My Israel Survival Guide 2015 16
My Israel Survival Guide 2015 16
My Israel Survival Guide 2015 16
g u i d e
2015-2016 !"#$%&
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g u i d e
2015-2016 / תשע”ו
Didn’t get the Guide?
The Yeshiva and Seminary Students Guide is published annually in the summer.
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Any mistakes found in the guide are purely intentional and they are our way
of getting you to keep talking about our book.
Hello and welcome to Eretz Yisroel, the land that the Creator-of-the-World calls
home. We are the Yeshiva and Seminary Students Guide, and we are dedicated
to helping you acclimate to your surroundings here in Israel.
Israel is in some ways similar to your home town, but in so many important
ways, it is very different. Consequently, your year here will be both exhilarating
and potentially complicated. When you add the fact that many of you are
on your own for the first time, You may find yourself faced with situations
that, with some advice, could be made less difficult. We have tried to compile
the most comprehensive guide to assist you throughout your year. However,
things in Israel change constantly. If there is an important area not covered in
this guide or any subject on which you would like (more) information, please
feel free to contact us.
Be aware that when you first arrive you might feel homesick and wonder
if you made a mistake. This is certainly normal and others in your school
may be feeling the same. Approach fellow students or staff and create
relationships. This will help you become more comfortable
with your surroundings. It’s particularly important to get
sufficient sleep during the first week or two in school.
This will help you adjust more easily and feel much
better. Although teenagers believe they are able to
survive with little to no sleep, those who do sleep
properly will likely feel more energetic, cheerful and
adjust much more quickly. Remember,
when you left home you wanted to
come to Eretz Yisroel for a year (or
more) to grow. Don’t let the first
few difficult weeks get you down!
If we can help you in any way
please feel free to contact us at:
[email protected].
The Fulds
Table of Contents
Settling-in.......................................................................................... 10-35
Yeshivas/Seminaries ..............................................................................12
Cellphones .............................................................................................24
Diras....................................................................................................... 26
Things you Ought to Know About Israel............................................... 30
Laundry Dry-Cleaning ...........................................................................34
Restaurants............................................................................................ 55
Pizza & Falafel........................................................................................ 63
Medical Information/Insurance............................................................90
Health Tips.............................................................................................94
Wisdom Teeth........................................................................................ 96
Therapy................................................................................................ 100
Touring............................................................................................. 192-223
Central Israel.........................................................................................196
Northern Israel......................................................................................201
Southern Israel..................................................................................... 207
Tal. Ohay Yishrei Lev Bat Yam shout out
M. Schuster Rabbi Fo
Tzvi Wo lkenfe
C haim
Tzvi F
ree dma “Easy Shmeezy” Sherizen
Bracha Chana Racheli Shira & Miriam Ari Sher
To receive your shout out say hello to me when you meet me on the street,
or send a SMS to 054-STU-DENT
Dear Student:
A lot of work went into compiling as much information as we
could, to make this the most useful guide for you.
If you enjoy it please let us know at [email protected].
And if you think there is something we can add for new editions
please let us know. You will be doing a tremendous chessed for
students who come after you.
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Food Facts
Your Year
About israel
Around the
year in Israel
Fun &
Sem Stuff
What The
Future Holds
Derech Institute Rav Moshe Lazerus Tel: (02)581-0315a ext.3
22 Shimon Hatzadik Rav Nachy Brickman [email protected]
Maalot Dafna
Dvar Yerushalayim Rav B. Horovitz Tel: (02)652-2817
53 Katzenelenbogen Har Nof [email protected]
Diaspora Yeshiva Rav Mordechai Goldstein Tel:( 02)671-6841
Har Zion Old City [email protected]
Dvar Torah Rav Menachem Eichenstein Tel: (02)537-3896
36 Eli Hakohen Gush Shmonim
Food Facts
Your Year
About israel
Around the
year in Israel
Fun &
Sem Stuff
What The
Future Holds
Lev Hatorah Rav Boaz Mori Tel: (02)992-2617
37 Nachal Ein Gedi Ramat Beit Shemesh [email protected]
Machon Meir Rav Dov Bigon Tel: (02)646-1317
2 Hameiri Kiryat Moshe [email protected]
Machon Shlomo Rav Berel Gershenfeld Tel: (02)651-9088
2 Shaulzon Har Nof
Machon Yaakov Rav Berel Gershenfeld Tel: (02)654 0112
10 Ibn Denan Har Nof [email protected]
Marbeh Torah Rav Naftoli Elzas Tel: (03)570-2090
25 Maharshal Bnei Brak [email protected]
Mayanot Rav Yisroel Noach Wichnin Tel: (02)538.8770
28 David Yellin Street Zichron Moshe [email protected]
Mercaz Hatorah Rav Aryeh Rottman Tel: (02)671-2866
17 Ein Tzurim Blvd Talpiot [email protected]
Mevaseret Rav Shimon Issacson Tel: (02)533-9100
Mevaseret Zion Rav Mordechai Burg shlita 50 Rechov HaOren
[email protected]
Midrash Shmuel Rav Binyomin Moskovitz Tel: (02)566-5302
13 Shaarei Chessed Shaarei Chessed [email protected]
Mikdash Melech Rav Chaim Ben Uliel Tel: (02)643-9657
Haadmor Milubavitch Ramat Shlomo [email protected]
Migdal Hatorah Rav Chaim Ozer Chait Tel: (02)643-9657
12 Nachal Paran Rav Darrel Ginsburg [email protected]
Sound Engineer-Owner
Around the
year in Israel
Advertising Werks
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you’re attention longer.
What The
To advertise here call Future Holds
Food Facts
Your Year
About israel
Around the
year in Israel
Fun &
Sem Stuff
What The
Future Holds
Nachlaot [email protected]
Tiferet 2 Nachal Shimshon Tel:(02)999-7957
Ramat Beit Shemesh [email protected] Around the
year in Israel
Tomer Devorah 54 Atzag Tel:(02)571-6633
Ramot [email protected]
Fun &
In Israel there are two kinds of cellphone plans, Kosher and other. Kosher phones are less
expensive, don’t have the ability to text nor take pictures nor access internet (i.e. no data)
While other phones are all “other phones”. Many of your schools will require you to have
a kosher phone to minimize your phone distractions while you should be learning. Other
schools might suggest you get a kosher phone while others will not get involved in what kind
of phone you use. (There are even schools that try to minimize kosher phones as well. (Hey,
you’re here to learn after all.)
Changing carriers
• You might find out that you are paying too much for your service or you just don’t like the
service you are getting from one company.
• There are no contracts in Israel. You can change your plan at any time (any keep your
• If you bought a phone with monthly payments and you change carriers you will need to
pay off the phone either in one sum of continue making the payments until it is paid off.
• If you change to Golan you will need to pay a one-time sim card fee of 50 shekel. Other
companies have fees as well find out before you switch.
Non-Kosher Phones
• Non-Kosher phones include all other phones and phone plans. You can usually use your
phone from home provided it has been unlocked. Plans range from around 35 – 100 shek a
month depending on how much data you require.
• If you find that having a non-kosher phone is distracting you from learning you will not
be able to switch your current number to a kosher phone. Rather you will need to either
switch your number or buy a simple phone that will be less distracting.
Calling Overseas
Some companies include unlimited overseas calls in their plans, while others offer limited
overseas calling. Make sure your plan includes home phones and cell phone to the countries Buying
that you plan on calling.
About israel
Around the
year in Israel
Fun &
Arranging a Dira
If the housing in your school is pre-arranged (i.e. school run apartments, dorms etc.) consider
yourself lucky. If however you are attending a yeshiva where you are expected to arrange
your own living quarters, there are some things you might want to know before making any
arrangements. Some things you’ll want to know when choosing an apartment (“Dira”) are:
• Who will your dira-mates be? Are they neat (yeah, right)? Are they serious guys or do they
enjoy late nights with loud music?
• How much will the dira cost you?
• Are utilities included? Do we have to split the utilities and how is payment arranged?
• Is there heat/air-conditioning
• Location Location Location? Is it very close to Yeshiva? Is it in a noisy area? Are there issues
with the neighbors?
• Be aware that in many apartment situations you can switch apartments when you need to.
So if you end up in a less than desirable apartment you can leave. It is a good idea however to
try to find a good dira before you get on the plane since the good diras are often taken early.
Israeli Shortcut
Food Facts
•Visa's •Arnona discount's Parents
•Bituach Leumi •Aliyah
Losing Stuff in Israel
I’m like the rest of you, I don’t really think I’ll ever lose anything. Therefore I don’t write my
name on any of my belongings. Until now that is, thanks to this story. On Lag Ba’omer I
took my kids out to the neighborhood bonfire. As we walked around, I apparently placed
my camera somewhere without realizing. When I returned home I realized that the camera
was missing. I retraced my steps but to no avail; the camera was gone. I begrudgingly put up
some signs around the neighborhood confident that I would probably not see the camera
again, for even if the finder would want to look through the pictures, who says they would
recognize my cute little children.
About 1 week later I received a call, “Hello, is this the Fuld’s?” “Yes”, I replied. To which the
caller asked if I had lost a camera. I first wondered how the finder had known my name,
when it became clear that because of an issue that I had had with my bank I was forced to
take a picture of my passport and send it to the bank. The camera finder saw my passport
looked me up in the phonebook and found me. You can be sure when I got my camera back
I wrote my name and number on the casing. I realized then how easy it is to make sure you
don’t lose stuff.
אמר רבי בנימין הכל בחזקת סומין עד DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO?
For any item big or small which is lost or found anywhere in Eretz Yisroel
מן הכא,שהקב"ה מאיר את עיניהם call the גמ"ח הארצי להשבת אבידה
ותלך ותמ־,ויפקח אלוקים את עיניה (Countrywide Lost and Found Information Center) at
Food Facts
Your Year
About israel
Around the
year in Israel
Fun &
Sem Stuff
What The
Future Holds
Things you Ought to Know About Israel
• Gevina levana, which is soft spreadable cheese, comes in containers that look
similar to cottage cheese containers. Cottage cheese is called cottage
• Milk bags are often covered in milk don’t bag them with your fleishig groceries.
• Chareidi men will not sit next to women on the bus. If you are a woman and
there are two men sitting in two separate rows, you can ask them to sit together,
So that you could sit down.
• Some buses are called mehadrin. This means that they are seperated and
women sit in the back section of the bus.
• Many chareidi men will not walk between two women and therefore it is proper
to allow a man to walk around you, or if you are in a store, to allow the man to
walk by.
• The people in israel are different from you in many ways even though they are
similar in so many others.
• Ice cream comes in Pareve and dairy versions; however the packaging often
looks exactly the same. Make sure you look for the little marking saying “Chalavi”
or “Pareve” on the box.
• Margarine and butter packages look similar in Israel. Make sure the margarine
you are buying is Pareve!
• An additional Borechu is said at the end of every Shacharis that does not have
Krias Hatorah, and at the end of every Ma’ariv.
• The minhag in yerushalayim is to not wear tefillin during chol hamoed. Even if
you normally do so back home according to most poskim you would not here.
• In Israel, we begin to say “Vesein Tal Umatar” beginning from the seventh day
of Cheshvan.
• Israelis do sponja (sort of like mopping but different) on Erev shabbos and
sometimes the water sprays down from their houses. If you are dressed for Settling-in
shabbos be careful for waterfalls of dirty sponja water streaming down from
• People give over phone numbers in a strange way. In America you are used to Buying
area code – 3 digits and then four digits. Sometimes Israeis will say four digits
and then the last 3 (or if the number is 321 they might say Shelosh meot esrim
Food Facts
• Want to know that exact time in Israel to the second. call 1455 to hear a talking
clock (Call often if you get really bored) Around
• Buy basic kitchen items to help you cook Pot pan spatula electric burner
• If you like to read there are various used book stores around rechov Yaffo such
as Sefer VeSefel On Yavetz Yaffo one one the side off Binyan Clal off of Jaffa
St. across from the Shuk. - Tel: 02-502-3661 and The Book Gallery 6 Schatz street
off Yaffo there are other as well. Your Year
• Sun is fun, getting a good tan is cool and getting a sunburn hurts geferlich. Be
smart use sunscreen
• Sometimes you’ll see a little kid randomly standing on the side of the street.
His / her mother told him you may not cross the street unless you cross with
an adult. If you are an adult it would be nice if you help the kid cross. (Yes, it’s About israel
interesting that parents do this and that they encourage their children to go over
to perfect strangers but that’s how it is.)
Around the
• Very Important: When you walk into a falafel or shwarma joint, it is up to the year in Israel
store owner how much to fill up your falafel / shwarma. Be aware that falafel
store owners are very proud of their falafel. If you say to them, “Shamati she’kon
mamash memalim hafalafel” (“I heard that you mamash fill up the falafel”) If Fun &
you get the right guy, your lafa will be so full you’ll have enough food for two
Recommended Reading List
While you are in Yeshiva / Seminary there are certain books that you might want to familiarize
yourself with. However you might only find out about them after you have been in school for
a while and then might not know how to get them. Below are some books / seforim that we
thought that you might want to buy in order to be well rounded in the world of Jewish texts.
Mesilas Yesharim – In this, one of the most basic seforim of Hashkafah, Rav Moshe
Chaim Luzzato (Ramchal) lays out the purpose of man in this world and how to achieve
greatness and grow as a jew. Quite possibly the most important sefer you’ll ever learn. The
Vilna Gaon stated that he could not find in the first 3 chapters of Mesilas Yesharim, one extra
word that was not extremely necessary. (also translated into English)
Derech Hashem – Also written by the Ramchal, Sefer Derech Hash-m discusses
the purpose of creation and how the Torah and mitzvos fit into that purpose. Without
understanding certain basic concepts laid out in this sefer, it is difficult to understand how
one could serve Hash-m properly. (also translated into English)
Permission to Receive – Written by Rabbi Leib Kelemen, is collection of 4 essays each
relating rational discussion as to the existence of G-d. If you are the type of person who likes
to question or gets into conversation with people who don’t believe in Hash-ms existence
this book can help you formulate your thoughts and arguments. (English)
Strive for Truth – A translation of many of the great essays from the Sefer Michtav
MeiEliyahu, Strive for Truth discusses some of the most important topics necessary for being
a good Jew. (English)
Shearim Betefillah – One of the deepest seforim on building a relationship with
Hashem through tefillah. Written by Rav Shimshon Pinkus, Shearim B’tefillah is a must for
anyone who want to properly understand the purpose of tefillah and how it connects them
to Hash-m. (Hebrew)
Shabbos Malkesa – By: Rav Shimshon Pinkus. You’ve lived more than 900 Shabbosim, if
you still think the purpose that Hash-m made Shabbos was for rest, you really need to learn
this sefer. One of the most important seforim on the importance of Shabbos, I guarantee you
Shabbos will be completely different when you begin to learn this sefer. (A similar book taken
from Rav Pinkus’ Shiurim is available in English called Nefesh Shimshon: Shabbos Kodesh)
Sefer Chofetz Chaim – The first and foremost book of its kind. The Chofetz Chaim (Rav
Yisroel Meir Kagan) arranges all of the halachos of Lashon harah in a clear and concise format.
Since lashon harah is the reason we are living without a Beis Hamikdash, as the Chofetz
Chaim points out, it is therefore through this mitvah that we will merit the rebuilding of the
Third and final Beis Hamikdash.
Iggeres Haramban (Letter for the Ages) – The letter the Ramban wrote to his son
to instill in him the most important concept on how to live properly as a Jew. Many of the
concepts in the letter must be expounded on to understand them fully. (also translated into
This is obviously not an exhaustive list but just a list of some books to get you started on your
trek to building a relationship with the Almightly. I guarantee if you read these book you WILL
become a different person completely.
• Always have a can of juke spray handy. It is available in any supermarket or makolet and is
called K-300. If a juke dares to appear while you are around just grab your can of spray and let
the little guy have it. You don’t need to empty the whole can on one juke, it will die with just Your Year
your room while you are trying to learn and begins to buzz around your head just name him
any name you like (ex. Shloimy, or Chaim etc.). This will allow you to stay calm long enough
to get your can of roach spray and douse the little guy until he’s on his back in a pool of About israel
poison. If you know someone who hates jukes you can purchase a very real looking fake juke
from most one Shekel stores. Good times.
Around the
year in Israel
For those of you who have encountered ants in your dorm/apartment you should be aware Fun &
that ants love to eat. If you have crumbs or sticky food on your floors ants that live in the
walls of your building will come into your room to partake in your seudah.
Remember: BARAK Sem Stuff
Doing Laundry/Dry-cleaning
When the Jews were in the midbar, the Ananei Hakavod kept their clothing clean and pressed,
but today since we do not have the Ananei Hakavod you will need to do laundry in order to
have clean clothes. Your Yeshiva or Seminary might take care of all of your laundry needs, and
if they do, consider yourself fortunate. But if they don’t, you will have to arrange it yourself.
You can always make massive laundry bags and send them home to your mother and she
can send you freshly laundered clothing with the next person she knows coming to Israel.
But for the rest of you who actually need to do your own laundry, it is important to know
your options.
• If you are expected to do laundry yourself most likely your school will have a machine where
you can do your own laundry. However, you should realize that you are sharing the machine
with all of the rest of the students in your school. If you leave your laundry for too long it will
most likely get moved and you may lose some of your belongings. Be considerate and be on
top of your laundry situation.
• You might be able to arrange to do your laundry at the home of a family. Many students
trade helping out a family or babysitting for the use of their washing machine.
Many students are very concerned with
doing their dry-cleaning in Israel, and
at E s h k ol L a u n d
for good reason. It’s not fun sending
your brand new wool suit into the R am ry
cleaners only to have it come out
shiny. There are many drycleaners in
Israel, and although the profession has
improved over the years it is very wise
to send your “dry-clean only” clothing
to a cleaner that is known to be
reputable and doesn’t ruin clothing, or
• Dry Cleaning • Wash & Iron
will take responsibility if they do. Many
drycleaners have arrangements with • Laundering • Blankets Cleaning
schools where they will pick up your • Sofa & Curtains Cleaning
cleaning and return it to your school. If
your school has such an arrangement, Delivery Service
consider yourself lucky. If they don’t,
you can approach a dry-cleaner and Holyland Kobi (050)4922705
offer to arrange the dry-cleaning in Ramat Eshkol Shopping Center
your school in return for a discount on (next to Haburganim)
your dry-cleaning. “Hapisga cleaners in
the past and have found them to be a Tel:(02)582-5090
reputable cleaning company.”
Food Facts
Your Year
About israel
Around the
year in Israel
Fun &
Sem Stuff
What The
Future Holds
Buying Stuff
• Seforim
• Gifts
• Money
• Budgeting
You may never have believed that your favorite place to be would be a seforim store.
However many Bachurim and Bachurettes find themselves drawn to buying seforim
Buying on a constant basis. Perhaps your Rebbe / Teacher mentioned a book and you think it
would be great for you to learn or perhaps you just want to learn more about a certain
subject or you simply want to build up your library. Whatever the reason, you might
have realized that the prices of seforim in Israel are usually a lot less expensive than
in Chutz Laaretz. So, even if you’re not planning on using a specific sefer this year, it
might be worthwhile to buy it while you’re here to take advantage of the great prices
and selection. If you didn’t bring the seforim you need from home, you can easily get
those seforim here in Eretz Yisroel.
A few times a year there are book sales in all the seforim stores where the seforim are
lessexpensive. Certain publishers like Artscroll, Feldheim and Mossad Harav Kook offer
discounts that are available in all the stores. The sales are usually around Chanuka and
after Shavuos. If you plan on making a large seforim purchase and you don’t need the
seforim right away, it might be worthwhile to wait for the sales.
Food Facts
Your Year
About israel
Around the
year in Israel
Fun &
Sem Stuff
What The
Future Holds
when you leave Israel, the seller can give you a special receipt with which you can
receive a refund of the amount you spent on the V.A.T. If you are on a tourist visa and
you plan to buy a lot of seforim, it is worthwhile to keep your receipts and when you
are planning to go back home, bring your receipts to the store where you bought the
books and ask for a V.A.T. receipt. Check with your bookstore before you start to check
Stuff that they will do this for you. Then bring your receipt to the airport to the V.A.T. desk
and they will refund your money. This is very worthwhile since the money adds up. For
example: if you spent $300 dollars on seforim you’ll get $48 back from V.A.T.
Note: V.A.T. refunds are only given for people holding a tourist visa. So if you are here
for a short time or someone is coming to visit they can take advantage of this law.
The electric current in America is 110 volts while in Israel it
is twice as strong at 220 volts. Therefore if you plug in your
American appliance here it will get too much electricity and
blow. Chaval! If you have brought an electrical appliance from
America you will probably require a converter in order to safely use
it here. Before you plug in anything that you brought from Chutz
Laaretz ask someone if it needs a converter. It would be a shame to
burn out your electrical items just because you didn’t ask. However,
it is much wiser to buy your appliances here. Many stores offer discounts to yeshiva
and seminary students. Some stores have prices on their products and others don’t. It
is generally safer to buy things in stores which list their prices as others might inflate
their prices depending on if they think they can get more from you. sounds unfair?
Welcome to Israeli business. If you like to “hondle” here is a great pace to do it.
Realize that many stores charge higher prices since they know people will “hondle”.
Also, since so many stores are competing for the same business they will lower their
prices very quickly. Some “hondling” techniques are: 1)Decide how much you would
pay for a product before you walk into the store and tell the store owner that is how
much you are willing to pay. 2)Begin leaving the store. Many store owners will throw
out a lower price to get you to reevaluate the purchase. 3)Say “I have to think about
it.” This will help them lower their prices to encourage you to buy from them. You will
generally only be able to “hondle” with an owner of a store. Workers usually can’t
lower the prices so don’t waste your time.
When purchasing appliances be aware of the store’s return policy and warranty. The
policies in Israel are very different from in America. This is just the way business is
run here. Most stores will not refund your money even with a receipt. They will only
offer a store credit, and even that, after some arguing. Save yourself heartache and
understand how things work here before you get frustrated trying to return something
that the store won’t take back.
Adapter vs. Converter Settling-in
most chargers, some shavers. They cost
around 5 shekel. Converters convert the
electric current and are used for most
products including Many hair irons, Food Facts
18 in-depth essays
Around the
Foreword by The
adventures in
year in Israel
Rabbi Zev Leff
Eretz Yisrael.
The book no seminary girl should leave home without.
What The
Future Holds
Another project by
For Parents or Grandparents
• Table Shtender for your father • Bentcher Set
• Beautiful washing cup • Seforim
• Challah Board • Mezuzah
• Family Door Sign • Leather bound siddur/tehillim Buying
• Girls-Take a picture of yourself doing something that would make your mothers
proud; chessed etc.. and have it printed on a mug so your mothers can get nachas
from you even when you come back for a second year.
Food Facts
• Boys-Take a picture of yourself learning and have the picture emblazoned on a
mug and write on it “My Son The Masmid” it will give your parents nachas every
morning when they drink their coffee.
For Kids
About israel
Give a שבת
gift that
will last! Around the
year in Israel
Fun &
14:00-16:00 גם בין:' ו יום ג10:00-12:00 • 19:30-21:30 :'ה-'יום א • 02.581.8122
Sem Stuff
The amount you get for your dollar depends on the exchange rate of the dollar to the shekel
which changes daily. You can call the exchange rate hotline free at 03-912-5777 to find out the
exchange rate for that day for your currency. No money changer will give you the exact rate,
although some will give you closer than others. Find out from friends and teachers where the
best place to change money is so that you don’t get ripped off. Money changers take a fee
when you change checks. The fee varies from one place to another and there may be a fee for
a smaller check. Find out who will give you the best rate as you will be probably be changing
a lot of money here. In some stores you can pay with dollars but most people who will
accept your dollars will take a larger fee than the change places since they don’t work with
the exchange rate all of the time. Therefore, it is preferable to change money before buying
things or taking cabs etc…In many neighborhoods there are people who change money from
their homes. They often give a better rate than the stores and are often more convenient to
get to. Ask around. Aside from all of the official money changers you can change your money
at the bank or the post office. However, they don’t give you as good a rate. In many of the
change places, you can also receive bank transfers from your parents. Some schools have an
arrangement with a money changer who comes to the school to change money. Ask in your
school if they have such an arrangement as it could save you time and energy.
