RMCL Business Plan

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The document outlines RMCL's business compensation plan which aims to create consumers and encourage regular consumption of products. It discusses different digital currencies like RMCL Money and RMCL Cash as well as business values like RBV, GBV, and DBV.

The two types of digital currencies mentioned are RMCL Money, which can be used to purchase various online services, and RMCL Cash, which is a digital discount currency wallet that can be redeemed during purchases.

Business Value (BV) represents the unique value assigned to each product and service, on which incentives are calculated. Repurchase Business Value (RBV) is used for repurchase incentives. Galaxy Business Value (GBV) is used for Galaxy 2.0. Daily Business Value (DBV) is used for Jupiter Booster Plan.

RMCL Universe

Business Compensa on Plan

RMCL Business Compensa on plan aims at crea ng “Consumers” and encourage “Regular Consump on” of its products through its varied
incomes. In the Business Compensa on Plan, various means other than Bank Transfers are also used, which should be understood vide
following defini ons.

RMCL Money: RMCL Money is Digital Currency Wallet that can be used for purchase of various services like Online Flight booking, Hotel
Booking, DTH Recharge, Mobile Phone recharge, Toll, Electricity Payments, Gas Bill Payments, Movie Tickets and many such similar
services. This Digital Currency can also be transferred amongst Wallet Holders and can also be withdrawn in the Banks.

RMCL Cash: RMCL Cash is Digital Discount Currency Wallet that can be redeemed during the purchase of goods and services offered by the

Business Value (BV): All the Products and Services of the Company are designated with a unique figure called Business Value. All incen ves
are calculated as per Business Value only. For Repurchase Incen ves, the Business Value on the product is called Repurchase Business Value
or RBV. For Galaxy 2.0, the business Value of the product is called Galaxy Business Value or GBV. Similarly, for Jupiter Booster Plan, the
business value of the product is called Daily Business Value or DBV.

While purchase from any outlet, a distributor should clearly men on the type of Business Value He/She intends to score. Distributor Price
of all the products remain same however various Business Values are different.

Maximum Retail Price: Maximum Retail Price is printed on all the products of the Company. A Distributor cannot resell the products at
price exceeding MRP of the product.

Distributor Price: Distributor Price is lower than MRP and all the distributors are en tled to purchase products at Distributor Price.

Organiza on: As a Distributor adds new prospects in his/her business tree, a organiza on is created. The business from all the distributors
from the down line considered as Organiza on business. A Distributor is allowed to open as many organiza ons as per desire. The
organiza on having maximum business amongst various organiza ons of the distributor is called Main Organiza on, whereas all other
organiza ons combined together is called Other Organiza on.

Repurchase Business Compensa on Plan: Total Distribu on: 54% of RBV

RMCL Cash: On purchase of every product of the Company, a distributor gets RMCL Cash in his/her wallet. This Discount Currency can be
redeemed during the future purchases.

Retailer Bonus: If a Distributor purchases more than 5,000 RBV worth products or services within first 10 days of the Current Month, He or
she is en tled for 1 Retailer Point. 2.5%, out of the total fund alloca on of 54% is divided by number of qualifiers and distributed along with
monthly incen ve.

2.5% of RBV (Repurchase) Business Please note that one distributor can avail maximum
Value of 1 Retailer Bonus Point =
Total Number of Distributors who have up to 10 Retailer Bonus Points in a month.
purchased 5000 RBV worth Products
in a month

Premium Retailer Bonus: if a Distributor purchases more than 10,000 RBV worth products or services within first 10 days of the current
month, He or she is en tled for 1 Premium Retailer point. 2.5%, out of the total fund alloca on of 54% is divided by the number of qualifiers
and distributed along with monthly incen ve.

2.5% of RBV (Repurchase) Business Please note that one distributor can avail maximum
Value of 1 Premium
= Total Number of Distributors who have up to 5 Retailer Bonus Points in a month.
Retailer Bonus Point purchased 10,000 RBV worth Products
in a month

It should be noted that once a distributor qualifies for Premium Retailer Bonus, he or she con nues to avail Retailer Bonus. This would
mean that on self-purchase of 10,000 RBV worth products, a distributor would avail 2 Retailer Bonus points and 1 Premium Retailer Bonus
Performance Bonus: Performance Bonus is calculated on en re business of the distributor including all the organiza ons. A total of 22%
from the en re allocated fund of 54% is distributed under performance Bonus. This is monthly incen ve calculated between the period of
1st day of the month and the last day of the month. Fresh business incurred within the month is only considered for this incen ve. This
income would be distributed in following fashion:

