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Ronald Stade
ABSTRACT …................................................................................................................1
ABBREVIATIONS ………………………………………………………………..……4
DEFINITIONS …............................................................................................................5
Chapter One
1.1 Introduction ………………………………………….…………………6
EBF: Exclusive breastfeeding
Colostrum: Colostrum is the first fluid that comes from the breast immediately after birth. It is
yellowish in colour and contains high protein and anti bodies. It is often described as the first
form of ‘immunization’ for a new born child.
Exclusive breastfeeding: refers to when infants are not given any other food or liquid
including water during the first six months after delivery.
Exclusive artificial feeding: a feeding method that solely involves the use of none breast milk
Neonate: refers to a new born baby especially one that is less than one month old.
Lactational amenorrhea: it is a natural form of birth control mechanism or protection against
pregnancy that occurs during breastfeeding. The effect is observed to be particularly strong
when breastfeeding is exclusive.
Otitis media: an infection involving the middle ear that is common among infants but is not
limited to them.
Prelacteal feeds: Prelacteal feeds are fluids given to newborns before breastfeeding is initiated
Postpartum: the immediate period after child birth especially the first 6 weeks
Stunting: it is also referred to as ‘shortness’. It is a condition characterised by low height for
age that is caused by insufficient nutrition over a long period and regular infections.
Wasting: this is also known as ‘thinness’. It is a condition characterised by low weight for
height that is caused by acute food shortage.
Weaning: this refers to a practice in the course of breastfeeding during which infants are
gradually introduced to non breast milk foods and thereby leading to cessation of
Wet nurse: a woman who breastfeeds another woman’s baby. In addition to the feeding, a wet
nurse may also be tasked to take care of the baby usually for a fee.
Chapter One
1.1 Introduction
Over the last couple of decades, there has been an increasing interest in the promotion of
exclusive breastfeeding as the ‘best’ feeding method for newborns. This, to a large extent, has
been inspired by mounting scientific evidence on the importance of exclusive breastfeeding in
reducing infant morbidity and mortality. In resource limited settings where poor and sub-
optimal breastfeeding practices frequently result to child malnutrition which is a major cause of
more than half of all child deaths (Sokol et al. 2007), exclusive breastfeeding is regarded as
imperative for infants’ survival. Indeed, of the 6.9 million under five children who were
reported dead globally in 2011, an estimated 1 million lives could have been saved by simple
and accessible practices such as exclusive breastfeeding (WHO, 2012). Consequently, the
WHO and UNICEF (1990) have recommended exclusive breastfeeding for six months,
followed by introduction of complementary foods and continued breastfeeding for 24 months
or more.
In Ghana, an estimated 84% of children younger than 2 months are being exclusively
breastfed. By age 4 to 5 months, however, only 49% continue to receive exclusive
breastfeeding (Ghana Statistical Service & ICF Macro, 2009 p. 187). In order to understand the
dynamics of the practice, several studies have been conducted in Ghana and in many parts of
the world. Much of these studies have focused on factors and barriers to exclusive
breastfeeding (Aidam et al. 2005; Otoo et al. 2009; Senarath et al. 2010). Some too have
looked at the health outcomes of exclusive and non exclusive breastfeeding (Duncan et al.
2009; Coutsoudis et al.1999; Kramer, 2003); while others have also studied the potential role
of husbands in breastfeeding decisions (Arora et al.2000; Susin, et al. 2008). Much less
attempts however, have been made at investigating how the family might influence exclusive
breastfeeding practices especially in sub Saharan Africa. This thesis is thus an endeavour to
meet the current knowledge gaps.
1.2 Background
1.2.1 The historical context of breastfeeding
Humans and apes (all hominoids) have had similar defining features of their reproductive
physiology including lactation and breastfeeding throughout history (Kennedy, 2005); yet
detailed anthropologic work on ancient breastfeeding practices and patterns has rather been
scanty (Sellen, 2009), a dearth that is partly blamed on the male ˗ centred perspectives that
focus primarily on male activities to the neglect of female related ones such as breastfeeding
and child birth (Stuart-Macadam and Dettwyler,1995). Even so, however, breastfeeding has
been reported as an age-old practice that has been very critical not only to the physiology,
growth, and overall well-being of neonates but the physiology and health of women as well
(Stuart-Macadam and Dettwyler, 1995). Indeed, scarcely does a society exist without some
form of infant breastfeeding; for it is one of the practices among human societies that transcend
the boundaries of time and place. The practice has been a method of feeding to which infants
have not only adapted but lived on for most of human existence on earth (ibid). It was also in
the course of several centuries, significantly practiced, respected, and the primary attractor of
many artistic works such as paintings, drawing, and sculptures (Tonz, 2000; Sellen, 2009).
In many ancient societies, breastfeeding practices were often guided by traditions,
ancient medical literatures etc. For instance, the Susruta, an ancient Indian medical text
recommended that "in the six month of its birth the child should be fed on light and wholesome
rice'' (Fildes, 1986 p.16). Similar ancient medical texts such as the Ayur vedic stipulated the
use of breast milk as the sole food for babies until the end of the first year (ibid). Besides, early
religious scriptures such as the Bible and the Quran also had and still have some
recommendations on breastfeeding practices. In Isaiah chapter 66 verse 11, it is mentioned
‘that ye may suck, and be satisfy with the breast of her consolations; that ye may milk out and
be delighted with the abundance of her glory’ (Bible, the book of Isaiah 66:11). The Quran
similarly stipulates that ‘the mothers shall give suck to their children for two whole years, (that
is) for those parents who desire to complete the term of suckling……. And if you decide on a
foster suckling-mother, there is no sin on you, provided you pay the mother what you agreed
on reasonable basis’ (Quran 2:233). Indeed, until the 19th century, breastfeeding was the norm
in virtually all human societies; and almost every child was breastfed regardless of socio-
cultural environment and economic status (Soko et al. 2007). Even when mothers were not in a
position to breastfeed owing to sickness, death, e.tc other women were made to breastfeed the
newborn. Over time, these women, called wet nurses became readily and widely available for
breastfeeding services especially for affluent families. According to Stevens, Patrick and
Pickler (2009) the emergence of wet nursing in human societies first served an ‘alternative of
need’ e.g. during sickness, and later an ‘alternative of choice’ e.g. when it became
commercialized. In Europe for instance, wet nursing became a lucrative employment and had
been the dominant form of infant feeding from early 15th century to mid – 18th century (Grieco
and Corsini, 1991). By late 16th to early 17th century, concerns about wet nursing had grown;
and calls for mothers to breastfeed their own babies were being supported by leading
authorities like Jacques Guillemeau, a French Obstetrician (Stevens, Patrick and Pickler, 2009).
Puritan theologians were also noted to have dedicated sermons and even tracts of behaviour
books to criticism of women who failed to breastfeed their own babies (Fildes, 1986). In spite
of the disapproval and growing rejection of wet nurses’ services, the practice however,
persevered until the 18th and 19th centuries (ibid).