Bring dollars with you Relatively safe and convenient. Some banks have 100%
and leave them by a free ATM withdrawals
family member or in Check changing fee on overseas. No fees with a
school safe exchange* good exchange rate.**
Don’t leave the dollars Not all money changers will Some banks have low
in your “hiding place” accept checks from anyone. fees.
Risk of loss Today you can only change open You can withdraw dollars
checks and not checks made with no fees at Leumi
out to someone’s name. Bank ATM’s
*If your American bank charges an overseas ATM fee you might be better off using checks.
**American Banks that offer accounts with very good rates and no fees for ATM withdrawals: Charles Schwab,
TD Bank (some accounts), Capitalone360, and Investors Bank (N.Y., N.J.)
Food Facts
Your Year
Capital CHANGE Coming
About israel
Keren Kayemet 21, Rechavia Shaulzon 6, Har Nof
(02) 566-3144 (02) 992-2799 (02) 651-6090
Around the
year in Israel
Money in Israel
Green Bill made of shiny plastic. Purple and or Green
Worth about 5 dollars Worth about $12.50
The new green 50 is often confused with the 20 so be careful
*The values are approximate in order to help you figure out prices in dollars. The rate hovers around 3.9 shekel
to the dollar so the shekel is worth around a quarter. However the rate changes all the time.
Food Facts
Your Year
11 Convenient Branches
About israel
main branch
Har Nof
6 Shaulson Around the
year in Israel
Sem Stuff
Maalot Dafna Ramot Efrat
129 Maalot Dafna Ramot New Mall 14 Hadekel
(02)532-1470 Golda Meir Blvd (02)664-4314
(02)534-1917 Touring
Some people come to Israel with an unlimited budget and are always going out and buying
things. If you are one of those people you probably don’t need to look at this section. But if
Stuff you are not, it is a good idea to figure out how to make your funds stretch further. During
your first month in Israel you will most likely spend a lot of money because of your additional
settling in expenses. Keeping this in mind will help you keep track of your money and not
overspend unnecessarily.
1. Buy a loaf of white or whole wheat bread and put it in your freezer. Take out a few slices
when you feel hungry. It will thaw in a few minutes and taste as fresh as when you
put it in.
2. Get your body used to drinking water, and bring a water-bottle when
you go out. Fruit drinks and sodas can cost you a lot of money.
3. Eat more meals in school. Some schools serve good food, some
serve decent food, and some serve really bad food, but no matter
what, it’s better than eating P’tcha everyday.
4. American products tend to be more
expensive in Israel. You can easily find
an Israeli cereal that you enjoy instead of
always looking for your favorite American
cereal. Stuff
1. When going away for Shabbos make sure to take the bus. It is almost always the least
expensive way to travel.
2. Buy less expensive host gifts. A package of Angel’s rugelach or a MAK’s Cake are relatively Your Year
inexpensive and are a perfectly acceptable gift.
3. For those of you who are daring and have an oven why not make a tray of homemade
chocolate chip cookies? You can give most of them to your host and you can enjoy an erev Coming
Shabbos treat.
1. Take buses. The bus system in Israel is efficient for traveling within the city and outside the
city. Make sure to check out the Egged bus information found in this guide. Remember to
Around the
give yourself extra time since buses do take longer than cabs. year in Israel
2. To save money on bus fare, purchase a round trip ticket. This ticket is called a Haloch
V’chazor and is available on most intercity buses. A cartisia or bus card can also be purchased
Fun &
to save additional money on multiple rides to the same location. Recreation
Getting out
Sem Stuff
1. Plan accordingly before you go out to minimize travel cost and frustration.
2. Go out with friends who are in a similar financial situation. It is easier to hang out with
people who are also trying to save money versus those whose parents have given Touring
them carte blanche.
3. Buying food when you are away from school is generally going to
cost you more than if you bring your own food. (Tuna sandwich from What The
Future Holds
home = 3 shekel, sandwich from a store=15-25 Shekel)
4. If you choose to go out to eat, decide how much you want to
spend before you go out.
1. Ask a teacher or someone who works in your school, if there are any jobs available for after
school hours.
2. Don’t carry around a lot of money when you go out.
3. When taking out money try to keep track of the date and amount. Pay attention how long
it takes you to spend it. When you keep track of your money you will spend more carefully.
4. Try to buy seforim/fan/heater/plastic-drawers from people who were in your school last
5. There are so many ways to relax and have a good time that are inexpensive. Do research to
find cheap trips and hikes and remember to bring food along.
6. Think in shekalim not in dollars.
7. Ten shekel coins are worth about $2.50, but since they’re coins you are more apt to spend
them faster. Change that way of thinking. Coins are money too.
8. Prices in Israel are not always set. Some stores sell products significantly cheaper than
others. Research before you buy.
9. There have been many stories of thefts in Yeshivas and Seminaries. Make sure to take extra
precautions and don’t let yourself be a victim.
If you have found other ways to cut corners please send us a text at (054) STU-DENT or email
[email protected] and we will be happy to include your ideas in future printings.
Food Facts
Your Year
About israel
Around the
year in Israel
Fun &
Sem Stuff
What The
Future Holds
Food Facts
• Hechsherim
• Restaurants
• Pizza & Falafel
Rav Landau
Badatz Agudas Badatz Shearis
(Bnei Brak)*
Yisroel* Yisroel*
(03) 619-3582 (02) 538-5251 538-4999
Hours: 9:30am – 3:30pm (03) 677-3330
Hours: 11am - 1pm
Rav Moshe Landau Hours: 9am - 4:30pm
Rav Tzvi Gefner
Rabbanut Harav
Chug Chasam Machpud*
Sofer Bnei Brak* Mehadrin*
Imrei Chaim 45
(03) 618-3572 (03) 579-2601 (02) 621-4830
Bnei Brak
Hours: 10am - 5pm Hours: 9:00am-3:00pm
(03) 676-5888
Rav Shmuel Eliezer Stern Rav Eliyahu Shlesinger
*This list does not imply the reliability of any hechsher. It is simply to help familiarize
you with many common Hechsherim in Israel and to help you if you need to contact any
The following are some Hechsherim that were started in Israel and were declared unreliable by
the Rabbanut. Some call themselves mehadrin while others are called Badatz. There are new Settling-in
Hechsherim opening up all of the time. Don’t assume that because it says Mehadrin or Badatz
that it is reliable. Check with a teacher/Rebbe to find out the reliability of any Hechsher with
which you are unfamiliar.
Food Facts
Your Year
Eating Out
Restaurants Coming
Yerushalayim Restaurants
About israel
Meat / Fleishig
Apropo Tai Noodles Burger Bite
Malcha Mall 3rd Floor Kinyon Rav Shefa
Around the
(02)-651-8585 16 Shamgar year in Israel
Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin (02)538-2660
Badatz Mehadrin Rav Rubin
1 Hamekubalim, Jewish Quarter Boss Bis VIP Fun &
(02)-627-7788 8 Yechezkel Recreation
Badatz Mehadrin Rav Rubin (02) 567-2777
Badatz Mehadrin Rav Rubin
Beis Yisroel
Yosef Ben Mattisyahu 41 Boss Biss Sem Stuff
(02) 537-8653 2 Beis Yisroel
Sun-Thurs: 10:30am-8:30pm Badatz Mehadrin Rav Rubin
(Thurs. Till 10pm)
Fri: 8am-Pm Burgers Bar Touring
Badatz Eidah Hachareidis 12 Tiferes Yisroel
(02) 627-8887
Beis Yisroel Take Out Badatz Mehadrin Rav Rubin
Ezras Torah 18
(02) 538-4534 Deutch What The
Future Holds
Sun-Thurs: 10am-7pm Meah Shearim 32
(Thurs. Till 11pm) (02) 582-9529
Fri: 8am-2pm Sun-Thurs: 12:30pm-9pm, Fri:
Badatz Eidah Chareidis 9:30am- 2pm
Badatz Eidah Hachareidis Yellow
Hechsherim change all the time, check the Hechsher before you eat. 55
Meat / Fleishig Meat / Fleishig
Eli’s Sandwich Bar Hess
5 Haamalaim Heilini Hamalka 9
(02) 625-5515
12:00pm-1:00am Sun-Thurs: 12:00pm-12:00am
(02)581-8312 Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin
Badatz Mehadrin Rav Rubin
Kentucky Fried Chicken
Mevaseret Tzion
Eli’s Sandwich Bar 1-700-506-070
114 Shmuel Hanavi Sun-Thurs: 11am-10pm,
Food Facts (02)650-4888 Fri: 11am-3pm
Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin
Badatz Mehadrin Rav Rubin Keyara
Ramban 8
Entrecote (02) 566-3271
1 Hamarpe, Park Center, Har Chotzvim Badatz Agudat Israel
(02) 571-7002
Sun-Thurs: 12pm-1am Koritz
Badatz Mehadrin Rav Rubin Ralbach 5,
Falafel 4 Taamim (02) 538-0742
12 Beit Hadfus Sun-Thurs: 12pm-12am,
(02)652-8783 Fri: 9am-3pm
Badatz Mehadrin Rav Rubin Badatz Eidah Hachareidis
Korus Al Ha’aish
Grill Burger Yirmiyahu 43,
2 Chalim R.B.S. A Center 1
(02) 999-0006 (02) 538-6061
Badatz Mehadrin Rav Rubin Sun-Thurs: 12pm-12am
Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin
9 Paran Malcha Mall
Sun-Thurs 12pm-12am (02) 679-1088
Badatz Mehadrin Rav Rubin Sun-Thurs: 10:30am-10pm,
Fri: 10:30am-3pm
Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin
12 Yoel Solomon St. (02) 623-6886 La Casa
Sun-Thurs: 10am-11pm
Yakov Meir 12
Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin,
Beis Yosef
Open Til 12 Midnight
Badatz Eidah Hachareidis
Hadar Geulah
5 Givat Moshe 13 Malchei Yisroel Ma’adanei Geulah
(02) 538-2832 Strauss 38
Badatz Eidah Hachareidis (02) 537-0590
Sun-Thurs: 11:30am-9pm,
Hamoshonim Fri: 9am-2pm
66 Kanfei Nesharim Badatz Eidah Hachareidis
(02) 651-6566
Badatz Mehadrin Rav Rubin Maxin Asian Restaurant
Sun-Thurs 12am-11pm
Hapisgah Kikar Denia
10 Hapisgah 103 Sderot Herzel
(02) 642-9240 (02)653-5666
Badatz Mehadrin Rav Rubin Badatz Agudas Yisroel
Hechsherim change all the time, check the Hechsher before you eat.
Food Facts
Your Year
About israel
Around the
year in Israel
Fun &
Sem Stuff
114 Shmuel hanavi st. 5 Ameilim st. (Right off Zonenfeld st.)
What The
02-6504888 02-5818312 Future Holds
Meat / Fleishig Meat / Fleishig
Mechayeh Red Heifer
8 Avyasar Hacohen 26 King David Street
(02) 654-3666 (02)624-0504
Badatz Eidah Hachareidis Sun- Thurs. 5pm-11pm
Badatz Mehadrin Rav Rubin
24 Kanfei Nesharim Ryu
(02)651-7198 25 Emek Refaim
Food Facts
Hours:10:00am-Midnight (02) 561-1344
Badatz Mehadrin Rav Rubin Sun-Thurs: 12pm-11pm
Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin
Nehedar Delicatess Sheyan
Malchei Yisroel 27 Ramban 8, Rechavia
(Corner Yaakov Meir) (02)561-2007
1-700-55-60-70 Sun-Thurs: 12pm-4pm
Sun-Thurs: 12pm-10pm
And 7pm-Midnight
Badatz Eidah Hachareidis
Badatz Agudat Yisroel
Hechsherim change all the time, check the Hechsher before you eat.
Food Facts
Your Year
About israel
Around the
year in Israel
Fun &
Sem Stuff
What The
Future Holds
Dairy / Milchig
Agas VeTapuach Bonkers Bagels
Building 6, Kikar Safra Tiferet Yisroel 5, Old City
(02) 623-0280 (02) 627-2590
O.U. Sun-Thurs: 7:30am-9pm, Fri:
Ahavat Hayam Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin
Paz Gas Station, 1 Ben Zvi Blvd.
(02) 623-6767 Brunch Bagels
Sun-Thurs: 12pm-12am Rav Shefa Mall, (02) 500-4055
Food Facts Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin Sun-Thurs: 8:30am-11pm,
Fri: 8:30am-2pm
Angels Café Badatz Eidah Hachareidis
Kanfei Nesharim 1, & 7 , Yaffo 104,
Hapisga 17, Hapalmach 42 Brunch Bagels
Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin Ezer Yoldot 3, Geula
(02) 500-4001
Angelo Sun-Thurs: 8:30am-11pm,
Horkanos 9 Fri: 8:30am-2pm
(02) 623-6095 Badatz Eidah Hachareidis
Sun-Thurs: 12pm-11:00pm
Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin Bush Bagels
61 Tzefania
American Pie (02) 651-4123
51 Derech Beit Lechem Badatz Eidah Hachareidis
Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin Cafe Inbal
Ein Kerem Shopping Center
Bagel Bite (02) 644-6533
84 Derech Beit Lechem Sun-Thurs: 8:30am-11pm
(02) 671-6890 Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin
Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin
Cafe Korus
Bagel Stop Center 1, 43 Yirmiyahu St.
Shaulzon 58 (02) 538-3507
(02) 652-3998 Sun-Thurs: 8am-11:30pm, Fri:
Sun-Thurs: 8am-7pm 8am-2:30pm
Fri: 8am-12pm Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin
Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin
Cafe Neeman
Bein Hakashatot 8 Paran St. (02) 581-2211
174 Hagai, Near The Kosel Malcha Mall, (02) 679-1515
(02) 628-8680 Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin
Sun-Thurs: 9am-6pm
Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin Cheese and Tomato
52 King George
Belinda (02) 566-6060
9 Diskin St. Badatz Mehadrin Rav Rubin
(02) 563-3995
Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin Coffee Shop
Beit Hadfus St.
Benny’s Restaurant (02) 651-8881
1 Mesilat Yesharim St. Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin,
(02) 625-2403 Beit Yosef
Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin
Hechsherim change all the time, check the Hechsher before you eat.
Dairy / Milchig
Dan Hill’s Restaurant Cafe Menorah Cafe
Yoel Solomon 6 87 Hayehudim St., Old City
(02) 624-2999 (02) 628-9944
Sun-Thurs: 9:30am-11:30pm, Sun-Thurs: 9am-8pm Buying
Fri: 9:30am- 2hrs. Before Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin Stuff
Motzei Shabbos Until 12
Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin
Kanfei Nesharim 24
Dr. Toast (02) 652-4414 Food Facts
Shmuel Hanavi 100 Sun-Thurs: 8:30am-12am, Fri:
(02)582-0058 8am-2pm
Badatz Mehadrin Rav Rubin Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin
Domo Sushi Bar Nechamas Cafe
13 Shamai St. Givat Zeev
Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin Near the gas station at
the entrance to Health
Dulche Latte
Givat Zeev
45 Yaffo St., 2 Luntz St.
(02) 622-2238
Badatz Eidah Chareidis
Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin Maximizing
Your Year
Fri: 6:45am-2pm
Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin Osaka Sushi
Merkaz Sapir 7/23
About israel
Green Good Food Givat Shaul
Keren Kayemet 26 Hours:Sun-Thurs 10:00am-
Rechavya 10:00pm
(02)563-5680 1-700-50-50-12 Around the
Badatz Mehadrin Rav Rubin year in Israel
Chug Chasam Sofer
Holy Bagel
39 Yaffo St., 220 Yaffo St. Pears & Apples In The Square
(02) 624-0435, (02) 538-5806 6 Safra Square, Near City Hall Fun &
Sun-Thurs: 8am9:15pm (02) 623-0280
Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin Sun-Thurs: 11am-11pm,
Fri: 11am-2:30pm,
Korus Motzei Shabbos: Sem Stuff
Center 1 One Hr After Shabbos Until 12
(02) 538-3507 Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin
Sun-Thurs: 8am-11:30pm,
Fri: 8am-2:30pm Touring
Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin Polly Restaurant
1 Yehuda Baka
La Cuisine Sun-Thurs 1pm-1am
4 Yad Charutzim St. Motzei Shabbos Hour After What The
(02) 672-8274 Shabbos Till 1:00 am Future Holds
Sun-Thurs: 8:30am-5pm, Fri: (02)673-7955
8am-1pm Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin
Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin
Hechsherim change all the time, check the Hechsher before you eat.
Dairy / Milchig
Prima Palace Village Green
Shabbos Eat-In Yafo 33
Pines 2 (02) 625-3065
Sun-Thurs: 9am-7pm, Fri: 9am-
(02) 531-1881
Agudat Yisroel Badatz Machzikei Hadas,
Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin
Sheraton Yerushalayim Plaza Waffle Bar
(02) 629-8666 7 Paran
Food Facts Sun-Thurs: 12:30-3pm (02) 581-5434
And 6:30-11pm Sun-Thurs: 8am-12am, Fri: 8am-2
Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin Hrs. Before Shabbos, Motzei
Shabbos: 1 Hr. After Shabbos
Rimon Cafe Badatz Mehadrin Rav Rubin
Open 24 Hours Waffle Bar
4 Lunz Street 11 Beit Hadfus
Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin
Badatz Mehadrin Rav Rubin
Rimon Cafe Yokata Sushi Bar
Mamilla Center Luntz 2
Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin (02)502-0088
Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin
27/5 Shderot Moshe Dayan
Har Chotzvim
Badatz Mehadrin Harav Rubin
Malcha Mall
(02) 679-0163
Sun-Thurs: 9am-10pm
Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin
Yaffa St. 35
(02) 623-2678
Sun-Thurs: 10:30am-12am
(Summer Till 2am)
Fri: 10:30am-2:30pm
Rabanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin
Hechsherim change all the time, check the Hechsher before you eat.
Pizza & Falafel Settling-in
a reliable hechsher er Stuff
the di
Amnons Pizza
Malchei Yisroel 12
Food Facts
(02) 500-2555 Pizza & Falafel
Sun-Thurs: 8am-10:30pm, Fri: 8am-2pm
Badatz Eidah Hachareidis Getting
Angel’s Café
Kanfei Nesharim 7
(02)652-4078 se
Sun-Thurs: 7am-7:30pm, Fri: 7:30am-3pm Maximizing
Cafe - Badatz Mehadrin Yerushalayim Double Pizza – Special Orders | Your Year
Hechsherim change all the time, check the Hechsher before you eat.
Cardo Pizza Falafel Levi
Center 1 Pizza
Food Facts Falafel Mizrachi
Center 1
58 Shachal
(02) -538-1227
(02) 678-1987
Sun-Thurs: 9am-11:30pm, Fri: 9am-1pm
Sun-Thurs: 9:30am-9:30pm,
Rabbanut Mehadrin Yerushalayim
Fri: 9:30am-3pm
Badatz Machzikei Hadas-Belz
Clinton Pizza
Yaakov Meir 11, Geulah Falafel Uzi
Falafel 4 Flavors
Home Pizza
12 Beit Hadfus
10 Chasidei Karlin
(02) 652-8783
(02) 537-1192
Badatz Mehadrin Rav Rubin
Sun-Thurs: 8am-12am
Badatz Eidah Hachareidis
Falafel Hateimani
13 Hartum Jerusalem II
(02) 579-4474 Chai Taib 48
Badatz Mehadrin Rav Rubin (02) 654-0977
Sun-Thurs: 11am-11pm, Fri: 10am-2pm
Badatz Mehadrin - Harav Rubin
Hechsherim change all the time, check the Hechsher before you eat.
Jerusalem II Pinkis Pizza Settling-in
Malchei Yisroel 43, Geula 106 Eretz Chefetz St.
(02) 538-2877 Open 11:00-Midnight,
Hours: 8am- 1am Fridays from 11:00, Buying
Badatz Agudas Yisroel Motzei’sh 1 hour after Shabbos Stuff
until Midnight
Ma’oz Falafel
Badatz Eidah Hachareidis
King George 19 Food Facts
(02) 625-7706
Sun-Thurs: 9am-11pm, Fri: 8am-3pm Pizza City
Badatz Machzikei Hadas, Belz Golda Meir (02) 500-0332
Sun-Thurs: 12pm-2am,
Manhattan Pizza Fri: 12pm-3pm
1 Zichron Yaakov Rabbanut Mehadrin Yerushalayim
(02) 537-8339
Sun-Thurs: 11:30am-11:30pm,
Pizza Bayit Vegan
Fri: 10:30pm-2pm Maximizing
Your Year
Badatz Eidah Hachareidis 37 Hapisga
(02) 642-2290
Oh Magash Pizza Sun-Thurs: 10am-11pm Fri: 11am-3:30pm Parents
Kanfei Nesharim 68 HaRav Ezriel Auerbach
(02) 654-0102
Sun-Thurs: 12pm-12am Pizza Lahit About israel
Hechsherim change all the time, check the Hechsher before you eat.
Pizza Rami Pizza Uri
128 HaYehudim St. 128 1 Beis Yisroel
Old City (02)540-9444
(02) 628-7410 Sun-Thurs: 8:30am-10:30pm,
Sun-Thurs: 9am-12am, Fri: 10am-3pm
Fri: 9am-4pm Badatz Eidah Hachareidis
Milchig - Badatz Mehadrin Yerushalayim
Food Facts
Pizza Yerushalayim
Pizza Reches Malchei Yisroel 43
Chazon Ish 30, Ramat Shlomo (02) 538-2877
(02) 571-1320 Sun-Thurs: 9am-11:30pm,
Sun- Thurs: 11am - 11pm Fri: 9am-3pm
Badatz Eidah Hachareidis Badatz Agudat Yisroel
(ing. Eidah Chareidis)
Pizza Rimini
9 Paran Uziel 94, Bayit V’gan
(02) 581-5405 (02) 641-3256
Badatz Mehadrin Rav Rubin Sun-Thurs: 5:30pm-10:30pm,
Fri: 12-2pm
Pizza Royale HaRav Noivert
Neve Yaakov
(02) 583-3992 Yaleh Bakery and Pizzeria
Badatz Mehadrin Rav Rubin Shamgar 16, Rav Shefa Mall
(02) 538-0144
Pizza Savyon Sun-Thurs: 8am - 12am,
Rachmilovitz 106, Pisgat Zev Fri: 8am - 4pm
Milchig and Parve -
(02) 656-1270
Badatz Eidah Hachareidis
Sun-Thurs: 12noon - 11pm
Badatz Machzikei Hadas, Belz
Pinkei Tshuvos
Pizza Uri Why don’t they teach Navi in Yeshiva?
Malchei Yisroel 6, Geulah Because they’re Non-Prophet
(02) 537-0119
Sun-Thurs: 10:30am-10:30pm, Why don’t they teach Ksuvim?
Fri: 10am-3pm Because then they would have to
get a “Job”
Badatz Eidah Hachareidis
Hechsherim change all the time, check the Hechsher before you eat.
