AHA Sindrom Metabolik
AHA Sindrom Metabolik
AHA Sindrom Metabolik
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2736 Circulation October 18, 2005
strongly with insulin resistance. Excess upper body fat can Finally, considerable individual and ethnic variation exists
accumulate either intraperitoneally (visceral fat) or subcuta- in the clinical pattern of metabolic risk factors in obese/
neously. Many investigators claim that excess visceral fat is insulin-resistant subjects.53,54 It is likely that the expression of
more strongly associated with insulin resistance than any each metabolic risk factor falls partially under its own genetic
other adipose tissue compartment4,15–21; other workers find control, which influences the response to different environ-
that excess subcutaneous abdominal (or truncal) fat also mental exposures. For example, a variety of polymorphisms
carries a significant association with insulin resistance.22–27 in genes affecting lipoprotein metabolism are associated with
Regardless of the relative contributions of visceral fat and worsening of dyslipidemia in obese people.55,56 Similarly, a
abdominal subcutaneous fat to insulin resistance, a pattern of genetic predisposition to defective insulin secretion when
abdominal (or upper-body) obesity correlates more strongly combined with insulin resistance can raise plasma glucose to
with insulin resistance and the metabolic syndrome than does abnormal levels.57
lower-body obesity.28 An interesting feature of upper-body Although the metabolic syndrome unequivocally predis-
obesity is an unusually high release of nonesterified fatty poses to type 2 diabetes mellitus,48,58 – 62 many investigators of
acids from adipose tissue12,14,28; this contributes to accumu- cardiovascular diseases consider this syndrome to be a
lation of lipid in sites other than adipose tissue. Ectopic lipid multidimensional risk factor for ASCVD.1,58 Several recent
accumulation in muscle and liver seemingly predisposes to reports show that the metabolic syndrome is associated with
insulin resistance29 and dyslipidemia.30 greater risk for cardiovascular disease,63–73 but once type 2
According to many experts, the increasing burden of diabetes mellitus emerges, cardiovascular risk increases even
obesity in the United States is the driving force behind the more.74 Finally, insulin resistance and the metabolic syn-
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rising prevalence of the metabolic syndrome.1– 4,31,32 This drome are associated with a variety of other conditions75–77;
view needs to be harmonized with the insulin resistance some of these are fatty liver,30,78 polycystic ovary syn-
hypothesis. Abnormalities in adipose tissue metabolism may drome,79 cholesterol gallstones,80 sleep apnea,81 lipodystro-
be the crux of the issue. Adipose tissue in obese people is phies,82 and protease-inhibitor therapy for HIV.83 These
associations are generating considerable interest in several
insulin resistant, which raises nonesterified fatty acid levels,
other fields of medicine.
worsening insulin resistance in muscle29,33 and altering he-
patic metabolism31; in addition, the adipose tissue of obesity
exhibits abnormalities in the production of several adipokines
Metabolic Risk Factors, ASCVD, and Type 2
that may separately affect insulin resistance and/or modify
Diabetes Mellitus
The metabolic risk factors consist of those factors that
risk for ASCVD.34 These include increased production of
seemingly have a direct effect on atherosclerotic disease.
inflammatory cytokines,35,36 plasminogen activator inhibitor-
Among these, as stated earlier, atherogenic dyslipidemia
1,37 and other bioactive products38 – 40; at the same time the
consists of an aggregation of lipoprotein abnormalities in-
potentially protective adipokine, adiponectin, is reduced.41,42
cluding elevated serum triglyceride and apoB, increased
All of these changes have been implicated as causes of the
small LDL particles, and a reduced level of HDL-C.1 Among
metabolic risk factors. Indeed, as mentioned before, some
triglyceride-rich lipoproteins, remnant lipoproteins almost
individuals exhibit the metabolic syndrome with only a certainly are the most atherogenic.1 Many studies further
moderate degree of total body obesity.43,44 Notable are many suggest that the smallest particles in the LDL fraction carry
South Asians who appear to be inherently insulin resistant,45 the greatest atherogenicity.84 The atherogenic potential of
a condition that is exacerbated by mild abdominal obesity.14 lipoprotein remnants and small LDL could be confounded in
Moreover, the population of the United States varies consid- part by their common association with an increased total
erably in degree of insulin resistance46; those having more number of apoB-containing lipoproteins in circulation; this
inherent insulin resistance can develop the metabolic syn- increased number is reflected by an elevation of serum total
drome with only moderate excess in abdominal fat,43,44 but apoB.85– 89 Finally, the lipoprotein field widely holds that low
even people with little or no inherent insulin resistance can levels of HDL are independently atherogenic1; multiple
develop the metabolic syndrome if they accumulate marked mechanisms are implicated to explain this relationship.90
abdominal obesity.3,8 These findings support the idea that Other metabolic risk factors likewise appear individually to
body fat distribution, particularly excess abdominal fat, plays be atherogenic. Among these are hypertension, elevated
an important role in the etiology of the syndrome. plasma glucose, a prothrombotic state, and a proinflamma-
Recently, this syndrome has been noted to be associated tory state. Indeed, 3 of the metabolic risk factors— elevated
with a state of chronic, low-grade inflammation.47,48 Some apoB-containing lipoproteins,1 low HDL-C levels,1 and hy-
researchers speculate that inflammation of this type underlies pertension91—are well established, major risk factors. Each
or exacerbates the syndrome. For example, inflammatory imparts increased risk even when only marginally abnormal,
cytokines reportedly induce insulin resistance in both adipose as often observed in the metabolic syndrome. A growing
tissue and muscle.48 –51 In the presence of obesity, adipose body of data additionally implicates high circulating levels of
tissue indeed produces cytokines in excess, whereas output of prothrombotic factors in the causation of ASCVD events,
adiponectin is diminished; these responses appear to heighten possibly by predisposing to thrombotic episodes.92–94 Many
the connection between obesity and inflammation.35 Interest- reports also show that the presence of a proinflammatory
ingly, insulin-resistant people manifest evidence of low-grade state, as revealed by increased inflammatory markers,95,96
inflammation even without an increase of total body fat.52 denotes a higher risk for acute cardiovascular syndromes.
