Geology of Fort Polk Region, Louisiana
Geology of Fort Polk Region, Louisiana
Geology of Fort Polk Region, Louisiana
Richard P. McCulloh and Paul V. Heinrich
Louisiana Geological Survey
Louisiana State University
208 Howe-Russell Geoscience Complex
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803-4101
~ '90
& ~
o 1fQ:~ciates, 0
US Army Corps
of Engineers
~1934=-- Fort Worth District
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15 November 1999 Final Report 12/2/96-11/15/99
Geology of the Fort Polk Region, Sabine, Natchitoches,
and Vernon Parishes, Louisiana DACA63-95-D-0051
Delivery Order No. 0008
The Fort Polk region is underlain by Cenozoic terrigenous sediment comprising mostly the Oligocene Catahoula
Formation, six formation-rank subunits of the Fleming (Miocene), and Holocene alluvium. Pliocene and Quaternary
surface-stratigraphic units incise older units. These surface Cenozoic strata show gentle, homoclinal dip toward the Gulf of
Mexico basin and record deposition transitional between continental and shallow-marine, but are dominantly progradational
and increasingly terrestrial upsection. The Miocene units comprise alternating coarser-grained, tluvial-dominated lithofacies
and fmer-grained, more marine-influenced lithofacies.
Gentle dips, semiconsolidated sediment, thick soils, and vegetation generally do not permit direct recognition of
surface structure. Drainage lineaments, though suggestive of joint control of drainage, show no clear relation to strikes of
measured systematic joints .
. The primary nonfuel mineral commodity of economic significance, aside from ground water, is gravel. Gravel occurs
primarily in the upper Willis, assigned here to the upper Pliocene. Younger Quaternary units have varying but lesser potential
for gravel.
Flooding is the sole geologic hazard. Flood-hazard potential was compiled from Federal Emergency Management
Agency data and modified based on flood-plain topography. Landslide potential, inferred from steepest slopes and clayey
substrates, is insufficient to constitute a hazard.
Fort Polk, Surface Geology, Geologic Mapping, Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, Oligocene, Catahoula, x + 119 + appendices
Miocene, Fleming, Pliocene, Quaternary Geology, Pleistocene, Willis, Lissie, Structural Geology, 16. PRICE CODE
Economic Geology, Geologic Hazards, Bogs, Seeps, Springs, GIS
TTn{'las~fiecl TTnc1::lssifiecl TTncll'lc;:c;:itip.n TTnc1::lssifiecl
NSN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89J USAPPC V1.00
Geology of the Fort Polk Region,
Sabine, Natchitoches, and Vernon Parishes, Louisiana
Final Report
Prepared for
Fort Polk
Richard P. McCulloh and Paul V. Heinrich
Louisiana Geological Survey
Prewitt and Associates, Inc.
under contract to
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District
Contract No. DACA63-95-D-0051
Delivery Order No. 0008
Submitted by
Elton R. Prewitt
Co-Principal Investigator
Prewitt and Associates, Inc.
Richard P. McCulloh and Paul V. Heinrich
Co-Principal Investigators
15 November 1999
ABSTRACT Richard P. McCulloh and Paul V. Heinrich ....................... VI
Stratigraphy ........................................... 57
Allomembers ....................................... 59
Basal Contact ...................................... 59
Age ................................................. 60
Quaternary System Paul V Heinrich and Richard P. McCulloh .............. 70
Pleistocene Series ............................................... 70
Intermediate Allogroup ........................................ 70
Lissie Formation .......................................... 71
Prairie Allogroup (Undifferentiated) ............................. 71
Holocene Series ................................................ 72
Unnamed Alluvium (Undifferentiated) ......................... 72
Big Brushy Formation ..................................... 74
A: Munsell Colors Detennined for Catahoula and Fleming Sediments ....... A-I
B: Subsurface Geologic Sections ..................................... B-1
1. Location map and 7.5-minute quadrangle index ........................ . . .. 2
2. Location map showing major roads and highways .......................... 3
3. Supplementary location scheme used in text .............................. 5
4. Index of previous mapping incorporated to varying degrees in this investigation .. 8
5. Schematic diagram of relations among surficial deposits in the study area ...... 10
6. The problem presented by deeply cased oil and gas wells to correlation from the
subsurface to the surface ............................................. 11
7. Major drainages in Fort Polk region .................................... 15
8. Regional geologic and tectonic framework of the study area ................. 19
9. Dip section through the northern Gulf Coast along 94° west longitude ......... 20
10. Dip section along the Calcasieu River valley showing hypothesized allofonnational
interrelations among Plio-Pleistocene and Quaternary units ................. 21
11. Generalized paleogeographic aspects of nearshore Miocene (Fleming) facies ... 29
12. Photograph of channeloid lens of sand and sandstone cutting silt and siltstone,
Carnahan Bayou Formation of the Fleming Group, in quarry in Dowden Creek
quadrangle [WC] ................................................... 33
13. Combined outcrop sketch and measured section of sediment of the Upland Allogroup
cutting out two units of the Carnahan Bayou Fonnation of the Fleming Group, along
roadcut, Peason quadrangle [SC] ...................................... 34
14. Unconfonnable relationship of Willis Fonnation and underlying Blounts Creek
Fonnation ofthe Fleming Group, along U.S. Highway 171 in Kansas City Railway
cut south of Pickering, New Llano quadrangle [SE] (redrafted from Welch 1942) 41
15. Measured section of Blounts Creek sediments exposed along south side of Holly
Springs Road east of its T-intersection with Dugout Road, in Birds Creek quadrangle
[C] .............................................................. 42
16. View to the west-northwest of "yellow loam" on grayish sandy clay of the Blounts
Creek Fonnation of the Fleming Group, the uppennost portion of which shows
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24. Cross section along crest ofinterfluve separating Birds Creek and Little Sixmile
Creek-Sixmile Creek drainages ....................................... 63
25. Cross section along crest of interfluve forming drainage divide between watersheds of
Big Brushy and Ten Mile creeks ...................................... 65
26. Suggested correlation of stratigraphic units in southwest Louisiana with sea-level and
coastal onlap cycles ................................................. 69
27. Stratigraphic profile of unnamed alluvium exposed by Mill Creek Road trench along
Whiskey Chitto Creek in Zion Hills area ................................ 73
28. Depositional history of Big Brushy formation at 16VN794 Fort Polk .......... 76
29. Schematic diagram of processes associated with Big Brushy formation ........ 77
30. Joint-rose map of the study area, with stream net for comparison with
strike-frequency maxima of joints ..................................... 83
31. Spatial characteristics of bog polygons situated atop the Evangeline and Chicot
Aquifer Systems for the South Group area ............................... 89
32. Spatial characteristics of bog polygons situated atop the Miocene Aquifer System for
the North Group area ............................................... 90
33. Hydrologic and geologic relationships of bogs, Fort Polk quadrangle .......... 91
34. Hydrologic and geologic relationships of bogs, Birds Creek quadrangle ........ 92
35. Hydrologic and geologic relationships of bogs, Fullerton Lake quadrangle ..... 93
36. Hydrologic and geologic relationships of bogs, Kisatchie and northern Kurthwood
quadrangles ....................................................... 94
1. Stratigraphic classification of units mapped for this investigation ............. 23
2. Gravel sample, Willis Formation ...................................... 56
3. Radiometric dates from Eagle Hill II site (16SA50) ....................... 79
4. Hydrologic classification of stratigraphic units ........................... 98
Plates [CD-ROM]
1. Geology: Peason Quadrangle .................................... in pocket
2. Geology: Kisatchie Quadrangle ......................................... "
3. Geology: Dowden Creek Quadrangle .................................... "
4. Geology: Kurthwood Quadrangle ....................................... "
5. Geology: Slagle Quadrangle ........................................... "
6. Geology: Fort Polk Quadrangle ......................................... "
7. Geology: Simpson South Quadrangle .................................... "
8. Geology: Birds Creek Quadrangle ....................................... "
':I. eo ogy: Lacamp ~uaQrangle
r..', ......................................... . "
10. Geology: Fullerton Lake Quadrangle .................................... "
11. Economic Geology: Peason Quadrangle .................................."
12. Economic Geology: Kisatchie Quadrangle ................................ "
13. Economic Geology: Dowden Creek Quadrangle ............................ "
14. Economic Geology: Kurthwood Quadrangle ............................... "
15. Economic Geology: Fort Polk Quadrangle ................................ "
16. Economic Geology: Birds Creek Quadrangle .............................. "
17. Economic Geology: Fullerton Lake Quadrangle ............................ "
18. Geologic Hazards: Peason Quadrangle .................................. :"
19. Geologic Hazards: Kisatchie Quadrangle ................................. "
20. Geologic Hazards: Dowden Creek Quadrangle ............................. "
21. Geologic Hazards: Kurthwood Quadrangle ................................ "
22. Geologic Hazards: Slagle Quadrangle .................................... "
23. Geologic Hazards: Fort Polk Quadrangle ................................. "
24. Geologic Hazards: Simpson South Quadrangle ............................. "
25. Geologic Hazards: Birds Creek Quadrangle ............................... "
26. Geologic Hazards: Lacamp Quadrangle .................................. "
27. Geologic Hazards: Fullerton Lake Quadrangle ............................. "
Differential GPS Location Readings of Point Data, Geology Theme ........ in pocket
Many people gave to us assistance that was integral in the conduct of this project,
and without which it could not have been completed. We are indebted especially to
certain staff working on the base. The most frequent and essential help with operational
matters was given by Jim Grafton, Bob Hays, and Gina Lay of the Environmental
Learning Center at Fort Polk, and by Barry Oswald and the other Range Control staff
who provided general scheduling of our access to land on the military reservation.
Grafton and Hays also identified the different vertebrate-fossil sites and sub sites for
Salley Marcantel, Wildlife Biologist and GPS technician at Fort Polk, who made
differential GPS readings of the locations for inclusion in the file of GPS readings of
point data on the accompanying diskette. Dr. Charles H. Stagg, Chief, Environmental
and Natural Resources Management Division of the Directorate of Public Works at Fort
Polk, was uniformly supportive of our efforts, and Mr. McCann provided crucial help in
our scheduling of access to military land during training rotations. Millie Tew and Tamie
Morgan (consultant) provided helpful GIS-related consultation early in the project.
Dr. A. Frank Servello, of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (US ACE) Fort Worth
office, served as project technical manager for the greater part of the period of
performance during which field work was conducted and, in addition to the specific
assistance required for a number of needed contract modifications, contributed an avid
interest in the work. Stephen Austin of the USACE Fort Worth office, following
Servello's departure and our completion of most of the field work, served as project
technical manager for the remainder of the period of performance.
David Hinds, masters student at Louisiana State University, provided fruitful
consultation on the results of his own geological investigations of a portion of the present
study area over a two-pIus-year period, and his pre-Prairie contacts are incorporated with
minimal revision in the maps accompanying the present work. Dr. Judith Schiebout, who
served on Hinds's thesis committee and has directed the investigations into the Miocene
vertebrate fossil localities in the Castor Creek Formation of the Fleming Group,
contributed helpful discussion and support on many occasions. John Anderson, who
directs the Cartographic Information Center administered by the Louisiana State
University Department of Geography and Anthropology, provided invaluable access to
and assistance with assorted maps and images in that archive.
Several U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) personnel provided information and
assistance in the form of consultation, file data, and copies of USGS reports. The
following hydrologists assisted us with information about USGS subsurface data and
helpful discussion regarding ongoing USGS work at Fort Polk: Mark Gremillion, of the
office at Fort Polk, and John Lovelace, Larry Prakken, Rob Fendick, and Roland Tollett,
of the Water Resources Division district office in Baton Rouge. In the Baton Rouge
office, Wendy Lovelace assisted us with access to subsurface data in the USGS files,
Larry Prakken provided data including digitized well logs and cross sections compiled by
him for the Fort Polk region, and Darlene Smothers provided us with copies of open-file
and water-resources investigations reports.
M. Earl Stewart, wildlife biologist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture,
provided access to aerial photos and maps in the files of the National Forest Service,
Vernon Ranger District, Kisatchie National Forest. The following employees of timber
companies active in the study area helped provide critical access to large tracts of
nonmilitary land: Robert H. Crosby, of Crosby Land and Resources, Mandeville,
Louisiana; Darwin Foster, of Temple Inland Inc., Diboll, Texas; Mike Hudson, of the
Temple Inland Inc. office in De Ridder, Louisiana, who gave a positive account of our
work to Darwin Foster and helped us obtain permission for access; Rick Leeper, forester
with the Temple Inland Inc. De Ridder office, who provided keys for access to gated
properties; and Bob Nolan, of the Boise Cascade office in Provencal, Louisiana, who
gave us permission and keys to access gated properties.
Latimore Smith, ecologist with the Louisiana Natural Heritage Program,
Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, has for years been a source of fruitful
discussion regarding the relationship of geology to natural habitats, specifically plant
communities. For this project he provided helpful orientation for the work on hillside
seepage bogs. Phil Hyatt of the Kisatchie National Forest in Pineville, Louisiana was an
invaluable source of information on hillside bogs, and provided the data utilized in this
Reed Bourgeois, Computer Analyst with the Louisiana State University Basin
Research Institute (BRI), provided the crucial use of BRI's large-format scanner and
scanned the work sheets of all the plates. His services were also instrumental to the
subsurface component of the work: he compiled for us from the BRI database a
comprehensive listing of oil and gas wells drilled in the study area, and constructed and
produced the subsurface geologic cross sections and base map (Appendix B).
For producing the illustrations-including the accompanying suites of
maps-in-house at the Louisiana Geological Survey (LGS), we are indebted to the staff
of the LGS Cartographic Section under the direction of John Snead, Cartographic
Manager. Lisa Pond, Research Associate, produced most of the illustrations for this
report. Production and assistance with the production of a number of the illustrations was
provided by Robert Paulsell, Research Associate; Edward Koch, Research Associate;
Edwin B. "Bud" Millet, Cartographic Supervisor; and David W. Griffin, Research
Associate. R. Hampton Peele, Research Associate, designed, and supervised the
development of, the Geographic Information System. The following persons contributed
to the GIS data compilation: David W. Griffin, Research Associate; Meenakshi
Gnanaguruparan, Graduate Assistant; Mohiuddin Shaik, Graduate Assistant; Louis
Temento, Graduate Assistant; Barbara Olinde, Student Worker; Sait Ahmet Binselam,
Graduate Assistant; Jesus G. Franco, Research Associate; Asheka Rahman, Graduate
Assistant; Tiffani Cravens, Student Worker; Andrew Beall, Graduate Assistant; Xiaojue
Pan, Graduate Assistant; and Steven J. Rainey, Graduate Assistant.
Margo Olinde, LGS editor, provided helpful consultation regarding the formatting
and editing of the draft in all stages of its preparation. Louisiana State University
geology undergraduate student Tiffani Cravens, with support from the Mentored Field
Experience Program of the Association of American State Geologists, assisted with field
work and with GIS-related tasks in the final phase of the project.
Finally, acknowledgment is made to two geologists who have had a positive
shaping influence on this work through their previous investigations and their helpful
conversations about them over a period of some fifteen years: H. V. Andersen (Professor
Emeritus, Louisiana State University Department of Geology & Geophysics), who
mapped the geology of Sabine and Natchitoches parishes; and James E. Rogers (U.S.
Geological Survey retired, now a consulting ground-water hydrologist), who has
investigated the surface and shallow-subsurface geology in Vernon Parish and many
other parts of the state. Each has spent decades working in his respective areas. The
basic framework of pre-Plio-Pleistocene geology available in our study area in the years
since the mapping of Rapides and Vernon parishes by Fisk and Welch, and prior to the
work of Hinds-and within which we were fortunate to be able to conduct our
investigation-was laid principally by these two geologists. Where our own observations
(exposures and/or access) and the information available to us have proved inadequate or
inconclusive, we have generally deferred to a previous map interpretation made by one of
them. It is our hope to have done so no more than was necessary and appropriate. We
are also indebted to Rogers for fruitful consultation and for his comprehensive technical
review of the draft version of this document; nevertheless, we are wholly responsible for
all aspects of this final report and its accompanying plates.
The study area, herein termed the Fort Polk region, comprises the ten 7.S-minute
quadrangles encompassing the Fort Polk Military Reservation and the Peason Ridge
Military Installation, in portions of Sabine, Natchitoches, and Vernon parishes, Louisiana
(figures 1,2).
The objectives of this investigation were basically threefold. The first was to
provide the u.S. Army at Fort Polk with basic geologic data essential to the
environmental applications of its ongoing environmental programs. Next was to continue
and enlarge upon the work of Hinds (1997a, b; 1998a, b, c; 1999) toward providing a
more detailed stratigraphic and geologic context and framework for the Miocene
vertebrate fossil localities recently discovered at Fort Polk and investigated by Schiebout
(1994, 1997; Schiebout et al. 1996). Finally, the work continues and refines the
Louisiana Geological Survey's recent geologic mapping activities encompassing the Fort
Polk region (Louisiana Geological Survey 1993; Snead et al. 1998), and its efforts toward
placing the region in a statewide geologic context.
Access to military land in the study area was coordinated primarily through the
Fort Polk Range Control office, and access to nonmilitary properties was obtained
principally through coordination with timber companies and hunting clubs. Field work
was conducted in excursions of several-day to two-week duration. The widespread
presence of surficial deposits covering the stratigraphic units mapped for this
investigation, and of thick vegetation, are such that exposures are in general scarce.
Artificial exposures occur with greatest frequency along roads and trails, and natural
exposures along the beds, cutbanks, and valley walls of streams and rivers. The
overwhelming majority of exposures examined for this investigation comprised those of a
small and inconspicuous nature in the ditches along roads, although the better exposures
included roadcuts and natural bluffs, some sizable. An attempt was made to cover all
roads accessible with a standard four-wheel drive vehicle, and to selectively gain access
to intervening areas on foot where exposures appeared likely.
Notes were recorded on copies of the topographic base maps for each of the ten
7.S-minute quadrangles in the study area, and in field books. Field observations were
used to discriminate areas of consistent gross lithology and internal features to delineate
the different map-unit polygons, the boundaries of which were fitted to the topography as
Figure 1. Location map and index to 7.S-minute quadrangles covered by the study area.
Figure 2. Location map showing major roads and highways traversing the study area.
much as possible. The interpreted polygons were then selectively checked against aerial
photography, including principally that used as a base for soils mapping by the Natural
Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) [formerly Soil Conservation Service (SCS)],
and against soils mapping and data included in NRCS/SCS parish soil surveys for Sabine,
Natchitoches, and Vernon parishes.
Pliocene units, and Pleistocene units associated with terrace surfaces, were found
to be divisible into three main groups: Upland, Intermediate, and Prairie. As indicated
by Snead and others (1998), their characteristics are suitable for informal classification as
allogroups (units characterized by bounding unconformities), and this was the approach
used in this investigation.
The alluvium underlies the bottomlands of streams and their upland tributaries.
Because these are incised into the older and higher strata of the surrounding uplands,
alluvium could be mapped as a network of low-relief flood-plain and bottomland
landforms discernible from the topographic information on the base maps of the 10
quadrangles composing the study area. This is the most systematic method of mapping
alluvium, and the one that provides the greatest consistency of interpretation within and
among the constituent quadrangles. No differentiation of constituent
geomorphic/depositional facies was possible in the largest river system in the Fort Polk
region, the Calcasieu River flood plain and the bottomlands of its larger tributaries;
therefore, all the stream alluvium rendered on geologic maps accompanying this report is
In this report, priority is given to metric units of measure, which are followed by
equivalents given in English (U.S. Customary) units. Exceptions are made for direct
references to elevation values from the topographic base maps, which give elevations in
feet, and with measurements derived from subsurface information, for which usage in the
US. dictates measurements in feet. In these instances, measurements are given first in
feet and are followed by equivalents given in meters, except on the subsurface geologic
sections of Appendix B, the scales of which are given in feet only. When referring to
locations in the text, we have used the U.S. public land survey grid system
(section-township-range designations); we have done so because this grid is rendered on
the US. Geological Survey topographic quadrangle sheets used as base maps for this
investigation, whereas the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) grid is indicated only
by ticks along the edges of the base maps. The scheme diagramed in figure 3 is used in
parts of the text as a supplementary loeational aid; thus, "Peason quadrangle [NET' refers
to the northeastern ninth of the named quadrangle. In some parts of the narrative where
we refer to color in general terms rather than using Munsell designations, we have
appended the suffix -ish to color names (e.g., "grayish") to emphasize the general nature
of the designation.
The basic framework of pre-Plio-Pleistocene geology in the study area is the work
of Welch (1942) as emended by Rogers (1980) and Hinds (1998a, b, c; 1999) for the
Miocene, and that of Andersen (1960, 1993) for the Eocene and Oligocene. The primary
we C EC
2 Miles
2 Ki!ometers
Figure 3. Supplementary location scheme used in this report, utilizing 2.5-minute ticks
on individual 7.5-minute quadrangles of which the study area is composed.
foundation for the present study was originally laid by Fisk (1940) and by his student
Welch (1942). Fisk (1940) introduced the sixfold subdivision used for the surface and
near-surface Miocene Fleming as part of his investigation of the geology of Rapides and
Avoyelles parishes to the east, and Welch (1942) applied this framework in his
investigation of the geology of Vernon Parish. Welch did his field work principally in
the late 1930s, at a time when much of Vernon Parish was clear-cut by timber interests,
but he had essentially no topographic control with which to guide the rendering of his
observations and interpretations.
Watson and Kirksey (1963) conducted photogeologic mapping of a large area in
west-central Louisiana and adjacent Texas- for Sinclair Oil & Gas Company, and
supplemented it with extensive field checking. The study area encompassed portions of
two Texas counties and four Louisiana parishes, and included all of Vernon Parish. Their
investigation was done at an impressive level of detail, although it appears that at least
some of their photogeologic map units were defined differently from the stratigraphically
defined units mapped for this investigation.
Rogers and Calandro (1965) revised the mapping of Vernon Parish geology from
that of Welch (1942) based primarily on shallow-subsurface data from water wells.
Rogers (1980) continued this revision based on both water well data and field checking,
and his rendering of Vernon Parish geology was the one used for the 1984 compilation of
the 1:500,OOO-scale Geologic Map of Louisiana. This investigation follows very closely
his mapping of the Lena Formation of the Fleming Group. Though the Lena is relatively
well exposed, it has a narrow outcrop belt and can be distinguished from adjacent units
more by its somewhat higher proportions of finer-grained textures than by any suite of
lithologies that could be considered diagnostic; thus, we were unable to improve on his
mapping of it.
Andersen (1960,1993) mapped the geology of Sabine and Natchitoches parishes,
the southernmost portions of which overlap the study area of this investigation. Andersen
did not subdivide the Fleming, and lumped it with the Catahoula as "Miocene
(Undifferentiated)." This investigation follows very closely his mapping of the older
Paleogene Tertiary units (Cockfield, Jackson, Vicksburg) in the northern- and
northwesternmost reaches of the study area because of extremely sparse exposures there.
