Inquiry Based LP-Science
Inquiry Based LP-Science
Inquiry Based LP-Science
Department of Education
Region V
Schools Division of Sorsogon
Prieto Diaz
At this learning session, the learners should be able to:
1. Describe the changes that happen in materials under the
condition of lack of oxygen.
2. Design an experiments which show changes that happen in
materials under the condition of lack of oxygen
3. State that the change happen under the condition of lack of
oxygen is physical change
4. Appreciate the importance of physical change in recycling.
Materials change in size, shape, texture, appearance and number of pieces
but it still remains the same material.
Materials change even under the condition of lack of oxygen.
Matter could be changed physically.
Change that happened under the condition of lack of oxygen is physical
In physical change, only the appearance of the matter changes and no new
material is formed.
Process Skills
Basic Science Process: observing, communicating, predicting
Integrated Process: posing questions, formulating hypothesis, design/conducting
experiment, gathering/collecting data and drawing conclusions
Inquiry Skills: raising questions, planning, analyzing, experimenting, collecting
Values Integration
1. Appreciating the importance of physical change in recycling
Inquiry-Based Approach / ENGAGE
Processes (Basic Cycle of
Review Metacards, cartolina
Give each group metacards to answer your question about the effect of oxygen
on some fruits, root crops and metal. Paste on the manila paper/cartolina. What
is the effect of the oxygen in some materials?
Motivation Show real objects. Let the pupils tell about /describe the physical
Pose a question appearance some real objects. Can materials change even without the
(scientifically-oriented presence of oxygen? Let us see if your response is correct.
Pose a question
What will happen in materials under the condition of lack of oxygen?
Communicate results/ 1. Ask the group presenters to post their output. Have the group representative
Findings present the results of the activity. Three (3) minutes may be allotted per
group presentation.
2. Give specific attention on how the group designed their experiments.
3. Process their responses and clarify misconceptions when needed
4. During the processing of responses, be able to let the participants
understand what are the changes happen in materials under the condition of
lack of oxygen. These changes are physical changes.
Draw conclusion 1. Help the pupils formulate ideas/concepts by asking, Cartolina, Video clip
What will happen in materials under the condition of lack of oxygen? What
kind of change happened to material even without oxygen?
2. Site example of changes under the condition of lack of oxygen or physical
changes that can be use in recycling. (Values Integration)
3. Have the pupils understand the following concepts by Video clip,
Answer the following at home.
a. What are the materials shown in the video presentation?
b. What are the changes that happened in the materials shown in the
video under the condition of lack of oxygen?
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