Risk Management Lessons From The Credit Crisis: Philippe Jorion

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European Financial Management, 2009, forthcoming

Risk Management Lessons from the Credit Crisis

Philippe Jorion
Paul Merage School of Business, University of California at Irvine and
Pacific Alternative Asset Management Company (PAAMCO)
E-mail: [email protected]


Risk management, even if flawlessly executed, does not guarantee that big losses
will not occur. Big losses can occur because of business decisions and bad luck. Even
so, the events of 2007 and 2008 have highlighted serious deficiencies in risk models. For
some firms, risk models failed because of known unknowns. These include model risk,
liquidity risk, and counterparty risk. In 2008, risk models largely failed due to unknown
unknowns, which include regulatory and structural changes in capital markets. Risk
management systems need to be improved and place a greater emphasis on stress tests
and scenario analysis. In practice, this can only be based on position-based risk
measures that are the basis for modern risk measurement architecture. Overall, this
crisis has reinforced the importance of risk management.

Keywords: risk management, financial crisis, risk models, stress test

JEL classifications: D81 (decision-making under risk), G11 (investment decisions), G16
(government policy and regulation), G21 (banks), G32 (financial policy)

Keynote Address at the European Financial Management Association (EFMA) meetings,

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Nantes, France, April 2009

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P. Jorion – Risk Management Lessons from the Credit Crisis 1

“The best Wall Street minds and their best risk-management tools failed to
see the crash coming,” New York Times, January 2, 2009

Many financial institutions that experienced large losses over the past few months
apparently employed sophisticated risk management systems. That losses occurred does
not necessarily imply that there were failures in risk management, however. As Stulz
(2008) put it, “A large loss is not evidence of a risk management failure because a large
loss can happen even if risk management if flawless.”
The scale of losses in the credit crisis that started in 2007 has been unprecedented.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has estimated that total losses on US assets now
exceed $4,000 billion. The root causes of this crisis are many. Taylor (2008) argues that
government actions and interventions “caused, prolonged, and worsened the financial
crisis.” In addition, however, there were several layers of failures in the private sector.
This goal of this presentation is narrowly focused on the role of risk management in this
credit crisis.
This presentation is structured as follows. The first Section reviews and describes
the structure of modern risk measurement systems. The key feature is that it relies on
position-level information, unlike the traditional returns-based risk measures. The second
Section then discusses the various types of risks that an institution is exposed to. A
useful classification is into known knowns, known unkowns, and unknown unknowns.
As Donald Rumsfeld put it, it is the risks in “the latter category that tend to be the
difficult ones.” Nevertheless, risk managers have several tools at their disposal to
manage risks better. The third Section draws risk management lessons from the credit
crisis. The last Section concludes.

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1. Risk Measurement Systems

To start with, let us describe the main components of modern risk measurement
systems, which are described in Figure 1:
 From market data, construct the distribution of risk factors (e.g., normal, empirical, or
 Collect the portfolio positions and map them onto the risk factors.

 Use the risk engine to construct the distribution of portfolio profit and losses over the
selected period. This can be summarized by a Value-at-Risk (VAR) number, which
represents the worst loss that will not be exceeded at the pre-specified confidence

Positions Risk Factors

Trades from
front office
Global Historical
Repository Data feed with Market Data
Positions Risk Factors
current prices

Global Historical
Mapping Market Data

Risk Engine

Distribution Distribution
Positions Risk Engine3a of
Risk Factors
Risk Factors
Value at Risk
Value at Risk
Data Warehouse Reports
Reports Risk Warehouse
Fig. 1. Components of a risk measurement system

The key feature of this system is that it is position-based. Traditionally, risk

measures have been built from returns-based information. The latter is easy and cheap to
implement. It also accounts for dynamic trading of the portfolio. On the other hand,

