Data Scientist Masters - V9

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Data Scientist

Table of Contents

03 About the Course

Key Features of
04 Data Scientist Masters Program

05 Learning Path

06 Step 1 : R Programming

10 Step 2 : Data Science and Analytics

13 Step 3 : Data Science with Python

16 Step 4 : Machine Learning

19 Step 5 : Big Data Hadoop and Spark Developer

22 Step 6 : Tableau

22 Step 7 : Data Science Capstone

26 Electives

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About the Course
The Data Scientist Masters program has been
designed to introduce you to the world of
analytics and elevate your skills to ultimately
become a Data Scientist. As a Data Scientist,
you must be able to work with multiple data
formats, have knowledge of the algorithms that
can help you extract useful data, master data
mining, data management and data exploration.
If you are pursuing a career in Data Science, this
is the program for you.

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The Data Scientist Masters
trains you along an industry
recommended learning path to
succeed in the field of
Data Science

Key Features
Industry Recommended Learning path

Access to 200+ hours of Instructor Led training

Hands on project execution on CloudLabs

An industry recognized Simplilearn Masters Certificate on completion

17+ Real-Life projects

GTA Technical, Project, Programming support by industry experts

Course Advisor - Ronald van Loon

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Learning Path

R Programming
Data Science
Certification Training Data Science
with Python
Data Science and
Analytics Language

Data Science and Analytics -
Industry Leader

Big Data Hadoop and Machine Learning

Spark Developer Master concepts like supervised
and unsupervised learning
Big Data Implementation

Data Science Capstone

Opportunity to implement
the skills you learned.

Building visualization,
organizing data, and designing Optional Electives
dashboards using Tableau
> Certified SAS Base Programmer

> Introduction to Big Data and Hadoop

> Python Basics

> Core Java

> Power Bi

> Statistics Essentials for Data Science

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STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Learn the concepts of Data Science R

The next step to a data scientist is learning R -

the upcoming and most in-demand open source
technology. R is is an extremely powerful data
science and analytics language which has a steep
learning curve and a very vibrant community.
This is why it is quickly becoming the technology
of choice for organizations who are adopting the
power of analytics for competitive advantage.

Key Learning Objectives

Simplilearn’s Data Scientist with R programming certification has a clear
focus on the vital concepts of business analytics and R programming. By
the end of training, participants will be able to:

Work on data exploration, data visualization, and predictive modeling

techniques with ease.

Gain fundamental knowledge on analytics and how it assists with

decision making.

Work with confidence using the R language.

Understand and work on statistical concepts like linear & logistic

regression, cluster analysis, and forecasting.

Develop a structured approach to use statistical techniques and the R


Perform sharp data analysis to make business decisions.

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Course curriculum
Introduction to Business Analytics: Know the need of Business
Analytics, Business Decisions, Features and Types of Business
Analytics, Descriptive, Predictive, Supply Chain, Health Care,
Marketing, Human Resource, Web Analytics, Applications of Business
Analytics, Big Data, Analytical Tools

Introduction to R: Learn about CRAN, Cons of R, Companies Using R,

Installing R on Various Operating Systems, IDEs for R, R Workspace, R
Studio, R Packages in this lesson

R Programming: Learn about the basic analytic techniques such as

Operators, Functions, Loops, R Script

R Data Structure: Grasp knowledge on Data structures, vector, scalars,

colon operator, matrices, arrays, data frames, list, and many more

Apply functions: Get introduced to objectives and types of Apply,

Lapply, Sapply, Tapply, Vapply, Mapply, and Dplyr package functions

Data Visualization: Gain understanding of Graphics in R and how to

create and edit Simple bar charts, Line charts, Box plots, Heat maps,
and Word cloud

Introduction to Statistics: Basics of statistics, types of measurement,

investigation, distribution, distance, correlation are covered in this

Hypothesis Testing: Null, errors, tail test, tests are covered

Regression Analysis: Overview, types, and uses of regression models

comprise this lesson

Classification: This lesson covers Classification process, decision trees,

Bayesian theorem, classifiers, and SVMs

Clustering: Acquire the understanding of Clustering and their models,

K means Clustering, Hierarchical Clustering, and DBSCAN Clustering

Association: Know about association rule mining, Apriori algorithm,

ordering items

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Project 1:
Healthcare: Predictive analytics can be used in healthcare to mediate
hospital readmissions. In healthcare and other industries, predictors are
most useful when they can be transferred into action. But historical
and real-time data alone are worthless without intervention. More
importantly, to judge the ecacy and value of forecasting a trend and
ultimately changing behavior, both the predictor and the intervention
must be integrated back into the same system and workflow where the
trend originally occurred.

