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Vol. 1 No.

1 May 2017

Interpretation Meaning of Ngaben for Krama Dadia Arya Kubontubuh

Tirtha Sari Ulakan Village Karangasem District
(Hindu Religious Education Perspective)

I Ketut Sudarsana
Institut Hindu Dharma Negeri Denpasar
Email : [email protected]

Received: Maret 25, 2017 Accepted: May 15, 2017 Published: May 31, 2017


Religious activity which is conducted by Krama Dadya Arya Kubontubuh Tirtha Sari Desa
Ulakan during this particular time, especially cremation ceremony or Ngaben, is not only as an
obligation but also as a form of respect and devotion to parents or relatives who have died. This
obligation is implemented sincerely in the form of material and spiritual sacrifice of a religious
ceremony, in which its aimis to gratify the parents and ancestors respectively. This research
successfully describes: 1) Ngaben which is implemented by Krama Dadya Arya Kubontubuh
Tirthasari Ulakan used kebodanversion that act as Yajemana Pamucukin which is Ida Pedanda
Buda while also accompanied by Ida Pedanda Siwa. The implementation of this cremation
ceremony is always followed by a Nuntun Dewa Hyangceremony because Nyekah procession
is been considered together in the cremation. The uniqueness of the implementation is non-
performance of Ngeroras after cremation as the Hindu majority, but held on Pengaskaraan which
is started with ngereka sawa karsian. The advantages of conducting pengaskaraan are includes
facility and process, as follows: use banten puriagan, banten suluh agung, sekah lilit and tumaligi
for all sawa which should only be made by Tarpini Sulinggih, while in the process, Ida Pedanda
Buda does nepak and penyolsolan sekah lilit with white duck, white rooster and kucit butuan
selem. In addition, as it is commonly known is the use of petulangan macan selemand propose of
the dead bodies in the form of bade tumpang pitu ataman punggel.2) The values of Hindu’s
Education in cremation ceremony which is conducted by Krama Dadya Arya Kubontubuh
Tirthasari Ulakan include: tattwa, susila/etika, ceremony and aesthetic educational values.

Key Wodrs : Cremation and Hindu Religious Education

Interpretation Meaning of Ngaben for Krama Dadia Arya Kubontubuh 1

Tirtha Sari Ulakan Village Karangasem District..... | I Ketut Sudarsana
I. Introduction It is caused, when a person died, his
Religion has a very important role in human organization is entirely left to sulinggih which
life. Religion becomes a guidance in an effort muput and serati (tukang banten). From the
to realize a life of peace and dignity. Religion aspect of theological and philosophical point
shapes mankind into human beings who believe of view, ngaben has religious values and
and piety to God Almighty and have noble educate the next generation that must be
character and increase spiritual potential. understood together, so typically (mula keto)
Increased spiritual potential includes the can be translated more rationally. This religious
recognition, understanding, planting of religious education is very necessary to be developed in
values in individual life or society which the order to improve noble character and spiritual
activities reflect the dignity as God’s creatures. intelligence for the community, as a form of non-
Growth and development of religious life formal education. Thus, the cadre has always
today appears the desire of his people to process indirectly to maintain the integrity of
improve religious life and deepen the teachings existing cultural heritage.
of religion with a philosophical rational The sense of attachment of Hindus with
approach, in order to reduce the dogmatic their ancestors is very strong and sustainable.
things by using the study of religious literature. Attachment to the ancestors is not only
This context is realized how important the role completed after the obligation carried out, to
of Hindu religious ceremony received a do the ceremony of pitra yadnya, but the
thorough assessment to be understood the relationship is believed to be remained forever.
meaning of functions and benefits in this life, in This belief is often encountered when a person
order to increase the consolidation of Sradha gets calamity which is believed because they
and Bhakti in the implementation of religious still have obligation from the offspring that have
ceremonies. not been implemented, but it is not known or
The religious activities which are carried not realized. As the, reason there are still many
out by krama of Dadya Tirtha Sari Ulakan people who do not understand what caused
Village during this time especially pitra yadnya the disaster for their family resulting from the
(Ngaben) ceremony. In addition, it is an assumption that the completion of the pitra
obligation as well as a form of respect to parents yadnya ceremony. In Ngaben that has held by
or relatives who have died. This obligation is krama Dadya Tirtha Sari Ulakan Village, the
carried out sincerely in the form of material and release of atma from the bond of sthula sarira
spiritual sacrifices in form of religious is called ngaben and the release of atma of
ceremonies, which its aims to please the parents suksma sarira is commonly called ngerorasin
and their ancestors. performed in a series of ceremonies, without
Awakening the ghosts of the dead is the any time span. In relation to the Ngaben
practice of the yajna, but not necessarily makes ceremony, many krama do not know to have
the spirits that are free from all sins and taints. performed the ceremony of ngerorasin,
However, with the hope of the ceremony should because that is seen only in the implementation
be followed up also by doing yoga and sadana. of Ngaben only. Next, it is needed
Understanding of Ngaben ceremony for krama reinterpretation of the meaning of Ngaben for
of Dadya Tirtha Sari Ulakan village although it krama Dadya Arya Kubontubuh Tirtha Sari
has been done long time ago, in general is still Ulakan Village, Karangasem regency.
less particularly meaning and essence