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returns-based risk measures suffer from severe drawbacks. They offer no data for new
instruments, markets, and managers. They do not capture—or rather, are very slow at
identifying—style drift. They may not reveal hidden risks. Lo (2001) gives the example
of a hypothetical fund, called Capital Decimation Partners, which seems to perform very
well, with a high Sharpe ratio. In this case, the fund holds a leveraged short position in
an equity index option. As long as the option is not exercised, the portfolio generates a
positive and steady return. The returns-based VAR is totally misleading. More
generally, returns-based risk measures give no insight into the risk drivers of the
Most of these drawbacks are addressed by position-based risk measures. They
can be applied to new instruments, markets, and managers. These use the most current
position information, which should reveal style drift or hidden risks. For example, Jorion
(2007) shows that the risk of Capital Decimation Partners can be captured and controlled
effectively by position-based risk systems. In addition, position-based systems can be
used for forward-looking stress tests.
Position-based risk systems, on the other hand, have drawbacks. First, they
require more resources and are expensive to implement. A large bank could have several
million positions, in which case aggregation at the top level is a major technology
challenge. Second, position-based risk measures assume that the portfolio is frozen over
the horizon and ignores dynamic trading. To some extent, this problem can be mitigated
by more frequent risk measurement. Finally, position-based systems are susceptible to
errors in data and models. They require modeling all positions from the ground up,
repricing instruments as a function of movements in the risk factors. In some cases,

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standard approaches based on a fixed historical window are inappropriate.1 In others, the
modeling of instruments is quite complex, leading to model risk.
Even so, position-based risk measures are vastly more informative than returns-
based risk measures. This explains why all modern risk management architectures rely
on position-level information.
This does not mean that returns-based information is useless, however. In some
cases, it can be combined with position-based information for more realistic risk
measures. Also, risk managers need to backtest their risk systems. This involves
systematic comparisons of the actual returns with the risk forecasts. With a well-
calibrated system, the number of cases of losses worse than VAR, also called exceptions,
should correspond to the confidence level. For example, backtests of a 1-day VAR at the
99 percent level of confidence over a period of one year should yield, on average, 2 to 3
exceptions per year (actually, 1% times 252, or about 2.5). Too many exceptions should
lead the risk manager to re-examine the models.
In spite of all this apparatus, a number of banks suffered major losses during the
credit crisis. In 2007 alone, for example, UBS suffered losses of $19 billion from
positions in mortgage-backed securities alone. Can we conclude from this information
that its risk management system was flawed?

Jorion (2008) analyzes the conventional application of VAR measures to Mergers and Acquisition
(M&A) arbitrage portfolios. Such trading strategies involve payoffs that have discontinuous: either the
acquisition goes through or not. This leads to skewed distributions that cannot be measured well with
conventional risk methods using moving windows based on recent historical data. On the other hand,
knowledge of the positions can be used to develop more realistic, forward-looking model of portfolio risk.

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2. Classification of Risks

To analyze this point, risks can be classified into three categories: “known
knowns,” “known unknowns,” and “unknown unknowns,” corresponding to different
levels of uncertainty.

2.1 Known Knowns

Let us start with a flawless risk measurement system, where all the risks are
perfectly measured. This implies that the risk manager correctly identifies all the risk
factors and properly measures their distribution as well as the exposures of the current
portfolio, leading to an appropriate description of the distribution of total profits and
losses. Top management then decides on a particular risk-return profile for the business.
In this case, losses can still occur due to a combination of bad luck and the fact
that management accepted too much exposure. As an example, take a long/short equity
portfolio with an equity beta of 0.5. Figure 2 describes the distribution of annual return
on U.S. equities since 1871. This information can be used to build a distribution of
returns for the portfolio in question.
The S&P index lost 38% in 2008. As a result, this portfolio should have lost 0.5
times 38%, or around 19%. This loss is a combination of bad luck (i.e., a very large fall
in the S&P index, but not unprecedented as U.S. stocks lost 43% in 1931) and exposure
(i.e., having a high beta). If the distribution was properly measured, the outcome matched
the risk forecast. In this case, the risk measurement system was flawless.

