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Received 19 Nov 2012 | Accepted 8 Apr 2013 | Published 14 May 2013 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2842

Casimir forces on a silicon micromechanical chip

J. Zou1,2, Z. Marcet1,2, A. W. Rodriguez3,4, M. T. H. Reid5, A. P. McCauley6, I. I. Kravchenko7, T. Lu2, Y. Bao1,
S. G. Johnson4 & H. B. Chan2

Quantum fluctuations give rise to van der Waals and Casimir forces that dominate the
interaction between electrically neutral objects at sub-micron separations. Under the trend of
miniaturization, such quantum electrodynamical effects are expected to play an important
role in micro- and nano-mechanical devices. Nevertheless, utilization of Casimir forces on the
chip level remains a major challenge because all experiments so far require an external object
to be manually positioned close to the mechanical element. Here by integrating a force-
sensing micromechanical beam and an electrostatic actuator on a single chip, we demon-
strate the Casimir effect between two micromachined silicon components on the same
substrate. A high degree of parallelism between the two near-planar interacting surfaces can
be achieved because they are defined in a single lithographic step. Apart from providing a
compact platform for Casimir force measurements, this scheme also opens the possibility of
tailoring the Casimir force using lithographically defined components of non-conventional

1 Department of Physics, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611, USA. 2 Department of Physics, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,

Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China. 3 School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA.
4 Department of Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA. 5 Research Laboratory of Electronics,

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA. 6 Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,
Massachusetts 02139, USA. 7 Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830, USA. Correspondence
and requests for materials should be addressed to H.B.C. (email: [email protected]).

NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 4:1845 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2842 | www.nature.com/naturecommunications 1

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he Casimir force1 refers to the interaction between neutral interacting objects (o10  5 nm s  1). Furthermore, this scheme

T objects that originates from the boundary conditions

imposed on the zero-point quantum fluctuations of the
electromagnetic field. Besides fundamental interest, the Casimir
also allows tailoring of the Casimir force in the future using
lithographically defined components of non-conventional shapes.

