Grouted anchors are often used to connect steel structures and Post-installed anchors
microwave towers to concrete foundations. However, very little Advances in carbide-tipped bits and rotary hammer drills
research has been done on the behaviour of such anchors and have made many new anchors practical because they can
the codes of practices do not provide methods to check the now be post-installed in hardened concrete. There are two
adequacy of such connections. The paper presents a brief review types of post-installed anchors: mechanical and bonded.
on the topic with a discussion on suggested behaviour models.
Also, the results of 229 tests conducted on both headed and un- Mechanical anchors
headed anchors (installed using six cementitious and three Post-installed mechanical anchors, which function on the
polymer grouts) at the University of Florida are compared principles of keying and friction, include undercut, heavy-
with those of the analytical models suggested in the literature duty sleeve, torque controlled expansion and deformation
and a suitable model is suggested for the use of designers. controlled expansion anchors. These anchors loaded in
More tests are necessary to predict the shear and combined tension, apply reaction forces to the concrete at the expansion
shear and tension behaviour of grouted anchors. mechanism, usually near the end of the embedded part of
the anchor. Failures typically occur when the anchor pulls
out a cone of concrete, or slips out of the hole or simply
Fastening systems in the form of anchor bolts are usually breaks in response to the failure of the steel1.
used for connecting steel microwave towers or industrial
steel structures to the concrete foundation through base
plates, Fig 1. These fastening systems can be classified into
cast-in-place systems and post-installed systems 1. Cast-in-
place systems are placed in the formwork before casting of
the concrete, while post-installed systems are incorporated
in hardened concrete. Advancements in drilling technology
have resulted in reliable post-installed systems. Due to their
ease in installation, post-installed anchors are used increasingly
in new construction, as well as repair and retrofit projects.
Bonded adhesive anchors If an end anchorage is provided, the shank may be either
bonded, Fig 3(a) or bonded, Fig 3(b). De-bonded anchors
Post-installed bonded anchors can be classified as adhesive
prelude tension load transfer near the concrete surface. De-
or grouted depending on the bonding agent, anchor type,
bonding is normally achieved by means of a thin sleeve,
and hole dimensions, Fig 2. These types of anchors can be
which prevents the resin from contacting the rod. Grouted
installed with or without a head at the embedded end.
anchors transfer tension loads to the base material by a
Adhesive anchors are installed using an unheaded threaded
combination of bond, friction and mechanical interlock. Belled
rod or a reinforcing bar inserted in a pre-drilled hole that
or keyed holes, Fig 3(c) and 3(d) will increase the mechanical
is 10-25 percent larger than the anchor diameter using a
interlock while resisting tensile loads; however they can be
polymer-based bonding agent including epoxies, polyesters,
produced only by placing block-outs in the concrete form
vinylesters, and hybrid systems. The installation methods,
work and as such cannot be considered as post-installed
behaviour and design of bonded adhesive anchors are
anchors 1.
discussed elsewhere4.
The grouted anchors offer an advantage over cast-in-place
anchors, since planning efforts and costs of special formwork
are reduced.
The evaluation of both the mean bond stress (τ and τo) and wet (submerged) hole
design bond stress τ and τ0) must be based on product maximum torque
approval tests that include the effects of installation and in-
service conditions. As noted by Cook et al 14 there are repeated load
significant differences between adhesive products. Basic tests
seismic load
for mean bond stress in clean, dry holes at room temperature
indicate that the mean bond stress can range from 2 MPa to environmental effects (chemicals)
20 MPa for adhesives and 7 MPa to 21 MPa for grouts. The
cracked concrete (static cracks and moving cracks)
coefficient of variation for these tests can vary between 0.05
and 0.25. In many cases, products that exhibit high bond other possible factors:
stress in clean, dry holes at room temperature are inadequate
age of concrete
under typical installation and in-service conditions such as
damp holes and elevated temperatures. It is mandatory that presence of oil (compressed air cleanout of holes)
designers require product testing for expected in-service and
hole size
installation conditions prior to the final design.
hole drilling
The following provides examples of the factors influencing
UV radiation.
bond strength that need to be considered for product
approval tests of grouted fastener products12,15: As can be observed from the above list, a product
approval standard for bonded fasteners must be quite
concrete mix (equal concrete strength does not ensure comprehensive to ensure reliable performance of products.
