Unusual Presentation of Recurrent Appendicitis - A Rare Case Report and Literature Review

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Yassin Malallah Tahir1, Mrudula Sudhakaran1*, Princy Ann Philip1, Ranya El-Amin1
1Department of Surgery, Thumbay Hospital, Ajman, UAE
*Presenting Author

Introduction: Chronic or recurrent appendicitis is a clinical entity in which a patient has chronic
pain originating from the appendix and inflammation may or may not accompany it. This condition
is categorized into chronic or recurrent appendicitis and appendiceal colic pain.
Case Presentation: A 46-year old male presented with complaints of intermittent abdominal pain
for six months. Tenderness in the right iliac fossa on deep palpation was present. Ultrasonography
showed an inflamed appendix with numerous adhesions and a large fecolith. He underwent
laparoscopic appendectomy. The specimen was 6 cm in length and 3 cm in diameter; an appendix
with a 3 cm diameter is rare. The histopathologic examination was consistent with recurrent
appendicitis with lymphoid hyperplasia.
Conclusion: Chronic appendicitis is a clinical entity distinct from acute appendicitis in clinical
presentation as well as histopathological appearances. Chronic appendicitis is diagnosed if a patient
has had symptoms for more than four weeks, histopathological examination findings from specimen
are typical, and the patient shows clinical improvement after the surgical removal of the appendix.
Ultrasonogram, barium enema, and computerized tomography can help in diagnosis. In our case, the
inflamed appendix had one of the largest diameters ever reported.
Keywords: Chronic/recurrent appendicitis, largest diameter, 3 cm diameter, dilated lumen
Citation: Tahir YM, Sudhakaran M, Philip PA, El-Amin R. Unusual presentation of recurrent
appendicitis – a rare case report and literature review. Gulf Medical Journal. 2016;5(S2):S39–S42.

INTRODUCTION higher lumen pressure, followed by the

Reginald Fitz was the first person to describe obstruction of lymphatic drainage. Bacterial
acute appendicitis in detail in 1889. Thereafter, invasion of the submucosa also occurs.
our knowledge of appendicitis has significantly Resolution can occur at this stage
evolved. spontaneously or after antibiotic therapy.
In acute appendicitis, the main factor Some patients with such features can
initiating the inflammatory sequence is luminal continue to have low-grade abdominal pain for
obstruction, which can occur due to fecoliths, several weeks and can develop a clinical entity
lymphoid hyperplasia, seeds of vegetables and termed chronic appendicitis1–4.
fruits, intestinal worms, viral infections Others can present with recurrent episodes
(particularly in children), and, in rare instances, of abdominal pain after a symptomless period
cancer (mostly in elderly population). of weeks or months. This condition is a distinct
Once obstruction occurs, mucus secretion clinical entity called recurrent appendicitis1, 4, 5.
and inflammatory exudates increase, leading to The severity of inflammation increases with
the level of obstruction. The luminal capacity of
Correspondence: Dr. Yassin Malallah Tahir a normal appendix is only 0.1 ml. As the
(FRCS), Department of Surgery, Thumbay distension continues after the multiplication of
Hospital, Ajman, UAE. Email: bacteria, it can result in reflex nausea and
[email protected] vomiting. The inflammation of serosa will cause

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pain in the abdomen to shift from the uneventful and the patient was discharged on
periumbilical region to the right iliac fossa. A the second postoperative day.
progressive invasion of bacteria can lead to the Histopathology Report
infarction and perforation of the appendix. This
The gross and microscopic examinations are
sequence of events causes acute symptomatic
consistent with the diagnosis of recurrent
presentation and this is the most common
appendicitis with lymphoid hyperplasia.
presentation of appendicitis, known as acute
Figure 1. Histopathology report
appendicitis. This is usually managed by
emergency appendectomy.
Chronic or recurrent appendicitis is also
eventually managed with appendectomy and the
diagnosis is made retrospectively after the
histopathological evaluation of the specimen
and symptomatic relief after appendectomy1, 3–6.

