03 Violeta Barjaktarovic Eng
03 Violeta Barjaktarovic Eng
03 Violeta Barjaktarovic Eng
Our research in based both on relative literature and the empirical data
collected about the development of ecological consciousness, both in chil-
dren and adults who through their know ledge of family socialization of atti-
tudes and benefits, passed on their descendents.
Master of Sociology Еmail: [email protected]
Sociological discourse, year 6, number 11 / June 2016 37-56
During the writing of the work, as well as collecting the necessary data,
we discussed some basic factors that influence in development of ecological
awareness, such as socio-economic factors that may influence family organ-
izations and in institutions (schools, work and business groups) of environ-
mental associations and so on ecological awareness of children and young
people as well what should be changed.
In the respondents are dissatisfied of environmental conditions.
We think that ecology, environmental issues and environmental problems
is the most important question in life of modern man.In fact, the area of en-
vironmental protection is the one of the six most important areas (politics,
security, economy, culture, tehnology and ecology.2
They are engaged researches scientists, educators, educational systems and
national policy in the countries in the world. We want to perceive the both in
children level of development of environmental consciousness (awareness).
And in adults who have a primary influence on their socialization taking
into account the environmental conditions in Montenegro. As well as assum-
tions taken from to global environmental opportunities as well as those in
1. Review of literature
Since the mid sementies sociolology and cultural studies point to the es-
sence of environmental problems, as well as man made civilizational prob-
lems, which occur in relation definitely man and nature. An imbalance be-
tween man and nature –natural social relationship again. Ask fundamental
question about the relationship between culture and society and nature the
environment, question of man’s anthropological perspective.3
Today in the second decade of the 21 st century ecological problems be-
came one of the most pressing issues in the scientific, educational and media
According to Thomas Friedman, politics, security, finance, culture, technology and ecology
of the areas that must be carefully and constantly pročavati not only scientists but also journal-
ists. Sam Friedman makes these in his book on the scenic way using examples from their own
experience. See: Thomas L. Friedman, The Lexus and the Olive, Zagreb: Sources of tomorrow,
2003. p.31-37.
Ivan Cifrić, Modern Society and svejetski ethos perspective of human heritage, Zagreb:
Croatian Sociological Association, 2000. Page 193.
The impact of family socialization on
development of ecology consciousness at
Violeta Barjaktarovic children - Example of Montenegro
space. How in the world and in our country, so but the knowledge and infor-
mation in this is of great importance.
Ecological problems also led the ecological crisis of modern that goes
hand in hand with economic social crisis of modern world. It caused numer-
ous atteptets and implementation strategy of solving the crisis.
First of all, by the United nations, as well as on proposal insistence and
pressure of various environmental assotiations and movements around the
world.4 Careless, often hazardous, the use of natural resources is the one of
the first instruments emergence and spreading of modern ecological crisis
that affects on global ecological crisis system 5 The most common environ-
mental problems are pollution, of air, water and soil waist chemical and bi-
ological toxic substances, excessive amounts of waste in solid from which
buries the living room, then over population the land, lack of drinking water
as well as the depletion of the deliberate spreading non renewable natural re-
sources. Degradation of the environment is caused by junk and pollution and
by its physical, biological and chemical activity. Lack of pure drinking water
causes panic in some parts of the country and causing conflicts among the
population. As Roberts says ecological problems have arisen when the service
that offers us Environment becomes insufficient to meet man s need both in
quantitative also in qualitative term.6 Roberts looks at the natural environ-
ment within which such service that gives people of environments to provide
refuge obtain resources for food and meet their spiritual and esthetic need.
Robert emphasizes that environment can be seen as Ecology capital that
people can use of capital.7 Also, Roberts emphasizes that the environment
could be viewed as “ecological capital” that people can use as they are using
a financial capital of ways to use will depend on their living standards, their
peaceful and prosperous (sustainable) life or the life to environmental prob-
lems and ecological crisis. So everything takes place between the resources of
the environment - quality of life of people (individuals and groups).8 If a per-
son’s quality of life is realized at the expense of the environment (its degrada-
Here we will mention the “Kyoto Protocol” (The Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change) as an international agreement on climate change
that are initiated UN, signed with the aim of reducing emissions of carbon dioxide and other
gases that cause the greenhouse effect. Then, the World Conservation Strategy (Strategy for
preservation of the world) launched by the United Nations (FAO) in 1980. As Sustainable De-
velopment (Sustainable Development), a project of the UN-strategy from 1994.
