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HMP LFG The Light Weight Deflectometer

By means of the Light Weight

Deflectometer HMP LFG you are able
to purposefully manage and control
your compaction works and to improve
the quality of your construction site.

This gives you confidence,

saves time and money!


HMP Magdeburger Prüfgerätebau GmbH

As a medium-sized family business in second gene-

ration we rely on continuity, reliability, confidence and

More than 30 years of experience in development,

production and service, certified quality standards
and latest production conditions make us a compe-
tent partner for the construction industry.
The from us developed test equipment, as the Light
Weight Deflectometer HMP LFG and the Static Plate
Load Tester HMP PDG are used all over the world for
compaction control and bearing capacity tests at the
soil examination. Trained service- and sales partners
form a reliable global network.

We only manufacture in Germany and trust in regional

suppliers on the basis of strict certification guidelines.

The HMP GmbH is a from the Federal Highway Re-

search Institute (BASt) approved calibration institute
for Light Weight Deflectometer.




The test method Areas of application

The dynamic plate load test by means of the Light method is suited for coarse-grain and mixed grain soils Road- and railway construction, earthworks
Weight Deflectometer enables an uncomplicated having a maximum grain size of 63mm and can be Quality assurance in canal construction
bearing capacity test and compaction control of soils, used to determine the dynamic modulus of deforma- Compaction control in pipe trenches
non-cohesive subbases and soil improvements – with- tion of soil in the range of Evd = 15...70 MN/m². Testing of pavement beddings
in only 2 minutes – just place the device, measure and Testing of foundation backfill
evaluate immediately! The dynamic plate load test is described in the Engi- Quality inspection in boreholes
neering Code for Soil and Rock in Road Construction Testing of modulus of deformation within the
Inbuilt soil layers can be tested very quickly and with- TP BF-StB part B 8.3 issue 2012. framework of soil examination
out load abutment, facilitating quick assessments of
test lots even under limited space conditions. The test Detailed correlations to other test methods exist.


Determine the bearing capacity and compaction quali-

ty of soils and non-cohesive subbases fast, reliably and

By means of the Light Weight Deflectometer HMP LFG

you are able to purposefully manage and control your
compaction works and to improve the quality of your
This gives you confidence, saves time and money!

The Light Weight Deflectometer HMP LFG is especial-
ly suitable for in-house self-monitoring, due to the easy
handling and the immediately available measurement
results. This facilitates quick decisions to continue con-
struction work at the site.

Minimize your costs by avoiding unnecessary compac-

tion works but also optimize the quality of your con-
struction project.
Convince your customer by proofing the quality assur-
ance of your construction site. Prevent f. e. expensive
recourse claims because of subsidence damages.
Document your measured data directly at the site via
printout by means of the thermal printer or as proto-
col printout after transferring and reliable archiving the
measurement series onto your PC.


Advantages German regulations International regulations

Fast and cost saving TP BF-StB B 8.3 issue 2012 USA
The Engineering Code for Soil and Rock in ASTM E2835-11 (2015) Standard Test Method for
quick examination – only 2 minutes per Road Construction Measuring Deflections using a Portable Impulse
measuring point Plate Load Test Device
measurement result immediately available ZTV E-StB 09
documentation directly at the site German additional terms of contract and rules Austria
no vehicle as counterweight necessary for earthwork in road construction RVS 08.03.04 March 2008 compaction control
by means of dynamic plate load test
Easy to use ZTV T-StB 95/02
German additional terms of contract and rules Spain
low tare weight, ergonomic design for subbases in earthwork UNE 103807-2:2008 Plate Loading Test of Soils
can easily be operated by one person by means of Dynamic Plate - Part 2: Rigid Plate,
testing even in difficult-to-reach places ZTV A-StB 12 Diameter 2r = 300 mm, Method 2
intuitive menu navigation German additional terms of contract and rules
automatic storage, evaluation and archiving for excavation in traffic access China
detailed correlations to other test methods exist TB 10102-2004, J338-2004 Standard for soil
RIL 836, Deutsche Bahn AG (NGT39) testing in railway construction
Guideline for the use of the Light Weight
Reliable and precise Deflectometer in railway construction The HMP LFG complies with the standards for its
usage according to German and International
manufactured according to newest technical regulations. Detailed correlations to other test
standards methods ensure the compatibility.
precise, robust, durable
calibrated by approved calibration institute
in use all over the world for more than 30 years