A 46-year old male with no known
comorbidities presented to the internal
medicine physician with recurrent lower Figure 2. Laparoscopic photo: arrows – distended
abdominal pain (three episodes in the last six appendix
months). On examination, a left iliac fossa mass
was noticed, and the patient was advised to
undergo colonoscopic evaluation. Colonoscopy
showed external pressure on the descending
colon. Moreover, umbilical herniation was
present. Ultrasonography revealed a right iliac
fossa mass and suggested a CT scan evaluation
for the diagnosis. The CT scan showed a
markedly distended appendix with a maximum
diameter of 24 mm and a large rounded
calcified shadow within measuring 20 × 18 mm,
suggestive of a calcified appendicolith. Subtle
haziness in the surrounding fat planes was
Figure 3. Laparoscopic photo (large arrows: distended
observed. A reactionary abdominal lymph node
end of appendix; small arrows: base of appendix)
enlargement was noted. A surgical consultation
of the case was done for further management.
All routine blood investigations were
The patient underwent laparoscopic
appendectomy under general anesthesia. Per-
operative findings include an inflamed and a
bloated appendix, round at the tip and 30 mm
in diameter. There were numerous hard
adhesions between the mesoappendix and the
left mesocolon as well as hard adhesions
between the tip of the appendix and the
mesocolon. The postoperative period was

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Figure 4. Laparoscopic photo (large arrows: appendix The exact etiology is unknown, but it is
inside endobag; small arrows: endobag) believed that recurrent appendicitis results from
the transient obstruction of the lumen, while
chronic appendicitis occurs due to the
continuous partial obstruction of the lumen3, 6, 7.
The causes of obstruction in the lumen include
fecolith, lymphoid hyperplasia, tumors, foreign
bodies, luminal secretions, and appendiceal
folding6, 7.
Pathological examination usually reveals
chronic inflammation with aggravation and
infiltration of lymphocytic and eosinophilic
accumulation, granulomatous reaction, fibrosis,
and, sometimes, foreign body giant cell
reaction6, 7. The patients with carcinoma have
pathological changes consistent with carcinoma.
Imaging modalities used to diagnose
DISCUSSION chronic or recurrent appendicitis include: 1)
Acute appendicitis is a common cause of barium enema, which can reveal
emergency operations. The appendiceal lumen partial/nonfilling of lumen; 2) ultrasonography,
becomes obstructed and, therefore, the which can show a dilated, noncompressible
appendix distends and becomes inflamed. In appendix more than 6 mm in diameter with or
some cases, this over-distended wall can without associated fecolith or abscess
perforate and the inflammation can spread formation; and 3) CT scan, which can reveal a
through the peritoneum. In other cases, there is dilated appendix with periappendiceal fat
formation of phlegm on which adhesions are stranding, appendiceal wall thickening and
held among the peripheral tissue6, 7. surrounding edema, calcified appendoliths,
Acute appendicitis usually presents within abscess, phlegmon, and inguinal
48 hours of periumbilical pain localized to the lymphadenopathy 9–12. The accuracy of a CT
right iliac fossa. This will be accompanied by scan in diagnosing appendicitis is 93–98%6, 7.
fever, nausea, vomiting, abdominal guarding, In our case, the patient had three episodes
and rebound tenderness. The complete blood of moderate abdominal pain over six months.
count will increase, with neutrophils being His routine blood reports were normal.
predominant. The diagnosis is usually based on Colonoscopy showed external pressure. The CT
clinical history, examination, laboratory scan revealed a markedly enlarged appendix
investigations, and imaging modalities (such as with an appendicolith inside and reactionary
ultrasonogram and CT scan of abdomen) 6–11. lymphnode enlargement6–8, 13. His
Typically, acute appendicitis is managed histopathology reports were consistent with a
with the surgical removal of the inflamed diagnosis of recurrent appendicitis with
appendix through laparotomy or laparoscopy. lymphoid hyperplasia14. The diameter of the
In some cases, patients experience one or appendix was 3 cm; an inflamed appendix with
several episodes of acute appendicitis lasting 1– a diameter more than 2.5 cm is rare9, 10–12.
2 days, which subsides by itself; this is termed
as recurrent appendicitis1, 4–6. Chronic
appendicitis presents as continuous, less intense Based on the literature review, our case is an
abdominal pain, which may last weeks or example of recurrent appendicitis with an
months or even years1–4. appendiceal diameter of 3 cm, a rare

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