Chalav U’Devash
Mercaz Sheinfeld, Reuven 11
(02) 991-9293 Buying
Sun-Thurs: 10am-9pm,
Fri: 10am-3pm
Badatz Machzikei Hadas, Belz
Food Facts
Sun-Thurs: 10am-10pm
Badatz Eidah HaChareidis
Falafel Naki
Maor 10 Maximizing
Your Year
(02) 992-2525
Sun-Thurs: 10am-10pm, Fri: 10am-2pm
Badatz Eidah Hachareidis Parents
Jerusalem II
About israel
Maor 8
(02) 999-9263
Sun-Thurs: 11am-11pm, Around the
year in Israel
Fri: 11am-2pm
Badatz Eidah Hachareidis
Fun &
Pinat HaSabiach Recreation
Hechsherim change all the time, check the Hechsher before you eat.
Getting Around
• Buses
• Taxis
In your home town you probably rarely traveled on the city buses. However while you are
here in Israel you may very well not be able to ask your mother to drive you to the Kotel or
have access to your own car to visit your friends in another Yeshiva. Taxis are great but can
get pretty expensive. Knowing the public transportation system in Israel and in Jerusalem
in specific will help you get around easily and conveniently.
Around Most buses you will take are run by Egged. Other companies own the rights to run routes in
certain areas throughout the country.
Veolia Buses to Modiin (not Modiin Illit i.e. Kiryat Sefer) *6686
The fare for buses within Jerusalem is presently 6.90₪ for a single ride. Fares for intercity
buses are generally more expensive. Fare prices rise on the first of January each year. To
ride the buses and save money you will need to equip yourself with a Rav-Kav card. The
Rav-Kav allows you to purchase multiple rides at a discounted rate and gives you benefits
that a single ticket purchase will not give you. Purchasing a ten ride package will cost you
55.20₪ which equals 5.52₪ each ride. There are discounts for youths and students which
are generally not available for those holding non-Israeli I.D.s. However there have been
students who have been known to receive those discounts. The rules are subject to change.
Ask the person at the Rav-Kav center when you get your Rav-Kav about the discounts. As of
this writing the Nateev express office on Bar Ilan offered rav kav with youth fares for people
carrying a non-Israeli I.D.
single Rav Kav. If you try to, your double transfer will be erased and you are likely to receive a Settling-in
fine. You also will not be able to use the double transfer on the next bus. You’ve been warned.
(It seems ridiculous and it is but since there are so many different companies working in the
transportation business the rules are far from streamlined and they change every day.
Personal Card (first card is free) Anonymous Card (card costs 5₪) Health
• Must be purchased from one of the Rav • Not registered to you (no picture)
Kav stations (see below) • Transferable (lend to whomever you want)
• Registered to you with your picture on it Maximizing
• Can only be loaded with a regular fare Your Year
• Non-transferable (can’t lend it to your
friend) • Not insured (if you lose it you have to buy
• Can be loaded with a youth / student a new one for 5₪)
fare • You can purchase from any bus driver Coming
• Insured (if you lose it and no one else
has used your card your new card will be
uploaded with the amount that was left About israel
on your old card a new card costs 10₪)
You can fill your Rav Kav card using cash on any bus with various options. You can purchase
a two-ride ticket with no discount and you will still be granted the 80 minute transfers for all
buses which you do not get when buying a single ride. You can also buy a 10 /20 ride package Fun &
at a discounted price (the discount of a 10 ride and a 20 ride package is the same) You can
purchase a monthly pass which unless you plan to take the bus at least twice every day is
not economical (worth-it). If you are limited on cash and you have free use of your parent’s
Sem Stuff
credit / cash card you could fill your Rav Kav card by credit / cash card at light rail train stops.
Light Rail (Rekevet Hakalah)
The light rail otherwise known as the Rakevet Hakalah, is a trolley system that runs from
Pisgat Zev, along route no. 1 past the Old City, up Yaffo, past the Central Bus Station and
down Rechov Herzl. The purpose of the rail system is to ease traffic and create less air
pollution in the center of the city. Your Rav Kav will work on the train and you can transfer
from train to bus and back. Make sure to swipe your card by the sensors to validate your
ride. If you purchase a single ride ticket you must validate your ticket when you board the
train. The police have been aggressive in giving out tickets so beware.
Want to know when the next bus is coming to your stop? Call 058-322-2333 (Hebrew) and
input the code number for your bus stop and find out when the next bus will be arriving.
You can also find out where the bus you are waiting for is located at that moment.
Want to know how to get from one place to another? Whether traveling within the city or
around the country, Call *8787 and speak to a real life person. Tell the operator where you
are and where you want to get to. S/he will give you detailed directions about which buses
to take to get to your destination. -Thank you Dovi Friedlander
Public transportation stops at around 12:00. (There are some special lines called “kavei
layla*” (night buses) that provide transportation to certain areas in the city. But you don’t
belong out after 12:00 anyway, what would your mother say if she knew?) Know the bus Settling-in
schedule for your bus so you don’t get stuck. Some bus lines have night lines. On Erev
Shabbos buses stop running a while before Shabbos, be aware so you don’t get stuck.
*Some seminaries are known to have an agreement with Egged to report any girls who
utilize the kavei layla so be careful;). Stuff
Food Facts
There is a Egged bus map available if you are interested. It is posted at some bus stops
throughout the city and can be obtained from either the Tachana Merkazit or from the
Transportation Authority office in the Merkaz Klal Building on Rechov Yaffo (near Davidka)
on the 5th floor
Food Facts
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year in Israel
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What The
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Jerusalem buses
Some Of The Commonly Used Buses And Their Routes
1 3 6
Tachana Merkazit Tachana Merkazit Kanfei Nesharim
Sarei Yisroel HaMem Gimmel Kiryat Moshe
Panim Meiros /Sorotzkin Sderot Hertzl
Malchei Yisroel
Ezras Torah Tachana Merkazit
Strauss Bar Ilan Givat Mordechai
Tachana Merkazit
Tachana Merkazit
Haneviim Shmuel Hanavi Herzog
Shivtei Yisroel Tzomet Pat
Getting Kotel Teddy Stadium
Around Malcha Mall
6 7 9
b. Hauma
Kanfei Nesharim Givat Ram Herzog
Ramat Rachel
13 14 16
Bayit Vegan
Givat Ram
Jabotinsky Israel Museum Sorotzkin
Tachana Merkazit
Bayit Vegan
17 18 19
Har Hatzofim
Shuk Kvish 1
Ein Kerem
22 26 27
Har Herzl
Food Facts
Strauss Zoo Har Hertzl Train
King George Zoo
Pisgat Zeev
Har Herzl
Ein Kerem
Savtas House Getting
San Simon Around
31 32 33 Health
About israel
34 36 37
Har Hatzofim Ramot A Neve Yaakov
Maalot Dafna Around the
Har Hatzofim
Yechezkel Ramot
Sem Stuff
38 39 42
King George
Har Chotzvim
Neve Yaakov
51 52
Givat Tachmoshet
Neve Yaakov Shamgar Har Nof
Ohel Yehoshua Beit Hadfus
Har Hazeisim
Sderot Eshkol
Hamem Gimmel Givat Shaul
Shimon Hatzadik
Sorotzkin Ezras Torah
Yechezkel Ezras Torah Bar Ilan
Tachana Merkazit
Har Hazeisim Machal
Har Nof
Tachanah Merkazit Givat Hatachmoshet
54 55 56
Har Hamenuchos
Givat Shaul Golda Meir
Beis Yisroel
Kanfei Nesharim
Kanfei Nesharim Shmuel HaNavi
Givat Shaul
Givat Shaul Yirmiyahu Yechezkel
Har Hamenuchos Malchei Yisroel Strauss / Yeshayahu
Rmat Shlomo
T. Merkazit
Shmuel Hanavi
Har Nof
Beis Yisroel
57 59 64
Har Chotzvim
Neve Yaakov
String Bridge
Neve Yaakov
65 67 68
Pisgat Zeev Kanfei Nesharim Har Hatzofim
Givat Ram
Sderot Eshkol
Tachana Merkazit Sderot Eshkol
Bar Ilan
Givat Ram
Kanfei Nesharim
71 72 74
Ramot Ramot Har Nof Buying
Derech Chevron
Golda Meir Golda Meir Kanfei Nesharim
Yechezkel Yechezkel Kiryat Moshe
King George King George Tachana Merkazit
Gan Hapamon Gan Hapamon Shuk
Food Facts
Derech Chevron Derech Chevron Yaffo
Rosmarin Rosmarin King George
Gilo Gilo Derech Chevron
Har Nof
75 77 78
Kanfei Nesharim French Hill Talpiot / Armon Hanetziv
Derech Chevron
Ramat Eshkol
Tachana Merkazit King George
Eretz Chefetz Talpiot
Shuk Yechezkel Yaffo
King George Your Year
Yaffo Shuk
Emek Refaim
French Hill
Derech Chevron
About israel
Around the
year in Israel
Fun &
Sem Stuff
What The
Future Holds
Making Aliyah from within Israel
Nefesh B’Nefesh’s Guided Aliyah program allows US, Canadian, and British citizens currently
residing in Israel to make Aliyah from within the country while receiving the full array of
Nefesh B’Nefesh services. The Guided Aliyah process is convenient, fast and efficient,
allowing participants to avoid bureaucracy at the Israeli government offices.
Guided Aliyah has been increasing in popularity since its inception in 2004, and more people,
including Yeshiva and Seminary students, are taking advantage of the program each year.
Many students, who decide to make Israel their home, prefer Guided Aliyah for its wide array
of benefits and effortless process. Many students may be eligible to receive the entire basket
of Aliyah benefits offered to Olim as the less time one has resided in Israel before making
Getting Aliyah, the more benefits one is eligible to receive. For more information on your eligibility,
contact Nefesh B’Nefesh’s Guided Aliyah department.
Some of the major benefits of making Aliyah include free education, financial grants, and
other government incentives. The cost of education in Israel is significantly less than abroad,
and Olim receive free tuition or a considerable subsidy towards their Bachelor’s or Master’s
degree. Olim also qualify for a number of additional benefits including rent subsidies, Arnona
discounts, free Ulpan, and more. Nefesh B’Nefesh Olim receive financial grants beyond the
absorption basket (Sal Klita) provided by the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption (Misrad
Haklita). Many students who opt for Guided Aliyah receive financial grants as it is awarded
on a needs basis.
Yeshiva and seminary students are uniquely positioned to take advantage of Guided Aliyah
and the benefits it has to offer, and there is no time like the present to begin the process.
Contact us at:
[email protected]
The Yeshiva & Seminary students’ survival
guide to a successful year in Israel
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What The
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Intercity Buses
Most of your time here should be spent growing in the institution in which you are enrolled.
You will find that this will maximize the gains of your experience here in Israel. However, you
may find that you need to go away for Shabbos, visit a family friend, go to a simcha or just
feel like getting out. Knowing which bus to take, will save you a lot of time and energy. The
following is a list of (Mostly from Yerushalayim) that will take you throughout the country.
Some of the routes change from time to time and therefore it is always good to call *2800
before you make a trip to find out how to get to your destination, and to find out the time
schedule to prepare your trip accordingly.
Kiryat Sefer 300, 310, 320, Sarei Yisroel and
330, 340 Bar Ilan Junction
Maale Adumim 122, 123, 124 Binyanei Hauma and
Food Facts
Bar Ilan Junction
Meiron, Tzfat 982 Bar Ilan and Binyanei Hauma
Mevaseret 154, 155 Binyanei Haumah
Modiin 110 Sarei Yisroel and Getting
Bar Ilan Junction veolia
Moshav Matityahu 310, 320 Sarei Yisroel and
Bar Ilan Junction Health
Netanya 930, 947 Central Bus Station
Neve Aliza 465 Central Bus Station egged
Neve Daniel 160, 161 Central Bus Station Your Year
Taxis in Israel are white and they have a yellow dome light on top. A taxi in Israel is called a
“Monit”. Most taxis have a placard in their front window letting you know to which company
they belong. It is a good idea to pay attention to the placard before you enter the taxi for a few
• If there is no placard or the placard is of a company you don’t recognize you might not want
to get in the cab.
• If you forgot something in the cab you can call the company and they will try to help you get
it back.
• Some taxi companies are careful to only hire Jews.
There are two ways to get a taxi (monit)
1. Flag one down on the street. (might take more time unless you are in a busy area or if you
daven. Also might not be a driver with whom you want to travel) This is done by sticking
your finger slightly away from your body toward the street as the taxi is passing by. Watch how
the natives do it. Sometimes a cab will not pick you up because he simply doesn’t feel like it.
Don’t be insulted, it happens to the best of us.
2. Order from a company for an additional charge of 4.70 NIS (safer and more efficient).
When you order a taxi you will hear the dispatcher mumble over the phone. Just say
“monit L…..(where you are)” he’ll mumble again and your taxi will be on its way. If you can pay
attention to the second mumble it is worthwhile since sometimes he’ll say “sholeach”, which
means a taxi is coming soon or he’ll say “eser dakot” Means you won’t be getting a cab for
another ten minutes. If you called a cab and a cab from another company arrives before your
cab you should not take it, as you will have caused the other cab to come get you for no reason.
Bar Ilan Taxi is a very good company to use if you will be ordering a taxi for a few reasons. 1. They
use only Jewish drivers 2. They are dependable 3. They don’t charge the extra 4.70 shekel fee
when you order a cab.
It’s hard being a taxi driver. Try to be nice and pleasant when you ride, but don’t under any
circumstances give or lend any driver extra money because he told you a sob story about his
sick wife or kids etc…many Israelis have learned that Americans are rich and very nice and if you
make them feel bad they’ll give you some of their money.
The driver is required to turn on the meter called a “moneh”, when he drives. If he does not
turn on the moneh make sure you have agreed on a price before you begin traveling. If you are
overcharged by a cab you should ask for the driver’s name and identification number, and you
can file a complaint with his company.
The meter starts at 12.90 and goes up by 30 agurot periodically. After 7pm and on Holidays
(including Israeli holidays) the rates change and it might cost you much more to travel at night
than during the day. If you have bags in the taxi trunk make sure to leave your door open while
you go to the trunk so the driver doesn’t drive off thinking you are done.
Pay when everything is out of the car and you are comfortable.
Note: There is an additional charge of 3-4 NIS per suitcase, as well as a charge of 3-4 NIS if there
are more than 3 passengers over the age of five.
Jewish Drivers Only
Navi Taxis
Food Facts
Look for
the Bar Ilan flag/sign
in the window Maximizing
Your Year
(02)586-6666 Parents
About israel
We accept all credit cards!
Sem Stuff
24 hours a day.
Taxi Companies
Bar Ilan-Navi 586-6666 / 581-4444 Narkis Liniado 09-884-4444
Derech Eretz (02)999-0999 Chen (08)833-3333
Fribirt 500-0034, 500-0017 Hashachar (08)882-2222
Ganei Geulah 500-2221
Geula 623-2341
Givat Shaul 651-1222 / 651-2111
Canaan (04)697-0707
HaDaka Ha-99 500-0787
Getting Ha’ari (04)692-2228
Around HaPisga 642-1111
Har Nof 651-1111
Hatzafon 586-2222 Haifa
Hatzomet *6648 / 500-0005 Freud (04)850-0886
Kikar Shabbos 572-2222 Merkaz Chorev (04)888-8888
Ramot Alon 500-0003 / 502-2222 Carmelit (04)866-4640
Rav Sheva 537-1144/ 500-2003
Romema / Rav Shefa *5400/ 538-5555
537-1144 / 500-2003 Beit Shemesh
Tehillim 502-3755 Hamerkaz (02)999-5656
Nesher (02) 623-1231, (02) 625-7227 Marciano (02)999-9998
Haramah (02)999-9999
Kiryat Sefer
Smadar 08-974-4777 Bnei Brak
Chevel Modi’in 08-974-5557 Bnei Brak (03)578-0066
Tzadok 08-974-666 Dakar (03)676-8181
Sheinkin (03)579-5656
Moniot Ha’Ir 538-0777 Yavne
Sharett 999-6666 / 7777 Yavne (08)933-0067
Hamerkaz 999-5656
Nesiah Tovah (057)311-5579 Rechovot
Gordon (08)949-3333
Bnei Brak Hanassi (08)946-2626
Bnei Brak 03-578-0066 / 7 Hanegev (08)946-6666
Dakar 03-676-8181 / 12 Remez (08)945-5555
Nitzav 03-618-1178 / 60
Kal Kanesher 03-578-8889 / 2
Food Facts
Your Year
About israel
Around the
year in Israel
Heritage Seminars
Twenty Fifth Anniversary – April 17-11
Fun &
To Poland. Greece, Prague Recreation
Heritage Seminars are unique educational experiences which study Jewish history and
Jewish ancestral roots in Eastern Europe. Through extensive visits to the destroyed Sem Stuff
centers of Jewish life and scholarship, participants strengthen their knowledge
and awareness. Heritage excels at meticulous planning in the
areas of educational curriculum, logistics, staffing, strict kosher To see
requirements, medical personnel, and security. To date, we have Heritage Video
served the educational needs of over 13,000 participants from 25 Presentation,
Yeshiva One Year Programs. In celebration of our 25th anniversary, scan:
Heritage Seminars will be offering study programs to Poland, What The
Future Holds
Prague, Lithuania, Berlin, Spain and Greece.
Visit us at, or on Facebook. Our office
at the Beit Hillel, Hebrew University, Mt. Scopus: 0231-582-02.
E-mail: [email protected] Yellow
• Medical Information/Insurance
• Health Tips
• Wisdom Teeth
• Therapy
Medical Information
Being on your own in Israel has many benefits as well as some
responsibilities. If you had a medical situation back home your
mother probably took you to the doctor, and it probably never
occurred to you that while you were at the doctor or hospital
your mother was arranging payment for the doctor through your
insurance. While you’re here all of those technical details will have
to be taken care of by you. Your parents might have already signed
up for insurance for you or you might have to sign up yourself
(see below for medical care options). All plans cover sick visits,
hospitalization, and medications. All Yeshivas and Seminaries
require you to have some sort of medical care plan. Not all doctors
are covered by all medical care plans. Make sure that the doctor you
plan to visit is covered by the plan you have signed up with (make sure to bring your card to
the doctor).
Some schools provide a doctor or nurse who works with the school to deal with any medical
conditions. If, however, your issue can’t wait, contact the director of your school in order
to find out where to go. In an emergency, you will probably need to go to Terem, which is a
network of medical clinics operating throughout the country. Motzei Shabbos and Motzei
Yom Tov are very busy times in emergency rooms and you might end up waiting a while, so
think ahead. Terem works on a triage system which means the more emergency emergencies
will get attention before the less emergency emergencies. A broken arm won’t get more or
less broken if it waits a while, whereas a heart attack needs immediate attention. I’m not
suggesting that you tell the terem people that you’re having heart attack when you break
your arm and you want immediate service I’m just saying be prepared to wait for all of the
heart attack people to clear out before you get your Hello Kitty cast.
Meuchedet is one of the medical programs which provide medical care in Israel. They have
student plan for tourists. The cost per month for basic coverage is around the same as other
insurances. There is an addition cost for better coverage. You can find out more by calling
*3833 from any phone and ask about their system. You can sign up at the Meuchedet
Clinic in Beis Yisroel (02)650-3219.
Food Facts
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year in Israel
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What The
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HAREL (Marketed by Egert & Cohen)
This is a private insurance company specializing in tourist insurance (cost $1.15 per day).
The policy covers doctor’s visits, hospitalization, x-rays, lab test and dental emergencies
The plan works with contracted English speaking doctors so there is no need to lay out any
money, and no deductible. Both Terem (24 hour emergency center) and the Family Medical
Center in Shaarei Chesed are contracted to the plan, as well as tens of other doctors and
clinics throughout the country. There is now also an option to cover pre-existing conditions.
This plan is marketed by Egert and Cohen a Jerusalem based insurance broker. They have a
dedicated English speaking staff with over 20 years experience. Call (02) 6232546 or sign up
online at: https://www.
There is now also an option to cover pre-existing conditions. This plan is marketed by Egert
and Cohen a Jerusalem based insurance broker. They have a dedicated English speaking
staff with over 20 years experience. Call (02) 6232546 or sign up online at: https://www.
A.I.M. is a medical program with contracted doctors who work for the system.
There is an A.I.M. Medical center at 15 Kanfei Nesharim Givat Shaul as well as one in Ramat
To make an appointment call (02) 999-9246
WHAT TO DO IN AN Settling-in
If you have Meuchedet depending on the
time of day you might be required to go Stuff
A Haftorah moment - While listening
to the haftorah you say “Ah, that’s where Fun &
they got the song from”
Moment of Hope - Right after Chazaras
Hashatz when you think Maybe theres no
tachanun today.” Sem Stuff
Healthy sleep habits will help you think better in school and gain more during the year.
Imagine using a single muscle in your body extensively until it is sore. Then try to use
it to its capacity. You will find that unless you give it its needed rest it won’t work to
capacity. Your brain is the most important muscle you have, give it some rest. (you might
be thinking.. “let my mind rest, it’s never been awake it doesn’t need rest” well if you are
thinking that, you have a lot to gain by being in Israel for the year)
• Jet lag- It usually takes a few days to get over jet lag (for some it can take a few
weeks). During that time it is possible that you might begin to feel upset, sad, edgy
or otherwise off. Realize that this is normal and you should wait until your body clock
catches up before you make any big decisions.
• Making-up Sleep - You can’t make-up sleep. Ever notice how much more tired you are
on Sunday morning even though you slept so much over Shabbos. The more you sleep
the more you train your body that you need sleep.
• Consistency - Some people thrive on 6 hours of sleep, some on 7, and some on 8. But
nobody thrives on erratic sleep habits. Decide how much sleep you need and get that
much consistently. If you sleep less or more than that, you will be tired.
• Bedtime - Ever notice that older
people can go to sleep without
concerning themselves that
they might miss something fun
that is happening late at night.
Mature people recognize that
maintaining healthy sleep habits
is more important than being able Quality. Fashion. Service
to talk about something crazy that
happened in the dorm last night.
• Water - Your body is used to the
water from your hometown. Water
in foreign countries can disturb your
stomach, Israel is no different. Some
people acclimate to Israeli water
quickly, while some get sick from it. Your all in one exclusive optical boutique
It is not a bad idea to begin drinking אעד
ג קלב
ד ל א ך על
bottled water and slowly get your Contact lenses sunglasses eye exams Glasses
want to eat a ton of it. White bread will make you tired and lethargic. If you eat a lot, Settling-in
it will also help you gain weight. So if you are suffering from underweightness it might
be a good idea to eat a lot of white bread.
• Late Night Snacking - You will probably spend late nights snacking. Snacking on Buying
healthy foods will help you stay healthy. If you snack on junk food and Iced coffee, you
will find that you are more edgy and get more upset at your roommates for no reason.
• Oily Foods - Your body might react poorly to various foods that you might not be Food Facts
used to. Oily foods might cause acne breakouts for people, even if normally they don’t
experience problems.
• Dehydration – Always keep a bottle of water in the freezer and take one wherever you Getting
go. The sun in Israel can be brutal.
• Shampoo - Some people notice more hair on their brush than they normally see. This
might be caused by the type of shampoo you use. It is worthwhile to use good Israeli
shampoo and not shampoo that you brought from America. Parents
About israel
Around the
year in Israel
Convenienly Located In Mattersdorf Touring
Panim Meirot 3,3rd Entrance Bottom Floor
Wisdom Teeth
by Dr. Zipora Gelernter
The issue of when to extract third molars (wisdom teeth) has long been an area of
question. Facts show that third molars frequently fail to assume a healthy, functional
position within the dental arch. When it is determined that an impacted tooth will
not perform a useful function, removal is often suggested. As patients become older,
increasing hardness of bone and decreased ability to heal wounds are also significant
factors in favor of early removal. Therefore, extraction between the ages of 17 and 21,
before root development is complete, can considerably simplify the procedure. Potential
complications include: debris and bacteria accumulation under the skin of partially
erupted third molar, which lead to symptoms including a swelling and redness of the
gum around the site, difficulty in opening the mouth, a bad odor or taste in the mouth,
and pain in the area which may also run down the lower jaw to the ear or neck. Another
common situation is that of cyst formation which may produce pain or swelling. TMJ pain
and dysfunction have also been noted. With any procedure, one must carefully weigh
the advantages and disadvantages. With modern anesthetic techniques, extraction
of a wisdom tooth is painless procedure. Anxiety, pain, infection and swelling can be
significantly controlled or eliminated by use of medications before, during and after the
procedure if necessary.
