Download: P P GP Construction and Bit of Calculations Being Explained
Download: P P GP Construction and Bit of Calculations Being Explained
Download: P P GP Construction and Bit of Calculations Being Explained
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construction and bit of calculations being
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Sheet Music Thr oughout its ear ly histor y, shi p building was cr af t or iented. As such, it was almost
exclusively de pendent on the sk ills of the cr af tsmen doing the wor k . As the invention of steel in
1800s, the shi p building pr ocess mor e com plex and ef f icient. All shi ps at this time wer e built
using steel and r ivet constr uction. In 1930s, the welding technique was invented and wer e
esta blished and r ef ined in shi p building pr ocess in 1970s. The welded shi p soon pr oved str onger
and mor e economical.