Calibration and Validation of Condition Indicator For Managing Urban Pavement Networks

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Calibration and Validation of Condition

Indicator for Managing Urban

Pavement Networks
Alelí Osorio, Alondra Chamorro, Susan Tighe, and Carlos Videla

Deterioration indexes that may combine types of surface distresses, ser- ologies, using manual or automated collection techniques, have been
viceability, and structural indicators are commonly used for pavement developed to cope with this challenge (6, 7). Some agencies have
management at the network level. These indexes differ in the types of established well-developed guidelines to standardize data collection
deterioration and criteria considered to quantify severity and density of methodologies. Among these guidelines are Flexible Pavement Con-
distresses. Most of these indexes were developed for interurban road net- dition Rating: Guidelines for Municipalities (8), índice de agrieta-
works; therefore, their application to urban networks is complex and not miento (9), Standard Practice for Quantifying Cracks in Asphalt
representative. For this reason, there is a need for a better understanding Pavement Surface Provisional Protocol (AASHTO PP 44-01),
of urban pavement behavior to enable collection of the distresses relevant Distress Identification Manual for the Long-Term Pavement Perfor-
to these types of pavements and development of an overall condition index mance Program (10), International Standard Practices for Roads and
for urban pavements that represents the mix of the more relevant dis- Parking Lots Pavement Condition Index Surveys (ASTM D6433-
tresses for use in network analysis. This study is part of a 3-year project 03), unpaved roads condition index based on objective distress mea-
developed in Chile: Research and Development of Solutions for Urban sures (2), Instructivo de Inspección Visual de Caminos Pavimentados
Pavement Management in Chile. The main objective of this study was (11), and the distress manifestation index for network level (1).
to calibrate and to validate an urban pavement condition index (UPCI) Manual data collection can be defined as the process in which
representative of the overall condition of these pavements, according to people are directly involved in the observation or measurement of
objective measures of surface distresses and evaluations of an expert pavement deterioration (12, p. 144). Distresses are assessed or mea-
panel. The scope of this study included the development of distress evalu- sured from a moving vehicle, known also as windshield surveys,
ation guidelines for asphalt and concrete pavements considering manual or by evaluators walking along the road. Manual surveys require a
and automated surveys, the application of these guidelines in different trained evaluator or a team of trained evaluators who are assessing
types of urban networks, and the assessment of these networks by an the type, severity, and density of distresses (7, 13).
expert panel. Finally, three UPCI equations were obtained with satisfac- Automated data collection can be defined as the process of acquir-
tory validation for asphalt pavements with manual and automated data ing data with the aid of technology, mostly based on image, acoustic,
collection and for concrete pavements with manual data collection. or profile measures (12, p. 144). These technologies may be equipped
altogether on a mobile van or separately on trailers attached to a
vehicle (6). Collected data are analyzed with the aid of automated or
The main goals of a pavement management system is to assist agen- semiautomated software to report the pavement distress. Studies have
cies in the decision about which sections and roads of a network demonstrated that automated data collection, compared with manual
should be preserved, maintained, or rehabilitated. Agencies have to data collection, is a safe, quick, and reliable method (2, 7, 13–15).
assess the condition of road networks periodically. Among the vari- Agencies commonly use deterioration indexes for network-level
ous available evaluation methods, performance indicators that repre- decision making. These indexes may combine different types of sur-
sent the current condition of pavement sections have demonstrated to face distresses, serviceability, and structural indicators (7). Examples
be effective and reliable for managing road networks (1–5). of these indexes are the pavement condition index (ASTM D6433-03),
Acquiring pavement condition data for network management can distress manifestation index for network level (2), and índice de
be expensive and time-consuming. The approach and methodology condición de caminos pavimentados (9). These indexes differ in
selected for surveying the network must suit the agency’s individual the types of deterioration and criteria considered to quantify sever-
goals and resources. Various pavement condition evaluation method- ity and density of distresses. Most were developed for interurban
road networks (highways, express corridors, etc.); therefore, their
application to urban networks (streets, avenues, etc.), is complex
A. Osorio, A. Chamorro, and C. Videla, Escuela de Ingeniería, Departamento de and not representative.
Ingeniería y Gestión de la Construcción, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile,
The study presented in this paper addresses the problem of man-
Av. Vicuña Mackenna 4860. Edif. San Agustín Piso 3, Santiago, Chile. S. Tighe,
­Centre for Pavement and Transportation Technology, Department of Civil Engi- aging urban networks, which are substantially different from inter-
neering, University of Waterloo, 200 University Avenue West, Waterloo, Ontario urban networks in pavement performance, traffic demands, and
N2L 3G1, Canada. Corresponding author: A. Osorio, [email protected]. network characteristics. The main differences that were observed
include the following (16, 17):
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board,
No. 2455, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington,
D.C., 2014, pp. 28–36. • Influence of distresses on serviceability. Distresses in urban
DOI: 10.3141/2455-04 pavements have different impacts on serviceability. Some studies