Grundy et al Diagnosis and Management of the Metabolic Syndrome 2737
†Some male patients can develop multiple metabolic risk factors when the waist circumference is only marginally increased (eg, 94 to 102 cm 关37 to 39 in兴). Such
patients may have a strong genetic contribution to insulin resistance. They should benefit from changes in lifestyle habits, similar to men with categorical increases
in waist circumference.
‡The 2001 definition identified fasting plasma glucose of ⱖ110 mg/dL (6.1 mmol/L) as elevated. This was modified in 2004 to be ⱖ100 mg/dL (5.6 mmol/L), in
accordance with the American Diabetes Association’s updated definition of IFG.46,47,77
§Includes family history of type 2 diabetes mellitus, polycystic ovary syndrome, sedentary lifestyle, advancing age, and ethnic groups susceptible to type 2 diabetes
Finally, a variety of mechanisms to explain how elevated disorders even when shorter-term (10-year) risk is in the
plasma glucose may promote atherosclerosis are postulated.97 low-to-moderate range.63–73
Regardless, once type 2 diabetes mellitus compounds the In the effort to introduce the metabolic syndrome into
metabolic syndrome, risk for ASCVD events increases still clinical practice, several organizations have attempted to
more. formulate simple criteria for its diagnosis (Table 1). The first
proposal came in 1998 from a consultation group on the
Clinical Diagnosis of Metabolic Syndrome definition of diabetes for the World Health Organization
Many investigations confirm that multiple cardiovascular risk (WHO).106 This group emphasized insulin resistance as the
factors of endogenous origin commonly aggregate in one major underlying risk factor and required evidence of insulin
individual. Although this aggregation was originally observed resistance for diagnosis. This followed on the widely held
many years ago,98,99 more recently, several terms have been belief that insulin resistance is the primary cause of the
proposed to describe this clustering: metabolic syndrome,100 syndrome. A diagnosis of the syndrome by WHO criteria
syndrome X,101 the “deadly quartet,”102 insulin-resistance could thus be made when a patient exhibited one of several
syndrome,103,104 and hypertriglyceridemic waist.105 The term markers of insulin resistance plus 2 additional risk factors.
metabolic syndrome is most commonly used in the cardio- Although insulin resistance is difficult to measure directly in
vascular field. Although the metabolic syndrome is often a clinical setting, several types of indirect evidence were
referred to as a discrete entity, it is important to recognize, as accepted, ie, impaired glucose intolerance [IGT], impaired
noted earlier, that it is a syndrome and not a defined uniform fasting glucose [IFG], type 2 diabetes mellitus, or impaired
entity. No single pathogenesis has been elucidated, nor may disposal of glucose under hyperinsulinemic, euglycemic con-
one exist. Thus, the syndrome could range from a cluster of ditions. The other risk factors used for diagnosis included
unrelated risk factors to a constellation of risk factors linked obesity, hypertension, high triglycerides, reduced HDL-C
through a common underlying mechanism. From a clinical level, or microalbuminuria. The consultation group suggested
standpoint, presence of the metabolic syndrome identifies a categorical cutpoints to define each of these factors. Impor-
person at increased risk for ASCVD and/or type 2 diabetes tantly, the WHO group allowed the term metabolic syndrome
mellitus. Eventually, a better understanding of the specific to be used in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus who
cause(s) of the syndrome may provide an improved estimate otherwise met the requirements for the syndrome. They
of risk of developing ASCVD or type 2 diabetes mellitus for reasoned that patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus often have
individuals. For now, however, the presence of the syndrome a clustering of ASCVD risk factors, which puts them at
is a more general indicator of higher risk for these conditions. particularly high risk for ASCVD.69,70
Because of a documented high relative risk for ASCVD In 1999, the European Group for Study of Insulin Resis-
events and type 2 diabetes mellitus, the metabolic syndrome tance (EGIR) proposed a modification of the WHO defini-
undoubtedly carries a relatively high lifetime risk for these tion.107 This group used the term insulin resistance syndrome
2738 Circulation October 18, 2005
rather than metabolic syndrome. They likewise assumed that that intervention on them can substantially reduce risk for
insulin resistance is the major cause and required evidence of ASCVD.
it for diagnosis. By their criteria, plasma insulin levels in the In 2003, the American Association of Clinical Endocrinol-
upper quartile of the population defined insulin resistance. An ogists (AACE) modified ATP III criteria to refocus on insulin
elevated plasma insulin plus 2 other factors—abdominal resistance as the primary cause of metabolic risk factors.109
obesity, hypertension, elevated triglycerides or reduced Like the EGIR,107 they used the name insulin resistance
HDL-C, and elevated plasma glucose— constituted a diagno- syndrome. Major criteria were IGT, elevated triglycerides,
sis of the insulin-resistance syndrome. Notably, EGIR fo- reduced HDL-C, elevated blood pressure, and obesity. No
cused more on abdominal obesity than did WHO, but in specified number of factors qualified for diagnosis, which
contrast to WHO, EGIR excluded patients with type 2 was left to clinical judgment. Other factors used to inform
diabetes mellitus from their syndrome because insulin resis- clinical judgment were a family history of ASCVD or type 2
tance was viewed primarily as a risk factor for diabetes. diabetes mellitus, polycystic ovary syndrome, and hyperuri-
In 2001, the National Cholesterol Education Program cemia. By the AACE’s definition, once a person develops
(NCEP) Adult Treatment Panel III (ATP III) introduced type 2 diabetes mellitus, the term insulin resistance syndrome
alternative clinical criteria for defining the metabolic syn- no longer applies.