Schiebout (1994, 1997; Schiebout et al. 1996) has elaborated a new and growing
biostratigraphic framework for the Miocene of Fort Polk and the surrounding region
following the recent discovery of vertebrate fossils in the Castor Creek Formation of the
Fleming Group on Fort Polk. Her investigations of these fossils and the need to place
them in a more detailed geologic framework provided the main impetus for the work of
Hinds (1997a, b; 1998a, b, c; 1999), and led to U.S. Geological Survey support for his
work under its Geologic Mapping Education Program (EDMAP). Because of overlap of
the periods of performance of Hinds's and our projects, we were privileged to engage
with him in an ongoing dialogue, and to participate jointly in the accumulation of new
observations and evolution of concepts regarding their interpretation. For Hinds and the
present authors, our situation was essentially the reverse of that obtaining during the work
of Welch (1942): we had good, detailed, and comprehensive topographic control,
available as the 7.5-minute quadrangles used as base maps, but a general scarcity of
exposures. Early in the conduct of this investigation the mapping of Hinds (1998b, c)
was still in progress; in ongoing consultations with him and with Fort Polk it was agreed
to incorporate his Miocene unit contacts in our mapping for the portion of our study area
overlapped by his study area, and to focus our efforts primarily on other parts of the Fort
Polk region. We have done so with minimal revision, although our mapping makes
substantial revisions to his Plio-Pleistocene contacts in places.
Prior to the recent work of Hinds (1998a, b, c; 1999) the only refinements of
Welch's (1942) original Plio-Pleistocene framework of the area that were both publicly
available and based on substantial field work were Andersen (1960) and Bianchi (1982).
Rogers (1982, 1993, personal communication) had suggested for many years the potential
for the occurrence of surface Pliocene strata in the area based on lithological
characteristics and elevation of the older and higher Citronelle-type remnants, and had
led the present authors and Hinds to some of the better candidate examples on different
occasions beginning in 1993. Snead and others (1998) utilized both the mapping of
Hinds (1998b, c) and preliminary results from this investigation, principally those
relating to the postulated presence of surface Pliocene strata, in their preparation of a
Quaternary Geologic Map of Louisiana as part of a cooperative agreement with the U.S.
Geological Survey under its State Geologic Mapping Program (STATEMAP).
The distributions of the areas in which we relied to a substantial degree on the
mapping of Tertiary units by previous investigators as mentioned above is shown in
figure 4.
Problems encountered in the conduct of the work derive primarily from the
scarcity of exposures. In addition to being generally scarce and largely inconspicuous,
exposures in the study area also tend to have an ephemeral character except where they
are frequently renewed by stream erosion or road-related maintenance. (This was
illustrated to the authors when they took David Hinds to see some joints measured less
than two months earlier in a road ditch in the Lacamp quadrangle [NW], only to find the
exposure now covered with deadwood and redeposited sediment.) Additionally,
repetitious textures occur in sediment of all ages in the study area; virtually all strata
consist of sediment of the same basic types, comprising sand, silt, and clay in varying
proportions, reflecting the repetitive recycling of terrigenous material through time and
blurring possible lithologic distinctions. The closest thing to a diagnostic lithology is the
calcareous-nodule-bearing clay of the finer-grained Fleming subunits, though such clay
may also occur with lesser frequency in certain of the coarser-grained subunits. The
members of the Fleming defined by Fisk (1940) constitute gross lithofacies, and though
they may approximate lithostratigraphic units locally, they are identified primarily on the
basis of gross lithology and position in the stratigraphic sequence.
The generally unfossiliferous nature of the Catahoula Formation and younger
strata of the surface and shallow subsurface is such that fossils are largely unavailable to
help with the problems of identification and classification. The only potential guide
fossils are represented by Potamides matsoni and its associated fauna, reported by others
from the Castor Creek Formation ofthe Fleming Group (Fisk 1940, in Rapides Parish;
Peason Kisatchie
_ Rogers (1980)
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Figure 5. Schematic diagram (no scale) of relations among surficial deposits in the study area, and the problems presented by such
deposits to the mapping of the underlying surface-stratigraphic units recognized in this investigation. Only one type of surface
deposit-the black surface soils-serves as an actual guide to the underlying parent material, the finer-grained formations of the
Miocene Fleming Group (Welch 1942; Rogers and Calandro 1965); all the other surficial deposits can be underlain by any of the
mapped surface-stratigraphic units.
I~ s
I T- ,_
...... /
Figure 6. The problem presented by deeply cased oil and gas wells to the correlation of subsurface stratigraphic units to the surface
(reprinted from McCulloh 1993).
In addition to the above problems of interpretive lithostratigraphy, the
stratigraphic classification of many of the units mapped for this investigation is beset by
long-standing problems and controversies relating to their age, because no unequivocal
age-diagnostic faunas are known from their updip portions. The older units of the strata
herein given the general designation of "Plio-Pleistocene" [Citronelle-equivalent =
Upland Complex of Hinds 1998a, 1999], and comprising subunits of the Willis and Lissie
as used herein, have been classified exclusively as either Pliocene or Pleistocene by
various workers in the past. Hinds (1998a, 1999) reviewed the context of Fisk's (1938)
probable predisposition toward a Pleistocene classification of these units in Louisiana,
which over the last several decades could have created an apparent dearth of surface
Pliocene strata as an artifact of the classification prevailing here. Some of these units are
herein given a Pliocene classification, as inferred from aspects of their distribution in
three dimensions, and in accordance with the ideas of Rogers (1982, 1993, personal
communication) and Hinds (1998a, 1999). The Catahoula Formation has a tradition of
being classified as Miocene among surface mappers (e.g., Andersen 1960 and 1993),
whereas its accepted subsurface equivalents (Frio and Anahuac) have long been classified
as Oligocene. The validity of the correlation of these surface and subsurface units, and
the accuracy of the relative-age dating of the subsurface Frio and Anahuac as Oligocene
by foraminiferal micropaleontology, are both upheld despite decades of these two
different usages. We therefore follow the interpretation of Galloway (1977) and
Galloway and others (1982), as was done by Hinds (1998a, 1999) and tentatively by
Snead and McCulloh (1984), and accordingly classify the Catahoula as Oligocene.
An added operational complication was presented by the age of the editions of the
base maps used for the field work, which date from the early 1950s, early 1970s, and late
1970s. Many of the roads on them have been reconfigured to a substantial degree since
their release: many are now gone, many of those remaining are now significantly
changed, and a number of new ones have been added. In some instances it became
necessary to spot-check locations with a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver to
trace the routes of present-day roads on the field/work maps.
Paul V Heinrich
The study region lies in the West Gulf Coastal section of the Coastal Plain
Province of Thornbury (1965). It consists of coast-parallel Quaternary terraces along its
seaward edge and deeply dissected Tertiary uplands characterized by a series of
coast-parallel cuestas and lowlands inland of the terraces. The cuestas are commonly
called "wolds" and the lowlands are less commonly called "vales." The cuestas have
steep inland-facing escarpments and slope gulfward. Erosionally resistant
gulfward-dipping strata create these cuestas. This belted topography is less well
developed in the West Gulf Coastal section than it is in the Coastal Plain Province east of
the Mississippi River (Murray 1961; Thornbury 1965).
Within the West Gulf Coastal section, the Fort Polk region lies at the boundary
between the coast-parallel terraces and the belted uplands between the Sabine and
Calcasieu River valleys. The southernmost cuesta, called the "Kisatchie Wold,"
dominates this region almost completely. Within the Fort Polk region, the Kisatchie
Wold consists of two distinct cuestas. Only a very small part of the coast-parallel terraces
lies within the study region. Local alluvial valleys of local streams and rivers that drain
the Fort Polk region are an additional and significant part of its physiography.
The southern of two cuestas of the Kisatchie Wold encompasses all of the Main
Post and most of the Birds Creek, Fort Polk, Fullerton Lake, Lacamp, Slagle, and
Simpson South quadrangles. The southern edge of this cuesta is a well-defined
escarpment 30 to 50 ft (9 to 15 m) high. This escarpment separates the highly dissected
cuesta from the flatter, less dissected coast-parallel terrace surface to the south. Except in
the Fullerton quadrangle, this escarpment lies south and out of the study region. The
northern boundary of this cuesta is a coast- and strike-parallel lowland occupied by the
alluvial valleys of Bayou Castor, Cypress Creek, and an east-west segment of the
Calcasieu River.
The southern cuesta rises in elevation from about 270 to 290 ft (82 to 88 m) along
its southern edge to an elevation of 400 to 440 ft (122 to 134 m) along its crest.
Northward of this crest, it drops rapidly into the lowland formed by the valleys of Bayou
Castor, Cypress Creek, and Calcasieu River. The southern cuesta is deeply dissected by a
series of northwest-southeast trending drainages. Topographic profiles along the crests of
ridges between the major drainages show that the southern cuesta rises as a series of
topographic steps instead of as a gradual slope. The southern cuesta is composed of
gulfward-dipping strata of the Blounts Creek and Castor Creek formations of the Fleming
Group capped by the Willis Formation of the Upland Allogroup.
The northern cuesta encompasses all of the Peason ridge area (Peason Ridge
Military Installation) and most of the Dowden Creek, Kisatchie, Kurthwood, and Peason
Ridge quadrangles. The southern boundary of the northern cuesta is the previously noted
strike-parallel lowland. The northern boundary of northern cuesta is another
strike-parallel lowland composed of the alluvial valleys of Bayou Toro, Mill Creek,
Goodson Creek, and Middle Creek. The northern cuesta rises gently and irregularly from
an elevation of about 350 ft (107 m) along its southeastern edge to just over 450 ft (137
m) within the Peason ridge area. The highest summit in the region, Eagle Hill, which has
an elevation of 463 ft (141 m), lies within the Peason ridge area. North of Eagle Hill, the
northern cuesta drops down to about 400 ft (122 m) where it forms an inland-facing
escarpment. The Fleming and Catahoula Formations underlie the northern cuesta.
Coast-parallel terraces, which comprise the southern fifth of the West Gulf
Coastal section, were mapped only within southern and eastern parts of the Fullerton
Lake quadrangle. This study recognizes two terrace surfaces, which represent separate
members of the Lissie Allogroup. The higher and older terrace surface forms a narrow
belt, about 0.8 to 1.3 miles (1.3 to 2.1 km) wide, that lies between the Kisatchie Wold and
the lower terrace. It is dissected, but unlike the Kisatchie Wold, it still retains large
remnants of its original terrace surface and has far less relief. The lower and younger
terrace surface is the northern edge of an extensive, gulfward-dipping terrace that extends
southward from the study region into Calcasieu Parish. Except where it is offset by
fault-line scarps, this terrace surface dips gulfward at 4 ft/mi (0.8 mlkm).
The local stream and river valleys are dominant features of the regional
physiography. They deeply dissect the belted topography of the Tertiary uplands and the
Pleistocene coast-parallel terraces. Within the Tertiary Upland, coalesced valleys form
the lowlands separating the cuestas. The drainages associated with these valleys belong
to one of three major drainage basins present within the Fort Polk region.
Tributaries of the Sabine River drain the western edges of both the southern and
northern cuestas (figure 7). Bayou Zourie, Cypress Creek, Dowden Creek, and other
tributaries of Anacoco Bayou drain the northwestern corner of the Fort Polk quadrangle,
the western edge of both the Slagle and Kurthwood quadrangles, all but the northeast
corner of the Dowden Creek quadrangle, and southwestern part of the Peason quadrangle.
The valley of Cypress Creek, forms part of the lowlands that separate the southern and
northen cuestas. The northwestern part of the Peas on quadrangle is drained by Goodson
Creek, a tributary of Bayou Toro. The valley of Goodson Creek, like the valley of
Cypress Creek, forms part of a prominent coast-parallel lowland valley lying at the base
of a cuesta's inland-facing escarpment.
The remainder of the Fort Polk region is drained by tributaries, Kisatchie Bayou
and Middle Creek, of the Red PJver (figure 7). Kisatchie Bayou drains most of the
Kisatchie quadrangle, the northern edge of the Kurthwood quadrangle, the northeast
corner of the Dowden Creek quadrangle, and the eastern half of the Peason quadrangle.
Middle Creek drains a small accurate slice of the northern edge of the Peason and
Kisatchie quadrangles. The valley of Middle Creek forms a coast-parallel lowland that
forms the northern boundary of the Kisatchie Wold.
The Kisatchie 15-minute quadrangle provides unmistakable evidence that
Kisatchie Bayou was once a major tributary of the Calcasieu River (Andersen 1993). The
evidence includes a large wind gap separating Devil's Creek and Bayou L'Ivrogne, both
of which are noticably underfit for the valleys that they currently occupy. As noted by
Andersen (1993), the northwest-southeast trending segment of Kisatchie Bayou exhibits a
93'22'30~ 93"OOW"
-, ,
,.,- ....
3'"22"30"+ I
----- Miltary Reservation
Parish ;-
Drainage -<
(::7 Lake
Iii Town
~ Swamp
Major Summit
, __ - Crest of drainage
divide or cuesta
direction of
ARC = ancient
Red River
Calcasieu River
drainage divide
Red River - 3'"00'00"+~
Calcasieu River
drainage divide
ASC = ancient
Sabine River -
Calcasieu River
drainage divide Figure 7. Major drainages and drainage divides in the Fort Polk region
(derived from local 15-minute quadrangle maps).
barbed drainage pattern. The barbed drainage pattern implies that this segment of
Kisatchie Bayou once flowed southeastward into Bayou L'Ivrogne across the wind gap
and down Devil's Creek to Comrade Creek. It is obvious that Kisatchie Bayou once
flowed southward into the Calcasieu River until pirated by a tributary ofthe Red River.
The Fort Polk region has a humid SUbtropical climate. Moist, subtropical air
masses from the Gulf of Mexico dominate the region's climate particularly in the
summer. Because it lies 50 to 11 0 miles (80 to approximately 180 km) inland from the
Gulf of Mexico, drier continental air masses from the west and north significantly
influence the Fort Polk region. As a result, its climate is drier than experienced along the
Gulf Coast to the south (Louisiana Office of State Climatology n.d.).
During the summer, temperatures are typically very warm. Daytime maximum
temperatures average 90°F (32°C) or above from June into early September. Days with
maximum temperatures above lOO°F (38°C) are not rare and often occur in runs of two to
three days in a row. Because of the high humidity, heat indices or apparent temperatures
above 110°F (43°C) are frequent during these heat spells. As in the winter, summer
maximum and minimum temperatures usually show a range of 20°F (11°C) (Louisiana
Office of State Climatology n.d.).
Winter temperatures are typically mild. The average monthly minimum
temperatures for the winter months are all above freezing. However, common cold spells
with rare periods of sub-freezing weather occur with polar outbreaks. The duration of
extremely cold weather is typically short. In rare winters, they might last from several
days to as long as a few weeks. January is typically the coldest month (Louisiana Office
of State Climatology n.d.).
Precipitation occurs throughout the year with recordable rainfall occurring on
about 100 days during a typical year. According to monthly average precipitation values,
rainfall is well distributed throughout the year with summer and fall months being the
driest part of the year. Typical weather patterns consist of frontal rain in fall, winter, and
spring including possible, but rare, snow and sleet in the winter. Frontal storms can
produce damaging ice storms in the winter and other hazardous weather throughout the
year. Thunderstorms also produce precipitation throughout the year, but most commonly
during the summer. Frontal thunderstorms and squalls, which occur most frequently
during the spring and fall, may cause locally heavy rainfall, regional flooding, high
winds, dangerous lightening, hail, and tornadoes. On average, about 50 inches (127 cm)
of rain falls per year with as much 80 inches (203 em) and as little as 30 inches (76 cm) in
any year (Louisiana Office of State Climatology n.d.).
The Fort Polk region lies within the West Gulf Coast Plain Longleaf Pine Forest
region. The upland forests of this region are characterized by longleaf pine forest with
major stands of slash pine and oaks. In its virgin state, the longleaf pine forest consisted
of almost pure, open, parklike stands of longleaf pine with a scattering of shortleaf and
loblolly pine and a highly diverse understory of bluestem grasses. The exceptionally rich
understory of the longleaf pine forest was dominated by grasses, composites, legumes,
and a wide assortment of other forbs. Associated with the upland longleaf pine forests
were the hillside bogs, wooded seeps, sandy woodlands, and the very rare calcareous
prairie natural communities. The longleaf pine forest has been replaced by slash pine and
loblolly pine throughout much of the Fort Polk region as a result of logging and
reforestation. The virgin forests of the area were completely logged between the 1890s
and 1930s. Starting in the 1950s, large parts of the longleaf pine forests have been
converted to pine plantations devoted to the agricultural production of pulp wood and
other paper products (Environmental and Natural Resource Management Division 1990;
Martin and Smith 1991; Cantley et aI1993).
The mixed hardwood-loblolly pine forest and shortleaf pine/oak-hickory forest
natural communities characterize the hillslopes and terraces located between the upland
longleaf pine forests and the bottomlands of the Fort polk region. The mixed
hardwood-loblolly pine forest consists of a variable mixture of hardwoods, i.e. various
oaks and hickories, and a significant percentage of loblolly pine. Within the mixed
hardwood-loblolly pine forest, dogwood, redbud, persimmon, black cherry, and other
woody shrubs form a midstory canopy. The shortleaf pine/oak-hickory forest is an
open-canopied, moderately dense forest composed of shortleaf pine and various
hardwoods. This type of forest is associated with the xeric to dry-mesic upper and middle
slopes and hilltops found within the study region. This natural community has thick
middle and understory components composed of small trees and vines. The herbaceous
ground cover is sparse to moderate in extent. The wooded seeps natural community also
occurs on the hillslopes within the Fort Polk region (Martin and Smith 1991; Cantley et al
The riparian forest natural community occupies the narrow flood plain of
permanent small to intermediate streams within the Fort Polk region. This natural
community contains a wide variety of hardwood species, including three species of
maple; two species of hickory; persimmon; three species of ash; black walnut; sycamore;
seven species of oak; and four species of elm. Where a closed canopy is present, the
understory is open and parklike and contains relatively few shrubs and regenerating trees.
Where the canopy is open, the riparian forest often contains a fairly dense midstory and
understory composed of a wide variety of shrubs, trees, and vines (Martin and Smith
1991; Cantley et al1993).
A diverse natural fauna inhabits the local natural communities. This fauna
includes 40 species of mammals, seven species of lizards, 23 species of snakes, 10
species of turtles, nine species of salamanders, 13 species of frogs and toads, and 223
species of birds. The mammals that can be found in the Fort Polk region include
white-tailed deer, nine-banded armadillo, opossum, spotted skunk, striped skunk,
woodland mole, cottontail and swamp rabbits, and gray and fox squirrels. The important
predator mammals found within these forests are red fox, gray fox, mink, bobcat,
raccoon, long-tailed weasel, and the endangered and regionally expatriated red wolf
(Martin and Smith 1991; Tomas 1978).
The study area lies downdip of the Sabine uplift, north Louisiana salt basin, and
Angelina-Caldwell flexure to the north; the Toledo Bend flexure and Gulf Coast salt and
growth-fault basin lie to the south (figures 8, 9). The Angelina-Caldwell flexure is
marked at the surface by a zone of faults mapped in Louisiana by Andersen (1960, 1993).
Tertiary strata range in age from Eocene to some high and discontinuous remnants of
oxidized, sandy strata herein assigned a Pliocene age. The Tertiary section consists of
varying proportions of sand, silt, and mud, with sand constituting the greater volume, and
reflects deposition ranging from fluvial to shallow-marine, with overall increasingly
terrestrial character upsection. Quaternary units comprise strata underlying Pleistocene
terraces, and Holocene alluvium; various surficial deposits of Quaternary age form thin
veneers on other map units, and with a single exception were not mapped for this
investigation. Pliocene units, and Pleistocene units associated with terrace surfaces, are
divisible into three main groups, here classified as allogroups (units characterized by
bounding unconformities): Upland, Intermediate, and Prairie (figure 10). The study area
lies in the area of transition between fluvial terraces to the north and coast-parallel
terraces to the south. The stream net over much of the study area shows rectangular
drainage that is suggestive of potential structural control.
Figure 80 Regional geologic and tectonic framework of study area (redrawn and adapted
from numerous sources)o
Projection of Study Area
• ~_. 1_ I II/ I WJlII
o lOA FT
a 50 MILES
Figure 9. Dip section through the northern Gulf Coast along 94° west longitude. The study area of this report lies 60 kIn (37 mi) east
of this line of section, and spans units ranging at the surface from the uppermost or farthest-downdip portion of the outcrop belt of the
Claiborne Group to the iovver or updip portion of the outcrop belt of strata of Plio-Pleistocene age. (Geopressure on this diagram
refers to "hard" geopressure, equivalent to 13 pounds-per-gallon equivalent drilling-mud weight or the approximate base of the
transition zone). Redrawn and adapted, with permission, from American Association of Petroleum Geologists (1990; copyright 1990
by the American Association of Petroleum Geologists).
L•••vill.tDOK...... I Alexandria tOOK I -+-·vmo Platt. tOOK
III Miocene Fleming Formation Louisiana
Simpson Birds I
South Creek I
III Upland Allogroup
107B 1070 I Inrermediate A1logroup
LJ Prairie Allogroup 500
Fullerton ~ Deweyville Allogroup
Holocene Undifferentiated
i ...... I C;:~Y I +- Lak. Chari•• tOOK 401l
o kilometers 10
Vertical Exaggeration ~ 417
miles 10
Figure 10. Dip section from the highest uplands of the study area along the Calcasieu River valley to the edge of the south Louisiana
coastal marsh, showing geomorphic and hypothesized alloformational interrelations among Plio-Pleistocene and Quaternary units
incised into the Miocene Fleming Group.
The composite stratigraphic column for the Fort Polk region, with the
classification of units used herein, is given in Table 1. The Paleogene units of the
Tertiary, represented in the study area by Eocene and Oligocene strata, follow the
classification employed by Andersen (1960, 1993); the exception is that the Catahoula
Formation is here assigned to the Oligocene, following the interpretation of Galloway
(1977, his figure 2) and Galloway and others (1982, their figure 3), as mentioned in the
introduction. The older Neogene units, represented by Miocene strata, follow the
classification devised by Fisk (1940) in Rapides Parish and employed by Welch (1942) in
Vernon Parish, with the exception noted above of adopting usage (suggested by Rogers
1999) reflecting the group rank of the Fleming and formation rank of its constituent
subunits. The classification of Pliocene and Pleistocene strata elaborates further the work
of Snead and others (1998) in largely following and deriving from usage established in
adjacent portions of eastern Texas for the pre-Prairie units; this schema was found to be
the most natural and readily applicable, considering the number and three-dimensional
distribution of inferred Pliocene and Pleistocene units found in the study area. While no
independent control is available on the age of inferred surface Pliocene strata, the
distribution of the two constituent units recognized (lower and upper Willis) in relation to
that of the younger Pleistocene units makes this a plausible inference, as outlined in the
Pliocene Series section below.