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2007 2004
2005 1993
1994 1988 2003
1992 2006
1986 1999
2007 2004
1979 1998
2005 1972
1993 1996
2000 1978
1994 1971
1988 1983
1990 1970
1992 1968
1986 1982
1981 1987
1960 1965
1979 1998
1977 1956
1984 1972
1964 1996
1969 1978
1948 1971
1959 1983
1990 1947
1970 1952
1968 1961
1982 1997
1981 1923
1960 1965
1949 1951
1976 1995
1977 1912
1956 1964
1944 1943
1967 1991
1969 1948 1959 1963
1962 1947 1952 1961 1997
1953 1923 1949 1951 1995
1946 1912 1944 1943 1991
1940 1911 1926 1942
1942 1989
2001 1939
1939 1906
1906 1921
1921 1925
1925 1985
1973 1934 1902
1902 1919 1924 1980
1966 1932
1932 1896
1896 1916
1916 1922
1922 1975
1957 1929 1895
1895 1900
1900 1918
1918 1955
1941 1914 1894
1894 1899
1899 1909
1909 1950
1920 1913
1913 1892
1892 1897
1897 1905
1905 1945
2002 1903 1910
1910 1889
1889 1886
1886 1901
1901 1938
1974 1893
1893 1887
1887 1888
1888 1878
1878 1898
1898 1936 1958
1930 1890 1883
1883 1882
1882 1874
1874 1891
1891 1927
1927 1935 1954
2008 1917 1884 1877
1877 1881
1881 1872
1872 1885
1885 1915 1928 1933
1931 1937 1907 1876
1876 1873
1873 1875
1875 1871
1871 1880
1880 1904 1908 1879

<-40% <-30% <-20% <-10% <0% <10% <20% <30% <40% <50% <60%

Total annual return

Fig. 2. Distribution of annual returns on S&P index

In some cases, the loss can exceed the VAR forecast. Indeed, it should. It is a
misconception to interpret VAR as a worst-ever loss measure. Instead, VAR should be
viewed as a measure of dispersion that should be exceeded with some regularity, e.g., in
one percent of the cases with the usual 99 percent confidence level.
In addition, VAR does not describe the extent of losses in the left tail. Instruments
such as short position in options could generate infrequent but extreme losses when they
occur. To detect such vulnerabilities, the distribution of losses beyond VAR should be
examined as well. This can be done, for example, with conditional VAR, which is the
average of losses in the tail.

2.2 Known Unknowns

Even so, management systems do have numerous known blind spots. First, the
risk manager could have ignored important known risk factors. Second, the distribution

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of risk factors, including volatilities and correlations, could be measured inaccurately.

Third, the mapping process, which consists of replacing positions with exposures on the
risk factors, could be incorrect. These fall in the broad category of model risk.
As an example of the first problem, many portfolios unexpected lost money on
basis trades during 2008. These involve hedged positions. For instance, a trader could
buy a corporate bond and at the same time purchase a credit default swap (CDS) that
provides protection in case of default of the same name. Normally, if the position can be
held to maturity with no extraneous risks, this should be an arbitrage trade. Since Long-
Term Capital Management, we know that arbitrage trades are subject to mark-to-market
risk. In practice, however, most risk management systems map both the bond and CDS
to the same risk factor, which ignores the basis risk. During 2008, this basis widened
sharply, leading to large mark-to-market losses on such positions that were not captured
by most risk models.
As an example of the second problem of incorrect distributions, assume that the
risk manager had estimated the volatility of the S&P index using a fixed 2-year period,
2005 to 2006. Because this period was unusually quiet, this would have understated the
risk during the following two years. Figure 3 plots the daily volatility forecast for the
S&P stock index using an Exponentially Weighed Moving Average (EWMA) with decay
of 0.94. This model shows that during 2004 to 2006, volatility was very low, averaging
0.7% daily. As a result, many financial institutions entered 2007 with high levels of
leverage. When volatility started to spike during 2007, risk models experienced many
exceptions. The graph also shows a volatility forecast derived from the usual moving
average (MA) model with a window of one year, which is typical of most VAR models
based on historical simulation. The figure shows that the MA model systematically

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underestimated the EWMA volatility starting in mid-2007, which is when banks' risk
models started to slip.

Volatility (% per day)






12/31/98 12/31/99 12/31/00 12/31/01 12/31/02 12/31/03 12/31/04 12/31/05 12/31/06 12/31/07 12/31/08

Fig. 3. Daily volatility forecast for the S&P index

This illustrates a known problem, which is that the parameters of the risk
distributions can change over time. One solution is to adopt more responsive risk
systems. Indeed, the Basel Committee now explicitly allows such systems. 2
Another example of the second problem is the correlation structure used by credit
rating agencies to rate different tranches of asset-backed pools. These tranches are rated
using the standard industry technology of portfolio credit risk models. The first step
consists of building a joint distribution of asset values for the underlying credits.
Defaults occur when asset values fall below some cutoff point. The second step consists
of building the distribution of total losses on the portfolio. In the third step, the width of

See BCBS (2008).

