Piping System 1
Piping System 1
Piping System 1
1. Losses
2. Simple pipe systems
1. Losses
hL = rQ 2 (1)
r= (2)
with A being the pipe cross sectional area. Using the expression of Swamee and Jain for f
f = (3) for 0.01>e/D>10-8 and 108>R>5000
[ln(e / 3.7 D ) + 5.74 / R )]
0.9 2
L 1.07
r= (4)
[ ]
gD ln( e / 3.7 D ) + 5.74 / R 0.9 ) 2
where we have replaced A=πD2/4. Note that for fully rough regime (large R), f (and thus
r) becomes only a function of e/D.
Using the equivalent length LE, the minor losses can also be incorporated into r.
f ( L + LE )
2. Simple pipe systems
Pipe systems are comprised of several pipe lines. Depending on the line arrangement
three cases will be analyzed: series, parallel and branch piping.
a) Series piping
The beginning of each line coincides with the end of the previous line. The simple
pipe problems solved in lectures 19 and 20 belong to this case.
Mass conservation states that the discharge is constant for all lines, i.e.,
The energy equation applied between the two ends A and B of the system reads
pA p
+ z A − B + z B = r1Q12 + r2Q22 + ..... + rN Q N2 (6)
γ γ
Q = Q1 + Q2 + ..... + Q N = ∑ Qi (8)
i =1
pA p
+ z A − B + z B = ri Qi2 (9)
γ γ
p p Q2
W = A + z A − B + z B = (10)
γ γ
N 1
i =1 r
c) Branch piping
Systems are connected but without forming a closed loop
Flow directions need to be assumed in this case. The unknowns are the
piezometric head at B HB= B + z B and the discharges Q1, Q2 and Q3. Mass
conservation at the junction B reads
Q1 − Q2 − Q3 = 0 (11)
for the elements connected at the junction, the energy equation gives:
pA p
+ z A − B + z B = r1Q12
γ γ
pB p
+ z B − C + zC = r2Q22 (12, 13, 14)
γ γ
pB p
+ z B − D + z D = r3Q32
γ γ
we have four equations with four unknowns. The solution can be obtained by
successive approximations as follows:
a) assume Q1 and get HB or assume HB and get Q1 using (12)
b) get Q2 and Q3 from (13) and (14), respectively
c) use (11) to check for continuity. Instead of 0, (11) will give ∆Q.
d) adjust Q1 or HB accordingly and repeat a) to c) until ∆Q ≈ 0 within a specified
pA p
+ z A − B + z B + H P = r1Q12 (15)
γ γ