Proj Report
Proj Report
Proj Report
Project Description
The requirements of an incoming repair job are logged in the Repairs File. Each job is
assigned a job reference number and may be for a new customer or an existing customer.
For new customers, the customer details are recorded in the Customer File. A job is for only
one ‘Repair ID’ but a customer may have several jobs on-going at the same time.
Location: ajax/getCustomers.php
Location: piechart.php
Created a ‘MySQL View’ to display the piechart using google’s Chart module
INSERT INTO staff (forename, surname, username, password, email, town, county, tel)
VALUES ('$forename', '$surname', '$username', '$password', '$email', '$town', '$county',
Location: addNewStaff.php
DELETE from stock WHERE stock_id = $stockid
Location: delete/inventoryDelete.php
"UPDATE customers SET surname ='$ud_name', forename ='$ud_forename', town =
'$ud_town', county = '$ud_county', tel = '$ud_tel' WHERE cust_id=$ud_id";
Location: update/customerUpdated.php
1. Last name
2. First name
3. Father’s name
4. Mother’s name
5. Gender
6. DOB
7. Cast
8. Sub cast
9. Nationality
10. Religion
11. Marital status
1. Last name
2. First name
3. Father’s name
4. Mother’s name
5. Gender
6. Occupation
7. Annual Income
8. Contact number
1. Address
2. Select country
3. State
4. District
5. City
6. Pin code
7. Phone Number
8. Mobile number
9. Primary Email
10. Retype Email
1. Aspiring candidates can download CET information brochure from website for
2. It is mandatory for the aspirsing candidates to download the application form
through the candidate login by himself / herself on website.
3. Application form should be submitted in college within the given registration
4. Rs.1000/- exam fees should be submitted while admission form submission.
5. The CET will be comprised of four sections viz. Mathematics and Statistics,
reasoning, English comprehension and computer concept 200 marks, with composite
time of 120 min duration.
6. Note that the CET will have negative mark system. Each correct answer will carry 2
marks. Each wrong answer will carry 0.5 negative marks. Unanswered questions will
carry zero marks.
7. It should be noted that every document is required to be submitted during the
registration for CET. However candidate are advised to keep the necessary original
documents ready for verification at the time of document submission.
8. Aspiring candidate should note that, the assessed Test Sheet will not be disclosed
to anyone.