In the 19th century, Justus Von Liebig, a German chemist invented was one of the first
breast milk substitutes. Not long after him, Henri Nestle, another German scientist, as well
invented ‘farine lactee’ (wheat flour with milk) on his arrival in Switzerland in 1843 (Palmer,
2009). Nestle’s new found milk quickly flourished and by 1873, an estimated 500,000 boxes of
farine lactee was sold each year throughout Europe, USA, Mexico, Argentina, and the Dutch
East Indies (ibid p.206). Beginning with the affluent and then poor working mothers, the use of
breast milk substitute became widespread on the heels of intensive advertisements and closed
collaboration with medical practitioners. As a consequence, many mothers were commonly
diagnosed with ‘breast milk insufficiency syndrome’ and then asked to cease breastfeeding
(Avishai, 2009). Almost immediately, breastfeeding rates plummeted throughout Europe and
North America as commercial milk gained dominance from late 19th century to much of the
20th century. It is instructive to note that while wet nursing coexisted and provided alternative
to maternal breastfeeding with little or no harm, the invention of modern breast milk substitute
by contrast, undermined and disturbed the bond between infants and the very act by means of
which they subsisted for centuries.
Perhaps, one of the things for which early breast milk substitutes would continue to be
remembered is the soaring infant mortality that attended to its use. Countless number of the
artificially fed infants suffered from infectious diseases e.g. diarrhoea and died more often than
their breastfed counterparts. In the southern part of Germany where infants were customarily
fed with a mixture of flour, water and animal milk, infant mortality skyrocketed to 400 deaths
per 1000 live births, a proportion that was four times the mortality rate in Norway (Palmer,
2009 p.178). Around the early part of the 20th century however, rising concerns about the risk
of commercial infant milk led in part, to improvements in artificial milk. Sterilization, hygienic
storage facilities, and knowledge about the energy requirements for infants made breast milk
substitutes a relatively safer alternative (Crowther, Reynolds and Tansey, 2009). But even so,
artificially fed babies bore substantial risk of morbidities and deaths compared with the
breastfed ones. In Boston for instance, a study in 1910 reported a six fold likelihood of death
among artificially fed babies than the breastfed ones (Palmer, 2009).
however, have linked the observe improvements in EBF rates to the efficacies of global and
national policy efforts in the 1980s e.g. International Code of Marketing of Breast milk
Substitute, Hospital and Baby Friendly Initiative etc.
Figure 1 Trends in EBF among infants younger than 6 months
months (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2012, p. 828). Duncan et al (2009, p. 867) also
found exclusive breastfeeding to be protective against single and recurrent incidences of otitis
media. Infants who were given supplementary foods prior to 4 months had 40% more episodes
of otitis media than their counterparts.
In the developing world where access to antiviral drugs for HIV infected women is still
difficult, exclusive breastfeeding will be helpful in minimizing HIV 1 transmissions; this was
found in a prospective study of 549 HIV infected breastfeeding mothers in South Africa by
Coutsoudis and colleagues (1999). After adjusting for possible confounders, the researchers
found a significantly lower risk of HIV-1 transmission in children who were exclusively
breastfed for up to 3 months in contrast with those who had complementary feeding prior to 3
months. Mothers who exclusively breastfeed their children also enjoy an advantage of prolong
lactational amenorrhoea (WHO, 2001). The risk of breast and ovarian cancer among
breastfeeding women is also lower than those who use infant formula (WHO, 1990).
Infant feeding practices by age in Ghana
Figure 2
Source: adapted from Ghana Demographic and Health Survey, 2008 p.187
or less urbanized parts of the country where people are more of a social group, that is, they
identify with one another, have shared experiences, strong solidarity, and more importantly
regular interaction.
It is important to note that, the continues existence of the extended family system
despite considerable social changes occasioned by formal education, economic conditions,
migration, and the globalization of western culture, cannot be attributed to chance but to a
number of important roles it performs. In Ghana where state sponsored social welfare services
are nonexistent, the extended family arrangement provides economic and emotional insurances
especially for the vulnerable ones viz. the elderly and children (Nukunya, 2003). The elderly
for instance take care of grand children while the young adults engage in economic activities to
provide for their needs and for the rest of the family. As a social organization wherein care,
protection, and emotional affection are expressed to new members, this type of family
arrangement provides a bigger platform for socializing children into the family and community
as a whole.
Despite the fact that there are many ethnic groups1 in Ghana, viz. Akan (47.5%), Mole
Dagomba (16.6%), Ewe (13.9%), and Ga Dagme (7.4%) (Ghana Statistical Service, 2010 p.5),
with some linguistic and cultural variations, certain family rituals are nonetheless similar. A
case in point is families’ practices on a neonate. A newly born Ghanaian child is customarily
kept indoors for a period of seven days for the reason that (1) the child is vulnerable to both
physical and spiritual harm (2) he/she is seen as a guest from the spiritual realm that may go
back during the first week. Surviving children are thus named on the 7th day amidst colorful
traditional ceremony to formally welcome and sanction the child’s membership to the family.
These ceremonies, called in the local parlance kpodziemo among the Ga, suuna among the
Dagomba, abadinto or dzinto among the Akan, and vihehedego among the Ewe (Salm and
Falola, 2002) are performed by all the different groups. Geography
Located in West Africa, Ghana is bordered with Togo to the east, Burkina Faso to the north,
Ivory Coast to the west, and the Gulf of Guinea to the south. It covers an area of about 238,538
square kilometers. The climate is tropical with both wet and dry seasons. The northern part of
the country has one rainy season that extends from March to November whereas the southern
half experiences two rainy seasons beginning from April to July and from September to
Those mentioned above are the major ethnic groups in Ghana. The rests include: Gurma (5.7%), Guan (3.7%),
Grusi (2.5%), Mande (1.1%), and others (1.4%) (Ghana Statistical Service, 2010 p.34)
November (David, 2009). For administrative purposes, the country is divided into 10 regions
viz. Ashanti, Brong Ahafo, Central, Eastern, Greater Accra, Northern, Upper East, Upper
West, Volta, and Western regions; each comprising several districts. In total there are presently
212 districts in the country.
Figure 3 Map of Ghana
persons per square kilometer (ibid). The percentage of male population is 48.7 in contrast with
51.2 for females. Ghana’s population continues to be youthful with a greater proportion
(38.3%) being children below 15 years, a trend that can be understood partly by the relative
high fertility and declining child mortality due to improvement in public health. Elderly people
aged 65 and above are less visible as they constitute 4.6% of the population. Total fertility rate
in Ghana has been on decline over the past two decades. The rate plummeted from 6.4 per
woman in1988 to 4.4 in 1998 and to 4.0 per woman in 2008 (GSS and IFC Macro, 2009).