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II. Research Methods Banjar Kodok, Banjar Mantri, and Banjar
2.1 Types of Research The location of Ulakan village is very
Based on the problems that have been strategic and as a close area to the coast which
described then this research can be focused is also used by the government as a quay of
into qualitative research using religious pertamina. On the other side, Ulakan village
approach, sociology and anthropology. These has many water sources, wells, rivers, close to
three approaches have great relevance, since the beach, so that agricultural is very suitable
other religions is also a sociocultural to be implemented. From the total area of
phenomenon (social anthropology). Ulakan Village, most of it is used as agricultural
land and as for building houses, banjar halls,
2.2 Data Collection Techniques funerals, sports fields, schools, temples and hills
Data collection is basically an operational as farms and plantations.
activity for its actions to enter on the actual The socio-cultural situation in Ulakan village
definition research. Data is the embodiment of is substantially diverse as there are Javanese
information deliberately which excavated to be and Balinese tribes who mingle in different
collected in order to describe an event or other cultures and complement each other. The belief
activity. Data collection is a systematic system of the Ulakan Villagers community is
procedure with regard to defined lines. This is based on the sharing of religious teachings with
intended to avoid unused data because of the the belief system of the local community that is
far-reaching information obtained with its needs. a common feature of the community in Ulakan
The data collection techniques used are Village.
observation, interview and literature study Society embraces some religions such as
Hinduism, Islam mingle in a unity of social
2.3 Data Analysis structure that harmonious and support each
Data analysis technique used in this research other. Religious beliefs in Ulakan village still
is qualitative data analysis technique. This retain the megibung tradition that refers to the
analysis is used to analyze data from tradition of the ancestors, which until now is
observation and interview. Qualitative data still being implemented.
analysis is done directly and executed The Ulakan village community system is
continuously until complete, so the data is still very strong, they still use the menyama
saturated. Data saturation sizes are indicated braya concept which every member of the
by no new data or information being retrieved. family should keep relationship to the other
members who have a ceremony whether it is
III. Results And Discussion big or small the basic of sincerity. Besides,
Ulakan village community is like a social unity
3.1 General Description of Research Sites which establish a harmonious relationship
From the geographic location of Ulakan between each other so they can live side by
Village is one of the villages in Manggis District side and saling asah, asih, asuh. (Monography
which is geographically fertile village with an of Ulakan Village, 2005).
altitude of 200 meters above sea level. The area The religious life of Ulakan Village
of Ulakan Village is 100 Ha with mostly community in establishing harmonious relations
agricultural land. Ulakan Village consists of 5 with the Creator is implemented through
Banjar, such as Banjar Belong, Banjar Tengah, religious ceremonies. If we consider in terms