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the subordinated tranches is selected so as to achieve a target default probability,

typically selected from a table of default rates from the history of various credit ratings.
The crucial assumption in this process is the asset or default correlation. A low
correlation implies that the portfolio is unlikely to experience many simultaneous
defaults, implying a tight loss distribution. As a result, the senior tranches should be safe
even with thin layers of subordinated tranches. In practice, because the application of
this structured product technology was calibrated to a period of rising home prices,
correlations were understated, which led to an understatement of the risk of default for
triple-A tranches.
As a result, many banks experienced large losses on super senior, AAA rated,
tranches of securities backed by subprime mortgages. Investing in these tranches can be
viewed as selling out-of-the-money put options, which involve nonlinear payoffs. As
long as the real estate market continued to go up, the default rate on subprime debt was
relatively low and the super senior debt was safe, experiencing no price volatility. As the
real estate market corrected sharply, the put options moved in-the-money, which led to
large losses on this super senior debt. Of course, none of these movements showed up in
the historical data prior to 2007 because this period only reflected a sustained
appreciation in the housing market but also because of the inherent nonlinearity in these
In this case, the credit rating agencies offer a prime example of flawed risk
management. This problem has been noted in the academic literature, however. It is well
known that the output of portfolio credit risk models is very sensitive to the inputs. 3 In

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addition, standard models cannot seem to explain the observed patterns of default
clustering, even prior to the credit crisis that started in 2007.4
As an example of the third problem, the mapping process itself can also be
flawed. For example, UBS (2008) reports that it had mapped the AAA-rated tranches
from structured credit to yield curves for regular AAA corporate bonds. This ignored the
nonlinearities in the securities and was an act of blind faith in the credit rating. As
explained previously, the process for building a triple-A tranche from a complex asset-
backed securities pool is totally different from regular corporate credits. In this case, the
mapping process was flawed and gave no warning sign of the impending risks. Even
worse, because these investments were viewed as riskless but yielded substantially more
than LIBOR, they infiltrated all units of the bank—and in large amounts.
More generally, the mapping process involves approximations and is often
problematic for new products, which can be very dangerous given that new products are
more profitable for a financial institution and hence more actively traded.
Finally, it is well known that risk management systems do not account for
liquidity risk, which involves both asset liquidity risk, which is the price impact of large
asset sales, as well as funding liquidity risk, which arises when the firm cannot meet cash
flow or collateral needs. This is why the Basel Committee did not institute formal capital
charges against liquidity risk. Yet, the BSCBS (2006) stated that “Liquidity is crucial to
the ongoing viability of any banking organization. Banks' capital positions can have an
effect on their ability to obtain liquidity, especially in a crisis.” Liquidity risk, however,
is extremely complex and difficult to reduce to simple quantitative rules.

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2.3 Unknown Unknowns

In the last category of risks are events totally outside the scope of most scenarios.
This includes regulatory risks such as the sudden restrictions on short-sales, which played
havoc with hedging strategies, or structural changes such as the conversion of investment
banks to commercial banks, which accelerated the deleveraging of the industry. These
risks affected the entire industry starting with the Lehman bankruptcy in September 2008.
Similarly, it is difficult to account fully for counterparty risk. It is not enough to
know your counterparty; you need to know your counterparty’s counterparties too. In
other words, these are network externalities. Understanding the full consequences of
Lehman’s failure would have required information on the entire topology of the financial
network. Such contagion effects transform traditional risks that can be measured into
Knightian “uncertainty,” a form of risk that is immeasurable.
Evaluating such risks will always be a challenge but their existence must be
acknowledged. This can lead to higher capital cushions than otherwise. Management
should also develop plans of actions when these risks start to develop.
In the end, however, financial institutions cannot possibly carry enough capital to
withstand massive counterparty failures, or systemic risk. In such situations, the bank
regulator becomes effectively the risk manager of last resort.