The handling The measuring process

handle rod

The handling of the Light Weight De- Set it up

flectometer is comfortable and very release mechanism with bubble level
user-friendly. Measurement errors level the test area
are excluded. The internal plausibility lay down the full-size load plate
control guarantees this. put loading mechanism onto it
connect it with measuring instrument
The measuring procedure shown on
the right shows the easy and quick guide tube
implementation of the measurement.
The menu navigation is intuitive and
easily understandable even without Measure

prior knowledge.
switch on, confirm mode „Measuring“
The measuring results can be printed case with measuring follow the instructions in the display
instrument, printer &
out immediately on-site. The measu- accessories perform successively 3 precompacting
ring point will be recorded by spe- impacts & 3 measuring impacts
cifying the corresponding GPS data. displaying the settlement after each impact
The measured values can be expor- drop weight
ted via Bluetooth, usb stick or cable transportation
for subsequent processing and pro- lock

tocol creation on tablet or PC. Evaluate

The comprehensive language selecti- displaying all measured data and the Evd-value
on and individual adjustment possibi- load plate with after completion of the measurement series
lities ensure a smooth communication store, printout or transfer measurement
for international operations. automatic calculation and displaying all
measured data when test series is ended


Reliably Latest device generation

The Light Weight Deflectometer can easily be used by large colourful graphic display 3,5“
one person – even without prior knowledge. lightsensor-controlled backlighting
> guarantees optimum readability at all weathers!
Due to latest technology, the measuring instrument is very comfortable menu navigation
small, handy, unbeatably easy to use but also extre- integrated GPS
mely accurate. integrated Bluetooth
interface for thermal printer, USB
The measuring device is of course splash-water proof help function
to work under bad weather conditions. efficient, fast 32-bit processor
All parts of the tester are also surface sealed . internal memory for up to 1000 tests
high-performance rechargeable
lithium-polymer-battery > guarantees
constant readiness for use
USB stick 4GB
incl. movie regarding application
Best communication
New user? No problem, the movie on the supplied
USB stick explains the test procedure within a few Data transfer to tablet, smartphone or PC via
minutes - always available and Android-App HMPtransfer, USB stick or cable
quickly retrievable. web-based evaluation software HMPreport,
password protected > availability of the measure-
ment data in real time at any place
menu, app, software in many languages

About the movie:


It doesn’t get any easier! Settings

Intuitive menu navigation Adjust the display and device confi-
gurations to your requirements. Re-
The menu navigation of the HMP LFGpro is very garding menu navigation just choose
user-friendly. In order to perform the test, just follow one of the various languages and
the instructions in the display. use nationally usual measuring units.

Start display Measured data

Welcome. The start display shows the charging sta- Here you can find all stored measu-
tus of measuring device + printer and also the GPS + rements clearly arranged for further
Bluetooth activity. Warnings will additionally inform you processing and documentation.
about critical values, so that your testing device is al-
ways optimally ready for operation.

After activating the menu item with ENTER After the third impact, the individual settlement
you will be guided through the measurement amplitudes, the average settlement Sm, the de-
process. formation speed and the calculated Evd-value
An acoustic signal indicates the readiness to will be shown.
The help function provides additional tips You can have a look at the measurement series
regarding test procedure. and its GPS + curve data, print out directly, re-
The internal plausibility control avoids ject or upload for later processing.
measurement errors.


Measured data
Select the single measurement series
& scroll through their details, as curve
and GPS data.

Export your measured data via USB, Bluetooth (HMPtransfer App) di-
rectly into the Cloud or to your PC for archiving and further processing.
Protocols can already be prepared in the office, while you are still on the
construction site.


contact details Your professional

contractor appearance

Print out
Document the measuring results directly on site
my means of thermal printer.

Create protocols
Use the web-based evaluation software HMPre-
port, in order to create professional protocols for
each measuring point including your logo and con-
tact details – wherever and whenever you want.
Settlement and
settlement speed Work with the data from the Cloud or from your
PC. The Software also enables you to store the
data in a database with comfortable search- and
editing options.

Dynamic deformation
modulus Evd

ratio s/v

Settlement curves


Standard model Intuitive menu navigation:

Choose, confirm, done!
Reduced to the basics – successfully in use for more
than 30 years worldwide! HMP LFG4 8517
Technical features Measured data
large graphic display (62 x 35 mm) Device
comfortable menu navigation
acoustic signal when ready to measure
Bluetooth interface Easy and quick selection of
printer port the stored data
GPS port
internal memory for 500 tests No. Date Time Evd
more than 1000 tests with one battery charge 1 12.03./09:29 57.7
2 12.03./09:40 56.3
3 12.03./10:24 51.0
4 15.03./08:34 51.9
scroll forward
USB stick 4 GB incl. scroll

movie regarding application

New user? No problem, the movie on the supplied
Individual adjustments
Best communication!
USB stick explains the test procedure
within a few minutes – always available
and quickly retrievable.
Drop weight 10kg Data transfer to tablet, smartphone or PC via
Android-App HMPtransfer, USB stick or cable
GPS X web-based evaluation software HMPreport,
Unit MN/m2 password protected > availability of the measure-
ment data in real time at any place
Calib.datum menu, app, software in many languages


