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Project name – Case study of use of continues miner

1) Abstract :- As the demand of coal is increasing with the requirement of energy

in India. It is time to Enhance the production of coal so that the

requirement of the coal in country is made up. The situation

attract the use of mass production technology under which

continuous miner plays vital role in recent days the use of C.M. is

increasing with better performance.

In the study I have to tried to study the scope and exiting

Performance of C.M. at Vindhya mine of johilla area S.E.C.L.

The continuous miner technology in bord piller mining is the best

option which does not required virgin areas, where development

has already been done since bord and piller system is well

proven technology in india this technology help in achieving high

production and faster rate of extraction with safety in coal India

continuous miner is used for development in jhanjara very

successfully depillaring Of developed bord piller is tried

successfully in different mines in johilla area , bhatgaon area ,

chirimiri area, hasdev area , baikuntpur area , in bisharampur

area it is plan to be used .

2) Introduction - Coal production in India mines at present is about 80% of

from open cost mine at present is about 80% grow open

cost mine – but the easy and opencast mine are on the

Berge of depletion. Less than 20% of coal its being mined

from underground mines only. It is time to think for mass

technology it is time to think for mass technology

introduction is underground mines so that cost of

production, productivity. Profitability and safety in mate of

which increasing demand supply gap of coal in India. Indian

coal industries in world third largest in term of reserves

around 70% of total coal production is used for electricity

generation and the remaining by steel, cement and other

heavy industries.

2.1) Introduction :- coal seam can be mined by underground methods and surface

mining method depending on stripping ratio and coal mining

cost of underground mining. The factories :-

 Thickness of seam

 Dip of seam

 Depth of occurance

 The ratio of OB to coal (Stripping Ratio)

There are two basic methods of underground coal mining

methods They are:

1- Bord & pillar method

2- Long wall mining method.

In India, about 90% of underground output of coal is obtained by bord and pillar

method and basely 2% by longwall method, the other countries where bord and

pillar method predominates are Australia, USA and South Africa.

2.2) Bord and Pillar Method :- The Bord & pillar method of mining coal seams involve

the driving of a series of narrow headings in the seam

parallel to each other and connected by cross handing

so as to from pillar for subsequent extraction. Ideally,

the pillar should be square but they are sometimes

rectangular or of rhombus shape and the galleries

surrounding the pillars are invariably of square cross –


The bord and pillar method of mining suite to

coal seam of 1.8 - 3M thickness. In seams with

gradients more than 1 in 4. And depth range less than

300m. However, in India some cases depth of mining

for B&P method has been around 600m. Sometimes,

low strength of coal limits depth to which B&P mining

can be done.

2.3) Longwall method & mining:- The high productivity and production associated

with long wall method of mining has made this

method the most popular method of mining. The

current trends towards adopting this method of


The long wall method of mining coal

involves the extraction of the panel of coal to be

worked by advancing the face forward on a wide

front leaving behind the roadways serving it

which are supported by packs of stone or other

pickings in the area of extraction. This method

can be employed almost in all geological

condition, though it is eminently tufted for

working thinner seam ie. Seams up to 0.3 – 0.35

m thickness have been worked by this method. It

is also desirable that thick seams more than

4.8ml be worked by this method in slice of 2 to

3m. It is also suitable for gassy seams or seam

prone to spontaneous heating.

2.4) Productivity:- Traditionally, the output per man shift measured in terms of

tonnes in coal mines in India, has been low when compared to

other major coal producing nations. The underground OMS is

hovering around 0.7t.

2.5) Objective of Use of CM :- The continuous miner is used for the different type of

work such as development and depillaring.

1) Development of coal pillars

2) Extraction of coal pillars

3) High production without blasting work.

4) More profit or capital.

