YASHWANTReport of Project

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Session- 2018-19



Submitted To: - Submitted by: -


ANUGYA SHARMA (0157ME151037)



Project Guide: - HOD (ME)



Today, technology is developing in the same direction in line with rapidly

increasing human needs. The work done to meet these needs makes life easier
every day, and these studies are concentrated in robotic arm studies. Robot arms
work with an outside user or by performing predetermined commands.
Nowadays, the most developed field of robot arms in every field is the industry
and medicine sector.

Designed and realized in the project, the robot arm has the ability to move in 3
axis directions with 4 servo motors. Thanks to the holder, you can take the
desired material from one place and carry it to another place, and also mix it
with the material it receives. While doing this, robot control is provided by
connecting to the android application via Bluetooth module connected to
Arduino Nano microcontroller.

Literature suggests that the pick and place robots are designed, implemented in
various fields such as; in bottle filling industry, packing industry, used in
surveillance to detect and destroy the bombs etc. The project deals with
implementing an pick and place robot using Robo-Arduino for any pick and
place functions. The pick and place robot so implemented is controlled using
RF signal. The chassis is supported for the displacement of robotic arm by four
Omni wheels. The robotic arm implemented has two degrees of freedom. Many
other features such as line follower, wall hugger, obstacle avoider, metal
detector etc can be added to this robot for versatility of usage.

It gives us a great sense of pleasure to the present the report of the B.E. project
undertaken during B.E. final year. We owe special debt of gratitude of lecturer
selection grade Prof. DHARMENDRA KUMAR, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, LNCT&S, Bhopal for his constant support and guidance
throughout the course of our work. His sincerity, thoroughness and
perseverance’s have been a constant source of inspiration for us. It is only his
cognizant efforts that our endeavours have seen light of the day.

We also take the opportunities to acknowledge the contribution of Dr. (Prof.)

Sunil Kumar Tiwari, Senior Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Prof.
Naveen Agrawal, Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering,
LNCT&S, Bhopal for his full support and assistance during the development of
the product.


ANUGYA SHARMA (0157ME151037)




These days’ people always needed additional help systems. With the rapid
increase in the flow of information, people are now guided to search for
different markets and people have entered the competition to manufacture
quality products cheaply. Automation systems are also needed to realize this.
Because standardized automation systems are required to minimize errors as
well as to have experienced and well trained employees for quality products.
Because of their physical characteristics, people needed to use auxiliary
machines in places where their strength was not enough. These machines, which
are operated with the need for human assistance in advance, have been made to
operate spontaneously without the need of human power with the progress of
technology. One of the most used components of automation systems is robots.
Robotic systems; Mechatronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,
Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering have all come together to
work together. In the project, researchers have been done and implemented in
order to have knowledge about mechanics and software during the operations
carried out by the robot arm which is designed to fulfill the tasks determined in
accordance with predetermined commands. First, it was determined what
function the robot arm would be and what movements it could make. Robotic
arm made of Android phone or tablet control; it can carry the desired material,
mix it up and perform the commands previously determined by a user. If this
project is also a designated task; the robotic arm takes a piece of material and
brings it to the desired position and then records its movements and lets it do the
same action until we stop it. The servomotor is preferred in order to be able to
perform these operations properly since the motor to be selected must operate
precisely and must be at high torque. The robot arm is composed of 5 servo
motors and can move in 4 axis directions with these motors. In the project,
Arduino Nano microcontroller written in Java language is programmed and
servo motor control is provided. Thus, it is possible to perform the desired
operations by means of the elements located on the Arduino without any circuit
construction other than the circuit where the servo motor inputs are located. For
the mechanical part, the robot arm is drawn with the SolidWorks program and
the dimensions of the robot arm are specified. A 5V power supply is also
preferred for the robot to work.
Since many years people try to replace human work with machines. Machines
called robots are faster and more effective than people. The term robotics is
practically defined as the study, design and use of robot systems for
manufacturing. Robots are generally used to perform unsafe, hazardous, highly
repetitive, and unpleasant tasks. They have many different functions such as
material handling, assembly, arc welding, resistance welding and machine tool
load and unload functions, painting, spraying, etc. Many elements of robots are
built with inspiration from the nature. Construction of the manipulator as the
arm of the robot is based on human arm.