force is also of technical importance in micro- and nano-

mechanical systems, because it is believed to play a role in Results
stiction, which stands for the permanent adhesion of movable Device and measurement scheme. Figure 1a,b shows a simplified
components to nearby fixed surfaces2,3. Since the first precise schematic of the structure and a scanning electron micrograph of
measurement of the Casimir force more than a decade ago4, sample A, respectively. The element for sensing the force is a
significant progress has been made towards the engineering and doubly clamped silicon beam that is 100 mm long andB1.42 mm
control of Casimir forces5,6. In particular, optical properties and wide, depicted in the top parts of Fig. 1a,b. The silicon is p-doped
geometry effects provide powerful tools for tailoring the Casimir with a high carrier concentration of 7.0  1018 cm  3. Figure 1c
force. For example, repulsive Casimir forces in the retarded zooms in on the micro-beam. A silicon electrode of width
limit were demonstrated in experiments involving fluids7,8. 2.80 mm is positioned close to the beam, as shown in the lower
Metamaterials, with their remarkable optical properties, have part of Fig. 1c. The beam and the electrode have the same
been considered as candidates for controlling the Casimir thickness (2.65 mm) and distance to the substrate (2 mm) (see
force9,10, but initial suggestions that the sign of the force in Methods, Supplementary Fig. S1 and Supplementary Methods for
vacuum could be altered by metamaterials turned out to be fabrication details). Electrostatic and/or Casimir forces are exer-
unrealistic11. With regard to the non-trivial dependence of the ted by the electrode on the beam depending on the voltage Ve
Casimir force on the shape of the bodies12–15, experiments between them. The gap between the beam and the electrode is
involving nanostructured surfaces have demonstrated the non- created by deep reactive ion etching (DRIE) while the beam and
pairwise additive nature of the Casimir force16,17. Recent the electrode are protected with an etch mask. With the etch mask
experiments have also measured the corrections to the Casimir defined by electron-beam lithography, a high degree of paralle-
force that arise from the presence of thermal fluctuations, in lism is ensured between the beam and the electrode, without any
addition to quantum fluctuations18. need for manual alignment before force measurement. By viewing
The possibility for the Casimir force to play a role in the beam and the electrode from the top with a scanning electron
micromechanical systems has been a major driver behind microscope, their separation is found to remain constant to
experimental research. However, demonstration of Casimir forces within B15 nm along the entire length of the beam, yielding an
between micromachined surfaces in a single micromechanical upper bound of 150 mrad for the angle between the lithographic
chip has remained elusive, because standard experimental patterns of the beam and the electrode.
schemes require an external object to be manually positioned The electrode is attached to a comb actuator so that it can be
close to either cantilevers or torsional balances4,8,19–22. Bulky controllably moved along the y direction, reducing the separation
micropositioners and piezoelectric actuators are required to d between the electrode and the beam from an initial distance of
control the separation between the two interacting bodies. Such d0 ¼ 1.92 mm (measured with a scanning electron microscope)
arrangements have hindered progress in the on-chip exploitation down to B260 nm while maintaining parallelism (see Methods,
of the Casimir force. Conventional experimental setups also face a Supplementary Figs S2, S3 and S4, and Supplementary Methods).
number of other challenges. For instance, maintaining the Figure 1d shows a close-up of part of the comb actuator. The
parallelism of two flat surfaces at small distances has proven to comb actuator consists of a set of movable comb fingers sup-
be difficult. As a result, in most experiments, one of the two ported by four serpentine springs (Fig. 1e), one at each corner of
objects is chosen to be spherical. So far, there has only been one the structure (Fig. 1a). A second set of comb fingers (the solid
experiment that measured the Casimir force between two parallel structures in Fig. 1d with no etch holes) is fixed to the substrate
plates19. The alignment becomes even more challenging for on one end. When a voltage Vcomb is applied to the fixed comb
nanostructured surfaces. In fact, when corrugations are present relative to the movable comb (in the experiment, a negative Vcomb
on both surfaces, it is necessary to use an in-situ imprint is used), an electrostatic force parallel to the substrate is gener-
technique such that the patterns are automatically aligned after ated. The movable combs are displaced towards the beam until
fabrication17. Another major difficulty in measuring the Casimir the restoring force from the four springs balances the electrostatic
force at room temperature is the long-term drift in the distance force. As a result, the separation d is reduced as |Vcomb| increases
between the surfaces: because the distance from the two (see Supplementary Methods and Supplementary Movies 1 and
interacting elements to their common point of support typically 2). It should be noted that the electrostatic force between the
measures at least a few centimeters, temperature fluctuations lead fixed and movable combs merely serves to set d. As explained
to uncontrollable distance variations, limiting the duration of below, the potential difference between the beam and the
measurement and hence the force resolution. movable electrode Ve can be controlled separately, independent
We demonstrate that the Casimir force can be the dominant of Vcomb.
interaction between single-crystalline silicon components on a The suspended beam acts as a resonant force sensor. As shown
semiconductor chip, in the absence of external objects. Both the in Fig. 1a, a small alternating voltage (Vac ¼ 5.7 mV) is applied to
force-sensing element and the actuator that controls the distance one end of the beam, producing an alternating current. In the
are integrated on the same substrate. They are created by dry presence of a 5 T magnetic field perpendicular to the substrate,
etching that produces sidewalls that are largely vertical. No the beam is subjected to a periodic Lorentz force. The frequency
external alignment of the interacting bodies is necessary because of the alternating voltage oD is chosen such that the beam
they are defined in a single lithographic step. The use of electron- vibrates along the y direction in its fundamental mode. Vibrations
beam lithography ensures a high degree of parallelism between of the beam in the magnetic field generate an induced electro-
the interacting bodies in a near-planar geometry. Another motive force that is detected with a current amplifier. In Fig. 2a,
advantage is that the distance of the interacting elements to their the resonant frequency of the beam oR is measured to be 7.26185
common support is reduced to B70 mm, about a factor of 1,000  106 rad s  1. All measurements were performed at 4 K and
smaller than conventional experiments. The improved mechan- o10  5 Torr. When the Casimir force and/or electrostatic forces
ical stability minimizes long-term drifts in the gap between the are exerted on the beam, the resonant frequency oR decreases due

