. Indexed allocation stores files in contiguous blocks by indexing the location of each block.
(3) For a sample page reference string, the number of page faults using LRU would be 13 and using FIFO would be 14 when the number of frames is 3.
(1) A critical section is a part of code that can only be executed by one process at a time. A monitor solution uses a lock to ensure only one philosopher can access the shared resources (chopsticks) at once, preventing deadlock.
(2) Linked allocation stores files non-contiguously by linking disk blocks together using pointers. Indexed allocation stores files in contiguous blocks by indexing the location of each block.
(3) For a sample page reference string, the number of page faults using LRU would be 13 and using FIFO would be 14 when the number of frames is 3.
(1) A critical section is a part of code that can only be executed by one process at a time. A monitor solution uses a lock to ensure only one philosopher can access the shared resources (chopsticks) at once, preventing deadlock.
(2) Linked allocation stores files non-contiguously by linking disk blocks together using pointers. Indexed allocation stores files in contiguous blocks by indexing the location of each block.
(3) For a sample page reference string, the number of page faults using LRU would be 13 and using FIFO would be 14 when the number of frames is 3.
(1) A critical section is a part of code that can only be executed by one process at a time. A monitor solution uses a lock to ensure only one philosopher can access the shared resources (chopsticks) at once, preventing deadlock.
(2) Linked allocation stores files non-contiguously by linking disk blocks together using pointers. Indexed allocation stores files in contiguous blocks by indexing the location of each block.
(3) For a sample page reference string, the number of page faults using LRU would be 13 and using FIFO would be 14 when the number of frames is 3.
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100 (Weightage : 75%) Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three questions from the rest.
1. (a) What is a Critical Section ? Give a monitor
solution to the Dining philosophers' problem and explain. 10
(b) Describe Linked and Indexed allocation for
disk space allocation. 10
(c) Consider the page reference string :
1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 5, 3, 4, 2, 6, 7, 8, 7, 9, 7, 8, 2, 5, 4 and 9 Calculate how many page faults would occur for LRU and FIFO page replacement algorithms, when the number of frames is 3. Assume all frames are initially empty. 10
(d) What is RPC ? Describe the steps involved
in the execution of a RPC. 10 MCS-041 1 P.T.O. 2. (a) Define a Process. Explain various states of a process. How does a process differ from a thread ? 10 (b) With the help of a neat diagram, explain segmented paging and paged segmentation. 10
3. (a) Consider the following set of processes with
the length of CPU burst time given in milliseconds
and RR (quantum = 4) scheduling algorithms. (ii) Calculate the average waiting time and turnaround time for each of the above mentioned algorithms. _ Note : A smaller priority number implies higher priority. 10 (b) Explain Access Matrix and Mandatory Access Control Security Models. 10 MCS-041 2 4. (a) Explain RAID with different levels. Give the features of each level. (b) Explain the concept of Thrashing. How can we prevent it ? 5 (c) Discuss any SCAN and C-SCAN disk scheduling algorithms. List the advantages of SCAN over C-SCAN algorithm. 10
5. Write short notes on the following : 4x5=20
(a) Multiprocessor Operating System (b) Fault Tolerance in Distributed Systems (c) Characterization of Deadlock (d) Overlays and Swapping