Minor Friday 10th

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Subject : Mathematics

Class : 2 Gigih
Date : Sept 2017
Time : 9.10-9.40 a.m (30minutes)
No. of students : 35 students
Learning Area : 11. TRANSFORMATIONS
Learning Objective : 11.2 Understand and use the concept of translations
Learning Outcomes : At the end of the lesson, a student is able to:

A Master content knowledge

Determine the properties of translation
Teaching material and sources:
- Mathematics Text Book Form 2
- Mathematics Books 1
- Handouts
- Whiteboard
- Students list name
Phase: Content: Teacher’s activity: Students’ activity: Notes:
Introduction Object : original Teacher asks students about Students give Strategy/
(5min) Image : formed after transformation. previous lesson. response to technique: Ask
teacher’s the whole
The transformation can be translation, reflection and
Teacher give questions about
rotation. questions. class.
previous lesson to know the
students already master about the
previous lesson.

Teacher proceeds to the next lesson

after student already master the
previous lesson.

Structuring The original object and its image are congruent -

identical in every respect except for their position.
(10min) Teacher explain the properties if Restoration Teaching
Line segments linking a vertex in the original to translation to the students. activity: source and
the corresponding vertex in the image Listen to aids:
are congruent and parallel.
Teacher asks students to copy the teacher’s Mathematics
In the diagram above, click on "show notes. explanation Text Book
lines" and note that the segment AA' is
congruent and parallel to BB' etc. Mathematics
Students copy the Notes Book 1
Assessment Teacher distributes the handouts. Students receive Teaching aids:
(10min) the handouts. Students list
By counting the squares in the grid or by counting the
numbers on the axes, you can see that, in order to be Teacher asks the students to answer name
translated to triangle Q, triangle P has moved 1 place the question. The selected Handouts
downwards and 4 places to the right.
Teacher writes down the question students solve
Therefore, the displacement vector for the translation on whiteboard and picks one the question at
is, (−1 )
students for each question to the whiteboard.
answers at the front.

Conclusion Translation can be written in the form of (𝑏𝑎 ) , a is Teacher asks the students to Strategy/
(5min) movement in horizontal axis( right +, left -) and b is memorize the lesson the formula. Students take Techniques:
movement for y axis (upwards +, downward -)
notes and Whole class
highlight the key- Q&A session

Reflection: 75% of the students able to state the properties of translation.

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