Stabilisation MST 2007-1
Stabilisation MST 2007-1
Stabilisation MST 2007-1
be obtained
0:05sy e^scc DSV zwDr (5)
where sy is the yield stress of austenite (measured to be
30 MPa at 1000uC), scc is the austenite grain boundary
energy per unit area, taken to be 0.6 J m22 (Ref. 9) and
w.0.5mb2 is the dislocation energy per unit length.
For axisymmetic compression10
e 1=2 h i
SV 8e z4e{2e z1=3 e{e z2ðee Þ1=2
~ (6)
SV0 1z2ð3Þ1=2
The value of SV at zero deformation is given by
SV0 ~2=dc , where dc526¡3 mm is the mean lineal
intercept defining the austenite grain size.
The stored energy owing to deformation is simply
calculated using the term on the left hand side of
1 Strain distribution calculated as described in text: equation (5). Removing the component owing to the
effective strain is calculated using von Mises criterion; change in SV (equation (6)) from equation (5) gives the
dimensional changes during transformation were mea- change in dislocation density.
sured along horizontal line ab In the plastically deformed sample, transformation is
expected to begin at the point which has undergone the
The dislocation density r has a value r0 at zero plastic smallest plastic strain, i.e., 0.4 (line ab in Fig. 1). The
strain. predicted depression in the martensite start temperature
It follows that the depression of transformation using equations (3)–(5) is shown in Fig. 3. The calcu-
temperature can be calculated as a function of the lated values compare well with the measured value.
change in the dislocation density of the austenite. The fact that the sample does not deform homo-
However, it would be useful to be able to estimate the geneously has a consequence which is reflected in the
change in MS as a function of plastic strain rather than measurements. The effective strain within the region of
dislocation density. It is necessary therefore to derive a measurement varies from 0.4 to 1.0 (Fig. 1).
relationship between plastic strain e and dislocation Calculations using this range of strains show that the
density. Such a relationship will necessarily be approx- MS temperature should vary as a function of position,
imate, so two alternative methods were attempted. The from 225uC at the surface to y217uC in the centre of the
first is labelled empirical since it relies on measurements sample (Fig. 3). The transformation therefore occurs
carried out on different steels, and the second physical over a greater range of temperatures when compared
because it begins with an assumption about stored with the undeformed specimen, as shown in Fig. 2b.
For the empirical method, data from8 are used to
obtain Summary
13 14 It has been demonstrated that the change in martensite
|fflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflffl} z2|10 e
r~ 2|10 m{2 (4)
start temperature when the phase grows in deformed
austenite can be estimated quantitatively using the
In the alternative approach it is assumed that only 5% theory of mechanical stabilisation, in which the chemical
of the plastic work is stored in the material, both owing free energy change driving the transformation front is
to changes in the austenite grain surface per unit opposed by the resistance to interface motion from
volume, DSV, and owing to the expected change in deformation defects. An interesting outcome is that the
dislocation density. By balancing the plastic work stored range over which martensite forms is extended when the
against the energy of defects created, the following can deformation in the austenite is heterogeneous.
a depression of MS when martensite forms in deformed austenite; b increased temperature range over which transforma-
tion occurs in deformed sample
2 Dilatometric data
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Acknowledgement 9. L. E. Murr: ‘Interfacial phenomena in metals and alloys’, 131;
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The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial 10. Q. Zhu, C. M. Sellars and H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia: Mater. Sci.
support of this work as part of K–net JOIN granted Technol., 2007, DOI 10.1179/174328407X157308.