2 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 4:1845 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2842 | www.nature.com/naturecommunications

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Vac Beam

Ve +Vcomb





Figure 1 | The setup of the experiment and device. (a) A simplified schematic (not to scale) of the beam (red), movable electrode and comb
actuator supported by four springs (blue), with electrical connections. The current amplifier provides a virtual ground to the right end of the beam.
Suspended and anchored parts of the comb actuator are shown in blue and dark grey, respectively. The separation d between the beam and the movable
electrode was controllably reduced so that the Casimir force can be detected. (b–e) Scanning electron micrographs of the entire micromechanical
structure (b) and close-ups of the doubly clamped beam (c), the comb actuator (d) and the serpentine spring (e). The close-ups in c–e zoom into the top,
middle and bottom white-dashed boxes in b, respectively. Scale bars, 50 mm (b) and 10 mm (c–e).

to the spring softening effect, by an amount DoR that is pro- patches of different crystal orientations at the sidewalls with
portional to the force gradient F 0 (d): non-uniform potentials.
DoR ¼ KF 0 ðdÞ; ð1Þ In conventional Casimir force experiments, the extension of
the piezoelectric element is either pre-calibrated or directly
measured. At the same time, the initial distance between the two
where K is a positive proportionality constant and F0 (d)o0. interacting surfaces is an unknown that needs to be determined
Calibration. Similar to conventional experiments on Casimir by the application of electrostatic forces. In our experiment,
forces, we also need to perform a calibration procedure by distance calibration is performed using a slightly different
applying a voltage Ve between the beam and the movable elec- procedure. Here d is given by:
trode to generate an electrostatic force Fe between them. Fe is 2
d ¼ d0  aVcomb ; ð2Þ
proportional to (Ve  V0)2, where V0 is the residual voltage.
Figure 2b shows parabolic fits to DoR versus Ve. Each parabola
corresponds to DoR recorded at a fixed d that is set by Vcomb. where d0 is the initial separation, Vcomb is the voltage of the fixed
There are two contributions to DoR: the electrostatic part that combs relative to the movable combs and a ¼ ðdCcomb =dyÞ=2k==
depends quadratically on Ve  V0 and a vertical offset that is is a proportionality constant to be determined by fitting. k// is the
independent of Ve  V0. The latter becomes more negative as d spring constant of the serpentine springs along y. dCcomb =dy, the
decreases. As described later, we will compare this vertical offset spatial derivative of the capacitance between the fixed and the
to the Casimir force gradient and remnant force gradients due to movable combs, remains almost constant as the movable combs
patch potentials. The electrostatic part will be used for force are displaced. One main difference from previous experiments is
calibration. that d0 is not a fitting parameter. Instead, d0 is accurately
The residual voltage V0 is measured by identifying Ve at which measured to be 1.92±0.015 mm using a scanning electron micro-
the maximum of the parabolic dependence of DoR occurs. scope. The dependence of Fe on the distance d is calculated using
Figure 2c shows that V0 is measured to be about  25 mV at finite element analysis with our device geometry. By fitting to the
small d. Over the full range of distances, V0 changes by about calculated electrostatic force gradient F0 e(d) given by equations
15 mV, comparable to previous experiments in the lens-plate23 (1) and (2) for six sets of data with Ve ranging from V0 þ 100
and sphere-plate24 geometries. Even though both the beam and to V0 þ 150 mV, we obtain a ¼ 10.55±0.04 nm V  2 and
the electrode are made of single-crystal silicon on the same wafer, K ¼ 5.38±0.10  104 rad m (s N)  1. Figure 2d plots the
the residual voltage V0 is non-zero and shows distance electrostatic force gradient on the beam as a function of d at
dependence. Based on current experimental data, we cannot Ve ¼ V0 þ 100 mV, where d is controlled by increasing |Vcomb|
convincingly identify the origin of these effects. We suspect that from 0 to 11.375 V according to equation (2). When Ve is applied,
the non-zero residual voltage is possibly due to solder contacts in the effective distance for the electrostatic force changes because of
the electrical leads at different temperatures. The distance carrier depletion. However, because of the high carrier
dependence likely originates from adsorbed impurities and/or concentration (7  1018 cm  3), this change is small (o1 nm)
the etching profile (see Supplementary Methods) exposing and negligible compared with the uncertainty in d.