Figure 4 Age structure of Ghana’s population
reduced from 77 deaths to 50 deaths per 1000 live births (Unicef et al.2011). While these
reductions have been substantial and promising, a great deal of commitment nonetheless still
needs to be made in order to achieve the target of Millennium Development Goal (hereinafter
referred to as MDG) 4 i.e. from 122 deaths in 1990 to 41 deaths per 1000 live births by 2015
(ibid). Like many other health indicators, rates of child and infant mortality in Ghana are
unequally distributed along regional, rural/urban, socioeconomic status and education. Infant
mortality for instance stands as low as 36 deaths in Greater region to as high as 97 deaths per
1000 live births in Upper West region (GSS and IFC Macro, 2009). Similar variations exist in
under five death rates between mothers with no education (102 deaths per 1000 live births) and
those with basic education (68 deaths per 1000 live births).
and sustained efforts at combating the condition is not only critical for improvements in child’s
health but central to the achievement of three of the eight MDGs namely elimination of hunger
(MDG1), reduction in child mortality (MDG4), and reduction in maternal mortality (MDG5).
1.3 Primary scientific problem
That infants below 6 months of age have not yet fully developed to make use of other foods
besides breast milk has been well established among Public Health scientists; hence the
recommendation for EBF for all children under six months old. Even so, however, efforts to
promote EBF have either in most cases achieved less than desired outcomes or run into severe
problems. One contributory factor to such outcomes is that public health interventions more
often than not are tailored to meet the individual needs of breastfeeding mothers without taking
into account the wider impact of family influence on behaviour and decision making. This
perhaps is conceivable given the poor understanding of family influences on infant feeding
particularly in rural areas. An in-depth understanding of family structures in rural communities
is thus central to the development of comprehensive approaches to health interventions and
education services in Ghana.
out the influences of family on breastfeeding practices to the fore, this study will be salutary; as
it will contribute to a better understanding of how essential health interventions with proven
empirical efficacy such as EBF can be promoted. It is also hoped that this study’s outcome will
contribute to the growing body of scientific knowledge on infant feeding practices and how to
design and situate health interventions in rural communities. Moreover, this research will in no
doubt serve as a basis for future research.
Chapter Two
2.1. Determinants of Exclusive Breastfeeding
Determinants of EBF are the factors or conditions that might lead to some changes in the
practice by for instance encourage or impede it. The extent to which these determinants or
factors affect EBF is fairly complex and varies from one country to another and/or between
different groups in the same country. Some are biological and beyond women’s control (e.g.
Breast engorgement, nipple problems etc.) while others are combinations of economic,
environmental, cultural, social etc. Albeit with quantitative approaches, several of these
determinants have been extensively studied and documented in recent years.
In a research to examine the perceive incentives and barriers to EBF among pre-urban
Ghanaian women, Otoo, Larty and Perez-Escamilla (2009) found supposed milk insufficiency,
family pressure, breast and nipple problems, and maternal employment as barriers to EBF. The
risk of diseases resulting from poor sanitation, readily availability of breast milk after birth and
the high cost of infant formula were also inter alia identified as motivations to EBF. An earlier
study by Perez-Escamillia, et al. (1995) in three Latin American countries (Brazil, Honduras
and Mexico) also revealed that lower socioeconomic status (in Honduras and Mexico), prior
planning on EBF duration (in all the 3 countries), maternal unemployment (in Brazil and
Honduras), hospital delivery facilities that had breastfeeding promotion services, and having a
baby girl (in Brazil and Honduras) were all positively associated with EBF. In a similar study
to assess factors associated with EBF in Accra, Ghana, Aidam and colleagues (2005) too
reported delivery at hospital/polyclinic, prior intention or planned EBF at birth, higher
education, socioeconomic status, and positive attitudes towards EBF as the most essential
support factors for EBF (P.793).
Further research in Mazabuka of Southern Zambia by Fjeld et al. (2008) similarly found
feelings of breast milk inadequacy, perception of ‘bad milk’, limited knowledge about EBF,
and conventional family expectations as obstructions to EBF. Indeed, several other researchers
(Senerath, Dibley and Agho, 2010; Arora, Mcjunkin, Wehrer and Kuhn, 2000; Alemayehu,
Haidar and Habte, 2009) have also linked the practice of EBF to factors similar to the
aforesaid. Whereas some of the aforementioned determinants have been consistently
recognized as barriers to EBF (e.g. perception of milk insufficiency, maternal employment,
inadequate knowledge etc.), others have been less straight forward. For instance, the
connection between breastfeeding mothers’ level of education and desirable or undesirable
breastfeeding practices has been wavering from one study to another and in some cases from
one form of behaviour to another in the same study. Educated mothers in Western Uganda for
example were on one hand, more inclined to use prelacteal feeds; and yet on the other hand
were also likely to prepare nutritionally good complementary food for their children (Wamani
et al. 2005). The difficulty in relation to education’s role in this instance is whether education
enhances one’s cooking abilities or it is increased incomes resulting from education that
occasions one’s ability to prepare good complementary foods. In the work by Okolo,
Adewunimi, and Okonji (1999), mothers with some form of education e.g. post primary
(97.8%) and elementary (93%) were more likely than those with no education (2.5%) to feed
their babies with colostrums (p.324). Similarly, studies that have identified socioeconomic
status as a determinant of EBF are as well inconsistent and appear to be tentative or relevant to
the specific study areas; high socioeconomic status for instance was found to be an enabling
factor for EBF in Ghana by Aidam et al. (2005) while the reverse was found from the Latin
America study by Perez-Escamilla et al (1995). Additional research on the role of these less
straight forward determinants will thus be useful.
It appears to suggest at least from the cited findings that the determinants of EBF are
numerous and many of them as demonstrated above are frequently reported in different parts of
the world. All the same, it is plausible to think that success rates in Public health interventions
that are designed to promote EBF will improve if a broad-spectrum of these determinants is
taken into account.
2.2 Pre-breastfeeding practices
Early initiation of breastfeeding especially within the first hour after birth is of fundamental
importance to the processes of lactation and for that matter the success of breastfeeding of any
kind. That is, frequency of suckling and its duration are key determinants to how much milk is
produced and to some extent, the nutrient content of the milk (Quandt, 1995). Therefore, the
more the frequency and duration of suckling increases, the greater the quantity of milk that is
produce and the converse is true (ibid). For this and several other reasons e.g. vulnerability to
infections, the use of prelacteal feeds 2 which is shown to cause delay in early initiation of
breastfeeding is discouraged unless medically sanctioned. The practice however, is very
widespread and neonates are frequently offered varied combinations of fluids including herbs
prior to initiation of breastfeeding.
Among health care workers in Kaduna township, Nigeria, Akuse and Obinya, (2002)
reported that prelacteal feeds are given for variety of reasons: nurses are more prone to give it
on account of perceived insufficient production of breast milk, for doctors, prelacteal feeds are
Prelacteal feeds are fluids given to newborns before breastfeeding is initiated
given to prevent dehydration, neonatal jaundice, and hypoglycomia whereas for the non
medical staff it is given to ‘quench thirst’, ‘rest the mother’ etc.