Project 2:
Insurance: Use of predictive analytics has increased greatly in
insurance businesses, especially for the biggest companies, according to
the 2013 Insurance Predictive Modeling Survey. While the survey showed
an increase in predictive modeling throughout the industry, all respon-
dents from companies that write over $1 billion in personal insurance
employ predictive modeling, compared to 69% of companies with less
than that amount of premium.

Project 3:
Retail: Analytics is used in optimizing product placements on shelves or
optimization of inventory to be kept in the warehouses using industry
examples. Through this project, participants learn the daily cycle of
product optimization from the shelves to the warehouse. This gives them
insights into regular occurrences in the retail sector

Project 4:
Internet: Internet analytics is the collection, modeling and analysis of
user data in large-scale online services such as social networking, e-com-
merce, search and advertisement. In this class, we explore a number of
key functions of such online services that have become ubiquitous over
the last couple of years. Specifically, we look at social and information
networks,recommender systems, clustering and community detection,
dimensionality reduction, stream computing and online ad auctions.

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Project 5:
Education: An education department in the US needs to analyze the
factors that influence the admission of a student into a college. Analyze
the historical data and determine the key drivers.
Project 6:
E-commerce: A UK-based online retail store has captured the sales
data for different products for the period of one year (Nov 2016 to Dec
2017). The organization sells gifts primarily on the online platform. The
customers who make a purchase consume directly for themselves. There
are small businesses that buy in bulk and sell to other customers through
the retail outlet channel. Find significant customers for the business who
make high purchases of their favourite products.

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STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Start your Analytics journey

As a first step in the field of analytics it is

important to understand various statistical
concepts and learn the latest technology to
apply these tools. This is why SAS is the first
step in the Data Scientist Masters program.
After completing this course you will be ready
to work on analytics projects in some of the
biggest companies in the world, as SAS is
one of the most popular Data Science and
analytics platforms.

Key Learning Objectives

After completing this course, you will be able to:

Outline data science principles and how SAS can help implement them
Explain the dierent methods used to combine and modify datasets
Explain what PROC SQL is and how it’s used to retrieve data from
Describe how to use the macro function to manipulate the character
strings and text.
List the various statistical procedures and explore the various
testing techniques.
Understand how SAS handles missing values in your datasets
using various procedures.
Explain the ways to create a cluster and to perform cluster
analysis on the dataset.
List the various time series models of SAS.

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Course curriculum
Analytics Overview: This covers Types of Analytics, Areas of Analytics,
Analytical Tools and Techniques

SAS Introduction: Overview of SAS Language Input Files, PROC Step

and DATA Step, SAS Libraries

Combining/Modifying Datasets: Learn about Concatenating Datasets,

Interleaving Method, One - to - one Reading and Merging, Data

PROC SQL: This covers definition of PROC SQL, Retrieving Data

from a T
 able and Multiple Tables, Selecting Data from Multiple Tables,
Concatenating Query Results

SAS Macros: Know the ned for SAS Macros, Macro Functions, SQL
Clauses for Macros, The % Macro and Conditional Statements

Basic Statistics: Statistical Terms, Procedures in SAS for Descriptive

Statistics, Hypothesis Testing - Process, Parametric and Non -
parametric Tests are covered in this lesson

Basic Statistical Procedures: This covers PROC Means, FREQ,


Data Exploration: Understanding of Data Preparation, Data Cleaning,

Character, SCAN, Date/Time Functions, Missing Value Treatment, Data

Advanced Statistical Techniques: Learn about Cluster, Decision Tree,

Regression in this lesson

Working with Time series Data: Comprehend the need for Time Series
Analysis and it’s Options, Reading Date and Date time Values, White
Noise Process, Stationarity of a Time Series, Plot Transform Transpose
and Interpolating Time Series Data

Data Optimization using SAS: Understand why Optimization is needed,

problems associated to Optimization, and what is PROC OPTMODEL

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Project 1:
Demand Forecasting for Walmart
Retail: Predict accurate sales for 45 stores of Walmart, one of the US-
based leading retail stores, considering the impact of promotional mark-
down events. Check if macroeconomic factors like CPI, unemployment
rate, etc. have an impact on sales.