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X Quadrature (nm)
Amplitude (nm)

ΔR (rad s−1)



−300 0 300 −0.15 0 0.15
D − R (rad s−1) Ve (V)

−10 d
Residual voltage V0 (mV)

Force gradient (μN m−1)

100 Ve

−20 50


0.5 1 1.5 0.5 1 1.5
d (μm) d (μm)

Figure 2 | Calibration of the device using electrostatic force gradient. (a) Oscillation amplitude of the beam and its X quadrature that is in phase with
the periodic driving force. Fitting to the driven underdamped oscillator model (lines) gives a damping coefficient of 30 rad s  1. (b) Measured frequency
shift DoR as a function of electrode voltage Ve, at d ¼ 1.403 mm, 1.065 mm, 865 nm, 643 nm, 450 nm and 349 nm, from top to bottom. (c) Measured
dependence of the residual voltage as a function of d. (d) Measured electrostatic force gradient on the beam (circles) at Ve ¼ V0 þ 100 mV. The line
represents a fit to the values calculated using finite element analysis. Inset: cross-sectional schematic of the beam, electrode and substrate with direct
current (dc) electrical connections. Error bars represent ±1 s.e.

Casimir force measurement and calculations. Next, we set bound of 150 mrad for the angle between them, the calculated
Ve ¼ V0(d) for each distance d and measure the force gradient F0 c Casimir force increases by up to 1.1% at the closest distance26.
between the beam and the electrode as a function of d (Fig. 3a). One plausible explanation for the deviations involves residual
The red line in Fig. 3a represents the theoretical values of the electrostatic forces that are associated with patch potentials.
Casimir force calculated for silicon structures of such geometry, Following the analysis of Kim et al.23, such residual forces display
with no fitting parameters. The theoretical calculation involves a similar distance dependence as the applied electrostatic force, but
boundary-element method (BEM) discretization of the beam and varies as (V0(d) þ V1)2 þ V2rms. The first term originates from the
substrate surfaces, combined with a recent fluctuating-surface- spatial variations in the contact potential that give rise to a
current formulation of the Casimir force between dielectric bodies distance-dependent V0, whereas the second term accounts for
that writes the full Casimir-energy path integral as a simple patches smaller than the effective interaction area. V1 accounts for
expression in the classical BEM interaction matrix14,25. It includes a constant offset of the averaged contact voltage at large distances,
the contributions of the finite conductivity of silicon and the whereas Vrms is the rms value of the random patch voltages.
imperfect etching profiles on the sidewalls of the beam and the Currently, our experiment lacks the sensitivity to resolve the
electrode (B88° from the substrate surface, see Supplementary force gradients at d40.8 mm. Therefore, unlike Kim et al.23, we
Methods). Despite the imperfect agreement between cannot measure long-range residual electrostatic forces and fit at
measurement and theory, it is clear that the Casimir force distances where the Casimir force is negligible. Instead, we fit the
becomes the dominant interaction between the beam and the measured force gradients to the calculated Casimir force gradient
movable electrode at small d. Unlike the sphere-plate modified by residual electrostatic forces due to patch potentials
configuration, the roughness on the sidewalls cannot be directly (purple line in Fig. 3a). By setting V1 ¼  V0 ¼ 11.3 mV at the
measured. From the top-view micrograph of the beam and largest d, we obtain a fitted value of Vrms ¼ 16.8 mV.
electrode, we determine the root-mean-square (rms) roughness of
the edges to be 12 nm, mainly due to non-uniformity of the
electron-beam lithography. The roughness correction is estimated Discussion
to be about 3% of the Casimir force at the closest distance26. We The Casimir force gradient between a beam and an electrode with
further note that the calculation assumes the lithographic patterns near-square cross-sections has not been measured experimentally
of the beam and the electrode to be parallel. Using an upper before. This configuration opens the possibility of testing a