Total Business in RBV Performance Bonus Slab

0-9999 08% Please note that Self Purchase of 250 RBV is
compulsory to avail Performance Bonus Incen ve
10,000-24,999 10%
25,000-49,999 12%
50,000-99,999 15%
1,00,000-1,99,999 18%
2,00,000 & Above 22%

Depth-Differen al Mechanism: This income is calculated on Depth-Differen al mechanism, which essen ally means that the
distributor at the bo om of the Organiza on would be considered first in the calcula on and distributors lying above would only
get differen al income.

Cumula ve Income: If the business of the distributor crosses 50,000 RBV by accumula on of his/her business during any period of
me, the Performance Bonus slab is fixed at 15%. This would mean that even if the Distributor Business falls below 50,000 in any
month, the qualifying slab would remain fixed at 15%

Leadership Development Bonus: Under this income, businesses of various organiza ons of the distributor are compared. As a distributor
crosses 50,000 RBV in at least 2 organiza ons, one Leadership Development Bonus point is allocated. 17% from the total fund alloca on of
54% is used for this income.

17% of RBV (Repurchase) Business Please note that Self Purchase of 1500 RBV is
Value of 1 Leadership compulsory to avail Leadership Development
Development Bonus Point Total Number of Qualifiers Bonus Incen ve

Royalty Bonus: This income is determined on the business of a distributor in his/her main organiza on. Business in Other Organiza on is
used for qualifica on of slab under Royalty Bonus. The income would be distributed in following ways.

Main Organization Other Organization Percentage

Please note that Self Purchase of 1500 RBV is
2,00,000 RBV 1,00,000 RBV 3% compulsory to avail Royalty Bonus Incen ve
4,00,000 RBV 2,00,000 RBV 5%
6,00,000 RBV 4,00,000 RBV 8%

Travel Allowance Bonus Club: To achieve Travel Allowance, a distributor has to maintain 8% Royalty (6,00,000 RBV in other organiza on)
for at least 3 consecu ve months including the current month. In case there is discon nuity in the qualifica on for even one month, a
distributor has to re-qualify for next 3 months to re-enter the Club. Incen ve under Travel Allowance Bonus Club is calculated and
distributed in following fashion.
Value of 1 Travel 1% of RBV (Repurchase) Business
Allowance Bonus Point Total Number of Qualifiers

Vehicle Allowance Bonus Club: To achieve Vehicle Allowance Bonus Club, a distributor has to create 1-1 Travel Allowance Bonus Club
Achiever in at least two of his/her organiza on. In case there is discon nuity in the qualifica on for even one month, a distributor has to re-
qualify for next 3 months to re-enter the Club. Incen ve under Vehicle Allowance Bonus Club is calculated and distributed in following
Value of 1 Vehicle 0.5% of RBV (Repurchase) Business
Allowance Bonus Point Total Number of Qualifiers

House Allowance Bonus Club: To achieve House Allowance Bonus Club, a distributor has to create 1-1 Vehicle Allowance Bonus Club
Achiever in at least two of his/her organiza on. In case there is discon nuity in the qualifica on for even one month, a distributor has to re-
qualify for next 3 months to re-enter the Club. Incen ve under House Allowance Bonus Club is calculated and distributed in following
Value of 1 House 0.5% of RBV (Repurchase) Business
Allowance Bonus Point Total Number of Qualifiers
Now let us look at two Customer Crea on plans. A distributor can choose the type of income while making the self-purchase.
A. Galaxy 2.0 Incen ve Plan.
B. Jupiter Booster Plan.
Galaxy 2.0

Customer Advantage: A Customer is given RMCL Money back and RMCL Cash back against their 1st me Self Purchase.

Self Purchase RMCL Money RMCL Cash Fair Use / Month


R1 2500 0 750 0 50

R2 5000 2500 2500 250 250

R3 10,000 5000 5000 500 500

R4 20,000 12,000 12,000 1000 1200

R5 40,000 36,000 36,000 3,000 3000

Galaxy Daily Bonus: As a distributor completes 2500 GBV business in any two organiza ons, a distributor gets one Galaxy Daily Bonus Point.
The valua on of Galaxy Daily Bonus point is done in following fashion. For Galaxy Bonus, 35% of the GBV fund will
be allocated and divided by total number of Galaxy Bonus Points being generated. A process called TRIMMING will be used amongst
Disitributors of Higher Ranks to sustain the value of RMCL Galaxy Bonus.