In some cases the practice also appears to be rooted in tradition and fuelled by mistaken
beliefs about breastfeeding. Among the Kasem and Nankani in rural northern Ghana for
instance, new-borns to primiparous mothers are regularly given out to wet nurses or ‘fed on
herbal teas’ whilst the mother is taken through a cultural cleansing for a period of 3 or 4 days
depending on the sex of the child (Aborigo et al. 2012). Newborns in the savannah region of
Nigeria similarly have an average of 47.7 hours to be breastfed for the first time postpartum
(Okolo, Ademunmi and Okinji, 1999). In one rural community of India, many breastfeeding
mothers have been reported by Kaushal et al. (2005) as having likeness to give prelacteal feeds
(usually honey and ghutty) before breastfeeding; and for some grandmothers, breastfeeding
initiation is dependent on a baby’s time of delivery. ‘If the baby was born in the morning,
breastfeeding was started in the evening after seeing the stars’ (p. 367). In the study by Fjeld
et al. (2008) in southern Zambia, it was also realized that whereas most mothers were not in
favour of giving pre-lacteal feeds, others actively did; and in some cases water or herbs were
given in order to ‘wet the mouth’ or ‘throat’ of the new born’.
Arguably, one of the most widely reported sources of influence on infant feeding across
Africa, Asia, and south/Latin America has been an infant’s paternal grandmother; Kerr et al.
(2008) in the northern part of Malawi, concluded on the overwhelming influence of
grandmothers and even called for a discussion between them and health practitioners (p. 1103).
In their study on grandmother breastfeeding support in Texas, Grassley and Eschiti (2008)
argued that the act of breastfeeding is one in which the experiences and support of
grandmothers are not only at all times needed by new mother, but their breastfeeding advocacy
as well. According to Aubel (2006) these influences of grandmothers on infant feeding are
reasonable expectations from them given their role as information providers or what he
describes as ‘managers of indigenous knowledge’ (p.1)
maize, rice, etc. that are not only difficult to digest but nutritionally poor. Nti and Lartey
(2007) in a study on young child feeding practices and nutritional status in rural Ghana
reported a general use of unfortified koko (a low nutrient porridge) as the first complementary
food among 65% of mothers. Only 27% of the respondents studied had fortified their
complementary food with legume flour and groundnut pate (p.329). Similar observations were
made by Fjled et al. (2008) in the city of Mazzuka in southern Zambia, where the common
complementary food that is introduced from age 2 to 6 months is maize flour light porridge
often fortified with vitamin A, salt, pounded groundnut etc.
This lack of easy access to nutritionally sufficient and uncontaminated weaning foods
coupled with concerns about breast milk insufficiency after 4 months have generated a certain
feeling of ‘weanling’s dilemma’; a dilemma that involves different views and discussions over
the universality of the optimal duration (six months) of exclusive breastfeeding (Kramer et al.
2003; Fangillo and Habicht, 1997). The debate is centred on the awareness that too early (i.e.
before to six months) introduction of non-breast milk foods places an infant at a high risk of
infectious diseases; yet, too much delay in giving complementary foods could also result to
growth faltering occasioned by low nutritional status particularly zinc, iron and protein
(Michaelsen, et al. 2000). Critics of the current universal recommendation of EBF are basically
concerned with two issues: (1) that the recommendation to exclusively breastfeed all infants in
all populations is driven by biomedical considerations to the neglect of local environment and
culture (Moffat, 2001) and (2) that delayed complementary feeding occasioned by EBF
contributes to growth faltering. While the former argument is based on the culturally dependent
nature of breastfeeding, the latter is premised on conclusions from a number of studies in the
industrialized countries (e.g. Copenhagen, Italy, Finland etc.) that infants with longer duration
of breastfeeding experience slower growth compared to those with earlier weaning (See
Michaelsen et al. 2000). Other studies however, have failed to corroborate such incidences of
growth faltering. In the developing world for instance, studies from rural Kenya and rural
Senegal have failed to confirm the existence of weanling’s dilemma. While the Kenyan study
showed a positive relationship between duration of breastfeeding and growth, the Senegal one
similarly reported a favourable effect of breastfeeding on growth even up to 28 months of age
(Habicht, 2000 p. 196). Also in a review study involving 22 independent clinical trials and
observational studies on weanling’s dilemma, Kramer and Kakuma (2009) found no objective
evidence of a weanlings’ dilemma for exclusively breastfed infants in both developed and
developing countries (p.2). Earlier study by Kramer and Colleagues (2003) on growth and
health effects of 3 compared with 6 months of exclusive breastfeeding in Belarus concluded
that exclusive breastfeeding is linked with a low risk of gastrointestinal infection and no
negative health effects in the first year of life. Indeed, in studies where exclusive breastfeeding
had reportedly led to growth deficits, reverse causality (see Habicht, 2000) and in some
instances selection bias, and confounding (Kramer and Kakuma, 2009) accounted for such
observed difference.
Chapter Three
3.1 Selecting the study area and why?
Given that qualitative research data from interviews are presented in words and not numbers,
an understanding of respondents’ language and perhaps culture, was judged to be critical. This
was to ensure that the original and actual responses of interviewees were to a large extent,
freed from possibilities of mistranslation and misunderstanding due to language barrier. The
researcher in recognition of this reality and on account of his fluency in the subjects’ language
thus chose to conduct the fieldwork in Moglaa, a rural community in the Savelugu-Nanton
The municipality is one of the twenty districts/municipalities that comprise the northern
region of Ghana. It is located about 27km south of the regional capital, Tamale. It has a total
population of 139,283 comprising 55,252 urban and 84,031 rural dwellers (Ghana Statistical
Service, 2010). The estimated number of households in the municipality is about 14,669 with
an average household size of 9.4 (ibid). The municipality is predominantly agro based with
about 97% of the economically active population engaged in peasant farming. Maize, rice,
yam, beans, and soya beans are some of the staple food crops that are grown. Shea nut, cotton
and cashew are the only cash crops in the district (Ministry of local government and Maks
Publication & Media Services, 2006). It has one hospital, three health centres, two clinics, two
health posts, and one health compound. Doctor to patient ratio as of 2005 was 1:25572 whereas
that of nurse to patient stood at 1:2582 (ibid). The number of health facilities with baby
friendly design increased from 18% in 2003 to 62% in 2005. During the same period, the
number of underweight children declined from 49% to 43% whiles those with stunted growth
also decreased from 45.8% to 40% (ibid).
the context allows for without fear of getting off track from a predetermined list of questions
characteristic of other methods of interviewing e.g. the interview guide approach (Patton,
This type of interviewing approach however is not without limitations. Due to its
greater degree of flexibility, unstructured interviews entail a likelihood that more data might be
obtained from some respondents than others (ibid, p. 347). Because interviews involve two or
more persons, unwillingness to cooperate on the part of subjects could also undermine the
depth and breadth of information required to understand a social phenomenon from the
respondent’s perspective. Inadequate or lack of knowledge about subjects’ native language and
culture might as well lead to misinterpretation and misunderstanding of responses (Marshall
and Rossman, 2006).
of purposive sampling. With this type of sampling, subjects were recruited by the researcher
because they possessed some characteristic and which in the researcher’s view was relevant for
the study.
employed to mark all parts of the written discourse that contained one category or another. 1
for instance, was used to code ‘breastfeeding’; 2 for ‘family relatives’; 3 for ‘knowledge’ and
so on. These categories were reduced into a much smaller size by grouping similar and related
ones so as to arrive at new generated categories which were largely ‘analyst constructed
typologies’. That is, the typologies were formations made by the researcher and were not
essentially used in explicit form by respondents (Patton, 2002). All the conceptual expressions
and patterns that emerged from participants were categorised in a way that reflected the salient
and subtle meaning participants attached to their expressions. As further analysis of data
progressed, the initially identified concepts and categories were constantly interpreted and
modified to build an understanding and coherent picture of family influences on EBF.
anonymous and undisclosed during and after the studies. Full disclosure about the study was
again made to participants and their respective concerns were also addressed accordingly.