 Applicability:- Suitable condition for CM:- Through equipments are

manufactured to suit wide range of conditions-

Seam thickness - 1.8M – 5.0m

Seam Gradient - lin8 or flatter

Floor Rocks - Hard and dry floor

Roof Conditions - Bad roof conditions R.M.R. – 20 – 40

The groining and socio economic conditions in some of

the developed countries are much different than ours. Target

for the productivity should be based on the prevailing

conditions, Optimizing level of mechanization. Automation,

cost consideration, constraints or continued availability for

imported item etc. There is a need for benchmarking

productivity targets for mining operations.

2) Methodology: – Continuous miner is used for development of gallery as well

as successfully used for depillaring of developed B & P panel.

A) Development by continuous miner:- In the development by

continuous miner is used in the following way –

1- The face no 1 shown in figure is cut by CM (1st phase of

3.5M) then it to face 2 when it cuts the 2nd phase of (6.0m


2- In this technology, mining takes by “Place changing system”.

3- Five heading panel is optimum, gallery width should be minimum


4- The continuous miner cuts and load coal to shuttle car at a place.

For developing fuel width of gallery, CM cuts in two passes at a


5- The shuttle car hauls the load to the feeder breaker.

6- After completing a cut of desired length, the CM moves out of the

place and the roof bolter moves in for roof bolting. Resin capsule

is used.

7- Same sequence of operation is repeated at another ‘Place’.

3.1 Overall working of bord and pillar method of mining using CM:-

The bord and pillar method of mining is the older and traditional method of

underground coal mining method. Cross - cuts, connecting the rooms are also

mined leaving pillars of coal for supports. The rooms typically about 20 feet wide

and height consistent with that of the seam.

Development:- In case of bord & pillar, two sets of galleries, one

normally perpendicular to the other, are driven forming

pillar between them of size that currently depends on

depth size (Width) of galleries. The ultimate method of

pillar extraction presently does not influence shape and

size of pillar. However, the ultimate method of pillar

extraction should also be taken in to consideration

while forming these pillars. This is one of important

factors for deciding the size and shape of pillar. In the

present scene of underground mine development by

bord and pillars are being formed of size dictated only

by depth and width of galleries under the coal mine


Support System During Development:- Considering that roof falls causes

the largest number of mine accidents, it was decided a

few years ago to support a 9m length of a gallery

immediately out bye of the working face. These

supports may be temporary or permanent nature of

temporary they can be replacement by permanent

supports. Now, mine management have to necessarily

prepare support plans for the mine as a whole.

Roof bolting as the sole system of support has

been accepted by directorate of mine safety for mine

development galleries. Conventional supports in

depillaring areas can be reduced if roof bolts are also

used. Shift able hydraulic roof bolting machines are

being popular.
Depillaring:- After pillars have been formed on the bord and pillar

system. Consideration has to be given to extraction of coal

pillars, the operation is known as pillar extraction or


There are different method of pillar extraction or

depillaring currently in India fish & tail method or fender

method is being followed for depillaring most of the fish and

tail method widely used in Indian coal mines.

Depillaring with stowing is a method of pillar extraction

in which the goof is completely packed with incombustible

material and generally plasticized where it is necessary to

keep the surface and strata above the seam intact after

extraction of coal.

Factory affecting production capacity of the system:-

The continuous miner system has got enormous

capacity is deployment is done at suitable place. However

following factors which influence the production capacity of

mining system are as below:-

1- Seam Thickness

2- Gallery Width

3- Roof Condition

4- Pillar Size

5- Cut out Distance

Method of extraction of depillaring :-

Method of extraction to be followed in continuous miner panel No. CM 1A

of L1 – B seam at Vindhya Mine of S.E.C.L.-

1- Coal will be extracted mechanically with the help of remote

operated continuous miner and diesel operated coal

haulers combinations.

2- The manner of extraction shall be as indicated in the plan

with application.

3- Bottom most level, shall be used for drainage purpose.

4- Each pillar shall be widened up to 6.5 m along level and dip


5- Each pillar so formed after widening (bottom most pillar)

shall be extracted by driving rise slice at an angle of about

450 from dip to rise with respect to the centre line of


6- While extracting the coal by slice from the pillar, a stump

of coal of 2.5M x 3.6M shall be left against the goof after

driving 4 slices. Out of 4 slices, 3 slices shall be not more

than 3.5m width and the last slice shall be 1.7 width.

