Business Models of IoT - From Suppliers To Customer
Business Models of IoT - From Suppliers To Customer
Business Models of IoT - From Suppliers To Customer
An example will best serve here. Some business models can lie
at the intersection of the 03 elements above.
We Call it : pay
UNB (Ultra Narrow Five countries Sigfox offers to 100 bits per Offer by
Band) with covered (France, any company, second - subscription
proprietary radio Spain, United from start-up to Upstream: Each integrating
communication Kingdom, Portugal, large account, device can send communications
protocol layer. Netherlands) and who wants to between zero and and additional
Objects can be seven countries in develop 140 messages per services including
addressed with the process of connected B2C or day and each consulting and
standard protocols deployment B2B solutions. message can development.
from the Internet: (Belgium,
Business sectors: contain up to 12 Price: from 1 to 8
HTTP (S) and MOU Denmark,
emergency and bytes of data - E / object per
as well as the Luxembourg,
security services, Downlink: up to 4 year, depending
ability to create IP Czech Republic,
addresses for each Italy, Ireland and intelligent messages per day on the volume of
object. the United States). buildings, per object. messages
Target of 60 automotive, exchanged by the
countries covered transportation. devices and the
by 2017. number of
Committed to connecting the world Union