The robot has the ability to manipulate objects such as pick and place
operations. It is also able to function by itself. The development of electronic
industry robot system technology has been expanded increasingly. As one such
application, the service robot with machine vision capability has been
developed recently.

In this highly developing society time and man power are critical constrains for
completion of task in large scales. The automation is playing important role to
save human efforts in most of the regular and frequently carried works. One of
the major and most commonly performed works is picking and placing of jobs
from source to destination. Present day industry is increasingly turning towards
computer-based automation mainly due to the need for increased productivity
and delivery of end products with uniform quality.

The inflexibility and generally high cost of hard-automation systems, which

have been used for automated manufacturing tasks in the past, have led to a
broad based interest in the use of mechanical arm capable of performing a
variety of manufacturing functions in a flexible environment and at lower costs.

The use of Industrial mechanical arm characterizes some of contemporary

trends in automation of the manufacturing process. However, present day
industrial mechanical arm also exhibit a monolithic mechanical structure and
closed-system software architecture. They are concentrated on simple repetitive
tasks, which tend not to require high precision. The pick and place mechanical
arm is a human controlled based system that detects the object, picks that object
from source location and places at the desired location. For detection of object,
human detect presence of object and move machine accordingly.

John Iovine , in this book various aspects of designing a Robot is described. It

deals with different types of Arm design, controlling techniques, vehicle design
etc. ER. Rajput, in this book the operation and control of robots is discussed.
Arduino cookbook, in this book details and methods of interfacing hardware
components such as DC motor, Servo motor and RF Transmitter and Receiver
is been discussed.
The other references listed in the references section discusses similar concepts
in its various fields such as color identification and segregation robot, robot for
surveillance, pick and place robot controlled using android etc.
1. Design Analysis of a Remote Controlled “Pick and Place” Robotic
Vehicle by B.O. Omijeh (2014): - In this paper the design of a
Remote Controlled Robotic Vehicle has been completed. A
prototype was built and confirmed functional. This system would
make it easier for man to unrivalled the risk of handling suspicious
objects which could be hazardous in its present environment and
workplace. Complex and complicated duties would be achieved
faster and more accurately with this design.
by Vipul J. Gohil (2013): - In this paper the system robotic arm
based on real-world haptics. The primary goals of haptic guidance
is to facilitate the learning of complex human motion skills by
providing haptic cues that are helpful to induce desired
movements. The proposed system is utilized to recognize the
human motion. Large potential for applications in critical fields as
well as for leisurely pleasures. Haptic devices must be smaller so
that they are lighter, simpler and easier to use. Haptic technology
allows interactivity in real-time with virtual objects.
3. A Review on Robot Arm Using Haptic Technology by Prof. A.
Reshamwala, R. Singh (2015): - In this paper the proposed system
is utilized to recognize the human motion. Controlling the robot
arm using Haptic technology is discussed in this paper. The
concept which is discussed here will be the implementation of 3-
DOF based robot arm using less number of resources. The main
focus of the implementation is going to be how it will be easily
operated by disable people. As literature survey continues more
advanced feature may be part of this implementation such as
obstacle detection and how the concept of image processing will be
used in robot arm is considered to be future work.

The main objectives of this project are:

● To control the displacement of the robotic arm so that the arm can
be used to pick and place the elements from any source to
● To control the displacement and movement of robotic arm using RF
Transmitter and Receiver.
● To implement a robotic arm with two degrees of freedom.