7- While extracting the coall from remant pillar by slices

alternatively on dip and rise sides of upper level gallery at

an angle of 450 , 2 Nos triangle stumps of coal 2.5m x 3.6 m

shall be left against the goof . Out of 8slices, 6 slices shall be

not more than 3.5m width and last 25 slice shall be 1.7 m

width and also the stumps of rhombus shape will be left

out in mid of pillar under extraction.

8- From the left out of out by stump against the original dip

galleries a pair of slice each 3.5m width shall be taken with

respect to the centre line of the original dip galleries.

9- The stumps left as above shall be judiciously reduced

subject to the condition.

10- The maximum cut out distance in slice shall not exceed


11- Extraction of pillars shall commence from the dip and

proceed systematically to the rise side maintaining a

straight line of extraction as shown in the enclosed plan.

A) Geological Parameters:-

 Geological condition changes.

 Sometimes roof is soft and floor is hard.

 Has usually hard top or soft bottom been encountered.

 Has the seam pinched or started to slope.

 Have the ribs becomes unstable.

 Sulfur and other irregularities in the coal.

 The section unusually wet.

 There been more dust than usual.

 High methane presence.

B) Maintenances: -

 Have any repairs been made to the continuous mining machines.

 Are there any indications that repairs are going to be needed in the

near future.

 What is the condition of cutting bits.

 Have any breaker been tripping.

 Check any spices made in the power cable.

 Check the charge on the battery in the miners remote control units.
a) Pre shift inspections

 Inspect the cable for wear or cuts.

 Empty the dust bin.

 Inspect the cutting bits.

b) Obtains supplies and equipment

 Before starting the shift gather your personal protective equipment

and any other safety devices you will need.

c) Personal protective equipment (properly filed)

 Self contained self rescuer (SCSR)

 Steel toed shoes with metatarsal protection.

 Mine belt

 Safety gases.

 Hard hat

 Respirator

 Hearing protection

 Reflective clothing as required

 Gloves with finger protection (optional)

 Coveralls (optional)

 Personal dust monitor (optional)

d) Gas detection Equipment:-

 Methane, Carbon, monoxides, Oxygen, Nitrogen dioxide detector.

 Anemometer.

Our project team was gone to Vindhya mains in johilla area

SECL for success of our project. I seen continuous miner and

much other machinery like shuttle car and collected the data

of continuous miner, mines and other machine, etc.

 Case study of Vindhya U/G Mine :-

 Name of mine - Vindhya U/G mine

 Year of start development - 1993

 Year of start production - 1995

 Lease are (Surface ) - 489.096 Ha.

 Mining lease area - 654.408 Ha.

 Location of mine - Johilla area unaria District


This is Vindhya mine of Johilla area S.E.C.L. It is located 15KM south

west of Nowrozabad railway station and about 10KM west of Nowrozabad

township in district umaria M.P. The mine is belonging to pinoura

geological block.

 Postal address - P.O. - Pinoura

P.S./Tah - Nowrozabad

Distt - Umaria

Pin - 484555

 Geological reserve - 18.08 MT

 Minable Reserve - 16.08 MT.

 Balance Reserve as on 01/12/2017

Virgin - 0.05MT

ON Pillar - 4.524 MT

Total - 4.574MT

 Grade - G-6

 Balance life of mine - 10 Years.

 Total Production of CM from Aug/2017 to Feb /2018 -

420000 te.

 Deployment of CM - 10/08/2017

Incident :- There was no incident yet.

Equipment under CM Package:-

A) Continuous Miner (Remote Control) – 1 No.

 Make - Bucyrus (Caterpillar)

 Model - 30M4NP

 Cutting Height Range - 4.62 (Max.)

 Cutter drum dia - 1.117M

 Length of Machine - 11.28M.

 Height of Machine - 1.830M.

 Width of Machine - 3.18M.