3.6.2 Beneficence and risk
This study had no direct or immediate benefits for participants. It was however, envisaged that
by studying the influences of family on breastfeeding practices, this research’s outcome will
help to define the most important questions that would informed public health policy in the
district. It will also contribute to the growing body of scientific knowledge on how to design
and situate health interventions in rural communities.
Participation in the study equally entailed little or no risk at all for subjects. Although it
never manifested, some respondents however, might have felt uncomfortable in sharing their
family expectations and life experiences with someone they did not know particularly when the
principal researcher was a man.
3.7.1 Validity
Validity as used in this study also stands for research ‘trustworthiness’ or ‘credibility’.
Maxwell (2005) defined validity as the ‘’ correctness or credibility of a description, conclusion,
explanation, interpretation, or other form of account’’ (p.106). A common ‘validity threat’ that
is often discussed in qualitative inquiry and which was considered relevant in this study is the
researcher’s ‘bias’, preferably called ‘subjectivity’ in qualitative studies (ibid). It involves the
possibility of obtaining data that fits or corroborates the researcher’s prior notions, values,
beliefs, or even theories. This is conceivable in view of the fact that ‘value free’ qualitative
inquiry is hard if not impossible to achieve. Rather, what is important is for the qualitative
researcher to recognise and take into account how his/her own values and preconceptions
might have influenced the study’s findings; and the range of measures/steps that were taken to
tone down their impact (Patton, 2002). Validity and for that matter credibility in this study was
ensured through data triangulation (using multiple or variety of data sources); interviews in this
study were therefore not limited to breastfeeding mothers’ account or experience, but to other
sources viz. traditional birth attendance and family members e.g. grandmothers and
3.7.2 Consistency
Consistency in qualitative research, alternatively called reliability, is employed to determine
the reasonable degree to which a study’s finding can be reproduced by a different researcher
(or even the same researcher) in similar or the same social environment. The whole idea of
‘replication’ in qualitative inquiry is problematic particularly because of its implicit suggestion
about the existence of ‘objective truth’ against which the ‘reliability’ or ‘consistency’ of one
research finding would be measured. Different layers of complexity associated with human
social behaviour and the fluidity of our social world further makes claims or efforts for
reliability complicated. Despite the intricacy however, qualitative researchers have not
abandoned hope in strengthening the reliability of their findings. A varying number of
strategies thus exist to that end.
To ensure consistency in this study, the researcher took a number of steps during the interview
stage, transcription stage, and the analysis stage. Leading questions for instance, were
completed avoided in order to obtain unprejudiced responses and experiences of subjects. The
researcher did not also hesitate to seek more clarifications on matters that were not clearly
understood. Subsequent to the interview transcription, one of the research assistants, who was
equally fluent in the interview language was made to compare the audio recorded oral
discourse with the written discourse (the transcribe work); all his suggestions were evaluated
and used appropriately to ensure consistency.
3.7.3 Transferability
When studies are transferable, they are reasonably useful to colleague researchers with similar
research problem and under similar milieu. As used in qualitative or interpretative inquiries,
the notion of transferability delineates the extent to which the finding of a qualitative study in
context ‘A’ can be generalized to ‘B’, where ‘B’ is a population in a similar or with
comparable characteristics. Thus, any new gain in perspective or knowledge is transferable to
similar populations irrespective of demographic features (Dahlgren, Emmelin, and Winkvist,
2007). Given how breastfeeding as a worldwide human practice is shaped by culture, the extent
to which the present findings would be transferable is difficult to ascertain. Nevertheless, the
use of several informants within the family setting, the clear delimitation of the study, and the
explicit description of the methods that were employed are expected to aid concerns for
transferability especially in similar populations.
perseverance. In the words of Bandura (2004), ‘unless people believe they can produce desired
effects by their actions, they have little incentive to act or to persevere in the face of
difficulties’ (p. 144) That is, individuals’ actions or inactions are closely tied to their perceived
capacity to produce desired results. Although important in modifying individuals’ beliefs and
lifestyles, self-efficacy however, is not an independent determinant of behaviour. It is always
an impetus which in concert with other determinants e.g. perceived outcome works to produce
a desired effect. Perceived outcome is a negative or positive self evaluation of one’s behaviour
or action. From a social perspective, Perceived outcome may also refer to any kind of approval
or disapproval that accompanies’ an individual’s action or behaviour (ibid). For any anticipated
positive or good outcome, people are likely to put up behaviours to that effect while on the
other hand, the same or similar behaviours may be withheld if the anticipated outcome is
deemed to be bad or negative. In all cases nonetheless, individuals’ behaviour change efforts
can be impeded by personal, socio-structural, economic, cultural, religious, or environmental
factors etc.
In relation to breastfeeding behaviours, previous use of this theoretical framework did
lead to some important insights. In one study for instance, Kessler et al. (1995) showed that a
woman’s significant other (an important or influential person in somebody’s life) was found to
be strongly and positively affected by intention to breastfeed. The theory’s application in this
study is similarly hoped to broaden our understanding and ability to explain EBF in the context
of rural families.
Chapter Four
4.1 Demographic characteristics of Participants
This study included a total of fourteen participants from Moglaa, a rural community in the
Savelugu/Nanton Municipality. Of the total participants, there were five breastfeeding women,
four grandmothers, two traditional birth attendants, one grandfather, one husband, and one
breastfeeding support group leader. All participants were Dagombas and for that reason were
culturally homogeneous. Nine of them were Muslims while five were Christians. The
breastfeeding mothers had children aged 5 to 20 months. One breastfeeding woman was a first
time mother while the others were multiparous with about four children on average. Thirteen
participants had no basic or any form of formal education whereas one breastfeeding mother
was formally educated up to vocational level. In addition to working as housewives, the
breastfeeding women were also engaged in farming, trading, or hair dressing. Besides lacking
exact information on their ages, the respondents were also sensitive to questions about age and
were therefore allowed to give estimates. The youngest mother was about 22 years old whereas
the eldest was above 35 years old. Three of the grandmothers were about 65 years and the
other was about 50 or more years old. The grandfather too was more than 65 years. Two
participants (the husband and the breastfeeding support group leader) declined from giving
estimates about their ages.
4.2 Four Themes
Following analysis of the interview data, four themes emerged in relation to the forms of
family influences on EBF viz.: family knowledge of breastfeeding, family beliefs and
practices, collective sense of duty, and learning to breastfeed.