1. Design of Robotic Arm

The Robotic Arm is designed using the Microcontroller i.e. ATMEGA328p

Micro-controller using Arduino programming. This process works on the
principle of interfacing servos and potentiometers. This task is achieved by
using Arduino board. Potentiometers play an important role The remote is fitted
with potentiometers and the servos are attached to the body of the robotic arm.
The potentiometer converts the mechanical motion into electrical motion.
Hence, on the motion of the remote the potentiometers produce the electrical
pulses, which are in route for the Arduino board. The board then processes the
signals received from the potentiometers and finally, converts them into
requisite digital pulses that are then sent to the servomotors. This servo will
respond with regards to the pulses which results in the moment of the arm.
It consists of a motor which is coupled to a sensor, used for position feedback,
through a reduction gearbox. It also accompanies a relatively sophisticated
controller, usually a dedicated module designed specifically for use with servo
motors. In short, the micro controller interfaces all these components specified
below. A short list of components include:
1. Servo motors
2. Potentiometers
3. Atmega 328p
4. Arduino Deumilanove "IDE"
5. Bloutooth module.
2 Multiple degrees of freedom

Serial and parallel manipulator systems are generally designed to position an

end-effector with five degrees of freedom, consisting of three in translation and
tow in orientation. This provides a direct relationship between actuator positions
and the configuration of the manipulator

Robot arms are described by their degrees of freedom. This number typically
refers to the number of single-axis rotational joints in the arm, where higher
number indicates an increased flexibility in positioning a tool. This is a practical
metric, in contrast to the abstract definition of degrees of freedom which
measures the aggregate positioning capability of a system.

The theoretical background of the project is examined below as main headings

and subheadings.
1. Servo Motors Servo
Detects the operation error of a mechanism, provides feedback and corrects
faults. The servo motor can have alternating current (AC), direct current (DC)
or stepper motors. In addition to these, there are drive and control circuits.
Servo motors are the kinds of motors that can fulfill the commands we want.
They can operate steadily even at very small or very large speeds. In these
motors, the large moment can be obtained from the small size. Servo motors are
used in control systems such as fast operation, excessive axis movement,
condition control and so on. Servo motors are the last control element of a
mechanism. They are highly sensitive and servo motors are used in conjunction
with electronic or programmable circuits. These engines are divided into AC
and DC. When the AC servo motors are brushless type motors, the servo motors
brush. Servo motors are mostly three cables. These are a red cable for power,
black for grounding and yellow cables for control (data, data). One of the
servomotors used in the production phase of the project is shown in Fig.1.

In the project Tower, Pro SG90 Mini servo motor is used. Some features of this
servo motor; versatile operation, 10 μs pulse width control, VP-P: 3-5 V Square
wave and working voltage of 4.8-6V. The used servomotor has a working
voltage of 0.12 s / 60 ° and a torque of 1.2-1.6 kg/cm at low operating voltage.
Servo motors are controlled according to the signal condition. In doing so, the
supplied pulse width modulated (PWM) signal is used with the data bus. Each
servo motor is controlled by a PWM signal at 10-20 ms and at 0.5-1.5 ms.the
position of the motor shaft is determined according to the duration (tk) of this
signal at logic 1. These; When tk = 0.5 ms, the motor shaft rotates to the end,
When tk= 0,5- 1 ms, the position of the motor shaft is in the middle, When
tk= 1 - 1.5 ms, the motor shaft turns to the right, When tk= 10-20 ms (when
the same signal is given again) it remains in its old position, The position
control of these motors is determined using the required pulses. The servo
motors DC used in the project are kept at about 5V during operation.