2.4 Implications for Economic Capital Analysis

The confluence of these known and unknown risk cast serious doubts on the
recent practice of economic capital analysis. These are extensions of VAR methods to
the total risk of the institution, including market, credit, and operational risk. Unlike the
typical application of VAR to market risk, the horizon is long, typically one year and as a

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result not many data points are available, especially to estimate quantiles at very high
confidence levels, and when subject to economic cycles of 5-10 years.5
As an example, Deutsche Bank reported that its economic capital as of year-end
2007 was 13,611 million euros, using a 99.98% confidence level and annual horizon. In
my view, it makes little sense to report five significant digits. This practice gives the
erroneous impression of a very high degree of precision, which is not the case. In my
opinion, this economic capital number is probably measured within a range of several
billion euros, at best. The risk management industry has been guilty of misrepresentation
of undue precision.
Likewise, the insurance giant AIG relied heavily on its “economic capital
modeling initiative” to justify its foray into financial products. Up to 2007, it maintained
that it had $15 billion in excess of its required economic capital, out of a total of $108
billion. The firm was massively short credit default options, however, and eventually
required a $170 billion bailout by the U.S. government because its failure would have
endangered the stability of the financial system.

3. Risk Management Lessons

3.1 Lessons for Risk Managers

How can we deal with these problems? First, with experienced risk managers that
should be aware of these issues. This is why risk management should be driven by
people, not machines. Traditional risk measures are backward looking and assume that
distributions are stable and relevant for the future. The risk managers, however, have at
their disposal a powerful position-based risk management system, which allows the
See Rebonato (2007) for a lucid criticism of economic capital, which he calls “science fiction” numbers.

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construction of forward-looking scenarios. Risk managers should also stress test their
models, changing the assumptions for the distributions and parameters such as volatilities
and correlations. Risk managers should also be prepared to react if they see developing
signs of weaknesses in their models.
Let us go back to the experience of UBS in 2007. Normally, the bank should
have experienced about 2 or 3 exceptions (i.e., 1 percent of 250 days). Instead, UBS
suffered 29 exceptions during 2007. The difference is such that we can decisively
conclude that the risk management system was flawed. To its credit, the bank performed
a rigorous post-mortem analysis. In its annual report, UBS also explained that “as
always, however, we learn from experience…. Consistent with our philosophy of
continuous improvement, we are reviewing all aspects of market risk measures.”
This performance is compared to other banks in Table 1, which reports the
number of exceptions for Goldman Sachs, Bear Stearns, JPM Chase, Credit Suisse, and
UBS. Because the first two were investment banks, they report VAR at the 95% level of
confidence. It is interesting to note that there is a fair amount of dispersion in the
performance across banks. This should help dispel the notion that all risk management
systems performed poorly during 2007. In addition, the banks that did worst in their
category (Bear Stearns and UBS) suffered the most devastating losses.

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Table 1
Number of Exceptions Reported in 2006 and 2007
This table describes the number of trading exceptions reported by selected investment and
commercial banks. The confidence level is indicated between parentheses. “Expected” is the
expected number of exceptions during a year at the selected confidence level. Actual numbers
are reported for 2006, 2007 and each quarter of 2007.

Bank (confidence level) Expected 2006 2007 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Investment banks
Goldman (95%) 13 3 10 0 1 5 4
Bear Stearns (95%) 13 0 27 1 0 10 17
Commercial banks
JPM Chase (99%) 3 0 8 0 0 5 3
Credit Suisse (99%) 3 2 9 2 0 7 0
UBS (99%) 3 0 29 0 0 16 13

Nocera (2009) describes how the backtesting framework was used by Goldman

Sachs. In December 2006, the bank noticed that losses on its mortgage desk had

exceeded its VAR for several days in a row. After detailed analysis, the firm decided to

“get closer to home,” i.e., to cut down its risk exposure. This explained why in the

summer of 2007, Goldman Sachs avoided the pain suffered by Bear Stearns, Merrill

Lynch, Lehman Brothers and the rest of Wall Street.

3.2 Lessons from Regulators

By now, a number of reports have been written on the risk management practices

at major financial institutions, including the Senior Supervisor Group (2008). A striking

observation is the range of quality of risk management practices. Some banks did well in

2007 while others suffered badly. The characteristics of winners and losers are compared

in Table 2.