Project 2:
Attrition Analysis
Telecommunication: Analyze the employee attrition rate of a leading
BPO company. The dataset is maintained for the attrition analysis, and
it has records of employee id, retain indicator, sex indicator, relocation
indicator, and marital status.

Project 3:
Retail Analysis
Retail: E-commerce: Forecast sales based on independent variables such
as profit, quantity, marketing cost, and expenses using the regression

Two additional projects have been provided for practice:

Project 4:
Data-driven Macro Calls
Internet: Sales: Generate a list of all data sets in SAS which have
sales-related information and pass it on as the macro variable.

Project 5:
Customer Segmentation
Internet: Perform customer segmentation with RFM methodology on an
e-commerce website’s customer data set. Segment customers based on
frequency, recency, and monetary value.

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STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Data Science with Python
Data Science with Python

Python is a general purpose multi-paradigm

programming language for data science that
has gained wide popularity because of its
syntax simplicity and operability on dierent
eco-systems.This Python course can help
programmers play with data by allowing them
to do anything they need- data munging,
data wrangling, website scraping, web
application building, data engineering and
more. The Python language makes it easy
for programmers to write maintainable, large
scale, and robust code.

Key Learning Objectives

After completing this course, you will be able to:

Gain an in-depth understanding of data science process, data

wrangling, data exploration, data visualization, hypothesis building,
and testing. You will also learn the basics of statistics.
Understand the essential concepts of Python programming like data
types, tuples, lists, dicts, basic operators, and functions.
Perform high-level mathematical, scientific and technical computing
using NumPy, SciPy packages
Perform data analysis and manipulation using data structures and
tools provided in Pandas package
Gain expertise in machine learning using the Scikit-Learn package

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Course curriculum
Data Science Overview: Get introduced to Data Science, dierent
sectors using Data Science, and purpose and components of Python

Data Analytics Overview: EDA- Quantitative and Graphical Techniques,

Data Analytics Communication, and Data Types for Plotting are
covered in this lesson

Statistical Analysis and Business Applications: Comprehend Statistical

and Non-statistical Analysis process, Data Distribution, Dispersion,

Python Environment Setup and Essentials: Learn how to install

Anaconda Python Distribution, basic operators, data types, and

Mathematical Computing with Python (NumPy): Overview of Numpy,

Class and Attributes of ndarray

Scientific computing with Python (Scipy): Overview of SciPy and it’s

sub package Data Manipulation with Pandas: Understand DataFrame,
Data Operations, and Pandas Sql Operation

Machine Learning with Scikit–Learn: Gain understanding of Machine

Learning Approach, Supervised Learning Model Considerations,
Unsupervised Learning Models, Pipeline, and Model Persistence and

Natural Language Processing with Scikit Learn: NLP Overview and

applications are covered in this lesson

Data Visualization in Python using matplotlib

Get accustomed to popular Matplotlib features, plots, and python


Data Science with Python Web scraping: Understand web scraping

and also comprehend, search, and modify the tree

Python integration with Hadoop MapReduce and Spark: Learn about

Hadoop Core Components, Python Integration with HDFS and Spark

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Project 1:
NYC 311 Service Request Analysis
Telecommunication: Perform a service request data analysis of New York
City 311 calls. You will focus on data wrangling techniques to understand
patterns in the data and visualize the major complaint types.

Project 2:
MovieLens Dataset Analysis
Engineering: The GroupLens Research Project is a research group in the
Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of
Minnesota. The researchers of this group are
involved in several research projects in the fields of information filtering,
collaborative filtering and recommender systems. Here, we ask you to
perform an analysis using the Exploratory Data Analysis technique for
user datasets.

Project 3:
Stock Market Data Analysis
Stock Market: As a part of this project, you will import data using Yahoo
data reader from the following companies: Yahoo, Apple, Amazon,
Microsoft and Google. You will perform fundamental analytics, including
plotting, closing price, plotting stock trade by volume, performing daily
return analysis, and using pair plot to show the correlation between all of
the stocks.

Project 4:
Titanic Dataset Analysis
Hazard: On April 15, 1912, the Titanic sank after colliding with an iceberg,
killing 1502 out of 2224 passengers and crew. This tragedy shocked the
world and led to better safety regulations for ships. Here, we ask you
to perform an analysis using the exploratory data analysis technique, in
particular applying machine learning tools to predict which passengers
survived the tragedy.

