Chemistry of The Main Group Elements: Boron Through The Pnictogens
Chemistry of The Main Group Elements: Boron Through The Pnictogens
Chemistry of The Main Group Elements: Boron Through The Pnictogens
Boron through the Pnictogens
Sections 8.5-8.7 and 15.4.1
B12 18Cl2
2Al 0 3Cl2
• the metals will also react with hydrohalic acids
This idea goes
2Al 6HCl
2AlCl3 3H 2 back to the ∆Gf
data for MH3
• Group IIIA halides are Lewis acids, BX3 is hard, others are soft
• reactivity
AlCl3 3MeMgCl
AlMe3 3MgCl2
Li BMe4 3LiCl
BCl3 4MeLi
This result is completely
B OH 3 3HCl
BCl3 3H 2O consistent with HSAB
Boranes (Boron Hydride Clusters)
The electron deficient nature of boron favors cluster formation
Nido and arachno boron hydride clusters are derived from the regular
polyhedra with one or two vertices removed, respectively, and
bridging hydrogen atoms added.
Carbon allotropes:
fullerenes – geodesic
spheres containing sp2
carbons, C60, C70, C80, etc.
carbon nanotubes – a
graphene layer rolled up
into a cylinder
Carbon is a remarkable element for its versatility as a building block
• carbon forms double and triple bonds more readily than any other element
• the tetrahedral, trigonal, and linear geometries of carbon provides access to a
variety of different structures and allows for lots of structural complexity
Carbon allotropes:
fullerenes – geodesic
spheres containing sp2
carbons, C60, C70, C80, etc.
carbon nanotubes – a
graphene layer rolled up
into a cylinder
Si, Ge, Sn, & Pb
Heavier congeners of carbon have +2 and +4 oxidation states
Si s 2Cl2 g
Si IV Cl4 l
Sn s Cl2 g
Sn II Cl2 s
Sn IV Cl4 l
Cl g
mp 246 °C mp –33 °C
Pb s Cl2 g
Pb II Cl2 s
Cl g
no reaction
Inert pair effect – heavy p-block metals often ‘hold on’ to their ns2 valence
electrons better than lighter p-block elements
Group IVA (14) Geometries
Notice that
germanium has 12
electrons around it.
The octet rule can be
violated for heavy p-
square pyramidal block elements
Multiple Bonding
While multiple bonding is common for carbon, it is unusual for the
heavier elements and often the species are only metastable
Nitrogen Oxides: NV
Nitrate (NO3–) is an important industrial chemical prepared by a two-
step process:
4NH 3 g 7O2 g
6H 2O l 4NO2 aq G 97
3NO2 aq H 2O l
2HNO3 aq NO g G 1.2
N 2 g 2O2 g
2NO2 g G 12
By first reducing the N2 with hydrogen, driving force is gained for the
oxidation reaction in the formation of water as a byproduct
Nitrogen Oxides: NII and NIV
Nitrogen dioxide exists as an equilibrium mixture
0 +II –I +I –I
Nitrous Oxide Azide
...but the inert pair effect keeps bismuth from going past BiX3
phosphine imine