Harmonic Oscillator PDF
Harmonic Oscillator PDF
Harmonic Oscillator PDF
Do the multiple-choice tests rst (but do not spend more than 1 hour on them!). Then
solve one of the problems below (or more, if the rst one was correct). Write out
solution clearly and concisely. State each approximation used. Diagrams welcome.
Number page, problem, and question clearly. Do not write your name on the problem
sheet, but use extra envelope.
i) What is the energy spectrum of this half-harmonic oscillator? Write the eigenfunc-
tion of its M-th excited state in terms of n(x).
ii) Consider the expansion of this state in terms of eigenvectors of the original oscil-
lator, half
M (x) = n=0 cn n (x). Give the explicit expression for the expansion
coeÆcients, cn, on odd-numbered excited states of the original oscillator.
iii) From the expression for the energy of the eigenstate nd a sum-rule that must be
satised by even-numbered coeÆcients.
Suppose that the system is prepared in the ground state of the half harmonic oscilla-
tor and that at a given moment the delta-function potential is removed instantaneously.
iv) Is the probability for the systemto be found at a later time on the ground state
of the complete oscillator more or less than 25 % ?
2 Spinor rotations and phases
States of a spin- 12 system are often represented in a 2-component formalism on the
jSz "i 10 jSz #i 01
! !
The spin operator S is then represented with the help of the Pauli matrices:
h 0 1 ; 0 i ; 1 0
! ! !
S = where x
2 1 0 y
i 0 z
0 1
As well know, in this language, a generic rotation by an angle about the axis dened
by the versor n^ is represented by
iS n^ i n^
cos 2 inz sin 2 [ inx ny ] sin 2 1
nally points to the positive y^ direction. Compute the resulting spinor jSy "i.
c. Complete the trip of our spinor, by rotating the result jSy "i of point b around
state jSz "i. Verify that a dierent state is obtained instead. Compute the
observables hSz "j Sz jSz "i and hj Sz ji: are they equal or not?
e. Verify that the two states of points b and c are related by j i = e
i jS "i, and
compute the phase angle .
f. Spinors are complex vectors: when taken around they acquire phases. \Trivial"
demonstration of point f, you have shown that the angle is a geometric phase.
The candidate can demonstrate his culture by writing the name of the physicist
generally associated with this kind of geometric phases.
3 Statistical Mechanics problem
A classical system can exist in N states i = 1; ::::; N with energies E1 ; :::::; EN . Let Ki;j
be the transition rate from state j to state i and Pi (t) the probability to be in state i
at time t. If the time evolution is written in the form dP=dt = HP
1. determine H in terms of K 's.
2. Is probability conservation preserved by time evolution?
If Ki;j = Kj;i
3. show that the eigenvalues of H can not be negative.
4. Is there always a zero eigenvalue and when is it unique?
If the system is in contact with a thermal bath at temperature T and detail balance is
5. determine the similarity transformation which makes H symmetric.
6. Under which conditions Pi(t) reaches its equilibrium value at large times?
7. Calculate the time evolution for a 2-state system with arbitrary initial conditions
and the time dependence of the average energy.
4 Phase separation in a simple model
N boson particles are dened in a one dimensional lattice, namely their positions x are
restricted to assume discrete values i = 1; L. The "hard core boson" condition is
assumed, i.e. each site cannot host more than one boson. The particles can hop from
each site i to nearest neighbor sites i 1 with matrix elements t < 0, If two bosons
are nearest neighbors the gain in energy is given by V < 0. The Hamiltonian can be
formally written in second quantized notation as:
H= t (byi bi+1 + h:c:) V ni ni+1
i=1 i=1
where byi creates a hard core boson at site i and ni = byi bi is the boson occupation
number at site i, ni = 0; 1 from the hard core boson condition. (Warning! do not try
to solve the model for arbitrary N and L.)
1) Write down the explicit matrix elements of H for N = 0; 1; 2 particles and L = 2
in the basis where particles have xed positions (e.g. for N = 1 there are two states
where the particle is localized at i = 1 or at i = 2).
2) Generalize to arbitrary L the simple ground states for a. N = L and b. N = 1.
(Case b. is a one-dimensional tight-binding model: optionally use periodic boundary
conditions if you are not familiar with open boundary conditions).