Our staff will work with you to make your experience an exceptional one. We provide the
warmth and care that you’ll rave about. Call for a consultation.02 625 9682
Your smile is important to us!
• Over 35 years experience
• State of the art dentistry
• English speaking Stuff
• Digital x rays
• Laser technology
For over 35 years Dr. Weiss has been providing Food Facts
top quality dental care to his patients, with
the most advanced technology, materials and
techniques. Dr. David Weiss D.D.S.
Last stop on the light rail train Getting
18 Bayit Vegan 02-6430952 • [email protected] Bus lines 39 21 & 23 33 16 Around
About israel
Around the
year in Israel
Fun &
Sem Stuff
(84 Shaulzon st.)
19 רח' בראנד Har Nof, Jerusalem
)84 (רח שאולזון Tel: 6528750
ירושלים,הר נוף After Hours: What The
Future Holds
Avoid March Madness
By: D. Silverstein
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year in Israel
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What The
Future Holds
Chazal tell us that there is an angel standing above every blade of grass telling it “GROW”.
If that is the case by blades of grass how much more so is it true by each and every one
of us. The pivotal year(s) each of us spends in Israel are not just coincidently the same
years that we are turning from dependent teenagers to self-sufficient, self-reliant adults.
Most of us left our parents homes and for most of us this is the first time we are on
our own for such an extended period of time. This opportunity that many refer to as
“The Year(s) in Israel” is a year that is filled with growth in so many areas of life. We will
all hopefully mature and build ourselves in our connection with Torah as well as build
healthy relationships that may last a lifetime.
It is not coincidental that during this year many students find themselves introspecting
and discovering their inner selves. Many discover that they are very happy with what
they find. Some students however, begin to look deeper inside themselves and find that
there are certain issues that they would like to have someone help them work through or
just to have more clarity on. (One student looked so deep inside himself that he found a
piece of bubble gum that he swallowed when he was four.) Many of us have gone through
personal traumas, and others, just through difficult situations that could use a little
working through.
“Issues are like tissues, sooner or later you have to throw them away.” Going to a therapist
does not necessarily suggest that there is something wrong with you. Many people go to
therapists for the purpose of gaining life skills in order to help them work through their
problems. Working through your issues while you are still young will give you skills which
will better assist you in life as you grow and enter into adulthood. It will prepare you in
dealing with other situations that might come your way.
There are many very qualified and good therapists and psychologists available to help
you in whatever area of life you might need assistance with. Your teachers might be able
to suggest someone with whom they have experience as being a good therapist. If you
are looking for a therapist and you don’t seem to be able to find the right one for you, you
can call or text us at (054)STU-DENT or email us at [email protected] and we
will be happy to assist you in finding a professional to help. The call / email will be kept
100% confidential.
Finding Your Feet in Israel Settling-in
Coming to Israel for Yeshiva or Seminary is a big step. You have come for an uplifting, spiritual Buying
experience, but you may be facing some unexpected challenges along the way. As you navigate your
way in the Holy Land, adapting to the new language and culture, let me try and help you find your feet.
1. Walking, walking and... more walking! Whether you are walking to the bus stop, going to
the Old City, or meeting up with friends in Mamilla, you will soon realize that this is much
more walking than you are used to, and without access to a car, your feet now have to work Around
a lot harder. You may have noticed the soles of your feet ache and perhaps you are suffering
from uncomfortable hard skin, or worse, an ingrowing toenail.
2. Missing the carpet? You wake up in the morning, roll out of your bed and place your feet
down on to... a cold, hard floor! That same hard flooring will, most likely, be with you wherever
you go in Israel. Carpets are rare to find here, and your feet will be missing them the most. Health
The soft, cushioning-effect of carpet (even when your shoes are on) minimizes the shock to
the foot with each step. When you arrive indoors after all that walking outside, your feet will
be longing for comfort – but it may be hard to find.
3. What’s that smell? If your roommates complain when you take off your shoes, it’s probably Your Year
because the Israeli climate is making your feet sweat more. Apart from for the unpleasant
smell, you may also be experiencing itchiness and have cuts between your toes – the tell-tail
signs of a fungal infection. Parents
Simple solutions:
1. It’s all in the shoe! If your lifestyle and the flooring here aren’t creating the most friendly About israel
environment for your feet, you need to do the job for them. Wearing comfortable, supportive
shoes that have a shock-absorbent sole will make a huge difference to how you feel on your feet.
If you were on the treadmill for 45 minutes you would undoubtedly be wearing sneakers. Well,
keep this in mind when choosing which shoes to wear, not only when trekking 45 minutes to Around the
year in Israel
the Old City, but each and every day when your feet are having to deal with more than ever
before. And don’t compromise on your comfort so as to keep with the latest fashion - you can
really get away with it here in Israel and your feet will be forever thankful!
2. Clean and dry! Even if, admittedly, you skip the odd shower, try take care of your foot Fun &
hygiene by washing your feet well and making sure to dry them properly afterwards. Having
sweaty feet is an open invitation to fungal infections (Athlete’s Foot). To help further prevent
or treat this, you can buy an anti-fungal powder or cream at most pharmacies.
Sem Stuff
I really hope this advice helps you to have a comfortable and pleasant experience here in Israel,
so you can focus on your true goal of spiritual growth, without any distractions from your feet!
But should you have any foot-related concerns, or just need some podiatry advice please feel free
to be in touch using my contact details below. Wishing you much Hatzlacha with the year ahead!
What The
Future Holds
Your Year
• Goals
• Rebbe
• Chessed Opportunities
You may have never heard of hisbodidus but if you try it you might begin wondering how
you ever lived without it. In a world where we are constantly in-touch and busy, hisbodidus
can give you a time to refresh and connect to Hashem in a way that you never had before.
Hisbodidus literally means “solitude” which is exactly what it is. Hisbodidus is your private
time with your Creator where you can talk to Him and show Him appreciation for all that He
has given you and lay all of your issues upon Him. Is it your complete separation from the
outside world and complete immersion into yourself and your relationship with Hashem.
Hisbodidus should initially be performed in short periods, extending as you get comfortable. In
order to perform hisbodidus you will need to:
• Separate from any technological devices that may suddenly disturb you.
• Find a private area away from all human beings where no one can hear you,
and at a time when no one can suddenly disrupt your session
• Sit and breathe deeply for a minute or so to calm yourself, clear your mind.
Maximizing • Read or recite one perek of tehillim (preferably one you know well)
Your Year
• Visualize the greatness of the world either with your eyes or in your mind
Then begin to speak.
Think of things that you would like to thank Hashem for and begin to thank Him aloud.
Here are some examples of what you might say.
• Thank you Hashem for choosing to create such a beautiful glorious world.
• Thank you Hashem for the sun, the moon, the stars, trees, mountains, rivers, beautiful
creatures, “how glorious is your world Hashem”
• Thank you Hashem that You feed and sustain all beings and all this out of pure
graciousness because you are not required to do so
• Thank you Hashem for creating me and gaving me life and allowing me to feel that I
• Thank you Hashem for creating me as a person and not as an animal and you gave me
the ability to understand things and to read and write and to be aware of your existence.
• Thank you Hashem for making me a Jew and being my G-d
• Thank you Hashem for making me healthy and whole and that
all of my body parts work.
• Then begin your free conversation with Him. You can
continue to thank Him, complain to Him, ask Him for
assistance in a specific area in life or any other type of
conversation. Realize that he is listening to what you
have to say and you are important to Him. You won’t
hear him respond to you in words but you will experience
him respond to you in action. If you don’t gain from a first
session try again
Rebbe/Mentor Settling-in
Rav Moshe Chaim Luzzato in his sefer Mesilas Yesharim discusses a complicated garden- Buying
maze made of bushes, in which there is a platform in the middle, on which one can
stand and see the entire maze. When entering the maze it would be very difficult for the
average person to make his way toward the center, as the maze contains many twists and
unexpected turns. If a person entering the maze will look toward the middle of the maze Food Facts
he will see the head of a man raised above the bushes; the man on the platform. From his
vantage point he can see the entire maze and all of the people inside of it. If any of the
maze travelers will ask the man for advice how to reach the middle he will gladly tell them, Getting
“Turn right then left…..” It would seem foolish if someone would know that there is a man
in the middle who has traveled the maze already and would not ask his advice.
In the world of Torah there are many great people who have gone through the trials and Health
tribulations you may be going through. They have risen above all else and have built
themselves a platform from which they can see the entire maze. As we enter the life of
adulthood, we have an incredible opportunity to look to these people and ask them how
to navigate this complicate maze. Most yeshivas and seminaries are staffed by some of the
greatest Torah leaders of our day. Find a person who “speaks to you” someone who you feel Your Year
you can relate to. Begin to ask them questions, even questions that you might know an
answer to already. Hear their answer; it will help you build a relationship.
If you feel that you can’t find someone in your Yeshiva / Seminary, look outside. Maybe Coming
a family with whom you spend Shabbos or an older married person to whom you feel
you can relate. Yerushalayim is overflowing with great people who would love to give of
themselves to help another Jew grow in their Avodas Hash-m. About israel
The importance of having a rebbe / mentor cannot be emphasized enough. Even when
you leave you cozy confines of your yeshiva / seminary you will always have someone who
truly cares about you, to whom you can turn with any life issue that you might come upon. Around the
year in Israel
So you came to Israel, you settled in and… now what. You might be hoping some Rebbe /
teacher chases you down and encourages you to learn, you might be hoping they don’t.
Sem Stuff
You might just be saying I’ll go to shiur / class and hope that it will WORK. You
might be saying give me some time to hang out away from parents, rules, or all
responsibilities. (You might even be saying, “Why does this guy think he knows
what I’m saying?”.) However, your time in Israel is very unique because it is just Touring
that, “YOUR time in Israel.” It is basically free of parental supervision. For most
of you there is no responsibility to work or otherwise make money. It is one (or
more) year(s) that you now have to accomplish whatever you’d like in the realm of What The
Future Holds
learning, personal growth, and building a relationship with the Almighty.
Any effective person who is trying to achieve greatness creates goals for himself. A runner
practices to run a four-minute mile. A student studies to pass a final with a good grade.
Professionals work to produce results and make money. Anyone who wants to achieve, must
push himself toward a previously set goal in order to grow in the direction he wants.
Setting goals might sound vague and might be something you are not prepared to do
yourself. We have decided to give you some guidelines to help you begin setting goals and
reaching them. A very good idea is to set short term goals (1-week / 1-month) and long term
goals (1 year or more). Short term goals are often classified as things I want to “do” while long
term goals are often what I want to “be”.
By each goal write your long term goal and then what you plan to do each day / week in order
to achieve your long term goals.
For a healthy Jew most goals can be broken down into 3 categories:
1 Bein Adam Lamakom (Religious)
2 Bein Adam Lechaveiro (interpersonal)
3 Bein Adam Leatzmo (personal growth)
Bein Adam Lamakom
Your Year
➢I want to work on my relationship with Hashem by:
(e.g. being more careful about certain mitzvos, recognizing Hashem
in nature and in my life etc…)
(e.g. Make a layning on a gemara, understand how to learn properly,
finish the year of Shnayim Mikrah etc…)
(e.g. every word of Shemonah Esrei, The basics of each parshah. general framework of Tanach etc…)
My Chessed goals:
(e.g. be more aware of other’s needs, be more happy to lend things to others etc…
My Relationship Goals:
I want to improve my relationships with: Getting
(mother, father, sibling, friend etc…)
About israel
3) Sem Stuff
4) Touring
The above are just some examples to help you begin. You might want to get a notebook What The
Future Holds
and write down your goals and keep check on your activities to see if they are goal
oriented activities. You also might want to reward yourself with a treat when you reach
one of your short term goals.
Questions for Honest Thought
Please do not read in the bathroom
The following is a collection of questions that a thinking Jew should ask him / herself from
time to time. They are important questions that you may or may not have answers to. Don’t
be embarrassed as most people haven’t even thought about most of these ideas. Feel free to
discuss the questions with a teacher or rebbe to help give you clarity on your growth filled
journey here in Eretz Yisroel.
2. H-shem
a. What do I know about H-shem?
b. What is my relationship with H-shem? Do I ever think about H-shem? Do I speak to Him?
c. Does the existence of H-shem make a difference to my life?
d. What does it mean that H-shem is King over the entire universe?
e. What does H-shem want me to get out of life? Why did he give me life?
3. This World
a. I will not be here forever; What difference does that make to me?
b. Near the end of my life, how do I wish to look back and view my life?
c. If I only had three months to live what would I do with my time?
d. Is Olam Habah a part of my true life perspective?
e. Do I mainly seek to gain in this world-or do I primarily work towards Olam Habah?
4. Avodas H-shem
a. What does Avodas H-shem mean to me?
b. Can I honestly call myself an Eved H-shem?
c. Do I want to be an Eved H-shem?
d. What would I have to do to be called an Eved H-shem?
e. Is H-shem satisfied with how I am living my life?
5. Happiness Settling-in
6. Davening
a. Why do we daven? What is the essence of davening? Getting
b. Is there perhaps more in davening than I realize? How could I find out?
c. What do I want to get out of davening?
d. Is my davening a real conversation with H-shem or do I just try to get it over with?
e. How could I better connect to H-shem through davening?
7. Teshuva Your Year
8. Living
Around the
year in Israel
a. What do I enjoy most in my life?
b. Do I enjoy the various aspects of Yiddishkeit (Learning Torah, Davening, Doing Mitzvos)?
c. Could I enjoy learning torah, davening, doing mitzvos more? How? Fun &
d. What are my life priorities
e. Is there anything in my life that I would want to change now? If so, what and how?
Sem Stuff
What The
Future Holds
Chessed Opportunities
Most students find time during their daily schedule that has not been
filled with classes or other important things that they need to do.
What they do with that time distinguishes the men from the boys
and the women from the girls. Some people feel they can never get
enough of “hangin’ out” some just love “eating out” while others
just feel like “going out”. The students who come to Eretz Yisroel for
the purpose of “flipping out” usually find themselves spending their
leisure time, “Helping out”.
Most schools have a chessed program set up for the girls in their
school. If you feel that you would like to do more and you just
don’t know where to lend a hand we have provided a list of
places where you can offer your services and grow through
reaching out to others.
There are a tremendous amount of opportunities to do chessed.
Usually the one being helped the most by a chessed is the one doing
Your Year the chessed. Helping others helps you become who you are. You
realize a remarkable potential inside you to be a benefactor to others;
sort of the way Hash-m is to us. You can find a chessed opportunity
right in your apartment. Help another student in an area that they
need help. You can go to peoples’ houses to help them with their
children, cleaning, cooking etc… If you have extra time, or on days
off, you can offer a teacher to take her children out to a park, to the zoo, to eat etc… There
is no end to the types and amounts of chessed that you can do. One seminary student even
started her own children’s book lending library for children in the neighborhood. If you have
innovative chessed ideas that other can gain from please send an SMS to (054)STU-DENT or
email us at [email protected]
The following is a list of simple chessed ideas that are available for you if you find that
you have time.
Ezer Mizion
Ezer Mizion is one of the largest tzedakah organizations helping the sick and infirm. They are
always in need of volunteers to help with their services. If you have some time to offer them,
you can contact Mrs. Ruthy Essas or Mrs. Naomi Raful at Ezer Mizion International Office by
phone at (03)614-4575 or via email at [email protected]
You can:
• Assist with preparation and delivery of meals, sandwiches, and snacks to family members
of hospitalized patients
• visit and help in homes of individuals coping with illness and disability
• visit and help the sick and elderly in hospitals and nursing homes …assist with office
• adopt a Bubby to visit or call
Ezer Mizion will customize a volunteer program for you based on your talents and preferences.
Bikur Cholim Settling-in
Over the phone or in-person Jewish
learning program with Haskomas of
Gedolim. Maximizing
Your Year
To volunteer call 073-232-2222 ext. 1057
Working With Coming
The Disabled
About israel
Gan Merkaz Harmony
Gan Merkaz Harmony in Har Nof is a gan
that integrates children with disabilities
Around the
with regular children. They are looking year in Israel
for volunteers. During the morning
they would prefer volunteers who speak
Hebrew. In the afternoons (1:00-3:00 pm) Fun &
they welcome both Hebrew or English
They also have a Big Brother/Sister
Program where you work one on one with Sem Stuff
Special education programs on Sorotzkin/Sanheria Hamurchevet welcome volunteers,
preferably with basic Hebrew. Call Blumi (02)633-8416
Pisgat Yehudah
People needed to volunteer to assist autistic Jews.
Yocheved Yehudah (03)936-1685 or (052)424-7708
Yad Sara
People needed to visit home-bound patients and boost morale through projects (handicrafts,
potted plants, taping and typing life stories, computer instructions, etc.)
For more information call: 644-4411/4621, speak to Miriam Barris
Nursing Homes
Beit Tovei Ha’ir
Right outside Geula is a beautiful Nursing home. Feel free to drop by on a day off or whenever
you have some spare time. Located at Malchei Yisroel 36, Beit Tovei Ha’ir includes a nursing
home and many of the residents will be delighted to have a visitor. Rest time is between
1:00-3:00 pm but feel free to drop by at any other time and connect to a generation that
remembers the time before the hustle and bustle that we live in today.
Neve Simcha
Neve Simcha, located in the heart of Mattersdorf at 1 Sorotzkin, is an assisted living home
for the elderly. You can drop by at any time to visit, or even “Adopt-a-Bubby/Zaidy” Most
residents are English speaking and many don’t have family nearby, and would welcome a
visit. You will probably find that you gain at least as much as you give. They also welcome
volunteers to take the residents out for a shpatzier, or to help them go shopping etc.
Call Naomi or Tzippy at 500-8111 (preferably mornings)
Tamir Settling-in
The Tamir, located in the Ezras Torah community, a short walk from Ramat Eshkol, is a mostly
religious Nursing home which includes an assisted living home and a Nursing home.
Many of the Bubbies and Zaidies speak English and would welcome a visit. In town for Buying
Shabbos or just have a few hours off, you can even feel to drop by and schmooze with the
residents, you’ll be guaranteed to learn something new at each visit. Visitors are welcome
anytime except between 1:00-4:00 pm.
Food Facts
Around the
year in Israel
Tefilin Gemachim
Zichron Baruch
U’miriam What The
Future Holds
Sanhedria, Jerusalem
Davening With a Minyan*
There is a story about Rav Aryeh Levin who had arrived from out of town very late and there
were no more Maariv minyanim. He was very distraught since he was very careful to always
daven with a minyan. He then thought of a great idea. He called the local (non-arab) taxi
company and ordered nine taxis to his house. When the cab drivers arrived, he asked them
to start the meter on the cab and to come inside to daven maariv with him. They obliged
and after the minyan was finished he asked each one to come over to receive his fare. All of
the taxi drivers were so impressed by his desire to daven with a minyan that they refused
payment. (if you try this, remember that they might not refuse payment so have a wad of
cash prepared just in case.)
Davening 3 times a day with a minyan is so basic to being a religious Jewish man, that for
many it is what distinguishes the men from the boys. One man in his mid-40’s told me that
he has not missed davening with a minyan since the day he arrived in Israel for his first year
of learning. When I asked him how he was able to accomplish such a feat, he answered,
“Shteeblach” I said “what?” He explained that even though he is very careful to daven in
Maximizing the same minyan every day, sometimes things come up like late night simchas, late night
Your Year
flights, late wake-ups etc. For those situations he takes a quick cab ride to the nearest
shteeble where he is guaranteed to find a minyan at all hours of the day.
Here is a list of some shteeblach around Yerushalayim and Ramat Beit Shemesh where you
can find a minyan at all hours of the day and night
Food Facts
Your Year
About israel
Around the
year in Israel
Fun &
Sem Stuff
What The
Future Holds
Top-of-the-line Studio
High-Quality Recording Equipment
Record Jam Sessions with friends
Record your own Single
Learn how to play an Instrument
Professional environment
Relaxed Atmosphere
Master Techs in Logic
Professional Musicians Available
Great Competitive Prices
Always wanted
to record a song?
Now is your
Convenient Location
For More Info and to book sessions
• Apartments
• Car Rentals
• cell phone rentals
• Travel Agents
Parents Coming
Many of you have family members who come to Israel on occasion, and it would not be
strange to have some cousin/uncle/brother/sister/next-door neighbor’s cousin’s sister’s
niece, drop by sometime during your time here. For many parents, the fact that their child is
learning in Eretz Yisroel is a good excuse to enjoy an excursion to the Holy Land to see some
sites, enjoy some fine Kosher Dining and see their child at the same time. You might already
know from the beginning of the year that your family will come to visit you, or they might
surprise you, but no matter what, there are various ways you can help prepare yourself and
them, for a successful trip in all areas.
How much time should I spend with them?
Funny you should ask. If you’re asking, you probably realize that when your parents come
they will probably want to spend lots of time with you and will inevitably take you away
from Yeshiva/Seminary. For many of you this won’t make much of a difference and you can
spend as much time with your parents as you’d like (contingent to your school rules). But if
you are of those who are really beginning to grow in your learning then missing school and
disrupting the continuum could have a detrimental effect on your growth. Therefore, this is
a very important question to discuss with your rebbe/teacher to receive clear direction about
how much time to spend with you familial visitors. You can spend enough time with your
family while they are here without giving up on your needs and still make them feel that you
care about them.
Staying with family
Pros: Cons:
• Very inexpensive • Might not be located in the best place Buying
• Meals might be taken care of • Feeling that you are putting
• Warm homey atmosphere others out
Food Facts
Pros: Cons:
• Much less expensive than a Hotel • Lacks hotel service (although some do
• Often located in frum English speaking offer service) Maximizing
Your Year
communities • Might have to do some research
• Roomier than a hotel to find
• No putting others out
Hotel-scattered throughout Jerusalem are hotels ranging from motel style to 5 star
hotel and everything in between. Fun &
Pros: Cons:
• Service • More Expensive
Sem Stuff
• Some hotels have meals included
• Less complicated stay and pay
Renting a Car
Getting around Jerusalem and Israel is fairly easy. The transportation system is built on the fact
that a large portion of the populace does not own automobiles. Therefore most attractions
can be accessed by inexpensive public transportation. Taxis are relatively inexpensive and
therefore many people will opt to visit Israel sans automobile (without a car).
However, for those of you who prefer the convenience of a car rental, there are a few things
you should know. The cost of a rental changes according to when you make your reservation
and how you make it. The car rental business is seasonal. This means that the times when
most people want to rent cars, is precisely the time when the prices are higher. There are
deals however, if you look for them.
To price car rentals you can go online or call the various rental companies and compare prices.
The prices that are given to you from the companies are often higher than the price you can get
through agents. Even though agents take fees they are given deals from the companies that you
would not be able to get. But even amongst the agents some will work to get you a better deal
than others. You might be able to get a second driver for free, unlimited mileage or perhaps a
free upgrade.
Phone Rentals
Your parents will probably need a phone when they are here.