Technical data Scope of supply

Electronic settlement measuring instrument Light Weight Deflectometer HMP LFG
Settlement measuring range 0,1 bis 2,0 mm ± 0,02 mm  
Measuring range Evd < 225 MN/m²   according to »German Engineering Code for Soil and Rock in Road
Temperature range 0 to 40 °C   Construction TP BF-StB part B 8.3 / issue 2012«
Very robust, splash-water proof, connection cable  
with high-quality LEMO connectors consisting of:
Graphic display in mm 56 x 73 38 x 68 Loading mechanism with bubble level
colourful, lightsensor-controlled and illuminated  Load plate with acceleration sensor
black/white  Electronic settlement measuring instrument within protective
Help function  aluminum case, Displaying and storage of settlement values, settlement
Fast, efficient 32-bit processor  speed (ratio s/v), deflection module Evd and settlement curve
Bluetooth, USB, thermal printer interface   USB stick incl. movie regarding its application and instruction manual,
GPS  optional 4 GB
Dimensions in mm 210 x 100 x 31 211 x 100 x 26
Storage capacity, internal in measurement series 1000 500 Optional upgrade
Power supply:
high-performance rechargeable Because of the modular construction you only buy, what is actually needed
lithium-polymer-battery 3,7 V, 6300 mAh  – basic equipment for the efficient self-monitoring or professional device for
4 x R6 Batterien  exact documentation. An upgrade or modification is possible at any time fast
Menu navigation (18 languages available)   and cost-effective.
Loading Mechanism RSS
100 Y EAR
Total weight 15,0 kg   Guaranteed RTT
Drop weight 10,0 kg   22 YE EEE
Max. impact force 7,07 kN   2 years of guarantee included O

Duration of impact 17,0 ± 1,5 ms   10 years of spare part availability guaranteed

Material: zinc coated/hard-crome plated steel   competent all-round service – even after the sale has been made!
Spring element 17 disk springs   certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008
Load plate development and production within Germany
Diameter 300 mm, Plate thickness 20,0 mm   trained service- and distribution partner nearby
Total weight 15,0 kg, Material: zinc coated steel  

Additional options
Thermal printer Transport cart
Small, quick printer with light resistant
thermal paper. For comfortable transport of the Light Weight
State of charge of the printer is shown in Deflectometer at the site to the corresponding
the display of the settlement measuring measuring points – device and accessories are
instrument. The actuation is performed stored safely but still immediately ready for use.
automatically. Space saving foldable, small enough to fit into
Document your measuring results the trunk
directly at the site.
Magnetic base plate

HMPtransfer App In order to put down the loading mechanism

clean and safe.
For convenient data transfer via Then you have both hands free to align the
Bluetooth/Smartphone from the site load plate.
directly to the office.

Robust transport box

HMPreport Software Wooden box for safe storage of device

and its transportation
Web-based Software for comfortable
evaluation and processing of measured
results. Add details regarding measuring
point and take advantage of the clearly ar- GPS – External Bluetooth-GPS-Receiver
ranged user interface to create and archive
representative A4 test protocols – anytime, Compatible with HMP LFG4, to proof the
anywhere. coordinates of the measuring point

History ne
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TThhee oorrig g
Maag gddeebbuurrg

1981 2016

The in-house research- and development Basic equipment for the efficient self-mo-
department and the cooperation with nitoring or professional device for exact That you can rely on:
renowned institutes, f. e. the Fraunhofer documentation – you only buy, what is German production, certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008
Institute Magdeburg guarantee the cons- actually needed. Calibration institute – authorized by the Federal Highway
tant further development of our devices. Research Institute
Because of the modular construction of 2 years of guarantee
More than 30 years of experience and a the HMP testing equipment an upgrade 10 years of spare part availability
certified service department with calibra- or modification is possible at any time fast More than 30 years of experience in development, production
tion institute ensure you an All-round ser- and cost-effective. and service.
vice and an operational readiness of your Trained service- and distribution partner nearby
device for years!

Development, Production and Service –
Soil-mechanical test equipment

The Light Weight Deflectometer

TP BF-StB B 8.3 issue 2012

ASTM E2835-11 (2015)

Static Plate Load Tester
Your competent specialised dealer: DIN 18134 issue 2012
ASTM D1195, 1196
BS 1377 Part 9:1990-08

Automatic acquisition-
and evaluation unit for

EN ISO 22476-2 HMP Magdeburger Prüfgerätebau GmbH

Bülstringer Straße 6
D - 39126 Magdeburg
Determination of soil density Phone: + 49(0)391 2514666
Fax: + 49(0)391 2514668
DIN 18125 part 2
[email protected]

Distribution – Tester for road construction, concrete

construction, refurbishment of buildings, laboratory Revision 04/2016 Technical changes reserved

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