2. Arduino UNO Microcontroller

Although microcontroller type PIC is usually used in programming and

software field, Arduino has become very popular in the world in recent times. It
is based on Arduino's past wiring and processing projects. Processing is written
for nonprogramming users. Arduino wiring is produced on the basis of the
programming language. The common feature of both is that it provides an
environment where even the basic knowledge of electronics and programming
can easily design. Arduino is now becoming more and more common
nowadays. Even unmanned aerial vehicles made with Arduino, which is used
almost every field, are visible. The causes of the spread of Arduino at such a
rapid rate are:

● It can be used on all platforms due to the simplicity of the

development environment with driver usage.
● With the help of the advanced library, even complex operations
can be easily solved.
● Programs written in Arduino can run fast because they are not run
on any other platform.
● There is a lot of hardware support that is compatible with Arduino
and can work together.
● Communication with the environment is easy because it is open
● If there are any problems due to a large number of Arduino users,
the solution can be easily reached.
Figure 2. Arduino uno microcontroller used in the project

The Arduino Nano is a small, full and breadboard friendly Arduino card that
houses a microcontroller (Arduino Nano 3.x) or Atmega168 (Arduino Nano 2.x)
microcontroller. It has almost the same functions as the Arduino Duemilanove.
Arduino is designed and used by Nano Gravitech. The Arduino Nano offers a
variety of possibilities for communication with a computer, another Arduino, or
other microcontrollers. The ATmega328 and ATmega168 microcontrollers
support UART TTL (5V) serial communication,accessible via the RX and TX
pins. An FTDI on the card channels the FT232RL serial communications via
USB and the FTDI drivers (available in the Arduino software) and the writings
on the computer appear as a virtual com port. The RX and TX LEDs on the card
flash on the FTDI chip while the USB den serial cable and the USB den is
transmitting data. The Software Serial library allows serial communication over
any of the digital pins of the Arduino Nano. The ATmega328 and ATmega168
microcontrollers also support I2C (TWI) and SPI communications.

3. HC-05 Bluetooth Module

The HC-05 BT module is a slave operating only and uses a serial

communication protocol. In Bluetooth communication, master and slave are
determined according to the state of connection start. A master module can
initiate the connection, but the slave module cannot initiate the connection. In
our project, we will provide an external device to connect to a slave PC or an
android device. Bi-directional data can be sent and received in a healthy way.
Figure 3HC-05 Bluetooth module

After adding the device to the Bluetooth devices, a virtual com port associated
with the module is created on our computer. It is now possible to
communicate via Bluetooth via the module. The codes that we send via
UART with the microcontroller (PIC18F46K22) can be received via
Bluetooth with PC, which is connected to the BT module. Data sent from
the PC and COM overreaches the microcontroller.

4. Circuit Diagram (Above Board)

Circuit; Servo inputs, Arduino pin inputs, and Bluetooth module inputs. Servo
motors are activated in this way, the Bluetooth module Arduino Nano
connections and power supply connections are shown. Thanks to this circuit we
use, it is possible to distribute the 5V from the power supply to the servo
motors. The circuit image is shown in Fig.4
5. Power

The power supply selected for feeding the control circuit of the servomotors is
capable of delivering the same current even if all the synchronous
servomotors are operating. When all servo motors are operated at the
same time, they draw 0.5A current. In addition, 5 V was needed for the
Arduino used for robot movement in the project. This requirement is
provided by a 5V power supply.

6.Arduino development "IDE"

The Arduino integrated development environment (IDE) is a cross-platform

application written in Java, and is derived from the IDE for the
Processing programming language and the Wiring projects. It is designed
to introduce programming to artists and other newcomers unfamiliar with
software development. It includes a code editor with features such as
syntax highlighting, brace matching, and automatic indentation, and is
also capable of compiling and uploading programs to the board with a
single click. There is typically no need to edit make files or run programs
on a command-line interface

Arduino programs are written in C or C++ The Arduino IDE comes with a
software library called "Wiring" from the original Wiring project, which
makes many common input/output.
Operations much easier. Users only need define two functions.
To make a runnable cyclic executive program:

Setup (): a function run once at the start of a program that can initialize

Loop (): a function called repeatedly until the board powers off.