Food Facts
Your Year
About israel
Around the
year in Israel
Fun &
Sem Stuff
What The
Future Holds
About Israel
• Basic Knowledge
• Hashkafah
Israel Stuff
Basic Knowledge
The land that we call Israel today is the same land that was given by the Creator of the World
to Avraham Avinu 3700+ years ago. Hashem then gave the land again to Avraham’s son
Yitzchok and then again to his son Yaakov. The Jews spent 210 years in Egypt and 40 years in
the desert until Yehoshua led the Jews into Eretz Yisroel as Hashem conquered the land for
them. The conquest of Eretz Yisroel lasted 14 years (7 years of war and 7 years to split up and
settle the land) and for the next 450 years the Jews ruled in Israel until the building of the
first Beis Hamikdash which lasted for 410 years. The Beis Hamikdash was later destroyed and
lay in ruin for 70 years until the second Beis Hamikdash was built which lasted for 420 years
after which the Jews were sent into galus. This would become the longest galus for the Jews.
For the next 2000+ years Jews lived in various countries and were persecuted. During this
period there were small groups who had moved back to the Jewish homeland. The land lay
fallow and in ruin for all of these years with very few buildings outside the walls of the original
cities. In the 1700’s Rav Yehuda Hachasid brought a group of Ashkenazi Jews to Eretz Yisroel.
They began to rebuild the Jewish settlement. They borrowed a large amount of money from
the local arabs and built various buildings, including a large shul in the middle of the old city
(known today as the Churvah Shul). When Rav Yehuda Hachasid died and the Jews were not
able to repay their loans, the Arabs destroyed the Jewish settlement and the shul and banned
Jews of Ashkenazi descent from living in their cities.
In the late 1700’s, almost simultaneously, students of the Vilna Gaon and members of the
chassidic world began to make their way back to Eretz Yisroel. They dressed in striped caftans
About israel
similar to their Sephardic brethren in order that the arabs should not persecute them. The
ban on Ashkenazi Jews was rescinded and slowly but surely more and more Jews began to
populate Israel. Israel continued to grow and they began to build neighborhoods outside
the city walls. In the late 1800’s a proposal was made by the World Zionist Organization to Settling-in
obtain control of the land of Palestine (as Israel was then known) from the British. After much
difficulty and many years the Zionists had obtained the rights to rule Palestine, and on May
14th 1948 they renamed it Medinat Yisrael (the country of Israel).
Type of Government:
The type of government in Israel is a Parliamentary Democracy. This means that the
governing board is a parliament (Knesset) which is made up of 120 members from a variety of Food Facts
political parties. Voters vote for a political party which appoints its highest ranking members
as Knesset ministers. The more votes a party gets the more Knesset members they appoint.
The party with the most members in the Knesset appoints the Prime Minister. The Knesset’s Getting
governing group must include a majority of members of the Knesset, therefore the largest Around
party offers smaller parties to join a coalition in order to form a majority of the government.
Population: Health
7.8 million Maximizing
people Your Year
Sephardim 52%
Ashkenazim 48%
About israel
Palestine. When Israel declared its independence on May 14th 1948 Egypt, Syria, Transjordan,
Lebanon, and Iraq joined in the war and attacked Israel on all its borders. In 1949 a cease fire
was agreed upon and the “Green Line” was drawn (named for the color pen used to draw the Sem Stuff
line) which marked the holdings of Jewish controlled Israel and the Arab controlled lands.
1967-The Six Day War - Egypt began moving troops into the Sinai Desert in order to get Touring
close to Israel’s borders to prepare for war. Shortly thereafter they blocked the Straits of Tiran
in order to block Israel’s only waterway for trade with the far-east and the waterway Israel
needed to receive oil from Iran. Jordan then surrounded Israel from the east and Syria from the What The
north. The Israeli’s realized that if they waited they would be in for a terrible disaster, so they Future Holds
decided to carry out a surprise preemptive attack on its enemies. The Israeli Air Force, with
the exception of just 12 fighters, left Israel while the Egyptian pilots were eating breakfast
and bombed the entire Egyptian air-force, and in less than two hours had obliterated almost Yellow
300 Egyptian aircraft. With the threat of Egypt lightened somewhat, Israel turned its efforts
toward Syria and fought a courageous war against their enemies. When the war ended Israel
had captured the Sinai, Golan Heights, Gaza Strip, and West Bank.
1973-Yom Kippur War - After a humiliating defeat in the 1967 war, Egypt and Syria decided
that they needed to save face and prepared for another attack on Israel. Egypt and Syria
mobilized their troops and Israel prepared itself for war. But after a few war threats with
nothing carried out Israel had let its guard down. Israel was warned by America not to make a
preemptive strike as it would cause bad relations between Israel and her much needed allies.
On Yom Kippur 1973, while most of Israel’s troops were in shul, Egypt and Syria carried out a
surprise attack on Israel (Egypt from the south and Syria from the north.) The arab nations,
in an attempt to create pressure from America raised the prices of their export of oil to the
U.S. During the first days of the war Israel lost many soldiers. When Israel then regrouped,
a large battle took place both in the Sinai against Egypt and in the Golan Heights against
Syria. In both battles Israel turned out to be successful. Israel was so successful that the I.D.F.
began to march on Cairo (capital of Egypt) and on Damascus (Capital of Syria). Realizing
that attacking the capitals of both these countries would be seen as very bad in the eyes of
the world, and with threats from other world powers, Israel backed off, and on October 22 a
ceasefire was called by the U.N.
*This list is only meant to give you a general idea about the major Israel wars.
Kotel or as others call it Kosel is the western wall of the Har Habayis. Till now Kotel has been a noun
referring to the wall itself. But today Kotel takes on a new verb meaning…
“How guys were Koteling, wanna join”
“Yo. Lets Kotel”
“I Kotel every week”
“du vilst koteling”
“I koteled 40 days”
And so forth.
So let your friends know that koteling is cool and whenever you have a chance, Kotel! You never
know what might happen.
This message has been brought to you by the Western wallers.
Hashkafah Settling-in
Going to Eretz Yisroel for a year of learning is a very exciting opportunity that when put
into perspective can have a tremendous effect on your present and future. For more than Buying
2000 years after the destruction of the second Beis Hamikdash, Klal Yisroel has yearned to
come back to Eretz Yisroel. Throughout that time few had attempted to make the dangerous
journey and even fewer had actually made it to Eretz Yisroel. The yearning and desire to
Food Facts
come back to our land has been central to our existence throughout our history. You are now
being given an opportunity that you grandparents would have given their lives to experience.
Knowing a little about the uniqueness of Eretz Yisroel may help you gain perspective and
appreciate your time there more fully. Getting
• Chazal tell us that Hash-m chose Eretz Yisroel as His land and bestowed upon
it all the greatest gifts for a land. So much so that chazal tell us that Eretz
Yisroel lacks nothing. (Brachos 36b)
• The creation of the world began with Eretz Yisroel with the rest of the world
following after. (Taanis 10a)
Your Year
• Simply breathing the air of Eretz Yisroel makes you smarter. (Bava Basra 158b)
• There were 10 portions of wisdom sent to the world and Eretz Yisroel took nine
of them. (Kiddushin 49). Parents
• A person who walks four amos in Eretz Yisroel is a guaranteed Ben Olam
Habah. (Kesubos 111a)
• There is no Torah that compares to the Torah of Eretz
Yisroel. (Berashis Rabah 16) About israel
Top-of-the-line Studio
High-Quality Recording Equipment
Record Jam Sessions with friends
Record your own Single
Learn how to play an Instrument
Professional environment
Relaxed Atmosphere
Master Techs in Logic
Professional Musicians Available
Great Competitive Prices
Always wanted
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Around the
Year in Israel
• Yomim Tovim in Israel
• Preparing for Shabbos
• Spending Shabbosim
• Calendar
• Rosh Hashanah begins on Sunday night • There are two Adars (Yay!!)
Sept. 14th (is 2 days also for Israelis)
• Taanis Esther Begins on Wednesday
• Tzom Gedaliah fast begins on March 23rd at 4:09 am
Wednesday morning Sept. 16th at
• Purim begins on Wednesday night March
4:53 am (Happy Birthday Yosef Chaim)
23rd (Shushan Purim begins Thursday night
• Yom Kippur Begins Tuesday night Mar. 24th)
Wednesday Sept. 22nd
• Seder Night is Friday Night April 22th
• Succos begins on Sunday night (means that you will need to make an
Sept. 27th Eruv Tavshilin)
• Chanukah begins Sunday night Dec. 6th • Lag Baomer Is Wednesday night May 7th
• Asarah B’teves fast begins on Tuesday • Shavous begins Motzaei Shabbos June
morning Dec. 22nd at 5:03 am 11th and is a 3 day Yom Tov (not for Israelis.)
*3 day Yom Tov means that Yom Tov falls out on Thursday and Friday and is followed by
Shabbos. Or as is in the case of Shavuos, Shabbos is followed by a 2 day Yom Tov.
Interesting – Since Pesach ends on Friday in Israel, Israelis layn the next parshah for Shabbos
while those who keep 2 days layn. Pesach layning. Then for the next 4 months the layning in
Israel and the layning outside of Israel will be one week off.
Issues that might arise.
1. If you spent Pesach in Israel you will have missed a parshah when you return.
Around the 2. If you go back for a visit during that time you will hear one parshah 2 times and on your
year in Israel
return you will miss a parshah.
There are some shuls in America and In Israel that layn the missing parshah. Ask a rav if you
are required to make up the parshah.
Rosh Chodesh
Rosh Chodesh is a semi Yom Tov and even more so for women. Try to do something
nice like buy yourself a special meal etc. In the Shul Chut Shel Chesed on Rechov
Yomim Noraim
The Yomim Noraim in Eretz Yisroel can be
very uplifting. Ask others in your institution
where you can go for a meaningful davening.
There are so many different places and each person
has his / her own preferences. If there will be a minyan
in your Yeshiva / Seminary it is usually better to attend that minyan, especially if you are
required to. If you will be eating out, make sure you know when your hosts eat, since some
minyanim let out later than others. Many families in Eretz Yisroel do eat the “simanim” on
the night of Rosh Hashanah. If you are used to it, great, if it is new to you, take it in, as the Stuff
minhagim of Yomim Tovim help give the Yom Tov extra flavor.
Advice: Accept something small upon yourself during the Aseres Yemei Teshuva (ex. “I
won’t speak Lashon Harah between 1-2 pm” “I will only eat a higher level of Kashrus” Food Facts
etc.) It will show Hashem that you ideally want to be doing things better, and he will
grant you a better new year.
Get ready for Yom Kippur a little earlier and go to shul to say Tefillas Zakah in English Around
(found in every Machzor before Kol Nidrei), I guarantee it will change your Yom Kippur.
Motzei Yom Kippur is a mini Yom Tov. Try to have a proper seudah. (If possible go to a
family for the seudah.)
Keeping two days of Yom Tov is not based on how much you like Israel but rather based on
halachah. If you are well read in the appropriate areas of halachah and have Semicha from
a higher authority than you should feel free making the decision to keep one or two days Parents
of Yom Tov for yourself. If you are like the rest of us you should ask a competent halachic
authority to tell you what you should do. Many families who keep two days make their
second day meal a little later and make the meal take longer. That way they won’t have to go About israel
out and see Israelis doing melachah.
Advice: You should not take the second day of Yom Tov lightly, find out if you are
supposed to keep one or two days and do it properly.
Around the
Make sure to arrange your second day meals early enough because most families year in Israel
Fun &
Immediately after Yom Kippur ends, the feverish pace of getting ready for Succos begins.
Many people put up their succahs before Yom Kippur, while many others wait until Sem Stuff
afterwards. There are arbah minim shuks where many sellers come together and sell their
lulavim and esrogim and other Yom Tov items for Succos. Walk the street and see the
Yerushalmim examining each of their Arbah Minim meticulously. Pay attention to the love Touring
that people have for the mitzvos of Succos. Additionally feel free to offer an extra hand to a
family or teacher to help prepare for Yom Tov; help cook, build a succah, etc… The more you
put into a Yom Tov the more you will get out of it.
What The
Future Holds
Advice: Prepare your meals early in order not to get left out in the cold.
Encourage a Rabbi to give a practical “buying-a-lulav-and-esrog” shiur. This will make
the process of buying your set much more fun and exciting. You might even want to
make a school trip to an arbah minim shuk to learn the halachos hands-on. Pages
Buy a few sets of aravos (they’re very inexpensive (3 sets cost less than a slice of pizza))
since the Israeli aravos have a way of wilting very quickly and you will be left with 3
beautiful minim and 1 stinky wilted one that might make the whole thing no good.
Prepare your Lulav before Yom Tov (remember: Haddasim to the right)
In preparation for Yom Tov remember to set up all of your meals in advance.
There are many fun things to do around Israel on Succos. (See below). On every evening
many Chasidishe sects make a Simchas Beis Hashoeivah, which last throughout the evening.
The biggest and most lively are usually towards the end of Meah Shearim by Toldos Aharon,
Toldos Avraham Yitzchak, and by Breslov, as well as many in the neighborhood of Beis Yisroel
right nearby. Even if you don’t know where to go, you can simply stroll down Meah Shearim
on any night and you will easily be directed to the right place.
Some nights are busier by different places so be aware when each group makes their big night.
The Big night in Breslov is the third day of Succos, since it is the Yahrtzeit of their Rebbe,
Rebbe Nachman. It is the night on which the Simchas Beis Hashoeivah goes until very late.
The dancing there is a sight to behold.
The Big night in Toldos Aharon is on the Ushpizin of Aharon since that is the name of their
first Rebbe, Reb Aharon “Areleh” Roth.
In Karlin-Stolin off of Rechov Yoel, a leibedig Simchas Beis Hashoevah takes place every
night and the atmosphere is very accepting and the dancing takes place in the form of one
long snake.
The Pinsk-Karlin Simchas Beis Hashoeivah takes place in a tent in the Beis Yisroel
neighborhood. The Rebbe is connected to many “important” people, so you will see many
interesting faces pop-in.
I’ve heard that the Simchas Beis Hashoeivah of Rav Tzvi Meir Zilberberg is very nice.
Around the Girls: I noticed that the band Tofaah is hired out for allot of women’s Simchas Beis
year in Israel
Hashoeivahs. Contact them to find out where they are playing on Chol Hamoed.
Chol Hamoed
On the first morning of Chol Hamoed (for Non-Israelis) there is a very large gathering for
davening at the Kosel where the main attraction is the hundreds of Kohanim gathered to
bless the assembled during the largest Birchas Kohanim of the year. This usually happens
sometime around 9am for Shacharis and 10am for Musaf. (check the times before, to make
sure you don’t miss it). More people attend the Bircas Kohanim at Musaf so be prepared.
Additionally there are many fun things around the Old City that day.
Advice: Daven beforehand so you don’t have to carry your lulav and esrog etc. around
with you all day. Bring water cause it’s always very hot.
In some areas people stay up learning on the night of Hoshanah Rabbah and some go to the
Kosel for Netz on Hoshanah Rabbah morning. It’s worth your while to join them.
In Israel people do not eat in the succah on Shemini Atzeres. If you are eating by someone
who does not eat in the succah you are not required to eat in the succah.
Simchas Torah
The excitement of Simchas Torah can be felt in every yeshiva throughout Eretz Yisroel. The
larger the yeshivah, the more exciting the hakafos. If your yeshiva has hakafos, you should
preferably attend them as hakafos spent with people who you know, are more geshmak than
any other place.
Hakafos Shnios
It’s hard to say goobye to Yom Tov. There is a mInhag in Eretz Yisroel, commonly practiced by
chasidim as as by many yeshivos, to arrange hakafos on the night following their Simchas
Torah (which is Simchas Torah for chutznikim). They have hakafos with singing and dancing
and live music. So even if you are keeping 2 days of Yom Tov go check out Hakafos Shnios
somewhere. It gets pretty leibedik.
Many Yeshivas and Seminaries hold Chanukah Mesibahs for their students. For many it is
the highlight of their year. Don’t eat too many latkes and jelly donuts because, “a moment
on the lips, is a lifetime on the hips” The quality of donuts in Israel is not always what you
are used to. Some bakeries make their donuts like bread and add a drop of jelly while others
load the donuts with jelly / cream. General rule the less the donut costs the less jelly and less
Around the
year in Israel geshamak it will be. If you are interested, there are many Chassidic groups who make parties
after the Rebbe lights his menorah. In Karlin-Stolin there is a big party on the fifth night.
Advice: Don’t cheap out on Mitzvos. For a few sheks you can perform the mitzvah of
hadlakas neiros in the best possible way (with olive oil and cotton wicks).
After the school lighting, start singing Chanukah songs and dance. It will help
everyone get into the Yom Tov spirit.
Set up a gift buying game where each person purchases an inexpensive gift for someone else
in the school (don’t leave anyone out) it will bring the school together in a very powerful way.
Sometimes even Israelis keep two days of Yom Tov. Israel is
the only place where you can celebrate two days of Purim.
Shushan Purim when you were growing up was probably as
relevant to you as Isru Chag. It was just the day after Purim,
which was a regular day of school and everyone went on with
life as usual. In Israel however, there are Settling-in
egillah (2X) Health
ishteh (Seudah)
atanos levyonim
Your Year
ishloach manos
On the night of Purim many Yeshivas and
Seminaries have Purim mesibahs. Don’t
drink too much on the night of Purim, you About israel
might find that you will be tired and sick the next day when the real fun is, so be smart and
plan how to celebrate Purim so you don’t miss out. Girls, according to most poskim there is
no mitzvah for women to drink on Purim (nor any other day of the year) so it’s best to refrain
(Being a princess (Bas Melech) involves loftier behavior).
Around the
year in Israel
Advice: Prepare a single vort that you can say over to everyone you meet, so your
drunkenness is Purimdik and Toradik.
Spend as much money on Matanos L’evyonim as you do on all your Shaloch Manos Fun &
and drinkage.
Rules of proper conduct and dress apply on Purim as well.
Buy nice Shalach Manos for rabbeim and teachers. (It’s a nice way of showing that you Sem Stuff
recognize that they put their heart and soul into you.)
Sweet wine will make you sick. Eating candy and sweet things will make you sick.
Drinking on an empty stomach will make you sick. Remember: “slow and steady wins Touring
the race.”
The best way to perform the mitzvah is with wine not vodka, scotch, bourbon, arak,
What The
beer, etc. Future Holds
It is said that you should give tzedakah on Purim to anyone who puts out his hand. It is
explained that this is a segulah that Hash-m should answer you when you put out your
hand. Many learn from this idea that one should daven for what they want on Purim and put Yellow
out their hand toward Hash-m and in the same way we give, He will give. Some also have the
custom to travel to tzaddikim to “put out their hand” for brachos.
Many Chassidish Rebbes’ purim seudahs carry on through the night, so if you aren’t ready
to end your Purim when it officially ends look around and you’ll find some serious Purim
The Yom Tov of geulah, the time when Klal Yisroel left the shackles
of servitude and entered into a covenant with Hash-m. Most
bachurim and seminary students leave Eretz Yisroel to
go back home to spend Pesach with their families. If
you are one of those who do go back, make a plan
before you go in order that you shouldn’t have a big
spiritual fall when you go back. Many boys and girls
don’t realize how much they’ve grown over the year
and are shocked to realize how different they are from
the world that they left. Plan to learn over Pesach at least
a little each day in order that you can keep your head above
water. Even if you do fall, know that it happens to most people.
It is not a lacking in your commitment to growth. It is a reality of what happens when a
growing person leaves his environment without having spent enough time working on him
/ herself. Who knows maybe you need another year.
If you are of the fortunate few who spend their Pesach in Eretz Yisroel, know that there are
many things you can do to keep your growth momentum going. Cleaning for Pesach does
not need to be a hassle. The cleaning we do for Pesach is a mashal for the spiritual cleaning
we are meant to do inside ourselves. The harder you work physically the more you show
Around the Hash-m that you want to be clean of sins. You can offer a family or teacher help in their
year in Israel
Pesach preparations. You can help them by cleaning or even by just taking out their children
to a park, zoo etc…
Much of the food on Pesach is kosher L’pesach for Kitnios eaters. If you are not a kitnios
eater be careful as a lot of the packaging can be deceiving.
Lag Baomer
Lag Baomer in Israel is a far cry from what you may have been used to in your home town.
Back home, the most you might have done was arrange a school trip or a baseball game.
And even that wasn’t always done on Lag Baomer.
Lag Baomer is believed to be the Yaartzeit Settling-in
Shavuos in Eretz Yisroel is unlike anywhere else in the world. True that many Yeshivas and
Seminaries are coming to a close, but in almost every one there is a program for learning Around the
year in Israel
throughout the night. Some of the most powerful shiurim are given on Leil Shavuos as it is
the night before Kabalas Hatorah. As the night moves on and dawn approaches thousands
of Jews from all over the Yerushalayim walk toward the Kosel Hamaaravi for Shacharis.
Fun &
There are minyanim filling the entire Kosel Plaza. Until…Netz… Total silence… Thousands of
people davening Shemonah Esrei together. Standing before Hash-m right outside His house
speaking His praises. Afterwards, those traveling to northern Yerushalayim are met on their
walk down Rechov Shmuel Hanavi by tables and tents set up with drinks and food to satiate Sem Stuff
the passersby. (Mi Keamcha Yisroel) Don’t forget to find out when your hosts eat lunch as
many will be up all night and may be taking a rest before lunch.
Advice: Spend the night of Shavous taking stock on what you learned though the year
and review it. This more than anything will help you realize how far you have come
and help you take your growth to the next level.
What The
Future Holds
Preparing for Shabbos
No matter where you come from in the world there is no Shabbos like a Shabbos experienced
in Israel. In Israel, Friday is a day off so people can prepare properly to greet the Shabbos queen,
and prepare they do. Some people begin their preparations earlier in the week, but on Friday
everyone is busy buying, cleaning, cooking, baking and simply running to prepare for their
day that they spend with Hash-m with no distractions. And then suddenly everything is quiet,
the stores begin to close, the crowds dissipate, the streets feel like a classroom one minute
after the recess bell and there is peace and tranquility for hours. The kids begin to emerge in
their Shabbos finest after a nice warm bath and then the siren. There is no experience that
compares to it.
For Bachurim and Bachurettes, Erev Shabbos might take on a bit of a different feel. A late
morning, rolling out of bed to meet some friends, perhaps some sporting activity, traveling
to the final Shabbos destination etc… While before an In-Shabbos your day could include
an even later morning etc…. The importance of doing some real preparation for Shabbos
cannot be underestimated. The holiest day, the day we are meant to spend together with
Hash-m. How is it possible to fully appreciate Shabbos when we roll into it like we would roll
into class on a Sunday morning. It is a clear directive from the Torah, “One who prepares on
Erev Shabbos, gains spiritually from Shabbos” (one who doesn’t, doesn’t) You have a limited
amount of shabbosim here. Take advantage of your shabbosim; Prepare.
not be able to have you on the Shabbos you want, but you can always arrange a raincheck.
Top 10 Ways to ask to invite yourself for Shabbos Stuff
3. The Silly way: Hi! This is ______. I’m making a big seudah in my school and I wanted to
know if you and your family wanted to join me. (….. long pause) or I could just come to you.
(not geneivas daas because they know you are joking)
4. The Timid way: Hi! how are you? This is _____ . Well you know um Shabbos is coming? Um
I was um wondering well I um
Your Year
5. The Complimentary way: Hi! how are you? This is _____ .Remember when I came to
house last time? The food was amazing. I really enjoyed it. (They usually get the hint. )
6. The Frummy way: Hi! how are you? This is _____ . Hi I have an amazing vort for this week’s Parents
parshah that I really want to share with you at your Shabbos table.