equal results)
temperature effects Dynamic behaviour
damp hole Rodriguez at al studied the dynamic behaviour of tensile
grouted anchors in concrete16. The effect of cracking and
improperly cleaned hole dynamic loading on maximum load and displacements is
shown in Fig 8. They found that during crack opening, the
curing time
crack propagated along the interface between the grout and
freeze-thaw effects surrounding concrete in most of the tests. As a result, the
friction between the grout and concrete reduced considerably
installation direction (vertical down, horizontal,
resulting in the pull out of the grout plug. Due to this effect,
the average maximum capacity under static loading in
creep (normal and elevated temperatures) cracked concrete decreased by 40 percent compared with the
grout interface is precluded by the presence of the anchor 17. ZAMORA, N.A., COOK, R.A., KONZ, R. and CONSOLAZIO, G.R. Behaviour and
design of single, headed and unheaded, grouted anchors, ACI Structural Journal,
head. For headed grouted anchors, embedment failure can
American Concrete Institute, March-April 2003, Vol 100, No 2, pp. 222-230.
occur by bond failure at the grout-concrete interface, equation
(9) or more likely by a full concrete cone breakout failure as
Dr N. Subramanian is the chief executive of
occurs with cast-in-place headed anchors, equation (7). For
Computer Design Consultants, Chennai. The
headed grouted anchors, the controlling embedment strength highlights of his professional career of 21 years include
should be determined as the smaller of that determined by designing several multi-storey concrete buildings,
grout-concrete bond strength, equation (9), or concrete cone steel towers, industrial buildings and space frames.
breakout strength, equation (7). He also worked with the Technical University of Berlin
and the Technical University of Bundeswehr, Munich
Due to dynamic loading, the friction between the grout for 2 years as Alexander von Humboldt Fellow. Dr N. Subramanian
and the concrete is reduced considerably and results in pullout has contributed more than 150 technical papers in seminars and
of the grout plug. Hence if the anchor will experience dynamic journals and published 17 wide selling books. He is a life fellow of
loading, it is preferable to reduce the static pull-out strength several professional bodies, including the American Society of
by 40 percent. Civil Engineers. He is the past vice president of the Indian Concrete
Institute and the Association of Consulting Civil Engineers (India).
He is the recipient of ACCE-Nagadi Award (for his book on Space
References Structures) and Tamilnadu Scientist Award.
1. ______Fastenings to concrete and masonry structures State of the art report,
Comite Euro International du Beton, Thomas Telford, U.K., 1994, pp. 249. Prof Ronald A. Cook has been involved with
anchorage to concrete for over 25 years. Dr Cook is a
2. SUBRAMANIAN, N. and VASANTHI, V. Design of anchor bolts in concrete, The
Bridge and Structural Engineer, September 1991, Vol XXI, No 3, pp. 47-73.
professor of civil engineering at the University of
Florida, USA. He has conducted several research
3. SUBRAMANIAN, N. Recent developments in the design of anchor bolts, The Indian projects related to anchorage to concrete, primarily
Concrete Journal, July 2000, Vol 74, No 7, pp. 407-414. in the area of adhesive and grouted anchors. Dr Cook
is chairman of ACI 355 Anchorage to Concrete and a
4. SUBRAMANIAN, N. and COOK R.A. Installation, behaviour and design of bonded
member of ACI 318 Subcommittee B Reinforcement and
anchors, The Indian Concrete Journal, January 2002, Vol 76, No 1, pp. 1-10.
Development and ACI 349 Concrete Nuclear Structures. He is
5. JAMES, R.W., GUARDIA, C.D. and MCCREARY, C.R. Strength of epoxy grouted also a member of ASTM Committee E06.13 Structural
anchor bolts in concrete, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, December Performance of Connections in Building Construction, the
1987, Vol 113, No 12, pp. 2365-2381. International Association of Bridge and Structural Engineers
Association Working Commission on Concrete and the Federation
6. MAILHOT, G., et al In-place concrete strength New pull-out methods, ACI
Journal, 1979, pp. 1267-1283. International du Beton Task Group on Fastenings to Concrete and
Masonry Structures.