Review: Fibrinogen: Biochemistry, Epidemiology and Determinants
Review: Fibrinogen: Biochemistry, Epidemiology and Determinants
Review: Fibrinogen: Biochemistry, Epidemiology and Determinants
Plasma fibrinogen is an important component of the cholesterol lipoprotein(a) and leukocyte count. Con-
coagulation cascade, as well as a major determinant versely, it decreases with moderate alcohol intake,
of blood viscosity and blood flow. Increasing physical activity, increased high-density-lipoprotein
evidence from epidemiological studies suggests (HDL) cholesterol, and with hormone replacement
that elevated plasma fibrinogen levels are associated therapy (HRT).6–8
Address correspondence to Professor G.Y.H. Lip, Haemostasis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology Unit,
University Department of Medicine, City Hospital, Birmingham B18 7QH. e-mail: [email protected]
QJM vol. 96 no. 10 ! Association of Physicians 2003; all rights reserved.
712 S. Kamath and G.Y.H. Lip
the endothelial cells also mediates the adhesion resulting in the lipid core of atherosclerotic
of platelets. The interaction of fibrinogen and cells lesions.26 However, it cannot be overemphasized
expressing ICAM-1 is associated with cellular that many of these observations are only associa-
proliferation.20 tions, and a definite causal role for fibrinogen
Fibrinogen, on binding to its integrin receptor on cannot be fully demonstrated.
the surface of leukocytes also facilitates a chemo-
tactic response, thus playing a vital role in the Fibrinogen and thrombogenesis
process of inflammation.21 One of the proposed Thrombogenesis is regulated by a fine balance
mechanisms by which fibrinogen induces pro- between the coagulation and fibrinolytic pathways
inflammatory changes in leukocytes includes an (Figure 2). Subsequent to vessel wall trauma, tissue
increase in the free intracellular calcium and thromboplastin is released from the sub-endothe-
increased expression of neutrophil activation mar- lium. Tissue thromboplastin in turn triggers the
kers. These processes result in an increase in extrinsic pathway of coagulation by activating factor
phagocytosis, antibody-mediated leucocyte toxicity VII to VIIa. Contact of blood with the foreign surface
and delay in apoptosis.22 initiates the intrinsic pathway of coagulation, by
Fibrinogen is also involved in the facilitation of activating factor XII to XIIa, as well as platelets.
both cell–cell interaction and the interaction of Platelet aggregation, however, does not confer
cell and extracellular matrix such as collagen.13,23 adequate stability, and therefore activation of the
Thus, as explained above, fibrinogen is an important coagulation pathway is also necessary.
mediator of cell–cell interaction, adhesion and The final common pathway of the coagulation
inflammation. cascade involves the activation of factor X to Xa,
Finally, there is evidence that fibrinogen facilitates and the subsequent activation of prothrombin to
the biomaterial-provoked inflammatory response.24 thrombin. Thrombin, which is a protease enzyme,
Interaction with the biomaterial results in conforma- facilitates the cleavage of fibrinogen into fibrin
Figure 2. Interaction(s) between the coagulation system and fibrinolytic system. PL, phospholipid.
out). However, the latter tests do not provide Clauss method failed to correlate with the degree of
information about the coagulability (functional femoro-popliteal atherosclerosis (r ¼ 0.06), nephelo-
Without With
Study (reference) Method n CHD CHD p
Northwick Park Heart Study Gravimetry 1511 2.90 3.15 < 0.001
(Meade et al. 1986)
Framingham Spectrophotometry 1315 2.91
(Kannel et al. 1987)
Goteborg Spectrophotometry 792 3.30 3.56 < 0.001
(Wilhelmsen et al. 1984)
Leigh Nephelometry 297 3.13 3.92 < 0.001
(Stone et al. 1985)
PROCAM Clauss 2187 2.62 2.86 < 0.01
(Heinrich et al. 1991)
Copenhagen Gravimetry 438 2.73
(Moller et al. 1991)
Caerphilly Nephelometry 134 3.60
(Yarnell et al. 1985)
Speedwell Nephelometry 226 2.97 2.87 NS
(Baker et al. 1982) Clauss 223 4.02 4.39 < 0.01
Adapted from Dippel K. Fibrinogen; a cardiovascular risk factor. Boehringer Mannheim GmbH 1992, 1st edition.
GRIPS, Gottingen Risk, Incidence and Prevalence Study; IHD, Ischaemic Heart Disease; MI, myocardial infarction. Adapted
from reference 39.