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STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Machine Learning
Machine Learning

Simplilearn’s Machine Learning course will make

you an expert in machine learning, a form of
artificial intelligence that automates data analysis
to enable computers to learn and adapt through
experience to do specific tasks without explicit
programming. You will master machine learning
concepts and techniques including supervised
and unsupervised learning, mathematical and
heuristic aspects, hands-on modeling to develop
algorithms and prepare you for the role of
Machine Learning Engineer.

Key Learning Objectives

After completing this course, you will be able to:

Master the concepts of supervised and unsupervised learning

Gain practical mastery over principles, algorithms, and applications
of machine learning through a hands-on approach which includes
working on 28 projects and one capstone project.
Acquire thorough knowledge of the mathematical and heuristic
aspects of machine learning.
Understand the concepts and operation of support vector machines,
kernel SVM, naive bayes, decision tree classifier, random forest
classifier, logistic regression, K-nearest neighbors, K-means clustering
and more.
Comprehend the theoretical concepts and how they relate to the
practical aspects of machine learning.
Be able to model a wide variety of robust machine learning algorithms
including deep learning, clustering, and recommendation systems

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Course curriculum
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Get
introduced to Machine Learning concepts, logarithms, and its

Techniques of Machine Learning: Learn about supervised,

unsupervised, semi-supervised, and reinforced machine learning

Data Preprocessing: Comprehend the meaning, process, and

importance of data preparation, feature engineering and scaling,
datasets, dimensionality reduction, and many more

Math Refresher: Overview of Linear Algebra, Eigenvalues,

Eigenvectors, and Eigen-decomposition, Calculus, Probability
and Statistics Regression: Know Linear Regression: Equations and
Algorithms in this lesson

Classification: Gain knowledge on classification types such as SVM,

KNN, Naive Bayes, decision tree, random forest, logistic regression,
k-nearest neighbours, and support vector machines

Unsupervised learning - Clustering: Clustering definition, clustering

algorithms, prototype-based clustering, K-means clustering example
are covered in this lesson

Introduction to Deep Learning: Understand the meaning and

importance of deep learning, Artificial Neural networks, and

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Project 1:
Build a Predictive Model for Housing Prices
This project involves building a predictive model for determining housing
prices in California using US census data. You will analyze various metrics
such as population, median income, median housing price, and more for
each block group to predict the home prices in any given district.

Project 2:
Build a Phishing Website Detector Using LR Algorithms
The purpose of the project is to build a machine learning model that is
trained to use LR algorithms to detect phishing website datasets..

Project 3:
Build a Phishing Website Detector Using KNN Algorithms
The purpose of the project is to build a machine learning model that is
trained to use KNN algorithms to detect phishing website datasets..

Project 4:
Build an MNIST Classifier
The purpose of the project is to train a model on the MNIST image data-
base to detect images with 5 digits.

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STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Harness the power of Big Data & Hadoop
Big Data Hadoop and Spark Developer

The final step to a Data Scientist is the ability

to work with Big Data and its components. This
training is deep dive into Hadoop and all its
ecosystem components including MapReduce,
HDFS, Yarn, HBase, Impala, Sqoop and Flume.
It also provides an introduction to Apache
Spark hich is a next step after Hadoop. After
completing this program not only will you be
ready to enter the Big Data domain but will also
be able to clear the in demand Cloudera CCA175

Key Learning Objectives

After completing this course, you will be able to:

Master the concepts of the Hadoop framework and its deployment in

a cluster environment
Understand how the Hadoop ecosystem fits in with the data
processing lifecycle
Learn to write complex MapReduce programs
Describe how to ingest data using Sqoop and Flume
Get introduced to Apache Spark and its components
List the best practices for data storage
Explain how to model structured data as tables with Impala and Hive

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Course curriculum
Introduction to Bigdata and Hadoop Ecosystem

HDFC and Hadoop Architecture: Learn about HDFS architecture and

components like Block replication architecture in this lesson

MapReduce and Sqoop: Know the importance of Map Reduce, data

types in Map Reduce, joins in Map reduce, and Sqoop

Basics of Impala and Hive: Introduce yourself to the basics of Impala

and Hive and learn how to interact with them

Type of Data Formats: Gain Knowledge of data Types in Hive,

Hcatalog, and Its uses

Know what is data Serialization, how to import MySql and Create

hivetb, Parquet With Sqoop in this lesson

Overview of the Hive Query Language

Apache Flume and HBase: Get introduced to Apache Flume and

HBase in this lesson

Apache Pig: Learn about Pig and how to get datasets for Pig

Basics of Apache Spark, RDDs in Spark and Applications:

Comprehend Architecture, Execution, and Related Concepts, RDD
Operations, Functional Programming in Spark

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Project 1:
Description: A Portuguese banking institution ran a marketing campaign
to convince potential customers to invest in a bank term deposit.
Their marketing campaigns were conducted through phone calls,
and sometimes the same customer was contacted more than once.
Your job is to analyze the data collected from the marketing campaign.
Project 2:
Description: A mobile phone service provider has launched a new Open
Network campaign. The company has invited users to raise complaints
about the towers in their locality if they face issues with their mobile
network. The company has collected the dataset of users who raised a
complaint. The fourth and the fifth field of the dataset has a latitude and
longitude of users, which is important information for the company.
You must find this latitude and longitude information on the basis of
the available dataset and create three clusters of users with a
k-means algorithm
For additional practice, we have three more projects to help you start
your Hadoop and Spark journey.
Project 3:
Domain-Social Media
Description: As part of a recruiting exercise, a major social media
company asked candidates to analyze a dataset from Stack Exchange.
You will be using the dataset to arrive at certain key insights.
Project 4:
Domain-Website providing movie-related information
Description: IMDB is an online database of movie-related information.
IMDB users rate movies on a scale of 1 to 5 -- 1 being the worst and 5
being the best -- and provide reviews. The dataset also has additional
information, such as the release year of the movie. You are tasked to
analyze the data collected
Project 5:
Description: A US-based insurance provider has decided to launch a new
medical insurance program targeting various customers. To help a
customer understand the market better, you must perform a series of
data analyses using Hadoop

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STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

The Tableau desktop 10 training by Simplilearn

helps you master the various aspects of Tableau
Desktop 10 and gain skills such as building
visualization, organizing data, and designing
dashboards. You will also learn concepts of
statistics, mapping, and data connection. The
course includes an industry-based project and
2 simulation exams to prepare you for Tableau
Desktop 10 Qualified Associate certification.
It is best suited for software developers, BI
professionals, system and administrators.

Key Learning Objectives

After completing this course, you will be able to:

With Simplilearn’s Tableau certification training on Desktop 10, you will

be able to:
Grasp the concepts of Tableau Desktop 10, become proficient with
Tableau statistics and build interactive dashboards
Master data sources and datable blending, create data extracts and
organize and format data
Master arithmetic, logical, table and LOD calculations and ad-hoc
Become an expert on visualization techniques such as heat map, tree
map, waterfall, Pareto, Gantt chart and market basket analysis
Learn to analyze data using Tableau Desktop as well as clustering and
forecasting techniques
Gain command of mapping concepts such as custom geocoding and
radial selections
Master Special Field Types and Tableau Generated Fields and the
process of creating and using parameters
Learn how to build interactive dashboards, story interfaces and how to
share your work

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Course curriculum
Getting Started With Tableau: Overview of dierent versions of Tableau
and installation process

Working With Tableau: Understand Tableau User Interface, Green and

Blue pills, and Tableau file types

Deep diving with Data and Connections: Work with Excel Data
Interpreter and learn how to Split fields, pivot and filter data

Creating Charts: Know about Crosstabs and Heat Maps, Pie Charts,
Line and Area Charts, Packed Bubble, Treemaps, Scatter Plot

Adding calculations to your workbook: Get introduced to basic

calculations, boolean, if-then calculations, date calculations, and many

Mapping data in Tableau: Learn how to create a standard map view

and deal with map errors

Dashboards and Stories: Understand Dashboard Actions, Dashboard

formatting basics, Workbook level formatting

Visualizations For An Audience: Learn how to use vivid narrative,

colors, tooltips, and parameters in this lesson

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Project 1:
Category Performance Analysis:
This project involves ranking subcategories by performance. Accord-
ing to the Performance Evaluation Program, the Subcategories yielding
consistent profit across last 4 years are awarded as the Best Performing
Subcategories. Help the manager identify the top subcategories based
on the profits and use advanced dashboard features to portray a
complete picture for Subcategory sales.