7. The Confusing way: Hi! how are you? This is _____ .Can I not, not, not, come for Shabbos.
(confuse them with the triple negative. They About israel
won’t know whether to say yes or no)
8. The Texting way: wnt gsts 4 shbs?
9. The Sem Girl way: Hi! How are you? Around the
year in Israel
This is _____ . Do you need someone to
watch your children after lunch on Shabbos?
10. The Catching-up way: call to catch-up Fun &
and if they get the hint, great, and if not
hang-up, call back and say “by the way are
you having guests for Shabbos.”
Sem Stuff
Pinskei Tshuvos
What does one call the son-in-law
of a Chassidish Meshulach?
What The
Collectors Eidim Future Holds
Top 10 Ways To Not Get Invited Back For Shabbos
1. Come really late /don’t show up
2. Drink too much of the hosts shnapps
3. Cancel on Friday afternoon
4. Say something negative about the hostesses food
5. Overstay your welcome
6. Sit pretty while the hostess clears the table
7. Forget to tell your host about your food allergies and then have an allergic reaction
at the table.
8. Spit out your food at the table
9. Talk about yourself throughout the meal
10. Leave the table during the meal and sit on their couch reading a book.
Be aware that although you are expected to invite yourself out to families for Shabbos you
might find that families make excuses for why they can’t have you on a specific week. Don’t
be insulted it’s usually not personal, unless you think it might be (see list above)
Don’t be insulted when you hear these excuses. Sometimes they are true and sometimes
they are just simply because they don’t want to have guests that Shabbos. But don’t be
deterred if the family is a family that you really want to go to, be persistent. Usually even
if they don’t want to have you, they’ll get so sick of you asking over and over and over that
they’ll just give in.
Going away for Shabbos is one of the highlights of your stay in Eretz Yisroel. Shabbosim in
diverse environments gives you insight into the heart of the Jewish family. Seeing Jews from Stuff
all walks of life celebrating Shabbos together is an amazing experience. The different shuls
and seudahs are just many of the wonderful goings-on to see. Here is some advice about
spending Shabbos at someone else’s home, whether for an entire Shabbos or just a meal.
Food Facts
• Make plans early! You might not be thinking about next Shabbos on Sunday afternoon
but the later you push off making plans the fewer options you will have. For some, planning
early means a week before, for others, Thursday night will suffice. However, it is important to Getting
recognize that most hostesses don’t begin cooking on Erev Shabbos. So try to let your hosts
know you’re coming by Wednesday.
• If you made your plans very early, don’t forget to call again during the week to confirm your Health
• Make sure to leave for Shabbos with plenty of time to spare. Erev Shabbos is infamous for
its heavy traffic, and you don’t want to get stuck on the highway for Shabbos. Jerusalem Maximizing
Your Year
Buses stop running 1 hour before Shabbos begins. Intercity buses stop earlier. Check to be
• Bringing gifts is not expected but is nevertheless appreciated as a form of hakaras hatov. Parents
When buying food for your hosts make sure that whatever you buy has a hashgacha that
your hosts will eat. Some suggestions for gifts are:
• Flowers About israel
• Cake
• Bottle of wine
• Rugelach
Around the
• Netilas yadayim towel set year in Israel
• Box of candy
Fun &
• If you are visiting for the entire Shabbos, show up early enough to settle in before Shabbos. Recreation
Find out what time the last bus leaves by calling Egged at *2800.
• Helping out on Erev Shabbos is a good way to show your hosts that you appreciate their
Sem Stuff
• Your hosts will usually go out of their way to make sure you are happy and comfortable.
Every person has a different standard and you might feel that what they do for you doesn’t
meet the standard you are used to. Remember they are putting themselves out in order to
accommodate you. You will always enjoy Shabbos more if you come with few expectations.
This means that if there are no breath mints on your pillow, try not to get upset. Appreciate
What The
whatever you get. Future Holds
On Shabbos
• At the meal try not to carry private conversations around your host, as no host wants to feel
like a stranger in his/her own home. It’s nice to offer to help during the meal. It’s also a good
way to express gratitude and get invited back. Don’t be shy; most families appreciate when
you help even though they might not ask.
• Try to prepare a short dvar Torah for the table. If you have a sefer that you like, prepare
something from it or write down a short vort that you heard during the week. This will help
you have a nicer experience and your host will thank you for adding to their table.
• Compliment, Compliment, Compliment. There is nothing more important to a hostess
than to receive a compliment on her food, presentation, and the décor of her home. If you
compliment properly you will get invited back. The more specific the compliment the more
the host will appreciate it. Girls - If you say, “The _____ was delicious, can I get the recipe?”,
you will have won yourself a new best friend.
• If you are spending Shabbos, be considerate of your hosts’ schedule. Davening times and
sleeping times are some of the things you need to be aware of. Davening usually begins
earlier here than back home and many people eat lunch after davening which could be as
early as 11 o’clock. Girls, try to be awake before your host returns from shul so they don’t have
to wait for you to begin lunch.
• It is very nice to offer to take out your host’s children to the park and allow you hosts to
take a nap. People expend a lot of energy preparing for guests and it is a good way to say
thank you.
• If you spent a whole Shabbos with your hosts, offer to help clean after Shabbos before you
If you prefer to stay around your Yeshiva/Seminary for Shabbos don’t miss out opportunities
to spend meals with some of your neighbors. Every Shabbos seudah that you go to will
enhance your growth during your year, and will affect how you make your Shabbos table in
the future. Most of your Shabbosim until now have most likely been spent at your parents’
table. Spending Shabbos with others will help you gain new insights into Shabbos that you
Around the
year in Israel might not have seen before. If you find a family whose Shabbos table you enjoy, try to get
invited back and build a connection. Learn how they built what they built and how you can
do the same.
Students in Israel often find themselves on Thursday afternoon with no plans for Shabbos. If
you are one of those you should definitely maintain a list of people you can call last minute.
If you are looking for an interesting Shabbos there are some places you can go to get invited
out to homes that you wouldn’t otherwise visit. If you find yourself near the Meah Shearim
area, if you go to either the Karlin-Stolin shul or Breslov you will most definitely get invited
out by one of the families in shul(“Mi K’amcha Yisroel”). If you are staying in school ask a
teacher that lives nearby to come to his/her house for a meal. Don’t be embarrassed most
teachers would love to have you as a guest and it will help you see your teacher in a different
setting. If you have ideas for Shabbos that you would like to share with others please call
(054)STU-DENT or send us a text with information for where to spend an interesting Shabbos.
Where I Spent my Shabbosim Settling-in
now, but you cannot imagine how many people look back on their time in Israel and say,
“I wish I had kept a diary of my experiences.” Good Luck and Good Shabbos!!!
Your Year
Around the
year in Israel
Fun &
Ki Savo
Sem Stuff
What The
Future Holds
Rosh Hashanah
Yom Kippur
Around the
year in Israel
Food Facts
Lech Lecha
Your Year
Around the
year in Israel
Fun &
Chayei Sarah Recreation
Sem Stuff
What The
Future Holds
Around the
year in Israel
Food Facts
Your Year
Around the
year in Israel
Fun &
Yisro Recreation
Sem Stuff
What The
Future Holds
Ki Sisa
Around the
year in Israel
Food Facts
Your Year
Around the
year in Israel
Fun &
Pesach (1st days) Recreation
Sem Stuff
Acharei Mos
Around the
year in Israel
Food Facts
Your Year
About israel
Around the
year in Israel
Fun &
Sem Stuff
What The
Future Holds
September 2015
Elul - Tishrei
Thursday Friday
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Shabbat
Candles 6:23p
1 17 2 18 3 19 4 20 5 Havdalah 7:40p
Ki Tavo
Selichot Ashkenazim
Candles 6:14p
6 22 7 23 8 24 9 25 10 26 11 27 12 Havdalah 7:30p
World created Nitzavim
Candles 4:52p
27 14 28 Havdalah 6:08p 15 29 16 30 17
Erev Succot Succot Chol Hamoed 1 Chol Hamoed 2
Candles 4:26p 4
11 28 12 29 13 30 14 1 15 2 16 3 17 Havdalah 5:44p
25 12 26 13 27 14 28 15 29 16 30 17 31 18
Yom Kippur Katan
Candles 4:01p
8 26 9 27 10 28 11 29 12 30 13 1 14 Havdalah 5:20p
Sigd Rosh Chodesh 1 Rosh Chodesh 2 Toldot
Yom Kippur Katan
Candles 3:57p
15 3 16 4 17 5 18 6 19 7 20 8 21 Havdalah 5:17p
Candles 3:55p
22 10 23 11 24 12 25 13 26 14 27 15 28 Havdalah 5:15p
29 17 30 18
Candles 3:57p
13 1 14 2 15 3 16 4 17 5 18 6 19 Havdalah 5:18p
Chanukah 7 Chanukah 8
Rosh Chodesh 2
27 15 28 16 29 17 30 18 31 19
Candles 4:10p
3 22 4 23 5 24 6 25 7 26 8 27 9 Havdalah 5:32p
Shabbat Mevarchim
Candles 4:17p
10 29 11 1 12 2 13 3 14 4 15 5 16 Havdalah 5:37p
Yom Kippur Katan Rosh Chodesh Bo
Candles 4:23p
17 7 18 8 19 9 20 10 21 11 22 12 23 Havdalah 5:43p
Shabbat Shira
Candles 4:30p
24 14 25 15 26 16 27 17 29 18 29 19 30 Havdalah 5:50p
Tu B'Shevat Yitro
31 21
February 2016
Shevat - Adar I
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Shabbat
Candles 4:36p 27
1 22 2 23 3 24 4 25 5 26 6 Havdalah 5:56p
Shabbat Mevarchim
Candles 4:43p
7 28 8 29 9 30 10 1 11 2 12 3 13 Havdalah 6:02p
Yom Kippur Katan Rosh Chodesh 1 Rosh Chodesh 2 Teruma
14 5 15 6 16 7 17 8 18 9 19 10 Candles 4:59p 11
20 Havdalah 6:08p
21 12 22 13 23 14 24 15 25 16 26 17 Candles 4:55p 18
27 Havdalah 6:13p
28 19 29 20
Candles 5:06p
6 26 7 27 8 28 9 29 10 30 11 1 12 Havdalah 6:24p
Yom Kippur Katan Rosh Chodesh 1 Rosh Chodesh 2 Pekudei
Candles 5:11p
13 3 14 4 15 5 16 6 17 7 18 8 19 Havdalah 6:29p
Moses died Vayikra
Parshat Zachor
27 17 28 18 29 19 30 20 31 21
Candles 6:26p
3 24 4 25 5 26 6 27 7 28 8 29 9 Havdalah 7:45p
Yom Kippur Katan Tazria
Parshat Hachodesh
Rosh Chodesh
Candles 6:32p
10 2 11 3 12 4 13 5 14 6 15 7 16 Havdalah 7:51p 8
Candles 6:42
24 16 25 17 26 18 27 19 28 20 29 21 30 Havdalah 8:02p 22
Chol Hamoed 1 Chol Hamoed 2 Chol Hamoed 3 Chol Hamoed 4 Chol Hamoed 5 Shvii Pesach
Day 2 of the Omer Day 3 of the Omer Acharei Mot
Day 1 of the Omer Day 4 of the Omer Day 5 of the Omer Day 6 of the Omer
Isru Chag
Day 7 of the Omer
Candles 6:52p
8 30 9 1 10 2 11 3 12 4 13 5 14 Havdalah 8:14p
Rosh Chodesh 1 Rosh Chodesh 2 Memorial Day Independence Day 20 of the Omer Emor
Day 15 of the Omer Day 16 of the Omer Day 17 of the Omer Day 18 of the Omer Day 19 of the Omer Day 21 of the Omer
29 21 30 22 31 23
Day 36 of the Omer Day 37 of the Omer Day 38 of the Omer
Candles 7:09p
5 28 6 29 7 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 Havdalah 8:33p
Day 43 of the Omer Day 44 of the Omer Day 45 of the Omer Day 46 of the Omer Day 47 of the Omer Day 48 of the Omer Naso
Shabbat Kallah
Erev Shavuot
Day 49 of the Omer
Candles 7:14p
19 13 20 14 21 15 22 16 23 17 24 18 25 Havdalah 8:37p
Shelach Lechah
26 20 1 27 21 28 22 29 23 30 24
23 Zangvil, Kiryat Hayovel (02) 631-0483
Buses: 24, 18 02) 641-0483
Ashdod Ashkelon
Location About 200m past the Marina Location Rehov Yafeh Nof opposite the
‘Ashkelona’ water park
Days Men Sun, Tues, Thurs - AM Food Facts
Days Men Mon, Wed, Fri
Mon, Wed, Fri – PM
Women Sun, Tues, Thurs
Women Sun, Tues, Thurs - PM
Hours 7:00am-7:00pm Around
Mon, Wed, Fri – AM
Supervisor (08) 6782085
Hours AM 07:00-12:30
Buses From yerushalayim bus 137 to
PM 1:30pm-6:00pm Tachanah Merkazit Ashkelon Health
Your Year
Tveria - The Separate Beach Tveria-The Be’er Miryam Beach (women only)
Location From the city it’s 300m past Location From the city it’s 300m past
Chamei Tveria Chamei Tveria Parents
Days Men & Women Sun, Mon, Days Women only Sun- Fri
The beach is com- Tues, Wed,
Hours Sun-Thurs 08:00-19:00
pletely separated Thurs, Fri Open year-
Fri 08:00-17:00 About israel
Hours 09:00-17:00 round
Services Deckchairs, Sun-shades,
Services Deckchairs, Sun-shades,
Showers, WC, Sailing, Water
Showers, Kosher l’mehadrin Around the
Activities, Kosher l’mehadrin kiosk year in Israel
Supervisor (04) 6221107
Supervisor 050-7234487
Fun &
Akko Bat Yam Recreation
Haifa - The Kiryat Chaim Beach Hadera
Location Next to the Northern tower Location The northern most lifeguard
(#3). Approach from the north station
via Truman Blvd and Kiryat Days Men Sun, Tues, Thurs - AM
Yam, or from the East via Mon, Wed, Fri – PM
Deganya Blvd Women Sun, Tues, Thurs - PM
Days Men Mon, Wed, Fri Mon, Wed, Fri – AM
Women Sun, Tues, Thurs Hours AM 07:00-13:00
Hours 08:00-18:00 PM 13:00-17:00
Supervisor (04) 8727105, (04) 852-1492 Supervisor (04) 6221107
Jerusalem hosts some of the finest parks this side of the Atlantic. Looking for a place to play
a pick-up game of Ultimate or to make a mangal (Bar-b-que) or just to ride the twirly slides to
remind you of old times? Some of the parks have basketball courts, some have green grassy
areas, some have fun slides, and others have great picnic areas, but they all have fresh Israel
air and Kedushas Eretz Yisroel. The following is a list of parks in Jerusalem and its environs.
Feel free to get out and just go to the park. It’s a great excursion and it’s free, and unlike going
out to eat, it won’t add pounds to your waist.
Gan Sacher - Gan Sacher is one of the largest parks in Jerusalem and a popular place for
a family BBQ. The park has playgrounds, bike paths and large open fields. There are also a
few full size basketball courts where you can find a pick-up game at many times during
your off-time. The city has recently added an area to the park with exercise equipment so
you can work out without having to spend money on going to the gym. (Three minute
walk from the Tachana Merkazit)
Gan San Simon - Gan San Simon on Chizkiyahu Hamelech Street, is a large park
between Katamon and San Simon. This park has a playground, large open grassy areas, a
short bike/walking path, and a full size basketball court.
Monster Slide Park - Monster Slide Park on Rechov Chile in Kiryat Yovel is a great park
to take your chessed kids to. There is a huge monster sculpture whose three tongues
function as slides. There is also a large grassy area where you can arrange a picnic lunch.
Gan Hapaamon - Corner of Jabotinsky and Keren Hayesod - Also known as Liberty Bell
Fun &
Recreation Park, this park has great outdoor basketball courts, a small hockey rink, a large playground
area and lots of shady grassy spots for a BBQ. Just go straight down King George which
becomes Keren Hayesod. The park is right behind the gas station.
Park Gilo: Tzviya V’yitzchak Street, Gilo - This beautiful Keren Kayemet L’Israel park
is a forest on a hilltop overlooking Jerusalem. It contains a large children’s playground
and climbing frame, toddler play area, Basketball Court, Trails, Picnic Areas, Adult Exercise
Equipment, and stroller paths. There are no bathrooms or places to buy food or drink at
the park so come prepared. You can get there by taking Buses: 31, 32, 71, 72.
Gan Chamisha Assar - A nice park with rolling grass and beautiful vistas. Great for
barbeques and kumsits’. On the north-east end of Ramat Eshkol. Entrance right off of
Ramat Hagolan.
Yaar Yerushalayim - The Yerushalayim Forest-great picnic grounds and good place to
relax. Entrance from behind Angels on Kanfei Nesharim.
Outside Yerushalayim Settling-in
Ganei Yehoshua - Large park with beautiful rolling green grass and a lake where you
can rent row boats and paddle boats located in Ramat Gan Buying
Park Modiin - Park Anava or as it is popularly known “Park Modiin” is the central park
in the city of Modiin.The park is located near the central square on Shderot Chashmonaim
(not far from the mall). It has wide open grassy areas and a large play area for children (or Food Facts
those young at heart). There is also a small man made pond with boats and kayaks etc. to
rent for fun. They also have a refreshment stand next to the pond.
The park is open every day all day (except of course for the boat rentals which is open Getting
10:00am- 10:00pm for more details call 054-6867614)
To get there: take the 110 bus from Sarei Yisroel or Bar Ilan / Shmuel Hanavi to the Moddin
Mall and walk about 5 minutes to the park. Health
Park Ranaana - Park R anaana is one of the biggest parks in northern Israel. Located
just outside the actual city it serves the community in many ways. They have big open
grassy areas, 2 giant play areas for the kids, a big man-made lake with boats. They also Maximizing
Your Year
have a mini-Zoo with over 100 animals including monkeys, sheep, hamsters, birds etc. The
inner part of the Zoo (birds, hamsters) is open for 1 hour in the morning 11:00 -12:00am and
one hour in the evening 5:00 - 6:00 pm, but the outer part (monkeys, sheep, and gofers) is
open all day. There is a separate section for making barbeques. The park is free except for Parents
weekends (and maybe vacation days). Park Ranana is on Rechov Hapark.
For information call (09)771-3275
To get there: Take the 947 bus from the Tachana Merkazit to Ranana. Then take the 501 bus About israel
or a cab to the park
Park Kfar Saba - Here is another wonderful place to spend an afternoon during bein
Around the
hazmanim. Located in eastern Kfar Saba this park has many open areas with lots of shade. year in Israel
There are a few places for kids to play and a man-made lake (leave your scuba gear a home
– no entering). The park has a big roller hockey rink (for those in Israel who know what
“roller” and “hockey” are).Located in the park is a look-out point and a bush-maze. At
night the area is lit up with many light designs. The park is open from 6:30am -11:00pm. Fun &
To get there: Take the 465 bus from Shmuel Hanavi
Sem Stuff
What The
Future Holds
Basketball Courts:
GAN HAPAAMON- basketball courts, playground, green grassy area. Nice
for exercise and picnics/ barbeques. Around the corner from the Inbal
hotel on the way to Emek Refaim.
GAN SACHER (SOCCER)- very large park a short walk from the
Tachanah Merkazit. Large park with nice playgrounds, basketball
courts, large fields for other sports and nice picnic areas. During
busy times the park gets very full. Phone: (02)629-6666
SHDEROT BAR-LEV SPORTS FACILITY- At the end of Rechov Machal
if you cross “Kvish Mispar Echad” otherwise known as Shderot Chayim
Bar-Lev there is a soccer field / basketball court. Check it out before you plan
a pickup game there.
GAN KURT - On Chizkiyahu Hamelech St. between Katamon and San Simon there is a
large park called Kurt Park with a basketball court.
MAALOT DAPHNA - On Karl Neter St. between Shimon Hatzadik and Shderot Levi Eshkol
(closer to Shimon Hatzadik) there is a public school with an open basketball court.
GAN CHAMISHA ASSAR - in Ramat Eshkol has an outdoor basketball court which is
sometimes used for soccer so be prepared.
Kraft Stadium - named after Robert Kraft, owner of the New England Patriots, who
donated the Astroturf from the old stadium
To rent out Kraft Stadium call Adam (050)574-4959
MERCAZ HATENNIS - near Malcha Mall on 1 Almaliach St. is the Jerusalem
Fun &
Recreation Tennis Center.
Hours: Sun-Thurs 7:00a.m. – 10:00p.m. Fri- 7:00a.m. – 6:00p.m.
Phone: (02)679-1439
TENNIS CENTER HAR HATZOFIM - Lerner Family Indoor Sport Complex on the Hebrew U.
campus. Entrance across from the Hyatt Hotel.
GIVAT RAM HEBREW U. - In Givat Ram near Kiryat Hamemshala and the Science Center.
On Derech Brodestky.
Phone: (02)658-6611
Gyms- separate Settling-in
A private gym
Male, female, separate hours in Panim Meiros 10
GYMS- men only
Lifestyle Health and Fitness Center
Private Gym – Personal Training – Men Only Maximizing
Your Year
Phone : 02 538 2622 • Address: 24 Metsarei Tiran, Ramat Eshkol
Studio 6 Swan
Phone: 077-7866630 Phone: 02-5619444/3 Around the
year in Israel
Address: Yad Harutzim, 10, Talpiot Address: Emek Refaim 43, German Colony
Regency Jerusalem Spa - Swimming pool, Jerusalem gate hotel Fun &
Jaccuzzi, Sauna, Gym separate gym Recreation
For more info exercise classes, martial arts instructors and personal trainers located in your area Yellow
you can call the fitness hotline – 02 538 2622. Pages
Games to Play on Trips/Tiyulim
I’m old enough to remember family trips where there were no IPods and my siblings and I
would ask, “Are we there yet?” over and over and over. I remember my mother trying to come
up with new and innovative games for us to play. Aside from helping the time pass the games
usually helped us bond. The games we played in our car on those long family trips became
“our games” and we would play them whenever we got in the car no matter how long the
trip. Today, many years have passed and I no longer go on long road trips with my family, but
when we get together and reminisce about old times inevitably the car games come up and
we bond once again. I sometimes wonder if the kids today who each watch their own IPods
or listen to their own mp3’s during family trips will have that same opportunity I had to bond.
Just in case you want to take advantage of the time you spend together on long trips and
tiyulim with your friends, below are some games that you can play on your trips. The list is
not exhaustive and you probably can think of many other games and even games that you
played with your family while you were growing up. Many of the games can even be played
off the road in the comfort of your own home and can help you build bonds with friends that
could last a lifetime. You can even use many of these games at Shabbos tables to keep the
table entertaining.
I Spy – One person picks an object and says, “I spy with my little eyes the
color… (the color of the object.) the other players pick try to guess the object
based on asking Yes and no questions.
Variation. “I spy something that begins with the letter.” This can be more
complicated since you can call things by many different names.
Car Bingo – One person should make a bingo board of 5x5 and write
in each box the name of a different car. (ex. Pickup truck, Station Wagon,
Ambulance, Tractor, Double Truck) make a few different boards so the order
of cars is different on each board. Then, as you sight the vehicle, mark off the
box with that vehicle. First one to get a whole row, column, diagonal wins.
Fun &
Recreation Scavenger hunt – Scavenger hunts take time to prepare but they
are tons of fun. Any good scavenger hunt will need someone to go ahead to
the place where the scavenger hunt will take place and prepare the clues for
the game.
Getting board games – Bring travel games with you on Food Facts
your trips.