Interpretation Meaning of Ngaben for Krama Dadia Arya Kubontubuh 3

Tirtha Sari Ulakan Village Karangasem District..... | I Ketut Sudarsana
of community life it always fill with various ceremony. After the implementation of nunas
executions of religious ceremonies. Ulakan in Dalem Temple is completed, then continued
village community consists of diverse with maktiang tapakan in titi gonggang.
communities, but religious traditions are
culturally appropriate, so in the execution of a 3.2.4 Ngulapin
ritual ceremony is running smoothly. The ceremony is held at Ulakan Village
Beach where the execution is intended to invite
3.2 Implementation of Ngaben ceremony the spirit of the deceased.
by Krama Dadya Arya Kubontubuh
Tirtha Sari Ulakan Village 3.2.5 Maktiang Tapakan
Karangasem Regency. After the ceremony of nunas and ngulapin
Ngaben of krama Dadya Arya are completed, then continued with maktiang
Kubontubuh Tirtha Sari Ulakan Village tapakan in Prajapati Temple, Catus Pata of
Karangasem regency aims to ease the cost, Ulakan Village and Paibon Temple. Maktiang
bring a sense of brotherhood and grow the Tapakan in Prajapati Temple is a prayer to
sense of mutual cooperation. Given in religious Sang Hyang Widhi in his manifestation as
literature mentioned that the body should not Prajapati and also Durga Goddess which is
be buried more than five years, then with the located in upstream setra or funerals. After
agreement of the krama performed Ngaben praying in Pura Prajapati maktiang tapakan,
ceremony. The series of Ngaben which do by then continued in Catus Pata of Ulakan Village
krama Dadya Arya Kubontubuh Tirtha Sari and Paibon Temple.
Ulakan Village Karangasem regency is as
follows: 3.2.6 Melaspas Kajang
Kajang is an atman symbol which is
3.2.1 Nanceb illustrated by scripts and sacred images, the use
Nanceb ceremony is the first step to of kajang in the ceremony of pengabenan is
prepare and design the implementation of placed above the dead body like a blanket.
Ngaben ceremony. The making of Ngaben
ceremonial’s place for the krama Dadya Arya 3.2.7 Melaspas Pondok and Bale Gumi
Kubontubuh Tirtha Sari Ulakan Village, Pondok is a resembling house made of
Karangasem regency is carried out in mutual bamboo and roofed coconut leaves, where the
cooperation which held at Paibon Temple of building is elongated place of sekah, sawa,
Dadya Arya Kubontubuh Tirtha Sari. kajang and bebantenan placed. While bale
gumi is a bale that three-staired with the ground
3.2.2 Ngadegang Sri floor. Bale gumi is the place of sawa that will
The ceremony of Ngadegang Sri aims to be burned. Therefore also called bale
clean and plead with Sri’s Goddess in order to pamuhun. As the name, bale gumi works as
give holiness to the ceremonies, because most earth. Melaspas ceremony aims to clean and
of the ceremony will use rice. purify the pondok or cottage and bale gumi
by niskala before use.
3.2.3 Nunas ke Pura Dalem Ulakan
Ceremony of nunas to Dalem Temple is a 3.2.8 Ngeringkes and Ngunggahang
procession which pratisentana / son / daughter Tumpang Salu
/ family begged to atma / spirit of the deceased Ngeringkes ceremony begins by lowering
in Pura Dalem for later will be done is Ngaben the sawa which in this case has been replaced

