Numerical Methods in Heat Conduction

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Chapter 5


In Chapter 2, we solved various
heat conduction problems in
various geometries in a systematic
but highly mathematical manner by
(1) deriving the governing
differential equation by performing
an energy balance on a differential
volume element,
(2) expressing the boundary
conditions in the proper
mathematical form, and
(3) solving the differential equation
and applying the boundary
conditions to determine the
integration constants.
1 Limitations
Analytical solution methods are limited to
highly simplified problems in simple
The geometry must be such that its entire
surface can be described mathematically
in a coordinate system by setting the
variables equal to constants.
That is, it must fit into a coordinate system
perfectly with nothing sticking out or in.
Even in simple geometries, heat transfer
problems cannot be solved analytically if
the thermal conditions are not sufficiently
Analytical solutions are limited to
problems that are simple or can be
simplified with reasonable
approximations. 3
2 Better Modeling
When attempting to get an analytical solution
to a physical problem, there is always the
tendency to oversimplify the problem to make
the mathematical model sufficiently simple to
warrant an analytical solution.
Therefore, it is common practice to ignore any
effects that cause mathematical complications
such as nonlinearities in the differential
equation or the boundary conditions
(nonlinearities such as temperature
dependence of thermal conductivity and the
radiation boundary conditions).
A mathematical model intended for a
numerical solution is likely to represent the
actual problem better.
The numerical solution of engineering
problems has now become the norm rather
than the exception even when analytical
solutions are available.
3 Flexibility

Engineering problems often require extensive parametric

studies to understand the influence of some variables on the
solution in order to choose the right set of variables and to
answer some “what-if” questions.
This is an iterative process that is extremely tedious and time-
consuming if done by hand.
Computers and numerical methods are ideally suited for such
calculations, and a wide range of related problems can be
solved by minor modifications in the code or input variables.
Today it is almost unthinkable to perform any significant
optimization studies in engineering without the power and
flexibility of computers and numerical methods.

4 Complications
Some problems can be solved analytically,
but the solution procedure is so complex
and the resulting solution expressions so
complicated that it is not worth all that effort.
With the exception of steady one-
dimensional or transient lumped system
problems, all heat conduction problems
result in partial differential equations.
Solving such equations usually requires
mathematical sophistication beyond that
acquired at the undergraduate level, such
as orthogonality, eigenvalues, Fourier and
Laplace transforms, Bessel and Legendre
functions, and infinite series.
In such cases, the evaluation of the
solution, which often involves double or
triple summations of infinite series at a
specified point, is a challenge in itself.
5 Human Nature Analytical solutions are necessary
because insight to the physical
phenomena and engineering
wisdom is gained primarily through
The “feel” that engineers develop
during the analysis of simple but
fundamental problems serves as an
invaluable tool when interpreting a
huge pile of results obtained from a
computer when solving a complex
A simple analysis by hand for a
limiting case can be used to check if
the results are in the proper range.
In this chapter, you will learn how to
formulate and solve heat transfer
problems numerically using one or
more approaches.

The numerical methods for solving differential equations are based on replacing the
differential equations by algebraic equations.
In the case of the popular finite difference method, this is done by replacing the
derivatives by differences.

finite difference
form of the first

Taylor series expansion of the function f

about the point x,

The smaller the x, the smaller

the error, and thus the more
accurate the approximation.
Consider steady one-dimensional heat conduction in a plane
wall of thickness L with heat generation.
Finite difference representation
of the second derivative at a
general internal node m.

no heat generation

Finite difference formulation for steady
two-dimensional heat conduction in a
region with heat generation and constant
thermal conductivity in rectangular

In this section we develop the finite difference
formulation of heat conduction in a plane wall
using the energy balance approach and
discuss how to solve the resulting equations.
The energy balance method is based on
subdividing the medium into a sufficient
number of volume elements and then
applying an energy balance on each element.