716 S. Kamath and G.Y.H. Lip
cardiovascular event such as IHD or stroke is 1.8 to factor VII coagulant activity and fibrinogen
4.1 times higher in subjects with fibrinogen levels in were associated with increased IHD risk. Indeed,
the top third than in those with levels in the lower elevations of one standard deviation in factor VII
third.39 Preliminary evidence also suggests that activity, fibrinogen, and cholesterol were associated
reducing fibrinogen levels in patients with high with increases in the risk of an episode of IHD
baseline levels and coronary disease may be within 5 years of 62%, 84%, and 43%, respectively,
beneficial.39 demonstrating that the association between haemo-
A meta-analysis of the six prospective epidemio- static markers and IHD to be stronger than that
logical studies39 with samples representative of the for cholesterol.
general population, concluded that plasma fibrino-
gen was an independent cardiovascular risk factor, Gothenburg study
the results being uniform despite the diversity of
In a random sample of 792 men aged 54 years, MI
study designs, sample compositions, follow-ups and
occurred in 92 men, stroke in 37, and death from
end-point criteria. In this meta-analysis of 92 147
causes other than MI or stroke in 60 during 13.5
person-years experience, all prospective studies
years of follow-up.2 Plasma fibrinogen was an
showed that plasma fibrinogen was associated
independent risk factor for MI and stroke on
with subsequent myocardial infarction (MI) or
univariate analysis. On multivariate analysis,
stroke. The odds ratio for the events in the
plasma fibrinogen was still statistically significant
upper vs. lower tertile varied between 1.8 (95% CI
for stroke risk.
1.2–2.5) in the Framingham study and 4.1 (95% CI
2.3–6.9) in the Gottingen risk incidence and
prevalence study, with a summary odds ratio of Leigh General Practice Study
2.3 (95% CI 1.9–2.8). Furthermore, there was uni- In the Leigh General Practice Study,41 505 men
form, continuous increase in risk from the lowest to aged 40–69 years and free from IHD, diabetes and
highest tertile. Plasma fibrinogen was associated hypertension were recruited from one general
coronary events were observed, and the mean fibrinogen was an independent risk factor for the
plasma fibrinogen level of the ‘event group’ incidence of acute coronary events during the initial
exceeded that of the non-event group by 0.32 g/l. 5 years of follow-up, although this relationship was
The incidence of coronary events among men lost during the subsequent 5 years of follow-up.
within the upper tertile of plasma fibrinogen Similarly when adjusted for LDL, there was no
concentration was threefold higher than among significant association between plasma fibrinogen
men within the lower tertile. When fibrinogen and and the development of chronic coronary artery
LDL concentration were considered together, there disease without acute MI. This could partly be
was a graded and dramatic eightfold increase in attributed to the lack of reliable recommendations
8-year risk among men with both fibrinogen and for the elevated plasma fibrinogen levels, and
LDL cholesterol in the higher tertiles, when com- choosing different cut-off points.
pared to men with both of these parameters in
the lower tertile.
Determinants of plasma
Caerphilly and Speedwell studies
fibrinogen levels
The Caerphilly and Speedwell collaborative heart
disease studies45 were based on a combined cohort Plasma fibrinogen level is dependent upon both
of 4860 middle-aged men from the general popula- genetic and environmental factors.
tion. After a follow-up of 5.1 years in the Caerphilly
study and 3.2 years in the Speedwell study, 251 Genetic influences
major IHD events occurred. The age-adjusted The evidence suggests that plasma fibrinogen levels
relative odds of IHD for men in the top 20% of the are probably under substantial genetic control, as
distribution compared with the bottom 20% were genetic polymorphisms account for some 20–51%
4.1 for fibrinogen, 4.5 for viscosity, and 3.2 for white of variations in plasma fibrinogen levels.49,50 The
854G/A polymorphisms of the b fibrinogen gene intrinsic (genetic) factors (Table 3) rather than just
have a significant impact on the plasma fibrinogen the latter. For example, there is a dose-response
concentration. The 455G/A mutation in the effect between the number of cigarettes smoked and
promoter region of the b fibrinogen gene is one of plasma fibrinogen level, as well as an inverse
the strongest genetic variations, associated with an relationship with time since cessation of smoking.60
increase in plasma fibrinogen in both genders in the Moderate drinking may lower plasma fibrinogen
general population.55,58 concentration, and if fibrinogen is a causal risk
However, the results have been conflicting, and factor for cardiovascular disease, it may be one of
some studies have failed to demonstrate such the variables that explain the protective effect of
relationships between these genetic polymorphisms moderate alcohol consumption on cardiovascular
and plasma fibrinogen levels. For example, Connor disease.61
et al.59 found that plasma fibrinogen levels did not The observation of extrinsic influences on plasma
show any significant associations with the four fibrinogen levels suggests that elevated plasma
fibrinogen polymorphisms examined, at the a (TaqI), fibrinogen levels may be modifiable through appro-
b (BclI and HaeIII), and g (KpnI/SacI) fibrinogen priate lifestyle changes. Furthermore, there is
loci. Humphries et al.49 found that the individuals evidence that strategies that lower the cardiovascu-
with the genotype B1B1 had a mean fibrinogen of
2.74 g/l, while those with B2B2 had a mean plasma
Table 3 Factors influencing plasma fibrinogen levels
fibrinogen level of 3.69 g/l, a level previously
associated with a strongly increased risk of IHD.
