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By. Rafika Dewi Nasution, S.Pd., M.Hum.
This article is describe an explanation about Sociolinguistics slang is part of linguistics study,
the definitions of slang, history of slang, types of slang, characteristic of slang , and kinds of
by using the language, people can also originally because of criminal enter
express the feeling and show the prise, thought the term is also used
the Congo and the Republic of the synonymous with many of the
wicked (really, as in wocked cool). achieve social dynamics with the people to
language” and “to show that one belongs Slang for the first time in the
to certain school” (Crystal, 2003: 182). society and became the strange
The World war I and II also slang words will be found in the
thieves or ciminals but also used by write are more formal than the
That is way, when people talk the laboratory. These words are
emotions and attitudes. That is very many people and lies on the
definitely with slang. Even though fringes find its way out of this
slang terms may contain some register and into general slang
and the important thing is that 6. Slang is not cant, argot or jargon
slang words use without emotion. For the first time, the term slang
with slang, but may contain slang, used as term for language criminal.
otak udang (stupid person), for the Slang language is creative means
first time they are used truly that it has imagination, productivity
creative. Those words attract other and innovative from the creator or
over and over again, its freshness is creativity is creating slang terms
lost and it turns into rather ordinary from the existing words. Some
Example of Slang
VISION Vol 9. No. 9 Januari – Juni 2016 ISSN : 2086-4213
Slang term Big New York sounds. Example : Buzz likes wind,
America based on
http://www.busuu.com/t/3836234 ;
Adams, Michael. 2009. Slang. Oxford :
1. Country Slang Oxford university Press.
Urban slang is spoken by those Anderson, Lars and Trudgill, Peter. 1990.
Bad language. Massachusetts :
from the city or by African-
Badil Blackwell.
American. Example : For so for
Crystal, david. 2004. The language
sure, off da chain for Outstanding
Revolution. London : Polity Press.
or great.
Downes, Jhon. (1998). Language and
3. Common Slang Society Language. Cambridge :