This equation is applicable to each of the
M - 1 interior nodes, and its application
gives M - 1 equations for the
determination of temperatures at M + 1
The two additional equations needed to
solve for the M + 1 unknown nodal
temperatures are obtained by applying
the energy balance on the two elements
at the boundaries (unless, of course, the
boundary temperatures are specified). 12
Boundary Conditions
Boundary conditions most commonly encountered in practice are the
specified temperature, specified heat flux, convection, and radiation
boundary conditions, and here we develop the finite difference
formulations for them for the case of steady one-dimensional heat
conduction in a plane wall of thickness L as an example.
The node number at the left surface at x = 0 is 0, and at the right surface
at x = L it is M. Note that the width of the volume element for either
boundary node is x/2.

Specified temperature boundary condition

When other boundary conditions such as the specified heat flux, convection,
radiation, or combined convection and radiation conditions are specified at a
boundary, the finite difference equation for the node at that boundary is obtained
by writing an energy balance on the volume element at that boundary.

The finite difference form of various

boundary conditions at the left boundary:

The finite difference formulation of
steady heat conduction problems
usually results in a system of N
algebraic equations in N unknown
nodal temperatures that need to be
solved simultaneously.
There are numerous systematic
approaches available in the
literature, and they are broadly
classified as direct and iterative
The direct methods are based on a
fixed number of well-defined steps
that result in the solution in a
systematic manner.
The iterative methods are based on
an initial guess for the solution that
is refined by iteration until a
specified convergence criterion is
One of the simplest iterative methods is the Gauss-Seidel iteration.


Sometimes we need to consider heat
transfer in other directions as well when
the variation of temperature in other
directions is significant.
We consider the numerical formulation
and solution of two-dimensional steady
heat conduction in rectangular
coordinates using the finite difference

For square mesh:

no heat 21
Boundary Nodes
The region is partitioned between
the nodes by forming volume
elements around the nodes, and an
energy balance is written for each
boundary node.
An energy balance on a volume
element is

We assume, for convenience in

formulation, all heat transfer to be
into the volume element from all
surfaces except for specified heat
flux, whose direction is already


Node 1

Node 2

Node 3

Node 4

Node 5

Node 6

Nodes 7, 8

Node 9

Irregular Boundaries
Many geometries encountered in
practice such as turbine blades or
engine blocks do not have simple
shapes, and it is difficult to fill such
geometries having irregular boundaries
with simple volume elements.
A practical way of dealing with such
geometries is to replace the irregular
geometry by a series of simple volume
This simple approach is often
satisfactory for practical purposes,
especially when the nodes are closely
spaced near the boundary.
More sophisticated approaches are
available for handling irregular
boundaries, and they are commonly
incorporated into the commercial
software packages. 26

The finite difference solution of transient
problems requires discretization in time in
addition to discretization in space.
This is done by selecting a suitable time step
t and solving for the unknown nodal
temperatures repeatedly for each t until the
solution at the desired time is obtained.
In transient problems, the superscript i is used
as the index or counter of time steps, with i = 0
corresponding to the specified initial condition.

Explicit method: If temperatures at the
previous time step i is used.
Implicit method: If temperatures at the new
time step i + 1 is used.

Transient Heat Conduction in a Plane Wall

mesh Fourier number

No heat generation and  = 0.5

The temperature of an interior node

at the new time step is simply the
average of the temperatures of its
neighboring nodes at the previous
time step.

Stability Criterion for Explicit Method: Limitation on t
The explicit method is easy to use, but it suffers
from an undesirable feature that severely restricts
its utility: the explicit method is not unconditionally
stable, and the largest permissible value of the time
step t is limited by the stability criterion.
If the time step t is not sufficiently small, the
solutions obtained by the explicit method may
oscillate wildly and diverge from the actual solution.
To avoid such divergent oscillations in nodal
temperatures, the value of t must be maintained
below a certain upper limit established by the
stability criterion.


The implicit method is
unconditionally stable, and thus we
can use any time step we please
with that method (of course, the
smaller the time step, the better
the accuracy of the solution).
The disadvantage of the implicit
method is that it results in a set of
equations that must be solved
simultaneously for each time step.
Both methods are used in practice.

Two-Dimensional Transient Heat Conduction


Stability criterion


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