Factors associated Factors associated
Those heterozygous for the two alleles, with the with raised fibrinogen with lower fibrinogen
genotype B1B2, had mean plasma fibrinogen levels
of 2.98 g/l. Advancing age Young age
Despite the recognition that plasma fibrinogen Female sex Male sex
Lee et al. 1990 4515 M, 4309 F 40–59 SBP: r ¼ 0.13 (M); r ¼ 0.01 (F)
Moller et al. 1991 439 M 51 SBP: NS in regression analysis
Lowe et al. 1992 477 M, 438 F 25–64 DBP: r ¼ 0.12 (M); r ¼ 0.14 (F)
SBP: r ¼ 0.2 (M); r ¼ 0.2 (F)
Smith et al. l992 1264 M and F 25–64 DBP: r ¼ 0.03 (M); r ¼ 0.07 (F)
SBP: r ¼ 0.02 (M); r ¼ 0.12 (F)
Folsom et al. 1993 1933 M, 2260 F 18–30
Fowkes et al. 1993 809 M, 783 F 55–74 DBP: r ¼ 0.23 (M); r ¼ 0.17 (F)
SBP: r ¼ 0.22 (M); r ¼ 0.09 (F)
Eliasson et al. 1994 776 M, 807 F 25–64 DBP: r ¼ 0.14 (M); r ¼ 0.23 (F)
SBP: r ¼ 0.17 (M); r ¼ 0.32 (F)
de Boever et al. 1995 745 M 35–59 DBP: r ¼ 0.09
SBP: r ¼ 0.12
Adapted from: Lee AJ. The role of rheological and haemostatic factors in hypertension. J Hum
Hypertens 1997; 11:767–76. r ¼ correlation coefficient.
Fibrinogen 719
Table 5 Interventions to decrease plasma fibrinogen ratio in both sexes.63,69,71 Indeed, plasma fibrinogen
levels level is significantly higher amongst patients with a
body mass index of > 30 kg/m2, compared to those
Beneficial Cessation of smoking with body mass index < 25 kg/m2,72 and rises with
Medication: fibrates, doxazosin higher quartiles of skin fold thickness.73
Moreover, weight reduction can reduce plasma
Moderate alcohol consumption
fibrinogen. For example, Ditschuneit et al.71
May be beneficial Weight loss
Lowering blood pressure reported that in patients who were extremely
Hormone replacement therapy overweight and had high plasma fibrinogen levels,
Not beneficial Statins a reduction in weight (mean SEM 20 3 kg)
correlated with a decrease in plasma fibrinogen
levels (0.33 0.1 g/l).
lar risk may also lower plasma fibrinogen levels.62 Surgical treatment of morbid obesity may have a
Nonetheless, whether these measures translate to long-term beneficial effect on mortality from cardio-
clinically relevant benefits remain uncertain, as the vascular and thromboembolic disease, as demon-
mediator(s) of the beneficial effects may be due to strated by the reduction of the decrease in
mechanisms (e.g. endothelial function, lipids, etc.), prothrombotic factors, including fibrinogen.74 In a
or combinations of mechanisms, other than the study by Primrose et al.74 haemostatic and fibrino-
reduction of plasma fibrinogen per se. Some of lytic factors were measured before and again 6 and
the more important extrinsic influences on plasma 12 months after surgery (vertical gastric stapling with
fibrinogen levels are discussed below. or without jejuno-ileal bypass) in 19 patients
suffering from morbid obesity. This resulted in a
Gender mean decrease in body weight of 64 kg at 12
The second World Health Organization MONItor- months, accompanied at 12 months by significant
reductions in median concentrations of serum
exercise raw data were corrected for the contraction through a beneficial effect on plasma fibrinogen
of plasma volume.76 However, the results reported levels.
