Neighbor Cell Relation List and Physical Cell Iden

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Neighbor Cell Relation List and Physical Cell Identity Self-Organization in LTE

Conference Paper · June 2008

DOI: 10.1109/ICCW.2008.12 · Source: IEEE Xplore


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6 authors, including:

Pål K. Frenger Fredrik Gunnarsson

Ericsson Ericsson


Harald Kallin Johan Moe

Ericsson Ericsson


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Neighbor Cell Relation List and
Physical Cell Identity Self-Organization in LTE
Mehdi Amirijoo, Pål Frenger, Fredrik Gunnarsson, Harald Kallin, Johan Moe, Kristina Zetterberg
Wireless Access Networks,
Ericsson Research, Ericsson AB, Sweden.
{mehdi.amirijoo, pal.frenger, fredrik.gunnarsson, harald.kallin,, kristina.zetterberg}

Abstract— Automation of radio network management is a key address), as well as a mapping between the PCI and the
determinant to work reduction for wireless operators. By globally unique cell identifier, GID. This enables the mobile to
replacing time consuming and costly tasks with automatic identify cells in measurement reports only by the PCI. Fig. 1
mechanisms, operational expenditure can be reduced. In this illustrates the concept of neighbors and cell identities. It also
paper we present a method for automatic configuration of illustrates the O&M interface between the eNodeBs and the
locally-unique physical cell identities and neighbor cell relation Operations Support System (OSS). For further reading about
lists in 3G Long Term Evolution (LTE). This method makes use LTE we refer to [1].
of mobile measurements to update the neighbor cell relation lists
in the cells and to detect local cell identity conflicts, report the In parallel with the LTE specification and development, the
conflicts to the Operation Support Systems (OSS) and resolve Next Generation Mobile Network (NGMN) association of
them. The performance of the approach is determined using operators brings forward requirements on management
simulations of realistically deployed macro networks. Conducted simplicity and cost efficiency. NGMN has summarized such
simulations illustrate the ability of the method to resolve local cell requirements on Self-Organizing Networks (SON) in a number
identity conflicts. In particular, the method is capable of both of operator use cases [3]. The vision is that centralized and
accommodating new cells and handling a worst case scenario decentralized algorithms automate tasks that currently require
where all cells are initiated with the same local cell identities and significant planning efforts. One use case considers handling of
where neighbor cell relation lists are empty. neighbor cell relations (NCR) lists, which is identified as a
parameter that benefit from self-organization.
Keywords - Self-organization, Neighbor Cell Relation, Physical
Cell Identity, Autonomic Communication, LTE, WCDMA.
The need for even higher data rates, new services, and O&M
improved services has driven the standardization and
development of the 3G Long Term Evolution (LTE). The LTE NCR 1: 2, 3
concept consists of an evolved radio access network (E- NCR 4: -
UTRAN), and an evolved packet core (EPC). The Third
Generation Partnership Program (3GPP), has listed a set of 1 4 Service
requirements that the LTE concept should fulfill, including Handover area area
downlink and uplink peak data rates of 100 Mbits/s and 50
Mbits/s, respectively [1][2]. 3 NCR 2: 1
LTE is based on a rather flat architecture compared to 2G NCR 3: 1 Unknown
and 3G systems. Each cell is served by an eNodeB (“base handover area
station”), and handovers between cells are handled mainly by
Figure 1. OSS monitors neighbor cell lists, and manages PCIs. Some cells
signaling directly between the eNodeBs, and not via any radio
have complete knowledge of theneighbor relationss (cell 1), some cells miss
network controller node like in 2G and 3G. The cell broadcasts neighbor relations possibly due to inaccurate models in the planning step (cell
an identifying signature, a “fingerprint” (Physical Cell Identity, 2 and 3) and some cells are newly installed without neighbor info (cell 4).
PCI), which the mobiles use to identify cells, and as time and
frequency reference. These identifying signatures are not In 2G and 3G systems NCR lists have been populated using
unique (there are 504 different PCIs in LTE). In addition, we cell planning tools by means of coverage predictions before the
propose to broadcast a globally unique cell identifier (GID), installation of a base station. Prediction errors, due to
which can be detected and reported by the user equipments imperfections in map and building data, have forced the
(mobiles). Detecting the GID will be more difficult and time operators to resort to drive/walk tests to completely exhaust the
consuming, which in turn implies restrictive use. Since coverage region and identify all handover regions. This has
handover is distributed to the eNodeB it benefits from a proven to be costly and new methods for automatically
eNodeB managed neighbor cell relation (NCR) list of plausible deriving NCR lists are required. Furthermore, the LTE
handover candidates with connectivity information (e.g. IP specification includes closed subscriber group (CSG) cells,
also sometimes denoted Home eNodeBs, which a consumer III. APPROACH
may purchase and install in her/his home. This means that With an extensive use of mobile-assisted measurements,
traditional drive/walk test becomes even more difficult. which is already part of the handover procedure, automated
The second issue in this paper is PCI management. Radio updates of NCR lists and detection and resolution of PCI
networks need to handle non-unique local physical identifiers conflicts are made possible. For detection of situations where
of cells to support efficient measurement and reporting two cells with overlapping coverage use the same PCI an
procedures. For example, in LTE a mobile is required to additional mechanism is needed. In the following sections,
measure the reference signal received power (RSRP) (i.e. the methods and procedures for NCR management, PCI conflict
received power of the signature sequence symbols associated detection and PCI conflict resolution are described, giving an
with a particular PCI) of candidate cells and report to the efficient and flexible alternative to drive testing and manual
serving cell (the cell serving the mobile at the moment). It is tuning. The proposed algorithm runs both in eNodeB (NCR
