Retireecompulsory 1
Retireecompulsory 1
Retireecompulsory 1
( compulsory )
Note:This form is deemed not submitted if some spaces are not filled up.
Put N/A as the case may be. Non-submission will hold the release of
the subsequent regular pension. This is for the conduct of inventory
of pensioners nationwide.
1. Principal Pensioner Personal Data:
2. Pensioner’s 3. Date of Birth (Mo, Day, Year) 4. Age 5. Postal (ZIP) Code 6. Telephone No. (Indicate Area Code)
(House No, Street, Municipality, Province)
7. Address:
8. Religion 9. Civil Status (Check box) 10. Citizenship 11. Sex (Check box)
Single Widower Male
Married Separated Female
12.Weight: ( kg ) 13. Height (cm) 14. Blood Type
15. Color of Eyes 16. Color of Hair 17. Other Identifying Marks
18. Date entered service 19. Date Retired 20. Mode of retirement (Check box)
Compulsory Retirement TPPD
Optional Retirement Others (specify) ___________
21. Retirement Authority (General Orders No. and Date): ________________________________________________
22. Are you receiving monthly 23. If yes, how much is 24. How do you receive your pension? (Check Box)
pension? the present amount? Local Pick-up RFSO Authorized Rep
Yes No P__________________ Thru Banks (indicate name of bank)__________
25. If yes, since when? ___________ ___________________________________________
26. Have you allotted part of your pension to another? Yes No
If yes, state the name of the allottee/ guardian/ common-law-wife and reason for allotment
(Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, Qualifier) Address Relationship Reason
28. Are you also receiving pension from: GSIS Yes No NAPOLCOM Yes No
AFP Yes No Others ____________________________
BENEFICIARY/IES DATA (order of precedence)
I. Spouse legally married to the retiree while still in the service; legitimate, legitimated, legally adopted, illegitimate children
born while in the active service
II. Parents
29. Names of beneficiaries Address Date of Civil Relationship
(Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, Qualifier) Birth Status
I certify that the information herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have affixed my signature
and/or thumbmark to attest to its truthfulness and correctness; thereby, I may be held liable for prosecution on any
misrepresentation hereof.
Left Right
Signature of Pensioner Date Signed