drome.1 In so doing, the purpose of ATP III was to identify In 2005, the International Diabetes Foundation (IDF)
people at higher long-term risk for ASCVD who deserved published new criteria that again modified the ATP III
clinical lifestyle intervention to reduce risk. The ATP III definition.110 The IDF writing group included several mem-
criteria did not require demonstration of insulin resistance per bers of the original WHO consultation group. They liked the
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se. It was noted that direct measures of insulin resistance are ATP III definition because of its clinical simplicity. They
laborious and not well standardized. Moreover, less-specific furthermore considered that abdominal obesity is so highly
measures, such as glucose tolerance tests, are not routinely correlated with insulin resistance that other, more laborious
used in clinical practice. Although the ATP III panel recog- measures of insulin resistance are unnecessary. The IDF
nized the phenomenon of clustering of metabolic risk factors, clinical definition thus makes the presence of abdominal
it did not draw conclusions on mechanistic pathogenesis. The obesity necessary for diagnosis. When such is present, 2
ATP III criteria thus required no single factor for diagnosis, additional factors originally listed in the ATP III definition
but instead made the presence of 3 of 5 factors the basis for are sufficient for diagnosis. IDF recognized and emphasized
establishing the diagnosis; these were abdominal obesity ethnic differences in the correlation between abdominal
(also highly correlated with insulin resistance), elevated obesity and other metabolic syndrome risk factors. For this
triglycerides, reduced HDL-C, elevated blood pressure, and reason, criteria of abdominal obesity were specified by
elevated fasting glucose (IFG or type 2 diabetes mellitus). nationality or ethnicity based on best available population
Although ATP III did not make any single risk factor (eg, estimates. For people of European origin (Europid), the IDF
abdominal obesity) a requirement for diagnosis, it nonethe- specified thresholds for abdominal obesity to be waist cir-
less espoused the position that abdominal obesity is an cumferences ⱖ94 cm in men and ⱖ80 cm in women. These
important underlying risk factor for the syndrome. Its cut- thresholds apply to Europids living in the Americas as well as
points for abdominal obesity came from the definition in the Europe. For Asian populations, except for Japan, thresholds
1998 National Institutes of Health obesity clinical guide- were ⱖ90 cm in men and ⱖ80 cm in women; for Japanese
lines108; they were a waist circumference of ⱖ102 cm (ⱖ40 they were ⱖ85 cm for men and ⱖ90 cm for women.
in) for men and ⱖ88 cm (ⱖ35 in) for women. These cutpoints The present AHA/NHLBI statement, in contrast to IDF,
identify approximately the upper quartile of the US popula- maintains the ATP III criteria except for minor modifications
tion. Abdominal obesity at these cutpoints was not made a (Table 2). This decision is based on the conclusion that ATP
prerequisite for diagnosis because lesser degrees of abdomi- III criteria are simple to use in a clinical setting and have the
nal girth often associate with other ATP III criteria. In fact, advantage of avoiding emphasis on a single cause. No
some individuals or ethnic groups (eg, Asians, especially compelling reasons were found for making a change. In
South Asians) appear to be susceptible to development of the addition, a large number of studies have been carried out to
metabolic syndrome at waist circumferences below ATP III evaluate the ATP III criteria for the metabolic syn-
cutpoints. Thus, ATP III specifically noted that some indi- drome.35,111–133 The majority of these reports are supportive
viduals having only 2 other metabolic syndrome criteria of the present structure of ATP III criteria. It must be noted in
appear to be insulin resistant even when the waist circumfer- Table 2, however, that the threshold for IFG was reduced
ence is only marginally elevated, eg, 94 to 101 cm in men or from 110 to 100 mg/dL; this adjustment corresponds to the
80 to 87 cm in women. If so, they should benefit from clinical recently modified American Diabetes Association (ADA)
intervention similarly to many others who have greater criteria for IFG.134 Otherwise, the statement maintains that
increases in waist circumference, ie, ⱖ102 cm (ⱖ40 in) for continuity with the original ATP III definition, which has
men and ⱖ88 cm (ⱖ35 in) for women. ATP III, like WHO, been widely adopted in the United States and elsewhere, is
allowed for a diagnosis of metabolic syndrome in the pres- appropriate in the absence of new evidence to the contrary.
ence of type 2 diabetes because of the high risk for ASCVD Present diagnostic criteria thus accord with ATP III by
among multiple-risk factor patients with diabetes. When type defining abdominal obesity as a waist circumference of ⱖ102
2 diabetes mellitus is present, concomitant metabolic risk cm (ⱖ40 in) for men and ⱖ88 cm (ⱖ35 in) for women. As
factors must not be overlooked because of strong evidence noted in ATP III,1 some people will manifest features of
Grundy et al Diagnosis and Management of the Metabolic Syndrome 2739
TABLE 2. Criteria for Clinical Diagnosis of tures or ethnic differences was included in the ATP III
Metabolic Syndrome diagnostic criteria; but if individuals with such characteristics
Measure (any 3 of 5 constitute have only moderate elevations of waist circumference plus at
diagnosis of metabolic syndrome) Categorical Cutpoints least 2 ATP III metabolic syndrome features, then consider-
Elevated waist circumference*† ⱖ102 cm (ⱖ40 inches) in men ation should be given to managing them similarly to people
with 3 ATP III risk factors.
ⱖ88 cm (ⱖ35 inches) in women
The recent IDF definition of metabolic syndrome is similar
Elevated triglycerides ⱖ150 mg/dL (1.7 mmol/L) in practice to the modified ATP III definition adopted in the
or present statement. Obvious differences are 2-fold: IDF re-
On drug treatment for elevated quires abdominal obesity as 1 factor and sets lower thresholds
triglycerides‡ for abdominal obesity than used in the United States. Even so,
Reduced HDL-C ⬍40 mg/dL (1.03 mmol/L) in men
most subjects with waist circumference ⱖ94 cm in men or
ⱖ80 cm in women plus 2 other risk factors (IDF definition)
⬍50 mg/dL (1.3 mmol/L) in women
will in fact have 3 risk factors (ATP III definition). The
defining third risk factor will be either a higher waist
On drug treatment for reduced circumference (ⱖ102 cm for men and ⱖ88 cm for women) or
1 other risk component. For this reason, in the United States,
Elevated blood pressure ⱖ130 mm Hg systolic blood pressure for the most part the same individuals will be identified by
either definition. At the same time, when applying ATP III
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ⱖ85 mm Hg diastolic blood pressure criteria in Asian countries, lower waist circumferences, as
or defined by IDF for these populations, appear to be appropri-
ate as 1 risk factor.127,130,131,142 The same waist criteria are
On antihypertensive drug treatment in
a patient with a history of reasonable for Asians living in the United States (Table 2).