4.2.1 Family Knowledge of Breastfeeding
Participants showed familiarity with the concept and practice of excusive breastfeeding.
Nursing mothers in particular demonstrated a good level of knowledge on the benefits of EBF
and early initiation of breastfeeding. Irrespective of whether deliveries were made at home or
clinic, all the mothers reported being aware that newborns should be breastfed early and
exclusively during the first six months. Early initiation of breastfeeding was said not only to be
good for the child but is also needed when ‘the placenta delays or fails to come out after
delivery, breastfeeding then should be initiated in order to facilitate that’ (1st Traditional birth
attendant, breastfeeding support group leader). On the position of colostrums in infant feeding,
all breastfeeding mothers reported being informed ‘that colostrum is good for our children
because it gives them strength and good intellect’ (2nd breastfeeding mother). Another
participant also made related observations regarding her past and present attitude to colostrum:
For my first born, I didn’t feed him with colostrum although it was not expressed either. But I
did feed this baby with it. We are told it is very good for the child. That it gives him strength
and good intellect (3rd breastfeeding mother).
Other family members especially males (husband and grandfather) had little
information on exclusive breastfeeding recommendations. The male respondents viewed issues
relating to breastfeeding as the preserve of women. In response to a query on the forms of
guidance offered to new nursing mothers for instance, a male respondent answered that ‘it is
for the traditional birth attendants or old women to show them and not us’ (Grandfather).
Another male respondent corroborated the male perspective on breastfeeding in the dialogue
Researcher: can you share with me your role [as a husband] in breastfeeding?
Respondent: as for breastfeeding, it hinges on our mothers [the baby’s grandmother].
They are responsible for all the training a woman would require especially for the first
time mothers who have no such experience (Husband).
While all the Grandmothers did demonstrate some level of awareness about EBF, not all of
them did exhibit approval and commitment to the practice. The following dialogue between the
researcher and a grandmother exemplifies that.
Researcher: can you tell me your position on giving babies water before the sixth
Respondent: Hmmm! I will never allow my child to be thirsty. I will always give him
water. I heard something like that on one occasion when I visited the Savelugu Hospital
and we were told not to introduce water to the babies until 6 months later. I didn’t say
anything, what I did was to remain silent about it and continued to give small quantity
of water to him each time I bathed him. Water adds energy to the body so if you don’t
give the child water, he/she will continue to remain light weighted (1st grandmother).
Some of the breastfeeding mothers further reported being aware of the wavering commitment
of their mother-in laws; this is also contained in the following dialogue:
Researcher: Has there been any occasion where your baby was given water before 6
Respondent: Yes there was. The child’s grandmother insisted that the child cannot
abstain from drinking water until 6 months as such she used to secretly give him water
after bathing him. Later he started having stomach aches and then the doctors said
there was plenty water in his stomach (1st breastfeeding mother).
In response to a question of preference between EBF and mix feeding, the lack of full
commitment by some participants became apparent as one respondent revealed that: ‘truly,
giving some water will be my choice. ‘Just imagine someone living without water for up to six
months?’ (2nd traditional birth attendant). When babies are still very young, it appears water is
only given immediately after bathing him/her ˗ which happens twice daily (morning and
evening). Because of that, one breastfeeding woman reported taken certain steps to prevent the
practice: I always make sure I’m present when my baby is being bathed so he has never been
given water……… because they are old people, if you are not around, they may be tempted to
do it( 4th breastfeeding woman).
child to enable you do your work; she is also responsible for bathing the child every day’ (4th
breastfeeding woman). Male members of the family especially the husband and grandfather
have little participation in direct breastfeeding matters because of the thinking that issues
relating to breastfeeding are for traditional birth attendants or the grandmothers, not us
(grandfather). These male family members nonetheless were found to be supportive and
showed concern when a child is sick, crying, or fails to sleep at night. This was demonstrated
in the dialogue below:
Researcher: What kind of assistance do you normally get from your husband in relation
to breastfeeding?
Respondent: Not much. He only calls you to breastfeed the child when he/she is crying
and you are busy doing something; in that case he will ask you to leave whatever you are
doing and feed the baby first (4th breastfeeding woman). Other nursing women expressed
similar comments about the little involvement of fathers and for that matter adult male family
members on breastfeeding issues ‘except when the child is sick or is crying’ (1st breastfeeding
woman). For the father, a baby’s cry is understood to mean either a want for breast milk or that
the baby is not well. If the cry is interpreted to mean the former, and the breastfeeding mother
is not around the immediacy of the child; this then elicits the father’s intervention to call her or
take the baby to where she is.
Further description of the practice was again detailed by another respondent in the dialogue
Researcher: Are you aware of any ritual(s) or use of concoction that is linked to
breastfeeding or is done after child birth?
Respondent: The one I know is called ‘pakopilla moag’ which is undertaking to protect
the child from harm caused by ‘pakopilla’
Researcher: Can you describe what that means?
Respondent: When a woman’s husband dies and she begins to engage in sexual
activities before being married again then she is not supposed to take or come across
new born babies. If she does that, the baby will become sick. The herbal concoction is
therefore given to the baby to prevent such sicknesses.
Researcher: How is the herbal concoction administered?
Respondent: The baby is bathed with it and made to drink a small quantity.
Researcher: When is it done?
Respondent: Just after delivery (3rd breastfeeding woman)
Not all the respondents reported having observed the practice in their families. Those who
reported abstinence (three breastfeeding women) from the practice had either abandoned the
traditional account of disease aetiology or were motivated by their faith (Islam or Christianity).
On the whole, participants who professed Christianity were more likely to completely give up
any use of concoction in relation to breastfeeding while whose professed Islam were more
inclined to use an alternative concoction deemed to be ‘Islamic’. One such respondent recalled
that ‘the baby’s father gave him a concoction prepared by writing some Quranic verses for him
to drink. The purpose is to protect the baby from evil forces and harm’ (2nd Grandmother).
Besides the ritual concoctions meant for newborns, participants again identified ‘nyuhibu’
[which literally refers to the process of aiding someone to drink something] as a Dagbon
traditional ritual concoction that is performed to essentially increase breast milk supply. ‘Cow
milk, millet, and other ingredients are the ones required to prepare the drink’ (grandfather).
Neither every male member of the family nor the family head can make the ritual. Only few
people have the knowhow; and ‘we have only two of them in this community’ (Husband).
Unlike the pakopilla herbal concoction, the ‘nyuhibu’ ritual concoction is made for only
breastfeeding women ‘and once they drink it, the milk will become plentiful by the end of that
day’ (Husband).
In addition to the aforementioned practices, participants in this study also held a belief
that a drop of breast milk on a baby’s penis would lead to impotency in adulthood. Such effect
of the breast milk is connected to the presence of the ‘bad hair’ (the hair with which a baby is
born) which is usually shaved on the 7th birth day. It is thus strongly recommended to cover a
baby’s nether region whilst breastfeeding during that period. This was expounded by a
traditional birth attendant in the following:
‘What is encouraged especially during the first week of breastfeeding is to cover a baby boy’s
penis while breastfeeding. This will prevent the breast milk from dripping on the penis which
when happens, causes infertility later in life; In some cases, the infertility can only be
overcome after the death of the man’s mother’ (2nd Traditional birth attendant).
