Course Outline On Persons and Family Relations (1819-1) PDF
Course Outline On Persons and Family Relations (1819-1) PDF
Course Outline On Persons and Family Relations (1819-1) PDF
COURSE DESCRIPTION: A basic course on the law of persons and the family which first views
the effects and application of laws, to examine the legal norms affecting
civil personality, marriage, property relations between husband and
wife, legal separation, the matrimonial regimes of absolute community,
conjugal partnership of gains, and complete separation of property,
paternity and filiation, adoption, guardianship, support, parental
authority, surnames, absence and emancipation, including the rules of
procedure relative to the foregoing
e. Emancipation and Age of Majority (Arts. 234 and 236, FC, RA6809; Arts. 2176 and 2180,
i. When it takes place
f. Civil Register (Arts. 407 – 413, NCC; Sec. 2(3), RA9048 and its IRR; Rules 103 and 108, ROC)
(140) Republic v. Bolante, GR 160597, July 20, 2006
(141) Republic v. Kho, GR 170340, June 29, 2007
(142) Silverio v. Republic, GR 174689, Oct. 19, 2007
(143) Republic v. Cagandahan, 166676, Sept. 12, 2008
g. Summary Judicial Proceedings (Arts. 238 – 253, FC; RA9262 and its IRR; Rule on Custody of
Minors, AM 03-04-04-SC; Rule on Guardianship of Minors, AM 03-02-05-SC; Rule on
Provisional Orders, AM 02-11-12-SC)
i. Covered cases
(144) Uy v. CA, GR 109557, Nov. 29, 2000
h. Final Provisions (Arts. 254 – 257, FC; Special Treatment of Minor Detainees and Jail
Decongestion, AC 04-2002; Rule on Juveniles in Conflict with the Law, AM 02-1-18-SC; Rule
on Commitment of Children, AM 02-1-19-SC; RA8369; RA9208; RA9231; RA9257; RA9710;
RA9775; RA9994)
Grading System:
a. Articles 1 – 47 of the New Civil Code handwritten in yellow pad. This shall comprise 20% of
your Prelims. Deadline: Day of Prelims.
b. Students shall be required to submit personally handwritten digests of cases assigned and
scheduled to be discussed on the day of submission. Each submission shall be counted as a
quiz (1 case digest is equivalent to 2 points).
a. For a +5% incentive in the Finals, whole Family Code handwritten in yellow pad. The
completeness of the legal provisions must be certified correct by two (2) other students of the
same class. Deadline: Three weeks before Day of Finals.
b. In case a student completes the submission of ALL the 143 case digests, he or she earn an
additional 5% in the Finals. Deadline of COMPLETE submission: One week before Day of
Ground Rules:
- An incentive of +1 each in the final grade will be given for perfect attendance during the following periods:
First Day to Midterms and after Midterms to Finals, provided that the student earns a grade of at least 75.00
before earning said incentive.
“The practice of law, despite its many, many flaws, can still be a very noble thing and I like to think that it’s just
a little more noble with me in it.”
-Harriet Korn, Harry’s Law