Air Brake System 2

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Air Brake System

Prepared by :

Eng. Ibrahim Faqaih

Email : [email protected]
Air brake system

Air brakes use compressed air to make the brakes work. air brakes are a good and safe
way of stopping large and heavy vehicles, but the brakes must be well maintained and
used properly.

The Components of an Air Brake System

A basic air brake system capable of stopping a vehicle has five main components:
1- A compressor to pump air with a governor to control it .
2- A reservoir or tank to store he compressed air.
3- A foot valve to regulate the flow of compressed air from the reservoir when it is
needed for braking.
4- Brake chambers and slack adjusters to transfer the force exerted by the compressed air
to mechanical linkages.
5- Brake linings and drums or rotors to create the friction required to stop the wheels.

 Compressor and Governor

Compressed air is used to transmit force in an air brake system.

The compressor is driven by the vehicle’s

engine, either by belts and pulleys or shafts
and gears .The compressor is in constant
drive with the engine. When ever the engine
is running, so is the compressor. When
pressure in the system is adequate, any
where from allow of 80psi to a high of 135
psi it is not necessary for the compressor to
pump air. A governor controls the
minimum and maximum air pressure In the
system by controlling when the compressor
pumps air. This is known as the ―loading‖ or ―unloading‖ stag.
 Reservoirs

Reservoirs or tanks hold a supply of compressed air .Air

brake vehicles are equipped with more than one reservoir
.This gives the system a larger volume of main reservoir
air. The first reservoir after the compressor is referred to
as the supply or wet reservoir. The other reservoirs are
known as primary and secondary or dry reservoirs. When
air is compressed, it becomes shot. The heated air cools in
the reservoir forming condensation. It is in this reservoir
that most of the water is condensed from the incoming air
if oil leaks past the piston rings of the compressor and
mixes with this moisture, it forms sludge, which
accumulates in the bottom of the reservoir .If allowed to accumulate, this sludge (water
and oil) would enter the braking system and could cause trouble with valves and other
parts. Reservoirs are equipped with drain valves so that any moisture or sludge that may
have accumulated can be drained.

 Air Tank Drains

Compressed air usually has some water and some

compressor oil in it, which is bad for the air brake system.
For example, the water can freeze in cold weather and
cause brake failure. The water and oil tend to collect in
the bottom of the air tank. Be sure that you drain the air
tanks completely. Each air tank is equipped with a drain valve in the bottom. There are
two types:

i. Manually operated by turning a quarter turn or by pulling a cable. You must drain
the tanks yourself at the end of each day of driving.
ii. Automatic--the water and oil are automatically expelled. These tanks may be
equipped for manual draining as well. Automatic air tanks are available with
electric heating devices. These help prevent freezing of the automatic drain in
cold weather.
 Air Dryer

An air dryer may be installed between the

compressor and the wet reservoir to help
remove moisture from the compressed air. It
may be partially filled with a high moisture-
absorbent desiccant and an oil filter, or it
may be hollow with baffles designed to assist
in separating the moisture from the air. Both
types of air dryers use air pressure to purge
or eject the accumulated contaminants from
their desiccant bed. The purge valve has a
heater element, which prevents the moisture
from freezing in cold climate operation. The
wiring connected to the heater should be
inspected for loose or disconnected wires.
They are also equipped with a safety valve.
 Safety Valve

A safety valve protects reservoirs from becoming over

pressurized and bursting if the governor malfunctioned and
did not place the compressor in the unloading stage.

 Foot Valve(The Brake Pedal)

The foot-operated valve is the means of

applying air to operate the brakes. The distance the
treadle of the foot valve is depressed by the driver
determines the air pressure that will be applied, but
the maximum application will not exceed the
pressure in the reservoir. Releasing the foot valve
treadle releases the brakes .When the driver
applies the brakes, depressing the treadle part
way, the foot valve will automatically maintain the
application air pressure without the driver having
to adjust the pressure of his foot on the treadle.
Releasing the treadle allows the application air to
be released through the exhaust ports into the
atmosphere. Air treadles are spring loaded,
producing a different ―feel‖ from hydraulic brake

 Brake Chambers(drum), Slack Adjusters(shoes) and Brake Lining

 Brake Chamber and Slack Adjuster (Brakes off)

A brake chamber is a circular container divided in the

middle by a flexible diaphragm. Air pressure pushing
against the diaphragm causes it to move away from the
pressure, forcing the push rod outward against the slack
adjuster. The force exerted by this motion depends on air
pressure and diaphragm size. If a leak occurs in the
diaphragm, air is allowed to escape, reducing the
effectiveness of the brake chamber. If the diaphragm is
completely ruptured, brakes become ineffective.
Brake Chamber and Slack Adjuster (Brakes on)