 Loading Capacity - 11 to 27 Te/Min.

 Operating Voltage - 1.1KV.

B) Diesel Ram Car :-

 Make - Bucyrus (Caterpillar)

 Model - FBR – 15

 Pay load capacity - 14 Te (Max – 17Te)

 Power - 171.5KW

 Length of Machine - 11.19 KW

 Width of Machine - 3.30 M.

 Height of machine - 1.75M to 2.0m

C) Twin Roof Bolter :-

 Make - Fletcher

 Model - CDDR

 Operating Voltage - 1.1 KV, Tyre Mounted

 Operating Mining HT. - 2.1m -5m

 Unill Hole Size - 25.40 to 52mm

 Length of machine - 7.3m.

 RPM - 500

 Capacity - 2 bolts as 2.4m in 5min,max

 cap. 1 - Bolt in 1,5 min.

D) Feeder Breaker :-

 Make - Bucyrus

 Model - 7MFBH-48

 Operating Voltage - 11.1KV,Crawler Mounted

 Capacity - 1050 Te/Hr

 Input Size - 607mm x 914mm x 1212mm

 Output Size - 203mm in one dimension

 Length of machine - 10.528m

 Hopper size - 12.46m3

 Performa For Application To Extract Or Reduce Pillars Under Regulation 100

(1) :-

1.0 Name Of The Mine Vindhya U/G Mine

2.0 Name Of Owner Shri P.K. Sinha

(Nominated Owner)

3.0 Particulars of the seam:

3.1 Name Of The seam proposed to be L.1B Seam


3.2 Total Thickness of the seam 2.08 mtr to 5.62 mtr.

3.3 Rate Of Dip 1.in13

5.0 Particulars of the working to be depillared :-

5.1 Max.andmin. height and width of the Height(m) Width(m)

working Max. Min Max Min

3.0 2.5 6.0 4.20

5.2 Average height and width of working Height:2.80m

Width: 4.80m

5.3 Maximum and minimum size of pillars Max. – 26m x 25m

( Centre To Centre) Min - 25m x 25m.

5.4 Average size of pillar 26.m x 25m

5.5 Age of working

5.6 Nature of Roof and Floor Roof: sally sand stone

Floor: Sand stone

5.7 Are the working dry/damp/naturally wet Dry

5.8 Is there any history of fire in the seam in the Yes

same mine or the adjoining mines.

6.0 Proposed method of extraction vise: Pillar extraction by fish tail

a) 1- Conventional depillaring with depillaring method by with

slicing /stook method deployment of CM, flame

2- Splitting of pillar as final operation proof diesel powered

b) With/without hydraulic/dry stowing rubber tired coal Haulers’

with sand/other material or by any and utility vehicles.

method like hydraulic mining.


7.0 Air Blast : The roof is easily capable.

a) Is the roof easily capable?

b) Is there any danger of air blast? No

8.0 Surface features VIZ, Lying above and within

45M of the prop9osed area (Please give


i) Railway Nil

ii) Public/Private Road Nil

iii) River, Nullah or any other course, Lenghi Nullah – West

tang or reservoir. Datilla Nullah – East

iv) H.T. Transmission line (State

whether belonging to the owner or 3.3 KV lines

any other party)

v) Arial Ropeway Nil

vi) Anyother structure/features Nil

9.0 Danger of Inundation :

a) Surface Water No

b) Underground workings No

9.1 What precautionary measure are suggested Not applicable

to prevent the danger of inundation, if any

10.0 Danger from fire: Yes (Near about

Where there is fire either in the overlaying July/August 2016

or underlying seam/section, or on surface.

11.0 Details Of Ventilation; Exhaust Fan

a) Whether ventilation is exhaust or

forcing type

b) Fan Capacity and water gauge 7800 m3/min . 85

c) Quantity of air Reaching the District 2500 m3/ min.

