M.tech Aircraft Maintenance
M.tech Aircraft Maintenance
M.tech Aircraft Maintenance
Regulations Curriculum
and Syllabus
(M.TECH./ M.B.A. / M.C.A.) (Full - Time / Part - Time)
(Effective 2013-14)
1. Vision, Mission and Objectives Keeping pace with the ever changing
1.1 The Vision of the Institute is "To make technological scenario to help our
every man a success and no man a students to gain proper direction to
failure". emerge as competent professionals
fully aware of their commitment to the
In order to progress towards the vision, society and nation.
the Institute has identified itself with a
mission to provide every individual with To inculcate a flair for research,
a conducive environment suitable to development and entrepreneurship.
achieve his / her career goals, with a 2. Admission
strong emphasis on personality
2.1 The admission policy and procedure
development, and to offer quality
shall be decided from time to time by
education in all spheres of engineering,
the Board of Management (BOM) of the
technology, applied sciences and
Institute, following guidelines issued by
management, without compromising on
Ministry of Human Resource
the quality and code of ethics.
Development (MHRD), Government of
1.2 Further, the institute always strives India. The number of seats in each
branch of the (M.TECH / M.B.A. /
To train our students with the latest and
M.C.A.) programme will be decided by
the best in the rapidly changing fields
BOM as per the directives from Ministry
of Engineering, Technology,
of Human Resource Development
Management, Science & Humanities.
(MHRD), Government of India and
To develop the students with a global taking into account the market
outlook possessing, state of the art demands. Some seats for Non Resident
skills, capable of taking up challenging Indians and a few seats for foreign
responsibilities in the respective fields. nationals shall be made available.
To mould our students as citizens with 2.2 The selected candidates will be
moral, ethical and social values so as admitted to the (M.TECH / M.B.A. /
to fulfill their obligations to the nation M.C.A.) programme after he/she fulfills
and the society. all the admission requirements set by
the Institute and after payment of the
To promote research in the field of
prescribed fees.
science, Humanities, Engineering,
Technology and allied branches. 2.3 Candidates for admission to the first
semester of the Master's Degree
1.3 Our aims and objectives are focused
Programme shall be required to have
passed an appropriate Degree
Providing world class education in Examination recognized by Hindustan
engineering, technology, applied University.
science and management.
3.2 The minimum durations of the M.Tech. (Full time / Part time) 75 - 85
programmes are as given below:
M.B.A. (Full time / Part time) 85 - 95
Program No. of Semesters
M.C.A (Full time / Part time) 115 - 125
M.Tech.(Full-Time) 4
M.Tech.(Part -Time) 6 3.5 The medium of instruction, examination
and the language of the project reports
M.B.A. (Full - Time) 4
will be English.
M.B.A. (Part - Time) 6
4. Faculty Advisor
M.C.A.(Full - Time) 6
4.1 To help the students in planning their
M.C.A.(Part -Time) 8 courses of study and for getting general
advice on the academic programme, the
Every (M.TECH / M.B.A. / M.C.A.) concerned Department will assign a
programme will have a curriculum and certain number of students to a Faculty
syllabi for the courses approved by the member who will be called their Faculty
Academic Council.
3.3 Each course is normally assigned
certain number of credits. The following 5. Class Committee
norms will generally be followed in 5.1 A Class Committee consisting of the
assigning credits for courses. following will be constituted by the Head
l One credit for each lecture hour per of the Department for each class:
week per semester
(i) A Chairman, who is not teaching the
l One credit for each tutorial hour per class.
week per semester
will include: L L
*3$ = L
8.1 (i) A Full time student shall not register M.B.A. (Part Time) 6 10
for less than 16 credits or more than 26
M.C.A. (Full - Time) 6 12
credits in any given semester.
M.C.A (Part -Time) 8 14
8.1 (ii) A part time student shall not register
for less than 10 credits or more than 20
11. Temporary discontinuation
credits in any given semester.