General Characteristics of Robot Arm Mechanics

Kinematics in robotics is the science of motion investigation. Robot arm links
can be rotated or offset according to the reference coordinate frame. A
systematic and general approach developed by Denavit and Hartenberg
establishes the relationship between the robot endpoint and the total
displacement of robot arm links (1). Angular and linear displacements
between limbs are called joint coordinates and are defined by limb
variables. In order to determine the amount of rotation and displacement
according to the reference coordinate system of the endpoint, the matrices
A which represent the amounts of each limb rotation multiplied in turn. If
the coordinates of the end point are given, limb variables can be obtained
by going backward. These operations are called forward and inverse
kinematics. The next section will explain how to determine forward and
reverse kinematics. The general transformation matrix can be quite
complex even for simple robots. It can be found in standard textbooks
such as the Jacobian matrix for standard robots (2) and (3). Coordinate
Frames and Transformation Matrices for a General Robot Arm An n-
dimensional position vector is denoted by an n + 1-dimensional vector
and is called a homogeneous coordinate representation.


The design part is divided into two parts, the mechanical part design, and the
mechanical part installation. In the design of the mechanical part, the
millimetric drawings of the parts to be used in the robot arm construction
were made through the help program. In the installation of the mechanical
part, the naming of the servomotors used in the robot arm and the tasks
during the operation of the robot are explained. The construction of the
project consists of several steps. These steps are:

● Determination of the mechanical materials required for the

production of the project
● Determination of microcontroller and software to be used in the
● Search and selection of servo motors that will run the robot arm in
a proper way.
● Proper selection of mechanical parts, Implementation of robot arm
● Testing the system to see if it works properly with the
microcontroller we choose.
● Possible faults have been given in the form of restructuring the
system by passing through the eye.

These steps have been completed and the design of the robot has been

1. Mechanical Design

The mechanical design of the robot arm is based on a robot manipulator with
similar functions to a human arm. The links of such a manipulator are
connected by joints allowing rotational motion and the links of the
manipulator is considered to form a kinematic chain. The business end of
the kinematic chain of the manipulator is called the end effector or end of
arm tooling and it is analogous to the human hand. Figure 4.1 shows the
Free Body Diagram for mechanical design of the robotic arm.
Figure 4.1 Free body diagram of the robot arm

As shown, the end effector is not included in the design because a commercially
available gripper is used. This is because that the end effector is one of
the most complex parts of the system and, in turn, it is much easier and
economical to use a commercial one than build it. Figure 5.17 shows the
work region of the robotic arm. This is the typical workspace of a robot
arm with four degree of freedom (6 DOF). The mechanical design was
limited to 6 DOF mainly because that such a design allows most of the
necessary movements and keeps the costs and the complexity of the robot
competitively. Accordingly, rotational motion of the joints is restricted
where rotation is done around two axes in the shoulder and around only
one in the elbow and the wrist. The robot arm joints are typically actuated
by electrical motors. The servo motors were chosen, since they include
encoders which automatically provide feedback to the motors and adjust
the position accordingly.

Fig 4.2 work region of robotic arm

Fig 4.3 Force diagram of robotic arm

However, the disadvantage of these motors is that rotation range is less than
180 ̊ span, which greatly decreases the region reached by the arm and the
possible positions [9]. The qualifications of servo motors were selected
based on the maximum torque required by the structure and possible
loads. In the current study, the material used for the structure was acrylic.
Figure 2.16 shows the force diagram used for load calculations. The
calculations were carried out only for the joints that have the largest
loads, since the other joints would have the same motor, i.e. the motor
can move the links without problems. The calculations considered the
weight of the motors, about 50 grams, except for the weight of motor at
joint B, since it is carried out by link BA. Figure 2.17 shows the force
diagram on link CB, which contains the joints (B and C) with the highest
load (carry the links DC and ED) and the calculations are carried out as

The values used for the torque calculations:

Wd = 0.020 kg (weight of link DE)

Wc = 0.030 kg (weight of link CD)

Wb = 0.030 kg (weight of link CB)
L = 1 kg (load)
Cm = Dm = 0.050 kg (weight of motor)
LBC = 0.14 m (length of link BC)
LCD = 0.14 m (length of link CD)
LDE = 0.05 m (length of link DE)
Performing the sum of forces in the Y axis, using the loads as shown in Figure
5.20, and solving for CY and CB, see Equations (1).(4). Similarly,
performing the sum of moments around point C, Equation (5), and point
B, Equation (6), to obtain the torque in C and B, Equations (7) and (8),