12.0 Danger Of Premature Collapse ;

In the same seam -NO-

13.0 Incubation Period ;

13.1 What Are The Crossing And Ignition Ignition point : 155’C

Point Temperature of the cool seem to (Withier) Crossing Point;

be depillared 144’C

13.2 What is the known or expected Nine Month(9)

incubation period of the seam?

13.3 i) Percentage of extraction archived

earlier in similar panel (excluding

barrier) No

ii) expected % of extraction in panel

80% - 85%


This safety policy, which is applicable to and enforced at Vindhya Colliery is as follows:-

1. Safety policy of the company

2. Operations and systems will be planned and designed to eliminate or materially

reduce mining hazards.

3. Implement statutory rules and regulations and strenuous efforts made for

achieving superior standards of safety.

4. To bring about improvement in working conditions by suitable changes in


5. Provide material and monetary resources needed for the smooth and efficient

execution of Safety Plans.

6. Deploy safety personnel wholly for accidents for accident prevention work.

7. Organize appropriate forums with employees representatives for joint

consultation on safety matters and secure their motivation and commitment in

safety management.

8. Prepare annual safety plan and long term safety plan at beginning of every

calendar year, unit- wise and for the company, to effect improved safety in

operations as per respective geo mining needs to prepare the units for onset of

monsoon, to fulfill implementation of decisions by committee on safety in mines

and safety conferences and to take measures for overcoming accident proneness

as may be reflected through study of accident analysis, keeping priority in

sensitive areas of roof- falls haulage, explosives, machinery etc.

9. Set up a frame wok for execution of the safety policy and plans through the

general managers of areas, agents, manager and other safety personnel of the


10. Multi-level monitoring of the implementation of the safety plans through internal

safety organization at the company headquarters and area safety officers at area


11. All senior executives at all levels of management will continue to inculcate a

safety consciousness and develop involvement in practicing safety towards

accident prevention in their functioning.

Systematic Support of Vindhya Mine

Systematic support rules to be implemented in panel:-

These rules will be applied for the extractions of pillar in

panel L1-B team at Vindhya mine of S.E.C.L. with

continuous miner and diesel operated coal haulers

combination under regulation.

1. Support of widened galleries:- The 4.8m gallery which shall be widened

to 6.5m shall be supported with 1.8m long resin with full

column grouted steel bolts at the widened portion in such

a manner that the distance between 2 adjacent bolts in

not more than 1 m and that between the now is not more

than 1.2M. The distance between the side pillar & the

nearest bolt shall not be more than 0.3m.

2. Good edge (Breaker line) supports:-

a) All the good edges shall be supported by two rows of

non retractable.

2.1m long resin with full column grouted steel roof bolt

with W straps. The distance b/w the two adjacent rows of

roof bolts and that between two adjacent bolts in a row

shall not be more than 0.1m such rows of roof bolts shall

be installed in between the two rows of roof bolts already

installed in the gallery, such good edge supports shall be

provided at all the sides of the junction.

3. Additional support of junction:- Every junction shall b e additionally

supported with four no. of 1.8m with full column grouted

resin bolts at spacing of 1m between bolts and rows as


4. Support at geological disturbances places:- At geologically disturbed

places, the roof shall be additionally supported by roof

bolts of 2.1 m length with W-Straps , if required.

A row of 2.1 m with full column grouted resin roof bolts

will be installed on both sides of the slip or disturbance,

positioned 0.6m groom the slip and spaced not more than

1.2m long the length of the slip.

5. Duties of officials and competent persons:- Where the continuous miner

is sun and production will be increase at day by day; some

duties of competent person by day; some duties of

competent person and responsibilities also given as


1- Under manager:-

1) Shall insure the continuous miner operator does not move the


2) He maintained in good and visible condition before starting the

production work.

3) Shall ensure adequate availability of good roof supports and

ensure proper storage and usage of bolting consumables.

2- Overman:-

1) Shall ensure that machine does not move or cut beyond 11.4 from

the last line of roof bolt.

2) He shall be ensure that the SSR is follow in roof bolting before CM in


3- Mining sirdar:-

1) He shall personally ensure that temporary support must be set

before drilling of hole in the roof.