4 Vol. 1 No. 1 Mei 2017

by pengawak made by sandalwood to the 3.2.9 Melaspas Pangiriman
pepaga which has been matched mats and there Melaspas ceremony is aimed to purify
is a pillow under it, filled with kepeng satakan objects (upakara properties) in the form of
then on the sawa mounted ancestral white cloth. pangiriman that is used as a place of
Next, it is watered, soaped, shampooed, given pengusungan sekah and kajang to the
bablonyoh white-yellow, doused with yeh cemetery. Pemelaspas does not only mean
kumkuman, then his mouth is watered, disisig. sanctification, but also makes it sacred. It is
Hair is oiled, neatly combed. Nails dikerik and also aimed at giving utpati or reviving, after
it is wrapped by dapdap leaves and put under finish dipelaspas status of the pangiriman as
sawa. a religious ways is a living vehicle.
Next we put some properties as follows:
the leaves of intaran in both eyebrows, pusuh 3.2.10 Ngaskara
menuh in the nose, glasses in the eyes, waja Pangaskaran (pengaskaran, ngaskara
on teeth, sikapa on the chests, dust powder ceremony, askara) is a purification ceremony
on the stomach, malem in the ears, eggplant of atma petra become pitara. When death
leaves on male genital or lotus leaves above occurs, the praketi (coarse body) is separated
female genitals. On each mother toe is tied in by atma but it is still followed by the suksma
white thread, hands are filled with kwangen sarira (nature of thoughts, feelings, desires,
with Uang Kepeng 11, monmon mirah is put lusts), hence as mentioned in the quote source
into the mouth, some kwangen is placed on of the indik Ngaben manner, the atma is
the body with the following details: 1) Fennel, mentioned to be cleansed by ngaskara.
1 kwangen + 11 Uang Kepeng, 2) Left hand, Implementation of Ngaben by krama Dadya
1 kwangen + 5 Uang Kepeng, 3) Right Hand, Arya Kubontubuh Tirtha Sari Ulakan has its
1 kwangen + 5 Uang Kepeng, 4) Chest, 1 own uniqueness because the implementation is
kwangen + 11 Uang Kepeng, 5) Ulu Hati, 1 done as Ngelanus Ida Pedanda Buddha, is
kwangen + 11 Uang Kepeng, 6 ) Left leg, 1 marked by the difference in the implementation
kwangen + 5 Uang Kepeng, 7) Right Leg, 1 of the pengaskaraan that begins with ngereka
kwangen + 5 Uang Kepeng, 8) Right hull, 8 sawa karsian.
kwangen + 15 Uang Kepeng, 9) Left hull, 8 The advantages of the pengaskaraan
kwangen + 15 Uang Kepeng, And 10) includes the properties and processes, namely
Pillows without kwangen with kepeng as much in terms of properties: using banten puriagan,
as 225 kepeng. banten suluh agung, sekah lilit and tumaligi
Then, sawa is sprinkled with tirta for all sawa that can only be made by Tarpini
penglukatan or purification holy water. Sulinggih, while in the process, Ida Pedanda
Sprinkling tirtha / purification holy water is one Buddha do nepak and penyolsolan sekah lilit
of the efforts to cleanse and purify sawa in order with white duck, white chick and kucit butuan
to be close to the creator, Ida Sang Hyang selem.
Widhi Wasa, which is the ultimate goal of human
life. Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa is the Most 3.2.11 Narpana
Holy and certainly is a source of sanctity. After Tarpana (narpana) is an all-holy
dudonan ceremony of sawa is done, then do bebantenan which is dedicated to the
ngeringkes sawa, which after that it is rolled ancestors who in the reverberation of lontar
with white cloth and mat kalasa, in lante and sundarigama mentioned tarpana is presented
tied thigh. On top of the roll is put the leaves of as a form dhyana, worship to the ancestors by
telujungan and white cloth and tatindih. arranging bebantenan like tarpana sarwa