4 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 4:1845 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2842 | www.nature.com/naturecommunications

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a integrated micromechanical chip, in the absence of external

objects. By creating the two interacting surfaces using nanofab-
rication, we circumvented the problem of aligning two planar
surfaces. Our results represent the first step towards on-chip
Force gradient (μN m−1)

exploitation of the Casimir force. The compact and integrated

F ′/F ′ PFA
0.75 actuation and detection platform provides new opportunities of
100 tailoring the Casimir force using geometry effects. Structures are
defined by electron-beam lithography, making it possible to
create surfaces with complex shapes32 that are automatically
0.5 aligned after fabrication. Furthermore, the design can be
50 0 2 4 6
d (μm) integrated with suspended planar waveguide elements so that
classical optical gradient forces31 and Casimir forces associated
with virtual photons can be simultaneously utilized in these
b optomechanical systems. Nevertheless, much progress will be
10 necessary, particularly in sample fabrication and characterization,
Residual (μN m−1)

to achieve the o5% agreement between theory and

measurement18,21,22 that has been claimed in conventional
0 Casimir force experiments between spheres and plates.

−10 Device fabrication and preparation. The device is fabricated using a silicon-on-
0.2 0.6 1 1.4 1.8 insulator wafer with a 2.65-mm silicon device layer and a 2.0-mm buried oxide layer,
d (μm) so that the beam, electrode and comb actuator have identical thickness and dis-
tance from the substrate. The gap between the beam and the plate is created by
Figure 3 | Measured force gradient F 0 c between the beam and the DRIE of the silicon device layer while the beam and the electrode are protected
with an etch mask defined by electron-beam lithography. After removing the etch
movable electrode as a function of separation d after compensating for mask and the underlying sacrificial silicon-oxide layer with hydrofluoric acid (HF),
the residual voltage. (a) The red line represents the calculated Casimir the beam is free to vibrate in response to external forces (see Supplementary
force gradients between an electrode and a beam made of silicon. The Methods).
purple line includes possible contributions from patch potentials. Inset: the Both the device layer and the handle wafer are p-doped with boron. The
resistivity and carrier concentration of the device layer are measured to be
ratios of the calculated Casimir force between the beam and the electrode
0.011 O cm and 7.0  1018 cm  3, respectively, at 4 K by the van der Pauw method.
to the forces given by the PFA are plotted as the red (with substrate) and For the handle wafer, the resistivity is measured to be 21.5 O cm at room tem-
blue lines (without substrate). (b) Deviations of the measured force perature. We find that it becomes effectively insulating at 4 K.
gradient from the purple line in a. Error bars represent ±1 s.e. To avoid charges being trapped on the surfaces of the beam and the movable
electrode, HF is used to remove the native oxide on silicon right before force
measurement. HF also passivates the surfaces to temporarily prevent the refor-
mation of oxide at ambient pressure16. The chip is then immediately loaded into a
number of fundamental concepts. One important question is the sealed probe that is evacuated and then lowered into a cryostat.
validity of the proximity force approximation (PFA)27. The inset
of Fig. 3a compares the Casimir force gradient generated by the Measurement of the force gradient on the beam. The shift DoR is measured by
PFA with calculations of the exact geometry of the silicon maintaining the alternating voltage at a fixed frequency and recording the change
in the X quadrature. Provided that oR remains close to the frequency of the
structures. The ratio decreases with distance, reaching 56% at alternating voltage, small changes in the X quadrature is proportional to DoR,
6 mm. Second, this geometry could offer a direct demonstration which is in turn proportional to F0 (d). DoR can be inferred using the change in the
of the non-pairwise nature of the Casimir force. The inset of X quadrature and the slope of the X quadrature response (the blue curve in Fig. 2a).
