Quality Specifications (As Per Morth 5th Revision)
Quality Specifications (As Per Morth 5th Revision)
Quality Specifications (As Per Morth 5th Revision)
:-Maximum Drydensity(MDD):-
:-Compaction control:-
:-Granular subbase:-
75mm 100
53mm 80-100
26.5mm 55-90
9.5mm 35-65
4.75mm 25-50
2.36mm 10=20
850microns 2=10
425microns 0-5
75microns (3-10)
53mm 100
45mm 95-100
26.5mm -
22.4mm 60-80
11.2mm 40-60
4.75mm 25-40
2.36mm 15-30
600micron 8=22
75micron 0-8
Surface levels ± 10 mm
Water Absrption 2%
Aggregate Gradation
37.5mm 100
26.5mm 90-100
13.2mm 56-80
4.75mm 29-59
2.36mm 19-45
300micron 5=17
75micron 1=7
Bituminous Concrete
Water Abserption 1%
Aggregate Gradation
26.5mm 100
19.0mm 90-100
9.5mm 56-80
4.75mm 35-65
2.36mm 23-49
300micron (5-19)
75micrin (2-8)
Bituminous work Binder content Binder Quality Core Density Marshall stability Rate of spred
Water Absorption
AIV / Crushing /
Material Grading Soundness & Moisture FI & EI
Abrasion Content
Coarse Agg. for concrete per day (Hot Bins) 1 @ day 1 @ day 1 @ day 1 @ day
Cement Both Physical and chemical properties one set of tests for each batch of each brand of supply
Reinforcement One set of samples (3-5 nos. of atleast one meter length ) from each 25T for bars under 10mm, one set from each 35T for 10-
Water for concrete For each source of regular supply with no change in quality or with no pre-treatment before use in concrete.
Notes :
1. This table gives typical test frequencies to be used for common materials as a ready reckoner and not comprehensive.
2. Higher test frequencies may need to employed where small areas of work are involved or where materials is of a suspect quality.
3. *For field compaction tests , the frequency shall be 6 tests upto 6000 sqm of embankment and one additional test fr every addittional 1000sq.m No. of tests for subgrade, GSB
one additional test for every 500 sq.m.
5th revision)
Delerious Sand Content
As reqd 2 @ 3000 m3
As reqd
1 @ 200m3
Retantion of
Temp Control Mix Grading Stability of mix
For each 400T of
mix produced a
1 set of tests on set of 3 marshall
constituents and prepared to
specimens be
mixed aggregates
from the dryer for tested for stability
Regular As Reqrd.
flow value,
each 400 T of mix density and void
subject to a min. content subject
of 2 tests per
plant per day to
Regular a min. of 2 sets
being tested per
plant per day.
Alkali aggregate Deleterious
Sp. Gravity Stripping Reactivity Content
1 per source
1 per source
1 set 3 specimens
1 per source from each source
mm, one set from each 35T for 10-16 mm and one set from each 45 T
e use in concrete.
1000sq.m No. of tests for subgrade, GSB and WMM layers shall be 10 up to 5000 sq.m and