statement attempts to provide an integrated approach to the it consequently uncovers more individuals at increased risk
management of a multidimensional risk factor condition. for diabetes. In part to reduce the need for OGTT in routine
practice, the ADA recently reduced the threshold for IFG to
Risk Assessment 100 mg/dL, from its previous 110 mg/dL.134 People who have
ASCVD fasting glucose in the range of 100 to 110 mg/dL are now said
A series of studies63–73 have found that many middle-aged to have IFG; many such people would have IGT if tested by
people with the metabolic syndrome are at increased absolute OGTT. OGTT nonetheless remains an option in normogly-
risk for ASCVD in the near future (eg, 10-year risk). cemic individuals who appear to be at elevated risk for
Moreover, as stated previously, because of the high relative developing diabetes. In fact, performing OGTT in people
risk for ASCVD, long-term (lifetime) risk for ASCVD is with IFG will identify some individuals who already have
increased even when 10-year risk is not considered to be high, type 2 diabetes mellitus. Intensive lifestyle management of
eg, in young adults who develop the syndrome. An exacer- individuals with IFG (or IGT) will delay conversion to type 2
bating factor raising lifetime risk for ASCVD is an increased diabetes mellitus.145
likelihood for developing premature type 2 diabetes mellitus.
To reduce lifetime risk for ASCVD, all individuals found Management of Underlying Risk Factors
to have the metabolic syndrome deserve long-term manage- Although many people may be genetically susceptible to the
ment and follow-up in the clinical setting. The primary aim is metabolic syndrome, rarely does it become clinically mani-
to reduce the underlying risk factors. Such individuals need to fested in the absence of some degree of obesity and physical
be categorized according to absolute 10-year risk.1 Individu- inactivity. Consequently, therapies to mitigate these underly-
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als with any clinical form of ASCVD or with diabetes belong ing risk factors constitute first-line intervention. If cigarette
in the high-risk category.1 For metabolic syndrome patients smoking, another risk factor for ASCVD, is present, then it
without ASCVD or diabetes, Framingham risk scoring should likewise deserves intensive cessation effort. The reason to
be performed to estimate 10-year risk for coronary heart modify underlying risk factors is to prevent or delay onset of
disease (CHD).1 This assessment triages patients into 3 risk ASCVD; and if type 2 diabetes mellitus is not already
categories based on 10-year risk for CHD: high risk (10-year present, a concomitant goal is to prevent it as well.
risk ⬎20%), moderately high risk (10-year risk 10% to 20%), Abdominal Obesity
or lower to moderate risk (10-year risk ⬍10%). Weight reduction deserves first priority in individuals with
Thus, detecting metabolic syndrome is only one part of abdominal obesity and the metabolic syndrome.108,146 Both
overall risk assessment for cardiovascular disease. The met- weight reduction and maintenance of a lower weight are best
abolic syndrome per se is not an adequate tool to estimate achieved by a combination of reduced caloric intake and
10-year risk for CHD. Although patients with the metabolic increased physical activity and the use of principles of
syndrome are at higher lifetime risk, in the absence of behavior change. The first aim of weight loss is to achieve a
diabetes they do not necessarily have a high 10-year risk. decline of about 7% to 10% from baseline total body weight
Estimating 10-year risk entails key risk factors beyond those during a period of 6 to 12 months. This will require
of the syndrome, ie, age, sex, smoking, and total cholesterol. decreasing caloric intake by 500 to 1000 calories per day.
Moreover, risk factors of the metabolic syndrome are not Greater physical activity helps to enhance caloric deficit.
graded for severity as are the risk factors contained in Achieving the recommended amount of weight loss will
Framingham scoring. Framingham investigators find little or reduce the severity of most or all of the metabolic risk factors.
no increase in predictive power for CHD by adding abdom- Maintenance of a lower weight is just as important; this
inal obesity, triglycerides, or fasting glucose to their 10-year requires long-term follow-up and monitoring.108
risk algorithm.58,144 These factors come into play in the longer Currently available weight-loss drugs possess limited util-
term. Whether adding still other factors—apoB, small LDL, ity in the management of obesity. Nevertheless, in some
CRP, and insulin levels—will enhance shorter-term predic- patients they may be helpful. Bariatric surgery is being used
tion of ASCVD has not been rigorously tested in multivari- increasingly in the United States for severe obesity. Individ-
able models. uals at high risk for the complications of obesity may benefit.
Weight-loss surgery is not without risk, however. Selection of
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients must be made with a team of healthcare professionals
In individuals with diabetes, the coexistence of other meta-
who are qualified to make appropriate clinical judgments
bolic syndrome factors denotes a higher risk for future
about the pros and cons of this approach.
development of ASCVD.69 Compared with other metabolic
risk factors, IFG (fasting glucose 100 to 125 mg/dL) carries Physical Inactivity
the greatest predictive power for diabetes.112 A closely related Increasing physical activity assists in weight reduction; it also
measure is IGT, defined as a 2-hour plasma glucose ⱖ140 has beneficial effects on metabolic risk factors; and impor-
mg/dL and ⬍200 mg/dL observed during a standard oral tantly, it reduces overall ASCVD risk.147 Current recommen-
glucose tolerance test (OGTT). The ADA has introduced the dations for the public call for accumulation of ⱖ30 minutes
term “prediabetes” to apply to individuals with either IFG or of moderate-intensity exercise, such as brisk walking, on
IGT.134 Some investigators recommend OGTT for normogly- most, and preferably all, days of the week77,143; even more
cemic subjects who have the metabolic syndrome to detect exercise adds more benefit. Thus, going beyond current
IGT or occult diabetes. IGT in fact exceeds IFG in frequency; recommendations will be particularly beneficial for people
Grundy et al Diagnosis and Management of the Metabolic Syndrome 2741
TABLE 3. Therapeutic Goals and Recommendations for Clinical Management of Metabolic Syndrome
Therapeutic Target and Goals of Therapy Therapeutic Recommendations
Lifestyle risk factors Long-term prevention of CVD and prevention (or treatment) of type 2 diabetes mellitus
Abdominal obesity
Reduce body weight by 7% to 10% during year Consistently encourage weight maintenance/reduction through appropriate balance of physical activity, caloric intake, and formal
1 of therapy. Continue weight loss thereafter to behavior-modification programs when indicated to maintain/achieve waist circumference of ⬍40 inches in men and ⬍35 inches in women.
extent possible with goal to ultimately achieve Aim initially at slow reduction of ⬇7% to 10% from baseline weight. Even small amounts of weight loss are associated with significant
desirable weight (BMI ⬍25 kg/m2) health benefits.