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Table 2
Comparisons of Risk Management Practices
This table compares the risk management practices of banks viewed as winners and losers during
the 2007 credit crisis, as reported by the Senior Supervisors Group (2008).

Winners Losers
Organizational structure -Cooperative -Hierarchical

Business model -Avoided CDOs, SIVs -Exposed to CDOs, SIVs

Firm-wide risk analysis -Shared information across -No prompt discussion of risks
firm across the firm
Valuations -Developed in-house expertise -Relied on credit ratings

Management of liquidity -Charged business lines for -Did not consider contingent
liquidity risk exposures
Risk measurement -Used both qualitative and -Strict model application
quantitative analysis -Mapped to corporate AAA
-Varied assumptions -No test of correlations
-Tested correlations

In general, institutions that lost the most had a hierarchical business structure

where top management wanted to expand the structured credit business, which involved

collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) and structured investment vehicles (SIVs), due to

their perceived profitability. Top management in these firms did not encourage feedback

and often did not pay attention to warning signals given by risk managers. Many of these

institutions failed to develop their own valuations models for these complex structures

and instead relied on credit ratings. In addition, they did not consider contingent

exposures and did not charge business lines for potential claims on the bank's balance

sheet, which encouraged expansion into structured credit. These institutions blindly

applied models without consideration of their weaknesses and typically did not perform

stress tests of correlations.

During 2007, for example, UBS ended up with losses of $19 billion on super

senior ABS tranches, which were found in the CDO warehousing book, in the trading

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book, in the liquid Treasury book, and in a hedge fund subsidiary. As reported later by

UBS (2008), there was no monitoring of net or gross concentrations of positions in this

asset class at the firm-wide level.

A second influential report was issued by the Counterparty Risk Management

Policy Group (CRMPG) in 2008. The report provides recommendations for improved

corporate governance and enhancing oversight. It also discusses better risk monitoring,

especially concentrations to asset classes on a net and gross basis. The report also advises

conducting stress tests that focus on contagious situations.

Haldane (2009) argues that in effect, banks failed the stress test not because they

do not have the tools to do so but instead because of misaligned incentives. Large banks

did not perform meaningful stress tests because they knew that they were too big to fail

and that regulators would step in. This is the argument advanced by Loffler (2008), who

reports that standard time series models of US housing prices would have forecast a range

of values that include actual changes.

This explains why regulators are now defining stress scenarios. In fact, the

Federal Reserve Board is now requiring U.S. banks to evaluate whether they will have

sufficient capital to withstand a stress scenario that reflects a severe downturn in the

economy. The Basel Committee (2009) also advises the use of reverse stress tests:

“Reverse stress tests start from a known stress test outcome (such as breaching regulatory

capital ratios, illiquidity or insolvency) and then asking what events could lead to such an

outcome for the bank.” Clearly, however, none of this analysis would be possible

without position-based risk management systems.

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4. Conclusions

Risk management, even if flawlessly executed, does not guarantee that big losses

will not occur. Big losses can occur because of business decisions and bad luck. Even so,

the events of 2007 and 2008 have highlighted serious deficiencies in risk models. For

some firms, risk models failed because of known unknowns. These include model risk

and liquidity risk. In 2008, risk models largely failed due to unknown unknowns, which

include regulatory and structural changes in capital markets and contagion risks. Such

risks, admittedly, are not amenable to formal measurement.

There are a variety of immediately implementable enhancements for risk

management systems, however. This includes the overweighting of recent data in risk

models, the use of stress tests and broader scenario analysis. All of these require position-

based risk measures. In other words, this crisis has reinforced the importance of risk

management. There is simply no alternative. Risk management will not go away as a

core function of financial institutions

In the end, a risk management system simply cannot--and is not designed to--take

the place of the judgment and business expertise of the users of the system. We will

surely see substantial improvements in risk systems as a result of the credit crisis. As

stated previously, “formal risk management models cannot substitute for judgment and


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Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, Principles for Sound Stress Testing Practices
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Grundke, Peter, “Risk measurement with integrated market and credit portfolio models,”
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Haldane, Andrew, Why Banks Failed the Stress Test (Bank of England, London, 2009).
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Rebonato, Riccardo, Plight of the Fortune Tellers (Princeton University Press, Princeton,
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