Oluk, Sami; Оzalp, Isilay, The Teaching of Global Environmental Problems According to the
Constructivist Appoach: As a Focal Piont of thr Problem and the Availability of Concept Cartoons,
Kuram ve Uygulamada Egitim Bilimleri. Volume:7.Issue:2 Publication date: May 2007.p.35
Jane Roberts, Environmental Policy, New York: Routledge, 2004. p. 35.
Jane, Roberts , p.6.
Jane Roberts p. 37.
Sociological discourse, year 6, number 11 / June 2016 37-56
tion), then we can talk about the ecological crisis as a human crisis, a crisis of
humanity or say that “environmental problems still human problems,” related
to the way of satisfying human needs. It can therefore be concluded that the
ecological crisis is part of the social and cultural crisis,9 and that these three
intertwined crises, demand and encourage. We can talk about three levels
of behavior that lead to the creation of environmental problems and cause
a crisis that can be turned into three levels Nagaon (incentives) for solving
the environmental crisis. These are individual, group and system level caus-
ing ecological crisis or urge to seek a way out of the crisis. Each individual
can behave responsibly and humanely towards living environment, but also
that it destroys every step. Also it can make and groups (families, schools,
companies) and institutions (laws, standards, inspection, state). Also, we can
talk about three territorial levels, concentric circles, responsibility or irre-
sponsibility to create environmental risks and ecological crisis: the local level
(waste disposal site, contaminated rivers and lakes): regional level (“acid rain”,
a nuclear power plant): Global level (the destruction of biodiversity, ozone
depletion, global warming due to excessive amounts of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere).10 There are countries which are due to its rapid industrial devel-
opment influenced the spread of all three mentioned circle of environmental
risks and ecological crisis. These are the US and Russia in the previous cen-
tury, and China late last during this (XXI) century. Celebrities are pictures of
people in big cities in China go down the street wearing gas masks, to protect
themselves from carbon dioxide and other harmful substances. China is fac-
ing a serious challenge on the destruction of the environment. If we do not
take urgent measures for its protection, will come to the destruction of for-
ests, the extinction of animal and plant species, converting the land into the
wilderness, the disappearance of drinking water and the inability of people to
live in certain urban communities”11.
The guestion is: why does man destroys the environment? One of the rea-
sons is the lack of awareness of importance of the environment as man‘s natu-
ral environment, the source of it s existence, and working and living resources
Ivan Cifrić, Modern society and a global ethic, the perspective of the human heritage, Zagreb:
Croatian Sociological Association, 2000, p. 58th
A detailed description and analysis of global environmental risks seen in the book: Jeanne
X. Kasperson, Roger Kasperson, Global Environmental Risk, New York: United Nations Uni-
versity Press, 2001a.
Darcey J. Goelz, China’s Environmental Problems: Is a Specialized Court the Solution? Wash-
ington: International Law Journal, January 1, 2009.
The impact of family socialization on
development of ecology consciousness at
Violeta Barjaktarovic children - Example of Montenegro
that should be used sparingly. Another reason is the domination of desire and
motivation for achieving the greatest possible profit regardless of the envi-
ronment problems and conseguences. The third reason of poverty is associat-
ed with low level of general culture in particular and environmental culture.