Front brake chambers are usually

smaller than those in the rear because
front axles carry less weight. A brake
chamber is usually mounted on the
axle, near the wheel that is to be
equipped for braking. Air pressure is
fed through an inlet port. The air
pushes against the diaphragm and the
push rod. The push rod is connected
by a clevis and pin to a crank arm-type
lever called a ―slack adjuster.‖ This converts
the pushing motion ofthe push rod from the brake chamber to a twistingmotion of the
brake camshaft and S-cams. When theair is exhausted, the return spring in the brake
chamberreturns the diaphragm and push rod to the releasedposition.As indicated by
its name, the slack adjuster adjusts the ―slack‖ or free play in the linkage between the
push rod and the brake shoes. This slack occurs as the brake linings wear. If the slack
adjusters are not adjusted within the limitations, effective braking is reduced and
brake lag time is increased. If too much slack develops, the diaphragm will eventually
―bottom‖ in the brake chamber, and the brakes will not be effective.Two common
types of manual slack adjusters, showing the worm adjusting gear. When the brakes
are fully applied, the angle
between the push rod and
the arm of the slack adjuster
should be no more than
90°(at a right angle) as
shown in figure.On manual
slack adjusters, the
adjusting worm bolt is
turned until the brake
linings touch the drums and
then backed off, normally ˘
to ˚ a turn.

Some systems have automatic slack

adjusters that adjust automatically to
compensate for brake lining
wear,usually maintaining the correct
clearance between the brake lining and drum.usually maintaining the correct clearance
between the brake lining and drum.

s-cam brakes is a common type of brake assembly used on truck rear axles and trailer
axles. A front axle assembly has the brake chamber and slack adjuster mounted on the
backing-plate because of the steering shown in figure

Wedge Brakes

This is another example of a brake assembly used on

some air brake-equipped vehicles. The action of the
brake chamber push rod forces a wedge-shaped push rod
between the brake shoe rollers. This forces the brake
shoe lining against the brake drum.The vehicle may be
equipped with a single or dual chambers on each wheel,
depending on the vehicle’s size and style.These brakes
may be equipped with a self-adjusting mechanism or
with a manual ―star wheel‖ adjuster. The star wheel
adjustment is made with the vehicle jacked up, to
insure that the brake linings do not drag. Manual
adjustment of wedge brakes is usually done by a qualified mechanic.
Disc Brakes

The air-activated heavy truck disc brake is similar in

principle to that used on passenger vehicles. Air
pressure acts on a brake chamber and slack adjuster,
activating the brakes. Instead of the cam or wedge used
in conventional heavy truck drum brakes, a ―power
screw‖ is used. A power screw works like a C-clamp, so
that the lining pads exert equal force to both sides of the
disc or rotor. Some types of disc brakes have a built-in
automatic adjuster. Disc brakes that require manual
adjustment have adjustment specifications that differ
from conventional S-cam braking systems. Always
check the manufacturer’s specifications before
adjusting. Disc brake assemblies may have a spring
parking brake unit attached to the service brake

Air-Over-Hydraulic Brake Systems

Air over hydraulic brake systems were developed for medium weight vehicles because:
· diesel engines do not have a source for vacuum boosting unless they are equipped
with a vacuum pump.
· Medium weight vehicles do not require a full air brake system.
· It gives the option of pulling an air brake equipped trailer.
These systems combine the best features of an air and hydraulic brake system. They use
hydraulic brakes at each wheel with their reliable self adjusters and limited maintenance.
On these systems the air is used to either actuate the hydraulic brakes or boost the
hydraulic brake pressure.

Air Actuated Hydraulic Brake System

An air actuated system usually has the same components of a standard air supply
system.Also there are one or two air actuated hydraulic pressure converters depending on
if the system is a single or a dual system.This system consists of an air chamber or
cylinder attached to a hydraulic master cylinder. When the foot valve is depressed, the air
pressure actuates the pushrod from the air unit that pushes against the master cylinder
piston, producing hydraulic pressure directed through tubing to the wheel cylinders
actuating the front and rear axle service brakes.


