ID974 Deep Cooling Cycle Eng
ID974 Deep Cooling Cycle Eng
ID974 Deep Cooling Cycle Eng
4/06 -GB-
cod. 9IS42075
ID 974 DCC
electronic controllers for “forced air” refrigeration units
with deep cooling cycle
Eliwell Electronic controller for ‘forced air’ refrigeration units: • Deep Cooling Cycle (Blast Chiller) Function (DCC)
the ID974 DCC is also suitable for “mixed” refrigeration systems that per- • The instrument automatically inhibits defrosting and manages alarms
form a blast chilling cycle and subsequent storage of foodstuffs. At the during the blast chilling function.
end of the blast chilling cycle the controller automatically switches to • The blast chilling cycle can be activated by pressing the ‘fnc’ key
storage mode.
• 2 NTC/PTC probes • 3 relays • TTL serial • 230V
• Increases the values (hold down) ed up; • blinking when the alarm is silenced
• Activates manual defrost function • Enable manually DCC function • blinking in case of delay, protection
(par. H33) or blocked enabling
*If the conditions for defrosting are not present, or if parameter OdO<>0,
DOWN set (press once) Defrost • ON when the fan is working
• Scrolls through the menu items • Accesses the setpoint • ON when defrosting;
• Decreases the values • Displays the alarms (if active) • blinking in case of manual enabling
• Displays Pb1 and Pb2 (see)
(hold down) Accesses the parame-
ter programming menus
The menu is divided into 2 levels once users have pressed the ‘set’ Navigation at installer level(2):
button for 5 seconds, they can access the user level folders (1) • By using the ‘UP’ / ‘DOWN’ buttons
Navigation at user level(1): you can scroll through all the folders in
• By using the ‘UP’ / ‘DOWN’ buttons the programming menu that only con-
you can scroll through all the folders in tain installer level parameters (2)
the programming menu that only contain
user level parameters (1) How to modify the parameter value (on both levels):
• When the ‘set’ button is pressed, the
How to access the installer level (2): set first folder in the menu is displayed.
• By using the ‘UP’ / ‘DOWN’ buttons, scroll (e.g.: “CP” folder)
through the user level folders (1) until the
folder with the “CnF” label is displayed. • By using the ‘UP’ / ‘DOWN’ buttons
Then press ‘set’ to access the parameters you can scroll through all the folders in
contained in it. current level.
• By using the ‘UP’ / ‘DOWN’ all the para- • By pressing the ‘set’ button next to
set the selected folder (in this case “AL”) the
meters in the user level (1) in ‘CnF’ are dis-
played, continue until the ‘PA2’ label is not first parameter in the current level will
longer displayed and press ‘set’. be displayed. Select the desired parame-
ter using the ‘UP’ / ‘DOWN’ keys.
• By pressing the ‘set’ button next to ‘PA2’ • By pressing the ‘set’ button the value
set the first folder containing installer level of the selected parameter is displayed
set and by using the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ but-
parameters will be displayed and then the
tons, it can be modified.
‘CP folder.
Access to parameter handling both at user level and installer level WORD will be requested
can be limited by using passwords. The passwords can be enabled • If password 1 is enabled (not 0) you will
set be asked to enter it. Perform the operation
by setting the PA1 (user password) and PA2 (installer password)
by selected the correct value using the ‘UP’
in the ‘dIS’ folder. The passwords are enabled if the value of the
e ‘DOWN’ keys and press the ‘set’ button
2 parameters PA1 and PA2 is not 0. to confirm.
• To access the “Programming” menu hold
Installer level (2) parameters
down the “set” button for more than 5
set seconds.
In the programming menu scroll through the folders containing
If specified, the user level(1) access PASS- the user level parameters using the UP’ and ‘DOWN’ buttons until
the CnF folder is displayed. • Use the ‘UP’ / ‘DOWN’ buttons to select
• Press the ‘set’ button to enter the ‘CnF’ the correct value of the installer password
folder where the‘PA2’ label is present. and then press the ‘set’ button to access
• Scroll through the folder parameters the installer level parameters (2).
and press the ‘set’ button next to the
‘PA2’ label, ‘0’ will appear on the dis- If the password is not entered correctly, the device will display the ‘PA2’
play. label again and the operation will have to be repeated.
