Class 7 Maths Integers: Natural Numbers

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Class 7 Maths Integers Introduction

Natural Numbers

Numbers that come naturally to us are Natural numbers.For example, 1,2,3, 4,…

Count the number of fingers in your hand 1,2,3,4……10, these are natural numbers.

What exist below 1?

Suppose you have 5 chocolates and now you give one chocolate to one of your friend, now you are left with four, similarly you distribute remaining four
to other friends, hence you are left with no chocolate or zero chocolate.

Whole Numbers

Numbers starting from 0,1,2,3,4,5,6……………. are called Whole numbers

Note: The whole numbers start with 0 while natural numbers start with 1,2,3,4..

What exist below 0?

The numbers below 0 are -1, -2, -3,-4,-5,-6,-7……….. .

Examples: Suppose you borrow one chocolate from your elder brother then you will have one chocolate and that should be counted as -1.
In the Antarctica region the temperature goes well below 0, the temperature usually over there is -10
Class 7 Maths Integers What are integers
What are integers?

Collection of all positive(1,2,3,4) and negative numbers(-1,-2,-3..) including 0 are theintegers.

Note: 0 is neither a positive nor a negative integer.

Question: Which number is larger?

10 or 18
-10 or 18
-10 or -18

a) 18 is larger than 10.
b) 18 is larger than -10
c) -10 is larger than -18,
These can be proved on a number line
Class 7 Maths Integers Integer on number Line
Integer on number Line

Note: The numbers on right hand side are always bigger than the numbers on the left hand side.
For example:

25 > 15 (as 25 lies more on right hand side).

-25 < 15 (as 15 lies more on right hand side).
-15 > -25 (as -15 lies more on right hand side).

To represent a number on number line we mark the circle on the number line, suppose you need to represent -2, 0 and 2 on number line you put
circle over the number.

Rules for Operation on number line

To Add a +ve number, move right

To Add a –ve number, move left

To Subtract a +ve number, move left

To Subtract a –ve number, move right

Ex: 5+(-3) = 2 (From 5 move 3 jumps on left side, we get 2).

4+(-5)=-1 (From 4 move 5 jumps on left side, we get 2).
0+(-8)=-8 (From 0 move 8 jumps on left side, we get -8)
6+8= 14 (From 6 move 8 jumps on left side, we get 14)

Tip: Subtract the number put the sign of bigger number.

Class 7 Maths Integers Properties of Integer
Properties of Integer

Closure Property:

For any two integers a and b, a+b is always an integer

For any two integers a and b, a-b is always an integer

Hence, Addition and Subtraction follows closure property.

Example: 1+(-15)=14
2-5= -3 .

Commutative Property:For any two integers a and b, a+b=b+a

But, this is NOT true for Subtraction.

i.e. a-b b-a.


Statement 1 Statement 2 Inference

3 + 4 =7 4+3=7 Both statements are equal

–15 + (–10) = -25 (–10) + (–15) = -25 Both statements are equal

3 + 12 =15 12 + 3 = 15 Both statements are equal

3-(-5)=9 -5-3=-8 Both statements are different

2-5=-3 5 – 2=3 Both statements are different

Associative Property:

For three integers a, b and c, [a+b]+c = a+[b+c]

But, this law doesn’t hold true for Subtraction.
i.e. a-(b-c) (a-b)-c
Statement 1 Statement 2 Result

2+[5+3]=10 [2+5]+3=10 Both statementsare equal

8+[-2+(-3)]=3 [8+(-2)]+(-3)=3 Both statementsare equal

8-[(-2)-(-3)] = 8-(-2+3) = 7 [8-(-2)]-(-3) = 10-(-3) = 13 Both statementsare different

Class 7 Maths Integers Multiplication of an integer
Multiplication of an integer

Multiplication of positive and negative integer

We should remember when we multiply,

a xb = ab i.e two positive integer when multiply gives positive integer.

(-a)x(-b)=ab i.e two negative integer when multiply gives positive number.

(-a)x(b)=-ab i.e one positive and one negative integer when multiply gives negative number.

Tip: Find the product then a give sign according to the case mentioned above.