Physical inactivity
Regular moderate-intensity physical activity; at In patients with established CVD, assess risk with detailed physical activity history and/or an exercise test, to guide prescription.
least 30 min of continuous or intermittent (and Encourage 30 to 60 min of moderate-intensity aerobic activity: brisk walking, preferably daily, supplemented by increase in daily lifestyle
preferably ⱖ60 min) 5 d/wk, but preferably activities (eg, pedometer step tracking, walking breaks at work, gardening, housework). Longer exercise times can be achieved by
daily accumulating exercise throughout day. Encourage resistance training 2 d/wk. Advise medically supervised programs for high-risk patients (eg,
recent acute coronary syndrome or revascularization, CHF).
Atherogenic diet
Reduced intake of saturated fat, trans fat, Recommendations: saturated fat ⬍7% of total calories; reduce trans fat; dietary cholesterol ⬍200 mg/dL; total fat 25% to 35% of total
cholesterol calories. Most dietary fat should be unsaturated; simple sugars should be limited.
Metabolic risk factors Shorter-term prevention of CVD or treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus
Atherogenic dyslipidemia
Primary target: elevated LDL-C (see Table 4 for Elevated LDL-C (see Table 4 for details)
High-risk patients*: ⬍130 mg/dL Follow strategy outlined in Table 4 to achieve goal for LDL-C
(3.4 mmol/L) (optional: ⬍100 mg/dL First option to achieve non-HDL-C goal: Intensify LDL-lowering therapy
[2.6 mmol/L] for very high-risk patients†) Second option to achieve non-HDL-C goal: Add fibrate (preferably fenofibrate) or nicotinic acid if non-HDL-C remains relatively high
after LDL-lowering drug therapy
Moderately high-risk patients‡: ⬍160 mg/dL Give preference to adding fibrate or nicotinic acid in high-risk patients
(4.1 mmol/L) Give preference to avoiding addition of fibrate or nicotinic acid in moderately high-risk or moderate-risk patients
All patients: If TG is ⱖ500 mg/dL, initiate fibrate or nicotinic acid (before LDL-lowering therapy; treat non-HDL-C to goal after TG-lowering
Therapeutic option: ⬍130 mg/dL therapy)
(3.4 mmol/L)
TG indicates triglycerides; BP, blood pressure; CVD, cardiovascular disease; CHF, congestive heart failure; BMI, body mass index; IFG, impaired fasting glucose;
and ASCVD, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.
*High-risk patients are those with established ASCVD, diabetes, or 10-year risk for coronary heart disease ⬎20%. For cerebrovascular disease, high-risk condition
includes TIA or stroke of carotid origin or ⬎50% carotid stenosis.
†Very high-risk patients are those who are likely to have major CVD events in next few years, and diagnosis depends on clinical assessment. Factors that may
confer very high risk include recent acute coronary syndromes, and established coronary heart disease ⫹ any of following: multiple major risk factors (especially
diabetes), severe and poorly controlled risk factors (especially continued cigarette smoking), and metabolic syndrome.
‡Moderately high-risk patients are those with 10-year risk for coronary heart disease 10% to 20%. Factors that favor therapeutic option of non-HDL-C ⬍100 mg/dL
are those that can raise individuals to upper range of moderately high risk: multiple major risk factors, severe and poorly controlled risk factors (especially continued
cigarette smoking), metabolic syndrome, and documented advanced subclinical atherosclerotic disease (eg, coronary calcium or carotid intimal-medial thickness
⬎75th percentile for age and sex).
§Moderate-risk patients are those with 2⫹ major risk factors and 10-year risk ⬍10%.
储Lower-risk patients are those with 0 or 1 major risk factor and 10-year risk ⬍10%.
2742 Circulation October 18, 2005
with the metabolic syndrome. Sixty minutes or more of more effective for producing weight loss is a disputable
continuous or intermittent aerobic activity, preferably done hypothesis. Moreover, research documenting that high-fat/
every day, will promote weight loss or weight-loss mainte- high-protein/low-calorie diets can achieve long-term mainte-
nance. Preference is given to 60 minutes of moderate- nance of a lower body weight is lacking. In fact, after 1 year
intensity brisk walking to be supplemented by other activi- of consumption of low-carbohydrate diets, severely obese
ties.77 The latter include multiple short (10- to 15-minute) patients show no more weight reduction than those eating a
bouts of activity (walking breaks at work, gardening, or conventional weight-loss diet.154 High-fat diets not only tend
household work), using simple exercise equipment (eg, tread- to be higher in saturated fat but they often are deficient in
mills), jogging, swimming, biking, golfing, team sports, and fruits, vegetables, and whole grains—all of which are impor-
engaging in resistance training148; avoiding common seden- tant components in currently recommended diets. High-
tary activities in leisure time (television watching and com- protein diets of any sort are not well tolerated by individuals
puter games) is also advised. Self-monitoring of physical with chronic renal disease who have markedly reduced
activity can help to achieve adherence to an activity program. glomerular filtration rate; excess protein enhances phospho-
Current AHA guidelines143 call for clinical assessment of rus load, which can cause acidosis and worsen insulin
risk for future ASCVD events before initiating a new exercise resistance.155,156 Finally, preoccupation with macronutrient
regimen. This includes a detailed history of physical activity. composition to promote weight loss fails to identify the key
For high-risk patients (eg, those with recent acute coronary factors affecting body weight. Effective weight loss requires
syndromes or recent revascularization), physical activity a combination of caloric restriction, physical activity, and
should be carried out under medical supervision. AHA motivation; effective lifelong maintenance of weight loss
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guidelines143 further recommend exercise testing before vig- essentially requires a balance between caloric intake and
orous exercise in selected patients with cardiovascular dis- physical activity.
ease and other patients with symptoms or those at high risk.