important to detect and resolve local PCI conflicts, i.e. when management) and in the Operation Support System, OSS (PCI
two cells in the vicinity of each other uses the same PCI, to conflict resolution). Information will be centralized in the latter
avoid ambiguities in the measurement reports. case, but the algorithm acts upon detected PCI conflicts and
uses local information related to the conflicting cell, its
The contributions in this paper aid operators in decreasing neighbors and neighbors’ neighbors. This means that the
their Operating Expenditures (OPEX) by moving NCR list and algorithm could be decentralized to the eNodeBs and be based
PCI management functionality from operators to the system on signaling between eNodeBs only as is described in [13].
itself. See further details in [13][17] and coming journal paper.
The globally unique cell identifier (GID) in LTE consists of
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In two parts:
Section II we give an overview of related work. This is
followed by Section III, where the approaches to the problems • PLMN Identity: The identity of the Public Land Mobile
stated are described. The performance evaluation is presented Network. Note that a cell may have multiple PLMN
in Section IV, followed by conclusions in Section V. identities.
• CIPL: Unique Cell Identity for a cell within a PLMN [14].
We will assume that whenever a new cell is introduced into the
PCI conflict resolution corresponds to code planning and system it contacts a configuration server in the network. The
resolution in WCDMA systems. One difference, however, is configuration server provides the new cell with the GID
that no globally unique cell identity is reported by the mobiles identity and an IP address, and other initial parameter values.
in WCDMA. There are some papers appearing on code Optionally, the configuration server may also provide the cell
planning for WCDMA systems, e.g. [4][5], but there is no with an initial PCI. One way of selecting the initial PCIs, which
literature describing automatic PCI conflict resolution. allows PCI grouping, could be PCIinitial = CIPL mod A + B
In 2G and 3G systems, the mobiles need NCR lists in order where A is the PCI group size and B is the first PCI in the
to report candidate cells, but in LTE the mobiles operate corresponding PCI group. PCI grouping can e.g. be used to
without NCR lists. Instead, it is the eNodeBs that benefit from ensure that there are no conflicts between macro and micro
the NCR lists. Considering NCR generation, one of early cells.
approaches was formulated for GSM, D-AMPS, and PDC in
[6][7]. In their approach a set of new test cells (frequencies) are A. NCR Management and PCI Conflict Detection using
added to the neighbor list of a cell. This enables a mobile to Handover Measurements
measure cells currently not on the NCR list of the cell serving The mobiles continuously measure the RSRP from the
the mobile. The product implementation of the proposed serving cell and candidate cells (cells in the vicinity of the
method is briefly discussed in [8]. In contrast, we propose a mobile that might be considered as handover candidates).
method, which utilizes a feature of LTE, namely that the A measurement report is typically triggered when the RSRP
mobile detects a new cell and reports to the base station, from a candidate cell is within a threshold D dB from the
making the detection of new cells easier. serving cell RSRP.
In WCDMA, the mobiles are capable of detecting and The measurement report contains information about the
reporting cells not listed in the neighbor cell list – detected set PCI and the corresponding RSRP of the candidate cell. The
reporting (DSR) [2][9]. Soldani and Ore report results on self- serving cell may order the mobile to read the GID (transmitted
optimization of NCR lists for UTRA FDD networks using DSR on the broadcast channel from each cell) of a cell with a certain
measurements [10]. This approach is not directly applicable to PCI and report that back to the serving cell.
LTE, where it is possible for the mobile to extract the globally
unique cell identifier and report to the eNodeB. Baliosian and This could be done for example if the PCI is associated
Stadler developed a centralized procedure for creating NCR with a cell with handover failures in the past or if a central
lists [11] where each base station intersects the set of mobiles node such as the OSS has requested it. In any case, the GID of
in its service area with the mobiles in the service area of all a neighboring cell can be obtained with help from a mobile
other base stations. Parodi et al. [12] proposed a method for station upon request from the serving cell. In case the serving
NCR definition, where the service area of the cells are cell decides to set up a relation to the neighboring cell it
approximated and their overlap is computed. contacts the central configuration server in the network and
obtains the IP address (and possibly other connectivity related PCI. It could be at random, or for example be the conflicting
information such as encryption and authentication keys). cell i) with the lowest GID, ii) with the shortest NCR list or iii)
that most recently changed PCI that will change the PCI. Only
When a measurement report is received from a mobile it is little differences are reported in [13]. In the following sections,
handled according to the following scheme: the cell chosen to change its PCI is referred to as the selected
Is the PCI of the candidate cell already known in the conflicting cell. The subsequent resolution can be divided into
serving cell (i.e. is the neighbor relation already established)? four steps:
Yes: Initiate handover decision procedure. A. Compilation of a set of locally conflicting PCIs by
retrieving the PCIs of the neighbors and neighbors-
No: Consider the candidate cell as a NCR list candidate. neighbors to the selected conflicting cell.
Order the UE to report GID. Obtain connectivity
information for the candidate cell and signal to the B. Determination of the locally non-conflicting PCIs
candidate cell, directly or through the core network, as all available except the locally conflicting PCIs.
about a mutual addition to the NCR lists of the two cells. C. Randomization of a new PCI from the locally non-
Does the candidate cell confirm the NCR list addition? conflicting PCIs.
Yes: Add the candidate cell to the NCR list, and D. Information about the PCI update to all cells with