Question: Multiply the following numbers


Solution: a. (-2)x(-3) = 6
b. (-3)x6 = -18
c. 2x4 = 8
d. 4x(-6) = -24

Tip: Multiply the numbers then put the sign accordingly

Multiplication of three or more integers

Negative-positive-negative gives positive result

Example: -2x3x(-4)=24

Negative-Negative-Negative gives Negative result

Example: -2x(-3)x(-4)= - 24
Negative-positive-negative gives positive result
Example: -2x3x(-4)=24

Note: If the numbers of negative sign is even then the sign is positive and if the number of negative sign is odd then the sign of a number is negative.

Multiplication by 0:

Any number when multiplied with 0 always gives 0 value.

Example: 0x6=0


Multiplicative Identity(1):
When we multiply 1 with the number the result will be the number itself i.e. ax1=a.
Example: 1 x 3 = 3
-10 x 1 = -10

Note: When we multiply -1 with the number the sign changes.

Example: 2x -1 = -2
-2 x -1 = 2
Class 7 Maths Integers Multiplication Property
Multiplication Property:

Closure under Multiplication: If we multiply two integers “a, b” the product of two integers will always an integer.
The below example proves that.

Statement-1 Inference

2x3=6 Result is Integer

3x(-7)=-21 Result is Integer

-2x(-10)=20 Result is Integer

Commutative of Multiplication:
For any two integers a and b, axb= bxa.

Statement 1 Statement 2 Inference

3× (– 4) = –12 (– 4) × 3 = –12 Both statementsare equal

(–15) × (–10) = 150 (–10) × (–15) = 150 Both statementsare equal

(–30) × 12 = -360 12 × (–30) = -360 Both statementsare equal

Associative property of Multiplication:

If you are multiplying three integers a, b and c, (a x b) x c = a x (b x c)

Statement 1 Statement 2 Inference

[(–3) × (–2)] ×5 = 30 (–3) × [(–2) × 5] = 30 Both statements are equal

[(7) × (– 6)] × 4 = -168 7 × [(– 6) × 4] = -168 Both statements are equal

[(7) × (3)] × 2 = 42 7 × [(3) × 2] = 42 Both statements are equal

Distributive Property:.
For three integers a, b and c,
a x (b + c) = a x b + a x c
a x (b - c) = a x b – a x c

Statement 1 Statement 2 Inference

18 × [7 + (–3)] = 72 [18 × 7] + [18 × (–3)] = 72 Both statements are equal

(–21) × [(– 4) + (– 6)] = 210 [(–21) × (– 4)] + [(–21) × (– Both statements are equal

18 × [7 -6] = 18 [18 × 7] - [18 × (6)] = 18 Both statements are equal

Class 7 Maths Integers Division of an Integer
Division of an Integer:

Division refers to splitting into equal parts.

Example Dividing 4 ice-creams into two parts,

We get,

2 ice-creams in each part

i.e 4/2=2

Division of a negative integer by a positive integer

When we divide a positive integer by a negative integer, we first divide them as whole numbers and then put a minus sign (–) before the quotient. That
is, we get a negative integer.
In general, for any two positive integers a and b
a (-b)= (-a) b where b 0
Example: 125 (-25) = -5
-64 8 = 8

Division by zero(0)

When we divide a number by zero the result is undefined i.e.a 0= undefined

When 0 is divided by any number the result is zero(0) itself

Example: 5 0 = undefined
0 7= 0
0 (-2)= 0
Division by one(1)

When we divide a number by 1 the result is the number itself

Example: 27 1 =27
-12 1 = -12
20 1 =20
Class 7 Maths Integers Division Property
Division Property:

Commutative Property: In Division“a b b a”. Hence, division does not follow Commutative Property
Example: -15 3 = -5 But, 3 = 1/5 they are not equal
Associative Property: Division does not follow Associative Property.

Example: 15 [(-3) (-3)] = 15 1 = 5

But, [15 (-3)] (-3) = 5/3Both statements are not equal

Distributive Property: For three integers “a [b+ c] a b + c”.

Hence division does not follow Distributive Property.
Example: 15 [3+2] = 15 5 = 3

But, 15 +15 2 =5+ 15/2

Both statements are not equal

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