Hydraulic Brake System

An air-boost hydraulic brake system uses air pressure to assist brake force. This is similar
to vacuum-assisted brakes on most passenger vehicles. An air-boost system usually has
the same components of a standard air supply system.The brake pedal linkage operates a
hydraulic master cylinder that sends hydraulic pressure to the booster unit. Initially, at
low pressure the hydraulic fluid passes through the booster and begins to pressurize the
wheel cylinders moving the brake shoes out to the drums.air pressure is used to intensify
the hydraulic pressure generated by the master cylinder rather than vacuum. Built into the
booster unit is a hydraulically operated air control valve.This is where air from the
reservoir is directed. As the pressure from the master cylinder increases, the air control
section in the booster will open and begin to deliver air pressure to the rear of the air
cylinder. The air cylinder pushrod transfers pressure on a piston in the hydraulic section
of the booster, increasing the hydraulic pressure at the wheel cylinders.The driver has full
control of the braking force as the air control section modulates the boost pressure in
proportion to the master cylinder pressure. If the vehicle was to lose all of the air pressure
the brake system would lose the air assist boost, however the hydraulic system would
continue to work but at reduced effectiveness.


Parking Brake System

The installation of spring parking brakes and

their piping arrangements into a vehicle air
brake system will vary depending on the
vehicle make.Spring parking brakes may be
installed on an air brake-equipped vehicle for
use as a reliable parking brake system.The
spring parking brake chambers are attached
to the service brake chambers and operate
through the same linkage, therefore the
effectiveness of the spring parking brake
depends on the service brake adjustment.A
control valve (operated by a square, yellow
button) located in the cab allows the driver to exhaust air out of the spring parking brake
circuit to apply the brakes, or pressurize the circuit to release them.Some systems may
have an additional valve controlled by a
blue button that applies only the tractor
spring parking brakes and not the trailer
spring parking brakes. The system can
also act as an emergency brake.

Spring brakes are primarily used as a parking brake, but in the event of loss of air
pressure in the system, they can assist in stopping the vehicle. How quickly they will stop
the vehicle depends on such factors as:

i. the weight and speed of the vehicle;

ii. the steepness of the grade;
iii. the spring force of the spring brakes that have been installed; and,
iv. the adjustment of the service brakes.

How the Basic Air Brake System

Air is pumped by the compressor (1) to the wet reservoir (5), which is protected from
over pressurization by a safety valve (4). The governor (2) controls the pressure in the
reservoir to the bottom of the foot valve (31). The driver pushes the foot valve treadle
down and air pressure flows to the front and rear brake chambers (32 & 11). The brake
chamber push rods move the slack adjusters. The slack adjusters rotate the S-cams,
forcing the brake shoes against the drums. This causes friction that stops the wheels. The
driver releases the foot valve treadle and the air in the brake chambers is allowed to
exhaust through the foot valve, releasing the brakes. The following explains the
additional components of a basic air brake system. Other valves which are necessary to
ensure smooth and efficient operations are not included in this simple drawing. They will
be discussed later in the manual. Note: An air dryer (3) has been added to reduce the
amount of moisture in the system.


Brake Adjustment

On vehicles equipped with hydraulic brakes it is

possible to pump the brake pedal to compensate
for brakes that are out of adjustment. This is not
possible with a vehicle equipped with an air
brake system with manual slack adjusters. When
the brakes are adjusted by slack adjusters, the
shoes are moved outwards. This brings them as
close to the drums as possible minimizing the
amount of free travel when the brakes are
applied. It also reduces the volume of air used to
apply the brakes.

Your company may have a maintenance crew

tokeep vehicles safely running. But one person
aloneis ultimately responsible to ensure that the
brakesare operating properly before the vehicle is
moved. That person is the driver.
S-cam Brake

The following are recommended steps to determine if

an S-cam brake with manual or automatic slack
adjusters requires adjustment.

 Ensure vehicle is secure and wheels are

 Shut off the engine, leaving the transmission in
a low gear or park then release the spring
parking brakes.

 Make a chalk mark where each push rod enters

the brake chamber.

 Reapply the spring parking brakes and
measure the distance from the brake chamber to the chalk mark. Ensure the slack
(push rod travel) is within 3/4 and 1 1/2 inches or within manufacturer’s
specifications and the angle between the slack
adjuster and push rod is 90° or as close as
practical. If not, then a brake adjustment is

When the brakes are out of adjustment, braking

efficiency is reduced by three factors:

1. Brake lag increases because additional air is

required to fill and pressurize the increased
chamber volume caused by the increased stroke
of the push rod.