It is not necessary, however, that all individuals beginning an Management of Metabolic Risk Factors
exercise program of moderate intensity that is moderately Beyond lifestyle therapies directed toward underlying risk
progressive undergo an exercise stress test, although this factors, attention must be given to the metabolic risk factors.
issue remains controversial. If ASCVD or diabetes is present, or if the 10-year risk as
determined by Framingham risk factors is relatively high,
Atherogenic and Diabetogenic Diets then drug therapies for risk factors may be required as defined
Beyond weight control and reduction of total calories, the diet by current guidelines.1,91,134 Recommended principles of
should be low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, management for each of the metabolic risk factors are also
sodium, and simple sugars.1,149 In addition, there should be
considered in Table 3.
ample intakes of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains; fish
intake should be encouraged with recognition of concerns Atherogenic Dyslipidemia
about the mercury content of some fish (see the Food and As noted before, this condition consists of abnormal levels of
Drug Administration web site, www.cfsan.fda.gov/⬃dms/ triglycerides and apoB, small LDL particles, and low HDL-C.
admehg3.html).91,150,151 Very high carbohydrate intakes can According to ATP III,1 atherogenic dyslipidemia can become
exacerbate the dyslipidemia of the metabolic syndrome. ATP a target for lipid-lowering therapy after the goal for LDL-C
III1 recommended that for individuals entering cholesterol has been attained. In other words, as long as LDL-C remains
management the diet should contain 25% to 35% of calories above goal level, LDL-C is the primary target of therapy even
as total fat. If the fat content exceeds 35%, it is difficult to in the metabolic syndrome. Other lipid risk factors are
sustain the low intakes of saturated fat required to maintain a secondary. The LDL-C goals depend on estimates of absolute
low LDL-C. On the other hand, if the fat content falls below risk. Table 4 reviews LDL-C goals that are consistent with
25%, triglycerides can rise and HDL-C levels can decline152; recommendations of ATP III1 and its recent update.157 In
thus, very-low-fat diets may exacerbate atherogenic dyslip- patients with atherogenic dyslipidemia in whom serum tri-
idemia. To avoid any worsening of atherogenic dyslipidemia glyceride levels are ⱖ200 mg/dL, non-HDL-C becomes the
in patients with the metabolic syndrome, some investigators next target of treatment after the LDL-C goal is reached
favor fat intakes in the range of 30% to 35%; others, however, (Table 3). A related and potential secondary target is an
are concerned about possible weight gain resulting from elevated total apoB158; this measure denotes the number of
long-term ingestion of higher fat intakes and thus prefer atherogenic lipoproteins in circulation.85– 89 Some investiga-
intakes in the range of 25% to 30%. tors hold that total apoB is superior to non-HDL-C as a target
There has long been an interest in the question of whether of lipid-lowering therapy.89,159,160 ATP III nonetheless iden-
changing the macronutrient content of the diet can promote tified non-HDL-C rather than total apoB as a secondary target
weight reduction. For many years, a low-fat diet was advo- (after LDL-C) because accurate measurement of non-HDL-C
cated because the high caloric density of fat could increase is more readily available in clinical practice. Goals for
the likelihood of obesity. More recently, interest has grown in non-HDL-C parallel those for LDL-C except that the former
the possibility that high-protein, low-carbohydrate diets will are 30 mg/dL higher (Table 3).
enhance weight reduction.153 The rationale seems to be that When triglycerides are ⱖ500 mg/dL, triglyceride-lowering
fat and protein offer satiety that is absent with carbohydrates. drugs should be considered to prevent the development of
That this effect of fat and protein on satiety makes the diet acute pancreatitis.1 To achieve non-HDL-C goals at triglyc-
Grundy et al Diagnosis and Management of the Metabolic Syndrome 2743
TABLE 4. Elevated LDL-C: Primary Target of Lipid-Lowering Therapy in People at Risk for ASCVD
Goals of Therapy Therapeutic Recommendations
High-risk patients*: ⬍100 mg/dL (2.6 mmol/L) (for High-risk patients: lifestyle therapies† plus LDL-C-lowering drug to achieve recommended goal
very high-risk patients‡ in this category, optional goal If baseline LDL-C ⱖ100 mg/dL, initiate LDL-lowering drug therapy
⬍70 mg/dL) If on-treatment LDL-C ⱖ100 mg/dL, intensify LDL-lowering drug therapy (may require LDL-lowering
drug combination)
If baseline LDL-C ⬍100 mg/dL, initiate LDL-lowering therapy based on clinical judgment (ie,
assessment that patient is at very high risk)
Moderately high-risk patients§: ⬍130 mg/dL Moderately high-risk patients: lifestyle therapies⫹LDL-lowering drug if necessary to achieve
(3.4 mmol/L) (for higher-risk patients储 in this category, recommended goal when LDL-C ⱖ130 mg/dL (3.4 mmol/L) after lifestyle therapies
optional goal is ⬍100 mg/dL (2.6 mmol/L) If baseline LDL-C is 100 to 129 mg/dL, LDL-lowering therapy can be introduced if patient’s risk is
assessed to be in upper ranges of this risk category
Moderate-risk patients¶: ⬍130 mg/dL (3.4 mmol/L) Moderate risk patients: lifestyle therapies⫹LDL-C lowering drug if necessary to achieve recommended
goal when LDL-C ⱖ160 mg/dL (4.1 mmol/L) after lifestyle therapies
Lower-risk patients#: ⬍160 mg/dL (4.9 mmol/L) Lower-risk patients: lifestyle therapies⫹LDL-C lowering drug if necessary to achieve recommended
goal when LDL-C ⱖ190 mg/dL after lifestyle therapies (for LDL-C 160 to 189 mg/dL, LDL-lowering
drug is optional)
*High-risk patients are those with established ASCVD, diabetes, or 10-year risk for coronary heart disease ⬎20%. For cerebrovascular disease, high-risk condition
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includes transient ischemic attack or stroke of carotid origin or ⬎50% carotid stenosis.
†Lifestyle therapies include weight reduction, increased physical activity, and antiatherogenic diet (see Table 3 for details).
‡Very high-risk patients are those who are likely to have major CVD events in next few years, and diagnosis depends on clinical assessment. Factors that may
confer very high risk include recent acute coronary syndromes, and established coronary heart disease⫹any of following: multiple major risk factors (especially
diabetes), severe and poorly controlled risk factors (especially continued cigarette smoking), and multiple risk factors of metabolic syndrome.