Word Chain Game – Start with a two word phrase and each Getting
consecutive person has to take the second word of the phrase and use it to Around
begin a new phrase and so on. (Ex. First person says “Phone Call” The next
person begins with “call” and might say “Call Out” and so on)
Geography – First person names a place, including a city, state,
country, etc. and the next person uses the final letter of that place as the
beginning of the name of the next place. (ex. First person says “Yerushalayim”.
The next person begins with “M” and might say Mississippi” and so on). The Maximizing
Your Year
same game can be played with names of people from Tanach (you’d be
surprised how many you know).
Fun &
Pinkei Tshuvos
How to Speak Yeshivish
For those of you seeing this book for the first time, A shod, we here at the Yeshiva
and Seminary Guide try to help you in every way throughout your year in Israel.
For those who want to start speaking Yeshivish, below are some basic words
you’ll want to know. For those of you who speak Yeshivish, below is a list of
words that you probably think are English, but many people don’t understand
when you say them.
And for those of you who are simply reading this because you are bored late at
night and are too tired to play solitaire one more time. Hope you Enjoy.
“Engaged to the Roshesheevas daughter? it, I might as well order the groyse feste
…Gevaldig!” steak. And besides how often do I go to
Gor - גארvery Usually goes along with a restaurant anyway.” Also pronounced
Fun &
an adjective such as shver (difficult). “The Monafshach. Recreation
“Gradeh, the guy who took my davening ill get a better price.”
jacket is the guy who’s always giving Mudneh - מודנעStrange “That guy
everybody else mussar.” started losing his hair and he put on a What The
Future Holds
Heimish - היימישHomely feeling “The mudneh toupee”
restaurant was so heimish, I mamesh Nish a hin nisht a hehr - נישט א הין נישט א הער
thought my grandmother was going to neither here nor there “Hey, Why is that Yellow
Brisker dancing on top of that van? “He’s belt, freshly pressed pants pointy shoes”
probably nisht a hin nisht aher” Svorah - סבראreasoning, “the svorah
Ois gehalten - לטען
ֶ האַ גע-אויס
ֶ trustworthy, the rebbe said in shiur cleared up the
esteemed“ whole sugyah.”
Ois-mentch - אויס מענטש, Lost his mind Takeh - טאקע
ַ In actuality; “I know it
“After trying to marry off his seventh sounds funny but the cholent is takeh
daughter he’s takkeh Ois-mentch.” more geshmak on Tuesday.”
Oy’chet - אויכעט
ֶ Also “Can you ask your Teef - טיףdeep. “His vort was so teef
host if I can come oy’chet.” that he didn’t even understand it.”
Poshut - פשוטSimple; “It’s so poshut Too oif - טו אויףto accomplish
even I understood it.” “How does he think he’s
Punkt - פונקטExactly; “That’s not gonna Too-oif anything
punkt what I’m saying, but you this year if he came to
got the gist of it.” Israel with an ipod.”
10. List the following rabbis in order in which they lived, The Steipler Gaon,
The Vilna Gaon, Rav Saddya Gaon?
About israel
11. Who established each of the Brachos in Bentching?
12. What was created on each of the seven days of creation?
Around the
13. Name ten of the thirty-nine melachos of Shabbos? year in Israel
a. Mishneh Torah
b. Mesilas Yesharim
What The
c. Shulchan Aruch Future Holds
d. Pnei Yehoshua
22. What are the seven mitzvos Bnei Noach? Yellow
Things to do
Fun & Abu Kayak
At Park Hayarden
Off of road 888
Hours: 9am-5pm
Life changing Settling-in
Nesivos BY Seminary Tour to Poland, June 2014 at the end of the seminary year for girls from
Bnos Chava, Bnos Sarah, Nachlas, BJJ, Meor Beis Yaakov, BYA, Nachalas, Hadar, Ateres, Seminar,
and more! Educational staff: Reb. Blimie Birnbaum, Bnos Chava, Reb. Esther Elfenbein, Meohr BY
What The
and HaRav Meir Wunder, historian. Future Holds
Find out more about Nesivos Yeshiva & Seminary Tours/Legacy Seminary Tours to Eastern
Europe: In Israel: 054-528-1991 / from the US: 718-407-4447 or email: [email protected] Yellow
Jewish Tape Trivia
A tribute to some of the greatest producers of Jewish Classics, Abie Rotenberg, Shmuel
Kunda z”l and Torahvision. If you can answer these questions Kol Hakavod. If you can’t or
you have no idea what this section is about Chaval you don’t know what you’re missing.
• When Zaidy Was Young 1-2 (WZWY1) (WZWY2) • Wheres Zaidy? (WZ)
• Marvelous Midos Machine • The Talking Coins (TTC)
• The Purim Story (TPS)
5. Where does Berish the Butcher put his coins and how
many? (TTC)
6. How did Shnooky get back from the past? (MMM3)
7. What was in the yellow bag that Shnooky found on the bus? (MMM4)
8. Who borrowed whose water gun to shoot the hippo back into the water? (MMM1)
12. Why were little boys put in this world according to Mrs. Himmelstien? (WZWY)
13. How they put out the fire in the Pencil Factory? (WZWY)
15. Who offers Nutty a drink and what kind of drink? (TPS)
17. What does Dr Middos use to contact Shnooky in the past? (MMM3)
19. What was the name of the people who kidnapped President Reagan? (MMM4)
20. How does the Rav prove that Berish was innocent? (TTC) Buying
22. What Yeshiva does Zaidy buy a raffle ticket from? (WZ)
Food Facts
24. What is the name of the gabbai in the Bangkok Shul? (WZ) Getting
25. What is the name of the agent who comes to take Esther? (TPS)
26. Which volume of Uncle Moishe was Uncle Moishe working on in MMM4?
28. How does Shaul prove that Hashem could provide a better meal that
Achashveirosh provided? (TPS) Your Year
If there are other children’s tapes that you would like us to include for next year
please send us a text at (054)788-3368
About israel
& Seminar
iva y
Around the
year in Israel
Co n
t e st Get caught in
Geula/Meah Shearim
with your Yeshiva and Seminary
Students Guide Contest Fun &
50 shekel
to 10 lucky winners
who are caught with their
Yeshiva and Seminary Students Guide.
What The
Future Holds
Contest dates are:
Friday December 4 • January 29 • March 18 • from 12:00-1:30 181
Who Knows 969? Round 2
By: Y.P. Wally
The following game is a list of Jewish, not so commonly used numbers. All the numbers refer
to something Jewish. Some are from tanach and some from yomim tovim etc. the letters
stand for the meanings behind the numbers.
For example “39 = A.M. that are F. on S” (39 = Avos Melachos that are Forbidden on Shabbos)
50 = Y. in a Y. (50 = Years in a Yovel) etc. In order to figure these out you’ll need to think outside
the box. Some are easier than others. If there are any answers you can’t figure out, text us
at (054)STU-DENT or send an email to us at [email protected] and we’ll send
you the answers.
1 100 = S.B. on R.H. 15 400 = S.C with which A.B. the M.H.
8 7 = U on S 22 180 = D. of A’s P
Can you name these Roshei Yeshiva Settling-in
Food Facts
2 3 4 5
6 Around
7 8 9 10
Your Year
12 13 14 15 Parents
About israel
17 18 19 20
Around the
year in Israel
21 Fun &
22 23 24 25
Sem Stuff
26 Touring
27 28 29 30
What The
Future Holds
31 32 33 34
, » L A
Sem Stuff
• Make-up
• Electrolysis
• Jewelry
• Gown Rentals
Seminary Stuff
Spending a year in seminary in Israel can be a tremendously rewarding experience. The
growth that you can achieve during this year cannot be matched by any other period in your
life. Friendships built during this year of growth are often friendships that last a lifetime.
Knowing how to take advantage of your time here is something you will find vital to your
Israel Experience.
There are many things that you will need in order to make your seminary year go smoother.
Most of the information is conveniently located throughout this book but there are some
things that girls need that are not as relevant to boys and therefore we have designated this
space to you, “the Seminary Student”
It is a very good idea to keep all real jewelry that you are not using constantly, in a school safe.
This applies to all valuables and specifically to jewelry as well. Your school dorm is not the
safest place for your jewelry even if you have a great hiding place. Better be safe than …. On
a lighter note most countries have a specific style and fashion sense. Israel is no exception.
Many students find that there is jewelry that they can get in Israel that fits their style more
than anything they have seen back home. Israel hosts a large selection of jewelry with jewish
themes. Ask around you’ll find that many others have found great jewelry at great prices.
Sem Stuff
Miss shopping for quality clothing?
053 31 65237
Join The Professional
Advanced Methods • Creative Styles
Color Theory • Product Guide
Your Year
About israel
Around the
year in Israel
Fun &
Sem Stuff
Food Facts
Your Year
About israel
Around the
year in Israel
Fun &
Sem Stuff
What The
Future Holds
Gown Rental
It is what you’ve been waiting for...a simcha back at home. And you want to look perfect.
You want the gown, the style, the color, but you just don’t know where to start. That’s where
Exquisite comes in. Exquisite features stunning gowns in the latest American
styles, all with our exclusive touch unique to every gown.
But that’s only the beginning. We realize that a gown is not just a rental-
it’s an experience. That’s why we work with you until you are sure that
the gown you take is the gown you were searching for. We customize to
your taste-any style, any color, any size, all with an impeccable attention
to detail. And above all, you receive the personal attention that you
deserve. At Exqusite Gown Rental, your satisfaction is our priority, and
that makes all the difference.
The Secret to
Hair-Care in Israel
Let’s face it seminary girls, you are in a new country and you
had to leave your hair stylist behind. Many of you are probably
nervous to get your hair cut in Israel. You may worry, Will they
chop off all my hair? Do they really know what they are doing? How do
I know they are good? Maybe I can just make it through the whole year
without getting a haircut! Two common pitfalls of that mode of thinking:
1. You get so desperate for a haircut that you cave and let your inexperienced
friend cut your hair.
2. You spend a fortune in some hotel salon thinking that the increase in
price means an increase in talent.
Well the good news is, you do not have to fall prey to that mistaken logic.
Believe it or not, there are American-licensed hair professionals living right here in Israel.
Many have set up salons in their homes and offer flexible hours to accommodate your busy
seminary schedule.
Sem Stuff
Because of the high-wattage that blow-dryers use, you may find it more beneficial to buy
an Israeli blow-dryer for your year in seminary. An American hair straightener can work
with the proper converter, but it often does not work like before. Some straighteners do
not reach a workable temperature, while others can become very hot and easily damage or
even burn your hair. Using a thermal protector and serum on your hair helps protect it while
simultaneously maintaining its bounce and shine. Be very careful when converting these
tools, because if the wattage of your device does not match the converter it is likely to blow.
Square Buying
Food Facts
Offering a wide selection of
Hair accessories and socks / tights
Your Year
About israel
Around the
year in Israel
• Kvorim
• Central Israel
• Northern Israel
• Southern Israel
• maps
Eretz Yisroel is the burial site of some of the holiest people in our illustrious history. During
your stay here you should set aside some time to visit some of these mekomos hakedoshim..
Most Kvorim can only be gotten to with special tours or with private transportation. Your
Yeshiva/Seminary might take you to some of the more famous ones. Many tours advertise
on signs in the center of the city.Artzeinu Tours arrange trips in English to many of the
mekomos hakedoshim..
Here is a short list of some of the more famous kvorim.
Yonasan ben Uziel - segulah for a shidduch
To Get There: Take the 982 to Tzfat from the Central Bus Station , next take a Taxi to Amuka
- it is about a ten min. drive from Tzfat and you should be able to get a flat rate. A normal price is
approximately 60 N.I.S. for one way and 130 round trip including a 20 minute wait to allow you
time to daven.
Rabbi Akiva
Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzato
Rochel - Rabbi Akiva’s Wife
Rabbi Meir Ba’al Haness
To Get There: Take the 962 from the Central Bus Station to Teveria. The various kevorim are
scattered throughout the city.
Hillel Hazakein
Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai
Rabbi Yochanan Hasandler
Rabbi Elazar ben R’ Shimon
To Get There: The 982 (see Tsfat) stops at the entrance to Meiron
HAIFA Settling-in
To Get There: Take the 947 (platform 18) to Haifa.
To Get There: Take bus no. 160 from the Central Bus Station
Ruth Food Facts
Usniel ben Kenaz
The Ramban (according to some) Around
Kever Rochel
To Get There: There are special and egged buses. Egged – 163 – starts at the Central Bus
Station and goes down Malchei Yisroel and Meah Shearim. Maximizing
Your Year
Hours: Sun.-Wed. 12:30am-10:30pm
Thursday open 24 hours
The Kever closes 3 hours before Shabbos until 1 hour after Shabbos Parents
Alternatively there is an organization called Mosdos Kever Rochel. As the name implies, they
provide services connected to Kever Rochel. They provide a service where you can call their hotline at
About israel
1-800-800-863 and leave names to have them daven for at Kever Rochel. They also provide a bus for
a minimal fee of 10 Shekel per person round trip. The buses begin their pickups Sun-Thurs 2:45pm
6:45pm 8:45pm from Rechov Panim Meirot in Matterdorf and stop at all Egged bus stops on the
following streets: Sorotzkin, Ezras Torah, Givat Moshe, Shmuel Hanavi, Shivtei Yisroel to the bottom Around the
year in Israel
of Meah Shearim and then continues directly to Kever Rochel. The bus waits at Kever Rochel for
approximately 30 minutes and returns to Yerushalayim in the opposite route. On Thursday Night
there is an additional bus that begins at 10:45pm and passes by the Dung Gate outside the Kotel Fun &
before going to Kever Rochel. Recreation
What The
Future Holds
Jerusalem touring
(depending on reservations).
Jerusalem Tourist Information Center
Fridays and on the eve of festivals:
7am – 12pm Anything you want to know about touring Sem Stuff
in Jerusalem can be found here.
On Chol Ha’moed the site is open as usual
(with a reservation and payment). Jaffa gate (02)628-0382
Visitation of the site is only through guided Sun-Thus 8am-5pm Fri. 9am-1pm
tours which must be ordered in advance.
Tours are given in English and in Hebrew. The Temple Institute (Machon Hamikdash)
It is recommended that you book two The Machon Hamikdash is a very educational What The
months in advance. place to visit. Started in 1987 they have Future Holds
To request a tour call the tunnel tours dedicated themselves to bringing to life all
hotline *5958 between 8:30am – 5:00pm the different aspects of the Beis Hamikdash.
Their goal is to bring awareness to all of us Yellow
the central role that the Beis Hamikdash is The Old Yishuv Court Museum
supposed to play in our lives and what we The museum is located in the heart of the
can do to prepare for the building of the Jewish Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem
Third Beis Hamikdash. in a 16th -century building. It displays the
Hours: Sun. -Thurs 9:00 a.m. – 5:00p.m. story of the Jewish community from the
Fri. 9:00-12:00 periods under Ottoman rule, through the
(last entrance 1 hr. before closing) final days of the British Mandate ended
Entrance fee – Adult 25 NIS Child(up to 18) 20 in 1948.
Guided tours also available for a fee. Also on the grounds are the Shuls of the
19 Misgav Ladach Street Arizal and the Ohr Hachaim.
Jewish Quarter, Old City. Hours: Sun – Thurs. 10:00a.m. – 3:00p.m.
Reservations are recommended Fri. 10:00a.m. – 1:00p.m.
Tel: (02) 626-4545 (Old City) Entrance fee – Adults -18 NIS Child -8 NIS
Tel: (02) 624-2566 (International Dept.) Phone: (02) 628-4636
[email protected]
Address: 6 Or Hayim Street Old City,
Jewish Quarter.
Segways @ Armon Hanetziv map of the zoo. Throughout the year they Settling-in
Built on the southern side of the old city also have shows of different animals and
wall the Armon Hanetziv neighborhood other nature exhibits.
includes various tours including Segway Buses: 33 Bus, from Har Nof, Bayit VeGan,
tours, and jeep rides, and a beautiful Malcha Mall, and Gilo or Light rail to the end Stuff
promenade overlooking the old city (Mt.Herzl) then take the 26A bus
(gorgeous at night) with picnic areas. Tel: (02)675-0125
Price Between 42-55 shekel per person Food Facts
The promenade is very accessible by public
Yad Vashem
For tours call *6033
Yad Vashem leaves a powerful impression on Getting
your heart and soul. So be prepared mentally
Oter Israel. and emotionally. It is a Holocaust museum
Come see the process of tefillin production that presents the holocaust from a secular
from start to finish. Oter Israel invites you perspective. If you do go be prepare yourself Health
to follow the arduous process of converting It must be noted though that they don’t
raw animal hides into sets of beautiful give much credit to the spiritual heroes of
tefillin. See scribes (sofrim) writing tefillin the holocaust; the ones who kept Shabbos Maximizing
Your Year
and mezuzahs and much more. in the worst situations and risked their lives
Cost of tour: free to put on tefilin. The ones who ate kosher
Address: Located at 31 Kanfei Nesharim St. as hard as it may have been or didn’t eat
For information call: (02)653-5514 their measly bread rations on pesach. There Coming
are hundreds and thousands of stories like
City Tour Bus these and this is really the lesson we have to
incorporate. Just go to any Jewish bookstore About israel
2 hour tour around the city
and see the many Orthodox publications
Begins opposite Central Bus Station out there. We can all learn a lot from these
5 buses daily Sun-Fri 9 am 11 am 1:30 pm giants of our nation who in the darkest of
Around the
3:45 pm 6 pm* times never gave up. So if you go keep these year in Israel
For info call (050)842-2473 ideas in mind.
Special group orders (050)220-2882
Hours: Sun. –Wed. 9:00 – 17:00
Day pass allows you to board and
Thurs. 9:00 – 20:00 Fun &
disembark at 25 stops around Jerusalem.
Erev Shabbos/Chag 9:00 – 14:00
Including Israel Museum, Supreme Court,
Tel: (02)644-3400
Yad Vashem, Old City Walls, Knesset,
Sem Stuff
Biblical zoo
*from April to October only Gush Katif Museum
If you’ve heard about Gush Katif then
Biblical Zoo you probably want to visit this museum. Touring
One of the highlights of Yerushalayim is its Here you will find vestiges of the old yishuv of
famous “Biblical” zoo, also known by its Gush Katif.
official name The Tisch Family Zoological Opening Hours:
What The
Gardens. Aside from the many animals from Sun-Thurs 10:00am-5:00pm Future Holds
all over the world the zoo also has very large Fridays 9:00am-1:00pm
grassy areas for to relax and picnic on. Before Ticket Prices: 20 NIS
you enter the zoo make sure to get a listing Address: 5 Sharei Tzedek St. The Museum
of when they feed each animal as well as a is located a few minutes away from the Pages
Central Bus Station Scotland, make a line of specialty beers.
Phone: (02) 625-5456 Tours are available by advance reservation.
The Bible Lands Museum Included in the tour is an interactive
explanation of the brewing process and a
The B.L.M. in Yerushalayim is the only
beer tasting for those at least 18 years of age.
museum dedicated to the history of the
The tours usually run 30-45 minutes and
Chumash. The exhibits can give you a
costs NIS 20 per person for groups of at least
physical picture of some of the lesser known
10 people. For smaller groups, cost is NIS
historical aspects of the chumash. The
200 flat fee. All Lone Tree beers are kosher
history can be advantageous to appreciating
your learning. They have on site a study hall
for more in-depth research. Email: [email protected]
Hours: Sun., Mon., Tues., Thurs. 9:30 - 17:30 Tel: (02)930-9010
Weds. 9:30 - 21:30
Fri. & Erev Yomtov. 9:30 - 14:00 Israel Artours
Museum Admission Rates: Adult - 40 NIS See the Land through the Eyes of an Artist!
Student/New Immigrant - 20 NIS Artours - Sketching Trips to Scenic Sights - a
Phone: (02) 561-1066 program of Artlev Academy - Art School for
Address: Museum Row, across from the Women. Tour and Paint with Sarah Levinson,
Israel Museum. B.A., Fine Art. Day trips and overnight
25 Avraham Granot Street, retreats.
Phone: 052-767-6195.
Deer Land Ranch website:
A wildlife reserve with many different
animals and many activities, including rope
park, wall climbing, and one of the longest
zip lines in the world.
Tel: (050)538-8705
Genesis Land
Experience hands on what might have been
like to live in the times of our Forefathers.
Enjoy a Camel ride as well as interactive The Jerusalem Juggling Club
workshops including Parchment Writing, Attention Jugglers! Beginners and profe
Pita Baking, Mosaics, and Pottery ssionals welcome. The Jerusalem Juggling
Yishuv Alon Club is the first for Torah-observant men
Tel: (02)997-4477 and boys in Israel. Meet once a month in the
Touring Maalot Dafna area. Juggling Supplies for sale
on site.
Lone Tree Brewery Call Josh Phaff for more info 054-474-8425
or email [email protected]
The Lone Tree Brewery is a microbrewery
located in Gush Etzion, about 15 minutes
south of Jerusalem and 20 minutes from
Beit Shemesh. Established 2010, Lone Tree’s
founders, immigrants from the USA and
North Settling-in
The Golan and the Galil are full of exciting places to visit (during Bein Hazmanim or with Buying
your Seminary of course). Aside from the mekomos kedoshim there are lots of places where
you can spend an entire day. From horseback riding to jeeping to hiking and boating you
just have decide where and when. Here is a partial list of places we thought you might be
interested in visiting. Food Facts
The site is also an excellent observation To Get There: Take the 966 (twice a day
point overlooking the Hula Valley leaving platform 21) from the Central Bus
communities. You can see into Syria and Station. Ask the driver where to get off there Health
ROSH HA-NIKRA ments in the no-man’s zone between Israel
In the northwest corner of Israel, on the and Syria. There is an audio information
Israel-Lebanon border, at a point where the center at the site.
Mediterranean Sea meets the cliffs, you To Get There: Take the 963 or 966 to
will find Mitzpe Rosh Hanikra. The white either Kiryat Shemoneh or Katzrin
chalk cliffs offer a spectacular panoramic then take the local 87, 54 and 59 to Merom
view of Haifa Bay, the hills of the Galilee Hagolan (it is near Kibbutz Ein Zivan)
and the Mediterranean. The grottos of Rosh Phone: (04) 6962966
Hanikra were formed by the sea chipping
away portions of the soft chalk rock over
thousands of years. Underground shocks SOUTH JORDAN PARK AND BEIT TSEIDA
produced cracks in the rock, letting in rain South Jordan Park and Beit Tseida is a
and seawater, thus widening and expanding spectacular park, with channels of the
them into many, wonderful shapes. A man- Jordan River traversing it on their way to
made 200 meters long tunnel connects the the Sea of Galilee. Along these channels
grottos. At the site, a cable car will take you are three marked hiking trails that pass by
down the cliff to the grottos, an audiovisual ancient flourmills. You can also find shallow
display tells the story of Rosh Hanikra. pools to splash around. The park has shaded
To Get There: Take the 960 (platform no. picnic areas. Archeological remains abound
19) to Haifa then switch to the 271 (platform in the park from the Canaanite and Israelite
no. 12) to Nahariya. You can take the 20,32, or periods, as well as from the Roman period of
33 to Mitzpe Rosh Hanikra or take a cab from the ancient city of Beit Tseida.
there. Behind the bus station on Lochamei For directions call: (04) 6923422
Hagitot st. is a taxi stand to Rosh Hanikra.
For all you Wine lovers out there here are
Phone: 073-2710100 some wonderful places to visit up north.