35% of Total GBV Business

1 Galaxy Bonus Point =
Total Number of Galaxy Bonus
Points generated in the Company

Jupiter Booster Plan

Jupiter Daily Bonus: As a distributor completes 5000 DBV business in any two organiza ons, a distributor gets one Jupiter Daily Bonus
Point. The valua on of Jupiter Daily Bonus point is done in following fashion.

35% of Total DBV Business

1 Jupiter Bonus Point =
Total Number of Jupiter Bonus
Points generated in the Company

Jupiter Booster Bonus: As a distributor completes 10,000 DBV in minimum two of his/her organiza on; he/she gets One Jupiter Booster
Bonus point. The valua on of the Jupiter Booster Bonus is done in following fashion.

26% of Total DBV Business

1 Jupiter Booster Point =
Total Number of Jupiter Booster
Points generated in the Company

Booster Club- Bike: As a distributor completes 10,000 DBV business in any two of his/her organiza on, he or she enters Booster Bike Club.
14% of DBV business is allocated for this club and the Booster Club Bike Point value will be calculated in following fashion.

1 Booster Club Bike 14% of Total DBV Business

Point Value
Total Number of Bike Club Achievers
in the Company

Booster Club-Gold: As a distributor creates 3 Bike Club achievers (minimum 90,000 DBV*) in any one organiza on and 4 Bike Club
Achievers (minimum 1,20,000 DBV*) in any of his/her other organiza on, he or she enters Booster Club-Gold. 10% of DBV business is

1 Booster Club Gold 10% of Total DBV Business

Point Value
Total Number of Gold Club Achievers
in the Company

* Please note that this club membership is dependent on the number of achievers in each organiza on and DBV business fulfillment may
singularly not suffice the condi on.
Booster Club-Car: As a distributor creates 4 Gold Club achievers (minimum 8,40,000 DBV*) in any one organiza on and 5 Gold Club
Achievers (minimum 10,50,000 DBV*) in any of his/her other organiza on, he or she enters Booster Club-Car. 10% of DBV business is

1 Booster Club Car 10% of Total DBV Business

Point Value
Total Number of Car Club Achievers
in the Company

* Please note that this club membership is dependent on the number of achievers in each organiza on and DBV business fulfillment may
singularly not suffice the condi on.

Booster Club- House: As a distributor creates 6 Car Club achievers (minimum 1,13,40,000 DBV *) in any one organiza on and 7 Car Club
Achievers (minimum 1,32,30,000 DBV*) in any of his/her other organiza on, he or she enters Booster Club- House. 10% of DBV business is

1 Booster Club House 10% of Total DBV Business

Point Value
Total Number of House Club Achievers
in the Company

Please note that this club membership is dependent on the number of achievers in each organiza on and DBV business fulfillment may
singularly not suffice the condi on. This Club incen ve is subjected to Capping (Maximum Payout) as decided by the Management from
me to me.

Booster Club-Lifestyle: As a distributor creates 9 House Club achievers (minimum 22,00,00,000 DBV *) in any one organiza on and 10
House Club Achievers (minimum 24,50,00,000 DBV*) in any of his/her other organiza on, he or she enters Booster Club-Lifestyle. 10% of
DBV business is allocated for this club and Booster Club-Lifestyle point value will be calculated in following fashion.

1 Booster Club Lifestyle 10% of Total DBV Business

Point Value
Total Number of Lifestyle Club Achievers
in the Company

* Please note that this club membership is dependent on the number of achievers in each organiza on and DBV business fulfillment may
singularly not suffice the condi on. This Club incen ve is subjected to Capping (Maximum Payout) as decided by the Management from
me to me.

Booster Club-Freedom: As a distributor creates 12 lifestyle Club achievers (minimum 5,58, 00,00,000 DBV *) in any one organiza on and 13
lifestyle Club Achievers (minimum 6,00,50,00,000 DBV*) in any of his/her other organiza on, he or she enters Booster Club-Freedom. 10%
of DBV business is allocated for this club and Booster Club-Freedom point value will be calculated in following fashion.