The Copy Card is an accessory connected to the TTL serial port Download from reset
used for quick programming of the unit parameters (upload Connect the copy card when the instrument is OFF. The program-
and download parameter map to one or more units of the same ming parameters are downloaded when the device is switched
type). upload (UL label), download (dL label) and copy card on. At the end of the lamp test, the following messages are dis-
formatting (Fr label) operations are performed in the following played for about 5 seconds:
way: • dLY label if copy operation is successful
• The ‘FPr’ folder contains the com- • DLn label if operation fails
set mands necessary for use of the Copy
Card. Press ‘set’ to access the func-
• Use the ‘UP’ / ‘DOWN’ buttons to
display the required function. Press the UPLOAD
‘set’ and uploading (or downloading)
will be performed.
• If the operation is successful ‘y’ will be • after the parameters have been downloaded, the device uses
displayed, if it is not successful, ‘n’ will the downloaded parameter map settings.
be displayed.
• see “FPr folder” in Parameter Table and Description of parameters
At each level in both menus, when the “fnc” button is pressed or the 15 second time out elapses, you are taken back to the higher
display level and the last value on the display is stored.
MAX-MIN Temperature expressed as an absolute value (par “Att”=0) Abs(olute) Temperature in relation to set point (par “Att”=1) rEL(ative)
Minimum temperature alarm Temperature lower than or equal to LAL (LAL with sign) Temperature lower than or equal to set point +LAL (LAL positive only)
Maximum temperature alarm Temperature greater than or equal to HAL (HAL with sign) Temperature greater than or equal to set point +HAL (HAL positive only)
Minimum temperature alarm Temperature higher than or equal to LAL+AFd Temperature greater than or equal to set point + LAL + AFd
back swing set point -|LAL|+AFd
Maximum temperature alarm Temperature lower than or equal to HAL-AFd Temperature lower than or equal to set point+HAL-AFd
back swing
if Att=reL(ative) LAL must be negative: therefore set
point+LAL<set point because set point+(-|LAL|)=set-|LAL|
ID 974 - DCC 2/6
When DCC is activated the compressor defrost Stop temperature (par. dSt)
works on dCS setpoint with diF differential:
time is set by tdc parameter (blast chiller
cycle). set
At DCC activation interval between two
defrost is reset, and defrost is disabled.
After DCC cycle and after a time set by
dcc a defrost is forced - delay between
defrosts is re-enabled (see dit). set DCC
(par. DCS)
Temperature Alarms are disabled during
DCC cycle - except for LAL if Att=1 (rela-
tive to setpoint). DCC timeout
After DCC cycle Alarms management is key (par. tdc)
defrost timeout
(par. dEt)
delay defrost
after DCC
In case of faulty probe and/or blackout
par. dcc
DCC cycle stops.
If dcS, tdc and dcc parameters are
changed by the user during the DCC cycle compressor
this will be re-calculate with new parame-
ters settings.
E1 Probe 1(control) • measuring of values outside the “E1” label appears on display; • check the probe wiring
faulty nominal reading range Controller enabled as indicated by • replace the probe
• control probe faulty/shorted/open the On1 and OF1 parameters if pro-
probe grammed for the Duty Cycle
E2 Probe 2 (evaprator) • measuring of values outside the “E2” label appears on display; • check the probe wiring
faulty nominal reading range • replace the probe
• control probe faulty/shorted/open
• value read by probe 1 > HAL Alarms created in the “AL” folder • Wait for temperature
AH1 High temperature after time equal to “tAO”. with the AH1/AH2 label value read by probe 1 to
alarm (see “ MIN MAX ALARMS” and fall below HAL
description of “HAL”, “Att” and
“tAO” parameters)
• value read by probe 1 < LAL Alarms created in the “AL” folder • Wait for temperature
AL1 Low temperature after time equal to “tAO”. with the AL1/AL2 label value read by probe 1 to
alarm (see “ MIN MAX ALARMS” and go above LAL
description of “LAL”, “Att” and “tAO”
Ad2 End of defrost due to • If defrost ends because of a time- Alarms created in the “AL” folder • Automatic back swing
time-out out (instead of being caused by a with the “Ad2” label occurs when the next
defrost end temperature detected defrost starts
by the defrosting probe), an alarm • By pressing any key
is generated an the icon is turned during the alarm condi-
on consequently. tion, the signal light dis-
appears. In order to real-
ly erase the alarm you
must wait the next
ALL – If there are alarm exclusion
ALL ALL times (see parameter table “AL”
see Alarm LED • Manual silencing folder) the alarm will not be sig-
by pressing button nalled.