2.Mechanical Part Mounting

The cut parts are assembled together with the servo motors and assembly of the
robot arm is completed. The robot arm moves by 4 axes and performs this
movement with 5 Mini Servo Motors. After drawing the parts on
SolidWorks and making the necessary parts, the design of the mechanical
part is started and the robot arm is made of a stationary lower body and
movable upper body. There is one servo motor in the stationary lower
part of the robot arm and this robot is called axis 1. The 1st axis provides
rotation of the robot arm to the right or left. There are 2 servo motors in
the moving upper body part. Since these servo motors must operate
parallel to each other, both start and end positions are set simultaneously.
These two servo motors are named as 2nd axis and 3rd axis respectively.

3.Android Programming

The Android application we used in this project was done with App Inventor.
What is App Inventor? App Inventor is a free web application developed
by Google and later developed by the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT). Other MIT projects use a graphical interface, such as
Scratch and StarLogo TNG, to drag and drop visual objects instead of
printing lines of code in mobile applications running on the Android
operating system. App Inventor Design is the part of the application that
we will design for visual and active components of the application, from
Buttons, Pictures, Text Fields; it can be added to the Media Components
such as Audio, Video, etc., besides the GPS, Acceleration and Bluetooth
sensor can be added to the device. In this section, you have a design
criterion where many variables like size, color, the position can be

Experimental studies are within themselves; the method followed in the project,
robot arm control system, and programming. In the method and robot arm
control system part of the project, the basic commands are explained after the
basic information is given and the robot can perform the required tasks. In the
program section, there is the software information required for the movement of
the robot. The programming part of the pro- gram is given in Appendix to the
project to make the project more regular.

1. Projected Method
First, a historical research on robot arms was carried out and the basic
information needed to establish the system was obtained. The robot used in the
project types with arm joint and can move in 4 axis directions (left and right, up
and down) and also can hold and swing motion thanks to the holder on it. The
microcontroller Arduino Nano is used to provide optimal control of the robot
arm. The reason for preferring this microcontroller is that it is more accessible
to be able to get a solution to a possible error because the open source code is
easier to use than the other microcontrollers and the number of users is higher.
After these studies, detailed information has been obtained about the servo
motors to be used. The servomotor is preferred because it can be carried out
smoothly in the robot project, the motor can be operated precisely and it must
be at high torque. The robot arm, 5 servo motors are formed. Servo motors are
numbered from top to bottom in order to explain their tasks because of the
2. Robot Arm Control
The robot arms can be autonomous or controlled manually. In manual mode, a
trained operator (programmer) typically uses a portable control device (a teach
pendant) to teach a robot to do its task manually. Robot speeds during these
programming sessions are slow. In the current work we enclosed the both
modes. The control for the presented robot arm consists basically of three
levels: a microcontroller, a driver, and a computer based user interface. This
system has unique characteristics that allow flexibility in programming and
controlling method, which was implemented using inverse kinematics; besides
it could also be implemented in a full manual mode. The microcontroller used is
an Atmega 368p which comes with a development/programming board named
―Arduino‖, as shown in Figure 12. The programming language is very similar
to C but includes several libraries that help in the control of the I/O ports,
timers, and serial communication. This microcontroller was chosen because it
has a low price, it is very easy to reprogram, the programming language is
simple, and interrupts are available for this particular chip. The driver used is a
eight channel for servo controller board. It supports tow control methods:
Bluetooth for direct connection to an android device or direct control using
variable resistors.