store relevant information about the cell. Initiate a NCR lists containing the selected conflicting cell
handover decision procedure.
No: The candidate cell has detected a PCI conflict B. PCI Detection and Resolution using Transmission Gaps
in the NCR list addition procedure. The candidate Another type of PCI conflict is when the candidate cell has
cell informs OSS about the PCI. Handover may be the same PCI as the serving cell. For example, if the mobile is
initiated simultaneously through the core network, served by cell C in Fig. 2, and approaches cell B. In that case,
using the GID as identifier. the mobile may not be able to report the weaker cell to the
serving cell because the weaker cell is directly interfered by the
serving cell on the same signature sequence. This comes about
because the mobile cannot differentiate between normal multi-
path in the radio channel and the case when the same signature
NCR: 5, 6, 17 sequence is transmitted from two different cells. If the two
conflicting cells have at least one neighbor candidate cell in the
vicinity that can detect the conflict, the conflict will eventually
15 be solved by that cell.
Cell C
(Conflicting cell) If no such neighbor candidate cells exist or in order to
Cell A increase the conflict detection opportunities, the serving cell
(Detecting cell)
could issue a transmission gap at predefined times. During each
17 such transmission gap the mobile would search for the
signature sequence associated with the serving cell. If the
Cell B mobile detects this sequence during a gap it knows that the
(Conflicting cell) signature sequence is transmitted by another cell in the system
(i.e. not the serving cell) and it can inform the serving cell
Figure 2. PCI conflict detection based on handover measurements. The
about the PCI conflict. The start time of the transmission gaps
mobile reports a new candidate cell with a PCI already present in the NCR list
of the serving cell. should be randomized. In order to reduce the risk for
overlapping transmissions gaps between different cells the GID
Two ways of detecting PCI conflicts by using handover could be used as a seed in the randomization. The serving cell
measurements are illustrated in Fig. 2, where cells B and C are can indicate the PCI conflict to OSS, which initiate a PCI
in conflict. Either, cell A is the serving cell, the mobile update with the indicating cell as the selected conflicting cell.
approaches cell B and reports it as a candidate cell, and cell A Note that OSS does not need to determine the other conflicting
detects the PCI conflict. Alternatively, cell B is the serving cell cell.
and the mobile approaches cell A. The mobile then reports cell
A as a candidate cell, and cell B adds cell A to its NCR list. IV. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION
However, when enforcing a mutual neighbor relation, cell A
In order to illustrate and analyze the behavior of the
once again detects the PCI conflict. When a PCI conflict is
proposed NCR list and PCI management, we consider
detected it is reported to OSS, in both these cases by cell A.
simulations using two scenarios with realistically deployed
OSS may initiate a network wide re-planning of PCIs when networks. The goal of the performance evaluation is to see
a conflict is detected. However, the proposal in this paper is to whether existing PCI conflicts are resolved and NCR lists
perform a local adjustment that only involves the PCI update of reach a steady-state. Section IV.A describes the two scenarios
one of the conflicting cells based on local information from the in more detail, and Section IV.B provides information about
conflicting cell, its neighbors and their neighbors. First, OSS the simulation environment. The subsequent sections present
determines which of the conflicting cells that should change and discuss the simulation results.
A. Scenarios B. Simulator
1) Mjärdevi Scenario The simulator essentially generates mobiles in the network
The first scenario is selected for illustrative purposes. It is a scenarios according to given traffic distributions, and extracts
fictitious network in Mjärdevi (Linköping, Sweden), see Fig. 3. the mobiles that are in positions where they would trigger and
A supposedly good and adequate macro deployment with 30 send handover measurements of the RSRP. The NCR list and
cells is evolved with the addition of five micro cells to better PCI management algorithm is then implemented to act upon
cover areas between houses. These micro cells initially have the handover measurements from the mobiles, to add NCR list
empty NCR lists, are not listed in any neighbor cell lists of the entries, and to detect and resolve PCI conflicts. Unless
macro cells, and are initiated with conflicting PCIs. This is to otherwise stated, the lowest GID strategy is adopted when
mimic the situation that may arise when no effort whatsoever is selecting which of the conflicting cell that is requested to
made to configure the introduced micro cells. The radio change its PCI. We will in Section IV.D investigate the other
propagation is based on the Okumura-Hata model (see e.g., strategies as outlined in Section III.
[16]) adapted for 3G as the propagation model. Further, the
building loss model used is given by -24-1.6d dB, where d is C. Simulation Results from the Mjärdevi Scenario
the distance to the closest outer wall. The house canyon (in- Coverage data from all possible positions in the network
between buildings) loss is -12-0.8d dB, where d is the distance are used to compile the ideal NCR list. It is concluded that in
to the closest inner wall. The micro cell propagation model is - total 28 neighbor cell list entries needs to be added when
50-0.8d dB, where d is distance from the micro cell in meters. introducing the micro cells. Recall that the micro cells do not
have any entries in the neighbor cells lists initially, and they are
not listed in any of the macro cells either. The result is given in
Fig. 4, which shows that the algorithm is able to find all
necessary 28 entries in the neighbor cell lists. Accumulated
NCR updates triggered by PCI changes, as shown in Fig. 5, can
be seen as indicators of the PCI conflict resolution performance
and convergence. Comparing to Fig. 4, we see that the PCI
conflict handling converges faster than the NCR additions. In
summary we have shown that the PCI and NCR handling
approach presented in this paper automatically updates the
NCR lists as handover information becomes available. Further
PCI conflicts are resolved and the network reaches steady state.