SEt LSE...HSE -22 °C/°F 1 Att 0/1 1 flag 0
AFd 1.0...50.0 2.0 °C/°F 2
C P FOLDER HAL LAL...150.0 50.0 °C/°F 2
LAL -50.0...HAL -50.0 °C/°F 2
diF 0.1...30 3.0 °C/°F 1 PAO 0...10 0 h 2
HSE LSE...302 99.0 °C/°F 2 dAO 0...999 0 min 2
LSE -55.0...HSE -25.0 °C/°F 2 tAO 0...250 0 min 2
* dCS -58.0...320 -38.0 °C/°F 2
* tdc 0...60 13 min*10 2 dIS Folder
* dcc 0...255 10 min 2 LOC n/y n flag 2
Ont 0...250 10 min 2 PA1 0...250 0 num 2
OFt 0...250 10 min 2 PA2 0...250 0 num 2
dOn 0...250 15 sec 2 ndt n/y y flag 2
dOF 0...250 0 sec 2 CA1 -12.0...12.0 0 °C/°F 2
dbi 0...250 1 sec 2 CA2 -12.0...12.0 0 °C/°F 2
OdO 0...250 0 sec 2 ddL 0/1/2 1 num 2
dro 0/1 0 flag 2
DEF Folder
dty 0/1/2 0 num 2 CnF Folder
dit 0...250 8 h 1 ** H00 0/1 1 flag 2
dCt 0/1/2 1 num 2 * H01 n/y y flag 2
dOH 0...59 0 min 2 H33 0...4 4 num 2
dEt 1...250 30 min 1 H42 n/y y flag 2
dSt -50.0...150 20.0 °C/°F 1 reL / / / /
dPO n/y 0 °C/°F 2 tAb / / / /
FA n F o l de r Fpr Folder
FSt -50.0...150 -5.0 °C/°F 1 UL / / / /
FAd 1.0...50.0 2.0 °C/°F 2 dL / / / /
Fdt 0...250 5 min 2 Fr / / / /
dt 0...250 1 min 2 **Check the NTC/PTC default probe type installed (see label)
dFd n/y y flag 2 LEVEL column: indicates the visibility level of parameters
FCO n/y/dc y num 2 accessed using a PASSWORD (see relevant paragraph).
If one or more parameters are modified, it is suggested to the
* DCC parameters switch off the controller after the modification and then switched
back on.
The unit has been designed for panel-mounting: Drill a 29x71 mm hole,
insert a tool and fix it in place with the brackets provided. Do not assemble
the instrument in excessively humid or dirty locations since it is designed to
be used in locations with normal pollution levels. Always make sure that the
area next to the cooling openings of the tool is adequately ventilated.
Warning! Always switch off machine before working on electrical con-
nections. The instrument has screw terminals for connecting electrical
cables with a maximum diameter of 2.5 mm2 (only one conductor per ter-
minal for power connections): for terminal capacity, see instrument
label.The relay contacts are voltage-free. Do not exceed the maximum cur-
rent allowed. For higher loads, use a suitable contactor. Make sure that the
power voltage complies with the device voltage. The sensor has no connec-
tion polarity and can be extended using an ordinary bipolar cable (note that
extending the probe may affect the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of
the instrument: special care must be used when wiring). Probe cables, power
supply cables and the TTL serial cable should be kept separate from power
ID 974 - DCC 4/6
COMPRESSOR CONTROL (folders with label “CP”) FOd Allows fan lock to be selected when the door is open and fan restart
diF Compressor relay activation differential: the compressor stops on when the door is shut (if they were active).