Factors that influence the formation and changing environmental awareness,
attidudes and behavior of people: culture, socialization and education.12 En-
vironmental awareness is associated with the traditional view of the need for
the domination of man over nature and winning the nature. Instead, today
it takes the view that talks about the full balance between man and nature,
human aktivities and natural resources. It takes awareness, “the objective ex-
istence of the ecological crisis, as well as awareness of the environment crisis
as a social crisis.”13 Protecting the environment is an important elemnt in the
survival and maintenance of every community it is not only the need but also
the obligations of individuals and groups in modern consumer 14 society that
its immoderate consumption and production of waste threatens the future
of the next generation. Environmental awareness is important because the
problems of pollution and destruction of the environment can not resolve
laws regulations, modern technology, if people with their behavior, sociali-
zation and everyday acts of neglect harmonious relationship with nature and
natural environment. Environment awareness is a collection of information,
knowledge, values and sense of responsibility for “ the environmental prob-
lems of the citizens” of all educational labor, social and political groups as well
as individuals.15 Pointend out Erten, environmental awareness involves three
important segments: the first, knowledge of the environment, its importance
and its impact on human life; Secondly, the attitude towards the environ-
ment (fear, uncertainty, anger, anxiety, indifference, freedom, beauty, enjoy-
ment) and third , useful behavior towards environment (conservation, main-
tenance of the existing law and order).16 Environmental awareness will not
occur spontaneously, disregarding of their level of economic, social and po-
litical development of society. It must be created, developed and maintained
through the planned and / or spontaneous socialization of early school days
until the ripe old age of every citizen. It is therefore essential that institutions
Nora Haenn, Richard R. Wilk, The Environment in Anthropology: A Reader in Ecology, Cul-
ture, and Sustainable Living, New York: New York University Press, 2006. p. 7.
Milica Andevski, Razvojne linije ekološkog obrazovanja, Donji Milanovac: Zbornik rado-
va,Ekološka istina, 2002. str.339.
Abdullah Karatas, The Role of Faculties of Education in Increasing Sustainable Environmental
Awareness of Society, European Journal of Sustainable Development, October 1, 2013. p. 234.
Abdullah Karatas, Isto, p. 235.
Sinan Erten, S. (2012). Environmental Consciousness among Turkish and Azeri Candidate
Teachers. Education and Science. 2012.Vol. 37, No 166, p. 91-92
Sociological discourse, year 6, number 11 / June 2016 37-56
The impact of family socialization on
development of ecology consciousness at
Violeta Barjaktarovic children - Example of Montenegro
cally, socially and culturally developed that will protect the environment and
its resources. 19Local, group or individual level of environmental values imply
a feeling of shame and quilt over the bad condition of rivers, forests, lakes,
sea, beaches, roads, quarries, streets, squares, gardens and huge urban and
suburban deponia.20
Sociological discourse, year 6, number 11 / June 2016 37-56
The impact of family socialization on
development of ecology consciousness at
Violeta Barjaktarovic children - Example of Montenegro
2. Metological approach
Rachel Stein, New Perspectives on Environmental Justice: Gender, Sexuality, and Activism,
New Brunswick, New York:Rougers University Press, 2004.
Sociological discourse, year 6, number 11 / June 2016 37-56
The impact of family socialization on
development of ecology consciousness at
Violeta Barjaktarovic children - Example of Montenegro
Table 1.
From this table, we see clearly that the relationship between the sexes there are more women that often accompany and
47sometimes work me
and care about the environment (28.3%) while there is higher percentage of men than women who
12.8% of men and 17.9% of women. 71 of total respondents never follow or read something about the rules of environm
concerns about the environment. When we crossed the same question with the age we gotan interesting results. Specific
Sociological discourse, year 6, number 11 / June 2016 37-56
From this table, we see clearly that the relationship between the sexes there
are more women that often accompany and read ecological literature and care
about the environment (28.3%) while there is higher percentage of men than
women who sometimes work mentioned above (69.2%). 12.8% of men and
17.9% of women. 71 of total respondents never follow or read something
about the rules of environmental behavior and concerns about the environ-
ment. When we crossed the same question with the age we got an interesting
results. Specifically, the group of respondents, of 25-30 years in most of the
69 % sometimes accompanies and read literature about ecological behavior
and preservation of the environment, group 31-40 also on the same question
gives answers sometimes (54.7%)but the high percentage of those who are
dissuading option often (30.2%). Respondents ages 41-50 gaave the following
answers: frequently 40%: Sometimes -50%: Never 10%. Category 51 or more
on this issue, the highest percentage, the option never responded (47.9%).