1 Booster Club Freedom 10% of Total DBV Business

Point Value
Total Number of Freedom Club Achievers
in the Company

* Please note that this club membership is dependent on the number of achievers in each organiza on and DBV business fulfillment may
singularly not suffice the condi on. This Club incen ve is subjected to Capping (Maximum Payout) as decided by the Management from
me to me.
Max Out Chart
Type of Qualifica on Self Purchase Max Out Income
Galaxy 2.0 2500 GBV 10 GalaxyBonus Points Daily
Galaxy 2.0 5000 GBV 20 Galaxy Bonus Points Daily
Galaxy 2.0 20,000 GBV 50 Galaxy Bonus Points Daily
Galaxy 2.0 40,000 GBV 200 Galaxy Bonus Points Daily
Jupiter Booster 5,000 DBV 10 Jupiter Bonus Points Daily
Jupiter Booster 25,000 DBV 50 Jupiter Bonus Points Daily
Bike Club 5,000 DBV 75,000 INR
Gold Club 5,000 DBV 1,00,000 INR
Car Club 5,000 DBV 6,00,000 INR
House Club 5,000 DBV 25,00,000 INR
Lifestyle Club 5,000 DBV 50,00,000 INR
Freedom Club 5,000 DBV 1,00,00,000 INR
Terms and Condi ons

This document forms additional information including but not limited to Distributor Application Form, which came in force when fully
read by the applicant(s) and duly accepted by Radha Madhav Corporation Limited (“RMCL”) with your signature and other
identification data appear on the “Application Form” exhibited on the Official Portal.

1. RMCL could have appointed you as a distributor of RMCL Products. You and the Distributors in Your Organization (herein after
individually and collectively referred to as the “Distributor”) have accepted such appointment through laid down Policy of the
Company. Distributor may, on a non-exclusive basis, purchase RMCL products from RMCL, to resell, distribute and market in the
territory of India. In case you are not the Distributor of the Company, This Offer is not applicable to you. Distribution in Countries other
than India requires additional Permissions and this Contract and Offer does not fulfill all the criterion of the same.

2. Distributor has already confirmed that he/she has entered into the Distributor Agreement as an independent contractor. Nothing in this
Agreement shall establish an employment relationship, or any other labor relationship between the Distributor and RMCL, and nothing
shall establish the Distributor's position as procurer, broker, commercial agent, contracting representative or other representative of
RMCL. When purchasing and selling RMCL products, the Distributor shall act as an independent vendor, acting in his/her own name, at
his/her own responsibility and for his/her own account.

3. Distributor shall not sell any RMCL product for a price exceeding the Maximum Retail Price. Distributor may charge, at his discretion, any
price that is lower than the Maximum
Retail Price indicated on the label of any product or in any, then applicable, price list issued by RMCL. Distributor shall carry his/her
authorized Identity Card during all MarketingMeetings/Counselling/Product Promotion Activities. The Distributor Identification Card
is and shall remain the property of RMCL and Distributor shall return it to RMCL without any delay upon termination or expiration of
this Agreement.

4. Relation between RMCL and the Distributor and all his/her activities hereunder shall be governed, in addition to this Agreement, by the
rules contained in the RMCL Starter Guide which includes the RMCL Sales and Marketing Plan and Code of conduct. The Distributor
confirms that he/she has received a copy of Official Documents and has read the terms and conditions thereof and agrees to be bound
by them in addition to this Agreement. RMCL may amend from the time to time, any of the terms and conditions of Official Documents
through notice on its website www.rmclunverse.com If any Distributor does not agree to be bound by such amendment he/she may
terminate this Agreement within 45 days of such publication by giving a written notice to RMCL. Distributor's continued relationship
with RMCL would constitute an affirmative a)acknowledgment by the Distributor of the amendment and b) Agreement by the
Distributor to abide and be bound by this Agreement, Official Documents and its modifications.

5. The Co-Applicant/Second Authorized Representative acknowledges that RMCL will deal exclusively with the Primary Applicant/First
Authorized Representative in respect of all business matters, and also pay commission and / or any other incentives to and in the name
of the Primary Applicant/Entity.

6. RMCL will make all payments on account of returns or refunds through Bank transfers /account payee cheques drawn in favour of
Primary Applicant/Entity only. With the commencement of RMCL Money, Company reserves it Rights to Remit all the money in the
Distributor’s RMCL Money Wallet.

7. The Distributor agrees to receive SMS & Email notifications from RMCL & its affiliates concerning their RMCL Business through Social
Media Tools like Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp and others.

8. The distributor will be allowed to sponsor a prospect into the RMCL business only after activating his/her distributorship.