A total of 95 electric logs of selected oil & gas and water wells in and surrounding
the study area was examined. The logs were correlated and used to construct a series of
geologic sections, presented in Appendix B, which show the subsurface distribution of
stratigraphic units mapped at the surface.
Claiborne GrouD
The Cockfield Formation crops out in a small portion of the study area at its
northwesternrnost edge, and within this area is very poorly exposed. The authors were
able to examine only two limited exposures of this unit, comprising very fine sand of
generally grayish to grayish brown coloration. For these reasons we have followed
Andersen's (1960, 1993) mapping ofthe Cockfield, as well as of the superjacent Jackson
and Vicksburg groups, very closely. Andersen notes that above its basal sand unit the
Cockfield comprises "interbedded clays, silts, and muds" (1960, p. 92), and is
Stratigraphic Column of Fort Polk Region
Time - StratigraiJhic Units Rock - Stratigraphic Units
..... +-'
0 ~ ~~ ~
VI Calabrian
c::: ~g. Upper
Ci ]e
:E< Lower
c Piacenzian ~~ ~
C1i <. raVellitll Allomember
U "-
,,:> Tower Road
.Q co
Duaout Road Allomember
c::: Zanclean -g-g'"
Willis Kisatchie Allomember
« Fort Polk Allomember
~~ ~
::;) Tortonian
C1i Blounts Creek undifferentiated
2 c_
C1i C1i Serravallian 0'1
Z u "0 C Castor Creek undifferentiated
0 "0 'EC1i
~ ~ Langhian u::: Williamson Creek u nd ifferenti ated
"predominantly composed of very fine sand and silt" (1993, p. 87), with scattered
occurrences of petrified wood, leaf fossils, lignite, and glauconite (Andersen 1960).
These characteristics suggest that the Cockfield represents deltaic deposition on a shallow
shelf. Its thickness penetrated by a well in Sec. 54, T. 7 N., R. 6 W. (15.2 km or 9.5 mi
northeast of the study area) is listed by Andersen (1993) as 630 ft (192 m). Among the
electric logs examined for this investigation the Cockfield shows a thickness range of 740
to 1,090 ft (226 to 332 m), and shows individual sand intervals as thick as 150 ft (46 m).
According to Andersen (1960), the Jackson Group comprises primarily clay with
varying admixtures of sand, glauconite, and volcaniclastic material, is fossiliferous in its
lower portions (Moodys Branch and Yazoo formations and Danville Landing beds), and
has a total thickness of 600 ft (180 m) near the Sabine-Vernon Parish line. Like the
Cockfield, the Jackson outcrop is limited to a small area in the northwestern portion of
the study area. Though it is not particularly well exposed, we were able to observe it at
more localities than we were the Cockfield; still, our observations were insufficient to
improve on the mapping of Andersen (1960, 1993), and as a result we follow his mapping
of the unit very closely, and thus also his definition of it. Andersen (1993) mentions the
overall scarcity of Jackson Group exposures in Natchitoches Parish; although apparently
it is not much better exposed in Sabine Parish, Andersen (1960) found exposures
adequate to describe its constituent formations there, and was also able to use this
subdivision later in his description of the unit in Natchitoches Parish. In Sabine Parish,
Andersen (1960) mentions several specific outcrops, all but one of which are west of the
present study area; in Natchitoches Parish, he specifically mentions three outcrops, plus
somewhat fragmentary data from two wells, all of which are north of the study area
(Andersen 1993).
We were able to examine exposures of the Jackson at approximately 15 localities,
most of which lie in the Peason quadrangle [NC]; all the following references are to
localities from this area. At these sites the Jackson Group is represented principally by
grayish silty and sandy clay and clayey very fine sand, with reddish mottles. Where
observed in NW/SE Sec. 19, T. 6 N., R. 9 W., the Jackson is a silty clay, light brownish
gray 2.5Y 6/2 and gray 5Y 5/1, with red 7.5R 4/6 mottles. Petrified wood fragments
were observed in float at two localities, in SE/SW Sec. 13 and SE Sec. 17, T. 6 N., R. 9
W. At another locality in SEINE Sec. 19, T. 6 N., R. 9 W., we were able to observe
cobble- and boulder-sized carbonate nodules up to 20 em x 30 em in the Jackson,
indicating this to be an exposure of the Moodys Branch Formation. These nodules are
approximately light greenish gray lOY 8/1 [not their exact color, but the closest to a
match with a Munsell color], and occur in grayish green, clayey very fine to fine sand.
The overall fine-grained character of the Jackson and the reported presence of glauconite
are suggestive of deposition on a shallow, muddy shelf.
Andersen (1960, 1993) provided the stratigraphic framework for the Vicksburg
Group in the study area; he described two members of formation rank in Sabine Parish,
the Sandel and Nash Creek formations, plus a third in Natchitoches Parish, the overlying
Rosefield Formation. The lowermost formation, the Sandel, comprises sand with
interbedded conglomerate containing cobbles and slabs of carbonaceous bentonitic clay
like that of the overlying Nash Creek. Based on the investigation of Rukas and Gooch
(1939), Andersen (1993) portrayed the Rosefield as comprising lentils of marly clay that
form a marine tongue extending into Natchitoches Parish from the east, and which
pinches out westward approximately 13 km (8 mi) east of the present study area; it
follows that the Vicksburg in the Fort Polk region consists of the same two formations
that Andersen (1960) described in Sabine Parish. Because of sparse exposures and the
narrowness of the Vicksburg outcrop belt, Andersen (1960, 1993) did not differentiate its
constituent formations on his maps; as with the Cockfield Formation and Jackson Group,
our maps follow closely his rendering of the Vicksburg. On electric logs the Jackson and
Vicksburg Groups appear as a combined interval of fine-grained sediment, which among
the logs examined for this investigation ranges from 640 to 1,040 ft (195 to 317 m).
We were able to observe Vicksburg sediment at approximately 15 localities.
Sandier sediment is typically a grayish, clayey very fine sand, with red mottles in places.
Muddier sediment is typically a dark gray to dark reddish brown to chocolate brown,
thinly laminated silty clay. Where examined at one locality in SE Sec. 19,T. 6 N., R. 8
W. (Kisatchie quadrangle [NWD, the laminae separate readily, giving the sediment a
flaky aspect in hand specimen. Munsell colors determined for finer-grained sediment of
the Vicksburg range from light brownish gray 10YR 6/2 for silty clay in NWINE Sec. 26,
T. 6 N., R. 8 W. (Kisatchie quadrangle [NED to light brown 7.5YR 6/3 and reddish
brown 5YR 5/3 for clay in SWINW Sec. 32, T. 6 N., R. 9 W. (Peason quadrangle [NC]).
Petrified wood was found in float at three localities (two in Peason quadrangle [NE], and
one in Kisatchie quadrangle [NED, comprising two exposures of grayish, clayey very fine
sand (NW Sec. 27, T. 6 N., R. 9 W., SW Sec. 14, T. 6 N., R. 8 W.) and one exposure of
dark reddish brown mud (SE Sec. 22-NE Sec. 27, T. 6 N., R. 9 W.).
Rogers and Calandro (1965) gave a thickness range of200 to 500 ft (61 to 152 m)
for the Catahoula near the outcrop in Vernon Parish and 600 to 1,000 ft (183 to 305 m) in
the subsurface near the southern parish line. Hinds (1998a, 1999, Plates 3, 4) shows
Catahoula intercepts indicating a thickness of approximately 475 ft (145 m) for well
V-505 in T. 2 N., R. 9 W. On electric logs examined for this investigation, the Catahoula
ranges from 225 to 865 ft (69 to 264 m), with individual sandy intervals ranging up to
180 ft (55 m).
The Catahoula in the study area is relatively well exposed and could be examined
at numerous localities. The formation comprises sediments that are texturally quite
heterogeneous, and which tend to be poorly sorted. The lithologies that occur with the
greatest frequency where we observed it are in the range of silt/siltstone to very fine
quartzose sand/sandstone, with or without admixtures of clay. Even where coarser grains
of medium sand to granule sizes are present, the overall or predominant grain size of
sand/sandstone at a majority of localities tends to average very fine to fine sand. Coarser
grains may comprise quartz, chert, and/or mud clasts; darker grains, observed in some
places, appear in hand specimen to predominantly consist of chert. Colors tend mostly
toward lighter hues with substantial amounts of gray, with red mottles showing in silty
and sandy clay and clayey sand in places. Silt and siltstone, with or without admixtures
of clay, show a tendency toward a greenish cast. Sand may be loose, semiconsolidated,
well consolidated, or orthoquartzitic; better consolidated examples, which include
occurrences with opaline cement in places, tend toward more nearly whitish hues.
Catahoula sediments weather locally in places (as in Peason quadrangle [SW], where the
parent material consists primarily of silty clay, clayey silt/siltstone, and clayey very fine
to fine sand) to produce a thick (up to 2 m) gray/tan loamy surface unit.
Internal features most commonly observed are cross bedding in sand/sandstone,
thin beds in very fine sand/sandstone, and laminations in silt/siltstone, although
apparently massive examples of these textural types are also common. Other features
include the lightish mud rip-up clasts mentioned above, and petrified wood, wood
impressions, and root casts. Ophiomorpha nodosa burrows, with characteristic
"com-cob" texture on the outer surface of outer whitish mud "skins," were observed in
salmon-red-weathering cross-bedded sand at one locality in Peason quadrangle [NE].
Local diagenetic effects observed, aside from silicification and opalization,
comprise iron-oxide concentration, ranging from orangish weathering stains through
brownish orange liesegang-type bands to ironstone concretions up to 2 em across.
Silicified, orthoquartzitic rock is mined from the Catahoula by Apeck Construction
Company at the Ellzey quarry in SE/SE Sec. 15 and SW/SW Sec. 14, T. 5 N., R. 10 W.,
Peason quadrangle [SW], in southeastern Sabine Parish.
Munsell colors were noted for Catahoula sediments at numerous localities. These
and colors of Fleming sediments are listed in Appendix 1 by portions of quadrangles,
approximateiy from southwest to northeast along the outcrop belt.
The characteristics of the Catahoula observed in the study area accord for the most
part with its traditional interpretation as reflective of continental, fluvial~dominated
deposition. The Ophiomorpha nodosa burrows are the single exception; Ophiomorpha is
generally considered a reliable indicator of deposition in a shallow marine, nearshore
setting, but according to Frey and Howard (1970) "has been found ... in brackish to fresh
water deposits" and "do[es] not have unequivocal significance" (p. 155). The large
proportion of silt observed in Catahoula textures is, in any case, consistent with
deposition near the transition to a coastal flood-basin setting with onset of influence by
deltaic deposition. In his investigation of the geology of Rapides and Avoyelles parishes,
Fisk (1940, his plate 6) interpreted the transition from continental to brackish-water facies
in the Catahoula to lie in the shallow subsurface approximately at the position of the
parish boundary separating southern Natchitoches and northwestern Rapides parishes.
Fleming Group
The members of the Fleming defined by Fisk (1940) in Rapides Parish and
mapped by Welch (1942) in Vernon Parish comprise alternating coarser-grained,
fluvial-dominated lithofacies and finer-grained, more marine-influenced lithofacies. Fisk
(1940) interpreted the coarser-grained members as fluvial and the finer-grained members
as estuarine. Hinds (1998a, 1999) elaborated both on Fisk's (1940) surface- and
near-surface characterization of depositional settings and on Rainwater's (1964)
deeper-subsurface depositional framework for the Louisiana Miocene, and attempted to
integrate these and his observations with the genetic stratigraphic framework developed
by Galloway (1989a, b) and Galloway and others (1991) for the northern Gulf Coast.
Hinds made the refinement of interpreting Fleming members as representing upper and
lower delta-plain deposition, and the latter, corresponding to the finer-grained members,
as potentially the updip expression of subsurface marine shale tongues and associated
flooding surfaces corresponding to periods of maximum transgression during the
Miocene. He correlated the Dough Hills with the Marginulina ascensionensis tongue of
the subsurface, the Castor Creek with the Amphistegina fauna tongue, and the Blounts
Creek with the Textularia stapperi and Bigenerinajloridana tongues (Hinds 1998a, 1999,
his figures 31 and 34). The hypothesized downdip marine shale of the Lena Member on
his figure 34 corresponds in position to the major Siphonina davisi tongue (Rainwater
1964). According to Ye and others (1995), the nature of depositional sequence cycles in
the Miocene of the northern Gulf Coast indicates that glacioeustatic control of cyclicity
was operative, and the Siphonina davisi, Marginulina ascensionensis, and Amphistegina
fauna tongues correspond to the three major transgressions in the northern Gulf Coast
The gross textures observed for the sandier Fleming subunits in the study area
suggest that the Fleming interval reflects increasing regression followed by marine
encroachment: the Carnahan Bayou is texturally similar to the Catahoula, encompassing
a wide range of textures but with mean grain size in the silt to fine sand range; the
Williamson Creek has the largest proportion of coarse textures, which comprise mostly
very coarse sand and granules; and the Blounts Creek comprises mostly fine and very fine
sand, siit, and mud. This sequence accords with Hinds's (l998a) account of the
environments of deposition (cf. his figure 28), in which the Lena and Dough Hills
members show "a lesser degree of brackish-water influence than that seen in the Castor
Creek Member" (p. 63), the Williamson Creek is "the terrestrially influenced end member
of the Fleming Formation depositional model," and "[t]he basal section of the Castor
Creek Member forms the brackish-water-influenced end member of the Fleming
depositional model" (p. 68). It is also consistent with the observation by Ye and others
(1995) that parasequence-set cycles in the upper Miocene sequence cycles of
southwestern Louisiana comprise mostly intervals of highstand (HST) and transgressive
(TST) systems tracts.
The vertebrate fossils discovered recently at Fort Polk occur in one of these
overall finer-grained subunits, the Castor Creek, but within a notably coarser-grained
subinterval consisting of conglomerate and sandstone, The conglomerate consists of
carbonate nodules reworked from the subjacent mudstone, which is typical of the Castor
Creek elsewhere in Vernon Parish, and the conglomerate-and-sandstone subinterval lies
on this mudstone with an erosive base (Hinds 1998a, 1999, his figure 11). Jones and
others (1995) showed that at least this portion of the Castor Creek sequence can be
interpreted as fluviatile; however, this subinterval constitutes a relatively small portion of
the total Castor Creek interval, and as suggested by Hinds (1998a, 1999) is
unrepresentative of the interval as a whole. Another of the finer-grained subunits, the
Dough Hills, shows an increased frequency of coarse material affecting its entire interval
near its eastern extent in the study area, which Hinds (1998a, 1999) inferred corresponds
to a persistent fluvial axis in that position.
Although the Fleming is traditionally classified as a formation, in Louisiana and
in the study area in particular, the unit is more appropriately described as of group rank
and consisting of formation-rank subunits. In this report we have, therefore, followed the
suggestion of Rogers (1999) and designated the Fleming as a group and its constituent
subdivisions as formations. Because the Fleming subdivisions constitute lithofacies
recognizable principally by gross lithology and position in the sequence, these units
should only be mappable within a transitional paleogeographic belt centered around the
position of the Miocene coastal plain. An examination of selected subsurface well logs in
southern Vernon and northern Beauregard parishes, and in areas along strike as far east as
West Feliciana Parish across the Mississippi River flood plain, showed the downdip
position at which correlation of Fleming subunits becomes notably more difficult and
complicated owing to a thickened sequence with log character indicative of fine-scale
irregular variation. This position should mark the farthest downdip extent of continental
fluvial facies into the coastal flood-basin setting in the Fleming, and is rendered on figure
11 (sawtooth line) as a transition between fluvial and mixed fluvial-deltaic facies. In his
investigation in Rapides and Avoyelles parishes, Fisk (1940, his plate 6) placed this
facies boundary in the shallow subsurface nearly as far south as the parish line separating
southwestern Rapides and northwestern Allen parishes, in the same position as that
depicted in figure 11 from an analysis of selected well logs.
Rogers and Calandro (1965) listed the range of Lena thicknesses in Vernon Parish
as 185 to 300 ft (56 to 91 m), and electric logs and sections figured on their Plate 2
suggest 200 feet (approximately 60 m) as a representative thickness. Hinds (1998a, 1999,
Plates 3, 4) showed Lena intercepts in water wells indicating a thickness range of
approximately 175 to 300+ ft (53 to 91 + m) in the Fort Polk area. Among the electric
logs examined for this investigation the Lena shows a thickness range of 90 to 320 ft (27
to 98 m); the thinner values are from wells drilled near the outcrop in southern Sabine
and Natchitoches parishes.
The Lena Formation shows constituent lithologies essentially like those observed
in the underlying Catahoula, the difference being primarily in the increased proportion of
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Overall Change from Continental
Fluvial Outcrop Belt to Coastal Flood-Basin Setting
The Carnahan Bayou Formation of the Fleming Group has the widest outcrop
belt, and is perhaps the best exposed, of any of the map units in the study area, and could
be observed at hundreds of exposures. Rogers and Calandro (1965) indicated a thickness
range of approximately 500 to 1,100 ft (i 52 to 335 m) for the Carnahan Bayou in Vemon
Parish, making it and the Blounts Creek the thickest Fleming subunits. Hinds (1998a,
1999) estimated the thickness range of the Carnahan Bayou in the Fort Polk area as 500
to 550 ft (152 to 168 m); his Plates 3 and 4 show subsurface intercepts in water wells
indicating a thickness range of approximately 475 to 550 ft (145 to 168 my. Well logs
examined for this investigation indicate a thickness range of 545 to 1,260 ft (166 to 384
m) for the Carnahan Bayou in the study area and vicinity, with individual sandy intervals
as thick as 140 ft (43 my.
Generally, the Carnahan Bayou shows the same textural variability and poor
sorting as the Catahoula, comprising varying admixtures of sand/sandstone, with granules
in places; silt/siltstone; and clay/mud. But it is coarser overall, with some occurrences of
medium to coarse and coarse to very coarse sand with granules, in addition to the clayey
very fine to fine sand with some coarse and very coarse sand and granules reminiscent of
some Catahoula exposures. Granules and pebbles include both quartz and rock
fragments. The granules comprise predominantly quartz, but include black and dark chert
grains in places; some lightish mud rock fragments also occur in the granule size range.
Pebbles and cobbles consist mostly of rock fragments, predominantly lightish clay/mud
rip-up clasts with varying degrees of rounding, but in some places dominated by black
chert. Associated finer-grained versions of sediment with discernible dark grains consist
of "salt-and-pepper" quartzose very fine to fine sandstone. Another aspect of Carnahan
Bayou sand and sandstone distinctive from that of the Catahoula is the common
occurrence of whitish flecks. In hand specimen the larger examples of these resemble
clay, though we cannot say at present whether they consist of more finely comminuted
representatives of the lightish clay/mud rock fragments, or if they result from weathering
alteration of precursor mineral grains to clay.
The Carnahan Bayou shows the same colors typical of the Catahoula: lightish
gray, green, and brown, with red and yellow mottles in places. In Peason quadrangle
[SC, SE], for example, it shows a fairly monotonous repetition of silty clay, clayey silt,
greenish-grayish (whitish-weathering) siltstone, and grayish clayey sand and sandy clay,
with some whitish-weathering very fine to fine sandstone. It also contains, however,
more sediment with reddish and yellowish hues, giving it a more varicolored aspect
overall. The latter comprise additional reddish to reddish brown and yellowish to
yellowish brown hues, plus some roseate hues in a few places. In Dowden Creek
quadrangle [SW, sq, for example, two lithologies occur singly and in alternation. One
comprises lightish, grayish clayey silt to very fine sand with red mottles. The other is
cross-bedded reddish sand, very fine to fine overall, with coarser grains up to and
including 3- to 4-mm granules in some places; these include relatively large examples of
the whitish flecklike grains on cross beds, and these grains are numerous enough to
become welded into irregular cross laminae in places. The greater weathering indicated
by the greater abundance of reds and yellows in the Carnahan Bayou may partly reflect
the coarser grain size, but it also appears to mark the preservation of higher portions of
the weathering sequence in the outcrop belts of the Carnahan Bayou and the other sandy
Miocene lmits downdip. Grayish mottles occur in reddish and yellowish sand just as red
and yellow mottles may occur in grayish sediment, and include grayish clay lining
partings, cracks, fractures, and root traces. Munsell colors were noted for Carnahan
Bayou sediments at numerous localities, and are listed in Appendix 1 by portions of
quadrangles, approximately from southwest to northeast along the outcrop belt.
Internal features observed in Carnahan Bayou sand and sandstone comprise
primarily cross bedding, including climbing ripples and medium-scale trough cross
bedding, with cross beds delineated by cross laminae of clay in places. Laminations were
more commonly observed in silt and clayey very fine to fine sand and sandstone, and
contorted bedding was observed in very fine sandstone at a single locality. Red, yellow,
and brown fine to coarse sand may commonly contain whitish clay/mud interbeds and
rip-up clasts. Purplish clay/mud beds were seen in red cross-bedded sand in a few places
and purplish clay/mud rip-up clasts were also observed in Dowden Creek [WC], in SE
Sec. 24, T. 4 N., R. 10 W. This was the single exception to the generalization that such
clasts are diagnostic of Plio-Pleistocene strata [discussed below]; it occurs below 450 feet
(137 m) elevation, and observations indicate Carnahan Bayou sediments above that
nearby (1000 to 1200 ft, or approximately 305 to 365 m, to the east). Root molds and
casts, including mud- and silt-filled and ironstone-filled representatives, were observed in
sediment at a number of exposures, and wood impressions were observed at one locality.
Megascopic features of Carnahan Bayou sediments could be clearly observed in
quarry exposures in Dowden Creek quadrangle [WC], in SE Sec. 25, T. 4 N., R. 10 W.
(figure 12). These consist of channeloid lenses of medium-scale cross-bedded, pale
yellow 5Y 7/3 very fine to fine sand and sandstone, cutting out olive 5Y 5/3 silt and
siltstone. The sand and sandstone have individual beds containing grains up to very
coarse and granule sizes (the larger grains consisting of clay/mud, and with quartz grains
up to about coarse size). These megascopic features and the smaller-scale internal
features noted above accord with the interpretation of fluvial deposition originally given
by Fisk (1940) and more recently elaborated by Hinds (1998a, 1999). As with the
Catahoula, the notably high proportion of silt among the observed textures in Carnahan
Bayou sediments is at least suggestive of proximity to the coast and to the transition into
deltaic facies.