One of the key issues in this study is certainly the one related to parental
influence on the development of childrens awareness of environmental prob-
lems, which is in the questionnaire expressed through concrete problems
such as pollution of rivers, forests, land properly waste disposal etc. That is
why we put the question to respondents Do you talk to your children (grand-
childred) about environmental issues? Got visible results from the chart 1.
Chart 1.
The impact of family socialization on
development of ecology consciousness at
Violeta Barjaktarovic children - Example of Montenegro
The graph clearly evident we miss the single category out of respondents
who have no children/ grandchildren) their percentage od 27/7% the largest
number of individuals surveyed only sometimes talk to children about envi-
ronmental problems (53.6%) then an encouraging 35.6% discusses regularly
with children/grandchildren of the above mentioned issues, while 10.8% of
respondents or 35 of the total number consider that it should be only teach-
ers in the school. We were interested in to see how the affects the presence
of housing issues and problems of ecology in living place. Data are shown in
the chart 2.
Chart 2.
The graph shows the largest number of respondents from urban areas de-
velop awareness of environmental problems with descendents Yes is closen
by 43.6% Sometimes, 12.8%No, let the teachers do it in the schools 3%. In the
suburbs, also excluding the categories that have no descendants (19.7%) the
results are as follows: Yes 42.3% which is, again, the highest percentage in this
group, Sometimes, 34.2%, No let the teachers do it in the school 3.8%. When
we talk about rural areas, therefore the villages, most respondents circled the
answer “Sometimes” 43.9% followed by Yes, 22.5% while for the answer num-
ber there chose them 17.8 %. In this group, 15.8% respondents have no chil-
dren or grandchildren.
Of adult members in the Montenegrin families in order to find out what is the level of personal awareness of adult family
Sociological discourse,
group of guestions year 6,reveal
that indirectly number
their 11 / June
behavior 2016the environment and thus overall
towards 37-56level of resources for th
environmental awarness and its transfer to the younger members. Respodents were supposed to express their agreement
thus overall level of resources for the acguisition of environmental awarness
and its transfer
presented to the
in the tables that younger
follow. members. Respodents were supposed to ex-
press their agreement with the views presented in the tables that follow.
Table 2:
Table 2.
Table 2 “ I Save energy ( light, water, heating)’’ Percentage degree of agreement always 26.7% Sometimes 33.3% Rarely 21
Table 2 “I Save energy (light, water, heating)’’ Percentage degree of agree-
ment always
100.0%. 26.7%
The table 2 weSometimes 33.3%
can conclude that Rarelyof21.1%
the majority Never
respondents 18.9%energy
conserve Totaland
behave responsibly towards e
thattable 2 citizens
40% of we canhaveconclude thatofthe
no awareness the majority
need to saveof respondents
energy, conserve
but also boasts wastefulenergy
and irresponsible towards this
and behave responsibly towards energy resources but also that 40% of citizens
have no awareness of the need to save energy, but also boasts wasteful and
irresponsible towards this natural resource.
Table 3:
Table 3.
Table 4:
among children and youth.
Table 4.
Table 4 “I throw the waste where convenient for me only if nobody else
sees” Percentage level of stacking 47.8% Always Sometimes Rarely 28.9%
Table 47.8% 15.6
“ I throw theTotal 100.0%.The
waste where convenientfact
for methat
only76.7% of else
if nobody respodents throw
sees” Percentage litter
level of stacking 47.8% Alwa
on the sidewalk, street, the green surface and the like. If no one sees them, is
Never 7.8% 15.6 Total 100.0%.The fact that 76.7% of respodents throw litter on the sidewalk, street, the green surface a
a disappointing and painful fact of spontaneous ecological awareness among
them,citizens of Montenegro
is a disappointing and painful (Table 4).
fact of spontaneous ecological awareness among adult citizens of Montenegro (Ta
Table 5.
3.4. Awareness of the need for environmental educations of children and youth
Once again, the key theme of this work- family influence on the development of environmental awareness of children –
our respodents about the need for environmental education as an important mechanism for the acguisition of environm
Montenegro. To learn something about it, we asked , “ Do you think children should be environmentally educated”? Th
Sociological discourse, year 6, number 11 / June 2016 37-56
Once again, the key theme of this work- family influence on the devel-
opment of environmental awareness of children –presents percepation of
our respodents about the need for environmental education as an important
mechanism for the acguisition of environmental awareness in Montenegro.