9. This Agreement is effective for an initial definitive period of one (1) year, from the date of acceptance hereof by RMCL. However, incase
of acceptance by RMCL of the Applicant’s contractual offer on or after September 15, this Agreement will be effective till end of the
following year.

10. The Distributor may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving a written notice to RMCL. RMCL may terminate this agreement by
giving a written notice (a) pursuant to the provisions of the Rules of Conduct; (b) for reasons of non-performance and (c) for the breach
of any terms and conditions of this Agreement.

Below mentioned terms and conditions are not exhaustive in nature and includes all other terms and conditions published by the
Company, Code of Conduct of the Distributor, Various Guidelines issued by Ministry of Consumer Affairs, State Guidelines regarding
Direct Selling Business, Common Sense and various instructions given by the Company from time to time. RMCL Festive Dhamaaka
Offer is a Limited Time Offer under Galaxy 2.0 Compensation Plan. All the Terms and Conditions laid under Galaxy 2.0 Compensation
Plan shall be applicable during this Offer Period. Incentives and their requisite preconditions may(not) have changed. A Distributor is
advised to read all the documents carefully.

11. Radha Madhav Corporation Limited is a Public Listed Company engaged into Manufacturing and Distribution of various Products including
Packaging, FMCG, Household etc. Radha Madhav Corporation Limited is also known as RMCL or the Company. In this document Radha
Madhav Corporation Limited is the First Party and can be referred through various names included but not limited to RMCL, Company, WE
etc. A Distributor is a person who has enrolled with the Company by filling requisite data including but not limited to “Quick Registration”.
12.RMCL Festive Dhamaaka Offer is targeted to create awareness and utility of its Digital Discount Currency and Wallet Money. Company reserves
its rights to Modify/Amend/Discontinue/Extend the offer without any prior intimation to its Distributors.

13. Products and Services shown in RMCL Wallet and RMCL Bazaar may vary from time to time and may not be temporarily available. Many
of the Products and Services are still to be tied up. Any financial Loss incurred due to non-availability of services or products will not be
the responsibility of the Company.

14. RMCL Money and associated Wallet is governed under various regulations from Banks and Reserve Bank of India. Any changes from
Regulatory bodies may affect the offerings of the Company.

15. Company reserves its rights to extend the benefits to the Customer to a maximum period of 18 Months, if a Customer Purchases
Regularly for all the 12 Months from RMCL Stores/Shoppee/Marts/Bazaar. Such extension will be sole discretion of the Company.

16. RMCL Cash and RMCL Money are Digital Assets of the Company. Conversion of the same into real currency is subjective in nature.

17. A Distributor found promoting the Compensation Plan in any other sense other than mentioned by the Company, would be terminated
with immediate effect.

18. A Distributor should be more than 18 years in age and should have all necessary documents for his/her KYC. Company reserves its rights
to hold/forfeit a disqualified Distributor’s Income without giving any explanation.

19. For all KYC approved distributors, 5% TDS would be deducted. For all unapproved distributors 20% TDS would be deducted.

20.Admin Charges to the extent of 5% will be applicable on all the Incomes.

21. Repurchase Wallet will be credited to the extent of 7.5% from the total incentives being earned by the Distributor. This Wallet can only
be used to repurchase products from RMCL Shoppee/Marts.

22. Distributors having GST obligations would need to furnish GST Invoices to the Company. GST is sole responsibility of the distributor. All
the incomes are inclusive of GST obligations. Company shall deduct GST amount and avail the credit of the same through reverse invoice
mechanism or under existing prevailing rules of GST.

23. Under Galaxy Bonus the closing would be done on daily basis and payouts would be calculated on weekly basis.

24. The Point Value on the day of closing and the day of disbursement of Income may change due to Sales Return, Erroneous Data Entries
etc. The Point Value on the day of disbursement shall be considered to be final.

25. Payout would be transferred to Distributors RMCL Money Wallet after 37 days of the closing. There could be withdrawal limitations
from RMCL Money Wallet. Company reserves its rights to amend/modify/discontinue/extend its Wallet Policy without any prior
Information to the Distributors. All the Rewards above 75,000 INR shall be disbursed after 60 Days of the due date of the Reward.

26. Products can be replaced under Company’s “Replacement Policy”. A Distributor needs to furnish GST Invoice or Non-GST Invoice in case
of Shop being unregistered GST vendor. Company reserves its rights to deny the refund if products are not found in saleable conditions.