Osorio, Chamorro, Tighe, and Videla 29

have demonstrated that roughness can be the most important factor To achieve the main goal of the study, the following six-step
in deriving the overall combined index of highways and surface methodology was defined:
condition as the most important factor for urban pavements, mainly
because of the impact on ride quality of the various distresses for • Experiment design. An experiment for the calibration and
different service speeds. validation of the condition indicator for urban networks was
• Pavement deterioration. Deterioration of urban pavements can defined, including definition of dependent and independent vari-
be considered more complex than interurban pavements given the ables, development of distress evaluation guidelines, selection of
various possible combinations of traffic volumes and loads, climate, an urban network, and development of data collection and analysis
material types, and pavement interventions. There are also singu- methodologies.
larities such as manholes, catch basins, and utility cuts that affect • Development of distress evaluation guidelines. Typical dis-
pavement deterioration. Utility cuts for installation or maintenance tresses observed in urban pavements were studied in detail. From
of urban services in the underground are a complexity for urban per- the state of the art, state of the practice, research team experience,
formance models and have to be addressed by a pavement condition and windshield evaluations performed in different urban networks, a
index. list of distresses was selected for the study for manual and automated
• Sectioning. An urban pavement management system requires surveys.
more sections than an interurban pavement management system. • Network selection. Different sections of asphalt and concrete
In many cases, the streets have different traffic flow or different pavements were selected from the primary and secondary network of
materials in each direction, so they have to be considered as different the city of Santiago, Chile, including different functional categories,
sections. pavement structures, traffic types, and traffic volumes.
• Evaluation of selected network. Surface distresses were
Given the important differences observed between urban and assessed in the selected network following the evaluation guide-
interurban networks and that most of the state of the practice and lines for manual and automated data collection. In addition, an
state of the art have focused on interurban pavement management, expert panel assessed the overall condition of the selected net-
there is a need for a better understanding of urban pavement per- work. A first set of data was collected and processed to validate
formance and urban network management. The study presented in the distress evaluation guidelines. A second set of data was col-
this paper addresses the need to assess urban pavements for network lected for the calibration and validation of the urban condition
management by developing practical evaluation guidelines and indicator.
an overall condition index that combines most relevant surface • Validation of distress evaluation guidelines. Repeatability and
distresses that affect urban pavements performance. reproducibility analyses were performed to check the reliability of
manual and automated evaluations and to validate the developed
evaluation guidelines.
Study Objective and Methodology • Calibration and validation of the UPCI. Statistical analyses
were made of the collected data for the calibration and validation
The main objective of the study was to calibrate and validate an of the condition indicator, considering stepwise regression analy-
urban pavement condition index (UPCI) representative of the over- sis, analysis of variance (ANOVA), t-test, analysis of residuals, and
all condition of pavements, according to objective measures of surface cross-validation.
distresses and evaluations of an expert panel.
The scope of the study includes the development of distress eval-
uation guidelines for asphalt and concrete pavements considering Experiment Design for Development
manual and automated surveys, the application of these guidelines of Condition Indicator
in different types of urban networks, and the assessment of these
networks by an expert panel. An experiment was conducted for the calibration and validation of
The study is part of a 3-year project developed in Chile by the the condition indicator for urban pavements on the basis of field
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC) and named Fondef evaluations.
D09I1018, Investigación y Desarrollo de Soluciones para la Gestión The dependent variable of the experiment was defined as the over-
de Pavimentos Urbanos en Chile, (Research and Development of all condition of the pavement observed by an expert panel, named the
Solutions for Urban Pavement Management in Chile). The project observed urban pavement condition index (UPCIOBS). In parallel, sur-
is funded by the Chilean government through Fondef–Conicyt, the face distresses collected manually and automatically were defined as
PUC, and the following associated institutions: Ministry of Housing the independent variables. Distresses were collected in the field fol-
and Urban Development, Regional Government of the Metropolitan lowing evaluation guidelines developed in the study. The experiment
Region, Municipality of Santiago and Municipality of Macul. In was conducted on asphalt and concrete pavements, with independent
addition, the Centre for Pavement and Transportation Technology analyses for manual and automated data.
of the University of Waterloo, Canada, is a partner and advisor. Regression analyses were performed to correlate the dependent
The overall project resulted as a cooperative initiative of the PUC and independent variables, resulting in UPCI equations. For asphalt
and funding partners to accomplish the current and future needs of pavements, 75% of the data collected were used for the calibration
urban pavements and provide effective management through the and 25% for the validation of the index. In the case of concrete
development of practical tools to assist agencies that manage urban pavements, 67% of the data were used for calibration and 33% for
networks in decision making. Even though the project is being validation. In addition, cross-validation between manual and auto-
developed in Chile, the expected outcomes, such as technical tools mated equations was performed for each type of pavement to ana-
and the resulting urban pavement management system, may be used lyze if the manual equations could be used with automated data
in other countries for urban pavement management. collection and vice versa.
30 Transportation Research Record 2455