Accumulated NCR additions

Figure 3. Aerial view of the fictitious deployment in Mjärdevi Linköping.

The outer walls of the building are marked with grey (red) lines. The inner
walls (facing the in-between building area) are marked with dark (blue) lines.
Furthermore, the total number of available PCIs has been
reduced from the normally available 504 to only 30, in order to 10
make the problem more challenging.
2) Major City Scenario 5
The second scenario is a part of a realistic network in a
major Western European city. The considered area has more 0
0 500 1000 1500
than 200 cells. As in Section IV.A.1) we use TEMS Measurements / cell
CellPlanner together with Okumura-Hata to predict the radio
propagation. The details are omitted due to space limitations. Figure 4. Neighbor cell list convergence. Accurate NCR lists are achieved
This network is much denser than the first scenario, which after approximately 1000 measurements per cell made by mobiles in handover
means that there are many more inter-dependencies between situations.
the cells. The network is initiated with empty neighbor cell lists
and all cells initially have the same PCI, in order to provide a D. Simulation Results from the Major City Scenario
worst case situation. In addition, we consider two cases where
the number of available PCIs is either 130 or 504 in order Fig. 6 illustrates the convergence of the PCI conflict
compare how such restriction has an impact on the resolution algorithm and indicates that it is able to gradually
performance, as well as to provide means to make the problem resolve the PCI conflicts and provide locally conflict free PCIs
more challenging. to the cells. Note that in Fig. 6 we have made the problem more
challenging by decreasing the total number of available PCIs to
130. Even so, the accumulated collisions (conflicts) converge
to steady state after approximately the same time as the case
when 504 PCIs are available. It can be noted that much fewer V. CONCLUSION
measurement reports per cell are needed for the algorithm to We have developed and proposed a set of algorithms for
converge in this scenario compared to the simpler and smaller automating the operation of the 3G Evolution radio network
Mjärdevi scenario (see Section IV.C). The reason is that the LTE. These algorithms aim at solving PCI conflicts and
inter-dependencies in this relatively dense network provide generating and updating NCR lists using mobile-assisted
more informative measurements and updated PCIs spread to measurements. The algorithms are fully automated and run
more neighboring cells quicker due to the longer lists. continuously, thus, they require no operator intervention. The
NCR UpdatesTriggered
Triggeredbyby PCIchanges
MCI Changes performance evaluation shows that the network converges to a
60 steady state, where there are no PCI conflicts and the NCR is
complete. Having developed and successfully shown the
Accumulated NCR updates

50 performance of this approach, we believe that the results will

have a significant positive impact on the operator OPEX.

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