Another belief that was reported by some participants is the relationship between breastfeeding
and pregnancy. On the average, children in the community are breastfed for two and half years
and thereafter weaned. On few occasions however, a child could be weaned much earlier than
the norm as a result of an onset of pregnancy. Breast milk during pregnancy is ‘believed to be
warm and causes diarrhoea as well’ (breastfeeding support group leader).
Respondent: People from the clinic used to come and teach us three times every month.
They later stopped but have now started again.
Researcher: Is the teaching done at your homes or where?
Respondent: it is done at the clinic. Two women are trained by the by clinic and they
too will come and teach us (1st breastfeeding mother).
In addition to the clinic and the women support group, breastfeeding mothers again identified
grandmothers (mother- in laws), and traditional birth attendants as other important resources on
breastfeeding. Grandmothers and traditional birth attendants were particularly named for
providing guidance on appropriate breastfeeding positions and how to ensure good attachment.
One grandmother pointed out that they ‘normally educate breastfeeding women on the kinds of
food items that can increase milk supply. We also educate them on how to properly position the
baby for optimal feeding’ (Grandmother). Another nursing mother recalled after her delivery
that ‘it was she [the baby’s paternal grandmother] who guided me on the basic techniques of
infant feeding such as how to correctly position the child for successful breastfeeding’ (4th
breastfeeding woman).
On traditional birth attendants, nursing mothers indicated that ‘they also provide lots of
support. They are still very active in teaching us about breastfeeding although the hospital is
taking over that duty. Pregnant women in some cases may give birth at home and they will be
in charge. But the Traditional Birth Attendants and the hospital are now together since they
teach them about current breastfeeding methods’ (1st breastfeeding woman).
Whereas all the aforementioned learning platforms constituted the major learning resources for
all the nursing mothers, observation too was named by some respondents and confirmed by
family significant others as a learning tool. Breastfeeding in the presence of family and friends
or even in public places is an acceptable practice is most rural and urban Ghana. This provides
an indirect learning platform for some expectant mothers who are interested in learning.
Observational learning in most instances was linked with nursing mothers’ previous role as
baby caretakers. With the exception of one participant, the rest of the breastfeeding participants
recalled being a child caretaker at some point in time and that means ‘you will have another
opportunity to learn something about breastfeeding’ (2nd breastfeeding mother). Such
observational learning by child caretakers was again pointed out by a traditional birth attendant
in an interview. She emphasised that ‘a caregiver may even offer her own breast to a baby
although it contains no milk yet; this is one of the strategies baby caregivers normally use
when a baby is crying for milk and the mother is not immediately available’ (2nd traditional
birth attendant).
4.3 Discussion of Results
The findings of this study highlight the influences of family on EBF in rural Ghana. The study
reveals that decisions on how an infant is breastfed in an extended family setting are influenced
by complex cultural, religious, power and gender relations, and socio-structural factors. For
purposes of clarity, the following discussions will again be grouped into the four themes
presented above.
An exception is when breastfeeding related rituals need to be performed; and this is because men are often
the performers of such rituals.
grandmothers on the other hand were found to be very supportive and influential on how
infants’ are breastfed. Their influential role as found in this present study corroborates an
earlier finding by Kerr and colleagues (2008) in the northern part of Malawi. Similar studies
have also reported the advocacy function of grandmothers (Grassley and Eschiti, 2008) and
grandmothers as ‘managers of indigenous knowledge’ (Aubel, 2006 p.1). Besides their
influence, they had also been moderately informed about EBF recommendations which
although promising, seem in adequate in winning their commitment for the practice. Some of
them as noted early on questioned the relevance of allowing babies to be thirsty over a six
month period. The lack of commitment on their part can fairly be explained by disparities on
EBF familiarity. More often than not, information on EBF recommendations is primarily
tailored to meet the needs of breastfeeding mothers as if they live in isolation from other family
members. Such approach consequently creates disparities in levels of understanding between
breastfeeding mothers and their family relatives; and this is especially true for paternal
grandmothers who notwithstanding their level of influence, are often left out in many public
health interventions. Traditional birth attendants also exhibited a good understanding about
breastfeeding recommendations primarily because of their closed working relations with the
community nurses.
practices connected to breastfeeding was previously noticed by Aborigo and colleagues (2012)
in a related study in northern Ghana. Moreover it is tempting to think that the biomedical
account of disease aetiology and prevention techniques is gaining acceptance among sections
of rural families. This is a least evidenced by the full commitment and trust with which
breastfeeding women have reposed in exclusive breastfeeding recommendations.
In contrast with the aforementioned practice, the ‘nyuhibu’ ritual as reported in this
study is mainly carried out to increase breast milk supply. In the past, most women who were
thought to lack adequate breast milk supply had their babies’ breastfed by wet nurses ˗ who
were mainly family relations or friends. Due to changing perceptions about wet nursing among
the families, the practice is no longer in use and women with perceived breast milk
insufficiency problems are ask to visit the clinic if the ‘nyuhibu’ breast milk ritual fails to yield
satisfactory results. Although newborns are not directly involved in the ritual, its success or
failure significantly influences how a baby is fed.
It is instructive to learn that the interests of breastfeeding mothers are considered less
important and practically have no effect on the performance of traditional or religious
breastfeeding rituals. The paternal grandmother, father, and the grandfather are basically the
decision makers. In a qualitative study in Mozambique, Arts et al. (2011) made similar
conclusions on the role of these family actors in influencing decisions on exclusive
breastfeeding. Also important to point out are some of the breastfeeding related beliefs that
were found. One of them is the belief that a drop of breast milk on a baby’s penis will lead to
impotency if it happens before the baby’s seven birth day. An important part of the belief as
stated early on is the presence of the ‘bad hair’ which implies that any drips of breast milk
subsequent to shaving such bad hair may not occasion the impotence. Accidentally, the effect
of this particular belief on EBF seems to be neutral because it neither encourages nor impedes
a quest to exclusively breastfeed. In a similar vein, respondents’ perception of breastfeeding
during pregnancy further adds to how breastfeeding as a universal act is understood and shaped
by cultural beliefs and practices. These beliefs about how breastfeeding is affected and/or
affects some acts and bodily states or processes e.g. pregnancy, have again been observed in
many other cultures. Awumbila (2003) for instance, also reported early cessation of
breastfeeding due to pregnancy among the Kusasi in northern Ghana, while among newly
delivered mothers in Nigeria, Ojofeitimi (1981) as cited in Popkin et al. (1983) found that
majority (88.3%) of the respondents studied refrained from after birth sexual contact for fear
that the baby ‘might suck sperm from the breast which might eventually lead to diarrhoea’
(p.14). All these aforementioned beliefs and practices in one form or another constitute the
cultural/religious explanatory factors that influence exclusive breastfeeding practices among
the families studied.