Development of Pavement Network Selection and Evaluation

Evaluation Guidelines
Network Characteristics
Distress guidelines were developed for the manual and automated
evaluation of urban pavements. In the first stage, many types of dis- The network selected in the study includes the pavements of three
tresses were considered for each type of pavement on the basis of an municipalities within Santiago, Chile, with a total extension of
extensive review of pavement evaluation protocols (8–11, 16). In 810 km (21). The streets within the network present diverse func-
the second stage, distresses were filtered on the basis of field obser- tional classifications, geometric designs, traffic types and volumes,
vations and a review of the current state of the practice of urban pavement structures, foundations, and seasonal climate condi-
pavement management. The guidelines consider three severity levels tions. Three institutions are responsible for the management of the
when the magnitude of distresses is not directly related to the sever- selected network: municipalities, the regional government, and the
ity of the distress, as in the case of cracking, patch deterioration, and Ministry of Housing and Urbanism.
joint damage. In all other cases, severity was associated to the mag- The network presents pavements belonging to six functional
nitude of the distress. (10, 11, 18). Distress severity, magnitude, and classes according to the Ministry of Housing and Urbanism clas-
extent were collected in objective measures as presented in Table 1. sification: express, trunk, collector, service, local, and passages.
Automated data collection was performed to evaluate the following The first four categories constitute the primary network and the last
distresses: two the secondary network. Traffic volumes can range from 600 to
more than 4,000 vehicles per hour for primary streets and less than
• Surface distresses were evaluated in asphalt and concrete pave- 600 vehicles per hour for secondary streets (22). Structures were
ments. Data were collected with automated digital images that were designed on the basis of traffic volumes, equivalent axles, and types
then analyzed with a semiautomated analysis software (19, 20). of soils, following the structural design for urban pavements defined
• Roughness [measured by the international roughness index (IRI)] by the ministry (23).
was evaluated in concrete and asphalt pavements with a laser profiler. Santiago has a Mediterranean climate, with 5 months of dry
• Rutting was evaluated in asphalt pavements with a laser weather and almost no precipitation during the summer and a rainy
profiler. season of 7 months, with monthly maximum precipitation ranging
• For roughness and rutting, the data were collected and pro- from 50 to 400 mm (24, 25). Further evaluations will be performed
cessed every 10 m; the average of both wheelpaths was considered within the project to validate the UPCI for other climate conditions
in the analysis. and extend the scope of this study.