Fridays 10:00-13:00, last tour is at 13:00. The waterfalls formed by the Bazelet River, the Settling-in
tour and a tasting take around 45 mins. northern tributary of the Daliyot River. The
To Get There: There is no public trans path crosses over the rivers and affords a
portation there and the options we have to lovely view of the waterfalls.
offer will only get you there after closing Entrance fee: Stuff
time. So if you are in the Tzfat area then you Adult: NIS 27; child: NIS 14
can call for directions. It is located aprox. 30 Group rate:
min. north of Tzfat on road 886. Adult: NIS 22; child: NIS 13 Food Facts
Phone: (04) 698 7683 (ext 3) To Get There: Again there is no public
transportation directly there so this is what
tyou have to do: Take the 966 to Daliyot Getting
junction (like to Katzrin) go north on the
Located in the Industrial Area of Katzrin (2 869 for 2km turn off when you see the
km from the town center). posted sign.
For a small fee, individuals or groups can Phone: (04) 6822282/3
take part in an enjoyable tour of the winery.
The tour includes an informative intro YEHUDIA NATURE RESERVE Maximizing
Your Year
duction, short video, a visit to the oak barrel
The 16,500-acre Yehudiya Forest Nature
cellar, viewing of the bottling line (when in
Reserve is located in the heart of the Golan
operation) and of course - wine tasting.
Heights. The reserve is shaped like an Parents
Opening days: outstretched hand: the palm is Beit Zaida Coming
Sunday-Friday Valley, and each finger represents a river
The last tour takes place one hour with rushing water and waterfalls. The
before closing. reserve is 400 meters above sea level at its About israel
Advanced booking is requested. acme and gently slopes down its lowest
To Get There: It is located near Katzrin. point, 100 meters below sea level.
Around the
Take the 966 from the Central Bus Station Color-coded hiking trails run along most of year in Israel
to the Ancient Katzrin Park the rivers. Trails span the gamut from easy
Phone: (04) 6968409, (04) 6968435 paths for the entire family to challenging
routes which involve going down Fun &
ladders or rappelling. Those intending to
GAMLA NATURE RESERVE rappel should engage the services of a
The landscape of Gamla Nature Reserve professional guide, certified for this type
Sem Stuff
contains a lot of animals and many well- of activity.
preserved remnants of the past. The reserve Hours:
boasts both a phenomenal concentration of April-September: 8:00-17:00
birds of prey, some of them rare, living in a October-March: 8:00-16:00
relatively small area, and the earliest known Entrance fee:
shul in the world. Another observation Adult: NIS 21; youth: NIS 9
terrace overlooks the 50-meter Gamla Fall,
Group rate (over 30 people):
the highest perennial waterfall in Israel. The What The
Adult: NIS 18; Youth: NIS 8. Future Holds
trails through the Gamla Nature Reserve are
well marked. Some are suitable for the entire The entrance fee to the Meshushim Nature
family and others only for good hikers. One Reserve is the same as the entrance fee to
of the trails passes through the canyon and the Yehudiya Nature Reserve. Yellow
Discounts may be available; inquire at the To Get There: Take the 963 from the
reserve. Overnight camping: NIS 40 per J.C.B.S. to Kiryat Shemona and take bus 58
adult; NIS 30 per youth to the Tzomet Shi’on stop by the falls.
To Get There: Sorry no public trans Phone: (04) 6902577
portation. (Katzrin)
The Yehudiya Forest Reserve is 7 kilometers GOLAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM
east of the Yehudiya junction on Route
From Early History to Gamla this little
87 (Yehudiya-Hoshaya) in the direction of
museum exhibits the history of the Golan
Katzrin. The reserve is about 5.5 kilometers
Heights. A audio-visual show in several
south of Katzrin.
languages explains the stoty of Gamla.
Phone: (04) 6962817
Opening hours:
Sunday - Thursday: 0900 -1600
Friday and Festival eves: 0900 - 1330
A large park that straddles the banks of
To Get There: Take the 966 from the
the Jordan River and its tributaries as
Central Bus Station (platform 21) to
it emerges from the Jordan River ravine
Katzrin. The museum is located in Katzrin.
and flows into the Sea of Galilee. The
park includes the remains of mills that Phone:(04) 696-9636
used to operate at the site and a series of
pathways, bridges, and picnic areas that
lead visitors along the many branches of Visitors come and observe the workings of
the Jordan. a real farm with horses, sheep, goats, cattle,
chickens and more.
To Get There: Sorry no public trans
Summer Hours:
portation. If you are coming from the
Sun.-Thurs. 8:00 to 19:00
south you must go around the Kineret
Fri. and pre-holidays 8:00 to 16:00
either using the 87 or 92 until the 888 and
Winter Hours:
go north for 2km until the entrance of the
Sun.-Thurs. 8:00 to 17:00
Fri. and pre-holidays 8:00 to 16:00
Phone: (04) 6923422 For information and reservations:
To Get There: Take the 966 to Katsrin Settling-in
Here amazing animals roam freely - deer,
wild goats, gazelles, antelope and more. Food Facts
If you thought you couldn’t get enough out
of the Golan here is the tour stopper. You
might be surprised to see what goes into
getting that apple into your hand. This is one
of the biggest apple plants in Israel. You can
find Bereishit apples at many of your local
To Get There: The plant is located near OTZAR HASTAM
Katzin. To get to Katzrin take the 966 from
If you are interested in seeing how Torah,
the Central Bus Station (call for more precise
Tefillin, and Mezuzos are written and you
are in the north you can take a tour at Otzar
Hours: Sun-Thurs 8:30 – 3:30
Phone: (04) 696-1988 ext 5
To Get There: Take the 982 (see Kvorim:
Connecting Heaven and Earth
Address: 62 Hagidud Hashlishi St., Tzfat
in Beit El
Phone: (04) 691-2000
If you haven’t eaten lunch yet you can go
visit Manara Cliff. Over there you will find the
longest cable car in Israel (like there are so
many to compare to). They also have a variety
of other activities that include mountains
Visit Beit El, where Yaacov Avinu dreamt (mountain slides, rappelling, zip line).
of angels ascending and descending a To Get There: Take the 963 (platform no.
ladder to the heavens, and where Hashem 20) to Kiryat Shemona. Manara Cliff is
promised the Land to both Avraham and located at the southern entrance to the city.
Yaacov. You can request from the bus driver to get
off there.
Modern Beit El is a thriving community
with over a thousand families. Tours of Beit Phone: (04) 690-5830
El include Jacob’s Rock, the Promised Land
Observation Tower, Hashmonean burial KOL SHOFAR
caves, and a unique Olive Oil Factory Cave. Located in Givat Yoav in Ramat Hagolan
The Beit El Tefillin Factory also offers tours. Kol Shofar is a shofar making factory. It has
Beit El boasts the Havat Efraiim Animal been around for three generations. Visitors
Corner, the Arutz 7 Internet Radio Studios, a receive a thorough explanation of the
boutique winery, and the Reishite HaAretz manufacturing process including laws and
Farm with workshops specializing in different types of horns used. Call to arrange
Mitzvot Teluyot BaAretz. a tour.
Call Judy Simon to schedule a tour at: To Get There: Take the 966 from the
054-666-8257 or visit: C.B.S. (platform no. 21) to Givat Yoav .
Phone: (04) 676-3307
Cell: 050-373-2459
South Settling-in
The southern half of the country is not as exciting as the northern, simply because most of
it is covered in sand and is not very arable. This coupled with the fact that there are a few Buying
army bases, secret and not-so-secret, makes much of the area off limits for tourists. So
unless you like sand or being chased by the IDF there’s not much to do. Here’s a short list
of places to visit;
Food Facts
Spend some time in… Tzfat
To Get There: Take the 982, it can be picked up by Shmuel Hannavi and Bar-Ilan , along Bar-
Ilan, and at the Central Bus Station
Things to do
• Artists colony in Tzfat • Glass Blowing Exhibit
• Old City of Tzfat Sheva Chaya Gallery, 7 Tet-Vav Street
• Tzfat Winery
• Tzfat Gallery of Mystical Art
• Kabbalah Art Gallery
• Otzar Hastam
• Tzfat Candles Gallery Learn all about the making of Torahs
• Tzfat Cheese Tefillin and Mezuzahs.
Through every stage (04)691-2000
• Arizal’s Mikvah
Ancient Shuls
• Ari Shul (Ashkenazi) • Rav Yitzchok Abuhav Shul
• Ari Shul (Sephardi) • Rav Yosef Caro Shul
• Ari HaKodesh • R Shlomo Alkabetz
• Rav Yosef Karo • Chana and her seven sons
• R Moshe Cordovero • Nachum Ish Gamzu
Places to stay
• Metzuda 37 Jerusalem St.(04)697-2666 • Ron Hotel Hativat Yiftach (04)697-2590
Tzfat Tzimmers
• Sugar Suite 22/7 Givat Shoshana • Safed Inn (04)697-1007
(050)447 7177 • Bar Yochai Tzimmers (04)698-7042
• Ari Suites Old city Tzfat (050)415-6810 • Achuzat Karo Old City Tzfat (052)714-9134
• Montal Tzimmer (04)67-0864
Tzfat Taxis
• Taxi Ari: 04 699 9994 or 1800 399 994 • Taxi Tamir: 04 697 2111
• Taxi HaMavrich: 1 800 32 50 50 or 057 725 4433
or 04 697 4222 • Ha’ari 1800-330-808
RABBINUT OF TZFAT Tel: 04-697-2438 Rabbi Bistritzki,
Chief Rabbi of Tzfat.
Art Café 90 Jerusalem St.
Tel: 04-682-0928. Mehadrin Rabbi Bistritzki Stuff
Fun &
Sem Stuff
What The
Future Holds
Sorotzkin/Mattersdorf/Central Bus Station
Food Facts
Your Year
About israel
Around the
year in Israel
Fun &
Sem Stuff
What The
Future Holds
Har Nof
Food Facts
Your Year
About israel
Around the
year in Israel
Fun &
Sem Stuff
What The
Future Holds
Rechavia/German Colony/Emek Refaim
Food Facts
Your Year
About israel
Around the
year in Israel
Fun &
Sem Stuff
What The
Future Holds
BAyit Vegan
Old City
Food Facts
Your Year
About israel
Neve Yaacov
Around the
year in Israel
Fun &
Sem Stuff
What The
Future Holds
Ramat Beit Shemesh Beit Shemesh
Rabbi Burgs
Food Facts
Your Year
About israel
Around the
year in Israel
Fun &
Sem Stuff
What The
Future Holds
Yam L’yam
• At the end of each day you will reach a small town where you can replenish your food
and water supply and where you can set up your tent
• For the weak of heart: if you feel you cannot complete the entire 3 day journey
you can leave at the end of any day or meet your friends at one of the end-of-day
• Very Important to make sure to have at least one fully charged cellphone at all times.
• Warning: You should not attempt the hike after a very rainy winter as the trail has Settling-in
• Warning: Dehydration on the hike is very common. You should eat salty foods (to help
retain the water and drink constantly even if you don’t feel thirsty. Stuff
Recommended • Rope
Around the
year in Israel
• Sunglasses • Whistle
• Water shoes • Camera (fully charged) charger
Fun &
• Bathing Suit • Lighter Recreation
• Compass
Sem Stuff
What The
Future Holds
I want to….
What The
Future Holds
• Yeshivas in America
• Post Seminary Seminaries
California Conneticut
Rav Simcha Bunim Berger Rav Ahron Kaufman
8843 Alcott St. #9
85 Arlington Street 32 Hillside Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90035
Bridgeport, CT 06606 Waterbury, CT 06710-2217
Phone: (310)927-8618
[email protected] Phone: (203)330-9200
Phone: (203) 573-0266 Fax: (203)330-4564
[email protected]
Sem Stuff
Rav Moshe Faskowitz (NEW YORK, NY) Rav Herschel Shachter
69-13 172st. Rav Dovid Feinstein Wilf Campus
Flushing N.Y. 11365 145 E Broadway 2495 Amsterdam Ave
Phone: (718)969-8501 New York, NY, 10002 Suite 501
What The
Fax: (718)228-5051 Phone: (212)964-2830 New York , NY 10033 Future Holds
Phone: (212) 960-5400
What The
Future Holds
Post Seminary Seminaries
Your Year
Funding the Year
Thanks to NCSY and R’ A.Y. Rubin
Funding your learning in Eretz Yisroel can be costly. Many Yeshivas and Seminaries give
scholarships based on the financial needs of the student applying. However even with the
break you might receive, the cost of spending a year in Yeshiva / Seminary in Israel can be
daunting. It is possible that your tuition has already been handled by your parents or someone
else. If it has not, or you would like to receive assistance trying to learn for another year or
perhaps you have a sibling / relative who will be coming and you think this information could
help them, we have listed various ways which you could receive financial assistance to help
take your mind off the finances and allow you to learn with a clear head.
Note: Not all of the options are available for all students.
IMPORTANT: Most scholarships are inundated with requests by email. Some funds
will only award scholarship money if the request stands out as something worthy.
If you send emails and don’t get responses don’t be surprised. You will need to be
assertive and call or write letters in order to receive funding. If you have a friend who
writes well have him/her help you formulate your request in the best way possible to
make sure you receive funding.
1 Many communities and shuls have funds earmarked for helping students learn in Israel.
Ask around amongst the leaders of the community how you could apply to receive some of
that assistance. Almost all shul rabbis have a “Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund” where they are
allotted certain funds for which they can allocate to their discretion. Ask your Rav, perhaps
your needs will fit his discretion.
2 In most major Jewish communities there are Jewish Federations which offer scholarships
for students who wish to learn is Israel. Some offer needs based scholarships while other offer
scholarships based on merits while some offer both. Contact your local Jewish Federation to
find out if you meet their requirements to receive a scholarship.
3 If you are affiliated with NCSY you could be eligible for a scholarship through National
NSCY as well as your own Regional NCSY. Ask the heads of your NCSY region to find out how
to apply for a scholarship.
4 Speak to the Rebbe or Teacher involved in facilitating students to go to Israel (Israel Advisor).
It is possible that your High school has funds allocated to help students learn in Israel. Perhaps
they have a work-study program to help you attend the institution you would like.
5 The Yeshiva / Seminary that you are (planning on) attending may have scholarships
available for students. It never hurts to ask.
What The
Future Holds
6 Many Yeshivas and Seminaries are affiliated with a university (ex. Y.U., Touro. H.T.C./TI) in
America. If you are attending an institution that is affiliated, you could be eligible to Federal
(FAFSA) and state grants. Ask your Israel advisor how this works to maximize your scholarship
money, or check out
7 MASA is an organization that offers scholarships to students who plan to attend a Yeshiva
or Seminary in Israel. Masa has two types of help. They offer funding for students who apply
to schools who abide by their criteria. Additionally they offer funding based on a student’s
needs. Contact them to find out if you are eligible for a scholarship. Stuff
8 The Alisa Flatow Memorial Fund offers a limited number of scholarships on a merit and
need basis. You will need to apply by mid-February in order to be considered for a scholarship. Food Facts
The fund is not for students already learning in Israel. In order to be considered you will need
to be attending an institution that offers college credits. To find out more see
9 Rabbi Avrohom Yitzchok Rubin has a fund that helps students who are serious about learning Around
10 Jeff Seidel has a fund that helps students, who come from non-Orthodox backgrounds, pay Health
for their airfare to learn in Israel. You must apply before you fly.
11 Oorah, yes the same one as the auction, offers scholarships to students wishing to learn in Maximizing
Israel. Contact Oorah to see if you meet the criteria for their Israel scholarships: Your Year
12 Rabbi Benzion Klatzko offers scholarships for students wishing to learn in Israel on select
programs. Contact Rabbi Klatzko, at [email protected], to find out if you meet his Parents
criteria for a scholarship.
13 The Amy Adina Schulman Scholarship Fund- The grant requires a commitment to educate
About israel
others through lectures, programs or other activities upon returning to your home or school
community. You must be willing and able to do this so others will have the opportunity
to learn about and to be inspired to do similar work. Apply at
Around the
year in Israel
14 JNF has a “Plant your way to Israel” program. You raise money to help plant trees in Israel
and you receive $18 out of every $36 donation toward your tuition. You’d be surprised how
many people are interested in planting trees in Israel. Ask your grandma, uncle, aunt, cousin, Fun &
neighbor, neighbor’s cousin etc. (You get the drift.) to donate a tree in honor of each of their
children etc. Come up with a geshmak sales pitch and you could fund your way to Israel and
help the Israel forests at the same time. You can even start your own personal fund raising
web page at Check it out at Sem Stuff
15 has a list of over 600 scholarships available for students. There may
be a scholarship opportunity available to help fund your trip to Israel. Touring
16 Torah LeTzion offers scholarships to students who are interested in learning and growing
religiously and personally in Israel.
What The
Future Holds
17 All large companies and wealthy people have foundations for distribution of their charity
funds. Many have scholarship funds for studying and many have funds for overseas studies.
Do some research, make some phone calls, send some emails. Be proactive. If you plan your
request properly you could receive some descent funding “You never know, you never know.” Yellow
Important Phone Numbers
Police 100
Fire 102
Information 144
Egged *2800
ad on Page ...............................................97
Budget....................... *2200 / (03)935-0000
Dr. Cheifetz......................... (02)538-6744
ad on Page ...............................................95 Coming
Sixt.......................................... (03)977-3500
Dr. Chiott..............................(02)583-2273
ad on Page ...............................................95
Cel Phones Dr. Gerlernter................... (02)625-9682 About israel
ad on Page ...............................................96
Rent A Cell....................... (058)548-5974
ad on page..................................................... 121 Dr. Glassman..................... (02)566-9061
Around the
ad on Page ...............................................97 year in Israel
Dr. Weiss..............................(02)643-0952
Clothing ad on Page ...............................................97
Fun &
Designer Basics...................... (054)842-1979 Recreation
Education / College Exercise
Blitstein Institute........... (773)973-0241 Life Style............................. 02-538-6222
ad on Page .............................................. 21 ad on page..................................................... 50
Compuskills...................... 02-654-1268
ad on page................................................. 17, 111
Design Alive..................... 078-555-8580
Barak Exterminators................052-376-3879
ad on page........................................ Back cover
ad on page......................................................33
Halichos................................. 054-843-5017
H. T. C. Skokie.................. (847)982-2500
ad on Page ............................................... 13
Extra-Curricular Learning
Aishet / Achim................. 052-761-8796
Jerusalem School
ad on page......................................................23
of Photography......................... 02-307-5575
Artlev Academy Art School...... 052-767-6195
ad on Page ................................................. 1 Discovery........................ 054-847-6502
ad on page..................................................... 29
Maalot Baltimore.....................410-358-3144
T.T.I..........................................057-314-7092 Glamour Makeup......... (053)316-5237
ad on Page1............................................... 87
Touro America..........................02-651-0090
Y.I.E.P................................... (917)209-8204
ad on Page ............................................... 35 Gifts & TOYS
Head over Heels............ 3 Levush Mordechai
Hairsyling Harmony..............................Tel:(02)621-9999
Mollie glas Inbal Jerusalem.....................Tel:(02)675-6666
Sheitel Course................ 054-847-4135 (Rabbanut)............................3 Jabotinsky St.,
ad on page.................................................... 187
Jerusalem Gate ...................Tel:(02)500-8500 Buying
Shear Beauty..........................054-557-9402 (Mehadrin and OU)................43 Yirmiyahu St
Shoshana Heisel..................... 052-763-6303 Jerusalem Gold .....................Tel:(02)501-3333
Shushu Mayer - Wig Design.......02-651-0323 (Rabbanut)................................. 234 Jaffa Rd. Food Facts
Leonardo Inn........................Tel:(02)655-8888
Misgav Ladach
Chizkiyahu Hamelech 27.............(02) 567-8444 Leonardo Jerusalem...............Tel:(02)533-1234
Your Year
Sha’arei Tzedek Leonardo Plaza.................... Tel:(02)629-8666
Bayit 12, Bayit Vegan..................... (02) 655-5111 (Mehadrin)........................47 King George St.
Novotel...............................Tel:(02) 532-0000
A Little House In Rechavia....Tel:(02)563-3344
(Mehadrin).............................9 St. George St.
(Mehadrin)............................. 20 Ibn Ezra St.
Fun &
American Colony..................Tel:(02)627-9777 Olive Tree .............................Tel:(02)541-0410 Recreation
(Rabbanut)........................... 23 St. George St.
Caesar (Rabbanut)................ Tel:(02)500-5656
208 Jaffa Rd Palatin....................................Tel:(02)623-1141
Sem Stuff
Crowne Plaza....................... Tel:(02)539-0808 Park Jerusalem (Rabbanut)...Tel:(02)658-2222
(Rabbanut)................................... Givat Ram (Rabbanut)....................................2 Vilnay St.
Dan Boutique...................... Tel:(02)568-9999 Touring
Prima Kings...........................Tel:(02)620-1201
31 Derech Hebron
(Mehadrin)........................60 King George St.
Dan Panorama......................Tel:(02)569-5695
Prima Palace............................Tel:(02)531-1811
David Citadel........................... Tel:(02)621-1111 (Agudas Yisroel)..............................2 Pines St. What The
Future Holds
(Rabbanut)............................ 7 King David St.
Prima Royale...........................Tel:(02)560-7111
Eldan..................................... Tel:(02)567-9777
(Rabbanut)...............................24 King David Ramada Jerusalem.............. Tel:(02)659-9999
(Mehadrin)...........Ruppin Bridge / Herzl Blvd. Yellow
Grand Court...........................Tel:(02)591-7777
(Rabbanut).............................15 St. George St Ramat Rachel.......................Tel:(02)670-2555 237
Regency Jerusalem ...............Tel:(02)533-1234 Music/ Recording Studio
(Rabbanut).....................................32 Lehi St.
Hanagar Studios..........(058)770-2226
Shalom Jerusalem................ Tel:(02)675-2222 ad on ................................................ Divider
(Rabbanut)............................24 Shacharai St.
DR Recording Studios
(for ladies and girls) ............. (058)446-9494
Insurance Little Apple Recording Studio..... 02-500-4274
Egert & Cohen..................02-622-7999 ............................................. (054)943-6343
ad on page...................................................... 91 Music Lessons by Michal........(054)848-0793
Music Lessons by Leba Popack.. (057)311-0804
Chevra.............................. (050)668-1088 Nutritionist
ad on Page ............................................... 13 Chavie Mandelbaum..... (02)581-6080
ad on page............................................... 99
Bar Ilan
Money Changer Rabeinu Gershom 40...................... 532-5866
S. M. W. Th. 8-12:30, 3:30-6 / Tues.8-1 Fri:
Access Credit....................02-651-6090 8-12:30
ad on page............................................... 47
City Center
Capital Change...............02 -532-2448 Kikar Safra Iriya Building................629-5952
ad on page............................................... 45 S.-Thurs: 7:30-2:30 / Tues: also 4-6:30
King George School Supplies / Stationary Settling-in
6 Hapa’amon...............................624-0260
Hours: 8-3 / Fri: 8-12 Stationary Store....................... 02-579-2256
Tights................................... (02)586-5815 Translation Services
ad on Page .............................................. 191
Epstein Translation.....(052)717-8725
ad on Page ............................................... 23
Viva la sushi..............................02-582-0796 Travel Agents
Global Tours..............................02-5-015-015
Taxis Peak Tours....................... 052-718-4448
Bar Ilan Taxi..................... 02-586-6666 ad on page............................................... 121
ad on page................................................85
Sasi Abramowitz............ 02-537-1606
Zion Siyonov.......................... (052)384-3221 ad on page............................................... 121
Typing Service
Malka Nechama Blau
Penina Lynn...................... (052)766-2712 (English and Hebrew) ............. (052)767-7019
ad on ................................................ Divider
Artzeinu Tours.................. 02 587-1718
ad on page................................................ 51 (077)4-121-131
Heritage.............................. (02)582-0231
ad on Page ............................................... 87
ad on Page ....................................................75-79
Segways............................................ *6033
Tours of the Belz Shul.............. 057-319-6018