UOP Course Description

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UOP Engineering Design Seminar

Course Description

Course Overview
This intensive nine week program gives participants the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of
refining process design. Each topic is presented in the context of the design of a refinery
process unit or the selection of a specific type of refinery equipment. Seminar sessions are led
by UOP process design and equipment design specialists who demonstrate how to apply
engineering principles to solve design problems.

Cost: $27,500 USD

Cost with Service Agreement: $25,000 USD

Who Should Attend

The course is designed for refinery or petrochemical plant technical staff who meet the following
minimum requirements:

UOP Training Center, 95 E. Algonquin Rd, Bldg. D, Des Plaines, IL, 60017 USA

-Two years of experience in the refining or petrochemical industries

-A level of competency commensurate with an undergraduate degree in chemical


-English language fluency (speaking and writing)

The Course Duration is: 41 Days

Course Benefits
 Understand the practical applications of basic design engineering principles

 Develop steady state simulations of process flowsheets including understanding design

guidelines, generation and use of heat/mass balances, and process optimization

 Understand key criteria involved in the specification of rotating equipment and


 Understand key criteria for designing vessels, heat exchangers, piping, relief valves,
fractionating columns, and fired heaters

 Explain how process stream properties affect process equipment metallurgy

 Understand content and applications of process flow diagrams (PFDs) and piping and
instrument diagrams (P&IDs)
Course Topics
 1 Compressors  15 Process fluid properties

 2 Corrosion and fouling  16 Process unit design

 3 Crude distillation unit design  17 Pressure vessel and flange ratings

 4 Energy systems  18 Process and project engineering

 5 Environmental issues  19 Pumps

 6 Fractionation  20 Refinery business economics

 7 Gravity separation  21 Pressure relief systems

 8 Heat exchangers  22 Simulation tools for process design

 9 Heaters  23 Steam turbines

 10 Instrumentation  24 Tray sizing

 11 Line sizing and hydraulics  25 Utilities and offsites

 12 Metallurgy  26 Vacuum distillation unit design

 13 Operational safety  27 Vacuum ejectors

 28 Vacuum ejectors
14 Pinch technology 

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