TABLE 1   Distresses Considered in Urban Pavement Guidelines Evaluation

Severity Units Distress Severity Units Distress

Pavement Levels Extend Pavement Levels Extend

Asphalt Concrete
Fatigue cracking Three m2 Corner breaks Three no.
Edge cracking Three m2 Durability cracking (D) Three no., m2
Block cracking Three m Longitudinal cracking Three m
Wheelpath longitudinal cracking Three m Transverse cracking Three no., m
Nonwheelpath longitudinal cracking Three m Oblique cracks Three m
Reflection cracking Three m Transversal joint seal damage Three m
Transverse cracking Three m Longitudinal joint seal damage Three m
Patch deterioration Three no., m2 Spalling of longitudinal joints Three m
Potholes One no., m2 Spalling of transverse joints Three m
Rutting One mm Map cracking One no., m2
Shoving One no., m2 Scaling One no., m2
Bleeding One no., m2 Patch deterioration Three no., m2
Polished aggregate One no., m2 Polished aggregate One no., m2
Raveling One no., m2 Popouts One no., m2
Curb deterioration One m Blowups One no.
Water bleeding and pumping One no., m Faulting One m
Manholes and catch basins Three no. Curb deterioration One no., m
Roughness (IRI) One m/km Water bleeding and pumping One no.
Manholes and catchbasins One m/km
Roughness (IRI) One µmm

Note: No. = number.

Osorio, Chamorro, Tighe, and Videla 31

Selection of Test Sections Calibration of UPCI

The size of the sample units was defined by their statistical rele- Repeatability and Reproducibility Analysis
vance, characteristics of surface distresses, and the practicality of
field surveys. One important factor was the speed and consistency Repeatability analysis was performed to evaluate the variability
of data collection. IRI was determined to be a critical measure of the evaluation guidelines applied by a rater in the field. Paired
because it is evaluated at a constant speed. For this reason, the sample t-tests for comparison of means were used for this analysis,
length of the sample was chosen on the basis of the minimum with 30 segments evaluated twice by the same rater. The second
length to accelerate, evaluate, and stop in one block. The sample set of data was undertaken a week after the first set. The test was
width was defined by lane width, from 2.80 to 4.50 m. performed for each type of distress, level of severity, and type of
The size of sample units, measured as pavement surface, was pavement for manual and automated data collection.
defined as For manual evaluations, statistically equivalent replicates were
obtained at a 95% confidence level for all distresses for both
pavements, except the following:
• Asphalt pavements: lane width × 50 m long, subdivided in
10-m segments and
• Concrete pavement: lane width × 10 slabs long, where each • Shoving, bleeding, and polished aggregates for asphalt pavements
slab is a segment. and
• Scaling and polished aggregates for concrete pavements.
Each sample unit represents a homogeneous section. Sections
were preselected with windshield evaluations, where distress types, The reason for poor repeatability of these distresses is that they
severity, and density were assessed. Final selection was performed were observed with low frequency in the evaluated sections, so the
by considering those sections representative of diverse scenarios and rater had little experience assessing them. Likewise, these distresses
overall conditions, subject to their proximity. were not statistically significant within the regression analysis.
For automated evaluations, statistically equivalent replicates
were obtained at a 95% confidence level for surface distresses,
roughness, and rutting.
Manual and Automated Evaluations Reproducibility analysis was performed to analyze the variabil-
ity between raters in the same sample unit. The ANOVA test for
Data were collected in each sample unit by considering the dis- random block design was used for this analysis, which considered
tresses presented in Table 1. In addition, the following inventory blocks for the evaluated segments and treatment for the raters.
and reference data were collected: name of street; type of pavement, ANOVA was applied for each of the compared distress measures
width, length and traffic direction of the lane, start and end reference, to determine if the differences between measured distresses were
and geographical reference (collected with GPS). statistically significant. For this analysis, 20 to 30 segments were
Sixty asphalt sample units and 90 concrete sample units were evaluated by three and four raters. This test was performed for each
evaluated with manual surveys and automated technology for the type of distress, severity level, and type of pavement.
calibration and validation of the condition indicator. In both cases, Although the raters received training to collect distress data, only
the amount of sample sections was sufficient to obtain a reliable some distresses present good reproducibility for a 95% confidence
statistical analysis. level. This result shows the importance of having experienced raters
with good training and clear guidelines for data collection.