2. The angle between the slack adjuster arm and

the push rod becomes more than 90°, which
results in a loss of force between the linings and the drum.
3. The effectiveness of diaphragm brake chambers drops off significantly if the
stroke exceeds 75% of its designed travel. For a type 30 chamber (30 square
inches of effective diaphragm area) that has a design stroke of 2 1/2 inches, the
brakes should be adjusted at or before 1 1/2 inches of travel. With a working
pressure of 100 psi this chamber will produce a force of 3,000 lb at 1 1/2 inches of
travel, but only 2,500 lb of force at a travel of 2 1/4 inches. Remember, when a
chamber bottoms out, the force reduces to zero.
Other factors that affect the braking ability of the vehicle, include:

 overheated brakes;
 worn linings;
 oversize drums;
 malfunctioning valves;
 valves with above normal release pressure;
 seized or partially seized brake camshafts or shoe anchors;
 excessive moisture in reservoirs;
 contaminated brake linings.

S–Cam Brake–Incorrectly Adjustedand Cold Brake Drum

In this diagram, the brakes are applied and the linings have
contacted the brake drum.This brake chamber pushrod has
excessive travel, but may work as long as the brake drum is
cool. But it won’t stay cool for long!.Note that the brake
chamber has stroked morethan M of its maximum, which
means that thisair brake chamber pushrod has excessive travel
andthe brakes are in need of adjustment. When the brake drum
is cool and with normal brakeapplication pressure, the
brake will seem to be effective ,so it is easy to be lulled
into a false sense of security.Air brake equipped vehicles
rarely ―lose‖ their brakes.Rather, brake failure occurs because
the driver hasfailed to check and correctly adjust the brakes.

S–Cam Brake–Incorrectly Adjustedand Hot Brake Drum

This diagram shows the same brake after a few brake

applications.Cast iron brake drums expand when heated,
causingthe air chamber to stroke further and further as
thetemperature rises.If an unforeseen event required the driver
to makea sudden stop, the brake chamber could bottom
out,and braking power would be greatly reduced.On long
downgrades, the expansion of hot brakedrums can cause a
total loss of braking and resultin a runaway.Even incorrectly
adjusted brakes may seem to workwhen brakes are lightly
applied.This could result in brake fade under moderate to heavybraking, or on a downhill.
Stroke vs. Force

The amount of force available at the push rod is

consistent out to two inches of stroke. After two
inches, push-rod force drops very quickly.

Don’t be Fooled - Check the Slack

It is up to you, the driver, to ensure that your

vehicle has safe, properly adjusted brakes.Brake
failures are seldom the result of catastrophic
system failure. They are usually the result of brakes
being out of adjustment, often to the point that there
is no braking action on some wheels. Under frequent braking conditions and depending
on the severity, there will be some expansion of the brake drum because of heat and the
amount will vary with the thickness of the drum. This expansion of the drum will also
add to the overall push rod travel. The driver should be trained in brake adjustment prior
to attempting the practical examination.

S-cam Brake Adjustment with Manual Slack Adjuster

 Ensure vehicle is secure and wheels blocked,

release the parking brake.
 Verify system is at full pressure.
 Use a proper wrench to disengage the external
locking device (if so equipped) from the
adjustment bolt of the slack adjuster.

 Turn the adjustment bolt until the lining

contacts the drum and the adjustment bolt will
not turn any further. If possible, visually
check to see that the brake linings are in
contact with the brake drum. Pull or pry on the
slack adjuster. There should be no movement or free play. If there is free play,
you have turned the adjusting nut the wrong way.
 When turning the adjustment bolt on the slack adjuster, the S-cam should turn in
the same direction as if a brake application were being made.
 Back off the adjustment bolt about 1/4 to 1/2 of a turn and ensure the locking
device reengages.
 Now recheck slack adjuster travel. The travel should now be between 1/2 to 3/4
inches free travel while pulling on the linkage, or within manufacturer’s
 There are two methods of checking for correctadjustment, but the measurements
that indicatethe need for adjustment are different.

1- Pry Method of Free Stroke Measurement

Using a brake tool to measure air brake
This picture shows the common method of chamber pushrod free stroke.
checking the free stroke of the pushrod.Make
sure you have the proper equipment to check
andadjust the brakes. You will need:

 A wrench
 A marker to measure pushrod
 Sturdy clothing suitable for
 under the vehicle
 A flashlight

To begin, make sure system air pressure is at least90–100 psi and all parking brakes are

1. Make a mark on the pushrod where it exitsthe brake chamber.

Note: It is sometimes difficult to mark thepushrod at this location. Alternatively,
markthe centre of the clevis pin on the slackadjuster arm.
2. Pull the pushrod out from the brake chamber, using a tool for leverage.
3. Measure the distance between the chalk markand the face of the brake
chamber M to P ofan inch of free stroke is a good range for a type 30 standard
stroke brake chamber. If thisdistance is more than P of an inch, the brakesneed

2- Applied Stroke Method(service brake application)

The applied stroke (brake application) methodrequires two Checking the pushrod stroke
by applying the brakes.
people—one to apply the brakes andone to measure travel.
If you have a device to apply and hold the service brakeson,
you can use the brake application method withoutneeding
another person.