reaching the Setpoint value (as indicated by the adjustment probe) and n=fan lock; y=fans unchanged
restarts at a temperature value equal to the Setpoint plus the value of
the differential. ALARMS (folder with “AL” label)
Note: the value 0 cannot be assumed. Att Parameter “HAL” and “LAL” modes, as temperature absolute value
HSE Maximum possible setpoint value. or as differential relative to the Setpoint.
LSE Minimum possible setpoint value. 0 = absolute value; 1 = relative value.
NOTE: The two sets are interdependent: HSE (maximum set) AFt Alarm differential.
cannot be less than LSE (minimum set) and vice versa HAL Maximum temperature alarm. Temperature value (understood as
distance from the Setpoint or as an absolute value based on Att) which
*dcS Deep Cooling Setpoint if exceeded in an upward direction triggers the activation of the alarm
*tdc Time Out Deep Cooling Cycle signal.
*dcc Delay Defrost after Deep Cooling Cycle See Max/Min. Alarm Diagram.
*see DCC description and diagram page 3 LAL Minimum temperature alarm. Temperature value (understood as distance
from the Setpoint or as an absolute value based on Att) which if exceeded
Ont Compressor activation time in the event of a faulty probe. If set to “1” in a downward direction triggers the activation of the alarm signal.
with Oft set to “0”, the compressor is always on, while with OFt >0 it See Max/Min. Alarm Diagram.
operates in duty cycle mode. PAO Alarm exclusion time after instrument is switched on following
OFt Compressor off time in the event of a faulty probe. If set to “1” with a power failure.
Ont at “0”, the compressor is always off, while with Ont>0 it operates in dAO Alarm exclusion time after defrost.
duty cycle mode. tAO Temperature alarm signal delay time.
dOn Starting delay. The parameter indicates that a protection is active on the
relay actuations of the generic compressor. Between the request and DISPLAY (folder with “diS” label)
effective activation of the compressor relay, at least the specified time LOC Keyboard locking. It is still possible to enter parameter programming
must elapse. and modify the parameters, including the status of this parameter, in
dOF Delay after switching off. The parameter indicates that the protection is order to allow keyboard unlocking. y = yes (keyboard locked); n = no.
active on compressor relay actuations. At least the indicated time must PA1 When enabled (value other than 0), it constitutes the access key for level
elapse between switch-off of the compressor relay and the successive 1 parameters.
switch-on. ndt View with decimal point.
dbi Delay between switch-ons. The indicated time must elapse between two y = yes (view with decimal point); n = no (only integers).
subsequent switch-ons of the compressor. CA1/CA2 Calibration 1/2. Positive or negative temperature value added to
OdO Delay time in activating the outputs after switch-on of the instrument or the value read by probe 1/2
after a power failure. 0= not active. ddL Viewing mode during defrosting.
DEFROSTING CONTROL (folders with labels “dEF”) 0 = shows the temperature read by the thermostat probe;
1 = locks the reading at the temperature value read by thermostat
DEFROSTING CONDITIONS probe when defrosting starts and until the next time the Setpoint value
The instrument allows defrosting to be performed in the following conditions: is reached;
• the evaporator temperature is lower than the defrost end tempe- 2 = displays the label “deF” during defrosting and until the next time the
rature set by the dSt parameter; Setpoint value is reached.
• manual defrosting is not already activated (see); in this case the dro Select °C or °F for displaying the temperature read by the probe.
request for automatic defrosting will be cancelled. 0 = °C, 1 = °F. PLEASE NOTE: switching between °C and °F or vice
versa DOES NOT modify the setpoint, differential, etc. (for example
Automatic defrosting set=10°C become 10°F).
In this case, defrosting takes place at time intervals set by parameter dit (=0
defrosting will not take place at all). CONFIGURATION (folder with “CnF” label)
As mentioned above, if the parameter dit> 0 and defrosting conditions apply H00 Selection of probe type. 0 = PTC; 1 = NTC.