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STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Data Science Capstone
Data Science Capstone

Data Science Capstone project will give you an

opportunity to implement the skills you learned
in the Data Scientist Master’s Program. Through
dedicated mentoring sessions, you’ll learn how to
solve a real-world, industry-aligned data science
problem, from data processing and model building
to reporting your business results and insights. The
project is the final step in the learning path and
will enable you to showcase your expertise in data
science to future employers.

Key Features:
Flexibility to choose the domain/industry of your choice
Build on any technology covered within the Master’s program
Dedicated mentoring sessions to ensure high-quality learning
Capstone completion certificate

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Elective Course
Certified SAS Base Programmer
The SAS Base Programmer course in a beginner level course for
a SAS professional. This training has been designed to enable you
to start your analytics career with SAS and prepare for the SAS
Base Programmer certification. This SAS course explores the SAS
tool and dierent techniques to help you access and manage data,
create data structures, generate reports, and handle errors. These
techniques are mandatory for a professional to start working on
the next SAS assignment and forms a strong base for advanced
techniques and certifications.

Introduction to Big Data and Hadoop

This is an ideal course for individuals who want to understand the
basic concepts of Big Data and Hadoop. On completing this course,
learners will be able to interpret what goes behind the processing
of huge volumes of data as the industry switches over from excel-
based analytics to real-time analytics

Python Basics
This course is ideal for you to understand the basics of Python
Programming Language.

Core Java
This Java Certification Course is a one-stop training program
designed to guide you from the beginning concepts of Java to
advanced programming techniques. This Java course requires no
previous coding experience and will provide you with foundational
knowledge of Core Java 8, including the scope of variables,
operators, arrays, loops, methods and constructors, and much more.

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Power Bi
Microsoft Power BI is a suite of tools to analyze your data
and extract business insights from it through building
interactive dashboards. This Power BI Training course will
help you get the most out of Power BI, enabling you to solve
business problems and improve operations.

This Power BI training course helps you grasp and master

how to develop dashboards from published reports, discover
greater insight from your data with Quick Insights, practical
recipes on the various tasks that you can do with Microsoft
Power BI—from gathering your data to analyzing it and
finally contains some handy recipes on troubleshooting
various issues in Power BI.

Statistics Essentials for Data Science

Statistics Essential for Data Science: Ace the fundamentals
of data science, statistics, and machine learning with this
course. It will enable you to define statistics and important
terms related to it, explain measures of central tendency
and dispersion, and comprehend skewness, correlation,
regression, distribution. You will be able to make data-driven
predictions through statistical inference.

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Advisory board member
Ronald Van Loon
Big Data Expert, Director Adversitement
Named by Onalytica as one of the 3 most
influential people in Big Data, Ronald is an
author for a number of leading Big Data & Data
Science websites, including Datafloq, Data
Science Central, and The Guardian. He is also a
renowned speaker at industry events.

Mike Tamir
Head of Data Science - Uber ATG
Named by Onalytica as the No.1 influencer in
AI & Machine Learning space, Mike serves as
Head of Data Science for Uber ATG self-driving
engineering team and as UC Berkeley data
science faculty.

Sina Jamshidi
Big Data Lead at Bell Labs
Sina has over 10 years of experience in
Technology as a Big Data Architect at Bell
Labs and as a Platinum level trainer. He
is very passionate about building a Big
Data education ecosystem and has been a
contributor to a number of magazine and
journal publications.

Simon Tavasoli
Analytics Lead at Cancer Care Ontario
Simon is a Data Scientist with 12 years of
experience in Healthcare analytics. He has
a master’s degree in Biostatistics from the
University of Western Ontario. He is passionate
about teaching Data Science, and has a number
of journal publications in preventive medicince
and data analytics.

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Paul Sharkov
Data Scientist at BMO Financial Group, Member of
SAS Canada Community
Paul is a lead SAS Data Scientist at the Bank
of Montreal. As an SAS Certified Predictive
Modeler, SAS Statistical Business Analyst, and
SAS Certified Advanced Programmer, Paul is
passionate about sharing his knowledge on
how Data Science can support data-driven
business decisions.

Alvaro Fuentes
Founder and Data Scientist at Quant Company
Alvaro is a Data Scientist who founded
Quant Company. He has also worked as a
lead Economic Analyst in the Central Bank
of Guatemala. He has a master’s degree
in Quantitative Economics and Applied
Mathematics and is actively involved in
consulting and training in the Data Science

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