Brake Adjustment Indicators

New air brake chamber pushrods have a marking(usually

red) to indicate when brake adjustment mustbe done
immediately. If the pushrod travel becomesexcessive, the
marking will show.Don’t wait until the red marking is exposed beforeadjusting the
brakes.The applied stroke method is the preferred methodand is also a method
recommended by commercialfleet maintenance If the red marking on the pushrod (at the
supervisors. chamber face) is visible, it indicates that the
brake is dangerously out of adjustment and
1. With the brakes released, make a mark wherethe it needs immediate attention.
pushrod exits the brake chamber.

2. With the engine off, make a series of

brakeapplications to reduce the reservoir pressureto
between 90 to 100 psi.

3. Apply and hold a full brake application(90 to 100


4. Measure the distance between the mark andthe face

of the brake chamber. The differencebetween
measurements is called the chamberapplied stroke.

With a typical Type 30 standard stroke brake chamber ,you must adjust the brakes if
pushrod travel is:• more than (3/4) of an inch using the pry methodof free stroke
measurement, or• more than (1.5) inches using the brakeapplication—applied stroke
measurement method

S-cam Brake with Automatic Slack Adjuster

Automatic slack adjusters adjust themselves during brake applications to accommodate

for brake lining and drum wear. However, they must be checked daily to ensure they are
maintaining proper push rod travel which normally is two inches when the brake is
applied. If they are badly out of adjustment, a qualified mechanic should inspect them.
Adjusting automatic slack adjusters by hand is not recommended unless you are
thoroughly trained on the proper adjustment procedures as dictated by the manufacturer.
If an automatic slack adjuster requires adjusting by hand the slack adjuster may not be
working properly and should be inspected or replaced by a qualified mechanic as soon as

Disc Brake Adjustment

There are a number of makes and models of air disc brakes, each with a different
adjustment procedure. It is therefore recommended that you consult the manufacturer’s
manual for adjustment or service.

Wedge Brake Adjustment

Manual adjusters:

 Hoist or jack wheels off the ground.

 Remove dust cover from adjusting slots at two places on each brake. On twin
chamber units the adjusting slots are in the backing plate below the forward
chamber and above the rear chamber. If star wheel adjusting bolts are not found at
these positions, the brake has been assembled on the wrong side of the vehicle.
The single chamber units have adjusting slots in the backing plate on each side of
the chamber.
 Adjusting bolts have right-hand threads. Turning the wheel by hand, use an
adjusting spoon to turn the star wheel until the shoe develops a heavy drag on the
drum. Then back off the bolt to a very light drag on the drum.
 Repeat for the other shoe on that brake assembly.
 Replace the dust covers in the adjusting slots.
 Repeat the above steps on the other brake assemblies.

After a Brake Adjustment

At the first stop after adjusting the brakes, check each brake drum or rotor for
temperature. An extra hot brake drum indicates that you have over adjusted it. Only when
all brakes are properly adjusted will the system be able to absorb the required amount of
energy to bring the loaded vehicle to a safe stop under extreme conditions. Remember
that poorly adjusted air brakes may appear to be working at slow speeds on light air
application. The only way to be sure your vehicle brakes are properly adjusted is to
physically check the brakes at each wheel.
In-service Checks

In some areas signs are posted in advance of steep or long downgrades. These signs
indicate that the driver must stop the vehicle in the pullout area and inspect the braking
system before proceeding. Check that:

 the compressor is maintaining full reservoir air pressure;

 push rod travel is within limitations on all chambers;
 there are no air leaks;
 the glad hands and the lines are secure;
 the drums, bearings and tires are not overheating;
 the trailer supply valve is operating properly.

This should be used as an in-service check only and not mistaken as a daily pre-trip air
brake inspection. The driver must be aware of the condition of the vehicle’s braking
system at all times. This can be done by:

 watching the pressure gauges;

 hearing the warning signals; and
 feeling the braking response of the vehicle.

By these methods of observation, the driver should be able to notice any defects
developing in the braking system and be aware that service or adjustment is required.

Common brake-related complaints

he following sections contain common brake problems and their likely causes.

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