2) He ensure that the installed roof bolts are properly tightening.

3) He shall ensure that support of area as per SSP of the mine.

4- Continuous operator:-

1) Before starting the operating he checked the continuous machine

and remote control also.

2) He shall obey the instruction from his supervisors.

3) He shall not allowed the any person to move in the face beyond the

last line of roof bolts with including him.

5- Continuous miner section incharges:-

1) He shall ensure that the consumable for roof bolting is available in

adequate quantity in underground store.

2) All consumable sent to underground store are proper quality. He

checked that.

D.G.M.S. Permission:- Before starting the depillaring operation or pillar

extraction take permission from the D.G.M.S. submit the section plan and mention

the all details like.

before start the operations.

A/c the regulation take some precaution against danger.

1) General precaution against spontaneous heating:-

A/c to CMR 2017. Regulation No. - 137. The following precaution shall be taken

against danger o f spontaneous heating-

1) Where removal of fallen coal out of the mine not practicable , the area shall be

effectively sealed off.

2) A panel shall; be isolated by adequate stopping as soon as it has goaved out.

3) Shale or other carbonaceous material shall not be used in construction of fire

dams or stopping’s.

4) No coal, shale or other carbonaceous material shall be left or stacked below


5) The seam section shall be worked in panels having independent ventilation is

such a manner that it is possible to isolate one from another easily when


2) General precaution against fire:-

A/c to CMR 2017. Regulation No. - 134. following precaution shall be taken -

1) No oil, grease, canuas or other inflammable material shall be stored in any

mine except in fire proof.

2) Greasy or oily waste in workings below ground shall be regularly removed to

the surface.

3) Adequate and sufficient arrangements shall be made in every mine for ear5ly

detection, control and extinguishing any fire.

4) The owner, gent and manager of every mine shll take measures and

precautions appropriate to the nature of a mine operation to prevent detect

and combat the start and spread of mine fires.

 Advancement of continuous miner:-

i) Continuous miner in as old 1930 in India.

ii) Depending is situation and mining condition there what improvement in


iii) The present machine used is Indian machine commonly is “Continuous

miner with quad bolter machine has certain sort coming which was

removed by making two in continuous with bolter.

As for production and depending on condition and machine is to.

Improved to made computable fulfill the requirement and situations.

In the next five year it is useful machine to have more production of

coal in India and other mining are as.

 Advancement of continuous miner:-

i) Be able to cut the full face in one pass.

ii) BE easily movable between locations without dismantling the parts of CM.

iii) Be able to excavate right angle turns with a minimum radius.

iv) Have roof and rib blotters fixed to the machine in a location where each

row of the designed support pattern can be installed without moving the

mine and be installed close to the cut face it necessary.

v) Allow strata supports to be safely installed while coal cutting continues.

Result :-

i) Continuous miner is successful in Indian condition particularly in coal.

ii) It is tried in opencast as surface miner improvised version.

iii) In use of continuous miner-

a) Production rate will be high.

b) Safety is maximum

c) Coal sizing is done at the production site.


THE DBT 30M47-NP (NARROW PROFILE) type continuous Miner has been

specifically designed for high performance in hard cutting conditions, high seams

and narrow roadway width.

The key technical specifications of the DBT30M4-NP Continuous miner offered to

singareni Collieries Company Limited are :-

Operating Dimensions

Maximum Mining Height 4660 mm (With 350 mm Ground Clearance & 1168 mm


Zero Cutting Clearance 2074 mm (With 350 mm Ground Clearance & 1168 mm


Ground Clearance 350 mm (Fixed)

Length Rear Bumper to 8146 mm (With 46” Cutting Drum & Single Exhaust)


Transport Dimensions

Height 1836 mm (With 4.8 CU M/S Dust Collector & Dual Inlet

Overall Length 11286 mm (With 1168 mm Cutting Drum)

Main Frame Width 3175 mm (Without cutter Head & Gathering Pan)