A common feature of silt and coarser sediment of the Carnahan Bayou is
silicification, indicating a higher mobility of silica relative to sediment with equivalent
textures observed in the Catahoula. This is shown by the formation of sandstone ledges,
and also by blebs of selective silica cementation, occurrence of silcrete layers and veins,
and siliceous root traces/nodules in sand and sandstone. Localized cementation by
common opal was observed in the Peason quadrangle [SC], in NW Sec. 21, T. 5 N., R.
9 W. Localized silicification along joints in whitish very fine sandstone and siltstone was
observed at one locality in the Kisatchie quadrangle [SW], in NE/SW Sec. 29, T. 5 N., R.
8 W. The joints are nonvegetated, but occur as part of a single predominant set that
includes preferentially vegetated joints that form microlineaments. The joint set strikes
between approximately 75° and 85°, but good-quality examples at this locality were not
considered numerous enough to take multiple strike readings. The widespread
occurrence of the above silicification features may reflect the greater weathering inferred
from the more varied coloration observed in the Carnahan Bayou.
A combination outcrop sketch and measured section of Carnahan Bayou
sediments was made at a locality where they are cut out by sediments of the Upland
Allogroup, in the northwestern portion of the Peason Ridge military installation, in
Peason quadrangle [SC] (figure 13). The contact here shows the "purplish" alteration of
Miocene clayey sediment (here red 7.5R 4/6) seen at many localities and considered
herein characteristic of the unconformity between it and overlying Plio-Pleistocene strata.
Mud of the same color composes rip-up clasts in the base of the overlying Willis
sediments, and also fills burrows in the upper portion of the Carnahan Bayou strata.
Figure 12. Photograph of channel Old lens of pale yellow 5Y 7/3 sand and sandstone cutting out olive 5Y 5/3 silt and siltstone;
Carnahan Bayou FormatIOn of Fleming Group, in quarry at SE comer Sec. 25, T. 4 N., R. 10 W., Dowden Creek quadrangle [WC].
The sand size is very fine to fine overall, wIth beds contaimng grams up to very coarse and granule SIzes; of the latter, quartz grams
range up to approxImately coarse SIze, whereas larger grains conSIst of claylmud clasts. (Hammer length IS 33 cm = 13 m.).
-.' .' . .
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Figure 13. Combined outcrop sketch and measured section (no horizontal scale) along
roadcut, SEINW Sec. 30, T. 5 N., R. 9 W., Peason quadrangle [sq. Mottled sediment of
the Upland Allogroup is mantled by "yellow loam" and cuts out two units of the
Carnahan Bayou Formation of the Fleming Group.
Rogers and Calandro (1965) gave approximately 400 to 500 ft (122 to 152 m) as
the representative thickness of the Dough Hills in Vernon Parish. Hinds (1998a, 1999)
estimated its thickness range as 400 to 450 ft (122 to 137 m), and subsurface intercepts in
water wells figured in his Plates 3 and 4 show it ranging from approximately 400 up to
540 ft (122 to 165 m) thick. On well logs examined for this investigation the Dough Hills
ranges from 310 to 760 ft (95 to 232 m) thick. An exception was noted in the log of well
V-234 drilled by the U.S. Geological Survey, which shows an anomalously thin Dough
Hills interval of 110ft (34 m) accompanied by similarly anomalous thickening of the
overlying Williamson Creek; this well was drilled in Sec. 1, T. 2 S., R. 11 W., far to the
southwest of the study area. The Dough Hills consistently shows a noteworthy
development of sand up to 90 ft (27 m) thick near the middle of its interval on logs of
wells drilled in the study area and vicinity.
In the study area the Dough Hills Formation of the Fleming Group crops out in
the southeastern Kurthwood quadrangle and northwestern Slagle quadrangle. Within this
area it is relatively well exposed and comprises varying proportions of clay, sand and
sandstone, and silt and siltstone. Clay is fairly uniformly of grayish coloration, is silty
and sandy in many places, and includes calcareous clay-containing characteristic
calcareous nodules--observed at several exposures. Sand and sandstone are poorly
sorted, range in grain size from very fine to very coarse but average very fine to fine, and
are clayey in many places and contain sparse granules at a number of localities. They are
predominantly grayish, with a greenish cast in some places (mostly for the very fine size
fraction), and sand shows reddish and yellowish mottles in places. Sand is colored
reddish where coarser-grained (overall fine to medium or coarser) at a number of
localities, and reddish sand was observed with yellow mottles at one locality; sand is
colored any combination of grayish, reddish, and yellowish where coarser-grained at a
few localities. Silt and siltstone are colored grayish with a tendency toward a greenish
cast; both reddish and grayish silt were observed at one locality in association with
reddish very fine to very coarse sand with granules. The only Munsell colors determined
for Dough Hills sediments were for specimens from the Slagle quadrangle [NW], in Sec.
24, T. 3 N., R. 9 W. Clayey very fine to fine sand there is light gray IOYR 712, with red
lOR 4/6-4/8 mottles.
The following internal features were observed in sediments of the Dough Hills at
only a fe\v localities: llli'11inations in sand and sandstone; lightish clay/mud rip-up clasts
(generally pebbles, but including some granules); and siliceous nodules in grayish clay
and grayish-greenish laminated sand.
The eastern edge of the southern Kurthwood quadrangle [EC, SE], east of the
Calcasieu River, contains a relatively higher proportion of grayish clay and sand, and
red-weathering sand containing granules, in the Dough Hills outcrop belt. Hinds (1998a,
1999) suggested that the larger average grain sizes along with the decrease in frequency
of calcareous clay in this area could reflect a coarse-grained subfacies of the Dough Hills
corresponding to a fluvial axis. Such a subfacies might correspond to the surface outcrop
of the sand up to 90 ft (27 m) thick seen near the near the middle of the Dough Hills
interval on well logs.
As mentioned above the clay of the Dough Hills includes calcareous clay, which
contains calcareous nodules in places. It appears that an anomalous localized
concentration of fine-grained calcareous rock is being quarried from the Dough Hills in
the Leesville quadrangle [NC] west of the southern portion of the study area. We were
unable to gain access to the site of the quarry, but it appears to be located in an area 1 km
(0.6 mi) east-southeast of the northeastern arm of Vernon Lake and 0.3 to 0.4 km (0.5 to
0.6 mi) east of Hwy. 171, along the boundary between the western halves of Secs. 20 and
29, T. 3 N., R. 9 W. An informant indicated that the material, locally known as
"soapstone," is mined by Apeck Construction for Boise Cascade on Boise property, and
that it holds up well as a durable road metal and is used principally to repair "bad spots"
in roads. Our inference that the material quarried is calcareous rock is based on
specimens examined in a roadcut on the east side of Hwy. 171 directly north of the road
leading to the site. In hand specimen it is essentially white, with possibly a slightly
greenish cast, and has a chalky appearance overall. Examination in thin section shows it
to consist of aphanocrystalline calcium carbonate. Ezat Heydari (1998, personal
communication) indicated that it is a lime mud of a sort that could possibly be of either
marine or lacustrine origin.
Rogers and Calandro (1965) indicated a thickness range of 400 to 900 ft (122 to
274 m) for the Williamson Creek in Vernon Parish. Hinds (1998a, 1999) estimated its
thickness range as 400 to 600 ft (122 to 183 m) in the Fort Polk area, and his Plates 3 and
4 show subsurface intercepts in water wells indicating thicknesses ranging from
approximately 350 to 500 ft (107 to 152 m) for the formation. Well logs examined for
this investigation show the Williamson Creek ranging from 340 to 810ft (104 to 247m)
thick; an exception, as noted above, is the U.S. Geological Survey's well V-234 in Sec.
1, T. 2 S., R. 11 W., far to the southwest of the study area, in which the Williamson Creek
thickens to 1,075 ft (328 m) in conjunction with thinning of the underlying Dough Hills
F ormation. Individual sandy intervals in the Williamson Creek seen on well logs range
up to 135 ft (41 m) thick.
Most of the Williamson Creek outcrop belt within the study area is in the Slagle
quadrangle, essentially all of which was mapped by Hinds (1998a, c; 1999); we observed
it almost exclusively in exposures in the northern Simpson South and Lacamp
quadrangles, where the outcrop belt flanks the Calcasicu River flood plain on both sides.
The Williamson Creek shows the same poor sorting characteristic of other portions of the
Fleming sequence, and its finer-grained sediment, consisting of grayish clayey silt to very
fine sand with some reddish mottles in places, resembles that common in other parts of
the Fleming. But the overall grain size appears coarser than in other Fleming subunits,
with sands containing much more of the coarser size fractions and a larger proportion of
granules in places.
Sand is the most common lithology observed in the Williamson Creek; it ranges
in grain size from very fine to very coarse, averages very fine to medium overall, and in
the coarser-grained examples contains less admixed clay overall than in other parts of the
Fleming. Granules are extremely abundant locally, and consist almost exclusively of
quartz. The best example of such coarser-grained, granule-rich sediment we observed in
the Williamson Creek is a large roadcut exposure south-southeast of Simpson, in the
Lacamp quadrangle [NW]; it consists of reddish quartzose coarse to very coarse sand
with abundant granules and some small pebbles, and in part (principally along specific
cross bed sets) comprises sandy granule conglomerate. Rare small pebbles observed
elsewhere in the Williamson Creek, as at this locality, consist primarily of quartz and
comprise the largest size fraction in quartzose granuliferous sediment; lightish clay/mud
rip-up clasts were seen at a single locality. Colors comprise primarily grayish hues in
finer-grained sediment and reddish hues in coarser-grained sediment, apparently
reflecting greater weathering of the coarser portions; the coarser sediment also includes
some with yellowish/brownish and roseate hues in places. Rare beds of indurated
sandstone weather to whitish hues as in the Catahoula and Carnahan Bayou, and the more
reddish examples of the coarser-grained sands show notable colluviation in many places.
Silt observed in the Williamson Creek is generally clayey and grayish, with some reddish
and yellowish-brownish mottles in places; clay is generally grayish and silty, and is rarely
mottled. [No Munsell color determinations were made for Williamson Creek sediment.
It appears that localities we tentatively identified as lying in its outcrop belt at the time of
the field work may later have become classified as Dough Hills. Obtaining representative
Munsell colors for this unit will be one of the minor goals of the work to be completed in
the ensuing months.]
Internal features observed in Williamson Creek sediment include medium-scale
trough cross beds in coarser, granule-rich sand and sandy granule conglomerate such as
that in the Lacamp quadrangle [NW] mentioned above, and a pervasive occurrence of
scattered whitish grains in some of the reddish sands. The latter appear to possibly
represent coarser-grained analogues of the whitish flecklike grains observed in some
reddish sands of the Carnahan Bayou Formation. Laminations were observed in silt and
fine to very fine sand at a few localities. At a few places in the Simpson South
quadrangle [EC], yellowish-brownish mottles in clayey sand show a gradation to a more
generalized stain, with associated ironstone nodule formation observed at one locality.
Calcareous beds up to a few cm thick were observed in grayish silt and fine to very fine
sand near the contact with overlying Plio-Pleistocene sediment at one locality in the
Lacamp quadrangle [NE], in SW Sec. 17, T. 3 N., R. 5 W.
The Blounts Creek Formation of the Fleming Group is the youngest unit
underlying and truncated by Plio-Pleistocene strata in the study area. Only one of the
wells for which we examined logs, U.S. Geological Survey well V-437 in NWINE Sec.
36, T. 1 S., R. 6 W., appears to have penetrated the entire Blounts Creek interval; in this
well the formation is 780 ft (238 m) thick, with individual sandy intervals ranging up to
150 ft (46 m) thick. Rogers and Calandro (1965) estimated a thickness of up to
approximately 1,100 ft (335 m) for the Blounts Creek in Vernon Parish, based on the
greatest thickness of the interval between the Plio-Pleistocene and the Castor Creek
Formation in the southeastern portion of the parish. Although this thickness is
comparable to that of the Carnahan Bayou, the Blounts Creek surface outcrop belt is
notably less extensive than that of the Carnahan Bayou owing to this greater amount of
Plio-Pleistocene cover, which reflects the extension of the Blounts Creek southward
beneath the zone of transition between fluvial and coast-parallel Plio-Pleistocene strata.
In the present study area the outcrop belt courses through the Fort Polk, Birds Creek, and
Fullerton Lake quadrangles, and slightly overlaps the southern Simpson South and
Lacamp quadrangles. Hinds (1998a, b; 1999) mapped most of the Fort Polk quadrangle
and a small portion of the Simpson South quadrangle; our observations of the Blounts
Creek were made principally in the Birds Creek and Fullerton Lake quadrangles.
The Blounts Creek can be described as a relatively nondescript series of grayish
clayey and silty very fine to fine sands, silty and very fine to fine sandy clays, and clayey
silts. It is the finest-grained of the sandy Fleming subunits, essentially because it
generally lacks grains coarser than its mean grain size. The coarsest texture we noted in
the Blounts Creek was medium sand. Whereas sands of the Carnahan Bayou and
Williamson Creek also have a very fine to fine or fine to medium mean grain size in
many places, they typically contain additional coarser grains in varying proportions; thus,
although sands of the Blounts Creek are not well sorted, they are relatively better sorted
than those of the Carnahan Bayou and Williamson Creek, with a finer overall texture.
Although rare reddish mottles were observed in Blounts Creek sediments, such mottling,
along with weathering to reddish hues overall, is less common than for sediments of the
Carnahan Bayou and the Williamson Creek formations, which could be a function of this
overall finer grain size. Surface sands colored in yellowish, orangish, and roseate hues,
including some containing granules in places, were seen in the Blounts Creek outcrop
belt in places, but all such localities are near contacts with reddish sandy sediments of the
overlying Willis Formation, and are inferred to likely represent surface wash deriving
from that unit.
As suggested above, our observations of Blounts Creek sediment within the study
area revealed few distinctive features of the unit; aside from the measured section locality
figured below, the only sedimentary structures we noted were rare laminations and cross
beds. An exposure of the Blounts Creek examined southwest of the railroad crossing at
Pickering, west of the southwestern portion of the study area in the New Llano
quadrangle ESE], constitutes the best example of structures seen in the unit; this locality
was figured by Welch (1942, pp. 60-61, his figures 10 and II-the latter redrafted herein
as figure 14). Abundant and well preserved fine-scale stratification and low-angle cross
stratification are traceable across much of the exposure, and the clayey to very fine sandy
sediment exposed there also contains whitish fossil wood.
Diagenetic features observed in the Blounts Creek comprise only rare ironstone
concretions and incipient and spotty silica cementation. The sands are rarely indurated,
and in many places where they are this appears to be a surface case-hardening
phenomenon rather than cementation affecting an entire bed or beds.
A section was measured at the best exposure of sediments of the Blounts Creek
Formation we were able to find within the study area (figure 15), where they are exposed
in roadside gullies along the south side of Holly Springs Road just east of its
T -intersection with Dugout Road, in the northeastern Big Creek area, Birds Creek
quadrangle [C], in WC/NW Sec. 13, T. 1 N., R. 7 W. Much of the section is
characterized by fine-scale low-angle cross lamination, somewhat similar to the structures
exposed at the Pickering locality mentioned above. One noteworthy feature at this
locality is an intraformational conglomerate bed formed from pebbles of reworked
ironstone, suggestive of penecontemporaneous iron-oxide cementation interrupted by an
- - _ ATION
250 --
1. Light gray silty clay.
2. Sandstone lentil and ironstone at base of weathered material.
3. Weathered silty clay and residual terrace sand, 2 feet.
4. Sandy siltstone lintil, thickness 0-6 feet, well exposed in railroad cut.
5. Small remnant of Willis Formation; O-to feet red massive sand exposed above
highway, cross bedded. Contact with underlying Blounts Creek member irregular;
chert gravel and clay balls at contact.
6. Sandy siltstone 0-6 feet thick underlain by unconsolidated silty clay and overlain
by about 6-10 feet of orange red and purple mottled, weathered, argillaceous silt;
distinct contact with Willis Formation and suggestion of pre-Willis soil horizon.
7. Massive sand, thicker down hill, is result of soil creep and occurs extensively on
outcrops of both terrace formations and on sandy Miocene strata.
8. Massive red sand, gravel at base.
9. Gray weathered silty clay.
.' ...... .
Silty day with surface 'popcorn weathering' -
Light gray 2.5Y 7/2 -
- ~ 6
Subhorizontally oriented gleyed blebs,
light gray 2.5Y 7/2, in three zones
I contains lightish flecks
Brownish yellow 1OYR 6/6
contains lightish flecks
• Ironstone gravel bed in south gully is more sandy and thicker, color ranges toward light brownish gray 2.5Y 6/2 with
mottles strong brown 7.5YR 5/8, yellowish red 5YR 4/6; ironstone gravel bed in north gully is less sandy and thinner.
Reworked ironstone pebbles also occur in surficial slope-wash mantle, primarily below this bed.
Figure 15. Measured section of sediments of the Blounts Creek Formation of the
Fleming Group, exposed in roadside gullies along the south side of Holly Springs Road
just east of its T-intersection with Dugout Road, in WC/NW Sec. 13, T. 1 N., R. 7 W.,
Birds Creek quadrangle [C].
episode of local base-level lowering during Blounts Creek deposition. A differential GPS
reading of this location is included on the attached diskette.
In places near its unconformable contact with overlying Plio-Pleistocene strata,
the Blounts Creek shows the purplish alteration characteristic of the
Miocene-Plio-Pleistocene contact observed where it involves other formations of the
Fleming Group. Welch (1942, his figure 11) depicted the contact with this alteration at
the railroad-cut exposure of the Blounts Creek at Pickering (figure 14). A large exposure
of an area near the Blounts Creek-Plio-Pleistocene contact was examined in the
northwestern Multi-Purpose Range Complex (MPRC) area, in SCINW Sec. 4, T. 1 N., R.
7 W., Birds Creek quadrangle [NW]; figures 16 and 17 show the characteristic purplish
mottles in the uppermost portion of gray sandy clay of the Blounts Creek, overlain at this
locality by a 'surficial mantle of yellow loam. In SW Sec. 1, T. 1 S., R. 9 W., Fort Polk
quadrangle [SW], reddish Plio-Pleistocene sand overlies gray clayey very fine to fine
sand of the Blounts Creek Formation, which shows an identical zone of purplish mottled
peds near its top; the Plio-Pleistocene sand incorporates purplish mud rip-up clasts near
its base. Also in SW Sec. 1, T. 1 S., R. 9 W., 0.3 to 0.5 km (0.2 to 0.3 mi) northwest of
the above locality, weathered sand of the Blounts Creek Formation exposed in a large
roadcut is cut by a number of graveliferous slope-wash gully fills; these probably
represent surficial wash of Holocene age reworked from sediments of the Upland
Allogroup nearby.
Upland Allogroup
Although its outcrop is highly dissected and discontinuous, the Upland Allogroup,
which is equivalent to the "High Terraces" of earlier usage, is one of the more widespread
and recognizable stratigraphic units within the Coastal Plain Province. The deposits of
the Upland Allogroup occur as remnants of a once regionally extensive blanket of
coarse-grained sediments, which are recognizable along the Coastal Plain Province from
Virginia to Texas. The deposits of the Upland Allogroup commonly occur as erosional
remnants capping isolated hilltops and comprising the ridge crests of interfluves (Autin et
al. 1991).
The sediments that comprise the Upland Allogroup differ from the underlying
Miocene strata and the deposits of the Intermediate Allogroup, which onlap
unconformably onto it. First, the sediments of the Upland Allogroup are generally
coarser than the Miocene strata underlying it and the younger sediments of the
Intermediate Allogroup that onlap onto it. Generally, but not always, the coarser nature
of the Upland Allogroup is manifest in the presence of an abundance of gravel throughout
its thickness (Matson 1916; Doering 1935, 1956; Forney 1950; Autin et al. 1991).
Second, in contrast to younger and older strata, sediments within the Upland Allogroup
are characteristically very highly weathered. As a result they exhibit deep reddish,
Figure 16. View to the west-northwest of "yellow loam" on grayish sandy clay of the Blounts Creek Formation of the Fleming Group,
the uppermost portion of which shows purplish mottles; the large exposure is near the northwest edge of a moving target near the
4-91E, 34-40N UTM grid in the MPRC area, in SC/NW Sec. 4, T. 1 N., R. 7 W., Birds Creek quadrangle [NW]. (Hammer, right,
foreground, has overall length of33 cm = 13 in.; pick end of hammer spans 17 cm = 6.7 in.).
Figure 17. Close-up view, looking approximately to the east, of the purplish mottling in figure 16. (Overall hammer length is 33 em =
13 in.; piek end of hammer spans 17 em = 6.7 in.).
brownish, and purplish colors of ferric iron oxides not seen in the strata lying
stratigraphically above and below it (Doering 1956; Aronow 1982; Autin et al. 1991).
Third, the Upland Allogroup erodes into resistant hills, which creates well defined cuestas
and sharp ridges that contrast with the relatively dissected, but flat terrace surfaces
associated with sediments composing the Intermediate Allogroup. Finally, the soils,
principally ultisols and some alfisols, developed in the sediments of the Upland
Allogroup are typically far more mature than those developed in either the Fleming
Group or the Intermediate Allogroup (Forney 1950; Autin et al. 1991; Dubar et al. 1991).
Traditionally, the deposits of the Upland Allo group , which has also been
designated as either the "High Terrace" or "Upland Complex," have been correlated with
the Williana formation of Fisk (1938, 1940). For example, Bernard (1950) classified
strata equivalent to the Upland Allogroup in southeast Texas as belonging to the Williana
Formation of Fisk (1938, 1940). Similarly, both Welch (1942) and Hinds (1998a, 1999)
argued that the Willis and Williana Formations are equivalent stratigraphic units and,
thus, classified the strata within the Fort Polk region as belonging to the Williana
However, a carefully constructed regional cross section, figures 18 and 19,
confirms an observation by Doering (1956) that along strike, the deposits mapped by Fisk
(1938, 1940) as the Williana Formation in Rapides Parish lie below the level of the
deposits of the Upland Allogroup in the Fort Polk region. The deposits of the Upland
Allogroup occur as much as 200 ft (60 m) above the top of Fisk's (1940) Williana
Formation just across the Calcasieu River in Rapides Parish. The base of the lowermost
deposits of the Upland Allogroup in the Fort Polk region lies barely level with the top of
the Williana Formation and about 50 ft (15 m) above its base. Winker (1991) further
illustrates differences in the stratigraphic position of the Upland Allogroup in the Fort
Polk region and the Williana Formation across the Calcasieu River. He maps the Upland
Allogroup in the Fort Polk region as part of his pre-Lissie surface(s) and the Williana
Formation of Fisk (1940) as being part of his Lissie surface. The significant difference in
stratigraphic position and lithology between the Upland Allogroup in the Fort Polk region
and the Williana Formation in Rapides Parish demonstrate that they are different units of
formation rank within the Upland Allogroup.
With regard to lithology and stratigraphic position, the deposits of the Upland
Allogroup are identical to the Willis Formation of Doering (1935) (Forney 1950; Bernard
and LeBlanc 1965; Aronow 1982). Thus, they are correlated with and designated as the
Willis Formation in this investigation. Contrary to previous studies, this correlation
implies that the Willis Formation and Williana Formation are two different stratigraphic
units. Furthermore, because the deposits of the Williana Formation lie more deeply
entrenched into the Miocene strata of the Gulf Coastal province with its surface even
lower than the youngest of the Willis Formation, the Williana Formation is clearly
younger than the Willis Formation.
As first noted by Bianchi (1982), the Willis Formation, which he referred to as the
"Citronelle Formation," consists of two recognizable sedimentary facies, a sandy facies
and a gravelly facies (figure 20). The sandy facies, which Bianchi (1982) called the "fine
sandy facies" of his "high coastwise group," constitute the basal and middle parts of the
Willis Formation. The gravelly facies, which Bianchi (1982) called the "graveliferous
facies" of his "low coastwise group," constitutes the youngest part of the Willis
Formation in the Fort Polk region.
Sandy Facies-The sandy facies of the Willis Formation consists of mostly very fine to
medium sand and muddy sand. These sediments contain common clasts of purplish clay
and silty clay, with minor amounts of coarse sand, gravel, clay, and silt. Commonly, the
sandy facies is largely massive, having been homogenized by plant roots and weathering.
Generally, these sediments exhibit sedimentary structures, which include planar cross
bedding, trough cross bedding, ripple lamination, climbing ripple lamination, and
scour-and-fill structures. The most commonly observed sedimentary structure in this
investigation was medium-scale trough cross bedding. Fine-grained sediments, which
vary from clay to silt, occur as isolated, commonly discontinuous, beds and lenses. No
evidence for any overall upward fining or coarsening trends within the sandy facies was
A prominent character of the sandy facies is the presence of fine-grained rip-up
clasts. In varying abundance, almost every outcrop observed in this investigation
contains rounded purplish clasts consisting of clay to silty clay. These clasts typically
range in diameter from 2 to 5 cm (0.8 to 2 inches). The largest of these rip-up clasts are
in the cobble size range; the largest rip-up clast we observed was about 8 cm (3 inches) in
diameter, whereas Hinds (1997b) reported rip-up clasts as large as 25 cm (10 inches).
The rip-up clasts are frequently abundant enough to form thin beds of rip-up-clast
conglomerate. Also, they are typically found concentrated along cross-beds and at the
base of scours. Whitish clay/mud clasts of sand size commonly occur on and delineate
cross beds.
In places the sediments are gravelly, and can include discrete gravel stringers on
cross beds. In a few places, they contain a significant content of granules. Typically, the
gravel consists of subrounded to sub angular quartz clasts 1 to 2 em (0.4 to 0.8 inches) in
diameter. The gravel occurs either scattered thoughout the sand or concentrated in very
thin to thin beds and at the base of scours.
The sandy facies exhibits bright and variable colors. Although predominantly
various shades red, the sandy facies can vary from red, weak red, to strong brown and
yellow. Commonly some combination of these colors can be seen in one outcrop as
illustrated by Figure 16 of Hinds (1998a, 1999), a measured section located in SWINW
Sec. 24, T. 2 N., R. 7 W., about 1.2 miles (2k m) northeast of Artillery Lake in the
Simpson South quadrangle [SC]. In a measured section in the northwestern MPRC area
(figure 21), similar variation in the color within one outcrop is illustrated. The sandy
facies in this measured section exhibits pale red purple 5RP 6/2, pale yellow 2.5Y 8/4
with yellow 2.5Y 7/8 mottles, reddish brown 2.5YR 4/4 to red 2.5YR 4/6, yellowish red
5YR 5/6, strong brown 7.5YR 5/8, and olive yellow 2.SYR 6/8 coloration.
Legend for Figures 18, 23, 24, and 25
Stratigraphic Units
Quaternary System
Holocene Series
Pleistocene Series
Tertiary System
Pliocene Series
Miocene Series
D Mfb Blounts Creek Member
D Mfcc Castor Creek Member
Lacamp Section
West East
===-_......e:==::::ioo..........."==::::i5 Miles
Intersection with o 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 Feel
intersection with Fullerton Section
Birds Creek Section 500
500 Puwf Puwf i=:::::i.._"=:::i......i::=::i.......6 Kilometers
(j) 400
I Puwf I 400
"Bentley Formation"
If Puwt of Fisk (1940) "Williana Formation"
.£ .c of Fisk (1940)
c 300 £; 300
o 0
I \
~ ~
~ (fJ(\\
If) ~
Mfcc 5;::
ill 200 0- 200
W E E Mfcc
ii5 ii5 92 52' 30"
93 07' 30"
100~--~~~~-------------------- ____________ 93 00' 00"
~~~~ ______________ ~ ________________________________________ ~~ __ ~=: ____94 45' 00" ____________jL
Figure 18. Cross section along crest of Kisatchie Wold and across Calcasieu River Valley. Horizontal scale = 1:125,000.
Vertical exaggeration = 52X.
31 "15'00"ISla
93"07'30" 93"00'00" 92"52'30" 92"45'00"
31 "07'30"1_ .. I Ii' I..... ! . . . '. ~
r1_~-':".~ i_ lC l'rt_~1}1._A. ~?:;:::_1 __
I .1".,('1111111. •• _"'T'I~L·16"1r.1I
I Melder
131 "07'30"
31 "00'00'"
f 93"00'00"
Lq I
92"52'30" 92"45'00"
'31 "00'00"
Figure 19. Index map showing locations of cross sections relative to the main post of Fort Polk, Louisiana.
Northwest Southeast
Elevation above
34 45 500 m N. 3436000 m N., 34
30000 m N., mean sea level
9942 50 m E. 499750 m E. 502 900 m E.
feet meters
490 -
430 - 131
·· . 390 - 116.9
370 -
350 - 106.7
290 -
270 - 62.3
400-122 Blounts Creek member 130-
Lena member (Welsh 1942, Pane 1966) Lena andlor Carnahan Bayou member
Undifferentiated Miocene (Anderson 1960)
~Alluvium2 Fleming formation (Welsh 1942) 320- 97.6 scale: horizontal
vertical 1Oft 3m
site - •
260_ 65.4
Figure 20. Dip sections across Main Fort and Peason Ridge areas of the Fort Polk Military reservation. Redrawn from Bianchi
[This page left intentionally blank]
.. ~¥
o/";. .
.. ::>;'0/ 4
<:l •
Yellowish red SYR S/6
Sand {Strong b~n 7.5YO 5/B
Olive Yellow 2.SYR 6/8
Sand, fine to medium, with scattered pebbles and faintly discernible cross beds
Reddish brown 2.5YR 4/4 to red 2.SYR 4/6
Conglomerate and gravelly sand with dark reddish gray SYR 4/2 clay pebbles
Matrix grades updip along bed from red lOR 4/6·8 in gravelly sand to light
gray lOYR 7/2 to brownish yellow lOYR 6/8 in clay-pebble conglomerate
Sand, very fine to medh.inl, iippled and flat-laminated, pale red purple 5RP 6/2
Grades downward to pale yellow 2.SY 8/4 with yellow 2.SY 7/8 mottles
(colors cut irregularly across bedding)
Figure 21. Combined outcrop sketch and measured section (no horizontal scale) of
Upland Allogroup strata in steep gully, SWINE Sec. 5, T. 1 N., R. 7 W., northwestern
MPRC area, Birds Creek quadrangle [NW].
The only fossils observed in the sandy facies of the Willis Formation consist of
rare petrified wood. Petrified wood was found at two locations in the Fort Polk region, in
both cases at the base of this facies. Petrified wood was found in roadcuts just north of
Engineer Lake along Artillery Road in the Birds Creek quadrangle [NC], in SWINE Sec.
27, T. 2 N., R. 7 W. A piece of petrified wood was also found in an outlier of the Willis
Formation exposed in a roadcut in the Dowden Creek quadrangle [NC], in SWISE Sec. 6,
T. 4 N., R. 9 W. Within southeast Texas, Bernard (1950) noted that petrified wood was
common in the graveliferous sands of the Willis Formation, with large logs and stumps
being more common in its sands. The petrified wood that was observed in the Fort Polk
region was judged to be native to the Willis Formation. The large logs and stumps that
Bernard (1950) observed in the sands of the Willis Formation are also likely to be native
to it.
Jasper 3 1.7
1999) in NE/SW Sec. 5, T. 1 S., R. 7 W., in the Bird Creek quadrangle [SW]. In an
abandoned gravel pit, the gravelly facies is dark reddish brown 5YR 3/4, red lOR 4/6,
yellowish red 5YR 4/6, and brownish yellow 10YR 6/6. It also contains purplish rip-up
clasts, characteristic of the Upland Allogroup in general, colored 5RP 4/6 (Hinds 1998a,
The reddish, brownish, or purplish ferric iron oxides that pervasively stain, even
cement, the sediments of both the sandy and gravelly facies show that the entire Willis
Formation has been highly weathered to very deep depths. The deeply weathered nature
of the Willis Formation reflects a number of influences. These include: (1) the high
initial permeability of the coarse parent materials; (2) the thickness of the drained soil
column above the water table; (3) the comparatively great age of the strata within the
Upland Allogroup; and (4) contemporaneous weathering of these strata during their
accumulation as a result of warm Pliocene paleoclimates (Aronow 1982).
Two major interpretations have been proposed for the stratigraphy of the Willis
Formation within the Fort Polk region. First, Welch (1942) and Doering (1956) inferred
that the Willis Formation consists of a single stratigraphic unit with a gulfurard-tilted, but
highly dissected terrace that dips below the deposits of the Lissie Formation. The Lissie
Formation was interpreted as conformably onlapping the deposits of the Willis Formation
in the Fort Polk region and extending northward through its outcrop within the
Mississippi Valley. Bianchi (1982) showed the Willis Formation as forming a single
pediment cut into the Miocene and forming a relatively flat terrace surface (figures 20
and 22). According to his interpretation both the Willis Formation and its terrace, instead
300 00'+
95 0 38'
-76.2m - -76.2m -
North ~0.9m-
Eagle Hill
,," __ 30.5m - -r
- - - Peason Rtidge Structural Surface
_ -r?
lI9pe S\fI.lC\Ura.\ Sl.Irt3C
121.9 _30.5m -
\ \.~o~~~~~I.It\ace
Structural ~~1_1.6m
106.7 Caster Creek Structural Surface
_ \5.2 11'
__ 1.6 11'
91.5 - - - Williana Structural Surface
T/R Sequence
(Otvos, 1981)
00 76.2 - - -
60.9 Map of a portion of the Sabine River - Red River Interfluviatile Area
45.7 Miocene
30.5 predominanft
15.2 o
~? I 000
0 00
... I
11 - 1:~ :~
Uplifted 1 0
o ?
Figure 22. Dip section along crest of Sabine-Red River drainage divide and index map by Mr. Thomas H. Bianchi. Redrawn from figures 2 and 4 of Bianchi (1984:65, 67).
of dipping beneath the deposits of the Lissie Formation, are instead truncated and
completely cut out by it. Bianchi (1982) recognized additional steps in the topography of
the southern cuesta. He interpreted these as erosional surfaces cut across the Fleming
(figure 22). For southeast Texas, Bernard (1950) made an interpretation that combines
aspects of both models in that he interpreted the Willis Formation as a single
gulfward-dipping unit truncated by the Lissie Formation.
The production of the 7.5-minute geologic quadrangles and construction of both
cross sections resulted in an interpretation that is a modification of the interpretation of
Bianchi (1982). The topographic profiles confirmed the existence of the stepped
topography discussed by Bianchi (1982). However, integration of data from the geologic
mapping revealed that the base of the Willis Formation generally parallels the concordant
summits of each of the steps (figures 19,23-25). The steps are interpreted to represent a
series of relatively flat coast-parallel terraces underlain by fluvial deposits of the Willis
formation. Each terrace is lower than the next terrace to the north, and its associated
fluvial deposits are correspondingly downcut into the Miocene relative to the fluvial
deposits to the north. These terraces and associated fluvial deposits are inferred to be
separated by erosional contacts (figures 23-25); as such they are interpreted as
allostratigraphic units.
Basal Contact-As mentioned above, the Fleming at its unconformable contact with the
overlying Willis Formation exhibits in many places purplish alteration of rectangular
blocky peds of its finer-grained sediment extending about 1 m directly beneath the
contact. Commonly, the sediments of the overlying Willis Formation incorporate
purplish clay/mud rip-up clasts. The purplish alteration of the Miocene and incorporation
of purplish rip-up clasts into the overlying Willis Formation was observed at numerous
localities. Welch (1942, his figure 11) depicted these relations at this contact at the
railroad-cut exposure ofthe Blounts Creek at Pickering (figure 14). The largest such
exposure with such alteration of the Fleming found in this investigation lies just
northwest of a moving target at approximately the 4-91 E, 34-40N UTM grid in the
MPRC area, in the Birds Creek quadrangle [NW], SCINW Sec. 4, T. 1 N., R. 7 W. Over
a large area at this locality "yellow loam" has been stripped away from gray sandy clay of
the Blounts Creek Formation, which is riddled with purple mottling of peds in its upper
portion (figures 16, 17). Virtually identical mottling of the Miocene directly beneath the
contact, with incorporation of purplish mud rip-up clasts into the overlying reddish
cross-bedded sand of the Willis Formation, characterizes grayish clayey very fine to fine
sand of the Blounts Creek Formation in the Fort Polk quadrangle [SW], in SW Sec. 1, T.
1 S., R. 9 W. An exposure of similar alteration in grayish silty clay of the Castor Creek
Formation was observed in the Simpson South quadrangle [SE], in NE Sec. 19, T. 2 N.,
R. 6 W., on the east valley wall of a tributary of Brushy Creek. The combined outcrop
sketch and measured section of Willis Formation sediments cutting out those of the
Carnahan Bayou Formation (figure 13) in the Peas on quadrangle [SC], SEINW Sec. 30,
T. 5 N., R. 9 W., depicts both the purplish alteration of finer-grained sediment below the
contact and the purplish clasts above it, as well as some burrow casts of purplish mud in
reddish Carnahan Bayou sand. The Willis Formation sediments at this locality are also
mottled heavily in contrast to the Carnahan Bayou, which aids in distinguishing the two.
Not all ofthe observed contacts between the Willis Formation and Fleming Group
exhibit this alteration below the contact. For example, a "clean" contact on unaltered
Miocene sediments was observed on the north side of Lookout Road west of Birds Creek,
in the Birds Creek quadrangle [SC], in NE/SW Sec. 35, T. 1 N., R. 7 W. At this exposure
sandy conglomerate and gravelly sand with substantial admixed clay, of the grayish color
variant of the Upland Allogroup, overlie grayish silt and very fine sand of the Blounts
Creek Formation.
Unfortunately, the lack of fossils in the Willis Formation makes the direct dating
of it impossible at this time. Instead, approximate limits on its age must be inferred from
what is known about the age of the stratigraphic units that unconformably onlap it and
which it unconformably overlies. In this connection it can be observed that the degree of
development of both unconformities is such that they must represent major eustatic
and/or tectonic events in the prehistory of the Gulf of Mexico significant enough to have
been recognized and dated.
The age of the Lissie Formation, which unconformably onlaps the Willis
Formation, provides an approximate minimum age for it. In Texas, the Lissie Formation
contains Pleistocene vertebrate remains that include Bison latifrons (Harlan), Mammuthus
columbi (Falconer), Mammuthus imperator (Leidy), Equus excelsus Leidy, Equus
francisi Hay, Equus complicatus Leidy, and Equus semiplicatus Cope (Forney 1950).
Fort Polk Section ~==:i._"""E:::::===-..........-====,5 Miles
300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 Fee'
Q5 400
c 300 300
o North Fort Polk
iIi Mfcc 0 0 0
& ~~ ~£"'"
-'" 200
200 c
~ :3
" a. _C\J
&. Z '" ~ '" &'" Z;;:" '"
z" '" ex: '"
Figure 23. Cross section along crest ofinterfluve on which Fort Polk and North Fort Polk lie. Horizontal scale = 1:125,000.
Vertical exaggeration = 52X.
4 5 Miles
===-_-====-.......4==-......6 Kilometers
500 North 500
Birds Creek Section
..9:1 400
Puwf I Puwk
Puwk profile
off-section 400
J-';.;~~\ ....... ~ .................. .
300 300
0 intersection with
200 Mfb
Lacamp Section
~~"EQ):;:: Mfb
jl'- mot--
100 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------~------------------------____________________d - . 100
Figure 24. Cross section along crest of interfluve separating Birds Creek and Little Sixmile Creek-Sixmile Creek drainages.
Horizontal scale = 1:125,000. Vertical exaggeration = 52X.
~ Fullerton Section
~ 400 400
100~~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~--------~--~------------------ 100
Figure 25. Cross section along crest ofinterfluve that forms drainage divide between the watersheds of Big Brushy Creek and
Ten Mile Creek, and cross section along crest of side interfluve. Horizontal scale = 1: 125,000. Vertical exaggeration = 52X.
Dubar and others (1991) noted that Kukla and Opdyke (1972) reported sediments with
reverse magnetic polarity from the "Lissie," "Bentley," and "2nd terrace," which Dubar
and others (1991) suggested are equivalent to the Lissie Formation. This indicates that
the deposits of the Lissie Formation and their associated terraces are older than 0.75
million years.
As discussed previously, the Willis Formation is older than the Williana
Formation found east of the Calcasieu River and west of the Mississippi River.
Woodward and Gueno (1941) interpreted the presence of very large boulders of chert,
quartzite, sandstone, and petrified wood within the Williana as being the result of
downstream transport by ice-rafting. In addition, Fisk (1939) found pebbles of igneous
rock and Baraboo Quartizite in gravels of the Williana Formation. Although, as
hypothesized by Autin and others (1991), these gravels might belong to pockets of glacial
outwash included in the Williana Formation along the sides of the Mississippi River
Valley, the above pebbles imply that the gravels are in part of glacial-outwash origin.
Being older than the Lissie Formation, the Williana Formation would, in part, have
formed during Early Pleistocene or Late Pliocene glaciations. This would imply that the
Willis Formation is no younger than the Early Pleistocene or Late Pliocene.
The lower limit of the age of the Willis Formation is constrained by vertebrate
faunas described from both the Goliad Formation in Texas and the Fleming in Louisiana.
The vertebrate fauna from the Castor Creek Formation of the Fleming Group is estimated
to be between 12.5 and 14.5 million years old (Schiebout 1994, 1997). The Willis
Formation is significantly younger than this given the thickness of the Blounts Creek
Formation lying between it and the vertebrate-bearing beds in the underlying Castor
Creek Formation. In Texas the Willis Formation overlies the Goliad Formation, which
contains the Lapara Creek Fauna, which Prothero and Manning (1987) estimated to be 10
to 11 million years old. Taken together these faunas suggest that the Willis Formation is
significantly younger than 10 million years old.
Vertebrate fossils correspondingly provide a maximum age for the stratigraphic
equivalents of the Willis Formation, the Citronelle and Miccosukee Formations, east of
the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. In the case of the Ashville local fauna of north Florida,
Huddlestun (1988) argued that these late Barstovian vertebrate fossils came from strata
underlying the Miccosukee Formation. Thus, the Miccosukee Formation postdates a
middle Miocene (late Barstovian) age of about 11 to 16 million years (Woodbume and
Swisher 1995). In southwest Alabama, the Mauvilla local fauna occurs in paralic-alluvial
deposits of the "Miocene coarse clastics" of Raymond (1985), which underlie the
Citronelle Formation. The Mauvilla local fauna consists of late Miocene (eady
Hemphillian) vertebrates that date these sediments to about 7.0 to 9.0 million years ago
(Hulbert and Whitmore 1997, Woodbume and Swisher 1995). Thus, the Citronelle and
Miccosukee Formations are younger than middle to late Miocene.
Within southeast Texas, Morton and others (1988) correlated the base of the
Willis Formation with the Bigenerina "A" (Bigenerina floridana) benthic foraminifer
datum. Taking the arbitrary drop in datum in account, the correlation by Morton and
others (1988) implies that the Willis Formation correlates with the middle and upper
portions of the Bigenerina shale. The age of the benthic foraminifer datums and
correlation with the transgressive Bigenerina shale implies that the Willis Formation
correlates with major sea level highstands that occurred during the Early Pliocene
(Paleo-Data, Inc. 1993) (figure 26). '
This interpretation is consistent with the finding of Kukla and Opdyke (1972) of
normally magnetized sediments within the Willis Formation. They interpreted the
normal magnetism of its sediments to represent the Gauss polarity epoch, Chron C2An,
2.6 to 3.5 million years ago. However, normal magnetism is also consistent with Chron
C3n, 4.1 to 5.2 million years ago, which includes many of the Early Pliocene sea level
highstands. Without additional data, it is impossible to determine which of these normal
polarity intervals these samples represent. .
Finally, Otvos (1997) reported the presence of trace amounts Sciadopytis
(Japanese umbrella pine) pollen from peats exposed in pits dug into the Citronelle
Formation at Vancleave, Alabama, and Mossy Head, Florida. As Otvos (1997, 1998)
argued, this precludes a Pleistocene age for the Citronelle Formation because the
Japanese umbrella pine became extinct in North America prior to the end of the Pliocene.
This is illustrated by the presence of Sciadopytis pollen in the Pliocene-age Yorktown
Formation of North Carolina and Virginia and the lower Beavertown Formation of
Delaware and New Jersey and its absence in the overlying Late Pliocene and Pleistocene
strata (Groot 1991; Cronin et al. 1993).
The period of geologic time covering the Pliocene and late Miocene epochs, 3.0 to
6.0 million years ago, is hypothesized to be the most likely time during which the Willis
Formation in the Fort Polk region accumulated. The unconformity at the base of the
Willis Formation correlates best to a major drop in sea level about 10.5 million years ago
(figure 26). During this lowstand of sea level, deposition within the Fort Polk area would
have shifted southward ending the accumulation of the Blounts Creek Formation of the
Fleming Group (Wornardt and Vail 1991; Paleo-Data, Inc. 1993). Between 5.8 and 10.5
million years ago, sea level would have been low enough that even during the highstands
the edge of coastal plain deposition would have remained well south of the Fort Polk
region (figure 26). During this time, erosion of the Fleming would have occurred in
response to sea level drop and ongoing uplift. Between 5.8 and 3.0 million years ago, a
series of highstands pushed sea level up to where the inner edge of coastal plain
deposition might have transgressed during the highstands back into the Fort Polk region
and resulted in the deposition of fluvial sediments (Wornardt and Vail 1991; Paleo-Data,
Inc. 1993). If so, the Willis Formation could represent this period of high sea levels,
while individual allomembers represent individual highstands (figure 26).
Dtvos (1997, 1998) presented evidence of sea level highstands higher than
modem during the deposition of the Citronelle Formation. It consists of 0.5- to
7.0-m-thick units composed of muddy sands and muddy, pebbly, fine-to-coarse sands
deposited in inshore and nearshore environments. These strata are characterized by either
Ophimorpha burrows produced by ghost shrimp; the tubes of polychaete worms; the
internal molds of veneroid and other shallow marine bivalves; or some combination of
them. Otvos (1997) reported such marine beds near both the base and top of the
Citronelle Formation.
In the case of the Citronelle and Miccosukee Formations, Huddlestun (1988) and
Otvos (1998) have correlated them with Upper Pliocene, not Lower Pliocene, sea level
highstands. They consider the Miccosukee Formation and the correlative Citronelle
Time Eustatic Relative Change of Regional Stratigraphy
(Million Curves Coastal On lap Southwest Louisiana
200 100 0m shoreward seaward
Q.) 0.3
c:: 0.4
~O0 ...78
....... ,--l.o .. / / / 77
.-en Intermediate Allogroup
Q.) .......
c CO
(J) .....J
3 a..
9 (J)
10 o
11 ~
Intermediate Allogroup
much sandier and have more mature soils, mostly alfisols, than characterize the Prairie
Allogroup (Autin et al. 1991; Dubar et al. 1991).
The Lissie Formation consists of the deposits of the Calcasieu and Sabine
Rivers, their tributaries, and various coastal streams. The terrace associated with the
Lissie Formation consists of an extensive rarnplike surface that extends from the edge of
the Tertiary Uplands southward into Calcasieu Parish. This terrace surface dips to the
south at 4 ftlmi (0.8 mlkm) except where it is offset by fault-line scarps. The formation
extends eastward along the entire Texas coastal plain, where it was named, into Mexico
as illustrated by Bernard and LeBlanc (1965) and Winker (1991).
Only within the "Cooter's Bogs" area in the Fullerton Lake quadrangle [SE, EC]
were small outcrops of the Lissie Formation observed. In this region, the Lissie
Formation is associated with two coast-parallel terraces. A higher and older terrace forms
a narrow belt along the edge of the Tertiary Uplands. The younger terrace is the northern
edge of the extensive, gulfward-dipping surface that extends southward from the study
region into Calcasieu Parish. Welch (1942) mapped both of these terraces as the Bentley
Terrace as he did most of the Lissie Formation within the Fort Polk region.
In the "Cooter's Bogs" area, small exposures of the Lissie Formation consist of
grayish clayey silt and very fine sand with yellowish brown mottles. In hand specimen,
these sediments superficially resemble sediment of the Fleming. They contrast sharply
with the sediments of the Willis Formation, which are pervasively stained, even
cemented, with reddish, brownish, and purplish ferric iron oxides. In places, yellow loam
mantles these sediments.
As previously discussed, the Lissie Formation is likely Early Pleistocene in age.
In Texas, the Lissie Formation contains Pleistocene vertebrate fossils. Kukla and Opdyke
(1972) report sediments with reverse magnetic polarity from the "Lissie," "Bentley," and
"2nd terrace," which Dubar and others (1991) suggest are equivalent to the Lissie
Formation. These paleomagnetic data indicate that the deposits of the Lissie Formation
are older than 0.79 million years.
The Prairie Allogroup consists of fluvial, deltaic, estuarine, and beach deposits of
late to middle Pleistocene age. It lies topographically below the Intermediate Allogroup
and topographically above the Deweyville Allogroup. The terrace surfaces associated
with it exhibit little dissection and commonly show relict constructional topography
(Autin et al. 1991; Dubar et al. 1991).
Within the Fort Polk region, the Prairie Allogroup consists of fluvial sediments
that form discontinuous terraces found within the valleys of local drainages. Hinds
(1998a, 1999) noted that the deposits of the Prairie Allogroup are recognized as relatively
flat areas lying slightly above the level of the Holocene flood plain. It can be inferred
from the types of soils associated with the terraces of the Prairie Allogroup that it consists
largely of silts, silty sands, and sands within the Fort Polk region, as described by
Guillory (1997) and Martin and others (1990).
Although its internal structure is poorly known, existing research shows that the
Prairie Allogroup consists of multiple valley-fill complexes and coastal plain sediments
deposited by glacial-interglacial cycles over the last 700,000 years. Aronow and others
(1991), Blum and Price (1994, 1998), and Winker (1979) have documented the presence
of multistory sand bodies and major paleosols within the Beaumont Formation of
southeast Texas. In addition, Blum and Price (1994, 1998) and Van Siden (1985, 1991)
mapped multiple highstand fluvial-deltaic plains composing the Prairie Allogroup,
Beaumont Formation, in the Houston area. Using thermoluminescence dating, Blum and
Price (1998) defined valley fills that accumulated during oxygen isotope stages 5,7, and
9. Finally, seismic data interpreted by Thomas (1991) illustrate the presence of deposits
of older oxygen isotope stages above the R6 regional reflector. As summarized by Blum
and Price (1994, 1998), sufficient evidence exists to conclude that the Prairie Allogroup
consists of a complex assemblage of fluvial and deltaic deposits representing multiple
glacial-interglacial sea-level cycles over the last 700,000 years. Within southwest
Louisiana, it appears that only deposits and landforms of the last interglacial highstand of
sea level compose the surface of the Prairie Allogroup (Snead et al. 1998).
Within the Fort polk region, the only major stratigraphic units containing
sediments of Holocene age are the unnamed alluvium and the informal Big Brushy
formation. The unnamed alluvium, which underlies the modem flood plain, consists of
sediments of both Holocene and late Pleistocene age. The Big Brushy formation, the
widespread mantle of sand that forms the sandy epipedons of many of the soil series
within Fort Polk, consists almost entirely of Holocene pedisediments.
The unnamed alluvium is an informal name for the alluvial sediments that
underlie the flood plains of the streams and rivers within the Fort Polk area. Although a
stratigraphic unit of formation rank, it is left unnamed until such time as it is formally
described. The unnamed alluvium fills valleys cut into older sediments ranging from the
Miocene Fleming Group to the middle to late Pleistocene Prairie Complex.
In backhoe trenches excavated along the Whisky Chitto Creek, Cantley and others
(1997) found the unnamed alluvium to consist of light brownish gray 10YR 6/2 to light
yellowish brown 10YR 6/4 silty sand and sand with layers of brown 10YR 5/4 to
yellowish brown 10YR 5/6 muddy sand and sandy mud (figure 27). In each of their
backhoe trenches, which were 2 to 3 m (6 to 10 ft) deep, the thickness of the unnamed
alluvium exceeded the trench depth. Although individual beds and buried soils can be
resolved, they were internally massive and lacking in discernible sedimentary structures.
The layers of muddy sand and sandy mud are the Band Bt horizons of paleosols (Cantley
Mill Creek Road Trench Profile
/ Soil Samples
o Root Mat 00
A1 639B.P.
A2 2 782 B.P.
C1 3 2,192B.P.
C2 4 3,857 B.P.
50 C3 5 4,705 B.P. 50
6 7,421 B.P. ...-..
7 9,978 B.P.
2Bw2b? 8 12,967B.P.
c: 150 150
3C5 9 19,240 B.P.
0 0
200 200
10 23,244 B.P.
11 29,365 B.P.
250 250
12 31,911 B.P.
Figure 27. Stratigraphic profile of the unnamed alluvium exposed by the Mill Creek
Road trench along Whiskey Chitto Creek in the Zion Hills area, Fort Polk, Louisiana.
(Adapted from figure 358 from Cantley et al. 1997:799.)
et al. 1997). The clay is not detrital in origin, but rather was concentrated in these layers
by illuviation.
In excavations at 16VN791 on the flood plain of Birds Creek within the MPRC
area, Johnson (1990a, 1990b) observed that the unnamed alluvium at that site consisted of
brown 10YR 4/3 to dark yellowish brown 10YR 4/6 silty sand and dark brown 7.5YR 4/6
to strong brown 7.5YR 4/6 muddy sand overlying brownish yellow 10YR 6/6 clayey sand
and light gray 2.5Y 7/2 sandy clay. Johnson (1990b) interprets the muddy sands to be Bt
horizons and the clayey sand to be a truncated Bt horizon of an older paleosoL The
unnamed alluvium at 16VN791 is massive.
Judging from the limited available information, the unnamed alluvium consists of
both Holocene and late Pleistocene alluvium. Based upon several dates obtained by the
Oxidizable Carbon Ratio (OCR) dating method, i.e., figure 27, Cantley and others (1997)
concluded that the unnamed alluvium within the Whisky Chitto drainage consists of
alluvial deposits of Holocene to Late Pleistocene in age. They argue that the upper 1 to
1.5 m (3 to 5 ft) of the alluvium is of Holocene age and that the sediments and paleosols
lying below a discontinuity at these depths dates back well into the late Pleistocene.
Johnson (1990b) also argues that the alluvium at 16VN791, which lies on a tributary of
Whisky Chitto Creek, consists of 0.8 m (2.6 ft) of Holocene alluvium as old as 5200 BP
overlying a truncated paleosol developed in late Pleistocene alluvium. Similarly, Bianchi
(1982) shows the unnamed alluvium as consisting of alluvium of Holocene age,
"Alluvium 2B," overlying that of Pleistocene age, "Alluvium 2a" (figure 20).
The limited observations by Bianchi (1982), Cantley and others (1997), and
Johnson (1990b) indicate that the unnamed alluvium consists of a relatively thin
accumulation of Holocene alluvium over late Pleistocene alluvium. If these observations
are substantiated by additional study and are applicable to other streams, they suggest that
the flood plains of the streams within the Fort Polk region are far more stable than
previously thought (Cantley et al. 1997). They would suggest that over the last few tens
of thousands of years the streams within the Fort Polk region have been gradually
aggrading by the periodic accumulation of sediments on their flood plains. However,
given the relatively few places where the unnamed alluvium has been investigated in
detail, additional study is needed to substantiate these observations.
The Big Brushy formation consists of the mantle of sand that forms the sandy
epipedon of soils developed <;m the Tertiary uplands in south-central Louisiana. The Big
Brushy formation has also been recognized within the Post Oak Savannah of east-central
Texas (Collins 1995; Fields and Heinrich 1987; Thoms 1993) and the Piney Woods of
East Texas (Perttula et al. 1986).
The Big Brushy formation was informally named by Bianchi (1984) for the Big
Brushy Site, 16VN24, a stratified, multicomponent site on the east bank of Big Brushy
Creek in the Fullerton Lake quadrangle [SE]. At the Big Brushy Site, the Big Brushy
formation was found to consist of 1.2 m (3.9 ft) of yellow silty, fine to very fine grained
sand exhibiting no discernible depositional stratigraphy, and to contain four stratified
archaeological clusters representing San Patrice, Middle Archaic, Late Archaic, and
Ceramic components (Guderjohn and Morehead 1980). Unfortunately, the Big Brushy
Site has been destroyed by road construction; the geomorphological studies conducted at
the site were never published; and its geomorphological data remains missing. However,
at sites 16VN1505 and 16VN126 northwest of 16VN24 along Big Brushy Creek and
described by Meyer and others (1996), deposits representative of the character and
stratigraphy of the Big Brushy formation can be found (Morehead 1999).
Detailed geoarchaeological studies provide detailed descriptions of the typical
characteristics of the Big Brushy formation in the Fort Polk region. At 16VN794, the A
and E horizons consist of silty sand and the Bt horizon consists of muddy sand. As is
often typical of the Big Brushy formation, it can be a complex mixture of sediment
transported by multiple processes. At 16VN794, Foss and others (1993) argued that its
sands were transported by both eolian and slopewash processes (figure 28). Color
variations, gross lithology, and visible stratigraphy primarily reflect pedogenic processes
that are continually modifying this unit. Additional descriptions of the character of the
Big Brushy formation within the Fort Polk region can be found in Gunn and Kerr (1984),
Servello and Bianchi (1982), and other reports concerning the results of archaeological
excavations in the Fort Polk region.
Detailed research concerning the Big Brushy formation in Louisiana and Texas
demonstrates that it consists of a sandy mantle produced and modified by a variety of
processes (figure 29). Downslope transport of the sediment can be the result of either
gullying, sheetwash, wind, graviturbation, or some combination of these processes. As a
result, the thickest accumulations of the Big Brushy formation tend to be at the bases of
slopes or at breaks in the slope on hillslopes. In some cases, it is possible that wind can
transport sand upslope from exposed sand bars in adjacent streams such that it can even
accumulate on the summits of adjacent hills. Although upslope transport of sand might
have been important at some sites, the vast bulk of the Big Brushy formation represents
sediment, primarily sand, transported downslope from a hill summit or ridge crest (Fields
and Heimich 1987; Thomas 1993).
Because the vast bulk of the sandy sediment comprising the Big Brushy formation
has been transported downslope, its source at a given locality must be the summits and
upper slopes of either a ridge or hill. The most plausible explanation is that the sand is
released from the summit by pedogenesis and erosion as proposed by Thoms and Clive
(1993). The process is initiated when either colluvial or eolian processes erode sand off
the crest and upper slopes of either a ridge or hill (figure 29). Once the sandy A and E
horizons have been removed by erosion, eluviation acts to remove clay from and
otherwise alter the B horizon. Eventually, illuviation will translocate clay and other
materials downward into the underlying C horizon transforming it into a B horizon and
the former B horizon into A and E horizons. Eventually, when the landscape is disturbed,
the loose sand of this new sandy epipedon will be eroded and moved downward onto the
slopes and ultimately into the fluvial systems within the valleys. This cycle of erosion
and pedogenesis serves as a source of sand for the Big Brushy formation and the sandy
epipedon of which it is a part.
As sediment of the Big Brushy is actively being transported downslope and, at
times, possibly upslope, the formation is continually subjected to churning by pedogenic
processes (figure 29). Because it lies within the A and E horizons of the modem soil, it is
...,: "." .... .
. . . . . . .:,.· .. c.... .
.... ~ .:...._ :...'".-0:....
- -- .- ..- -' -' -:,. ....
• 0 •••
.......... ~.
: .C :
--':'-.:.:..-:... '.
" , ..,-
Figure 28. Depositional history of the Big Brushy formation at 16VN794 Fort Polk, Vernon Parish, Louisiana. (Redrawn and adapted
from figure 33, Foss et al. 1993: 129.)
o 1 2 3
._ E
1 I I I
horizontal scale
in meters
> 2
~~ Willis and/or Fleming
Figure 29. Schematic diagram of processes associated with Big Brushy formation. Drawn with data from Thoms (1993) and Foss et
al. (1993).
subject to continuing pedogenic processes, including pedoturbation, as it slowly
accumulates. What results is an environment in which churning of the sediment is
contemporaneous with its slow accumulation. Thoms (1993) argued that this results in a
situation in which archaeological features and stratigraphy are initially preserved, but are
eventually with time dismembered and mixed. He also argued that colluvial processes
and pedoturbation can act to reconstitute an archaeological stratigraphy from displaced
artifacts. Thoms (1993), Thoms and Clive (1993), and Fields and Heinrich (1987)
demonstrated that the processes that create and alter the Big Brushy formation have
drastic effects on the integrity of the archaeological record that it contains. Furthermore,
these processes place severe constraints on the paleoenvironmental interpretation of
pollen and phytoliths recovered from the formation.
The age of the Big Brushy formation is well constrained. Cultural materials and
radiocarbon and thermoluminescence dates recovered from the formation show that it can
range in age from Late Holocene to Late Pleistocene. The bulk of it ranges in age from
middle to late Holocene, although early Holocene deposits have been found at a few sites,
e.g., the Big Brushy Site. The oldest known in situ artifacts and dates have been found at
the Eagle Hill II site and at other sites in the northern part of the Peason Ridge area (Gunn
et al. n.d.; Servello and Bianchi 1982; Gunn and Kerr 1984). Gunn and others (n.d.) list
thermoluminescence dates as old as 10,000 to 13,000 BP for artifacts from the Eagle Hill
II site (Table 3).
For this investigation, only the portions of the Big Brushy where it greatly
exceeds its normal thickness are mapped. These constitute a single polygon straddling
the Fullerton Lake quadrangle [NW] and Lacamp quadrangle [SW]. Topographic relief
within this polygon exceeds 100 ft (30 m). Its thickness as depicted in figure 25 is on the
order of 6 to 9 m (20 to 30 ft). Our informal field term for the area was "the sand hills,"
which gives a good idea as to its character; Sand Hill Road approaches this general area
from the east-southeast, and makes a T-intersection with Hwy. 489 approximately 3.2 km
(2 mi) east of the northern tip of the mapped polygon. Elsewhere in the Fort Polk region,
the thickness of Big Brushy deposits is generally less than 0.8 m, and the formation is
treated as a surface veneer on the underlying "bedrock" units depicted on the geologic
quadrangle maps (cf. figure 5).
Table 3. Radiometric Dates From Eagle Hill II Site (16SA50).
From Gunn et al. (n.d.).
Soil Horizon Thermoluminescence* Radiocarbon (uncalibrated) Cultural
(Depth) Sample BP Date Sample Date BP C-14 Affiliation
The regional structural context of the study area is dominated by the Sabine uplift
and Angelina-Caldwell flexure updip and to the north (figure 8). The Sabine and
Monroe uplifts in north Louisiana appear to have existed as positive features since at least
Late Triassic time (Anderson 1979), when they formed along with other positive
elements that separated the "complex systems of rhombic grabens or rift basins . . .
formed on thinned continental crust" (Foote et al. 1992, p. 1) during the early phase of
separation of the North American plate from the South American and African plates
(Salvador 1987).
The Angelina-Caldwell flexure constitutes a hinge zone that marks an increase in
the dip and/or thickness of strata downdip. It formed on the southeast flank of the Sabine
uplift in conjunction with the overall regression and progressive outbuilding of the
continental shelf during the Cenozoic, and marks a boundary between epeirogenic uplift
updip and basinal subsidence and deposition downdip, corresponding to the inner limit of
gulfward monoclinal dip toward Neogene depocenters (Dixon 1965). The flexure could
correspond to a boundary between continental crust and thinner transitional crust
(Worrall and Snelson 1989; Walper et al. 1979). In the Sabine and Vernon Parish areas it
influenced the deposition of the Wilcox Group, which thickens notably across the flexure
(Glawe 1989, his figure 3). Andersen (1960) places its inception sometime during the
deposition of the lower Paleocene Porters Creek Formation (upper Midway Group), based
on isopach maps of the Upper Cretaceous and Paleocene series that show changes in
thickness patterns across the feature beginning in the Porters Creek interval (his plate 10).
The trace of the flexure as drawn by different authors varies considerably. In
work undertaken in the context of petroleum exploration, investigators have shown a
tendency to depict it far to the south of where it is shown in figure 8 (in some cases nearly
or virtually coincident with the Lower Cretaceous shelf edge or Toledo Bend flexure),
and to join it with the Wiggins anticline in southern Mississippi and southeastern
Louisiana (e.g., Walper et al. 1979; Worrall and Snelson 1989). The usage of this report
follows that of Andersen (1960; 1993, his figure 56), Dixon (1965, his plates 13 and 14),
Baumgardner (1987, his figures 1 and 13), and Glawe (1989, his figure 1). This is
coincident with the feature originally named by Veatch (1906), and also roughly
coincides with the gulfward limit of Paleogene outcrops in Louisiana as rendered by
Dixon (1965, his figure 2).
According to Andersen (1960), in Sabine Parish the Angelina-Caldwell flexure is
a zone downdip of which the regional homoclinal gulfward dip changes from
approximately 45 ftlmi (8.5 mlkm, or approximately 0.5°) to approximately 250 ftlmi
(47.3 mlkm, or approximately 2.7°) or greater. In Natchitoches Parish the change in dip
manifested in the Porters Creek and in selected Cretaceous units across the flexure
amounts to an increase from 1°_1.5° to 2.6°-2.8° (Andersen 1993, his table 10). The
regional structural dip in the Fort Polk region is on the order of 1°; stick sections
constructed from well log data by Rogers and Calandro (1965, their plate 2) indicate a
maximum dip slightly less than 1°, and those of Hinds (1998a, 1999, his plate 4) indicate
a maximum dip ranging from approximately 1° to slightly greater than 10.
In addition to the influence of the above regional structures, Hinds (1998a, 1999)
noted a concordance of the strikes of formations of the Fleming Group (and, more
strikingly, of the orientations of interfluves) in his study area with those in the Austin
Chalk (Upper Cretaceous) in the deep subsurface as mapped by Zimmerman (1996). He
interpreted such concordance as suggesting the possibility of deep-seated structural
influence via harmonic folding.
The gentle dips and semiconsolidated nature of most of the Cenozoic sediment,
together with thick soils and vegetation, are such as to generally preclude direct
recognition of local surface structure in the study area.
The surface expression of the Angelina-Caldwell flexure comprises a zone of
surface faults with a complex, intersecting and anastomosing pattern mapped by
Andersen (1960, 1993). In some areas downdip of the main zone of these faults
Andersen (1960) mapped scattered, smaller faults. These are reproduced on the
accompanying geologic maps in the northwestemmost portions of Peason and Kisatchie
quadrangles, in the areas where we have relied on Andersen's mapping of the Cockfield
Formation, Jackson Group, and Vicksburg Group (figure 4). A suggestion of a small
fault was seen in a single roadcut exposure in this portion of our study area, in NW/SE
Sec. 28, T. 6 N., R. 9 W., Peason quadrangle [NC], within 0.4 km (0.25 mi) of faults to
the northeast and southwest mapped by Andersen (1960); aside from this single locality,
no evidence of faults was noted in the field. Rogers and Calandro (1965) also noted the
difficulty of fault recognition from available data at the surface and in the shallow
subsurface in the outcrop belts of the Catahoula and Fleming formations in Vemon
Subsurface geologic section B-B' (Appendix B) indicates a possible discontinuity
suggestive of a fault between the Ramrod #2 Pickering and USGS well V-425. Such a
fault would at the surface create a fault contact between the Dough Hills and Williamson
Creek formations of the Fleming Group. Hinds's (1998c) mapped contact between the
Dough Hills and Williamson Creek in this area (in the Slagle quadrangle [NED is
occupied by the alluvium of two small tributaries on either side of the Ca1casieu River,
which give the appearance of drainage lineaments oriented N 65° E and N 50° E (Plate
5). In the two wells on section B-B' immediately downdip of the possible discontinuity
(downdip of the Ramrod #2 Pickering), the Catahoula thins over a subtle positive
structure, whereas in the three wells farther downdip it has the same thickness as in wells
updip of the structure. In a fault interpretation such a structure would represent an
associated rollover-type structure. The association of the structure with this localized
thinning of the Catahoula suggests that if a fault is present it was active during deposition
of the Catahoula Formation and affected its thickness distribution. Section B-B'
indicates that such a fault would have a displacement of approximately 300 ft (91 m) in
units younger than the Catahoula at and near the surface, and a displacement of nearly
400 ft (122 m) in units older than the Catahoula down to the top of the Wilcox Group.
9no' 93'15' 93'15' 9:r05' 93'00
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Within the Fort Polk region, three geomorphic terrains were recognized on the
basis of geomorphology. They consist of the coast-parallel terraces, the stepped
topography of the southern cuesta, and the ridge and ravine topography of the northern
As previouly noted, the southern and eastern edge of the Fullerton Lake
quadrangle is characterized by gulfward-tilted, dissected terraces associated with the
Lissie Formation. Along its contact with the uplands of the southern cuesta, a higher and
older terrace forms a narrow strip about 1.3 to 2.1 km (0.8 to 1.3 mile) wide. Within the
Fullerton Lake quadrangle the surface of this terrace varies in elevation from 245 to 255
ft (75 to 78 m) above sea level. It is deeply dissected by local drainages and truncated by
a lower coast-parallel terrace. Lying below it is a younger and regionally extensive
terrace that forms the top of the Lissie Formation. It is the northernmost edge of a large
ramplike terrace that extends southward into CaIcasieu Parish at about 4 ft per mile (0.8
m per km). The surface of this terrace lies at an elevation of about 225 ft (69 m) above
sea level. It is less dissected than the higher terrace. Still, the younger terrace has been
modified by erosion to the point that relict constructional landforms have been
completely obliterated. Both it and the higher coast-parallel terrace are former coastal
plains that were formed during the Pleistocene.
Finally, the terrain that characterizes the northern cuesta of the Kisatchie Wold
within the Fort Polk region consists predominantly of terrain called "ridge and ravine
topography." Ridge and ravine topography consists of rolling terrain characterized by a
monotonous network of branching valleys and low, rounded intervening ridges and hills.
This type of topography is an erosionally graded landscape that forms through erosion
within humid climates (Hack 1960).
Within this terrain, the strata have been so deeply eroded that all constructional
topography except for the terraces and flood plains within stream valleys has been totally
destroyed. Differences in relief are related to the relative resistance of strata to erosion
and distance from the major trunk drainages. The drainage network within this terrain
generally will have adjusted its courses as it has cut downward to exploit any zones of
weakness along structural features (Hack 1960). In addition, sapping along joints and
faults will exert a strong control on the direction of tributary entrenchment (Hayward et
al. 1990).
(Richard P. McCulloh and Paul V. Heinrich)
Drainage lineaments are recognizable across the study area, and suggest at least a
measure of structural control of drainage. No faults could definitely be inferred
coincident with such lineaments. However, the systematic joints measured provide a
basis for comparison. Hinds (1998a, 1999), following up the suggestion of McCulloh
(1995) that many drainage courses in Louisiana reflect probable control of their
orientations by joints, compared measured joint strikes with stream-course orientations in
his study area. He concluded that a correlation likely existed between the two, but his
joint-strike data, comprising a total of four localities, ultimately did not permit more than
a qualitative appraisal of the suspected strength of such a correlation.
The joint roses shown in figure 30 are plotted on a base with a generalized stream
net for comparison. No clear relationship appears discernible between the strikes of
measured joints and the orientations of drainage courses, including those that appear
obviously to constitute lineaments on larger-scale maps. (Many of the latter stream
courses do not appear on figure 30 owing to the generalization for the reduced scale.)
The observed variability of expression of joint sets mentioned above, possibly in
conjunction with the small sample size available for this investigation, may account for
this. If structural control of drainage courses in the study area is real, the phenomenon is
evidently more complex than initially hypothesized. Establishment of such a
relationship, provided it exists, will likely require more comprehensive data than those
available to this investigation-including both greater quantity and a finer level of
detail-as well as a statistical treatment of the data such as that given by Scheidegger
The flood plains of Comrade Creek and the Calcasieu River bear special mention
in appearing to show what may potentially constitute strikingly different examples of
drainage lineaments. These are notably straight yet broad reaches of fairly uniform
width, which in addition to having the same east-west orientation appear rather neatly
aligned in the north-south direction. The wide flood plains of both are criss-crossed by
numerous channels in an anastomosing pattern. They do not fit the definition of strike
valleys because neither is coincident with or parallel to the contacts of the Fleming
subunits traversed, instead intersecting them at a low oblique angle. It is herein
speculated that these east-west-trending reaches follow zones of increased fracture
density of east-west-striking joints, zones essentially similar to the "fracture traces" of
Lattman (1958). The anastomosing channels may reflect response to a combination of
effects, including an oversupply of coarse sediment sourced by headward drainage of the
outcrop belts of the Carnahan Bayou (Comrade Creek) and Dough Hills and Williamson
Creek formations (Calcasieu River).
Bradford C. Hanson
have found more than 100 plant species associated with larger bogs. In later work
(MacRoberts and MacRoberts 1992, 1993), the size of bogs appears to be related to the
number of species present. However, formulating a comprehensive assessment of the
validity of this intuitive relationship was beyond the scope of this investigation.
A comprehensive work on bogs is contained in a management document entitled
Conservation Assessment for Hillside Seepage Bogs of the Kisatchie National Forest
(Hyatt 1998). Hyatt reports the hillside seeps, locally referred to as hillside bogs or
pitcher-plant bogs, are unique localized wetlands. He also reports that the hydrology of
the bogs is complex. Inflow into the bog may either be the result of a groundwater table
intersecting surface topography where flow is through a natural orifice, as in the case of a
spring, or the result of a groundwater table that lies just beneath the surface at a
topographic depression that results in a soggy area fed by water seepage.
The bog data utilized in this report were obtained from the Conservation
Assessment Document referenced above. These data are not for public release, but are
available to cooperators who have a verified need for the data and were made available to
LGS for the purpose of this report. Bog data exist for five out of the ten quadrangles
defining the study area (figure 1): Fort Polk, Birds Creek, and Fullerton Lake to the
south, and Kisatchie and Kurthwood quadrangles to the north. These data were acquired
through various means including field work and aerial photography by Phil Hyatt and
other staff working with the Kisatchie National Forest. Out of a data base of about 250
points, a single point was acquired using GPS technology, but the accuracy of this point
is in question (Hyatt 1999). A subsequent discussion with the author of the data set
revealed that GPS point data was not a requirement and that a lack of time on his part
precluded its acquisition. Our contract calls for existing available records to be used;
DGPS-generated UTM reference points do not exist.
The data were provided to LGS by Kisatchie National Forest personnel on a
CD-ROM, which allowed LGS to produce polygons representing the location and
configuration of various bogs and to merge these with existing map products. Regional
trend analyses were accomplished by combining these data with Aquifer Recharge Atlas
maps (Boniol 1988) to determine whether regional trends could be extracted from
hydrologic data on file with LGS. Figures 31 and 32 were created by merging the bog
data polygons with the Alexandria quadrangle (1 :250,000 scale), one of the recharge
maps referenced above. The same polygon data were also merged with the geologic
maps created for this report to produce figures 33, 34, 35, and 36, but were correlated
according to the hydrologic units present (Table 4).
The remainder of the discussion deals with observations and apparent trends and
is subdivided into a South Group, covered by figures 31, 33, 34, and 35, and a North
Group which is illustrated in figures 32 and 36.
A number of observations were noted for the area represented by the southern
quadrangles of Fort Polk, Birds Creek, and Fullerton Lake when merged with the Aquifer
.1 '~
' I
~ ,
.4b ..
Figure 31. Regional trend analysis illustrating the spatial characteristics of the bog polygons situated atop the Evangeline and Chicot Aquifer Systems for the
South Group area. The area encompassed by the South Group covers the Fort Polk (figure 33), Birds Creek (figure 34), and Fullerton Lake (figure 35)
topographic quadrangles. This figure merges appropriate bog data polygons with the Alexandria quadrangle from the Aquifer Recharge Atlas (Boniol 1988).
Figure 32. Regional trend analysis illustrating the spatial characteristics of the bog polygons situated atop the Miocene Aquifer-System for the North Group area.
The area encompassed by the North Group covers the Kisatchie and north portion ofthe Kurthwood (figure 36) topographic quadrangles. This figure merges
appropriate bog data polygons with the Alexandria quadrangle from the Aquifer Recharge Atlas (Boniol 1988).
Figure 33. Hydrologic and geologic relationships of bogs for the area encompassed by
Fort Polk topographic quadrangle.
( .
Figure 34. Hydrologic and geologic relationships of bogs for the area encompassed by
Birds Creek topographic quadrangle.
Figure 35. Hydrologic and geologic relationships of bogs for the area encompassed by
Fullerton Lake topographic quadrangle.
Figure 36. Hydrologic and geologic relationships of bogs for the area encompassed by
the Kisatchie and north portion ofthe Kurthwood topographic quadrangles.
Recharge data (figure 31). The spatial characteristics of the bog polygons situated atop
the Evangeline aquifer appear to lie closer to the Evangeline-Chicot contact than
polygons occurring on the Chi cot aquifer side of the same contact. A possible
explanation lies in the methodology for compiling the regional aquifer map. The contact
in question has been grossly oversimplified in order to accommodate the scale
(1 :250,000) of the base map. It is shown in figure 31 as a distinct and regular line
implying a definite, linear contact between the two aquifer systems. In reality, however,
this may not be the case. Upon examination of figures 33-35, the contact between the
Evangeline (Pliocene to late Miocene age) and Chicot/Terraces (Pleistocene age) aquifers
is highly irregular. Its location as depicted on figure 31 may be erroneous; thus this
observation may be invalid.
Second, while the bog polygons appear scattered, the scatter appears to be
restricted to an arcuate, northeast trending band that parallels the contact between the
Evangeline and Chicot/Terraces aquifers (figure 31). This observation may be the result
of two integrated factors: first, the oversimplification of the Evangeline-Chicot aquifer
contact discussed earlier may alter the apparent arcuate linear nature of the trend. If the
irregular nature of the contact were more apparent, the apparent arcuate trend may be
less obvious. And second, the northern boundary of bogs comprising this regional trend
may be influenced by the data collection methodology. The data provided to LGS applies
only to Kisatchie National Forest (KNF) property which includes only the southern
portion of the Fort Polk Military Reservation. Bog sites were not mapped beyond the
(KNF) boundary. Close examination of figures 33-35 appear to indicate a truncation of
bog polygons upon reaching the KNF boundary especially in the Birds Creek and
Fullerton Lake quadrangles (figures 34, 35). This data acquisition limitation was
confirmed by Phil Hyatt (1999). Thus what appears to be a narrow, arcuate, northeast
trending band is more a function of the data collection methodology and its limitations
than due to a hydrologic or geologic characteristic.
Third, a clear majority of bog sites appears to be clustered on, and along the
flanks of, the uplands between major stream valleys and not situated on the major flood
plains as might be expected (figure 31). This may be, in part, due to the
oversimplification of the regional base map. However, Hyatt (1998) reports that the bog
sites are situated along hillsides. And this observation appears to be substantiated when
examining the detailed maps in figures 33-35. Thus such an observation may be
Finally, bogs also occur in an area characterized by high recharge potential (figure
31, stippled pattern). This also would be expected because one of the criteria for bog
development is an adequate, long term source of fresh water. Development on, or in
close proximity to, permeable geologic materials is a prerequisite for sustained plant
growth and longevity. Aquifer recharge potential for each soil association within the
geologic recharge areas is based on such soil characteristics as parent material; subsoil
texture, permeability, and drainage; surface slope; and surface runoff. These
characteristics affect the movement of water through surficial materials and into the
subsurface, through the soil horizons, and into the underlying geohydrologic systems. It
is important to realize that the aquifer recharge characterizations are based on soil
characteristics down to a depth of approximately 6 ft below the surface.
Merging the bog data with the geologic maps created for this report reveals a
greater level of detail regarding the relationship of specific bog sites to the geology. The
quadrangles covered are Fort Polk, Birds Creek, and Fullerton Lake (figures 33, 34, 35
respectively). Excluding the previous observations discussed earlier, bog sites appear to
be restricted to the Blounts Creek Member of the Fleming Group and to the younger aged
Willis (Pliocene) and Lissie (Pleistocene) formations.
The Blounts Creek Member of the Fleming Formation is the youngest unit
underlying and truncated by Plio-Pleistocene strata in the study area. The authors of this
report refer to the Blounts Creek as a nondescript series of clayey and silty fine-grained
materials and as the finest-grained of the various sandy Fleming subunits. They also
report that it has a much finer grain size overall when compared to the other formations
within the Fleming. This may account for the apparent preference of bog sites for
Blounts Creek sediments, at least in the Fort Polk quadrangle. But this observation tends
not to hold when examining the Birds Creek and especially the Fullerton Lake
quadrangles (figures 34 and 35, respectively). Bogs tend to be evenly distributed
between both Blounts Creek and Willis formations on the Birds Creek quadrangle (figure
34), but tend to also occur on the Lissie Formation in the Fullerton Lake quadrangle
(figure 35).
There are a number of possible explanations. First, the restrictive nature of the
data collection methodology (restriction to KNF land) may be skewing the real nature of
the relationship by creating an apparent one. What appears to be an affinity for Blounts
Creek, Willis, and Lissie geologic units may be an artifact of sampling bias.
Close examination of figures 33, 34 and 35 shows that the bogs are located on a
wide range of geologic and hydrologic units. The Evangeline Aquifer System consists of
Blounts Creek and Willis geologic formations while the ChicotiTerraces Aquifer System
consists of various permeable units within the Lissie Formation and undifferentiated
alluvium (Table 4). Utilizing this approach, bogs appear to be scattered throughout the
two dominant aquifer systems for the region. Thus it is difficult to suggest that bogs are
somehow restricted only to certain aquifers.
Why bogs tend to show an affinity for certain locations is probably related more
to localized lithologic and textural considerations rather than to specific geologic or
hydrologic units. For bogs to develop, there must be a depression in which to hold water,
a source of water, and the plant life. Assuming the latter will develop if the other two
criteria are met, then an adequate source of water and a vessel or "bowl" in which to put
it, are primary inputs. The "bowl" in this analogy would be a depression on an existing
surface, such as where the ground surface truncates the Blounts Creek. Such a depression
may result from either differential erosion of surficial material or perhaps be due to a
pre-existing undulating surface created by an ancient erosional event. Whatever the case,
the depression must retain water in sufficient quantities to sustain the flora.
A second needed input is a reliable, long-term source of fresh water flowing into
the bog site. This means that a source for the water would, by necessity, be located up
the hydrologic gradient from the bog. The geologic nature of this source would
necessitate that it be a permeable material, perhaps a sand or gravel in order to
accommodate the rapid infiltration of precipitation and the transmittal of the groundwater
down the hydrologic gradient.
This investigator suspects that bog development requires finer-grained material at
the base in which to trap the water with coarser grained material located up gradient
supplying a reliable influx of fresh water. The geologic unit supplying these ingredients
is not relevant to the equation, only that the ingredients be present. Blounts Creek is a
nondescript series of clayey and silty fine-grained materials and it has a much finer grain
size overall when compared to the other formations within the Fleming. The Willis and
Lissie formations are more sandy and contain gravel throughout, but they also exhibit a
wide range of lithologies and textures. Where the proper mix of fine and coarse grained
materials co-exist, conditions may be present for the development of a bog. It is
important to note, however, that while specific textural and lithologic characteristics may
create favorable locations for bog development, this in itself does not guarantee that bogs
will develop or that flora will be established. The answers to these issues were beyond
the scope of this investigation.
This hypothesis was tested by examining the descriptive field map notes recorded
by McCulloh and Heinrich as part of their geologic mapping task for this report. Field
map notes were examined for the Fort Polk, Birds Creek, and Fullerton Lake quadrangles
in those areas where bog sites had been identified. Unfortunately, very few outcrop sites
occur in close proximity to bogs and none correspond with specific bog locales. This is
not surprising, however, because comprehensive field examination of bog sites was
beyond the scope of the investigation. In the few instances where geologic outcrops were
noted and could be correlated to nearby bogs, the field description tended to support the
hypothesis. But the lack of sufficient data precludes any definitive conclusions at this
Bogs that occur in the northern region of the study area (figure 32) present a
different set of problems. The north cluster comprises bogs located in the northern
quadrant of the Kisatchie quadrangle (figure 36), which display more scatter and are
situated atop surficial material characterized by moderate recharge potential. Moderate
recharge potential implies moderately to well drained soils having medium textures and
moderate rates of water transmission. They include soil associations possessing a variety
of both high and low recharge characteristics. The south cluster, comprising bogs located
in the southeast quadrant of the Kisatchie and northeast quadrant of the Kurthwood
quadrangles (figure 36), displays a different spatial relationship. These bogs tend to
possess less scatter and to be concentrated in a rather restricted area. They are situated on
surficial material characterized by low recharge potential. Low recharge potential
generally refers to poorly drained silts and clays with slow to very slow infiltration, low
permeability rates, and high runoff potential. They include shallow soils over nearly
impervious materials and include soils with a claypan or a thick clay layer at or near the
While the spatial characteristics of both clusters of bogs differ, both lie upon
geologic materials characterized as Miocene aquifers (Boniol 1988). The Miocene
aquifers of central Louisiana include most of the Fleming Group beginning with the
Stratigraphic Column of fort Polk Region
Time - Stratigraphic Units Rock - Stratigraphic Units Hydrologic Units
E ~
~ Stage ., Group formation Member Aquifer System
:Ji' VI
e (undifferentiated alluvium)
undifferentiated Alluvial
cQJ ~~
~ ~~ ~
'" Calabrian Chicot(Terraces
~ e
§g'I Lissie
~~ Lower
C Piacenzian ~~~
u 'O~
,Q g e I
E Zanclean g-ff Willis Kisatchie Allomember
< FprtPolk Allomember
~~~ Evangeline
Blounts Creek undifferentiated
0 2:!..s! Serravallian 0\
Z QJ"C C Castor Creek undifferentiated
0 'E
~ ~
Langhian u:: Williamson Creek undifferentiated
Burdigalian Dough Hills undifferentiated
30 Carnahan Bayou undifferentiated Miocene
t: ...J
Aquitanian Lena undifferentiated
~ L.
Chattian Catahoula undifferentiated
,~ ~
<5 L.
QJ ::J
..0 Vicksburg
QJ ...J
Rupelian '"
undifferentiated (confining unit)
c :>
;;; C
c.. L.
Priabonian u undifferentiated (confining unit)
QJ=> ..!!!.
0 QJ
=0 0
"C Bartonian 'n; Cockfield undifferentiated Cockfield
~ 0
Castor Creek confining units at the top of the section extending downward to and
including the Catahoula (Table 4). Close examination of Table 4 reveals that the
Miocene aquifer system includes Upper Oligocene age sediments. This apparent
inconsistency is due to past uncertainty regarding the geologic age of the Catahoula
aquifer. The Aquifer Recharge Map (Boniol 1988) considers it to be Lower Miocene in
age while the authors of this report map it as Oligocene. Its specific age is unimportant to
this discussion; it is considered as part of the Miocene Aquifer System for this report.
An explanation that will adequately account for the two clusters may be difficult
to identify. Clearly, virtually all of the Kisatchie quadrangle falls within KNF except for
a narrow band along the western edge. Thus the argument discussed earlier, bog data
being an artifact of the collection methodology, is not valid in this case. However, the
southern extent of bog sites on the Kurthwood quadrangle does appear to be a function of
the KNF boundary.
But this explanation does not account for the wide spatial variability of bog
density between the north and south clusters. This observation suggests different
controlling mechanism(s). These mechanisms may be reflected in the recharge potential
of the surficial materials upon which the bogs are located. But figure 32 does not
differentiate between individual formations comprising the Miocene Aquifer System.
So another approach was tried by merging regional bog data with the detailed
geology mapped for this region. Figure 36 illustrates refinements not observed on the
regional map (figure 32). For example, in the north cluster more scattered bog polygons
are situated atop Catahoula (Oc) material. Those of the south cluster, on the other hand,
are situated on Carnahan Bayou (Mfcb). Utilizing this approach, bogs appear to be
scattered throughout the two dominant aquifers for the region, the Carnahan Bayou and
Catahoula aquifers. Thus it is difficult to suggest that bogs are somehow restricted only
to certain aquifers.
The stratigraphic units comprising the Miocene Aquifer System that occur in this
region were described earlier in this report as comprising alternating coarser-grained,
fluvial-dominated lithofacies and finer-grained, more marine-influenced lithofacies. In
terms of gross textures, the Carnahan Bayou (Mfcb) is similar to Catahoula (Oc) with
both encompassing a wide range of sediments that are texturally heterogeneous, poorly
sorted, and comprise various admixtures of sand, silt, and clay. From examination of the
data sets from a variety of approaches, it appears that the critical geologiclhydrologic
factor is that of textural and lithologic relationships. At the present time and based upon
the data available, it appears that bogs have an affinity for locations that exhibit fine to
very fine grained material juxtaposed beneath coarser grained material, a similar
conclusion reached for the South Group of bog sites.
This hypothesis was again tested by examining the descriptive field map notes
recorded by McCulloh and Heinrich as part of their geologic mapping task for this report.
Field map notes were examined for the Kisatchie and Kurthwood quadrangles in those
areas where bog sites had been identified. Again, very few outcrop sites occur in close
proximity to bogs and none correspond with specific bog locales. In the few instances
where geologic outcrops were noted and could be correlated to nearby bogs, the field
description tended to generally support the hypothesis. But the lack of sufficient data
precludes any definitive conclusions.
This investigator has examined the hydrologic relationships between the bog sites
and the aquifers, but viable explanations that can withstand scrutiny are not available at
this time. A number of possibilities have been examined and discussed [above], but none
offers a basis for a reliable predictive model. What is evident is that bogs appear to
cluster on a variety of geologic formations of var-ying ages representing a number of
aquifer systems. A controlling factor may be lithology rather than specific geologic
formations or aquifers. Suggesting a predictive model however, is tenuous at best
because of the limitations of this study. Examination of field notes on various working
copies of field maps of individual quadrangles suggests a link may exist between
localized lithological variations and bog sites. But these notes were not collected with
this purpose in mind and therefore are neither complete nor contain adequate descriptions
at specific bog locales. While a relationship may exist, the precise nature of this
relationship is difficult to postulate without further field study.
Flooding is inferred to constitute the sole geologic hazard in the study area.
Flood-hazard potential is rendered on the attached plates from a compilation of publicly
available data distributed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and
modified based on flood-plain topography interpreted from the topographic base
information. The areas delineated are those interpreted to lie within the 100-year flood
Landslide potential was also evaluated, but was found to be not predictably of
sufficient magnitude to constitute a significant hazard. The comprehensive account of the
categories and contexts of landslide failure developed by Hernandez (1990) in north
Louisiana served as a guide in this evaluation because, although landslide occurrence in
southwestern Louisiana was surveyed by Smith (1987), he focused exclusively on
man-made embankments. Of the situations susceptible to landslide failure outlined by
Hernandez (1990), those involving a combination of slope steepness and clay content of
the substrate are most applicable to the present study area. Accordingly, we evaluated
landslide-hazard potential based on a conjunction of steep slopes and clay/mud substrates.
Regional overviews of landslide-hazard susceptibility (Radburch-Hall et al. 1982; Walker
and Coleman 1987), while indicating none for the study area, show the areas with known
hazard susceptibility in Louisiana as coincident with the Mississippi river flood plain and
delta plain. In light of the above considerations, the authors felt that the steepest slopes in
the study area would be those associated with flood plains of the rivers and streams, and
that any areas of significant landslide-hazard potential that might occur could be defined
based on a coincidence of valley walls and channel cutbanks with clay substrates.
The channel cutbanks within flood plains are the steepest slopes found in the
study area. These erode both clayey and sandy subfacies ofthe alluvium which, however,
was not differentiated in this investigation. Thus, while the authors felt that occurrences
of a conjunction of river and stream cutbanks and clay/mud substrates would be spotty, in
any case it was not feasible to predict them. After cutbanks, the steepest slopes are those
along the valley walls delineating the flood plains and bottomlands of streams and rivers.
These slopes are essentially all less than 10°, and the steeper of them tend to occur where
flood plains course across the outcrop belts of the sandier lithostratigraphic and
lithofacies units of Tertiary age. The potential for formation of slopes greater than 10° in
the 1Jluddier units was therefore evaluated as insufficient to constitute a substantial
landslide hazard.
The surface of the Fort Polk region is underlain entirely by Cenozoic strata,
composed of terrigenous sediment ranging in age from Eocene to Holocene, and
comprising varying admixtures of sand, silt, clay, and some gravel. The sediment is
virtually all poorly sorted, and was deposited in environments transitional between fluvial
and shallow-marine, but collectively these strata show a dominantly progradational
character and become increasingly terrestrial upsection. The greater part of the surface is
underlain by relatively coarser-grained sediment of the Catahoula and Fleming, the
Upland Allogroup, and Holocene alluvium. These Cenozoic strata show gentle,
homoclinal dip toward the Gulf of Mexico basin; regional structural dip is low, averaging
10 or less. Surface structure is likely to be subtle except for faults, but in any case is
generally not directly recognizable solely from surface observations. Nonfuel mineral
commodities of potential economic significance comprise gravel, and ground water. The
only recurrent geologic hazard that can be projected systematically within the region is
Three main objectives of this investigation were listed at the beginning of this
report: providing the U.S. Army with basic geologic data essential to the conduct of
environmental applications and programs at Fort Polk; extending the work of Hinds
(1997a, b; 1998a, b, c; 1999) and the stratigraphic and geologic context of the Fort Polk
Miocene vertebrate fossil localities (Schiebout 1994, 1997; Schiebout et al. 1996); and
supporting the Louisiana Geological Survey's geologic mapping efforts in the Fort Polk
region and vicinity (Louisiana Geological Survey 1993; Snead et al. 1998). It is the
authors' belief that these objectives have been met-the first objective principally by the
accompanying maps (Plates 1-27); the second by the report and Plates 1-10; and the
third principally by Plates 1-10.
5. Preparation at 1:24,000 scale from the Fort Polk GIS database of a suite of 7.S-minute
topographic quadrangles in the Fort Polk region, with a comprehensive and accurate
rendering of current, active roads. At the time of this investigation, the published base
maps covering the study area dated from the early 1950s, early 1970s, and late 1970s, and
since their pUblication the roads in many parts of the study area have changed drastically.
To the best of our knowledge, only one of these quadrangles has been re-issued recently,
since the time of our field work. A set of 1:24,000-scale topographic maps in 7.5-minute
quadrangle format with roads accurately rendered would greatly expedite future
archaeological and geological field work.
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Munsell colors were noted for Catahoula and Fleming sediments at numerous
localities. These are listed below by portions of quadrangles, approximately from
southwest to northeast along the outcrop belt.
Catahoula Formation
In Peason quadrangle [SW], in SE Sec. 13, T. 5 N., R. 10 W., silty clay shows
colors of brown 10 YR 5/3 to pale brown 10YR 6/3 and light olive gray 5Y 6/2 - pale
olive 5Y 6/4 to light gray 5Y 7/2 - pale yellow 5Y 7/4, and clayey silt/siltstone from the
same area shows color ranging from light gray 5Y 7/2 to pale yellow 5Y 8/2.
In Peason quadrangle [NE], in WC Sec. 26, T. 6 N., R. 9 W., Catahoula
cross-bedded sand, very fine to fine overall but containing some very coarse grains and
granules, shows color of light red lOR 7/6; it has interbeds of grayish clayey very fine
sand with red mottles in places, and weathers to a "salmon" outer surface color.
In Kisatchie quadrangle [NW], in SW Sec. 30, T. 6 N., R. 8 W., sandy clay is pale
brown 10YR 6/3.
In Kisatchie quadrangle [C, NW], in SW/SE Sec. 32, T. 6 N., R. 8 W., silt
exposed along a creek is light gray 5Y 7/2.
In Kisatchie quadrangle [NC]: in SE Sec. 28, T. 6 N., R. 8 W., silty clay ranges
from grayish brown 10YR 5/2 to pale yellow 5Y 7/3, and siltstone/very fine sandstone in
the same area is pale yellow 2.5Y 8/3. In SE Sec. 27, T. 6 N., R. 8 W., very fine
sandstone rock ranges from very pale brown 10YR 8/2 to grayish brown 10YR 5/2. In
SWINW Sec. 28, T. 6 N., R. 8 W., very fine to very coarse Catahoula sandstone with
opal/silica cement and white and black grains visible in hand specimen shows overall
color ranging from very pale brown 10YR 8/2 to approximately white 10YR 8/1.
Fleming Group
Lena Formation
In Peason quadrangle [SW], in NWINW Sec. 35, T. 5 N., R. 10 W., silty clay
shows colors of grayish brown 10 YR 5/2 - light brownish gray 10YR 6/2 to light gray
5Y 7/2 - pale yellow 5Y 8/2.
In Peason quadrangle [SC], in SWINE and SEINW Sec. 17, T. 5 N., R. 9 W., silty
clay with plastic consistence is colored grayish brown 10 YR 5/2 to light brownish gray
10 YR 6/2. Clay at some localities in this area has color verging on dark reddish gray
5YR 4/2 to reddish gray 5YR 5/2.
In Kisatchie quadrangle [C]: in NWINW Sec. 10, T. 5 N., R. 8 W., silty clay is
colored light gray 10YR 7/2, and in SW/SW Sec. 3, T. 5 N., R. 8 W., light gray 10YR 7/2
silty clay shows red 7.5R 4/6 mottles. In SE Sec. 4 and NE Sec. 9, T. 5 N., R. 8 W.,
calcareous clay observed in the Lena is light olive gray 5Y 6/2.
Carnahan Bayou Formation
In Dowden Creek quadrangle [SW]: in SY2 Sec. 36, T. 4 N., R. 10 W., silty clay is
light gray SY 7/2, with dark red 10R 3/6, and yellowish brown 10YR S/8 mottles. Clayey
very fine sand in SW corner Sec. 36, T. 4 N., R. 10 W. on the east side of Hwy. 171 is
light brownish gray 2.SY 6/2, and silty clay is grayish brown 10YR S/2. On the west side
ofHwy. 171 in NE Sec. 3S, T. 4 N., R. 10 W., very fine to fine sandstone is white SY 8/1,
clayey silt and silty clay are pale yellow SY 7/3, and siltstone/silt is pale olive SY 6/3 to
pale yellow SY 7/3. In SE Sec. 26, T. 4 N., R. 10 W., very fine to fine sandstone rock
ranges from approximately white 10YR 811 to very pale brown 10YR 8/2. In NE Sec. 3S,
T. 4 N., R. 10 W., very fine to fine sandy clay is approximately reddish gray SYR S/2,
with yellowish red SYR 4/6-5/8 mottles.
In Dowden Creek quadrangle [WC]: on the west side of Hwy. 171 in NW Sec.
26, T. 4 N., R. 10 W. clayey very fine sand comprises colors in the light gray 2.SY-SY
7/2 range. In SE Sec. 2S, T. 4 N., R. 10 W., Carnahan Bayou sediments exposed in a
quarry comprise medium-scale cross-bedded very fine to fine sand/sandstone, with beds
containing grains up to very coarse and granule sizes (the larger grains consisting of
clay/mud, and with quartz grains up to about coarse size), cutting out silt and siltstone.
The sand is pale yellow SY 7/3, and it and sandstone occur as channeloid lenses; the
underlying silt here and farther down the road to the south-southwest is olive SY S/3. In
SEINE Sec. 23, T. 4 N., R. 10 W., the darker portions of lightish very fine to fine sand
average pale yellow 2.SY 7/3 to 2.SY 7/4. In NW/SW Sec. 12, T. 4 N., R. 10 W., fine to
medium sand containing some coarse grains and whitish flecks averages approximately
strong brown 7.SYR S/6, and clay is light brownish gray 10YR 6/2. In SE/SW Sec. 1, T.
4 N., R. 10 W., silty clay is approximately dark grayish brown 10YR 4/2.
In Dowden Creek quadrangle [SC]: in SY2 Sec. 6, T. 3 N., R. 9 W., silty clay is
light brownish gray 10YR 6/2 and light yellowish brown 2.SY 6/3. In NE Sec. 6, T. 3 N.,
R. 9 W., clayey very fine sand is light brownish gray 10YR 6/2, with incipiently
silicified portions colored pale yellow 2.SY 7/3. In SW Sec. 32, T. 4 N., R. 9 W.,
incipiently silicified and faintly jointed very fine sandstone is pale yellow SY 7/3.
In Dowden Creek quadrangle [C], in WCINW Sec. 20, T. 4 N., R. 9 W., siltstone
and very fine sandstone are light gray 2.SY-SY 7/2, and very fine to medium clayey sand
is pinkish gray 7.SYR 6/2 - pink 7.SYR 7/3 to light brownish gray 10 YR 6/2 - very pale
brown 10 YR 7/3, with red lOR S/6 mottles.
In Dowden Creek [NC]: in SEINW Sec. 32, T. 5 N., R. 9 W., plastic clay is
approximately pale yellow 5Y 8/2. In SC Sec. 31, T. 5 N., R. 9 W., silty clay is light
olive gray SY 6/2, and varying between approximately dark reddish gray 5YR 4/2 and
olive gray SY 4/2; orthoquartzitic sandstone is light yellowish brown 10YR 6/4
weathering to light gray 10YR 7/2, and
In Peason quadrangle [SW], in SW Sec. 30, T. S N., R. 9 W., siltstone is between
pale olive SY 6/4 and olive SY 5/6. In SW-WC Sec. 30, T. S N., R. 9 W., clay is light
olive gray SY 6/2, silty clay is light gray SY 7/2 and gray 5Y 611, siltstone is light olive
gray SY 6/2, and clayey very fine to fine sand is very pale brown 10 YR 8/2 to pale
yellow 5Y 8/2.
In Peas on quadrangle [SC], in NW Sec. 21, T. S N., R. 9 W., silty clay is light
olive gray SY 6/2.
In Kurthwood quadrangle [NW], in SE/SW Sec. 1, T. 4 N., R. 9 W., "whitish"
very fine to fine sandstone with some coarse and very coarse sand and granules shows an
average color between gray SY 6/1 and light gray 10YR 7/2; other sandstone in the same
general area is light gray 10YR 7/2.
In Kurthwood quadrangle [C], near SE comer Sec. 21, T. 4 N., R. 8 W., sandy
clay is approximately light brownish gray 10YR 6/2 to light olive gray SY 612 with red
lOR 4/6 mottles.
In Kurthwood quadrangle [NC], in Sec. 33, T. S N., R. 8 W., the color of
"green-gray" sandy clay is near pinkish gray 5YR 612 and possibly verges on light olive
gray SY 6/2.
In Kisatchie quadrangle [SW]: silty clay in NE/SW Sec. 30, T. S N., R. 8 W. is
dark gray 5Y 411 and SYR 411; clayey sand in C/NW Sec. 30 is approximately dark gray
SYR 411. In SW/SW Sec. 29, T. 5 N., R. 8 W., sandy clay is olive gray SY S/2.
In Kisatchie quadrangle [SC], in EC/SW Sec. 16, T. 5 N., R. 8 W., sandy clay is
light gray 10YR 7/2 verging on SY 712.
In Kisatchie quadrangle [C], in NWINE Sec. IS, T. S N., R. 8 W., very fine sand
is pale olive SY 6/3.
In Simpson South quadrangle [NE], in SE Sec. 8, T. 3 N., R. 6 W., clayey silt and
very fine sand is pinkish gray 5YR 6/2 and 7.5YR 7/2.
In Simpson South quadrangle [NE], on the south line of SW Sec. 7, T. 3 N., R. 6
W., very fine to fine sand with quartz granules and small pebbles is brownish yellow
In Lacamp quadrangle [NW], in SW/SW Sec. 9, T. 3 N., R. 6 W., very fine to fine
clayey sand is light gray 10YR 7/2, with reddish brown 2.5YR 4/4 and brownish yellow
10YR 6/6-8 mottles.
In Lacamp quadrangle [NW], in SE/SW Sec. 9, T. 3 N., R. 6 W.: granuliferous
very fine to very coarse sandstone and sand is very pale brown 10YR 8/2, with red 2.5YR
4/8 and strong brown 7.5YR 5/6-8 mottles; and very fine clayey sandstone is white lOYR
8/1, with brownish yellow to yellow 10YR 6-7/6 and red 2.5YR 4/6 and 2.5YR 5/8
In Lacamp quadrangle [NW], in SW Sec. 10, T. 3 N., R. 6 W., very fine to fine
sandstone with whitish flecks is light gray 10YR 7/2.
-93.40 -93.30 -93.20 -93.10 -93.00 -92.90
o o o o
31.50 o 0 31.50
6N/-gW 0 6N/6W 0 cetil5W 0
o o
E' o
31.40 5N/6~ 31.40
31.30 31.30
31.20 31.20
31.10 ~1---1f-.i...-t-----I----I--11 31.10
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30.90 30.90
~ C'Q)
Louisiana Geological Survey Hinds 1998a
Scale 1:265000 .
Basin Research Institute (LSU)
.; ~ ~
• • =~2. __ 4'===:J6~._~8c:,=~10. '1
Imles Hinds 1999
Rick McCulloh I
2. O. 2. 4. 6. 8. 10.
: I 8/26/99
M • • I kilometers . Study Area
Reed Bourgeois Scale 1:265000 I
Datum Sea Level Domain Depth = AI
A Vertical Exaggeration 11.67X=
& CHANCE V-450
140. 170. 229. 204. 245. 284. 201. 390. 261. 235. 225. 165.
500. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500.
-500. -500.
-1000. -1000.
-1500. -1500.
-2000. -2000.
-2500. -2500.
-3000. -3000.
-3500. -3500.
-4000. -4000.
-4500. -4500.
-5000. -5000.
-5500. -5500.
-6000. -6000.
-6500. -6500.
-7000. -7000.
-7500. -7500.
-8000. -8000.
-8500. -8500.
-9000. -9000.
-9500. -9500.
~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Datum = Sea Level Domain Depth =
B Vertical Exaggeration 11.67X = 8'
334 431 374 334 305 295 350. 390 261
~.00. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500.
1- O.
1 ~ ~~~~SCREErc-
-500. ~H CREEK I -500.
-1000. NAHAN ~ II -1000.
-1500. ---:::___ I -1500.
-2000. ~ULA ~~ III -2000.
-4000. ~tv ---I -4000.
-4500. -4500.
-5000. -5000.
-5500. -5500.
-6000. -6000.=~
- -6500. -6500.=~
- -7000. -7000.--
-7500. -7500.
-8000. -8000.
•• C
Datum = Sea Level Domain =Depth
Vertical Exaggeration = 11 .67X C"
•• V-437
240 175 200 165
500. 0 o o 0 500.
•• O.
•• -500.
-1000. -1000.
•• -2000.
•• -2500.
-3500. -3500.
•• -4000.
-5000. -5000.
•• -5500.
-7500. -7500.
-8000. -8000.
•• -8500. -8500.
-9000. -9000.
-9500. -9500.
•• -10000. -10000.
-10500. -10500.
-11000. -11000.
•• -11500. -11500.
Datum = Sea Level Domain = Depth
•• o
Vertical Exaggeration = 11.67X
V-642 V-101 V-497 V-670 V-492
348 3q7 325 340 286
500. o 0 0 0 0 500.
O. O.
•• -500.
•• -1500. -1500.
!' •
Datum =Sea Level Domain =Depth
E Vertical Exaggeration = 11.67X Ell
V-407 V-432 V-462 V-443
GL 372 \ / 330 GL OF OF OF OF
'\. / 330
360......... '\. ./ 379 412 431 204
500. .......... 0 000 OO/" o o o o 500.
o. o.
-500. -500.
-2500. -2500.
-3000. -3000.
-3500. -3500.
-4000. -4000.
-4500. -4500.
-5000. -5000.
-5500. -5500.
-6000. -6000.
-6500. -6500.
-7000. -7000.
-7500. -7500.
-8000. -8000.
-8500. -8500.
-9000. -9000.
-9500. -9500.
-10000. -10000.
-10500. -10500.
-11000. -11000.
-11500. -11500.
-12000. -12000.
Revised Cross‐Sections for Fort Polk region,
South Central Louisiana (Version 2010b)
by Paul V. Heinrich
Louisiana Geological Survey
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803
September 29, 2010
93˚15'00'' 93˚07'30'' 93˚00'00'' 92˚52'30'' 92˚45'00'' 92˚37'30''
31˚15'00'' 31˚15'00''
Slagle Simpson South Lacamp Sieper Elmer
S ection
Lacamp Section
LS Leander Hineston
Lacamp Se
ction (LS
31˚07'30'' 31˚07'30''
Fort Polk Birds Creek Fullerton Lake Afeman Melder
Birds C
Fort Polk
Fort Polk
31˚00'00'' 31˚00'00''
93˚15'00'' 93˚07'30'' 93˚00'00'' 92˚52'30'' 92˚45'00'' 92˚37'30''
rton Se
For Hicks Laca
mp Section
Laca p Sectio
p Se
31° 07'30"
31° 07'30"
Fort Polk Birds Creek Fullerton Lake Afeman Melder
North Melder
i on
Fort Polk
rt o
rton Branch S
Fort Polk
31° 00' 31° 00'
93° 15' 93° 07'30" 93° 00' 92° 52'30" 92° 45' 92° 37'30"
Holocene Series
Pleistocene Series
Intermediate allogroup
Tertiary System
Pliocene Series
Miocene Series
Mf Fleming Group
West East
intersection with
intersection with Fullerton Section
500 BirdsCreek Section
Puwf Puwf
400 “Bentley Formation” 400
Elevation in Feet
Simpson South
Slagle 7 1/2
Pib Pib
7 1/2
7 1/2
7 1/2
Mfcc Calcasieu Cypress
200 200
Mfcc River Bayou
92˚ 52' 30"
93˚ 07' 30" 93˚ 00' 00" Hua Pp Hua 94˚ 45' 00"
100 100
East-west cross-section along the crest of the Kisatchie Wold and across the Calcasieu River Valley. Vertical Exaggeration = 52X
0 1 2 3 4 5 Miles
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Kilometers
Puwd Puwg?
Northeast Southwest
500 300
Puwf Pil
400 Puwf Puwf Puwf 200
Elevation in Feet
New Llano
New Llano
200 200
Fort Polk
Fort Polk
Fort Polk
7 1/2
7 1/2
7 1/2
7 1/2
7 1/2
7 1/2
7 1/2
7 1/2
100 100
Cross-section through Fort Polk, Louisiana along crest of interfluve. Vertical Exaggeration = 52X
500 North Birds Creek Section 500
Puwd Puwt
Mfb Puwg Pil
intersection with
Lacamp Section Mfcc Pil
200 Mfb 200
7 1/2
7 1/2
7 1/2
7 1/2
100 100
Cross-section along crest of interfluve seperating Birds Creek and Little Sixmile Creek–Sixmile Creek drainage. Vertical exaggeration = 52x.
200 Mfb 200
7 1/2
7 1/2
100 100
North 500
Puwf Hbb
Fullerton Section Puwf
400 400
Puwk Puwk
Elevation in Feet
300 Pilu? Pp intersection with Puwg 300
Lacamp Section Pil
Hua Mfb Pil
200 200
Mfcc Mfb
7 1/2
7 1/2
7 1/2
7 1/2
7 1/2
7 1/2
100 100
Cross-secton along crest of interfluve that forms drainage divide between the watersheds of Big Brushy Creek and Ten Mile Creek and cross-section
along crest of side interfluve. Vertical exaggeration = 52x.
Northwest Southeast
Elevation above
3445500 m N. 3438000 m N. 3430000 m N. mean sea level
994250 m E. 499750 m E. 502900 m E.
feet meters
430 131
390 118.9
350 106.7
270 82.3
Alluvium 2
Alluvium 2
Zone I 230 70.1
3474500 m N. 3465000 n N.
474500 Eagle Hill 210
m E. 472500 m E. 480 146.3 graveliferous facies
fine sandy facies "low" coastwise group Colluvium / Alluvium
"high" coastwise group 460 Citronelle formation 190 57.9
Citronelle formation
440 134.1 fine sandy facies 170
"low" coastwise group
420 Citronelle formation 150 45.7
Alluvium 2B
400 122 Blounts Creek member 130
Lena member (Welch 1942, Paine 1968) Lena and/or Carnahan Bayou member
Undifferentiated Miocene (Andersen 1960) Fleming formation (Welch 1942) 320 97.6 scale: horizontal vertical 10ft 3m
Alluvium 2
1312 ft
site -
280 85.4
Figure 20. Dip sections across the Main Fort and Peason Ridge areas of the Fort Polk Military Reservation by Mr. Thomas H. Branchi. Redrawn from Branchi 1982:74.
30° 00'
95° 38'
76.2 m 76.2 m
60.9 m
60.9 m
Eagle Hill
30.5 m ce
l Surfa ?
S tructura
Peason Ridge Structural Surface m ral Su rface
121.9 30.5 m 15.2
r Stru
7.6 m
106.7 Castor Creek Structural Surface
15.2 m
7.6 m
91.5 Williana Structural Surface
T/R Sequence
(Otvos, 1981)
60.9 Map of a portion of the Sabine River - Red River Interfluviatile Area
45.7 Miocene
30.5 predominant
d im South
15.2 ? B as
Figure 22. Dip section along crest of Sabine River - Red River drainage divide and index map by Mr. Thomas H. Bianchi. Redrawn from figures 2 and 4, Bianchi, 1982:65, 67.