Tugas Akhir Modul 6 Penilaian Hasil Belajar

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Tugas Akhir Modul 6 Penilaian Hasil Belajar


USER NAME : 19050515710137

Kisi Kisi Penulisan Soal

Jenjang Sekolah : SMP
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kurikulum : 2013

Level No Bentuk
No Kompetensi Dasar Kelas Materi Indikator
Kognitif Soal Soal
1 4.4.1 Menangkap Diperlihatkan teks
makna secara berbentuk deskriptif, 1
kontekstual terkait peserta didik dapat 2
fungsi sosial, struktur mengidentifikasi
teks, dan unsur Teks a. Social Function
kebahasaan teks Deskriptifb. Generic Structure 3
deskriptif, lisan dan (Identification,
tulis, pendek dan Description 4
sederhana terkait orang, c. Language Feature)
binatang, benda.
2 3.1 mengidentifikasi
fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan teks 3.1.1 Mengidentifikasi
interaksi interpersonal fungsi sosial,
lisan dan tulis yang struktur teks, dan 5
Greeting unsur kebahasaan
melibatkan tindakan teks interaksi L3
VII and Leave PG
menyapa, berpamitan, interpersonal lisan 6
mengucapkan dan tulis dengan 7
terimakasih, dan teman dan guru. 8
meminta maaf, serta
menanggapinya, sesuai
dengan konteks
Contoh Soal

Do you know Isyana Sarasvati? She is a very famous singer from Indonesia. She
is pretty and very talented. Her fulname is Isyana Sarasvati. She is usually called Isyana. This
beautiful lady was born in Bandung, West Java, on May 2, 1993. Her parents are Sapta Dwi
Kardana and Luana Marpanda.
Isyana, the Taurus girl, is slim. She is only 50 kg and 165 tall. She has a long smooth
beautiful hair. By glimpsing, she looks like a korean star.
Talking about her personality, Isyana is kind of introvert girl. She seems very quiet. But
actually she is friendly enough to people. Talking about her passion in music. Isyana likes jazz,
RnB, pop, and soul. She also can play piano, saxophone, and violin. That's fantastic. What do
you know about her song? Isyana is being famous because of a very romantic song entitled
"Keep Being You" and "Tetap dalam Jiwa".

1. From the text above we know that,....

A. She is a famous and talented singer
B. She can’t play musical instruments
C. She dislikes jazz and RnB
D. Isyana is an extrovert girl
E. Isyana, the Taurus girl
2. The second paragraph talks us about ....
A. Isyana’s personality
B. Isyana’s physical appearance
C. Isyana’s attitude
D. Isyana’s passion
E. Isyana’s hobby
3. What does Isyana do? She is a ....
A. Vocalist
B. Singer
C. Pianist
D. Musician
E. Teacher
4. “She is a very famous singer from Indonesia”. The underlined word means ....
A. Strange
B. Unpopular
C. Well-known
D. Clumsy
E. Un-usual
Read carefully and choose the best answer between A, B, C, D, E !

Faiz and Rizqi are in the cinema to watch a movie. Suddenly they meet Aji, Friend of Faiz
outside of the cinema.

Fariz : Hello Aji, Good Afternoon.

Aji : Good Afternoon, Fariz (5)..........................?
Fariz : I’m fine thank you and how about you?
Aji : (6).................................
Fariz : Oh, this is my friend, Rizki.
Aji : Hello Rizki, my name is Aji. (7)...........................
Rizki : Hi, my name is Rizki. Nice to meet you too.
Fariz : Well Aji, I think we have to go now, the movie is started to play.
Aji : Oh okay, (8)...........................
Fariz : See you.

5. a. nice to meet you

b. where are you?
c. How are you?
d. glad to see you

6. a. I’m fine too.

b. nice to meet you.
c. good to see you.
d. see you later.

7. a. How are you?

b. Good afternoon.
c. Nice to meet you.
d. Glad to see you.

8. a. Where are you going?

b. See you later.
c. How are you?
d. Nice to meet you.

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