Interpretation Meaning of Ngaben for Krama Dadia Arya Kubontubuh 5

Tirtha Sari Ulakan Village Karangasem District..... | I Ketut Sudarsana
pawitan and so forth. Tarpana or also called farewell by using upakara such as banten
narpana in Ngaben ceremony is a provision sambutan papegat.
of pabuktian or provision in nature sunya in The next series is puja sulinggih before
the form of dishes, clothing and others to pitra the corpse in which case pengawak of sandal-
which is presented through puja sulinggih. wood is out from the pondok and then will be
brought and raised to the top of padma. When
3.2.12 Melaspas Padma and Macan Selem sulinggih is doing mapuja, the pratisentana
or Black Tiger sit down neatly. Once completed, then proceed
As the things which are done on with pengusungan jerusah (pengawak) to the
pangiriman, padma and petulangan macan pengutangan panjang place where padma is
selem are also pelaspas before use. The located. The cultivation of the corpse is the
ceremony of melaspas aims to clean and purify climax of Ngaben ceremony.
padma and macan selem by niskala before When the body was about to be departed,
being used at Ngaben ceremony. on the coffin sat two people carrying sekar ura,
ubes-ubes (the material of peacock feathers)
3.2.13 Peak of Ngaben Ceremony hung a chick. The body was rotated three times
The peak of Ngaben ceremony begins with left (prasawya), and then stopped in front of
bringing all the Ngaben equipment from Paibon the bale gumi on which there has been a
Temple to Setra or funeral. This equipment petulangan macan selem. Kajang and kereb
includes bebantenan obtained from griya, sinom are taken and held behind the tirtha.
padma and macan selem that had been Lante, mats and rurub are opened.
pelaspas. Arriving at the funeral of the corpse
After all the equipment arrived in the setra, (pengawak) before being lowered purwadak-
then performed mapegat ceremony is done by sina purified around the kiln. Mapurwa
three sulinggih Buddha-Shiva, namely Ida daksina ceremony, in which purwa daksina
Pedanda Gede Jelantik Karang, Ida is the name of upuk or the direction of Sanskrit
Pedanda Gede Ketut Oka Jelantik blooming wind, purwa means east, daksina
Dwipayana and Ida Pedanda Gede Made means south. Mapurwa daksina is a series of
Dauh. This ceremony when viewed from the Ngaben ceremonies surrounding the bale gumi
religious context through its literature (especially (burning corpse) which rotates from east to the
in Itihasa) in various ways always calling, the right according to clockwise turnaround.
death of family members should be accepted After complete, the corpse is then lowered
with full sincerity. This farewell ceremony, from padma and brought to the top of a leopard
performed in front of the pondok or cottage with the following sequences:
with the offering of a Segehan Agung complete 1) Cut the ante rope.
with a small lantern, a span of benang tridatu 2) All the wrapping cloth is opened, so that
between two stemmed branches of dapdap the face of the body (pengawak) appears.
trees, was ready to use. On the thread is 3) Sulinggih do pangentas ceremony in the
punctured and hung a number of Uang following order:
Kepeng. a) Penyiraman toya panembak from
Mapapegat ceremony is a meaningful the face to the foot, where the toya
ceremony as an acceptance of the panembak was crushed.
circumstances, it means the family of the b) Kelukuh kawitan, pangijeng, tirtha
deceased should be sincere to release his leave pangentas jotan, tirta kayangan
between the family and the deceased held a tiga and the last tirtha prajapati.

