Survival Short Story - Writing Rubric
Survival Short Story - Writing Rubric
Survival Short Story - Writing Rubric
W.11-12.2.A - Writing Very clearly introduced the Clearly introduced the topic. Clearly introduced the topic Introduced the topic,
Introduce a topic; organize topic. Organized complex Organized complex ideas, and previewed the ideas to previewing what is to
complex ideas, concepts, ideas, concepts, and concepts, and information come. Organized ideas, follow. Organized ideas,
and information so that each information so that each so that each new element concepts, and information concepts, and information.
new element builds on that new element builds on that builds on that which into broader categories.
which precedes it to create which precedes it to create precedes it to create a Included formatting,
a unified whole; include a unified whole that flows unified whole. Included graphics, and multimedia to
formatting (e.g., headings), easily. Included very useful formatting, graphics, and help the reader understand
graphics (e.g., figures, formatting, graphics, and multimedia when useful. the text.
tables), and multimedia multimedia.
when useful to aiding
W.11-12.2.B - Writing Clearly and thoroughly Developed the topic Developed the topic with Developed the topic with
Develop the topic developed the topic by thoroughly by selecting the relevant and well-chosen relevant facts, definitions,
thoroughly by selecting the selecting the most most significant and facts, definitions, concrete concrete details, quotations,
most significant and significant, credible, and relevant facts, extended details, quotations, or other or other information and
relevant facts, extended relevant facts, extended definitions, concrete details, information and examples. examples.
definitions, concrete details, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other
quotations, or other quotations, or other information and examples
information and examples information and examples. appropriate to the
appropriate to the Details were most audience's knowledge of the
audience's knowledge of the appropriate to the topic.
topic. audience's knowledge of the
W.11-12.2.C - Writing Used highly appropriate, Used appropriate and varied Used appropriate and varied Used transitions to connect
Use appropriate and varied engaging, and varied transitions and syntax to transitions to connect or or distinguish between ideas
transitions and syntax to transitions and syntax to link the major sections of distinguish between ideas and concepts.
link the major sections of link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and concepts.
the text, create cohesion, the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships
and clarify the relationships and clarify the relationships among complex ideas and
among complex ideas and among complex ideas and concepts.
concepts. concepts.
W.11-12.2.D - Writing Used highly appropriate and Used precise language, Used precise language and Used language and
Use precise language, precise language, domain- domain-specific vocabulary, domain-specific vocabulary vocabulary that sometimes
domain-specific vocabulary, specific vocabulary, and and techniques such as to inform about or explain helped inform about or
and techniques such as techniques such as metaphor, simile, and the topic. explain the topic.
metaphor, simile, and metaphor, simile, and analogy to explain complex
analogy to manage the analogy to clearly explain details of the topic.
complexity of the topic. complex details of the topic.
W.11-12.2.F - Writing Provided a concluding Provided a concluding Provided a concluding Struggled to provide a
Provide a concluding statement or section that statement or section that statement or section that concluding statement or
statement or section that follows from and supports follows from and supports related to the information or section that related to the
follows from and supports the information or the information or explanation presented but information or explanation
the information or explanation presented. explanation presented. did not contribute to the presented.
explanation presented (e.g., Conclusion could lead to the information or explanation.
articulating implications or reader taking action.
the significance of the
W.11-12.3 - Writing Deeply engaged the reader Engaged and oriented the Oriented the reader by Struggled to orient the
Write narratives to develop by setting out a problem, reader by setting out a establishing a context and reader. Struggled to use
real or imagined situation, or observation, problem, situation, or introducing a narrator dialogue or description to
experiences or events using AND its significance. observation, AND its and/or characters. Used develop experiences, events
effective technique, well- Established one or multiple significance. Established one dialogue, description, and or characters. Used
chosen details, and well- point(s) of view, and or multiple point(s) of view, pacing to develop transitions to manage the
structured event sequences. introducing a narrator and introducing a narrator experiences, events, and/or sequence of events.
and/or characters. Used and/or characters. Used characters. Used a variety Struggled to convey
dialogue, pacing, dialogue, pacing, of transitions shift from one experiences and events. Did
description, reflection, and description, reflection, and time frame or setting to not provide a conclusion.
multiple plotlines to develop multiple plotlines to develop another. Used descriptions
engaging experiences, experiences, events, and/or and sensory words to
events, and/or characters. characters. Used a variety convey experiences or
Used a variety of transitions of transitions and phrases to events. Provided a
and phrases to build upon build upon each experience conclusion that somewhat
each experience and create and create a coherent follows from the events.
a coherent and engaging whole. Used descriptions
whole. Used descriptions and sensory words to
and sensory words to convey experiences, action,
convey memorable or events. Provided a
experiences, action, or conclusion that follows from
events. Provided a and reflects on the events.
memorable conclusion that
follows from and reflects on
the events.
W.11-12.4 - Writing Produced clear, coherent, Produced clear and coherent Produced writing that was Struggled to produce writing
Produce clear and coherent and engaging writing in writing in which the sometimes clear and that was clear or coherent
writing in which the which the development, development, organization, coherent and the or where the development,
development, organization, organization, and style are and style are appropriate to development, organization, organization, or style was
and style are appropriate to best suited to task, purpose, task, purpose, and or style was somewhat appropriate to task,
task, purpose, and and audience. audience. appropriate to task, purpose, or audience.
audience. purpose, or audience.
W.11-12.5 - Writing Displayed evidence of a Displayed evidence of a Displayed evidence of a Displayed some evidence of
Develop and strengthen STRONG writing process writing process including writing process including an incomplete writing
writing as needed by including planning, revising, planning, revising, editing, planning, revising, editing, process including planning,
planning, revising, editing, editing, rewriting, or trying rewriting, or trying a new rewriting, or trying a new revising, or editing.
rewriting, or trying a new a new approach with a focus approach with a focus on approach.
approach, focusing on on addressing what is most addressing what is most
addressing what is most significant for a specific significant for a specific
significant for a specific purpose and audience. purpose and audience.
purpose and audience.
W.11-12.6 - Writing Used technology, including Used technology, including Used technology, including Did not successfully use
Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, the Internet, to produce, the Internet, to produce and technology to produce and
the Internet, to produce, publish, and update publish, and update publish writing. publish writing.
publish, and update individual or shared writing individual or shared writing
individual or shared writing products in response to products in response to
products in response to ongoing feedback, including ongoing feedback, including
ongoing feedback, including new arguments or new arguments or
new arguments or information. Linked to information.
information. highly relevant and credible
information and displayed
information flexibly and
W.11-12.7.A - Writing Conducted a longer research Conducted a research Conducted a short research Struggled to conduct or
Conduct short as well as project to answer a self- project to answer a self- project to answer a question manage a research project
more sustained research generated question or solve generated question or solve
projects to answer a a problem a problem
question (including a self-
generated question) or
solve a problem
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