Fig. 3a shows that the calculated Casimir force between the At the largest measured DoR, we estimate the deviation from a linear relationship
between the X quadrature and DoR to be o2.5%, which is smaller than our
beam and the electrode depends on the presence of a third body, measurement uncertainty. The oscillation amplitude of the beam is kept small
the substrate. When the substrate is removed, the Casimir force (o1.4 nmood). We calibrate the oscillation amplitude of the beam by measuring
increases by B14% at 6 mm. We note that the PFA yields the the onset of nonlinear mechanical bistability. Static deflection of the beam in
same force on the beam regardless of whether a substrate is response to the electrostatic and Casimir forces from the movable electrode is
o2 pm, negligible compared with d. We do not resolve any change in the width of
present, as interactions with the third body are not taken the amplitude response (Fig. 2a) of the beam with distance.
into account. Recent theoretical analysis also predicted that
the Casimir force between the beams exhibits a non-monotonic
Geometry characterization. As described in the main text, the nanofabrication
dependence on the distance to the substrate that cannot be process produces two interacting surfaces that are automatically aligned and almost
explained by pairwise additive models of the force28. Because parallel to each other. Deviations from the ideal parallel-plane geometry may occur
the Casimir force gradient at these distances is beyond the due to imperfections in the processing steps. For example, drift and misalignment
reach of the current setup, future experiments to reveal of the electron-beam writer may produce a lithographic pattern that deviates from
the aforementioned effects would require more sophisticated perfect parallelism. Using scanning electron microscopy, we analysed the close-up
top views of the gap close to the two ends of the beam and at different locations of
measurement circuitry or other detection schemes29–31 to the beam. Within the measurement uncertainty, we did not observe any change
improve the sensitivity at large (42 mm) separations. of the gap across the beam. We estimate that the upper bound for the angle
Alternatively, beams and electrodes with smaller cross-sections between the lithographic patterns of the beam and the electrode is 150 mrad
and/or smaller beam–substrate separations can be used to (corresponding to a gap changing 15 nm over 100 mm). Using the above para-
meters, the force increases by o1.1% at the smallest separation.
generate Casimir forces that are distinguishable from the PFA For a structure with dimensions exactly equal to the nominal values in the
and pairwise additivity at smaller distances. Further progress electron-beam lithographic pattern, the angle between the beam and the movable
will also require a better understanding of the force from the electrode remains unchanged as d decreases. In the actual device, however, non-
patches potentials, to suppress such forces or separate them uniformities in exposure and etching might produce small asymmetries in the
structure. To estimate such effects, we consider the case in which the two springs
from the Casimir force in the total measured force. on the left side is wider than the ones on the right side by 50 nm. This value is a
We have shown that the Casimir force can be the dominant conservative estimate because it significantly exceeds the resolution of the electron-
interaction between silicon micromechanical components on an beam writer. Numerical calculations show that at the largest |Vcomb|, the movable

NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 4:1845 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2842 | www.nature.com/naturecommunications 5

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16. Chan, H. B. et al. Measurement of the Casimir force between a gold sphere and Reprints and permission information is available online at http://npg.nature.com/
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17. Chiu, H. C., Klimchitskaya, G. L., Marachevsky, V. N., Mostepanenko, V. M. & How to cite this article: Zou, J. et al. Casimir forces on a silicon micromechanical chip.
Mohideen, U. Lateral Casimir force between sinusoidally corrugated surfaces: Nat. Commun. 4:1845 doi: 10.1038/ncomms2842 (2013).

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