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The body was burned with the term fire 3.3 Meaning of Hindu Religious Educa-
until the whole body became to ashes. After tion in Ngaben Ceremony of Krama
the body becomes ashes, it is watered by Dadya Arya Kubontubuh Tirtha Sari
sulinggih and watered again to be cool with Ulakan Village Karangasem Regency.
yeh Anyar. This watering is called the term Ngaben ceremony conducted by krama
“penyeeb”. After extinguished, all burned then Dadya Arya Kubontubuh Tirtha Sari Ulakan
served of saji “geblangan”. The fire was nowadays has become one of the traditions in
watered with “toya panyeheb”. After ngereka the Pakraman Ulakan Village. In the context of
finished then followed by peralina as the final reinterpretation of Ngaben meaning for krama
stage of worship sang sulinggih before Dadya Tirtha Sari Ulakan Village, Karangasem
ngayut. Merelina is done by the owner of the regency, it is important to reveal the values of
sekah with his family and led by sulinggih. Hindu religious education contained.
Meralina used upakara: daksina asoroh, Understanding of the values of Hindu religious
menyan, astanggi, sekar tunjung putih education will increase the faithfulness of krama
(wijaksara masurat) and piring sutra. After in every implementation of the cremation.
finished pamralina, it is ended with the worship The existence of the value of Hindu religious
of family, then proceed with ceremony ngirim education is due to yadnya activities
(nganyut). conducted, start from the preparation until the
end of the whole series of yadnya
3.2.14 Masesapuh implementation, it does not apart from the rules
After three days of Ngaben ceremony for Hindus in Bali generally, by keep to the Veda
finished which is marked by ngayut, there are and other Hindu literatures, as well as the
still activities, mesapuh. This ceremony is a instructions of the ancestors.
cleansing ceremony filled with caru manca
sanak. 3.3.1 Tattwa Education Value
Tattwa in Hinduism is not solely to seek
3.2.15 Nuntun and Maajar-ajar the truth, but it is indeed a knowledge to
After the ceremony of Ngaben finished, discover the essence of everything that is
then proceed with the ceremony nuntun and profound. Overall, tattwa value is everything
majar-ajar. This ceremony is also commonly that is useful in Hindus life. Tattwa value is a
called nyegara gunung which is the goal to very useful value in religious life, especially
present Hyang Widhi and bhatara kawitan Hinduism.
that the deceased has been properly supposed, At Ngaben ceremony, all family members
for the next they get a place in accordance with pray for people who died sincerely. Prayer is
their karma. At this stage, the deceased has the most sincere expression of human feelings
been called the Dewa Pitara or Dewa Hyang. and hopes. It strengthens attitudes (beliefs) to
All series of ceremonies above is a unity of the relate the source of omnipotent power.
pitra yadnya ceremony as a form of bhakti Therefore, it is not surprising if the krama Dadya
and subhakti to the ancestors. Arya Kubontubuh Tirtha Sari in Ulakan always

Interpretation Meaning of Ngaben for Krama Dadia Arya Kubontubuh 7

Tirtha Sari Ulakan Village Karangasem District..... | I Ketut Sudarsana
perform the Ngaben ceremony based on rules, banten-banten that have been prepared, there
norms and values prevailing in Ulakan Village is also a banten which contain rice complete
and not contrary to Hindu literature guidance. with a new drink. After the ceremony of
Krama Dadya Arya Kubontubuh Tirtha Sari Ngaben, then they enjoy the dish to honor the
in Ulakan believes that life in this world is a life ancestors.
cycle, from the lowest level to the highest level. Based on the description above, Ngaben
Incarnation as a plant is the lowest level of life, ceremony contains the values of ethics that
then followed by the incarnation as an animal, need to be maintained and implemented in the
as a human being, as a pitara, and as a God. form of yajna activities, and used as the basic
Thus, one day when the spirit does not of guidance for Hindus in doing duties and
experience the life cycle, which is then called obligations both as individually and socially who
Moksa. have the sabda, bayu and idep so the excess
will become customs or traditions that are
3.3.2 Value of Ethics Education / Susila carried on from generation to generation until
The value of ethical or moral education in nowadays as in the ceremony of Ngaben
the Ngaben ceremony in the Ulakan Village is performed by krama Dadya Arya Kubontubuh
the humans always make a harmonious Tirtha Sari in every four years, with the aim to
relationship with Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa, please the safety of the ancestors / spirits of the
human with the environment and each other, ancestors so the atmosphere is harmonious
and humans also do not forget to give offerings between macrocosmic nature and microcosmic.
to the Spirit of the Ancestor or Dewa Hyang Hindu religious ceremonies is basically play
to be given safety. a role in the process of intensification of social
If viewed from the implementation, the relations and enhance the solidarity of society.
process of Ngaben ceremony is closely related This is seen in the preparation process of
to susila or ethics, so the second aspect of the Ngaben krama Dadya Arya Kubontubuh
Hindu Religion Framework deserves serious Tirtha Sari in Ulakan. At the time of making
attention for the sanctity and purity of yadnya upakara is done by togetherness of family
implementation. Susila is a good behavior, or members and the local community. In addition,
noble character that is in accordance with when offering upakara all krama dadya
dharma (religion). Yadnya as one of the present to follow the procession of Ngaben
religious activities cannot be separated from the ceremony. Both of these activities is a media
moral values, which as the guidance and the for the krama to socialize so in the end a sense
foundation that determines the quality of a of solidarity more stable.
yadnya that will be presented. The greatest
sacrifice of material performed in yadnya will 3.3.3 The Value of Ceremonial Education
become meaningless, if not based on the The ceremony is an implementation of
attitude and good personality by the yadnya’s yajna or sacrificial whose realization is most
implementers. visible to the public. In performing a ceremony
The value of ethics education is also it is necessary for the equipment’s to worship
reflected in karma of Dadya Arya Kubontubuh the ceremony itself is called upakara or
Tirtha Sari or the families who are doing Ngaben banten. Knowing banten used, how to make
ceremony which gives offerings to the ancestors it, and how the implementation in the ceremony,
who have been cleansed by offering banten- required a process called the learning or
banten that have been prepared before. In education process. Thus in doing a ceremony,