§Moderately high-risk patients are those with 10-year risk for coronary heart disease 10% to 20%.
储Factors that can raise individuals to upper range of moderately high risk are multiple major risk factors, severe and poorly controlled risk factors (especially
continued cigarette smoking), metabolic syndrome, and documented advanced subclinical atherosclerotic disease (eg, coronary calcium or carotid intimal-medial
thickness ⬎75th percentile for age and sex).
¶Moderate-risk patients are those with 2⫹ major risk factors and 10-year risk ⬍10%.
#Lower-risk patients are those with 0 or 1 major risk factor and 10-year risk ⬍10%.
erides ⬍500 mg/dL, triglyceride-lowering drugs may be IFG, IGT, or diabetes who are treated with nicotinic acid
useful in combination with LDL-lowering therapy. Beyond deserve careful monitoring for worsening of hyperglyce-
lowering of non-HDL-C, a tertiary aim in patients with mia.169 Lower doses of nicotinic acid lessen this risk.
atherogenic dyslipidemia is to raise HDL-C when it is Whether adding a fibrate or nicotinic acid to statin therapy
reduced. No specific goal of therapy is recommended for low will reduce cardiovascular events more than a statin alone has
HDL-C, but HDL-C should be raised to the extent possible not been evaluated adequately in randomized clinical trials;
after attaining goals for LDL-C and non-HDL-C. consequently the use of this combination probably should be
If non-HDL-C remains elevated after the LDL-C goal is limited largely to high-risk individuals who stand to gain the
reached (Table 4), at least 2 therapeutic options are available. most from it. If a fibrate or nicotinic acid is used with a statin,
First, intensification of LDL lowering often also reduces higher doses of the statin generally should be avoided to
non-HDL-C. For example, statins lower both LDL-C and minimize risks for myopathy or hepatic effects.
non-HDL-C by a similar percentage; moreover, statins reduce
Elevated Blood Pressure
risk for ASCVD events in patients with the metabolic When overt hypertension is present without diabetes or
syndrome.161 Second, a triglyceride-lowering drug can be chronic kidney disease, the goal for antihypertensive therapy
added to LDL-lowering therapy. Both fibrates and nicotinic is a blood pressure of ⬍140/90 mm Hg.91 In the presence of
acid reduce non-HDL-C and reportedly decrease risk for diabetes or chronic kidney disease, the blood pressure goal is
ASCVD in patients with the metabolic syndrome/type 2 ⬍130/80 mm Hg.91 Beyond these specific treatment goals,
diabetes mellitus.162–164 For this reason, combining a fibrate lifestyle changes deserve increased emphasis in people with
or nicotinic acid with LDL-C-lowering treatment becomes an the metabolic syndrome; the goals here are to reduce blood
option.165,166 Both fibrates and nicotinic acid raise HDL-C as pressure as much as possible even in the absence of overt
well as reduce triglycerides and small LDL particles. If a hypertension and to obtain other metabolic benefits of life-
statin is being used for LDL-C lowering, fenofibrate seems style change. Mild elevations of blood pressure often can be
preferable to gemfibrozil because risk for severe myopathy effectively controlled with lifestyle therapies: weight control,
appears to be lower for fenofibrate in combination with increased physical activity, alcohol moderation, sodium re-
statins.167 One recent report,168 however, failed to find a duction, and increased consumption of fresh fruits and
difference in myopathy risk between gemfibrozil and fenofi- vegetables and low-fat dairy products, in accord with the
brate when either was used in combination with statins (other Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet.91 If
than cerivastatin, which is no longer available). Patients with hypertension cannot be adequately controlled by lifestyle
2744 Circulation October 18, 2005
therapies, antihypertensive drugs usually are necessary to TABLE 5. Additional Measures Reported to Be Associated
prevent long-term adverse effects, eg, myocardial infarction, With Metabolic Syndrome and in Need of More Research
stroke, and chronic kidney disease.91 The benefits of therapy Abnormal body fat distribution
extend to patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus whose blood
General body fat distribution (dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry [DXA])
pressure is above goal level, and presumably to hypertensive
Central fat distribution (CT/MRI)
patients with the metabolic syndrome. Some investigators
support angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors as Adipose tissue biomarkers: leptin, adiponectin
first-line therapy for hypertension in the metabolic syndrome, Liver fat content (magnetic resonance spectroscopy)
especially when either type 2 diabetes mellitus or chronic Myocellular fat (magnetic resonance spectroscopy)
renal disease is present.170 Indeed, inhibition of the renin-an- Atherogenic dyslipidemia (beyond elevated triglyceride and non-HDL-C
giotensin system with ACE inhibitors or angiotensin receptor and low HDL)
blockers (ARBs) may lower risk for diabetes itself.171 ARBs Apolipoprotein B
may be used in those who cannot tolerate ACE inhibitors or Small LDL particles
as an alternative to ACE inhibitors in people who have left
Triglycerides/HDL-C ratios
ventricular dysfunction.172 Debate persists about the latter
strategy. The results of a large clinical trial173 raised the
possibility that use of diuretics in patients with IFG or IGT Fasting glucose
may increase the likelihood of progression to type 2 diabetes OGTT
mellitus, although diuretics do in fact lower the risk for Insulin resistance (other than elevated fasting glucose)
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treat other metabolic risk factors have been reported to reduce example, there are several ways to estimate body fat distribution.
CRP levels (eg, statins, nicotinic acid, fibrates, ACE inhibi- In addition, multiple tests for insulin resistance have been
tors, thiazolidinediones).186 –188 At present, these drugs cannot proposed; each examines a different aspect of the insulin-
be recommended specifically to reduce a proinflammatory resistance phenomenon. The IDF report lists many of these
state independent of their indications for other risk factors. factors as important targets for research even when they are not
used for routine clinical diagnosis. Table 5 presents a list of
Future Research research targets similar to those proposed by the IDF. Epidemi-
This statement recognizes several issues related to the meta- ological, metabolic, and genetic studies directed to a broad
bolic syndrome that require additional research for clarifica- profile of parameters related to the metabolic syndrome should
tion. Foremost is the need for improved strategies to achieve provide new insights into the responsible pathways. It is not
and sustain long-term weight reduction and increased physi- expected that these measures will be used in routine clinical
cal activity. Moreover, a lack of understanding of the genetic practice because the incremental value of measurement is
and metabolic contributions to the causation of the syndrome uncertain. Their study at present is expected to be mainly for
stands in the way of developing new therapeutic approaches. research, ie, metabolic and epidemiological studies.