Fig 4.4 Electronic scheme of control

3.MIT App Inventor

MIT App Inventor is a blocks based programming tool that allows everyone,
even novices, to start programming and build fully functional apps for
Android devices. Newcomers to App Inventor can have their first app up
and running in an hour or less, and can program more complex apps in
significantly less time than with more traditional, text based languages.
Google's Mark Friedman and MIT Professor Hal Abelson co-led the
development of App Inventor while Hal was on sabbatical at Google.
Other early Google engineer contributors were Sharon Perl, Liz Looney,
and Ellen Spertus . App Inventor runs as a Web service administered by
staff at MIT’s Center for Mobile Learning. A collaboration of MIT’s
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) and the
MIT Media Lab. MIT App Inventor supports a worldwide community of
nearly 3 million users representing 195 countries worldwide. The tool’s
more than 100 thousand active weekly users have built more than 7
million android apps. An open source tool that seeks to make both
programming and app creation accessible to a wide range of audiences.

● Formal and informal educators who have used MIT App

Inventor to introduce programming to their Computer Science
students, science club members, after school programs attendees,
and summer campers. Many educators have also started to use
MIT App Inventor to develop apps in support of their own
instructional objectives.
● Government and civic employees and volunteers who have
harnessed the power of MIT App Inventor to develop custom,
often hyper local apps in response to natural disasters and
community based needs Designers and product managers who
have seen the potential that MIT App Inventor has to support the
iterative design process via rapid prototyping, testing and iteration.
● Researchers who use MIT App Inventor to create custom app in
support to meet their data collection and analysis requirements in
support of their research in a wide variety of fields from medical
to social. Hobbyists and Entrepreneurs who have an idea they
want to quickly turn into an app without the cost or learning curve
that more traditional app creation entails.

The components here used are arduino uno board, capacitors, servo SG90,10k
pot variable resistor. Now talking about servo motors they are excessively used
when there is a need for a accurate shaft movement or position. These are not
proposed for a high sped applications. Servo motors are proposed for low
speed, medium torque and accurate position application. So they are best for
designing robotic arm. Servo motor are available at different shapes and sizes.
We are going to use small servo motors (four) a servo motor will have mainly
three wires positive voltage another is for ground and the last one is for
position setting. The RED wire is connected to power, the brown wire is
grounded and the orange wire is for signal.



1. Increase productivity
2. Use equipment effectively
3. Reduce working costs
4. Flexibility at work
5. Get the job done in the shortest time
6. Provide good returns on investment
7. Better accuracy in performance
8. Ability to work in risky ways and make it more safe

1. Cause unemployment for manual workers
2. High initial cost
3. designed Arm to perform specific tasks and not comparable to
the human hand.
4. Difficulty programmed to perform Accurate tasks
5. Needed a large number of sensors and high accuracy to perform the
Complex tasks
6. And other technical problems, "especially in the fields of artificial
intelligence and Machine vision".
7. When the Robotic arm break down the production line will go off in the

The robot so programmed for pick and place operation can be made versatile
and more efficient by providing the feedback and making it to work on own
than any human interventions.
It can be made possible by image processing tool interfaced with this Arduino.
The features that can be added on to improve its efficiency, make it operate on
its own thought without any human intervention are line follower, wall hugger,
obstacle avoider, metal detector, bomb diffuser etc.
Future enhancement can include further improvement that is by adding 360
degree rotary servo motor and making it more stable. Setup can be modified that
will pick more weight compared to present model.
Ultrasonic sensor can even be placed on the arm so that it can detect and
simultaneously pick the object and keep it on other place.

The main focus of this work was to design, and programme robotic arm the
robot arm was designed with five degrees of freedom and talented to
accomplish accurately simple tasks, such as light material handling the robot
arm is equipped with several servo 40 motors which do links between arms and
perform arm movements. A microcontroller that drives the servo motors with
the capability of modifying position. The programming is done on ATMEGA-
328p Microcontroller using Arduino programming. The potentiometers are also
used to detect the angle of rotation and the signals are then sent to the
microcontroller. And you can control the robotic arm also using android device,
in today’s world, this Robotic arm has turned out very benevolent. Besides
Robotics and Automation, these kinds of arms have applications in other fields

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