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the element of education that will always studying the meaning, principle and beautiful
accompany yadna activities, not least on or the existence as value and idealization and symbol.
amount of yadnya itself. Therefore, the principle of the beautiful value
For the krama Dadya Arya Kubontubuh of an object is associated with its epistemology
Tirtha Sari, the understanding of the ceremonial and ontology. If a person will interpret an object,
aspect in the implementation of yajna is very then the personal element will advance and
necessary in the future so the upakara and the describe based on its importance.
implementation will not be separated from the This is where beauty will be interpreted by
provisions contained in Veda, other Hindu the krama Dadya Arya Kubontubuh Tirtha Sari
literatures, and the traditions of the local in Ulakan Village. The beauty that exists in the
community. Krama Dadya Arya Kubontubuh whole process and upakara that become part
Tirtha Sari in Ulakan village is very worried if of the Ngaben ceremony. The beauty of this
there is a something in ceremonial facilities which process and upakara is done by studying the
not in accordance with the provisions of original beauty. Perhaps observation and insight
religious literature. Because it will be fatal to (sighting only with the eyes, but sensing the
the ceremony held. possibility of the inner process as a step that
Krama Dadya Arya Kubontubuh Tirtha oversees the activity.
Sari in Ulakan Village strongly believes that life All the beauty or aesthetic in the ceremony
as a human being in the world must be able to of Ngaben will give feelings of pleasure for the
realize a harmonious life, each other, with the krama Dadya Arya Kubontubuh Tirtha Sari in
God, and the natural environment. If there is an Ulakan Village. Happy words are related to
imbalance in these relationships then it is interest and concentrated on something
believed will lead to disharmony of human life. interesting. The attractiveness itself comes from
Disharmony is a source of danger to human the element of a direct relationship with the
life. enjoyer. So, for those who are not willing to
In the contextual value of ceremonial enjoy or interested, happiness will not be
education, Ngaben actually teaches the krama accepted. Similar to beautiful, if krama do not
of Dadya Arya Kubontubuh Tirtha Sari in feel any relationship will not exist. Rene
Ulakan Village to carry out the purification Descartes (1595-1650), a French philosopher
process continually. The purification function of of the Enlightenment, once credited the cogito
the Spirit in doing Ngaben ceremony is to ergo sum (if I think it exists, then it will be).
provide the provision for the souls of the This expression is associated with the meaning
deceased or those who are supposed to be of an object that is interpreted to exist then the
able to reach moksa in an easy way and provide object can be the beauty, beautiful it exists.
protection to it. All the process for Ida Sang The development of ethnics Dadya Arya
Hyang Widhi Wasa or God Almighty as a Kubontubuh Tirtha Sari in Ulakan village began
witness of ceremony. to show its forms, from nature (dynamism) to
Theo centrism, logo centrism in the classical
3.3.4 Value of Aesthetic Education period and end with the enlightenment era. The
In various literature, the term of aesthetics logic of krama is reminded by the power of
(in lowercase) refers to the meaning of objects human itself, and ultimately towards the human
related to beauty, while Aesthetics (in capital mind as the conception of idealism. Language
letters) is one of the branches of Philosophy is made superior to humans to express ideas,
Value (Axiology). Axiology relates to beauty therefore the idealism of a mind remains
becomes the philosophy of beauty, that is dependent on the way of expressing, which is