Evaluations of Expert Panel Regression Analysis

The UPCIobs of the selected sections was assessed by an expert Multiple linear regression analyses were performed to calibrate
panel formed by experienced professionals of academia and the the UPCI equations. The analyses were carried out separately for
private and public sectors. The panel rated each sample unit by asphalt and concrete pavements, and for manual and automated
the combined effect of distress types and severities observed in data, resulting in four UPCI equations.
the field on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 was the worse condition ANOVA analyses were applied to evaluate the overall signifi-
and 10 the best. From this scale, an average pavement would need cance of regressions. Two-tailed t-tests were performed to analyze
rehabilitation when the UPCI ≤ 4, preservation when 4 < UPCI the significance of independent variables considered in the analysis.
≤ 8, and routine maintenance when UPCI > 8. The treatments to Mean square error was estimated as part of ANOVA analyses and
be proposed in each group will be defined further in the research used to determine the F- and t-values. The confidence level of 95%
on the basis of the UPCI values and the performance model that was used for both analyses. Residuals were analyzed to evaluate
is under development. whether the models fit the data well.
A paired sample t-test for mean comparison was performed Overall significance of regressions was satisfactory for all cases,
to analyze the equivalence of UPCIobs between raters. For all types where the F statistic of each regression was higher than the critical
of pavements, it was observed that three experts were statistically F-value. Independent variables with positive coefficients or low sig-
equivalent. The average of UPCIobs between the equivalent raters nificance in each regression were eliminated following a stepwise
for each sample unit was considered in the regression analysis. method. This method was carried out based on the p-value of F
32 Transportation Research Record 2455

(probability of F ) using .05 as probability to enter and .10 as were carried out, an initial validation of each independent equation
probability to remove a variable. and a cross-validation to contrast manual and automated equations
The outlier analyses were performed after generating the first for each pavement type.
regression using the Cook’s distance method (26), which deter-
mines the influence points in multiple linear regressions. The points
indicated by this analysis were studied; technical criteria were used Independent Validation of Manual
to decide the need of elimination. For example, if a section was and Automated Equations
indicated as an outlier in this analysis, the section characteristics,
distress types and quantity, and field observation were checked to The values observed by the expert panel in the field (UPCIobs) were
determine if it was necessary to eliminate the section. This process compared with the calculated UPCI values obtained from distresses
was iterative in case of elimination of outliers when regressions and adjusted equations (UPCIadj). For the manual data, the valida-
were developed without the eliminated sections. tions of asphalt and concrete pavement equations were performed
The developed equations did not represent the maximum or mini- with 14 and 25 sections, respectively. The t-values were
mum values of UPCI in cases in which very good or very poor
conditions were observed. It is assumed that the raters were hesitant • t = −5.751 > tcrit (0.025,15) = −2.131 for asphalt pavements and
when evaluating sections with extreme conditions (very good or • t = −2.242 > tcrit (0.025,29) = −2.045 for concrete pavements.
very poor) (3). To correct the residuals, researchers adjusted the
equations with the factor of the maximum of UPCI = 10 divided Therefore, the equations were successfully validated; no signifi-
by the intercept of the regression to obtained the final equations cant difference was observed between the sample means, as shown
(UPCIadj). in Figure 1.
The following modifications were made to distresses to improve For the automated data, validation was performed with 15 sec-
the coefficient of determination and residuals observed in the tions for each type of pavement. These equations for both types
regression analysis: of pavements were not successfully validated after adjusting
the intercepts; however, the original equations were validated
• For asphalt pavements, the effect of transverse and reflection satisfactorily.
cracking were summed in the equations because no statistical dif-
ference was observed when their effect in the overall condition of
the pavements was considered. Cross-Validation of Manual
• For concrete pavements, the effects of corner and oblique and Automated Equations
breaks were summed in the equations. In addition, the effects of seal
damage and spalling of transverse and longitudinal joints were com- The cross-validation consisted of the statistical comparison of
bined and renamed as joint damage. The level of spalling observed results when the manual data were used in both the manual and
in a joint was considered as a criterion to rate distress severity. automated equations and when the automated data were used in
both equations. The t-values from these analysis were −4.813 and
−5.877, both greater than tcrit(0.025,15) = −2.131. Therefore, the equa-
Validation of UPCI tions for asphalt pavements were cross-validated successfully, as
presented in Figure 2 and Figure 3.
Validation was performed with the data not considered in the regres- Both equations can be used with manual and automated data,
sion analysis. Statistical analyses considered two-tailed t-tests for giving equivalent results. Because the automated UPCI include the
difference in means with a confidence level of 95%. Two validations IRI, this equation is recommended only when IRI values are available.


