Marchese Julianna - Character Analysis Instagram

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Mercutio Escalus
The Prince’s Kinsman

Dear Pessimists, Optimists, and realists, while you were arguing about
the glass of water I drank it Sincerely, the Opportunist

Verona, Italy

LaFave 2018-11-08


Liked by RomCom, B_M.1012, Escalus and 2,134 others

ME1020"No, tis not so deep as a well nor so wide as a church door, but tis
enough #byebros #seeyouinheaven #imdumb
View all 1652 comments
RomCom: I will miss you bro, and avenge you
B_M.1012: You should’ve listened to me
LaFave 2018-11-08


Liked by T_Cap, B_M.1012, RomCom and 21 others

ME1020 How dare Tybalt insult me calling me poor! What a peasant, I am
related to the Prince!!!! #checkyourfacts #urapeasant #givemerespect

T_Cap Well, at least I don’t associate with that Rank half-faced scut
ME1020 replying to @T_Cap Come fight me if you’re that dumb
LaFave 2018-11-08


Liked by Names of people who liked the photo and 21 others

ME1020 Romeo doesn’t ever come to get his mail, like really! Come see you
letter from Tybalt yourself #Lazy #Imnotyourservant #Lookatyourownmail
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RomCom Tybalt sent me a letter? About What
T_Cap replying to RomCom About your revolting appearance in my family’s
home! LaFave 2018-11-08


Liked by B_M.1012, RomCom and 21 others

ME1020 “By my head here comes the Capulets”- Benvolio “By my heel I care not”
- Mercutio #HateCapulets #LeaveMeAlone #WannaFight
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B_M.1012 Don’t think about doing anything Mercutio
T_Cap Yeah Let’s fight
LaFave 2018-11-08
ME1020 …

Liked by RomCom, B_M.1012, T_Cap, and 2017 others

ME1020 I’m gonna make Romeo have fun tonight #don’tbeapartypooper
#brosnight #gonnahavefun
View All 2014 comments
T_Cap What are you Doing here!?I Why are you with him? Why is he here?
RomCom I was there having fun! I’m not trying to start anything, Tybalt
LaFave 2018-11-08


Liked by B_M.1012, RomCom, P.E_731and 2003 others

“Nay,gentle Romeo, we must have you dance” #YouGottaDance #dontbesad

LaFave 2018-11-08
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