The Deaerator Dilemma: by James Mcdonald, Originally Published: CSTR - September 2006

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The Deaerator Dilemma

By James McDonald, PE, CWT

Originally Published: CSTR – September 2006

T he company accountant comes raging

through your door and excitedly asks,
“Why is so much steam being wasted?
Don’t you know that steam is money?!”
“What steam?” you ask.
“All the steam I see coming from the roof
of the powerhouse? Why are you wasting
it?!” You can see the dollar signs flashing
before the accountant’s eyes.
“Oh! You mean the steam from the
deaerator! That’s supposed to be that way,”
you patiently reply.
This is where you may stumble. How do you explain the purpose of the
deaerator, and why steam must be vented?

Oxygen Content (ppm)

The dissolved gases 10

normally present in 8
water cause many 6
corrosion problems. 4
Examples of such 2
dissolved gases
30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 210
include oxygen,
carbon dioxide, and T emperature (ºF)
ammonia. Figure 1: Oxygen Solubility
Deaeration is an
efficient way to
remove these dissolved gases from boiler feedwater to reduce the corrosion
potential of the water. Heat is intimately applied to drive off the unwanted
dissolved gases because the gases are less soluble as temperature increases.
Figure 1 illustrates the solubility of oxygen in water at atmospheric pressure
at various temperatures. As the temperature increases, the solubility of
Boilers 87
oxygen decreases. At temperatures near saturation (212ºF), the solubility of
oxygen is at a minimum.
Mechanical deaeration will remove 99 to 99.9% of the dissolved gases
present. Most manufacturers guarantee their units will deaerate water to less
than 7 parts per billion (ppb) oxygen and zero free carbon dioxide. Even
this is not low enough to inhibit all corrosion, so chemical oxygen scavengers
such as sodium sulfite or sodium bisulfite are typically supplemented to
ensure complete oxygen removal.

Equipment Design
There are two sections to most
deaerators: the deaerating section and
the storage section. The dissolved
gases are stripped from the water
through a combination of steam, heat,
and mechanical separation in the
deaerating section. The deaerated
water flows to the storage section
where it is held as boiler feedwater.
There are two basic types of deaeration
designs: tray type and spray type. In
the tray-type deaerator (Figure 2), Figure 2: Tray-Type Deaerator
water is directed or sprayed through
distribution pipes into a steam space. The hot steam increases the
temperature of the water to within a
few degrees of saturated steam
temperature. Dissolved gases are
stripped and vented to the atmosphere.
The water cascades down several trays
in the tray section. The cascading
flow breaks the water into fine
droplets, permitting greater steam
contact. This action further scrubs the
dissolved gases from the water. The
deaerated water flows into the storage
section where a blanket of steam
maintains a few pounds of pressure on Figure 3: Spray-Type Deaerator
the system.
In the spray-type deaerator (Figure 3), the steam and water scrubbing action
is similar to the tray deaerator except the water is broken up with spray
nozzles inside the deaeration section. The spray nozzles should be inspected
annually to ensure they are not obstructed or corroded.
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Typically, a 15- to 33-inch actively
moving steam plume should be visible
(Figure 4). Another rule of thumb is
that an invisible area should be seen at
the vent exit before a plume of steam
and water droplets appear. The
ultimate test is whether the venting is
doing a good enough job at removing
the dissolved gases. Dissolved
oxygen meters and chemical test kits
are available for such testing.

Proper venting is absolutely essential
in a well-run boiler system. If
dissolved gases such as oxygen, Figure 4: Vent Plume
carbon dioxide, and ammonia are left
in the system, detrimental corrosion can occur resulting in equipment
failures, downtime, and lost money.
A properly operating deaerator will improve overall system efficiency by
protecting equipment from corrosion. Deaerators also serve as a recycle
point for low-pressure steam sources such as continuous-blowdown flash
tanks, further improving a boiler system’s thermal efficiency.
By fully understanding the purpose and function of a deaerator, it can easily
be seen that the steam coming out of the vent is not costing money, but
actually saving money.

• Operator Training: Cooling Water Treatment, Crown Solutions
• Technical Reference and Training Manual, Association of Water
Technologies, 2002

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