11.1 A student may be permitted by the
8.2 If a student finds his/her load heavy in
Director(academic) to discontinue
any semester, or for any other valid
temporarily from the programme for a
reason, he/she may withdraw from the
semester or a longer period for reasons
courses within three weeks of the
of ill health or other valid reasons.
commencement of the semester with
Normally a student will be permitted to
the written approval of his/her Faculty
discontinue from the programme only
Advisor and HOD. However the student
for a maximum duration of two
should ensure that the total number of
credits registered for in any semester
should enable him/her to earn the 12. Discipline
minimum number of credits per 12.1 Every student is required to observe
semester for the completed semesters. discipline and decorum both inside and
9. Minimum requirement to continue outside the campus and not to indulge
the programme in any activity which will tend to bring
down the prestige of the University.
9.1 For those students who have not earned
the minimum required credit prescribed 12.2 Any act of indiscipline of a student
for that particular semester examination, reported to the Director (Academic) will
a warning letter to the concerned be referred to a Discipline Committee
student and also to his parents so constituted. The Committee will
regarding the shortage of his credit will enquire into the charges and decide on
be sent by the HOD after the suitable punishment if the charges are
announcement of the results of the substantiated. The committee will also
university examinations. authorize the Director(Academic) to
recommend to the Vice-Chancellor the
10. Maximum duration of the
implementation of the decision. The
student concerned may appeal to the
The minimum and maximum period for Vice-Chancellor whose decision will be
the completion of various programs are final. The Director (Academic) will report
given below. the action taken at the next meeting of
the Council.
To educate the students in the fundamentals of engineering, science and their applications
to important practical problems using design, analysis and synthesis of aircrafts components,
systems and tools through basic and advance research.
To inspire our students to pursue a life of curiosity and desire for learning and to instill in them
the ability and self confidence to adapt rapid and major changes.
To develop leadership skills in our students necessary to shape the social, intellectual,
business and technical worlds.
The student will have the ability to apply knowledge of engineering, science and mathematics
to design and conduct experiments in the field of Aircraft Maintenance Engineering.
The students will have the ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired
needs and to function on multidisciplinary teams.
The students will become a professional engineer with all necessary skills, personality and
sound knowledge in basic and advance research areas.
Sl. No. Course Course Title L T P C TCH
1. PAM115 Project Work - Phase II 0 0 24 12 24
TOTAL 12 24
Total No. of Credits: 78
1. Ultrasonic Testing
2. Eddy current testing
3. Dye penetrant testing
4. Magnetic particle inspection on Airframe
5. Magnetic particle inspection on Aero Engines
6. Defectoscope
(For a batch of 30 students)
Sl. No Equipments Qty Experiments No.
1 Ultrasonic Testing 1 1
2 Eddy current testing 1 2
3 Dyepenetrant Testing 1 3
4 Magnetic Particle Inspection 1 4,5
5 Defectoscope 1 6
0 0 3 1
To train the students with "ON HAND" experience in maintenance of various air frame systems in
aircraft and rectification of common snags
The subject should enable the students to
1. Understand the aircraft jacking up procedure and its precaution.
2. Understand the various methods of aircraft levelling and its procedure.
3. Understand the various check to be carried out to ensure the alignment of control surfaces.
4. Know the procedure and precaution of aircraft symmetry check.
5. Understand the various test carried out on hydraulic system components to assess leakage
and blockage.
6. Know the procedure for carrying out the landing gear retraction test.
1. SUSHIL KUMAR SRIVASTAVA - "Industrial Maintenance Management", S.Chand & company
Ltd., NewDelhi-1998.
2. MANFRED WECK, H.BIBRING - "Hand Book of Machine Tools,Vol 3.", John Wiley &Sons.
1. Garg H.P, "Industrial Maintenance", S.Chand & company Ltd., NewDelhi-2000.