Hyperstudio/Powerpoint Appearance and Content: Powerpoint Presentation

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HyperStudio/Powerpoint Appearance and Content : Powerpoint Presentation

Teacher Name: Claire James

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Spelling and Presentation has Presentation has Presentation has Presentation has
Grammar no misspellings 1-2 misspellings, 1-2 grammatical more than 2
or grammatical but no errors but no grammatical
errors. grammatical misspellings. and/or spelling
errors. errors.
Content - All content Most of the The content is Content is
Accuracy throughout the content is generally typically
presentation is accurate but there accurate, but one confusing or
accurate. There is one piece of piece of contains more
are no factual information that information is than one factual
errors. might be clearly flawed or error.
inaccurate. inaccurate.
Use of Graphics All graphics are A few graphics All graphics are Several graphics
attractive (size are not attractive attractive but a are unattractive
and colors) and but all support few do not seem AND detract
support the the theme/content to support the from the content
theme/content of of the theme/content of of the
the presentation. presentation. the presentation. presentation.
Text - Font Font formats Font formats Font formatting Font formatting
Choice & (e.g., color, bold, have been has been makes it very
Formatting italic) have been carefully planned carefully planned difficult to read
carefully planned to enhance to complement the material.
to enhance readability. the content. It
readability and may be a little
content. hard to read.
Effectiveness Project includes Project includes Project is missing Project is lacking
all material most material more than two several key
needed to gain a needed to gain a key elements. It elements and has
comfortable comfortable would make an inaccuracies that
understanding of understanding of incomplete study make it a poor
the topic. It is a the material but guide. study guide.
highly effective is lacking one or
study guide. two key
elements. It is an
adequate study

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Date Created: Apr 08, 2019 11:39 pm (CDT)

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