Weight (Total) 65 Tonnes

Cutting Unit

Cutting Drum Diameter 1168 mm

Cutting Drum Width 3505 mm

Cutting Head Power 2 x 186 kW continuous Rating / 2 X 210 kW 1 hr Rating

Loading Unit

Loading Method 3Arm Replaceable Tip Circular Loading Arm (CLA)/62


Conveyor / CLA Power 2x186 kW Continuous Rating / 2 x 210 kW 1hr Rating

Gathering Pan Width 3346 mm

Loading Capacity 15 to 27 tonnes per minute

Conveyor Speed 145 m/min

Conveyor Depth 305 mm

Conveyor Width 762 mm

Traction Units

Crawler Chain Width 560 mm

Ground Pressure 205 kPa

Traction Power 2x37 KW DC Continuous Rating / 2 X 56 LW DC 1 hr


Crawler Speed 0 to 20 m/min

Electrical System

Machine Voltage 1140VAC @ 50Hz - ± 10%

Electrical Permissibility DGMS Approved

Control System DBT Radio Remote Control System & Umbilical Cord


Hydraulic System

Horse Power on Hydraulic Pump

Hydraulic Pump Unit

Dust Suppression

Scrubber Type & Capacity

Scrubber Power

Total Installed Power 599 kW Continuous Rating /711 kW 1 hr


Note : Information based on DBT 30M4-NP General Arrangement Drawing

Nc. 0802-001-30-00/SCCL DEH Jan 06

Other Features

Single Axial Fan, 4.8 m3/s Wet Bed Scrubber, Dual Inlet Support Frame Crossover Hood,

Single L/H Discharge

Hydraulic Oil Reservoir: Venturi type Auto – Fill

DGMS Approved / MCI Quartz Halogen Machine Lighting System

Tralling Cable Entry, right rear of machine with junction Box

Zoned Machine Lubrication System : (JIC Hoses and Fittings)

Motors : Button type Grease Zero (Manual Fill)

Uni-Directional Dust Suppression System Piping (JIC Water Hoses and Fittings)

3140mm Conveyor Overhang

230mm Weld on Conveyor Sideboards

Cincinnati Conveyor Chain, 69.85mm pitch, 279.4mm spacing, 2.45 m/s chain speed

Hydraulic Auto-Tensioning System for Conveyor chain take-up

Grease Cylinder with Shim pack Crawler chain Take-up

1168 mm Diameter Cutting Drum (76mm Double Scroll, Balanced Lacing with J-30mm

Bit Blocks and Press Fit Sleeves)

2.219m Minimum Mining Height required (With 350mm Ground Clearance & 1168mm

Diameter Drums)

Abrasive resistant plate (320 BNH) for conveyor deck

Abrasive resistant plate (320BNH) for gathering head deck

DBT Standard Radio Remote Control with Display and Fault Logging

DGMS Approved Methane Monitor, Single Readout Display

Grouser Style: Chevrons (\ /)

d) loading and transportation is also favorable.

iv) The mining done by continuous miner use provided as the production which may

mitigate the requirement of nation demand.

iv) Hence in all favorable condition of mining it is beneficial to se continuous

miner will its accessories.

v) Roof / Strata is also scientific.

vi) Gas monitoring and dust control is also done simultaneously.

DBT FBR15 Ramcar Load Chart

Conclusion:- A bolter miner is a single pass machine which cuts one

entry width while simatanesouly bolting the roof. On

the other hand, continuous miner is engineered for

multiple passes and cuts many different entry widths.

BE able to cut the full face in one pass.

 Be easily movable between location without dismantling


 Be able to excavate right angle runs with a minimum radius.

 Have roof and rib bolter fixed to the machine in a location

where each row of the designed support pattern can be

installed without moving the miner and be installed close to

the cut face necessary.

 Have adequate space along side to allow good ventilation of

the face area for efficient removed of gas and dust.

 Allow strata supports to be safety installed while coal cutting


Hence a continuous miner is a more productive option

to cut several entries in parallel.


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