(see parameter dSt), defrosting will take place at fixed intervals and according to H01 Enable Deep Cooling Cycle Function (y= yes, n= no)
the parameter dCt H33 Configurability FNC key (ESC function)
0 = disabled; 1 = defrost; 2 = auxiliary;
dty Type of defrost. 3 = reduced set (economy); 4 = DCC function
0 = electrical defrosting; H42 Evaporator probe presence. n= not present; y= present.
1 = cycle inversion defrosting (hot gas);
2 = Free mode defrost (independent of compressor). rEL Device version: read only parameter.
dit Interval between the start of two subsequent defrosting operations. tAb Reserved: read-only parameter.
0= the function is disabled (defrosting is NEVER performed)
dCt Selection of count mode for the defrosting interval. COPY CARD (folder with label “Fpr”) - (see “Copy Card” section)
0 = compressor hours of operation (DIGIFROST® method); UL Upload. Programming parameter transfer from instrument to Copy Card.
Defrosting active ONLY with the compressor on. dL Download. Programming parameter transfer from Copy Card to
NOTE: compressor time of operation is counted regardless of the instrument.
evaporator probe (counting is active if evaporator probe is absent or Fr Format. Erasing all parameters in the key.
faulty). PLEASE NOTE: using the “Fr” parameter (key formatting) results in
1 = hours of appliance operation. Defrost counting is always active when permanent loss of data inserted in key. The operation cannot be
the machine is on and starts at each power-on. cancelled.
2 = compressor stop. Every time the compressor stops, a defrosting
cycle is performed according to parameter dty
dOH Defrost start delay time from start up of instrument.
dSt Defrosting end temperature (determined by the evaporator probe). CONDITIONS OF USE
dEt Defrost time-out: determines the maximum duration of defrosting.
dPO Determines whether the instrument must enter defrosting at start-up PERMITTED USE
(if the temperature measured by the evaporator allows this operation). For safety reasons the instrument must be installed and used in accordance with the
y = yes, starts defrosting at start-up; n = no, does not start defrosting at instructions supplied. Users must not be able to access parts with dangerous voltage
start-up. levels under normal operating conditions. The device must be suitably protected
from water and dust according to the specific application and only be accessible
FAN CONTROL (folder with “FAn” label) using special tools (except for the front keypad). The device can be fitted to equip-
FSt Fan lock temperature: if the evaporator probe reads a higher value than ment for household use and/or similar use in the refrigeration sector and has been
the set value, the fans are stopped. The value is positive or negative and, tested with regard to safety in accordance with the European harmonized reference
depending on parameter FPt, can represent the temperature as an standards: It is classified as follows:
absolute value or relative to the Setpoint. • as an automatic electronic control device to be integrated as regards its construc-
FAd Fan activation intervention differential (see par. “FSt”). tion;
Fdt Delay time at fan activation after a defrosting cycle. • as a 1 B type operated control device as regards its automatic operating features;
dt Dripping time. • as a Class A device in relation to the category and structure of the software.
dFd Allows exclusion of the evaporator fans to be selected or not selected UNPERMITTED USE
during defrosting. y = yes (fans excluded); n = no. The use of the unit for applications other than those described above is forbidden.
FCO It allows the fan lock to be selected or not when the compressor is OFF. It should be noted that the relay contacts supplied with the device are functional
y = fans active (with thermostat; depending on the value read by the and therefore exposed to potential faults. Any protection devices required to com-
defrosting probe, see “FSt” parameter); ply with product requirements or dictated by common sense due to obvious safety
n = fans off; reasons should be installed externally.
dc = duty cycle.
1 Common relay contact
ID 974 - 230 V
2 N.O. defrost relay (A)
3 N.C. defrost relay (A) (A) (B) (C)
4 Compressor relay output (B)
5 Fan relay output (C) Supply A
6-7 Power supply
8-9 Probe 2 input (evaporator) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
8 - 10 Probe 1 input (thermostat)
A TTL input for Copy Card