The results further indicate that male members of a family especially the father and the
grandfather have little participation in matters of direct breastfeeding import. This result is
slightly different from findings in a study by Aborigo et al. (2012) in Kassena - Nankana
district of northern Ghana where males were found to have had considerable involvement in
breastfeeding matters (p. 8). Albeit their little participation, the male family members were
found to be concerned when a baby is sick, consistently fails to sleep at night, or crying; and
this again is explained by the gender based division of responsibility. Men are considered bread
winners of the family while women are practically responsible for domestic works such as
cooking, cleaning, child care etc. which are done under the supervision of grandmothers.
Because of this division of labour, the tacit assumption is that everyone (the male ˗ female
divide) performs or at least is expected to perform his/her role with little or no interference
from the other divide except when something is perceived to have gone amiss. So depending
on how a baby’s cry is interpreted, a husband or grandfather for that matter might intervene to
help remedy the ‘situation’ by for instance, consulting a soothsayer, or herbalist if the cry is
interpreted to mean spiritual sickness. A husband may also provide money for medical and
transport expenses if a child is deemed to require clinical treatment.
Learning to breastfeed
Finally, the data from this study as indicated in the results identified a relatively varied means
through which nursing mothers acquired knowledge on breastfeeding. The main learning
resources for breastfeeding women included the community nurses, family guidance, regular
education from the women’s breastfeeding support group, and observation. Much of the
education from the nurses is targeted at breastfeeding women especially postpartum. Learning
activities of the women’s breastfeeding support group as alluded to earlier constitute not just a
regular learning resource but an important source of support for nursing mothers who are
paying attention to EBF. Notwithstanding the group’s manifest goal of providing support for
breastfeeding mothers and child welfare promotion in general, it is still nonetheless interesting
to question the primary inspiration behind the group’s formation. After all, both the community
clinic and the family system are designed to accomplish similar goals. This, to reasonable
extent, is explained by the group’s latent desire to meet their unmet support and learning needs
through collective action. By forming such support group, the breastfeeding women are not
only gradually achieving their manifest and latent goals but are also leading a learning
revolution; a revolution in which so much optimism and confidence are reposed in modern
medical recommendations, and for that matter, exclusive breastfeeding.
Until fairly recently, the aforesaid and rather formal means of learning how to
breastfeed rarely existed in most rural Ghana; and even now, the family as a social and learning
institution continues to serve as an important resource for breastfeeding women. Elderly
members of the family are considered repositories of traditional beliefs and knowledge
inherited from forebears to present members. Issues of reproductive importance such as
marriage, child birth and child care are under the purview of elderly women (grandmothers)
from whom the younger women are expected to learn. From the adolescent period until child
birth, young women are socialised and taught on what constitute proper infant feeding through
observations and then practical guidance. Given their subordinate position in families,
breastfeeding women are not only expected to learn their family’s conception of appropriate
feeding but are required to demonstrate much interest in practicing them. Unlike the practice in
the developed world, learning from family neither involves formal guidance from
paediatricians, nor reading breastfeeding books. It is instead, by osmosis ˗ a gradual and often
unconscious process which may start as early when a teenage girl works as baby caretaker to as
late as during pregnancy or postpartum.
good intellect). As such, awareness creation on breastfeeding issues needs to be examined
beyond breastfeeding know-how to include clarifications of common beliefs and perceptions
that are unhelpful to EBF practices. While some religious and cultural beliefs about
breastfeeding seem entrenched, important family actors and religious leaders if properly
educated about EBF could be used to modify and/or discourage such practices that involve
feeding newborns with herbal teas and ritual concoctions.
The present study was an attempt to understand and explain influences on exclusive
breastfeeding in the context of rural families in Ghana. The study showed that rural families
are important social organizations and networks wherein effective participation and support
from members constitute an essential part of everyday activities including child care. Infant
feeding and for that matter exclusive breastfeeding is thus heavily influenced by breastfeeding
women’s families. The results show very informed breastfeeding women who are committed to
learning and practising exclusive breastfeeding. Nurses and breastfeeding support group
meetings were the main sources of information on EBF recommendations for breastfeeding
women while family relatives heard about the recommendations from them. As a result,
Grandmothers, fathers, and grandfathers who are the main decision makers in the family and
also constitute breastfeeding mothers’ significant others were found to possess little knowledge
on breastfeeding recommendations and hence exerted little commitment to support the
practice. It was further shown that breastfeeding mothers’ quests to exclusively breastfeed were
regularly influenced by their families’ beliefs and practices over which they lacked control.
The families’ system of mutual infant care that regard breastfeeding women as primary
caregivers of babies who are expected to breastfeed in line with what secondary caregivers
(members of her family) may define as appropriate also contributed to making exclusive
breastfeeding practice a lot more difficult for breastfeeding women. While the influences
highlighted by this study contain many implications for public health policy, a lot nevertheless
remains to be studied. Further research is particularly needed to explore how traditional
beliefs, practices, and indigenous knowledge on breastfeeding can be negotiated and modified
to promote public health interventions especially on issues relating to breastfeeding.
In the course of writing this thesis and by extension the period during my training in Public
Health, I have incurred lots of debts for which acknowledgements are necessary. I am
particularly grateful and eternally thankful to the following:
˗Almighty Allah with whose permission I live and with whose countless favours I continue to
remain grateful. Verily, you are the all-sustainer and all-provider for mankind.
˗European Union and the MUNDUS ACP team at Malmo University and Porto for your
generosity in awarding me a scholarship to pursue my dream
˗Ronald Stade, my supervisor, for your expert comments and friendly company throughout the
˗Ellis Janzon, my lecturer and program director, for being available at my service all the time;
this project would have been very difficult but for your assistance and guidance.
˗Oscar Anderson, my lecturer and initial supervisor, for your preliminary insightful comments
about my topic and research design.
˗Per –Anders Tengland, Berglund Staffan, and Slobodan Zdravkovic, my lecturers, for all your
stimulating lectures, seminars and exams; we couldn’t have gotten better than we had. Tack!
˗Limpho, Kudzai, Julius, Fanny, Shifra, Sandra, Niclas, Vicky, Sonja, and Muna, my course
mates for your friendship and wonderful contribution to discussions in class
˗Nengak Daniel, a true friend, for all your critical comments on my work and the interesting
discussions we had.
˗Jane and Chandra, my former floor mates, for your company, friendship, and the IT assistance
you offered me on numerous occasions.
˗Mba Afa and Mma Moshie, my dad and mum for your care, love, best wishes and prayers;
May Allah bless you
˗My brothers (Mr.: A. Salam, Adam, A. Majeed, Habib, Ismail, Hardi etc.), sisters (Rukaya,
Kubra etc.), uncles, and cousins (K.D) for all the love, support, and prayers throughout my
˗Awula, my wife for your patience, prayers, and encouragement
˗Muhammad and Suale, my friends and assistants during my data collection exercise. I really
enjoyed your company and appreciate your assistance.
˗All the breastfeeding mothers, grandmothers, husband, grandfather, traditional birth
attendants, and the breastfeeding support group leader whose voluntary participation made this
study a reality.
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