E60 Menu Secreto

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The document describes how to access a hidden diagnostic menu in BMW E60 and E61 vehicles that provides access to various sensor readings and tests.

The hidden menu provides access to the vehicle identification number, diagnostic codes, hardware and software versions, and other vehicle information.

Some of the sensor readings and tests available include coolant temperature, ambient air temperature, engine speed, battery voltage, speaker test, and fuel consumption readings.

Pressione e segure o bot�o de reset da viagem.

O painel de instrumentos mostrar� o sinal de alerta, o pr�ximo sinal de �leo.

Solte o bot�o quando FGSTNR aparecer no visor.

Ap�s alguns segundos, um n�mero de 7 d�gitos aparecer�.

Os �ltimos 5 d�gitos s�o tamb�m o final dos seus carros VIN.

Some os �ltimos 5 d�gitos juntos (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15).

Pressione e segure o bot�o de rein�cio da viagem at� que 01 .__ seja exibido,
em seguida, pressione imediatamente o bot�o de reset por desarme para navegar para
a posi��o 19 .__.

�LOCK ON� ser� exibido. Ap�s alguns segundos, �CODE: 00� aparecer�.
Use o bot�o de reset da viagem para inserir seu c�digo (somados nos �ltimos 5
d�gitos da posi��o 01 .__).
Agora o menu oculto est� desbloqueado e voc� pode navegar por todos os seus testes.

07.00 � KTMP-MOM (coolant temperature)

08.00 � V-EFF (real current speed)

BMW E60 E61 hidden menu description

01.00 � FGSTNR (vehicle identyfication number)
01.01 � K-ZAHL W/T
01.02 � BMWTNR
01.03 � COD DIA (diagnostic codes)
01.05 � HW AEI (hardware version)
01.06 � SW (software version)
01.07 � KODIERDATEN (coding date)
01.08 � CAN
02.00 � KI TEST (instrument cluster test)
03.00 � UNBELEGT (not used)
04.00 � VERM-MOM (current fuel consuption)
04.01 � VERM-MOM (current fuel consuption)
04.02 � D-VERB1 LIT (data used for calculating average fuel consumption)
04.03 � D-VERB1 WEG (data used for calculating average fuel consumption)
04.04 � D-VERB2 LIT (data used for calculating average fuel consumption)
04.05 � D-VERB2 WEG (data used for calculating average fuel consumption)
05.00 � RW-VERB (fuel consumpion used to calculating range)
05.01 � RW-MOM (calculated range)
06.00 � TANK L R S (fuel level readouts from left sensor, right sensor and
estimated sum)
06.01 � TANK-ANZ PH
06.02 � TANK-ADC L R (raw data from fuel level sensors)
07.00 � KTMP-MOM (coolant temperature)
07.01 � ATMP-MOM (ambient air temperature, momentary)
07.02 � ATMP-ADC (ambient air temperature, average)
07.03 � N-MOT-MOM (engine speed)
07.04 � N-VWF-MOM (current start position of tachometer yellow field)
08.00 � V-EFF (real current speed)
08.01 � V-ANZ (fake current speed to be shown on the speedometer)
08.02 � V-SZ (target speed set by the cruise control)
08.03 � DGESCH1 WEG
08.04 � DGESCH1 ZEIT
08.05 � DGESCH2 WEG
08.06 � DGESCH2 ZEIT
09.00 � UB (battery voltage)
10.00 � KM / WOCHE
10.01 � GELB CBS H A
10.02 � SC-STATUS
10.03 � CBS-MODE
11.00 � ZEIT-EINH (12h / 24h clock mode)
11.01 � WEG-EINH (distance and speed units)
11.02 � TEMP-EINH (tempretature units)
11.03 � VERB-EINH (fuel consuption units)
12.00 � V-ANKUNFT (average speed used for calculating ETA)
12.01 � ANK_ZEIT (ETA)
13.00 � AUDIO (instrument cluster speaker test)
14.00 �
14.01 � FSP01
14.02 � FSP02
14.03 � FSP03
14.04 � FSP04
14.05 � FSP05
14.06 � FSP06
14.07 � FSP07
14.08 � FSP08
14.09 � FSP09
14.10 � FSP10
15.00 � PORT 00h
15.01 � PORT 01h
15.02 � PORT 02h
15.03 � PORT 03h
15.04 � PORT 04h
15.05 � PORT 05h
15.06 � PORT 06h
15.07 � PORT 07h
15.08 � PORT 08h
15.09 � PORT 09h
15.10 � PORT 0Ah
15.11 � PORT 0Bh
16.01 � PHOTO-ADC
16.02 � DIMM-PWM S Z
16.03 � DIMM-PWM D K
17.00 � DISP-HEIZ
17.01 � NTC1 NTC2
17.02 � KONTR-PWM
18.00 � CC-TEST? (warning lights test)
LOCK (hidden menu lock)
20.00 � KORR-VERBR (fuel consumption correction factor)
20.01 � 1er KORR (add 1 to correction factor)
20.02 � 10er KORR (add 10 to correction factor)
20.03 � 100er KORR (add 100 to correction factor)
21.00 � RESET? (resets date, time and trip computer memory)

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