27. Products offered by 3rd Party Vendors on RMCL Bazaar could be responsible for Goods Return/Servicing/Renewal/Refund etc. RMCL
Bazaar is a Market Place Portal and may not necessarily comply with Direct Selling Guidelines 2016 issued by Ministry of Consumer

28. For Galaxy Rewards(even if reduced to 50%), Distributors ranking above Diamond Level shall have to undertake at least 6 meetings
per month. They have to duly inform their meeting Schedule/Venue/Training Module to RISE Officials. RISE stands for RMCL
Institute for Success and Excellence. Failing to conduct designated meetings, the Galaxy Rewards would be reduced to Half (or as
mentioned) of the achieved Value for the particular Distributor. Please remember that from 6,25,000 and above Reward Slab, The
Reward Value has already been reduced to Half (or as mentioned). This condition is applicable on the Achieved Value, that is 50%.
To avail Rewards all the Distributors have to take meetings in following fashion:
SAPPHIRE 4 Mee ngs CROWN 8 Mee ngs Only those Mee ngs shall be counted, whos details are
EMERALD 5 Mee ngs CROWN EXECUTIVE 8 Mee ngs enlisted with RISE (RMCL Ins tute for Success and
Excellence). Please note all unauthorized Mee ngs shall
DIAMOND 6 Mee ngs
not be counted in the Qualifica ons.

29. Thailand Offer is only for New Distributors, Star Distributors, Gold Level Distributors and Platinum Level Distributors. Distributors above
Platinum Level shall not be considered in the Offer.

30. This Agreement is entered into on a personal basis and neither this Agreement nor any of the rights or obligations of Distributor arising under
this Agreement may be assigned or transferred without the prior written consent of RMCL.
31. RMCL‘s liability, whether in contract, tort or otherwise arising out of or in connection with this agreement and/or relationship arising
therefrom shall not exceed the lesser of a) actual damages or loss assessed by the arbitrator or any other dispute resolution mechanism
adopted by the parties or; b) the total commission earned by the distributor during the preceding six months of the date of dispute.

32. Any dispute, differences or claim arising out of as in connection with this Agreement shall be submitted to binding arbitration and shall
be referred to the sole Arbitrator appointed in accordance with the rules and regulation of International Center for Alternate Dispute
Resolution as a fast track arbitration. The venue of such arbitration shall be at DAMAN and the award of the Arbitrator shall be final and
binding on all parties. The courts at DAMAN shall alone have jurisdiction in relation to this Arbitration Agreement and any award arising
therefrom. The Distributor has agreed to comply with RMCL’s Customer Product Refund Policy as laid down in the Code of Ethics &
Rules of Conduct for RMCL Distributors which are part of the RMCL Business Starter Guide.

Awards and Rewards

For every 2500 GBV in at least 2 Organiza ons, 1 RMCL Reward Point will be awarded. From 6,25,000 Reward Slab all the
Rewards will be Halved during the Offer Period.

Slab Points Cash Rewards

01 10 5000 Five Thousand INR Please Read Point No.

02 +20 8000 Eight Thousand INR

03 +50 20000 Twenty Thousand INR

04 +100 75000 Seventy Five Thousand INR of

05 +250 225000 Two Lakh Twenty Five Thousand INR

06 +1000 625000 Six Lakh Twenty Five Thousand INR 100% 65%

07 +3000 1400000 Fourteen Lakh INR 100% 60%

Rewards for Galaxy 2.0

08 +7500 2500000 Twenty Five Lakh INR 100% 55%

09 +15000 4500000 Forty Five Lakh INR 100% 50%

10 +35000 10000000 One Crore INR 100% 50%

11 +75000 25000000 Two Crore Fifty Lakh INR 100% 50%

12 +150000 50000000 Five Crore INR 100% 50%

13 +250000 75000000 Seven Crore Fifty Lakh INR 100% 50%

14 +350000 110000000 Eleven Crore INR 100% 50%

15 +400000 220000000 Twenty Two Crore INR 100% 50%

If a Distributor does not achieve upto Slab No. 05 within 45 Days and other Slab within 90 Days, He/She would receive only 50% of the
Reward Value. The Value could be Approximate in nature and shall be governed as per 35% Fund allocated for Rewards. Distributors
(included and) above Diamond Level, please read additional conditions as laid in TERMS AND CONDITIONS Point No.28


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