The need exists, therefore, for additional basic and clinical
research designed to better understand pathophysiology from Conclusions
the standpoint of genetics, molecular biology, and cellular In summary, the following points should be emphasized:
signaling. At present, tools to assess short-term risk for
ASCVD and diabetes in patients with the metabolic syn- 1. The metabolic syndrome is a term for a constellation of
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drome need significant improvement. Although statins and endogenous risk factors that increase the risk of develop-
other LDL-lowering drugs effectively reduce the risk for ing both ASCVD and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
ASCVD, adequate therapies for remaining dyslipidemias 2. The syndrome is not a discrete entity known to be caused
either are not available or have not yet been proved to reduce by a single factor. Moreover, it shows considerable vari-
ation in the components among different individuals. This
risk in combination with LDL-lowering drugs. Insulin resis-
variation is even greater among different racial and ethnic
tance is an attractive target for prevention of ASCVD; clinical groups.
trials to date, however, have not been carried out to confirm 3. In the United States, the syndrome is strongly associated
ASCVD risk reduction from decreasing insulin resistance per with the presence of abdominal obesity.
se. The emerging relationship between a proinflammatory 4. The metabolic syndrome is a secondary target for reducing
state and the development of both ASCVD and diabetes cardiovascular events. Smoking cessation, lowering the
deserves much additional investigation. Finally, the cost- levels of LDL-C, and blood pressure management are
effectiveness of various drugs, both alone and in combination primary targets for risk reduction.
therapies, requires more extensive evaluation. 5. Lifestyle interventions are the initial therapies recom-
The metabolic syndrome can be clinically manifested in a mended for treatment of the metabolic syndrome. If
variety of ways. A sizable number of metabolic changes thus lifestyle change is not sufficient, then drug therapies for
abnormalities in the individual risk factors may be
occur in people with clinical evidence of the syndrome. Identi-
fication of these changes should provide a broader picture of the 6. To date, there is insufficient evidence for primary use of
metabolic status of an affected individual. They may also give drugs that target the underlying causes of the metabolic
insights into pathogenesis. At present, many of these factors syndrome.
cannot be readily identified in routine clinical practice. Never- 7. Considerable additional research is needed to better refine
theless, several factors appear to overlap with alternative mea- the most appropriate therapies for individuals with the
sures of the same underlying or metabolic risk factor. For metabolic syndrome.
2746 Circulation October 18, 2005
Scott M. Grundy University of Texas Abbott, Department of None None Pfizer, Sanofi, None
Southwestern Medical GlaxoSmithKline, Veterans Affairs, Abbott Laboratories
Center Merck, KOS Reynolds,
National Institutes
of Health
Ronald M. Children’s Hospital Oakland None None Abbott, Merck None Abbott, None
Krauss Research Institute AstraZeneca,
Squibb, Merck,
Peter J. Savage National Heart, Lung, and None None None None None None
Blood Institute
Sidney C. University of North Carolina None None None Johnson & None None
Smith, Jr. Medical School Johnson, Medtronic,
Intuitive Surgery
John A. Spertus Saint Luke’s Hospital of CV Therapeutics National Heart, None CV Outcomes, CV Therapeutics None
Kansas City Lung, and Blood Outcomes
Institute Instruments, Inc
This table represents the relationships of writing group members that may be perceived as actual or reasonably perceived conflicts of interest as reported on the
Disclosure Questionnaire, which all members of the writing group are required to complete and submit.
Grundy et al Diagnosis and Management of the Metabolic Syndrome 2747
Aventis; Sanwa
Kenkyusho; Takeda
Paul Thompson Hartford Hospital Otsuka; Merck; None Merck; Pfizer; Pfizer; Schering- Merck; Pfizer; None
Pfizer; AstraZeneca; Schering-Plough; Plough; Zoll; Schering-Plough;
Schering-Plough; AstraZeneca Merck AstraZeneca; Bristol-
KOS Myers Squibb;
KOS; Sanyko
This table represents the relationships of reviewers that may be perceived as actual or reasonably perceived conflicts of interest as reported on the Reviewer
Disclosure Questionnaire, which all reviewers are required to complete and submit.
2748 Circulation October 18, 2005
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Diagnosis and Management of the Metabolic Syndrome: An American Heart
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Scott M. Grundy, James I. Cleeman, Stephen R. Daniels, Karen A. Donato, Robert H. Eckel,
Barry A. Franklin, David J. Gordon, Ronald M. Krauss, Peter J. Savage, Sidney C. Smith, Jr,
John A. Spertus and Fernando Costa
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In the version of “Diagnosis and Management of the Metabolic Syndrome: An American Heart
Association/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Scientific Statement” that published online
ahead of print on September 12, 2005 (DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.105.169404), the
following changes have been made to Table 2:
1. The value for categorical cut points in elevated waist circumference for men should have added
“(ⱖ40 inches)” after “ⱖ102 cm.”
2. The value for categorical cut points in elevated waist circumference for women should have
added “(ⱖ35 inches)” after “ⱖ88 cm.”
3. The conversion of mg/dL to mmol/L for reduced HDL-C is incorrect. The correct value for men
should be 1.03 mmol/L and the correct value for women should be 1.3 mmol/L.
4. In the footnotes, the values for marginally increased waist circumference should read “(eg,
94 –101 cm [37–39 inches] in men and 80 – 87 cm [31–34 inches] in women).”
These changes were incorporated into the version of the article printed in the October 25, 2005,
issue (Circulation. 2005;112:2735–2752) and the current online version of the article. (If needed,
the original version of the article posted online on September 12, 2005, is available by selecting
the “Previous Version of This Article” link.)
DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.105.170797
(Circulation. 2005;112:e298.)
© 2005 American Heart Association, Inc.
Circulation is available at http://www.circulationaha.org