To learn something about it, we asked, “Do you think children should be
environmentally educated”? The analysis of responses helped us to receive
the following information: 2.2% of respodents believe that children should be
educated only at school; the same percentage of respodents think that finding
out about the environmental conditions need to be learnt only in the family:
3.3 % of respodents believe that the younger generations shouldn’t reguire
environmental socialization, and that they will deal with their own life, while
the greatest number, percentage of them 92.2%, believe that children should
be environmentally educated in the family and at school. This is certainly
the greatest potential for development of ecological awareness among Mon-
tenegrin citizens, but that potential can only be formal and deceptive if it is
not accompanied by immediate and proper attitude towards the environment
through daily behavior of citizens, if it is not supported by local and state
Declares the guestion whether Montenegro justifies the fact being an eco-
logical state “respodents gave the following answers: 7.8% answered with “Yes,
completely”; 30% chose the answer “Yes, only partially“, while 34.4% of the
sample believes that Montenegro does not justify that position. 27.8% opted
for the “can not judge”. Continuing in a similar context we asked the guestion
regarding the environmental conditions and the situation Montenegro get-
ting closer to the European Union and we see that most of our respondents
believe that there is a very small or invisible progress in improving policies
and practices on environmental protection.
ition. 27.8% opted for the “ can not judge”. Continuing in a similar context we asked the guestion regarding the environmental conditio
d the situation Montenegro getting closer to the European Union and we The
see that most of
impact of our respondents
family believe that
socialization on there is a very sm
isible progress in improving policies and practices on environmental protection . of ecology consciousness at
Violeta Barjaktarovic children - Example of Montenegro
ble 6.
Table 6.
Total 100.0%
Sociological discourse, year 6, number 11 / June 2016 37-56
Chart 3.
Analysis of the results of our research shows that family influence on envi-
ronmental awareness of children in Montenegro is small because of rarely and
little family discusions about environmental problems and ecological sponta-
neous adult behavior is not as being expectated of a higher degree of environ-
mental awareness of citizens, how to contribute in bulding an environmen-
tal awareness among children. This is our first hypothesis (Family influence
on children’ s environmental awareness is very low because environmental
awareness is not developet enough adults) confirmed. Research has shown
that our particpants (Montenegrin citizens) do not have enough knowledge
about the general environmental problems of the earth, because they weak
and rarely get informed about global environmental problems. This confirms
our second hypothesis (information on the ecological state of the planes Earth
are at a low level) . The results of the guestionnaire show that thay influence
the formation of environmental awareness in children (not consicious and
planned), but that they do not spontaneously comply with relevant environ-
mental policies, principles and views. This is our third starting hypothesis
(Parents influence the development of environmental awareness of children
but themselves often do not follow the rules of environment behavior) being
partially confirmed. The results of our study showed that parents in Monte-
negrin families believe that environmental education and ecological rules for
healthy behavior should be egually acguired at school and in the family. This
knowledge does not confirm our fourth starting hypothesis (adults believe
The impact of family socialization on
development of ecology consciousness at
Violeta Barjaktarovic children - Example of Montenegro
This study started from the premise that environmental problems are in-
creasingly common in the modern world and that scientists, researchers and
experts continually point to continuously and seriously associating environ-
ment and threaten its destruction. Regardless of all the scientists point out,
the existence of a formal declaration and a strategy for exiting the crisis and
improving the ecological state of the environment, in generally, environmen-
tal problems are constantly multiplying. There is no enough environmental
awarenwss, environmental values daily suppresses, environmental education
does not provide practical results and increases the degree of desirable envi-
ronmental awareness. The research that we conducted using the guestionnaire
in targeted and selected subjects in Montenegro shows that the family has no
significant impact, desirable and necessary to the acguisition of environmen-
tal awareness, environmental values and sustianable ecological behavior of
children and youth. In this respect, it is necessary significant involvement
of the family, schools, environmental organizations and citizens, in orden to
justify the proclaimed fact that Montenegro is an “ ecological state.