3) Use the results (2) to evaluate the condition for which the particles cluster together
even for N < L. Hint: evaluate the expectation value of the Hamiltonian over the state
with all particles at position i N . Then compute the energy cost to evaporate one
particle from the particle rich region i N to the particle empty one i > N . At
what value of V=t it is convenient to form a phase separated ground state in the
thermodynamic limit (for L ! 1 at xed density = N=L) ?
4) Optional: the phase-separated ground state is determined in (3) with a variational
calculation. How rigorously can it be proved that phase separation shows up in the
ground state of the model for large enough V=t ? (Hint: try to show that the exact
ground state energy per site coincides in the thermodynamic limit with the variational
one of the phase separated state, this without solving explicitly the model but using
upper and lower bounds for the exact energy.)
5 Image-charge bound states
Consider an electron in vacuum, a distance z above a plane surface of a medium with
very large dielectric constant. The dielectric has two eects: a) it provides a positive
polarization charge below the surface; b) it also provides an innite barrier against
electron penetration at z < 0. The attraction at z > 0 between the electron and the
polarization charge, plus the barrier for z < 0, form a potential well where the electron
can be bound, while still moving freely along x; y, parallel to the surface. Since the
potential due to the polarization can be reproduced by an image charge, these bound
states go under the name of "image-charge states". The scope of this exercise will be
to determine their properties.
1. Specify the magnitude, sign, and position of the image charge of the electron,
and from this establish the force between electron and image (assume innitely large
dielectric constant as in a metal to simplify the result). Integrate the force to obtain
the potential, and compare the result with that for two real charges a distance 2z apart.
2. Quantize the electron motion in this image charge potential well, by writing
Schroedinger's equation, separating z from (x; y) motion, and solving each separately
by direct identication with other well known standard problems (free motion and
3D hydrogen atom for L = 0). Write out at the end the eigenvalues, for the lowest
states, as a function of the appropriate quantum numbers, namely n for z-motion, and
(kx; ky ) for x; y motion. Knowing that 1 Rydberg= 2h2 = 13.6 eV, what is the lowest
me 4
6 Magnetic susceptibility of a Fermi gas
The Hamiltonian to compute the spin susceptibility of an homogeneous fermionic sys-
tem at zero temperature in a magnetic eld, ignoring any orbital eects, is given by
H = H0 ~i B~ : (1)
where is the magnetic moment and ~ are the Pauli matrices. The susceptibility per
particle is dened as
@ 2 E (B )
= 02
B =0
where is the density of the system and E0 is the ground state energy per particle at
a given eld B .
Pauli expanded the energy per particle as a function of the polarization p
E (p) = E (0) B p + p2 E 00 (0) : (3)
1) Write the spin susceptibility in terms of E (p).
2) Calculate E (p) for the free gas, and verify that gives the usual Pauli spin suscep-
tibility p.
Suppose that you want to compute for a real system, like for instance neutron
matter at = 0:32 fm 3 (for a neutron, the magnetic moment2 is = 9:66 10 27 J/T
= 6:03 10 18 MeV/Gauss, and the constant combination 2hm = 3:320 10 42 J m2 =
20.72 MeV fm2). You have at your disposal a code which gives you the ground state
energy for a given polarization p and a given magnetic eld B for a nite number of
particles (take 60) in a periodic box.
3) Which values you would choose for the number of particle with spin up and particle
with spin down ? Which are the values of the box size L for each couple of N "; N #
considered ?
4) Choose one of the above cases and write the energy as a function of B considering
the fermions as non{interacting.
5) With the guide of the non{interacting fermions, describe a strategy on how to use
the code to get an estimate of =p within 20 30%. In particular give an estimate of
the value of B you need to use in the calculation.
7 Two-dimensional electrons in a perpendicular mag-
netic eld
Consider a single electron moving in the two-dimensional (x1 x2 )-plane and in the
presence of a magnetic eld in the z-direction, i.e. B~ = (0; 0; B ). The Hamiltonian is
1 ~ ~ ; (4)
where the two-dimensional vector
~ = ~p + ec A;
being ~p the conjugate momentum of the coordinate ~x, and A~ the vector potential
satisfying r
~ A~ = B~ .
Classically the electron moves along circular orbits centered at position R~ which
depends on the t = 0 initial values of ~x and p~.
Optional: Add to the Hamiltonian H + ÆH an unrealistic barrier of the form
UÆ (R1 ):
Show that the wave function is perfectly transmitted across this barrier apart from a
simple phase-shift.
8 Bio-simulation exercise: