DBRR Army Lists
DBRR Army Lists
DBRR Army Lists
For use with the De Bellis Renationis Wargames Rules
Compiled by
Compiled by
These lists are intended for use with our "De Bellis Renationis" wargames rules for Renaissance
Warfare, more familiarly known as DBR. While mainly intended for competition games, they also
provide a general guide to armies' troop classification, proportions and numbers for scenario
games and wargames campaigns, especially when used in conjunction with more detailed sources
such as the W.R.G army handbooks.
They follow the general form of the DBM lists, except that, instead of the armies being arranged
in chronological order, each is grouped together with its main historical opponents. It is often a
criticism of competition gaming that it necessarily encourages unhistorical matches. Our army
grouping should enable competition organisers to arrange that at least the first round of a "Swiss
Chess" competition matches most armies with a contemporary from the same group, while still
permitting enough meetings with unusual opponents to provide variety.
The lists are primarily intended to produce 300 AP to 500 AP armies which closely simulate their
real life prototypes, while still allowing sufficient flexibility to cover historical variations during
the period and minor differences of opinion or personal preference. They are less permissive than
some previous renaissance lists which did not restrict choice by year within a longer period.
A list usually includes about 200 AP of compulsory troops. Unless otherwise specified, the total
value of troops listed as able to be used together is normally around 600 AP, excluding naval
elements, artificial defences and allied contingents; more where historical armies were unusually
varied. This will usually allow the army's largest historical battle to be refough t in condensed
scale. If you wish to refight such battles in normal scale as a multi -player game, for instance as a
public demonstration at a convention, you must multiply the listed minima and maxima by 4 for
cavalry and foot and by 2 for all other troops other than pontooneers, then expect it to take much
longer to complete. Where a historical army was small, its list specifies that only normal scale
should be used in historical refights and quotes the maximum army size provided for.
300-400 AP is a typical army size for games with 1 player on each side. Larger games really
require at least 2 players on each side, ideally 1 player per command. Each army must include a
commander-in-chief (C-in-C) and usually at least 1 other general, who may be a loyal subordinate
or independently enough minded or so fractious as to be classed as an ally. It must also include 2
baggage elements per command, all deployed with the same command.
There is also provision for much smaller games using a single command and only one general.
For these, halve the cost of the general and divide all minima and maxima by 3, rounding up to
the nearest whole element. A 100 AP condensed scale army is very similar to a DBA army and
can be used for the same kind of quick games on a small board.
These are specified by reference to their own list. Each such contingent must include 1 general
and 2 baggage elements, loss of which affects only the contingent and not the army joined. An
allied contingent's general can be his list's C-in-C or any of its other generals, but is always
costed and behaves as an ally-general. Unless stated otherwise in a particular list, he commands
only his own contingent and this can include only compulsory troop types. It must have at least a
1/4 of the normal minima for each such type and not exceed 1/3 of the maxima, or 1 element,
whichever is greater. Unless a list specifies otherwise, only 1 allied contingent of each nationality
can be used. Allied contingents must be of the same year as the army they join.
Naval elements each replace a land element of the types that follow it in square brackets and
disembark as that element. The AP quoted is for the naval element, the land element being paid
for separately. AP spent on naval elements are wasted if they have no access to the table. Their
landing troops can then still be deployed, being assumed to have disembarked before the battle.
The elements allowed represent a small squadron co-operating with the army, not the main fleet.
The 2nd line of each list specifies the army's home climate, its aggression factor, codes for the
types of terrain feature it can choose from if the defender, and a note of any unusual army size.
The terrain permitted to a defending army is based either on that of its nation's heartland or its
capital or on that of a foreign base of operations. Terrain codes are:
Waterway suitable for ships, such as the sea, lakes or great rivers. WW
Ordinary rivers. Rv
Hill with some or all slopes steep. H(S)
Hill or lesser rise with only gentle slopes. H(G)
Woods. Wd
Orchards or olive or palm groves. О
Vineyards. V
Small fields enclosed by hedges, walls or irrigation ditches. E
Rough going, such as moderately boggy or rocky ground or brush. RGo
Inland marsh not on a river. M
Non-coastal sand dunes. D
Roads or frequently used tracks. Rd
Built-up areas, such as villages or towns. BUA
Ice, if waterways and rivers can freeze solid enough to bear troops. I
If some types listed for an army are underlined, this means that they are compulsory. Even if not
listed, a single patch of coastal dunes or marsh can always be used if in contact with a waterway,
or a single patch of marsh if in contact with a river.
Any notation of unusual army size starts with "Max". This can be followed by:
N, meaning that the listed maxima will reproduce the largest historical army in normal scale,
followed by the AP of the largest wargames army for which it is considered suitable.
С multiplied by a number, which means that at condensed scale listed maxima must be multiplied
by that number to reproduce the largest reported historical army and that those maxima before
multiplication will provide a 500 AP wargames army with some margin for choice.
No notation means that at condensed scale the maxima will reproduce the largest historic al army
and that the maxima will provide a 500 AP wargames army with some margin for choice.
An army allowed a BUA can provide it with artificial defences. Otherwise, these can only be
used if specified by the army's list. Note that the costs of defences for a BUA and the extra costs
of any gateways, although not mentioned in lists, must still be paid. Defences specified as for
camps must rest both ends on a table edge and contain all th e army's baggage. Any AP spent on
BUA defences are wasted if the terrain includes no BUA or if you are the invader. Troops which
are specified by lists as to defend camps or BUA must remain within these.
Tropical. Ag 3 until 1600, then 1. WW, Rv, Wd, RGo, Rd, BUA. Max N500
C-in-C - Ln (F) @ 31 AP or Bd (O) @ 27 AP. 1
Sub-generals - Bd (O) @ 27 AP or Bd (F) @ 25 AP. 1-2
Portuguese civilisados foot - up to 1/2 Bw (O) @ 5 AP, rest Bd (F) @ 5 AP. 10-48
African slave or Arab infantry - Bd (F) @ 5 AP. 6-12
Skirmishers - up to 1/2 Sk (O) @ 3 AP, rest (I) @ 2 AP. 0-5
Cannon - up to 1/2 Art (S) @ 25 AP, rest Art (O) @ 20 AP or Art (I) @ 5 AP. 0-4
Nao - Shp (S) @ 6 AP |Bd, Bw, Sh, Sk). 0-2
Caravels - Shp (F) @ 4 AP [Bd, Bw, Sh, Sk), or hulks - Shp (I) @ 3 AP [Any]. 0-3
Fregatas, galleota, terradas or fusta - Bts (S) @ 3 AP [Bd, Bw, Sh, Sk]. 0-2
Only in Brazil:
Tupi allies - List: Tupi or Tapuya.
This army provides a link between the others of this section. While Columbus was acquiring a
few unprofitable islands for Spain, the Portuguese were seeking another route to the fabulous east
down the west coast of Africa, establishing fortified trading stations and colonies as they went. In
1500, they discovered the optimum route to India using the prevailing winds via Morocco, Brazil,
the Cape of Good Hope and East Africa, and then pushed on to reach the Moluccas in 1512,
China in 1513 and Japan in 1543. After beating a combined Gujerati/Mamluk fleet at Malabar,
they established settlements at Ormuz in Persia, Goa in India and Malacca in the East Indies,
giving them a near monopoly of the rich eastern trade. The alternative route across the Pacific via
Cape Horn found for Spain by Magellan in 1520 soon proved economically inferior. Although
Philip II of Spain became ruler of Portugal in 1580, the two colonial empires remained separate.
Portuguese colonial soldiers were badly paid, un-uniformed, slothful, ill-disciplined, rapacious, but
very tough. Their usual tactic was a single volley followed by a wild charge and (usually) the
opponents routing. However, a contemporary remarked that "just as they exceed all other nations
by the speed of their advances, so they surpass them in the celerity of their retreats". Initially
armed with crossbows or a mixture of swords, halberds, boarding axes and bladed half -pikes,
they were later armed almost exclusively with the arquebus, plus a few muskets. African slave
troops with sword and buckler were invaluable, and the African heroine wielding a halberd at
Macau in 1662 deserves a mention. Skirmishers include bandeirantes "adventurers", mamelucos
"half-breeds" and natives. Initially armed with crossbows or native bows, they gradually replaced
all the former and some of the latter with arquebuses. Until 1620, even the biggest nao had only
relatively light guns, though many soldiers. By 1620, soldiers were mainly convict degredados
and their reputation so poor that Indians, Spanish and Dutch called the Portuguese "chickens".
9. ARAB 1494 AD - 1700 AD
Coastal: Dry. Ag 3 if Omani, 0 if not. WW, H(S), H(G), О, Е, RGo, BUA. Wd if Oman.
Desert: Dry. Ag 2. H(S), H(G), О, E, RGo, D.
Only if Yemen:
Bedouin foot led by unarmed shahidh poet exhorting and satirising - Wb (S) @ 5 AP. 0-1
Only if Omani after 1650 AD:
Large European-style warships - Up to 1/2 Shp (S) @ 6 AP, rest (0) @ 4 AP [Bd|./ 0-1
Frigates - Shp (F) @ 4 AP [Bd]. 0-4
Rowing vessels - Bts (S) @ 3 AP |Bd|. 0-2
This covers both organised coastal states of the Arabian peninsula such as Oman, the Hejaz, Asir,
Hadhramaut or Yemen and the nomadic camel-herding and raiding Bedouin of the central Arabian
desert, Libya, Syria, Iraq and Nubia. The towns provided cavalry and a militia graded as (S)
because fanatically opposed to both Christian interlopers and to looti ng Bedouin who were the
other main threat. Some could also count on related tribesmen or, as in Yemen, javelin-armed
mountaineers. All these were joined by Bedouin, who could be sedentary or goat-pastoralists. Fast
camel riders represent an elite mounted on racing camels. Other camelry have cheaper camels
used mainly for transport and will look right if depicted with 1 or 2 figures of each base on foot.
Firearms spread among the Bedouin of coastal states, but not those of the deep desert. Horsemen
either charged or skirmished with lances, the camels they had ridden on the march now being
ridden by the matchlock-men who had led the horses on foot. Other sharpshooters rode 2 on a
camel, 1 dismounting to shoot. Most of the cavalry were unarmoured men on unbarded horses,
but a substantial number rode horses in quilted bards and many riders of these were themselves
mailed. Hejaz cavalry substituted short javelins for the lance. If more than 20 Bedouin elements
are used, they must all be commanded by Bedouin generals commanding no other troops. The
proportions of cavalry, camelry and foot varied widely. Only 1 element marked * can be used.
Ghostly black camels were said to bear souls to paradise, making their presence disconcerting! A
maidens accompanied by a group of fanatic "bridegrooms" was a common device to raise morale.
The option marked ** can only be used if any other Si (S) are present. Omani foot favoured the
long straight "kattara" sword and it was not their headlong rush that broke the enemy - it just got
them into position to hew the enemy apart! "Dhow" is used as a generic term for lateen-rigged
sailing vessels such as the bourn, baghla, sambuk, zaruk or badan. Oman captured a Portuguese
80 gun ship in 1650 and shortly after bought 2 other European-style 50 gun ships "which sailed
like slugges" and 18 faster 12-32 gun ships. Boarding tactics were most favoured. Oman now
matched the Portuguese at sea, so could safely intervene to support the Zanj cities. An Omani or
Turkish allied contingent can include naval elements. Armies including naval elements need not
include otherwise compulsory Bedouin.
The Zanj "empire" was a loose confederation of towns which controlled the coastline of East
Africa when the Portuguese arrived in 1498. These were Omani foundations, but had become
largely africanised in race and language. Expansion inland was blocked by the aggressive Zimba.
We postulate that town forces differed little from those of Oman except for the unsuitability of
the environment for horses. The arabicised, but now Swahili-speaking, upper class would be
supported by a less-arabicised native lower class and unassimilated native country people. The
squadron of Mir AH Bey, a corsair claiming to be an Ottoman admiral, greatly aided the Z anj
against the Portuguese in 1586 and departed replete with loot after blowing holes in the walls of
Portuguese settlements. Unfortunately for himself, Mir Ali Bey made the mistake of returning in
1589 to be captured at the taking of Mombasa and shipped to Portugal in chains. Only 1 foreign
allied contingent can be used. All corsairs must be in the same command.
12. ABYSSINIAN 1494 AD - 1700 AD
Dry. Ag 0. Rv, H(S), H(G), RGo, Rd, BUA. Max N500
13. WADJ 1494 AD - 1700 AD
Dry. Ag 0. Rv, H(S), H(G), RGo, BUA. Max N500
C-in-C - Si (O) @ 28 AP. 1
Sub-generals - Si (O) @ 28 AP or LH (О) @ 25 AP. 1-2
Heavy cavalry - Si (О) @ 8 AP. 4-6
Upgrade Si (O) generals and cavalry to - Si (S) @ 30 AP if general, 10 AP if not. All/0
Light horse - LH (О) @ 5 AP. 24-90
Foot - Wb (I) @ 3 AP. 0-100
Reclassify foot as skirmishers with javelins - Sk (I) @ 2 AP. 0-1/5
The Wadj or Hadya were originally tributaries of the Abyssinian Empire, but apparently became
independent after its temporary break-up from 1529. An Abyssinian attempt to re-establish control
in 1569 was probably defeated. Most wargaming attention has previously focussed on the heavy
cavalry as a stiffener for Abyssinian armies lacking that arm, but these were a tiny part of the
army. They were armed with lances, mailed and rode horses which were caparisoned in antelope
hide. Whether this had a protective value or was only decorative is unclear, so both are allowed.
Most of the cavalry were bare-back pony riders armed with stabbing spear, javelins and possibly
throwing irons, a multi-bladed cross between an axe and a boomerang. The foot's main weapon
was the javelin, probably accompanied by the usual small round shield of the area and stabbing
spear. Any skirmishers would most likely be shieldless youthful javelinmen.
15. FUNJ EMPIRE 1504 AD - 1700 AD
Dry. Ag 3. Rv, H(G), RGo, M, D, BUA.
C-in-C - Si (S) @ 30 AP. 1
Sub-generals - Si (S) @ 30 AP. 1-3
Court and vassal cavalry - Si (S) @ 10 AP. 10-32
Nomadic horse - LH (О) @ 5 AP. 8-16
Slave foot - Sk (I) @ 2 AP. 0-32
Shilluk or Dinka mercenaries - Wh (I) @ 3 AP. 0-16
Abdallabi Bedouin allies - List: Arab.
Only after 1650 AD:
Cannon - Art (I) @ 5 AP. 0-1
Mercenary matchlock-men - Sk (S) @ 4 AP. 0-1
The origin of the Funj Empire is obscure, but apparently the Bedouin Arab immigrants from the
north that had conquered Aiwa combined with Shilluk cattle-nomads from the south to form a
black Islamic state. After this acquired a fixed capital at Sinnar sometime around 1650, it became
better known as the Empire of Sinnar. The Abdallabi Arab northern component retained
semi-independence under a hereditary viceroy, but it is unclear how much if any of its former
Bedouin character it retained. Funj armies were not commanded by the Sultan, but by his "amin"
(vizier), the Sultan's bodyguard and executioner, a slave general or a provincial ruler. Much use
was made of large copper kettle drums for stiffening morale and signalling. The army's main
strength lay in the armoured cavalry maintained by the Sultan and his vassal magnates. Nearly all
wore mail and spiked iron or copper helmets, most rode horses in complete quilted cotton bards
plus a metal chanfron and frontlet and all carried a long broad-headed lance, javelins, long sword
and a round shield of elephant or giraffe hide. They had saddles with high fronts and cantles, but
rode barefoot, substituting toe loops for stirrups. Royal units could be commanded by the
Sultan's sons or by slave officers. Vassals could command their contingents in person, nominate
a relative to do so or borrow a slave officer from the Sultan. Lighter cavalry were provided by
nomads under their own tribal "qa'id", the whole being supervised by a royal officer called the
"muquddam al-qawawid". The most dangerous enemies of the Funj were Abyssinia and the
Turkish garrison of Egypt, but they also made large conquests among the nilotic peoples of the
eastern Sudan, who then provided large numbers of slave infantry armed with javelins and light
shields. These were segregated by tribal origin in separate compounds and were apparently quite
content with their new career. The tougher Shilluk and Dinka peoples that avoided conquest
provided mercenaries instead. Northern magnates lived in rectangular earth or stone forts with
several 3 or 4 story towers, those of the south in villages surrounded by thorn hedges.
Tropical. Ag 1. WW, Rv, H(G), Wd, RGo, M, BUA. Moluccas only H(S), Wd.
C-in-C - Wb (O) @ 24 AP. 1
Sub-generals - Wb (О) @ 24 AP. 1-2
Warriors - Wb (О) @ 4 AP. 24-90
Archers - Bw (I) @ 3 AP. 0-24
Skirmishers - Sk (I) @ 2 AP. 6-16
Upgrade skirmishers to blowpipe men - Sk (X) @ 8 AP. 2-6
Light guns - Art (I) @ 5 AP. 0-4
Any except Moluccan:
Noble cavalry - LH (О) @ 5 AP. 2-8
Only Moluccan from 1512 AD:
Arquebusiers - Sk (О) @ 3 AP. 0-4
Portuguese allies - List: Colonial Portuguese.
Javanese allies - List: Indonesian or Malay.
Only Malays, Sumatrans or Javanese:
Upgrade warriors to - Wb (S) @ 5 AP. All
Replace archers with skirmishing matchlock-men - Sk (О) @ 3 AP. 0-8
Jong or prau mayang - Shp (I) @ 3 AP |Wb, Bw, Sk, Bge| 0-4
Only Malays or Sumatrans:
Mount generals on elephants - El (I) @ 36 AP. 2-3
Elephants - El (I) @ 16 AP. 0-4
Replace Art (I) by heavy guns - Art (S) @ 25 AP. Any
Only Javanese:
Mount generals as - El (I) @ 36 AP or LH (О) @ 5 AP. All
Only Javanese from 1678 AD:
Replace warriors with charging matchlock-men - Sh (F) @ 6 AP. 0-24
Dutch allies - List: Dutch Colonial.
Only Sumatran:
Great ships- Shp (S) @ 6 AP |Wb|. 0-1
Any except Malays or Sumatrans:
Prahu - Bts (S) @ 3AP |Wb, Sk|. 0-6
Scouting outriggers - Bts (F) @ 2 A P. 0-2
This list covers the Malay sultanate of Malacca until its end in 1511, the declining Javanese
empire of Majapahit until 1513, its powerful successor Mataram, the Sumatran empire of Acheh,
the Moluccas (the "Spice Islands") and the other states of Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines
from 1494 until 1700. A 16th or 17th century account of a battle in 1357 between Majapahit and
the west Javanese state of Sunda describes princes in howdahs on elephants, each with a standard
of a distinctive colour and matching parasol, and armed with bows, spears and oblong s hields;
noble cavalry, including "the highest dignitary of Sunda", with spears, swords and shields; and
infantry with shields, swords, throwing-spears and blowpipes (plus cannon and arquebuses,
anachronistic for 1357). One contingent's noble cavalry are uniformed, in gold-embroidered
yellow jackets and yellow loin cloths. Dangerous cavalry mock-combats with the throwing of
blunt javelins are still practised even today in Java and a high level of skill is displayed. The
infantry attacked very fiercely, "as though they were conscious of no peril", "like men who did
not expect to escape with their lives"; combined with the Malay and Javanese reputation for
running amok, this must justify classification as Wb (S). Foot archers are not mentioned as taking
part in the 1357 battle, perhaps because they had been replaced by arquebusiers when the account
was written. A 16th century Portugese account describes Javanese using "huge" bows as well as
spears, the wavy-bladed kris, scimitars, blowpipes and wooden shields large enough to protect the
whole body. Javanese accounts of the same battles stress only the generals on their elephants and
the amok charges of infantry with spears and krisses. The blowpipe and its poisoned darts was in
limited use by nearly all the nations of the area, often in the hands of woods-dwelling aborigines.
It was greatly feared and was especially dangerous to animals. A few firearms were used from
the start of the period, but by 1685 the Javanese had 10,000 men with matchlocks. Finally, the
noise of very large gongs and drums was relied on to encourage the troops and overawe the
enemy. The Malays of Malacca are described as wearing cotton sarongs, some of the rich adding
short silk coats, and long black turbans and as fighting "in bands" with bows and poisoned
arrows, spears and krisses. Only the king and those to whom he gave special permission could
wear yellow. The inhabitants of the Moluccas (not to be confused) were described as "swift,
agile, efficient and cruel in war", as headhunters and as using prahu with up to 180 paddlers on
each side. Some Christian-convert islands were given arquebuses and artillery by the Portuguese
and the Moslem sultan of Gilolo captured some of these from the former between 1533 and 1550
and used them against the Portuguese and their allies. The Moluccas were so mountainous and
wooded as to make horses useless, so there were none on the islands. Javanese and Portuguese
allies cannot be used together.
Tropical. Ag 1. WW (except Laos), Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, E, M, RGo, Rd, BUA. Max Cx5
Only if Burmese:
Upgrade elephants with large crews or escorts to - El (О) @ 20 AP. All
20. DUTCH COLONIAL 1602 AD - 1700 AD
Tropical. Ag 4. WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, E, M, RGo, Rd, BUA. Max N400
21. SINHALESE 1494 AD - 1700 AD
Tropical. Ag 0. WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, E, RGo, M, Rd, BUA.
C-in-C on elephant - El (O) @ 40 AP. 1
Sub-generals - El (О) @ 40 AP. 0-2
Elephants - El (О) @ 20 AP. 4-6
Swordsmen - Bd (F) @ 5 AP. 12-48
Archers - Bw (I) @ 3 AP. 4-18
Upgrade archers with pavises as - Bw (О) @ 5 AP. Any
Armed camp followers - Hd (O) @ 1 AP. 2-8
Only 1515 AD to 1560 AD: / ,
I Arquebusiers - Sk (O) @ 4 AP. { - /° 0-6
I Only after 1560 AD:
I Replace archers with musketeers - Sh (O) @ 6 AP, or Sk (S) @ 4 AP. 4-18
Only 1638 AD to 1658 AD:
Dutch allies - List: Dutch Colonial.
This covers the armies of the Buddhist and Tamil kingdoms of Ceylon (modern Sri Lanka). The
Portuguese established a trading presence on the coast in 1518 and persisted in unsuccessful
attempts to conquer the whole island from 1570 on. Between 1638 and 1663 the Dutch took all
their coastal settlements, at first with Sinhalese co-operation, but by 1700 had not managed to
impose their authority on the inland kingdom of Kandy. Sinhalese armies were generally similar
to those of the Hindu states of the Indian mainland, except that there were no horses in Ceylon.
However, Sinhalese elephants, although smaller than Burmese, were said to be so fierce that other
elephants were afraid of them. Visitors reported that the Sinhalese used little armour, thinking it
cowardly. Most shields were small. They could be round, heart-shaped or rectangular. A 15th
century sculpture shows shoulder-high standing shields, possibly pavises for archers. The most
common weapon was a short, heavy, slightly curved "kastane" sword. A visitor during 1583-91
contrasted the Sinhalese' skilled use of firearms "which be muskets" with the less than competent
caliver-men of Indian armies. Armies of up to 100,000 are reported.
Cold. Ag 1. WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, E, RGo, M, Rd, BUA. Max N500
C-in-C - Pi (O) @ 30 AP or Pk (O) @ 24 AP. 1
Sub-generals - Pi (O) @ 30 AP or Pk (О) @ 24 AP. 1-2
Embark general on ship as - Sh (S) @ 27 AP. 0-1
Life Guards and Blues - Pi (О) @ 10 AP. *4-8
Horse - Pi (О) @ 10 AP. 1-12
Guards pikemen - Pk (О) @ 4 AP. *6-8
Other pikemen - Pk (О) @ 4 AP. 6-24
Musketeers - Sh (O) @ 6 AP. 2 per Pk (O)
Artillery of the train - Art (О) @ 20 AP. 1-4
3-decker line-of-battle ship - Shp (S) @ 6 AP [general if Sh]. 0-1 per 4
Shp (O)
2-decker line-of-battle ships - Shp (О) @ 5 AP [Sh or Wb|. 0-4
Frigates - Shp (F) @ 4 AP [Sh, Wb], or storeships - Shp (I) @ 3 AP [Bge|. 0-4
Landing parties - up to 1/4 marines Sh (S) @ 7 AP, rest sailors Wb (О) @ 4 AP. 0-1 per Shp
Fireships - Shp (X) @ 4 AP. 0-1
Only from 1672 AD:
Dragoons - Dr (О) @ 7 AP. 1-6
Only from 1678 AD:
Horse grenadiers - Dr (S) @ 8 AP. *l-2
Grenadiers - Sk (X) @ 8 AP. 1 per 4 Pk
Only from 1684 AD:
Re-arm dragoons with firelocks as - Dr (S) @ 8 AP. All
Re-arm guards musketeers with firelocks as - Sh (S) @ 7 AP. 2 per guards Pk
Fusileers - Sh (S) @ 7 AP. 0-6
Only after 1685 AD:
3 pdr battalion guns - Art (I) @ 5 AP. 0-1 per 4 Pk
Raw Irish pikemen - Pk (I) @ 3 AP. 0-6
Raw Irish musketeers - Sh (I) @ 4 AP. 2 per Pk (I)
When Charles II was restored to the thrones of England and Scotland, the large Commonwealth
army was disbanded, so that the standing army consisted only of the guards regiments. These
increasingly had to be supplemented by lesser units raised in emergency or to garrison overseas
possessions such as Tangiers. When James II acceded, he used all possible opportunities, such as
the Monmouth Rebellion, to increase such units and make them permanent. Towards the end of
his reign, James dismissed most of the Protestant officers and soldiers stationed in Ireland and
replaced them with Irish recruits who could not be quickly assimilated, convincing many of his
intention to re-catholicise England and Scotland by force. When William of Orange landed in the
"Glorious Revolution" of 1688, the desertion of many senior officers paralysed James into fleeing
the country, although it is quite probable that much of the army would have fought for him out
of loyalty rather than inclination. Guards regiments did not serve overseas. Accordingly, minima
marked * apply only if any troops so marked are used. Horse wore corslets and were armed with
a pair of pistols and a sword. Horse guards added a carbine and these had spread to at least most
of the other horse by 1685. Horse grenadiers were attached to guards cavalry to act as supporting
dragoons. They are not reported as using grenades in action. The new grenadier companies given
to all foot regiments from 1678 were still primarily grenade-throwers rather than the general
purpose assault troops they later became. From 1667 onward, foot mixed a lower proportion of
firelocks with their matchlocks, but this does not affect classification until the guards were
entirely re-equipped with firelocks in 1684. 1/3 remained pikemen. Whether these still had helmet
and corslet is disputed, but Trelawney's regiment had them in 1680, and it has been suggested
that they were still standard issue until 1697. A regiment of fusileers was raised in 1685 to guard
the artillery. The artillery train at Sedgemoor in 1685 was rendered immobile by the desertion of
its draught teams and only the loan of the Bishop of Bath & Wells' carriage horses enabled some
guns to be brought into action. Most of the guns were 8 pdr, with a few 12, 6 and 4 pdr guns.
James II later introduced light 3 pdr guns to accompany and be manned by foot regiments. In
1688, he brought over Irish troops to fight against William of Orange. Mostly naval wars were
fought against the Dutch in 1664-67 and 1672-74. Warships now fought in line of battle (single
element wide column). Frigates at this time were not the light warships with a single gun deck of
Napoleonic times, but typically a large but narrow vessel with 1 1/2 gun decks. Most of the fleet
were older 2-decker "great ships" whose tubbier build made them a better gun platform. The few
3-deckers were mainly used as flagships.
Cold. Ag 0. Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, E, M, RGo, BUA, Rd. Max N200
C-in-C - Wb (O) @ 24 AP. 1
Sub-generals - Wb (О) @ 24 AP. 1-2
Reclassify C-in-C or sub-general as - Pi (1) @ 28 AP. 0-1
Horse - Pi (I) @ 8 AP. 0-2
Covenanters "with sword, pike, fusil or pitchfork" - Wb (О) @ 4 AP. 12-24
Skirmishers with firearms - Sk (О) @ 3 AP. 0-3
Families and less enthusiastic supporters - Hd (O) @ 1 AP. 0-12
The terrorist murder of Archbishop Sharp on May 3rd brought to a head the struggle for control
of the Church of Scotland between Episcopalians and Presbyterians. A small force of horse and
dragoons under Claverhouse pursuing the assassins attempted to disperse a "coventicle" (armed
open-air Presbyterian prayer meeting) but was blocked at Drumclog by 3 bodies of rebel horse
and 4 of foot. Provoked into charging by being outshot by the dragoons, the rebel foot swept the
government troops away with heavy casualties. Having failed next day to take Glasgow, the rebels
were crushed on June 22nd at Bothwell Bridge by a much larger force commanded by the Duke
of Monmouth.
27. SCOTS JACOBITE 1689 AD - 1690 AD
Cold. Ag 1. WW, Rv, H[S), H(G), Wd, RGo, Rd, BUA. Max N250
C-in-C - Pi (O) @ 30 AP, Pk (F) @ 24 AP or Wb (O) @ 24 AP. 1
Sub-general - Pk (F) @ 24 AP. 0-1
Sub-generals - Wb (О) @ 24 AP. 0-2
Cavalry - Pi (О) @ 10 AP. 0-1
Irish pikes - Pk (F) @ 4 AP. 0-1
Irish musketeers - Sh (F) @ 6 AP.
2 per Pk (F)
Highlanders - Wb (О) @ 4 AP. 15-50
Locheil's snipers - Sk (S) @ 4 AP. 0-1
This covers the rebel army of John Graham of Claverhouse "Bonnie Dundee". Like the later rebel
Jacobite armies of 1715 and 1745, it was raised from Catholic Highland clans and detested by the
vast majority of Scots. It won a spectacular victory at Killiecrankie over a lowland Scots Whig
government army reinforced with a single English regiment, but Claverhouse fell at the moment
of victory. Deprived of his leadership, it failed after a bitter battle to capture Dunkeld and was
defeated and dispersed at Cromdale next year. The cavalry consisted of a single troop of remnants
of Claverhouse's old regular regiment, supplemented by gentleman volunteers. At Killiekrankie, it
split into two parts after its initial charge, one of which Dundee was leading when he was shot.
Only 1 element of Pk (F) can be used. Only the front rank of the Highlanders should be depicted
with sword and targe and/or firelock. Others should be armed with Lochaber axes, spears, a very
few bows, many only with long dirks. Purcell's small Irish regiment was criticised for "charging
like stampeding cattle" beside the Highlanders instead of shooting, which must justify classing
them as (F). At Killiecrankie, Locheil sent a small body to shoot from cottages, though they were
soon driven out by government musketeers.
29. IRISH JACOBITE 1689 AD - 1691 AD
Cold. Ag 4. WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, E, RGo, M, Rd, BUA.
C-in-C - Pi (O) @ 30 AP. , . 1
Sub-generals - Pi (O) @ 30 AP or Sh (S) @ 7 AP. - 1-2
British horse - Pi (О) @ 10 AP. 3-6
British dragoons - Dr (S) @ 8 AP. 1-2
British foot guards - 1/3 Pk (O) @ 4 AP, rest Sh (S) @ 1 AP. 0-8
British foot - 1/3 Pk (O) @ 4 AP, rest Sh (О) @ 6 AP. 8-24
British fusileers - Sh (S) @ 7 AP. 0-2
Huguenot horse - Pi (F) @ 11 AP. 0-3
Huguenot or Swedish foot - 1/3 Pk (F) @ 4 AP, rest Sh (F) @ 6 AP. 0-9
Dutch horse - Pi (I) @ 8 AP. 1-4
Dutch dragoons - Dr (S) @ 8 AP. 0-2
Dutch foot guards - 1/3 Pk (O) @ 4 AP, rest Sh (S) @ 7 AP. 3-6
Dutch foot - 1/3 Pk (O) @ 4 AP, rest Sh (О) @ 6 AP. 6-12
Danish horse - Pi (F) @ 11 AP. 0-3
Danish, Brandenburg or other German foot - Sh (S) @ 7 AP. 0-16
Grenadiers - Sk (X) @ 8 AP.
0-1 per 8 Sh
3 pdr accompanying guns - Art (I) @ 5 AP. 0-2
6-12pdrfieldguns- Art (О) @ 20 AP. 0-4
18-24 pdr siege guns - Art (S) @ 25 AP. 0-1
3-deckers - Shp (S) @ 6 AP [Sh (S), Wb|.
0-1 per 3 Shp (O)
2-deckers - Shp (O) @ 5 AP [Sh (S), Wb|. 0-4
Frigates - Shp (F) @ 4 AP [Sh (S), Wb|, or storeships - Shp (I) @ 3 AP [Bge|. 0-4
Landing parties - up to 1/3 marines Sh (S) @ 7 AP, rest seamen Wb (О) @ 4 AP. 0-1 per
Fireships - Shp (X) @ 4 AP. 0-1
Only in Ireland from 1689 AD to 1691 AD:
Enneskillen horse - Pi (F) @ 11 AP. 0-2
Enneskillen dragoons - Dr (S) @ 8 AP. 0-1
Londonderry foot - 1/3 Pk (F) @ 4 AP, rest Sh (F) @ 6 AP. 0-3
Only from 1692 AD:
Reduce all pikemen other than Swedish from 1/3 to 1/4. All
Only from 1696 AD:
Upgrade shot other than Huguenot and Swedish to - Sh (S) @ 7 AP. All
In 1688, the English finally lost patience with the attempts of their Catholic King James 11 to
subvert Parliamentary rule and the Anglican religion, and invited his Protestant Dutch son-in-law
William of Orange to take the throne jointly with his wife Mary. William was keen to use British
resources, much greater than those of his native Holland, to thwart the European expansionism of
Louis XIV of France. He formed the "Grand Alliance" of England, the Dutch, Spain, Savoy,
Brandenburg-Prussia, Saxony, Hanover, Bavaria and Sweden. Before England's full strength could
be employed against Louis, it was first necessary to clear James IPs forces from Ireland. William
commanded personally at the Boyne in 1689 and later on the continent at Steenkirk in 1692 and
Neerwinden in 1693. The various national contingents under his command were integrated rather
than fighting separately. Dutch foot had a high reputation, especially the guards, but their cavalry
were considered a little dubious and too fond of distant pistol fire. Danish cavalry were excellent
troops noted for their aggression, but their pike-less foot proved vulnerable to Jacobite cavalry.
The Huguenot regiments were of French Protestants forced out by religious persecution 1686-87.
Many had been well-trained in French service and they hated Louis XIV. They brought French
methods with them and were regarded as an elite. They were kept on a separate establishment
until 1699, then absorbed by the British army. Irish Protestant troops were tough and aggressive,
but resistant to discipline and initially lacked uniforms. The foot of most contributing nations
started with 1/3 pikemen and 2/3 musketeers, mostly with matchlocks except in guard units. The
British reduction to 1/4 pikemen became official in 1694, but was already used in regiments sent
to the continent. Expanded flintlock production from 1695 quickly made matchlocks obsolete.
31. LOUIS XIV FRENCH 1661 AD - 1700 AD
Cold. Ag 4. WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, O, V, RGo, Rd, BUA. Max Cx2
C-in-C - Pi (О) @ 30 APorPi(F)@31 AP. 1
Sub-generals - Pi (O) @ 30 AP or Pi (F) @ 31 AP. 1-2
Maison du Roi - Pi (О) @ 10 AP. 0-4
Gendarmerie de France and chevaux legers - Pi (F) @ 11 AP. 5-12
Dragoons - Dr (S) @ 8 AP. 2-6
Gardes foot musketeers - Sh (О) @ 6 AP. 0-8
Common foot musketeers - Sh (F) @ 6 AP. 8-24
Siege and field guns - up to 1/4 Art (S) @ 25 AP, rest (О) @ 20 AP. 0-4
Pontooneers - Pon (О) @ 5 AP. 0-1
Only before 1692 AD:
Gardes pikemen - Pk (O) @ 4 AP. 1 per 2 Sh (O)
Common foot pikemen - Pk (F) @ 4 AP or Pk (O) @ 4 AP. 1 per 2 Sh (F)
Only before 1670 AD:
Replace common foot pikemen with fusiliers - Sh (F) @ 6 AP. 0-1 per 2 Pk
Downgrade caracoling chevaux legers to Pi (I) @ 8 AP. 0-6
Only after 1670 AD:
Grenadiers - Sk (X) @ 8 AP. 0-1 per 8 Sh
Fusiliers du Roi - Sh (S) @ 7 AP. 0-1 per 2 Art
Chasseurs - Sk (О) @ 3 AP. 0-1
Only 1672 AD to 1674 AD:
English allies - List: Restoration British.
Only from 1690 AD:
Regrade gendarmerie and chevaux legers as - Pi (О) @ 10 AP. All
Carabiniers - Pi (I) @ 8 AP. 1 per 6 Pi (O)
Only from 1692 AD:
Hussars - LH (S) @ 7 AP. 0-2
Gardes pikemen - Pk (O) @ 4 AP. 1 per 4 Sh (O)
Common foot pikemen - all Pk (F) @ 4 AP or all Pk (O) @ 4 AP. 1 per 4 Sh (F)
This covers French armies from Louis XIV's assumption of autocratic rule until 1700. The
Maison du Roi comprised 4 strong companies of Gardes du Corps, 1 of Gendarmes (in corslets),
1 of Chevaux Legers, 2 of Les Mousquetaires and, from 1676, 1 of Grenadiers a Cheval, and
seem to have favoured firearms. The 12 companies of Gendarmerie de France and the chevaux
legers were unarmoured and mostly charged in a shallow formation at the gallop with sword in
hand in the style of Turenne and Conde, but Marechal de Puysegur writing in 1748 thought that
the caracole had lingered in some regiments until around 1670. After 1690, all reverted by royal
command to firing before charging home. The skirmishing "carabin" light horse seem to have
disapeared in the cavalry reductions of 1659 and adding 2 "carabiniers" with rifled carbines to
each cavalry company in 1679 proved an inadequate substitute. From 1690, each cavalry regiment
was ordered to have a full company of carabiniers and in 1692 these were amalgamated into a
single large 100 company regiment of Royal Carabiniers which fired from the halt. Dragoons
were increasingly favoured. The field units of the Gardes a Pied now comprised only the
Gardes-Francaises and the Gardes-Suisses. Gardes pikemen kept their corslets to the end of our
period. Others had discarded them by the end of the 30 Years War, but some regiments appear to
have had them re-issued. Firelocks were disapproved of and used only on a small scale until
1692, when half each regiment's shot were authorised them. An unofficial practise of replacing
pikes with firelocks was repeatedly forbidden in the years before 1670. The Fusiliers du Roi
formed in 1671 to guard and man the artillery were entirely equipped with firelocks. The typical
French infantry tactic was an impetuous attack combining pikemen with musketeers advancing
sword in hand. Allies can include naval elements and need not then include otherwise compulsory
32. LATER SPANISH 1660 AD - 1700 AD
Warm. Ag 1. WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), O, V, E, RGo, M, Rd, BUA.
This covers the Portuguese army from the Duke of Braganza's 1640 revolt against Spanish rule.
It presumably started with a similar organisation and equipment to the Spanish army in which its
officers had been trained. It was reformed 1660-1668 by the Duke of Schomberg, now considered
the founder of the modern army, only to be then neglected. The cavalry were "ill-disciplined and
impetuous". Each foot regiment included a dragoon company. The artillery were the best arm.
34. SAVOYARD 1648 AD - 1700 AD
C-in-C-Pi(F)@31 AP. 1
Sub-generals - Pi (F) @ 31 AP. 0-2
Savoyard or Huguenot horse - Pi (F) @ 11 AP. 4-8
Dragoons - Dr (S) @ 8 AP. 1-3
Savoyard, mercenary or Huguenot foot - 1/3 Pk (F) @ 4 AP, 2/3 Sh (F) @ 6 AP. 18-60
Spanish foot or Savoyard militia - 1/4-1/3 Pk (I) @ 3 AP, rest Sh (1) @ 4 AP. 0-18
Artillery - Up to 1/3 Art (S) @ 25 AP, rest Art (O) @ 20 AP or Art (1) @ 5 AP. 0-3
This covers Venetian colonial armies and offensive naval expeditions from the renewed Ottoman
attack of 1645 that ended in 1669 with the loss of Crete after an epic 22 year siege of its last
fortress. The Turkish disaster at Vienna in 1683 encouraged Venice to counter-attack, clearing the
Turks from the Peloponnese by 1690. The many field battles all resulted from attempts to relieve
fortresses besieged by Venetian amphibious forces, hence the increased naval presence in the list.
The Stradiot light horse were still just as aggressive, but now mostly armed with pistols, sabre
and carbine instead of the former light lance. A Venetian marine guard of honour is described as
armed with half-pike or musket and with helmet and sword, though no mention is made of body
armour. Morlacchi were Dalmatian mountaineers "uneducated men who do not understand the
logic of keeping promises to a defeated enemy", but useful for pursuit. The Maniotes were Greek
mountaineers from the Peloponnese "a sort of people who call themselves Christians, but live
chiefly on spoil and robbery", led 1688-89 by one Liberachi. A few light field pieces are referred
to on one occasion, but the most commonly mentioned artillery are 50 pdr, presumably main bow
guns landed from galleys. Maltese marines led by the Knights in red tabards were considered
especially good assault troops. French allies need not include otherwise compulsory cavalry or
dragoons. The army's base is assumed to be either the colonial possessions on the eastern s ide of
the Adriatic, or until 1669, Crete.
37. LATER IMPERIALIST 1649 AD to 1700 AD
Cold. Ag 1. WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, V, E, M, RGo, Rd, BUA. Max Cx3
This covers the armies of the Holy Roman Empire after the 30 Years War. Ottoman Turks and/or
Hungarian rebels were now the main opponents. The crushing defeat of a Turkish invasion at
St.Gotthard south of Vienna in 1664 led to a peace treaty due for renewal in 1681. The Turks
chose instead to launch another massive invasion in 1683. Vienna was subjected to an epic siege
before being relieved by a combined (in order of numbers) Imperial, Polish, Bavarian and Saxon
force commanded by the Polish King Jan III Sobieski. An Imperial allied contingent for that army
must be accompanied by Bavarian and Saxon allies of the contingent size ranges listed here. All
Imperialist horse were reported in 1684 to wear corslets, but 2 of the 12 regiments reported in
early 1683 were described as cuirassiers, implying that they had 3/4 armour. In 1689, all 11
regiments of horse are called cuirassiers, suggesting this was no longer so. Lobster-tail helmets
were worn until after 1700. Some Hungarian loyalists continued to serve during revolts. 1,000 of
8,000 Hungarian hussars are described with long lances, which, with surviving armour, suggests
that some were as heavy as those of Poland. Other levy hussars were horse archers. Items marked
* apply only if any Hungarians are used. Crabats or "Croats" were light horse with sword, pistols
and carbine. Regular hussars imitated them and the types merged. Flintlock muskets, often with a
reversionary matchlock mechanism, began to be used in numbers around 1680, but in 1688 were
still only 10%. Pikes were reduced at the same time, but not abandoned until plug bayonets were
issued in 1704. The "boar-spears" said to have replaced pikes were swinesfeathers doubling as
musket rests or combined into chevaux de Frise, reported in 1689 as "very valuable". Members
of a Dutch merchants' shooting club provided sharpshooting at the siege of Vienna. Grenzer were
militia of the Militargrenze frontier defences created in 1557. 3/4 plate armour for cuirassiers,
mail and plate armour for heavy hussars, flintlock and combination lock muskets, matchlock wall
pieces (but not muskets), plug bayonets, swinesfeathers with musket hooks, peasant levy halberds
and morgensterns, and assembled chevaux de Frise can all be seen in the Armoury at Graz.
39. LATER BAVARIAN 1649 AD - 1700 AD
Cold. Ag 1. Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, V, RGo, Rd, BUA, I. Max N500 until 1682
C-in-C - Pi (I) @ 28 AP. 1
Sub-generals - Pi (I) @ 28 AP. 1-2
Horse - Pi (I) @ 8 AP. 3-7
Dragoons - Dr (О) @ 7 AP. 0-3
Musketeers - Sh (F) @ 6 AP. 16-48
Grenadiers - Sk (X) @ 8 AP.
0-1 per 6 Sh (F)
Artillery - Art (O) @ 20 AP or Art (I) @ 5 AP. 1-4
Only before 1687 AD:
Pikemen - Pk (F) @ 4 AP. 1 per 2 Sh (F)
Only from 1688 AD:
Hussars - LH (S) @ 7 AP. 0-2
Re-arm dragoons with flintlocks as - Dr (S) @ 8 AP. Any
Guards - 1/2 fusileers Sh (S) @ 7 AP, 1/2 grenadiers Sh (F) @ 6 AP or Sk (X) @ 8 AP. 0-4
The Bavarian army was largely demobilised after the 30 Years War to speed economic recovery
and remained relatively small until after the 1670s. Uniforms were worn from 1671. Horse wore
corslets over light-grey coats, but reverted to caracoling. Some dragoons wore red coats, others
blue. The hussar regiment of 1688 wore blue. Artillery wore a bluish-grey coat. The foot mostly
wore light or dark grey coats before 1673, after which blue became usual and was standardised in
1684. Unlike those of other German states, Bavarian foot kept up the rapid attack tactic.
Cold. Ag 3 or *1. WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, Rgo, M, Rd, BUA, I.
C-in-C - Pi (I) @ 28 AP. 1
Sub-generals - Pi (I) @ 28 AP. 1-2
Horse - Pi (I) @ 8 AP. 4-14
Leibgarde (with firelocks) - Sh (S) @ 7 AP. 0-3
Battalion guns - Art (I) @ 5 AP. 1-4
Field guns - Art (О) @ 20 AP. 0-2
Only in 1658 AD:
Dutch ships - up to 1/2 Shp (F) @ 4 AP [Any foot], rest Shp (I) @ 3 AP [Any]. 0-6
Only before 1689 AD:
Dragoons - Dr (О) @ 7 AP. 2-6
Foot (with pikes and matchlocks) - 1/3 Pk (O) @ 4 AP, 2/3 Sh (О) @ 6 AP. 18-42
Wibranzen - 1/3 Pk (1) @ 3 AP, 2/3 Sh (I) @ 4 AP. *12-18
Only from 1674 AD:
Jager - Sk (S) @ 4 AP. 0-3
Only from 1689 AD:
Dragoons (with firelocks) - Dr (S) @ 8 AP. 2-8
Foot (with firelocks) - Sh (S) @ 7 AP. 12-36
Grenadiers - Sk (X) @ 8 AP. 2-4
This army almost vanished at the end of the 30 Years War when the Estates refused to continue
paying for it. A compromise in 1653 allowed a permanent nucleus of 5,000, supplemented by a
ruthless conscription introduced during the Polish war of 1655. The cavalry relied on fire and
stood to receive attack. Corslets were discarded in 1689 and did not return until 1736. Except for
the leibgarde, the foot retained pikes and matchlocks until the death of the Great Elector in 1688.
Jager were rifle-armed snipers recruited from gamekeepers. A battery of 12 light guns massed
together was important in the decisive defeat of the Swedes at Fehrbellin in 1675. The Wibranzen
were a traditional East Prussian militia reorganised to hinder Polish and Cossack incursions. The
minimum marked * applies only if any Wibranzen are used.
43. LATER DANISH 1649 AD - 1700 AD
Cold. Ag 3. WW, Rv, H(G), Wd, RGo, M, E, Rd, BUA, I. Max N500
Oin-C - Pi (F) @ 31 AP. 1
Sub-generals - Pi (F) @ 31 AP. 1-2
Horse - Pi (F) @ 11 AP. 4-24
Guard firelocks - Sh (S) @ 7 AP. 0-8
Musketeers - Sh (О) @ 6 AP. 6-20
Grenadiers - Sk (X) @ 8 AP. 1-2
Galloper guns - Art (F) @ 10 AP. 0-1
Battalion guns - Art (I) @ 5 AP. 0-2
Field guns - Art (О) @ 20 AP. 0-2
Peasants - Hd (O) @ 1 AP. 0-2
Warships - Shp (О) @ 5 AP [Sh, Wb]. 0-2
Longboats - Bts (O) @ 2 AP [Any]. 0-4
Prams, gunboats or mortar boats - Bts (S) @ 3 AP [Wb|. 0-2
Seamen - Wb (О) @ 4 AP.
0-1 per Shp or Bts
Only before 1655 AD:
Pikemen - Pk (O) @ 4 AP. 2 per 4 Sh (O)
Only from 1655 AD to 1671 AD:
Upgrade musketeers to firelocks - Sh (S) @ 7 AP. 1/2-all
Only 1657 AD to 1659 AD:
Dutch warships - Shp (O) @ 5 AP [Sh, Wb]. 0-3
Dutch fireships - Shp (X) @ 4 AP. 0-1
Dutch foot - 1/3 Pk (O) @ 4 AP, 2/3 Sh (О) @ 6 AP. * 12-24
Brandenburg foot - 1/3 Pk (O) @ 4 AP, 2/3 Sh (О) @ 6 AP. *6-12
Imperial foot - 1/3 Pk (O) @ 4 AP, 2/3 Sh (О) @ 6 AP. *6-12
Polish allies - List: Later Polish. 0-12
Only from 1672 AD to 1689 AD:
Pikemen - Pk (F) @ 4 AP. 0-2 per 5 Sh
Only from 1672 AD:
Dragoons - Dr (S) @ 8 AP. 0-4
Upgrade musketeers to firelocks - Sh (S) @ 7 AP. All
Frigates - Shp (F) @ 4 AP [Sh (S), Wb|. 0-1
Marines - Sh (S) @ 7 AP. 0-1 per 2 Shp or Bts
Only in 1700 AD:
Saxon allies - List: Later Saxon.
This covers Danish armies after the unlucky interventions in the 30 Years War. In addition to
further unsuccessful wars against Sweden in 1653, 1657-1660, 1675-79 and 1700, the Danes also
provided high quality allied contingents for the Dutch and English. Their cavalry in particular
were noted for their aggression and maintained a good reputation right through the Marlburian
wars. The cuirass had been temporarily abandoned, though it was to be reintroduced in 1701.
Firelocks had been issued to the guards by 1625, most of the army by 1655 and all of it by
1672, by when plug bayonets were in use. The situation as regards pikes is more obscure. In
1657 foreign colonels raising regiments for Danish service were forbidden to include pikemen.
However, we are also informed that in 1672-78 a ratio of 2 shortened pikes to 5 firelocks was
officially sanctioned. The Danish troops that came to England in 1688 had no pikes and they
were formally abolished the next year. Landing parties of Danish seamen are described as armed
with bills and morgensterns and "falling on with much haste and violence". Minima marked *
apply only if any Polish, Brandenburg or Imperial troops are used. A Saxon corps of 2 regiments
each of cuirassiers and foot tried to join the Danes in 1700. Polish allies must not include reiters
or foot, nor Saxon allies include dragoons or Art (O), even if these are normally compulsory.
44. CAROLINE SWEDISH 1649 AD - 1700 AD
Cold. Ag 1. WW, Rv, Wd, M, BUA, I. Max Cx4
C-in-C - Pi (I) @ 28 AP. 1
Sub-generals - Pi (I) @ 28 AP or Si (I) @ 25 AP. 0-2
Noble cavalry - Si (I) @ 5 AP. 5-14
Cossack horse - Don LH (O) @ 5 AP or Ukrainian LH (I) @ 4 AP. 0-12
Kalmuks - LH (S) @ 7 AP. 0-3
Streltzi - up to 1/4 Pk (I) @ 3 AP, rest Sh (S) @ 7 AP. 8-24
Heavy or medium guns - Up to 1/2 Art (O) @ 20 AP, rest Art (S) @ 25 AP.
3 pdr or lighter accompanying guns - Art (1) @ 5 AP. 0-5
Cossack foot - up to 1/4 Sk (S) @ 4 AP, rest Sh (F) @ 6 AP. 0-8
Mount Cossack foot on horses as - Dr (O) @ 7 AP. 1 per 4 LH (I) or Sh (F)
Cossack chaika - Bts (O) @ 2 AP |Sh (F), Sk (S)]. 0-1 per Sh (F) or Sk (S)
Angry peasants - Hd (F) @ 1 AP. 0-2
Only until 1667 AD:
Reiters - Pi (1) @ 8 AP. 0-5
Hussars - Ln (F) @ 11 AP. 0-3
Dragoons - Dr (О) @ 7 AP. 0-2
Gulay gorod - PO @ 1 AP. 0-12
Only before 1695 AD:
Foreign foot - 1/4 Pk (I) @ 3 AP, 3/4 Sh (I) @ 4 AP. 12-48
Only from 1695 AD:
Guard or old regiments of foot - 1/5 Pk (1) @ 3 AP, 4/5 Sh (S) @ 7 AP. 5-10
Only 1695 AD to 1699 AD:
Conscript militia - Hd (O) @ 1 AP. 0-30
Only in 1700 AD:
Dragoons - Dr (S) @ 8 AP or Pi (I) @ 8 AP. 1-2
Newly raised regiments of foot - 1/5 Pk (I) @ 3 AP, 4/5 Sh (1) @ 4 AP. 3-5 per Sh (S)
Linear entrenchments - FO @ 2 AP, or swine feathers - PO @ 1 AP. 0-1 per Sh
Warships - Shp (O)@ 5 AP| ShJ. 0-2
Galleys - Gal (I) @ 2 AP [Sh|. 0-3
This list covers Russian armies from Alexei Mikhailovitch's institution of conscription from the
tax rolls to provide western-style "foreign" regiments until the post-Narva reforms of Peter the
Great. Very large numbers of troops were raised at short notice, but a satisfactory standard of
training was rendered impossible by the practise of disbanding all or all but a cadre when a war
ended. As well as "foreign" foot, there were new mounted regiments of reiters with 3/4 armour
and pistols and hussars (actually lancers), but these proved even harder to maintain. Accordingly,
reliance still had to be placed on the streltsi, now possibly with a proportion of pikemen, and the
noble cavalry. The noble cavalry were now mostly minor gentry and their retainers. There were a
few units entirely of nobles commanded by boyars, but these often sent substitutes when required
for war instead of for peacetime parades. Armour was now rare, but the bow was still in use
together with firearms. From 1685, the "foreign" foot were progressively disbanded until only the
2 "old" regiments of Lefort and Gordon survived to be joined by the new Preobrazhenskii and
Semenovskii guard regiments. This reduction was premature and in 1695 many of the disbanded
men had to be called on again to fill up the conscript militia for a campaign against the Turks.
New regiments of foot armed with firelock, plug bayonet and a smaller proportion of half-pikes
were still very raw in 1700 and only the first 2 of the new dragoon regiments were ready. The
new dragoons sometimes fought mounted, so can be either Dr (S) or Pi (I). There were as yet no
grenadiers. The Cossacks of the Ukraine shifted their allegiance to Russia in 1654. Those fighting
mounted were distant skirmishers more timid than Don Cossacks. The gulay gorod "walking fort"
is last mentioned in 1660. Field entrenchments became a Russian speciality from 1700 on and
swine feathers were issued well into the 18th century for protection against Turkish cavalry.
46. LATER POLISH 1632 AD - 1700 AD
This list includes the army of King Jan III Sobieski's 1683 relief of Vienna. The bodyguard was
now the Drabant-Reiter, but a pancerni unit guarded Sobieski's personal "bunczuk" horse -tail
standard kept near him in battle. Junior generals also had a bunczuk. The grading of Lithuanian
generals reflects their furious rivalry. The hussars' lances were taken away in 1689, but reissued
to fight the Crimean Tartars in 1698. The armoured cossacks now called "pancerni" were issued
light lances in 1676, the petyhortsy retaining heavier lances. Light cavalry were now "Tartar" or
"Wallachian". Originally horse archers, the former were acquiring lances and the latter carbines.
The noble levy were still in theory available, but Sobieski despised them and instead tried new
peasant levies who proved equally useless. Noble levy must be in the C-in-C's command. Minima
marked * or ** apply only if troops so marked are used. "German" foot had been given pikes
after mishaps against the Swedes. From 1676, a new Polish-style infantry had only a few
half-pikes, relying instead on berdische axes both as a fearsome hand-to-hand weapon and as a
musket rest. The Ukrainian Cossacks were now independent enough to be classed as allies until
the revolt of 1648. Those of the Dnieper's right bank were intermittently available again from
1658. Swap fake hussars for servants with lances on baggage animals when enemy within 200p or if
shot at.
Abyssinian. Page 14 Monomotapa. Page 10
Acheh. 17 Moroccan. 7
Adal. 13 Ngola. 9
Algerian. 7 Omani. 11
Aiwa. 15 Ottoman Turk. Later, 31
Arab. 11 Philippine. 17
Ashanti. 9 Polish. Later, 39
Bavarian. Later, 34 Polynesian. 21
Austrian. 32 Portuguese. Braganza, 33
Benin. 9 Portuguese Colonial. 5
Braganza Portuguese. 29 Portuguese. Sebastianic, 6
Brandenburg-Prussia. 35 Prussian. 35
British. Restoration, 22 Restoration British. 22
Brunswick. 35 Russian Conscript. 38
Burmese. 19 Savoyard. 30
Cambodian. 19 Saxon. Later, 34
Dahomey. 9 Scots Constitutional. 25
Danish. Later, 36 Scots Jacobite. 25
Dinka. 10 Scots Western Covenanter. 24
Dutch. Williamite Anglo-, 30 Sebastianic Portuguese. 6
Dutch Colonial. 20 Segeju. 10
Dutch United Provinces. 24 Shaiqiya. 16
East African Pagan. 10 Shilluk. 10
French. Louis XIV, 28 Shri Lankhan. 21
Funj. 16 Siamese. 19
Hanoverian. 35 Sinhalese. 21
Hawaiian. 21 Somali. 11
Hesse-Kassel. 35 Spanish. Later, 29
Hungarian Rebel. 33 Sudanese. West, 8
Imperialist. Later, 32 Sumatran. 17
Indonesian. 17 Sunda. 17
Irish Jacobite. 26 Swedish. Caroline, 37
Jaga. 9 Tapuya. 9
Javanese. 17 Tripolitanian. 7
Kandy. 21 Tuareg. 8
Khmer. 19 Tunisian. 7
Kongo. 9 Tupi. 9
Laotian. 19 Turk. Later Ottoman, 31
Maghrebi. 7 Venetian Colonial. Later, 30
Majaapahit. 17 Vietnamese. 18
Malacca. 17 Wadj. 15
Malay. 17 West African Forest Peoples.
Maori. 21 West Sudanese.
Mataram. 17 Williamite Anglo-Dutch. 27
Melanesian. 21 Wurtemberg. 35
Minor German States. Later, 35 Yemeni. 11
Moluccan. 17 Zan j. 12
Zimba. 10
For details of other WRG wargames rules, army lists and reference books, send your stamped and
addressed envelope or International Reply Coupons to W.R.G, The Keep, Le Marchant Barracks,
London Road, Devizes, Wilts SN10 2ER, UK. Phone credit card orders for air or surface mail
delivery to 01380 724558. Phone list suggestions or comments to Phil Barker on 0121-472-6207.
Thanks are due to many for their help, especially Richard Brzezinski for Poles and Swedes, Ian
Gray for initial pointers on Danes and Africans, Chris Peers for Portuguese, Nigel Tallis for Arab
expertise, but foremost to Duncan Head, who wore me to a frazzle trying to keep up. My thanks
also in advance to the unknown experts on obscure armies, who I trust will rush to correct me!