Interpretation Meaning of Ngaben for Krama Dadia Arya Kubontubuh 9

Tirtha Sari Ulakan Village Karangasem District..... | I Ketut Sudarsana
language. Some of the weaknesses of language IV. Conclusion
cause people no longer trust, because what is Based on the results of research and data
expressed is not really what he thinks. Present analysis above, it can be put forward several
the concept of sense in the development of conclusions as follows:
reasoning, through the sense of all thoughts 1. Dadya Arya Kubontubuh Tirthasari Ulakan
contrasted because the glory of the mind does is one of 2 (two) dadya Arya Kubontubuh
not give full confidence to belief. in Pakraman Ulakan Village other than
The meaning of education Aesthetics Dadya Arya Kubontubuh Kuri Tegeh.
contained in the Ngaben performed by the Since 2010 has been 3 (three) times to do
krama Dadya Arya Kubontubuh Tirtha Sari in Ngaben which is supported by all krama
Ulakan village appears in the process of making dadya. The meaning of the word supported
and its form. Krama Dadya Arya Kubontubuh is that the procurement of Ngaben
Tirtha Sari in preparing the upakara always infrastructure such as ceremony place,
done in mutual assistance, which involves tetaring and executive staff assisted by all
people who already understand and skilled or krama dadya, is in terms of financing
unskilled family members. In that context, upakara facilities are still borne by each
unskilled family members will get guidance from owner of sawa. Reinterpretation of Ngaben
skilled-people in making banten or offerings meaning for krama Dadya Arya
which are very artistic. It means that the process Kubontubuh Tirtha Sari Ulakan Village
of making banten or sesajen contains the Karangasem regency is located in believing
meaning of aesthetic education, which is the to use kebodan version that acts as Sang
transformation of art from the old generation to Yajemana Pamucuk is Ida Pedanda
the younger generation as the performers’ Buddha besides accompanied by Ida
sustainability which is imbued with Hinduism. Pedanda Siwa. In the last three times the
In addition, the meaning of aesthetic implementation of Ngaben that has been
education is also contained in banten or implemented, always continued with the
offerings that have been made. Its artistic ceremony of Nuntun Dewa Hyang
manifestation will be able to transform the because Nyekah process has been
imaginative artistic for the people who observe considered united in the cremation.
it. It means that banten or sesajen can be a Implementation of Nuntun Dewa Hyang
media of inspiration for the audience in realizing take a few days after Ngaben
other artworks. In addition, an artistic form of implemented, so the obligations of manners
banten or offerings can give satisfaction to the especially pengarep sawa be completed
art needs of everyone who sees it. in a relatively short time.
The meaning of aesthetic education that is The uniqueness of the cremation performed
seen as artistic philosophy, then the role of by karma Dadya Arya Kubontubuh
beauty may be considered essential, but not as Tirthasari Ulakan lies in the non-execution
great as imagined, although the aesthetic design of the ceremony ngeroras after Ngaben
gives the opposite impression and it should not like most Hindus, but carried out in
be forgotten that the artwork is spiritual. Hindu pemaskaraan that begins with ngereka
aesthetics is basically a worldview of taste and sawa karsian.
beauty, a term used in the time of Kawi bound The advantages made in the treatment
by the Hinduism values based on the Veda. include the means and processes, namely

10 Vol. 1 No. 1 Mei 2017

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Interpretation Meaning of Ngaben for Krama Dadia Arya Kubontubuh 13

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