(a) (b)

FIGURE 1   Validation of UPCI manual equation for pavements: (a) asphalt and (b) concrete.
Osorio, Chamorro, Tighe, and Videla 33

Consequently, the UPCI equations for concrete pavements

considering automated data require further analysis. Additional
concrete sections will be studied as part of the overall project to
improve this equation.

Final Urban Pavement Condition


Adjusted Urban Pavement Condition Equations

Three final equations were obtained after the adjustments to the

intercepts of the original regressions for asphalt pavements with
manual and automated data collection and for concrete pavements
with manual data collection (Equations 1 through 3):

asphalt UPCI manual = 10 − 0.038 FC − 0.049 TRC − 0.046 DP

FIGURE 2   Validation of UPCI asphalt using manual
and automated data with manual equation. − 0.059 R − 0.237 P (1)

R 2 = .812

When manual data or automated data without roughness measures

F -value = 27.955 > Fcrit = 2.512
are available, the manual UPCI equation is recommended. The
manual equation includes potholes, which are not included in the
automated equation. asphalt UPCI auto = 10 − 0.031 FC − 0.040 TRC − 0.028 DP
For concrete pavements, the adjusted equations did not give sat- − 0.082 R − 0.143 IRI (2)
isfactory results for the cross-validation. The main reasons follow:

R 2 = .940
• The UPCI equation for automated data does not consider
the same distresses included in the UPCI equation for manual
F -value = 94.539 > Fcrit = 2.534
data, so some distresses are not represented in the automated
• A possible correlation between independent variables con- where
sidered in the automated regression may affect the regressions,
FC = fatigue cracking (%),
considering distresses and IRI values.
TRC = sum of transversal and reflection cracking (%),
• The difference in the evaluation methodologies for manual and
DP = deteriorated patch (%),
automated data collection may affect the regressions. For example, R = rutting (mm), calculated as the average of rutting of seg-
faulting considered in manual evaluations is represented by the IRI ments in the sample unit,
value in automated evaluations. P = potholes (%), and
IRI = international roughness index (m/km), calculated as the
average of roughness of segments in the sample unit.

concrete UPCI manual = 10 − 0.042 LC − 0.025 TC − 0.063 DP

− 0.263 F − 0.038 COB − 0.018 JD (3)

R 2 = .814

F -value = 39.483 > Fcrit = 2.272

LC = longitudinal cracking (%),
TC = transversal cracking (%),
DP = deteriorated patch (%),
F = faulting (mm), calculated as the average of faulting of
each slab in the sample unit,
COB = sum of corner and oblique breaks (%), and
FIGURE 3   Validation of UPCI asphalt using manual JD = joint damage (% of total meters of joints in the sample
and automated data with automated equation. unit).
34 Transportation Research Record 2455

TABLE 2   Statistics Values for Equation 1

Correlation Coefficients

Variable t (tcrit = −2.037) FC TRC DP R P

FC −7.402 1.000
TRC −5.116 −0.249 1.000
DP −3.139 0.336 −0.148 1.000
R −2.162 0.066 0.176 0.156 1.000
P −0.499 0.475 0.071 0.120 0.019 1.000

Note: Coefficients in shaded cells are same as below diagonal.

The cracking and deteriorated patch are weighted according to with high frequency in the field and considered as the most important
their severities before ingress into the equations. The weights for by the expert panel.
severities are 0.5, 1, and 2 for low, moderate, and severe. Deteriorated patches of pavement have an important effect on the
UPCI value for all developed equations. This outcome is coherent
and consistent with the phenomena observed in urban pavements,
Analysis of Developed Equations where utility cuts are frequently observed and result in low-quality
patches and high probabilities of premature deterioration. This
The regressions obtained had good coefficients of determination conclusion supports the primary hypothesis that special condition
and fit the data well. The statistics values are presented in Table 2 evaluation guidelines and indicators should be developed for urban
through Table 4. In every case, the t-values of the variables are pavements.
higher than the tcrit, and the coefficient of correlation between the Comparing the UPCI equations for asphalt pavements, the coef-
variables considered in the final equations is not high. ficients for cracking in the UPCImanual equation are slightly higher
UPCI for both types of pavements included distresses that repre- than the ones obtained in the UPCIauto equation because by crack-
sent the structural and functional behavior of urban pavements. All ing in the semiautomated data analysis presents a lower severity
distresses in the equations have a high significance in the regres- than in the manual evaluations (19). However, in the UPCIauto equa-
sions with the t-value higher than the critical t-value. In addition, tion, rutting and IRI coefficients cover the error induced by the
distresses with statistical importance coincide with those observed lower-severity cracking. Furthermore, it is assumed that the rutting