from various studies have been conflicting, due to
differences in the populations studied, exercise Seasonal differences
protocols, testing procedures, and the analytical
Cardiovascular disorders, cerebrovascular disorders,
methods used for the assessment of plasma fibrino-
associated risk factors and mortality all show a
gen.77,78 Moreover, whether exercise-induced
seasonal variation, with a peak during winter
blood hypercoagulability in vitro corresponds to
season, especially among the elderly. Correspond-
in vivo thrombin generation and fibrin formation is
ingly, plasma fibrinogen levels show a seasonal
variation, with the peak in winter, both in normal
Acute exercise may cause a rise in plasma
healthy adults and in patients with cardiovascular
fibrinogen levels in patients with some vascular
disorders.86–90 For example, the Rotterdam Study
disease states. For example, in patients with chronic
found a seasonal difference of 0.34 g/l (95% CI
AF exercised to exhaustion, plasma fibrinogen rose
0.29–0.39) and the difference was more pro-
significantly within 20 minutes with a simultaneous
nounced in subjects aged 75 years or older.90
alteration in fibrinolytic activity (i.e., reduced PAI).79
In the latter group, the difference between winter
In another study, in patients with stable chronic
and the summer months ranged as high as 23%.87
heart failure exercised to exhaustion, plasma fibri-
Seasonal variation in plasma fibrinogen levels
nogen level increased significantly within 20
with a rise in winter could be due partly to the
minutes.80 These observations may contribute to
observed seasonal variations in the known vascular
the thromboembolic risk associated with these
risk factors, and partly to the factors described
disease states.
intermediary in the apparent link between H. pylori between OC use and smoking in their effects on
infection and coronary artery disease but once haemostatic variables, including fibrinogen.103 Con-
again, studies have yielded inconsistent results.96,97 versely, plasma fibrinogen level returns to normal on
The recent STAMINA (South Thames Trial of discontinuation of the OC pill, usually within about
Antibiotics in Myocardial Infarction and Unstable 3 months.104
Angina) study showed that although antibiotic Both the menopausal status and HRT have
treatment failed to reduce plasma fibrinogen independent effects on plasma fibrinogen levels.105
levels significantly, it significantly reduced adverse The increases in factor VIIC, fibrinogen, and
cardiac events in patients with acute coronary cholesterol levels with the menopause would
syndromes; however, the effect was independent increase the risk of fatal IHD in postmenopausal
of H. pylori or C. pneumoniae seropositivity.98 women by about 40%, compared with the risk
Furthermore, in a recent meta-analysis of all in premenopausal women of the same age.106
published prospective studies, C. pneumoniae anti- However, lower plasma viscosity and plasma
body titres were not predictive of CHD in the fibrinogen levels are found in women on HRT
general population.99 Therefore, the question of (both with oestrogen-progesterone combinations
whether these infections increase the cardiovascular and oestrogen monotherapy).107 Theoretically
risk and if so, whether fibrinogen is an intermediary, therefore, the use of HRT may exert a protective
is still far from clear. effect by reducing plasma fibrinogen levels.105
However, evidence for the influence of meno-
pause and/or HRT on plasma fibrinogen has not
Psychosocial factors
been unequivocal. For example, Conard et al.
Adult plasma fibrinogen concentration is deter- (1997) reported a significant increase in plasma
mined by various factors operating throughout life. fibrinogen levels with oral oestrogen HRT.108 More-
The available data suggest that the inverse relation over, the only study on the effect of HRT on
between socio-economic status and coronary artery haemostatic factors following surgical menopause
the risk of ischaemic heart disease. A substantial be considered in evaluating the relevance of
number of studies failed to find an association genetic variations on the risk of cardiovascular
between polymorphisms in the fibrinogen gene and disease.
cardiovascular risk.90,152–154 For example, van der Future directions require determination of the
Bom et al. found that the 455G/A polymorphism ‘critically elevated’ fibrinogen threshold value,
was associated with increased plasma fibrinogen development of drugs that would specifically and
levels, but not with an increased risk for MI. These safely decrease plasma fibrinogen levels and
findings indicate that an increased plasma fibrino- conduction of interventional trials to study the
gen level due to this genetic factor may not increase influence of lowering fibrinogen levels on overall
the risk for MI. Similarly, Doggen et al. found that cardiovascular risk profile. Meanwhile, plasma
the TaqI, HaeIII and BclI polymorphisms in the fibrinogen levels could potentially be considered
fibrinogen gene were not associated with MI.152 for screening programmes to identify people at high
Therefore, many questions remain unanswered. risk of vascular events, and attempts should be made
Does a particular genetic polymorphism predispose to strengthen the treatment of other risk factors in
to atherosclerotic disease? And if it does, is it these patient groups.
mediated through raised fibrinogen or some asso-
ciated mechanism? Some studies conducted on
twins suggest that the environment, rather than Acknowledgements
genetic influences could have a greater influence on
plasma fibrinogen levels.155 We acknowledge the support of the Peel Medical
Research Trust and the Sandwell & West Birming-
ham Hospitals NHS Trust Research and Develop-
ment programme for the Haemostasis Thrombosis
and Vascular Biology Unit. SK is supported by a
Conclusions non-promotional research fellowship from Sanofi-
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