TABLE 3   Statistics Values for Equation 2

Correlation Coefficients

Variable t (tcrit = −2.042) FC TRC DP R IRI

FC −10.696 1.000
TRC −7.227 0.344 1.000
DP −4.06 0.103 0.032 1.000
R −6.104 −0.555 −0.225 −0.058 1.000
IRI −4.381 −0.285 0.076 −0.123 −0.125 1.000

Note: Coefficients in shaded cells are same as below diagonal.

TABLE 4   Statistics Values for Equation 3

Correlation Coefficients

Variable t (tcrit = −2.005) LC TC DP F COB JD

LC −5.857 1.000
TC −4.080 −0.081 1.000
DP −3.220 0.193 −0.690 1.000
F −3.616 −0.267 −0.414 0.204 1.000
COB −2.209 −0.051 −0.365 0.103 0.191 1.000
JD −2.685 −0.107 −0.279 0.225 0.149 0.221 1.000

Note: Coefficients in shaded cells are same as below diagonal.

Osorio, Chamorro, Tighe, and Videla 35

and IRI in the UPCIauto equation also represent the effect of potholes, A sensitivity analysis tested the UPCI equations with different
absent in the automated equation. distress values to check their impact on the estimated UPCI. The
In the case of the concrete equation, the high coefficient of fault- analysis revealed that extreme limits for distresses (maximum or
ing is a result of the use of a different unit of measure (millimeters) minimum) need to be defined, given that extreme conditions may
than the other distresses in the equation, which are mostly expressed affect the calculated UPCI.
in percentage of the affected area. Furthermore, to transfer results of the analysis to the authorities
Distresses with a positive coefficient or low significance in the and to the public and to capture the sensitivity of the methodology,
regression were eliminated from the equations on the basis of the it is recommended that quality values of UPCI related to different
following technical analysis. types of climates and network hierarchies be defined.

• For asphalt pavements:

– Edge, block, and longitudinal cracking are distresses with Acknowledgments
very low frequency in the sample sections evaluated. This find-
ing makes sense because of the presence of sidewalks in urban The researchers acknowledge the contributions of professionals of
pavements and the absence of treated granular base in the evaluated the following agencies in the development of this study: Ministry
network. of Housing and Urban Development, Regional Government of the
– Shoving also presents a low frequency because of the use of Metropolitan Region, Municipality of Santiago, Municipality of
concrete pavements in areas with heavy traffic with low speeds, Macul, Roads Direction of the Ministry of Public Works, and APSA
such as bus stops and corners in the evaluated network. Consultants. The authors also acknowledge the National Research
– Bleeding, raveling, and polished aggregate are distresses with Center for Integrated Natural Disaster Management.
low significance in network-level analysis for urban pavements.
These distresses are important for project-level analysis.
• For concrete pavements: References
– Durability cracking and blowups are distresses with very
low frequency in the sample sections evaluated because of the   1. Chamorro A., S. Tighe, and A. Marcon. Final Report of the HIIFP Proj-
climate condition in the sample sections evaluated. ect Improving Network Level Pavement Management through Rational-
ization and Utilization of Automated/Semi-Automated Technologies.
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36 Transportation Research Record 2455

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of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2153, Transportation Research ación. Depto. Planes y Programas. Seremi Metropolitana de Santiago,
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15. Tighe, S. L., L. Ningyuan, and T. J. Kazmierowski. Evaluation of Semi­ 22. Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo. Código de Normas y Especifica-
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of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2084, Transportation Research 23. Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo. Manual de Vialidad Urbana,
Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2008, pp. 11–17. Recomendaciones para el Diseño de Elementos de la Infraestructura
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Pavement Visual Inspection in Chile. MS thesis. Escuela de Ingeniería,
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, 2004. The Pavement Management Systems Committee peer-reviewed this paper.

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